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Joe Concha: Governors favoring celebrities over small business owners is ‘pathetic’

2020-12-08 | 🔗
The Hill media reporter Joe Concha weighs in on the media’s ‘honeymoon’ coverage of Joe Biden and coronavirus lockdown backlash.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything I own is being everything I own is being taken away from me and people wonder why im protesting and why I have had enough. My staff cannot survive Steve. Okay, NBC News is facing backlash over coverage of that California, restaurant owner, who called out lawmakers, lock down double standard. Their reporting at NBC failed to show what exactly sparked the outrage that catering tents was for NBC Comedy show, while the restaurant with a similar tent, was forced to close here with reaction, Fox NEWS, contributor, media reporter columnist for the hill Joe Con challenge, we contacted NBC, they did not respond to our request for comment. Why do you think they wouldnt want to talk about it? Oh, I think this is a classic cases Steve if im teaching a class on this sort of thing on the sin of omission, this would be front and center that restaurant owner has every
right to go Beliczky over this considers she sees an exception, but she has to close. It reminds me Steve of what we are seeing in nonk. As far as Saturday night LIVE is allowed to have on a weekly basis, an indoor studio audience while Broadway has been closed for the last nine months and will be for the foreseeable future in New York City alone. Since the pandemic began over, one thousand restaurants have closed hundreds more on the way with the cold weather coming and I mean closed permanently closed. So that is what we have here in New York. Have you Emmy winning Governor Andrew Cuomo, looking the other way for Saturday Night live just as they are doing it in California, because its Hollywood, its celebrities they deserve, because they are millionaires or make a very good living. People who dont have Christmas. Gifts have to close its pathetic Steve Steve. What NBC could have done in Losos Angeles, since they were shooting in that location
rather than putting up their own catering tent? They should have contacted the woman who had her own catering tent. Can we rent that from you? While we are shooting our show, because they would have been heroes because they would have helped the small business owner? Instead, they put up identical tengted twenty feet from the other one, which is just nuts moving on something else. We want to talk to you about something you have noticed for a long time is Joe Biden for some reason, always Quindz. One really touch questions like this from reporters. What flavor did you get got? One have a Nilla one chocolate reach out at all to the president and if he is watching right now, what would you say to him? What is your message to Republicans who are backing up the presidents refusal to concede, Mr President, elect? How does your foot feel Steve? How does your foot feel its broken? We know how it feels it feels terrible, but he said it was just fine. Joe politico had an item yesterday. That said, the Biden honeymoon wont last with the press.
Why would that be? Oh, I have to disagree with that story. I think it was well written and I understand the points, but you havent been paying attention over the last four years as far as because Joe Biden is like every other person on the planet that he is not Donald Trump. Therefore, he gets a honeymoon period. Let me share with you quickly an interview that Biden did just last week with CNN, with Kamala Harris their first joint interview. These are the questions he received from a serious CNN anchor quote. You made it. What dolls it feel like? Are you fearful? Are you exsilver rated whats, the emotion that goes through you thats a preview of what we are going to see anything bad that happens under a Biden administration at Leelsz for the first year will be blamed on what he inherited from President Trump. Anything good that happens will be because of his calm and steady leadership. Steve I have to go. I have to agree that Brian is on the right course in terms of your New York Giants, winning the NFC East this year over the Washington Football team, and I have the
proof that I am willing to double down in terms of my Lawrence Taylor, Jersey with the draft kings, people that, yes, they will be the champion notice. The first round of playoffs Steve just remember they are the New Jersey Giants, whose head does that helmet fit on by the way that is a small head thats true that fits on my dogs head. Barely, I think.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-08.