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Idaho sheriff on efforts to stop fentanyl crisis: 'It's a Band-Aid on a flowing artery'

2021-09-30 | 🔗
Fox News enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones visits Idaho to discuss fentanyl with the governor and law enforcement, says 'every state is a border state'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Priceline every trip is a big deal. Steve. The state of Idaho is nearly two thousand miles from our southern border, but Idaho is seeing a massive spike in fentanyl overdoses. Brian officials say ninety six percent of the drugs trafficked in the region are coming from Mexico, Fox, AMP, friends, enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones just got back from Idaho IDA where he spoke to enforcement officials and Brad little to tell us more it Lawrence. When you think about the border crisis, you dont think about Idaho. Why would the drug crisis hit them thats, because every state is a border state? Take a look, I talked to the governor there sheriffs there and it is killing them there watch we are going out into this area. It looks nice and calm. I can guarantee you. There are cartel members in this area we are going to. This goes all the way to California Lawrence this road right here. Yeah
Lawrence drugs come in this way, absolutely absolutely Lawrence. There are some cars going back, eighteen wheelers could drugs be in these vehicles could be in everyone. Probably half of them number one threat is that Border Lawrence thats the gateway everything bad comes across. It ends up in America Lawrence. Ninety six percent of the law enforcement agencies concur that the fentanyl and meth coming into Idaho are sourced in Mexico Lawrence. How bad is it its bad and its getting worse because its getting to be more and more abundant and getting to be cheaper? Last year over ninety thousand Americans, I do from drug overdoses the two primary drugs that they overdose on are fentanyl and methamphetamine. Those drugs come from one place and thats south of our border. Just in the last year we had several overdose deaths. We had a homicide directly tied to a drug deal that had gone bad.
It was a fentanyl drug deal. It happened, one hundred yards from my front door. I had had the unfortunate task of having conversations with family members who had lost children who have lost fathers who have lost mothers, the people that are manufacturing this fentanyl that are bringing this fentanyl across the border and that are selling. It absolutely know that it kills people over forty percent of every pill is a lethal dose. One grain of fentanyl that would fit on the end of your pencil is enough to kill you within the last three months. I had two officers when we processed them into the jail working on the guys wallet or his money and bag, and they open up the bag, and both men went to the ground, just dropped like that, because those are airborne particles we administered narcan and one officer, though go on Narcan iv drip to save his life Lawrence thats, the substance thats coming across the border absolutely every day,
thats what our guys are deal with on the streets every day, undisclosed, location right here. This is where your operations narcotic talk about how risky it is. I mean its already risky being a cop but taking on the cartel. These guys are at high risk. Every day the federal government always tends to get out of their lane. Defending this country is the role is the designated role by the founders of this country to defend the country and to protect the borders Lawrence? Are we losing that fight right? Now? Oh absolutely, no question about it, thats why I was one of twenty five governors that sent a letter to the President saying this is crisis. We have got address it Lawrence. What did the president say? What did his office say? I think the letter just went out last week so were waiting for a reply I met. Mr Trump twice met him in the White House twice on these issues. He brought us to the table this administration. We have
none of that. Not only do we not get invited to the table, there is no table because in their eyes there is no problem Lawrence. Everything that you guys are doing currently, unfortunately, is reactionary. All reactionary and its a band aid on the flowing artery lets put a band aid. Here. The blood is still flowing the drug problem, something that we can arrest our way out of. We have to deal with the supply side, and that is doing something about our borders Lawrence. Are we losing the war right now? Without a doubt, law enforcement is in the battle until the bitter end, but America is losing the battle. We are losing this war at the border. We are losing this war in our neighborhoods Lawrence guys. We are losing the war and thats because were not securing the border, and there is. There is a crisis there when you think about it. The left wants people to think its
just about the humans that are crossing the illegal immigrants, the same pathway. The cartel is taking those humans. They use those paths to figure out how to get the drugs across and how they can do human trafficking. Brian, the border patrol agents go after the people because thats their priority and then in come the drugs from the other side Lawrence. Sometimes they strap the people up with the drugs to get it across the border. Ainsley we had parents on yesterday lost their sons bought Oxycontin. They bought online had enough fentanyl to kill them. Fourteen and 16 year old Lawrence. The problem is its not real. The DEA just released a statement out two days ago. They said about forty percent of the drugs are laced with fentanyl. That means its not the reeled deal. These kids experimenting with these drugs say one day im going to try it before I go to a party, not the real thing, Steve its, not hard core drug users, all of them its a lot of kids, saying: oh, this is cool im going to do it boom next thing. You know you are dead. Ainsley parents talk to your kids because it is a problem with teenagers
Brian. Where does it start China Lawrence? This is why the police have changed their strategy. This is what they said to me. While I was there, you cannot arrest your way out of this problem. Everything they are doing is reactive. Until they secure the border and go after hard core cartel drug dealers, then they are just putting a band aid on a wound. Thats going to continue to spill out. Ainsley only needs a small percentage of what is coming through the border.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-08.