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Joe Concha on Biden media fanfare in full effect

2021-01-20 | 🔗
Fox News contributor Joe Concha weighs in on what to expect from the media coverage of the new administration.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
How many people out there are how many people out there are hearing Hallelujah and thinking that is not just about the coronavirus. It is about the changing of the guard im reminded of the psalmist. He healed, the broken hearted and pindz up their wounds, those lights that are just shooting out from the Lincoln Memorial, its almost like extensions of Joe Bidens arms embracing America, Steve all right. Well, as you can hear right there, some media fanfare in full swing, as Joe Biden officially takes office less than five and a half hours from right. Now it didnt end there, a New York Times, editor taking heat after tweeting. I have chills, as Joe Biden landed at joint baste Andrewsbaseandrews yesterday here to react, is Fox NEWS, contributor and media columnist for the hill, Joe Concha. I think that editor has since deleted that thing about chills, thats very similar to thrill and something else we heard from
another guy over at a channel about what was that twelve years ago, up a leg. I believe right so thrills chills it rimes im a poet and didnt know it look. I saw that one clip and from David talking about the arms being extended to America from Joe Biden, David runs Cnns political unit. This is the same guy Steve back in twenty twelve said that Republicans were rooting for black people to drown during the Republican National convention. So, of course, he has been promoted since that makes complete, since when you hear it, Aaron Soen Typesque commentary coming from a posing as a journalist, nice clip of the media, we will be getting two thousand and twenty one until two thousand and twenty four cotton candy questions from the Biden Administration, that gets old in a hurry, and you have to start doing your job as journalists, which is to hold the powerful accountable without fear or favor for party lets see if all these outlet
that were speaking in those such glowing terms around the Biden administration, which was a stark contrast of the Trump administration. Next, throw our four years, I will will have a feel its going to be challenging Steve, seeing a morphing in the media, because the people that really tough questions for Donald Trump are now the March marshmallow media. Is that what you call them marshmallow media or they have left the stage? I was really looking for a Jim Acosta doing what he did with White House press secretaries under Trump or to the President himself in Trump, with the Biden administration. Suddenly he has been taken off the White House- Correspondents PETE, Peter Alexander NBC, in fact mostly female in the pressroom, hey thats, the good thing we like diversity in terms of the press secretary most of the White House, comms team, is feel female. Most are fem, with the exception of Peter Doocy, the congratulations one of the few people in that
room. Who will be asking fair, tough questions of this administration, Steve dont, you think the people watching these press briefings during of the day and I think Jen Psaki- is going to have the first one tonight at 700 and probably see portions of it right here on Fox dont. You think people at home are going to go and where are the hard questions? Where are the questions about this? That and the other thing that they would have asked a week ago, but fast forward to January 20th, and where are they now, and there are plenty of good questions to ask Steve around all these executive orders being used day, one by the Biden administration, you say Trump did executive orders too, but in this case im sick of people looking backwards instead of forwards. As far as covering this administration and look day, one executive orders means executive orders are supposed to be used when Congress and Senate cant come to a compromise, and the president has to step in Joe Biden is not even waiting for that, even though his party controls of the Congress and the
Senate around the XL pipeline, the Keystone around, obviously immigration, all of these executive orders we are going to go, will without using Congress and the Senate thats a crying shame there, Steve Steve. It begins today at noon. Folks will see it all here on.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-20.