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Janice Dean and Ron Kim detail threats made against them by Gov. Cuomo and his associates

2021-08-11 | 🔗
The Fox News senior meteorologist and New York assemblyman, who both lost loved ones in New York nursing homes, react to the New York governor’s resignation
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Nice and sweet Steve there, you have got New York Governor Cuomo, resigned yesterday, a far cry from the gushing media attention he received, along with the Emmy and five dollars million book deal, but our next guests say the truth about his covid response and the people who died cannot be forgotten. Brian Janice Dean lost both of her in laws Michael and Dee, to Covid, 19 in New York, nursing home facilities and one of the most outspoken voices trying to hold the soon to be former governor, accountable, Ainsley RON Kim lost his uncle to Covid 19 in a nursing home as well, and they both join us now good morning to both of you good morning, good morning, Ainsley Janice, I will start with you. What was your reaction yesterday, im Emotional, because its first time im seeing Assemblyman RON Kim, who has become close to me and my family, the last couple of weeks and so
grateful grateful grateful to him and his outspokeness. His job was tough. You know as an Assemblyman Democratic Party and had governor Governor Cuomo him and screaming at him im so grateful for you RON, Kim Steve RON. We appreciate you coming on over the last number of months. You listened to the governor as he resigned yesterday after he explained how innocent he was. You say the governor for another thirteen days is delusional. Explain why im sorry repeat that question again, I just got im hearing Janice crying im, a little emotional myself. Im. Sorry repeat that question Steve, you said you feel the governor is delusional after listening to him resign yesterday. Well, it wasnt an apology. He is not taking responsibility
to the bitter end to reflective of the lack of leadership in that office for so many years that office. For so many years the woman who had were sexually harassed, the older adults, justice we have been seeking deserve apology and full responsibility and thats not what we got out of him. Yesterday, Brian, he warned with you not going forward with attacking on nursing homes. He could care less about your relatives that lost your life, your uncle. That was a turning point for you. Instead of being intimidated, you took action. What did that do for you personally? What do you think it did for this case? It wasnt just me in that moment: thousands of other families, a number of other People- Brian, not lawmakers,
and I lost my uncle- a: U Dot S Army captain in a nursing, home dying, excruciating pain if it wasnt for my uncle. I wouldnt be here, meaning he sponsored my immigration paper to come to this country, so I can be part of this american dream this american fabric and for him to die alone. Like that, I made a commitment that I would seek the truth for him and for others in that moment what Andrew Cuomo tried to get me to lie and to cover up his lies. That was the moment he crossed from being a regular bully in a playground to an abusive man who is willing to abuse his power to get what he wants. Ainsley Janice. What did you make of the president saying yesterday? He is not a bad man. His policies,
Steve, did a hell of a job Janice. I thought that videotape was last year praising him when he was going to be his attorney general. I think Joe Biden needs to learn the facts about what this governor has done, not only the nursing homes and shower sexual assault and harassment. He gives to give covid tests to his buddies and friends, while nursing homes could not get them. He used. State resource was write, his book and all sorts of other corruption, and I think criminal acts that hopefully will be prosecuted. So I was very disappointed in Joe Biden yesterday, Ainsley you both have said he tried to intimidate you guys, Janice, tell your story about that and then tell your story: Ainsley not like Assemblyman Kim I heard from minions. She is not reliable source on anything except the weather. I heard from a family friend of theirs early on who told me: listen. You have a noble cause
here, but please watch your back. Listen. Social media is no fun either people saying Weather Lady, you dont know what you are talking about RON and I had a purpose. We were affected personally that ramped our cause up quite a bit. Ainsley assemblyman Janice has been persistent through this fight. She has been psychologically impacted and her family for months. So I applaud her. The fight is not over and I will continue to partner with her to get to the accountability that we deserve in terms of intimidation. Yes, my family felt threatened by the governor when I got that call and multiple calls from him directly my wife couldnt sleep for hours. My family were traumatized by that experience, but we came together as a family. We got support from people like Janice, who was there from the
beginning to give us the strength to push back and demand justice from this Governor Steve. Indeed, speaking of Justice RON, he is still on the hook. You know there are still criminal investigations into the nursing home scandal into whether or not state resources were used to help write his book, and so you know he is not out of the woods. There is still a long way for him to go and the legislature could vote to impeach him thats correct. We should absolutely do so. We spent the resources time and money to get this far in the impeachment investigation. So lets finish: the job lets, get it done and efficient expeditious way to get to the truth. As for his criminal act, his biggest criminal act, in my opinion, is committing public fraud he suppressed. He ordered his feel, suppress life and death data. At the peak
of the pandemic information we could have used to legislate and save peoples lives. He took that away from us because he was chasing down a five dollars and nine cents million book deal that is criminal Brian. Is he going to blame? Will Der Rosa who was on that phone call and claim he never knew anything about it? Is he planning a comeback already thats? Why his lawyer was on first and tried to explain himself rather than simply resign Janice? I dont think this guy is done. Do you Janice? I think he is done. I have to believe we are on the side of the angels RON Kim and I and our families hes done Brian RON. Do you think he thinks he is done? I believe he is politically con, but knowing him he is probably thinking of some sort of a comeback plan and its up to us to hold him accountable and expose the truth. So he there is no way for him to come back into the public space,
especially in he gets imimpeached Janice. I love you RON. I love your family. Thank you.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-12.