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Hunter Biden story still underreported, sparking GOP outrage

2020-12-18 | 🔗
The latest development: Text message shows Hunter Biden ex-associate asking to 'get Joe involved'; reaction from President of Security Studies Jim Hanson.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There is no way anyone will. There is no way anyone will convince me people in the press. Didnt know Hunter Biden was under investigation in October, under investigation in October, when Bobalynn Zaleski was on your program. Somehow no one in the press knew about this Republicans outraged as the media continues to ignore Hunter Biden and his foreign business dealings. This shows hunters former associates calling the President elect himself to get involved and make it a family business here to react. Jim Hansen great here to react Jim Hansen great to have you here between Jamesville Year, Tony Bobalinsky. You are right, lets get the company set up and tell h and family the high stakes and get Joe involved, and what is the deal with Jim Biden? He wasnt part of the discussion. That seems a focal point
seems a focal point good to have a backup strengthens Rsp to China, as it looks like a family business, and I, like the dude doesnt Joe Biden, need to explain this show Biden needs to explain it in his excuse that this is somehow foul play or used to get to him. It is being used to get to him because he was involved in. There are other emails that show hunters partner, Devon, Archer, bragging about getting meeting for clients with US officials, including Joe, that illegal lobbying, since they never registered under Farah of Joe know about the business which Tony Bobalynnski testified on then Joe is in trouble. This is something that will be a problem for Biden and Devon. We
should have a special counsel looking at it or they will sweep it under the rug. Why should Americans be concerned and wants to get to the bottom of this and know the whole truth? When you sell influenced by using your office, your son, flying around the world to meet with foreign leaders based on your status, as vice president, let him cash in big satchels of cash to get meetings for his clients with government officials. You have to wonder about the ethics and morals of the question and he sits in the commander in chief chair. Everyone should be concerned with hes compromised by China and Ukraine and other countries that paid for access. This cyberattack is a big deal. Lets pop up the agencies targeted the Department of Homeland Security, Treasury Department and Department of Energy,
but also targeted the National Nuclear Security administration. How dangerous is this, especially the last target, a dangerous period anytime? A country takes it upon themselves, the agencies that run on government. We have a huge problem to deal with with the Nuclear Security administration. It appears the intrusion was to their external business networks, not internal ones, that their interactions externally, not the things that run nuclear operations, but the fact the Russians felt buoyed enough to do. This is something we have to brings repercussions.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-18.