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Immigrants share why they fled 'evil' communism as Cubans demand freedom

2021-07-14 | 🔗
Irina Vilarino, a Cuban immigrant, Lily Tang Williams, a Chinese immigrant who survived Mao's cultural revolution, and Peter Lumaj, an immigrant from communist Albania, weigh in on the protests in Cuba.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
End to the communist end to the communist dictatorship, as the country is plagued by food and medical shorters power outages and increasing covid deaths. Joining us now are a couple of immigrants who each fled communist regimes for the Freedom of America, Ail Bannian, immigrant Peter LA image left his home and family following severe government persecution there and Chinese who survived the move cultural revolution good morning to both of you good morning, good morning, Steve Steve Good Morning, Peter. Let me start with you when you look at those images, it has to be deja vu all over for you and your family from a communist country. Clearly, communism, Cuba is not
working and thats why they pulled the plug on the social media. Application people were getting these images out because Cuba doesnt want the world to see what the communism doesnt work. Communism doesnt work anywhere, not only in Cuba. This is a confrontation between two irreconcilable entities. Is that true, communist the elites trying to maintain power through Bruit Force and the Anti communist sort of people who want freedom and liberty? This is a confrontation that eventually is going to have to happen. Socialism can be voted in but to maintain power, tough use, Bruit force and to dislodge it you need a bloody revolution. Unfortunately, it is a confrontation that must be had. They must be dismantled, it must be defeated once and for all and it must be prevented from returning to the island of Cuba forever. Communism is evil, it produces
nothing but command and control over the population, and it produces misery Ghaps communist countries. They eventually become detention centers where people are detained by their own government and enslaved by their own government, my family and I we were slaves until we came to the United States and until we escaped Communist Al Bane, I cant we were owned by the government, so I understand why the cube withinwhat Thecuban people are G right now my heart and prayers go to them. Steve absolutely lets hope. Bernie Sanders just listened to that and the scwawz as well Lily. You were hoping that China would change. They never did thats why you got out well, I realized I graduated from law school. I wanted China to have a rule of law society instead of rule of man. I had to flee for America
because otherwise, I feel feared for my own life. I could not be a free person. Communism is like a bad religion, taps crime against humanity. It just does not go well with human natural desires because we are born with pride. Communist, do not see you as human beings with privilege and pride. They just see you as one of their numbers and then politics, collective society. I lived in China twenty three years I went through Maos revolution. People were divided hate, each other violence, chaotic society and destroying the culture, traditions and families, and even today, when you look at the Communist China, it still, I feel, for the Cuba people sandy loud clear message: we stand with them.
We stand with the people of community and get rid of communism in the world, Steve speaking of the people of Cuba, a cuban immigrant, her family, fled the island. After her father was released as a political prisoner, and now she joins us as well Irina. Have we heard enough from Joe Biden? You know Jobe says we stand with the cuban people, but when people are trying to leave Cuba and flee communism, you know you have got the Secretary of Homeland Security, saying dont come by boat because were just going to send you back to Cuba, where you are going to go immediately to prison. That would be fine if they would stand in solidarity and firmly with the cuban people, but they are almost pleading with the government with a regime and you cant plead with thugs. They are never going to abide by the social standards and civility they are always going to come forcefully down on the people, so its been in vain. Their statements have been very
void of firm news and moral backbone. Really Steve, and you know Irenena, you know better than anybody, because you were very familiar with Cuba, those people just they want what we have got. They want freedom and they have lived under the thumb of that dictatorship long enough. They have had it up to here. Maybe this is the beginning of the end, hopefully to so blame this on. Covid is so ridiculous and myopic in scope. There has been a whole host of issues throughout the last sixty two years that have culminated to this period, and hopefully it is the beginning of the end Steve. Well, we will see Peter and Irina and Lily. We thank you all for sharing your stories with us on this.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-04.