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Is Kamala Harris a hit or miss for the Biden campaign?

2020-08-12 | 🔗
New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, Democrat Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones and Trump 2020 senior adviser Katrina Pierson debate.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Gabbard in a way in which she never recovered Ainsley lets bring in our political panel New York columnist, Miranda Devine, along with Georgia, representative and lifelong democrat voting for President Trump Vernon Jones and Trump two thousand and twenty senior advisor Katrina Pearson. Welcome to all three of you good morning good morning Miranda I will start with you. What do you think about this pick? Well, I think she is formidable. She is certainly the best of the bunch he was thinking about. She is there to slice away, voters from Donald Trump in crucial states, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona and her attorney general credentials are important because they will sooth the worries of nervous voters who have been horrified by the violent riots, and she is a she will now pitch herself as a moderate.
She and Bernie and Biden are the moderates, but of course, their manifesto along with Bernie Sanders. Just puts the lie to that. You just have to look at the policies. They are bringing not the soothing words that they are going to be saying Steve. We have heard a lot over the last couple weeks about how Joe Biden has boxed himself into a corner regarding his pick, because he famously said he was going to bring on board a woman and then James Clyburn of South Carolina who essentially saved Mr Bidens candidacy, pressed him for a black woman and then the Sanders wing wanted somebody Super progressive, like Elizabeth Warren, but ultimately, ultimately, Kamala Harris is a much safer pick for the electorate than Elizabeth Warren. Well, first of all, I think they should call flop because she flip flops. Joe Biden has the right string, but the wrong Yo Yo. She is liberal. She will say anything she can to
get elected. As you know she said, or she was biased when it came to busing, so he antibusing. She also believed the women that accused him of sexual assault, and so how can you believe in someone who is a racist, someone who has committed sexual assault, but you want to be on his tickets. That sounds like blind ambitions over really the black community and black voters. I have even heard black women say that was a bad pick. You will see, I think President Trump got probably one of the best announcements yesterday than he has had this campaign season. Brian creefn. We bring this to you, no doubt about it extremely bright. She is experienced in terms of the issues when you go deep. She flips, because she does not know how to answer, because instinctively she has to think about whats better for her politically and Miranda was being diplomatic when she says she brings a moderate tone to the ticket, not really because it seems to
me black lives matter in Chicago Seattle, Portland Alba, CO, Workery, New Mexico, Miami Florida, they dont really want a moderate. Do they well? No, absolutely not you know to that point. Kamala Harris is someone who called law enforcement. You know the equivalent to the KKK, and she said this publicly and thats, not a moderate law enforcement. Yes thats, not a moderate thing to say, and Joe Biden clearly has a pick that should raise red flags for the Democrat Party, because this just proves what the Trump campaign has been saying for months now, and that is the polls are wrong. If it were true that he was winning by over ten points or that he had the black vote locked up, then this pick doesnt make sense. We are confident in welcoming Kamala Harris to the race. We have a wonderful opportunity to contrast the Trump Pence record with Thought Biden Harris ticket. We are excited to get out there
because our president has spent four years undoing the damage of fifty years of failed policy from Joe Biden Ainsley. So Vernon Democrats are energized by this, but the president is saying that she is the most liberal choice. How is that going to fair in the flyover states and in the south? Well, obviously, she is not going to do well in the south being liberal, as a matter of fact were trying to see who has the best record on locking black men up her or Joe Biden. At the same time when you look at she prosecuted people for both misdemeanor marijuana crimes happening behind bars. That says who she is and what she is again. This is about blind ambitions. She is only in it for herself and not the american people again coming from California. She supports these Democrat mayors and governors who do not believe in supporting law enforcement, as a matter of fact want to defund law enforcement. She is all over the place she is flip. Flopping, like I dont, know what but were delighted. She doesnt
have a chance in Georgia and other southern states again. This was a good day for President Trump. President Trump has a better record on helping black men and women than Kamala Harris had then Joe Biden H, and if this story gets told more and more african Americans are coming his way, thats what theyre afraid of they thought by getting Kamala Harris. That would help them save the black vote, but that was the wrong person for that job. To do that, and so were excited to take her on and take on Biden, and we are going to see how much they are going to campaign from their basement collectively Steve. It will be interesting. I dont think she is going to stay in the basement. I hope not, I dont even know if she has a basement but Miranda. Let me ask you about this now that Joe Biden has finally made his selection, and now people are going to be learning more and more about her exactly Kamala Harris. Ultimately, the real head to head is going to come when she is across the
debate stage socially distanced from MIKE Pence. How will the two of them do? Thats right and look? He is a gentleman and she is an absolute killer. Partisan and you know she brings charisma and a certain amount of youth to the ticket that none of Ther three men possess. So I think she is going to give him a run for his money. But of course the real matchup is between her and President Trump, because nobody thinks that Joe Biden has it in him to barely last his first term so and she is ruthlessly ambitious. You can know that she is going to be very kick to push Joe Biden out of the way as soon as she gets a chance, so she is looking at being president, not just vice President Brian whats. So interesting- and I have always thought vice president- is an important job in my lifetime. In the beginning, they were doing nothing and now they have got
