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Hunter Biden allegations display media double standard: Sen. Lindsey Graham

2020-09-24 | 🔗
Sen. Lindsey Graham on Trump's potential Supreme Court pick and new allegations on Hunter Biden.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thats, the latest news we are bringing to you right now, Steve lets, bring if South Carolina republican Senator Lindsay Graham Senator Good Morningg to you senator. Thank you number one. Shooting a police officer is not a protest. ThatS, a crime Steve. Absolutely. We need to get further details about it. Nonetheless, when you look at the you know, there was rage in Louisville after it was announced that the Grandnd jury would not indict anybody for her death. Do you understand the frustration senator yeah, so you have three police officers that went to the grand jury. One was indicted for reckless endangerment, but murder is a specific intent. Crime at least first degree murder. You meant to kill the person with malice and forethought. I doubt that they knew Ms Taylor II think we went to the wrong apartment and things got out of hand. I think murder would be impossible. The police officers did not get up that day. That night go in
plan to go murder. Ms Taylor now lethal force, the use of deadly force has to be analyzed. Police officers are allowed to do it under certain circumstances. The grand jury heard the evidence two of the officers were not indicted, one was, and that is our legal process. The attorney general of Kentucky is very talented man and the law was applied to the facts. In this case people dont like the outcome. I understand the frustration, but we cant be a country of mob rule. We cant just try people as mob. We have to have a legal process and it was used here. Ainsley lets talk about the replacement of Justice Ginsburg. I believe that youre looking to start a confirmation hearing the week of October 12th, is that true, and can you tell us more about the timeline senator? I havent released a timeline yet, but the earliest anyone has ever been had a hearing from the time a nomination to hearing was ten
days with justice, John Paul Stevens and, I think, Justice Berger. We are looking at a timetable like that, and we will give a chance for Democrats to challenge the nominee and not abuse the nominee. We will let the american people look at the nominee highly qualified woman who will impress the country we will try to make it a circumstance where you can learn about her learn about the law, learn about the Senate. I want it to be meaningful and challenging, but we will not let it become destructive, as it was in Kavanaugh Brian. The president wants it done before November. Third, because the tight tons election and the rule the Supreme Court could play what are the odds of that happening? Senator my goal is to get the nominee through the committee process with the meaningful hearing, a probing hearing, get it to the floor in time for Mitch Mcconnell to process the nomination get a final vote before the election.
A 4 4 Supreme Court is not a good deal for America. We need a 9 person, Supreme Court and people wonder about the peaceful transfer of power. I can assure you it would be peaceful. We may have litigation about who won the election, but the court would decide and if the Republicans lose, we will accept the result, but we need a full court and I think, thats possible before the election. The committee will do its work. We will be thorough and fair, but we will be firm, Steve all right. Senator. I want to ask you about Senate report. I will read this because its complicated Senate report alleges Hunter Biden, received millions from the wife of the Exmoscow mayor and paid suspects, allegedly trafficking rings and had links to chinese military. If his last name were trump forget about it, senator if his last name were Trump, every newspaper would make
headlines and every Republican would have a microphone stuck in the face. What do you think about Trump Jr? You fill in the name getting millions of dollars from a corrupt gas company in the Ukraine. What do you think about one of the Trump kids in air force and getting one dollar and forty four cents million deal with chinese Bank back to the nomination? They are going to try to destroy the nominee. The liberal media, with the democratic radical left, try to destroy Kavanaugh. This would be the super bowl of Politics act Blue raised one hundred and fifty dollars million right after the death of Justice Ginsburg. Within three days, my opponent raised six dollars million im being outspent four to one outraced five to one. I need some help. We are about to go into the super bowl of politics of Supreme Court confirmation theres, so much going on the double standard is stunning
look and see, look and see how this nominee will be treated compared to what liberal nominees how they get treated with kid glove. Look at the Hunter Biden Report. If it would have been a Republican, the whole country would be blowing up right now. At the end, to have day we live in contentious times and we have to fight back, but focus on whats best to America. Whats best to America is have 9 member court to decide the election if theres a litigation whats best for America is for everybody, regardless of party to be held accountable for the law for breaking the law, including Democrats. Whats best for America is for cops to be their conduct to be scrutinized, but they not be ridiculed and presumed guilty before they have their day in court. Thats whats best for America, Ainsley whats, going on youre running mate, has all of these your opponent, your opponent in South Carolina its a tight
race. He has a lot of money. Im reading in state newspaper Antilindsey, Graham Super PAC money, Senator forty eight percent that gave money were unemployed in twenty nineteen. This was a vehicle to get low dollar donations. My opponent raised one hundred dollars million Ainsley in the state of South Carolina the most spent on Senate race by me in twenty fourteen. When I spent thirteen million he raised six dollars million from the time Justice Ginsburg passed away within seventy two hours and God bless justice. Ginsburg we are celebrating her life. I appreciate waiting Saturday to announce replacement but im being killed financially, this money is hate. My guts, I stood by Kavanaugh. How dare I help president trump? The raft of the left is coming down on me, but its all of us
all of us are getting outraced for those who are listening, who want to help Republicans fight back, get on our website, Lindseygraham dot com, five bucks get a long way if people are doing it. Brian senator the President asked about hes upset about the ballots and the fact that they are flooding the zone with ballots. He was asked what happens if you lose? The results. Ive been complaining strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster. What do you say about this? Being the election is so tight and could very much go into past November. Third, is the president speaking a way that you can support? Senator here is the process, if you believe they were improperly counted. We have a legal process thats. Why we need a 9 member in the Supreme Court.
Here is whats going to happen, no matter who challenges the results to have election. Eventually, the Supreme Court is likely to hear that challenge and when they rule that is, that is tend of it. Al Gore accepted his lost five hundred votes in state of Florida, 5 4 decision in the Supreme Court. He accepted his lost. I want the american people to know that this would be a context, a lot of shady things going on, but the courts would hear our complaints and the courts will decide and we will accept the courts decision. Republican and Democrat, I promise you as a Republican if the Supreme Court rules in favor of Joe Biden, I will accept that result. My hope is that we have such an overwhelming victory. We dont have to worry about the Courts Steve. Thank you for joining us on another slow news day, laughter.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-24.