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Joe Biden's remarks on Hunter probe 'preposterous': Devine

2020-12-18 | 🔗
Fox News contributor Miranda Devine reacts to Joe Biden addressing the Hunter Biden investigation on 'Fox & Friends.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Steve well, President Elect Joe Steve. Well, President Elect Joe Biden finally addressed concerns about his son hunter. After this round of hard hitting questions from journalist, I mean late night comedian, Stephen Colbert, Colbertful of people who want to make hay in Washington are going to try to use your adult son as a cudgel against you. How do you feel about that? And what do you have to say to those people? We have great confidence in our son, um huh. I am not concerned about any accusations been made against him. Its used to get to me. I think its kind of foul play, but look. It is what it is Steve and, after they said foul play his team had to brush back on that and clarify New York columnist and a brand new contributor at Fox NEWS, Channel Miranda, Dewine Miranda welcome to the family thanks so much Steve great to be with you Steve great to have you as well. What do you make of the fact that the first expansive
comments we have heard about Hunter Biden were not to a tv reporter or a print reporter, but it was to a late night. Talk show host. Well, it doesnt surprise me at all, and neither do the softball questions coming from Stephen Colbert, its what Joe Biden is used to and its really all he can handle. But I think what the biggest impression I got out of that interview was how calm and cool and unflappable Joe Biden was about. These very serious allegations were told there are as many as four probes into Hunter Biden into you know: charges from money laundering tax fraud to deal with these overseas business dealings. These are very serious. I think its rather telling that Joe Biden showed zero emotion, but whats more interesting is that we are now seeing the outline of the defense that we know that at some point he is going to have to make after years of denial. He said he didnt know anything.
Then he said he was confident. Then he said my son did nothing wrong and now he is saying its just a plot to get at me, which is so preposterous its interesting you describe his demeanor because I remember when Fox NEWS asked Joe Biden whether or not he had ever spoken to his son about his overseas business dealings. Joe Biden got really hot and started yelling at our correspondent. Apparently now he is realizing. You know I won the job. I can calm down, yes exactly well, he has all the power, of course, and he has all the power to stop. Those investigations appoint his own attorney general and its really very concerning maybe thats why he is so unflappable now Steve. Maybe Rasmussen did a poll that came out this week, its really interesting, because you know we have been talking about Hunter Biden for a while
and and now some of the mainstream media are catching up, but fifty two percent of all american voters think the media ignored the Hunter Biden story to help Joseph win. Seventy eight percent of Republicans think the media deliberately hid the story until after election day. Look at this. Seventy three percent of Republicans think that Biden profited of from hunters dealings, while only five of all the voters think it is likely that Joe Biden was consulted and profited from his sons, overseas business dealings, and so then Miranda. When you see those text messages like we showed with Doug Luzader at the top of this hour with Tony Bobulinski and Mr Gilliar and Hunter Biden and Jim Biden and Joe Biden, you have got to wonder what was going on there. Well, that poll shows just how wise the american people are because theyre right, theyre, absolutely right. The media did bury a legitimate
story with new information showing that Joe Biden knew and possibly was involved intimately in his familys influence peddling business overseas, and they are right. The media did cover it up. Not only that big tech actually censored the New York Post for our legitimate story, they locked our account twitter did for two weeks so that that story couldnt get out- and you know we have seen another poll showing that almost fifty percent of Biden voters had no idea. President Hunter Biden, scandal and ten percent of them would have changed their vote if they had known Steve, Rit and Jack Dorsey said of locking the New York Post out after two weeks. He said you know what that was a big mistake, but the Daniel was done and eventually Joe Biden would win thats the point exactly thats, why they didnt pay any attention to the Hunter Biden story before the election and lo and behold after the election, when it doesnt matter,
you are seeing a bit of reporting Steve there. You go all right, but you have been on this from the get go: Miranda, Devine Divib. Now a Fox news contributor. Thank you very much have waterfall weekend and a.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-18.