significant jobs, MIKE Pence, for example, what he is doing now with the coronavirus and is in charge of getting the testing going. We know the vice president had the Ukraine policy. We know that quite well. We also know he was in charge of the eight hundred dollars billion bring in katrinas point. Katrin Biden wont finish his first time. Thirty nine percent said its highly likely did Joe Biden just name in many peoples, mind on the left. What they think will be the next president. Well yeah. Absolutely this is what we call his political living. Will, this type of progressivism and activism that you will see in Kamala Harris to Mirandas point people are looking at the matchup between Kamala Harris and President Trump and again. This is something that we are absolutely willing to do. Considering Joe Bidens policies of implementing policy that actually locks up, mass incarceration of black men, Kamala Harris actually enforced
those policies, in contrast with President Trump and Vice President Pence, who worked on bipartisan legislation, so again end some of the damage that has been done by these progressives. So this is going to be a very interesting campaign, considering how our president has created generational change for the black community running against a candidate who wrote and implemented these policies and a black female who actually enforced them. Ainsley Miranda. What do you make about the media? How is the media going to handle this in their support for Kamala? Oh, you have seen it already. I mean the New York Times is just spinning the Democrat line, saying that she is a moderate. I mean your guests have said she is no moderate, but she is going to be very good, its all about casting their message and what Katrina just said is not a negative or you know its, not a good attack line for the Republicans, because that is exactly the sort of
reassuring message that they are going to be casting into those swing. States suburbs, by Democrats, horrified by the violence and may have blamed the law and order president. She is going to go there and they are going to their settle message is going to be yeah. I was the tough cop on the beat and I am going to be tough once out from under pretending to be a left winger. I can really do what I want to do so. Dont worry, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, its a double game and its very clever and very difficult to combat its got to be combated in a very tough way. In saying that, no do not believe these people, they are shape. Shifters, they are shape. Shifters, they are comedian. Come are not m, they are not conservative, they are not for law and order. They are the opposite.
I think the facts speak for themselves at that point, because she has already supported defunding the police protesters, people ravaging cities. Today, I really dont think that the idea of what Kamala wants to create is going to resonate more than the facts actually happening on the ground. Steve as I started to say, vernal none yesterday at this time we didnt know who Joe Bidens pick was going to be some suggested. It could be Susan Rice. The president himself said that choice is problematic. Now we know its Kamala Harris yesterday, the President said that was actually his first choice of who to square off against its interesting. When you look at the history of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris he actually donated when she was attorney general of the great state of California, something like six thousand dollars in twenty eleven and two thousand and thirteen and his daughter Ivanka donated two thousand dollars in twenty fourteen.
If she was so bad, why were they donating money to her one thing asking for money? One thing run against him: thats going to come out. Everyone knows again. Kamala Harris is for Kamala Harris. She is not for the american people. She is selfish. She is blind with political ambition that is going to get her in trouble. Im telling you right now, most people can see right through that smoke screen. You know when someone mentioned earlier about her having a debate with President Pence. Let me say this about President Pence. He is a smooth. He is cool, he is calm and collected. He has been in government and Congress and serving as vice president, is he going to chew up in the most gem and fashion, as you can imagine, and if she comes up against the president. Well, you know what happens when candidates come up against President Trump, they get trumped Brian, so Miranda im really im very curious to see whats going to happen. As I mentioned, she opened up with that great speech with the
big crowd, all that momentum and Hollywood stars behind them. She fell apart. She wasnt prepared for this thing called questions. Questions on where you stand on Medicare. I want to get rid of private insurance questions whats going on on the border. I want to give illegals insurance. I dont see any reason for law enforcement. Then questions about her background when she is putting people in jail for long term for marijuana charges and jailing parents when their kids cut school. So she had no idea how to defend her own record. Whats changed in the next few months, im very curious to see if the cement dried on her beliefs well, thats right, I think thats her Achilles heal is. She is a flip, flopper, phoney, no authenticity, something not warm about her women. You saw she did so badly in the primaries. What did she
get two percent? She might look like the full package when it comes to people judging her, especially women. I think they feel there is no warmth there, so it will be interesting. I think we will see how well she is doing if Donald Trump ends up dropping, as some people have suggested MIKE Pence to Nikki Haley just to shore up those slices its all about the numbers, those slices of voters. Brian, do you think thats going to happen? Do you think? Is he going to drop MIKE Pence for Nikki Haley? Look, I dont and I have written against it not to do it, but I have spoken to people who say that, depending on how the polls are doing it, wouldnt it doesnt mean MIKE Pence is out of the picture. He would get a good job, substantial job in the administration, Brian wow, still part of the team Brian. It would be a disaster if its all about numbers and.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-12.