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Gregg Jarrett predicts school in Michigan shooting will be sued over 'failure to protect'

2021-12-05 | 🔗
The Fox News legal analyst weighed in on the case after the suspected shooter's parents pled not guilty.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rachel welcome back to Fox AMP friends, the parents of suspected school shooter, Ethan Crumbley weeping in court, as the judge sets bail at five hundred thousand dollars, each both pleading not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges, Fox NEWS, legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett. If there was ever a case that merited charges against parents of a school shooter. This is it he joins us now Greg. You feel very strongly. This meets that threshold, at least until we hear more from the defense yesterday, we saw the arraignment at least most of it, on our show at the end of our Fox amp friends, and the lawyers for these parents seem to say, listen. This is not the case. What the prosecutor laid out is not what happened. So what say you well, you expect that from a defense attorney and at the outset of a case, the defense attorneys probably know the least of anybody
look instead of getting their son, who was deeply troubled, the professional help he needed. What do the parent do? They went out and bought him a gun. They deliberately ignored all the warning signs that he was psychologically unstable and poised to commit violence, drawing pictures of killing people laughing about it, searching the internet in the classroom for ammunition. They insisted he remain in school, never disclosing they had gone out and just days before, bought him a gun and taken him to the firing range to practice using it. So I mean this constitutes a very definition of carelessness. Gross negligence beinglessness, which Unmichigan law is involuntary manslaughter Rachel Gregg. Could the school be under negligence? They saw pictures as a mom. I wouldnt want that
child in school, with the other children violates their rights to have somebody that unstable in the classroom can that be extended to school as well. The school will certainly be sued civilly for wrongful death and other damages for failure to protect. They too didnt take aggressive action to intervene and to suspend him immediately serve his backpack search. His person remove him from school grounds. They have an active duty to ensure safety of other students Rachel definitely later in the show well be speaking with a psychologist. What is plaguing our young men, in particular in America, so that is something I hope our viewers will stick around for Gregg. I want to move on to Chris Cuomo. As you know, CNN fired their star anchor immediately effective immediately.
That was following an internal review. They did into his sexual harrassment allegations against his brother. What do you make of this, and do you think that it? The saga, will end here with this firing or do you think other heads are going to roll in this story? Oh, I think there will be dramatic changes at CNN. Cuomo lied to his bosses, lied to his colleagues and he lied to his viewers. He went on air and said I never used my journalistic credentials to contact media on behalf of my brother, his own testimony and text messages, though that was a lie, but I think you will see new changes now that discovery has taken over CNN John Malone, the largest shareholder, has said he wants changes and return to journalism at CNN, so I dont see how Jeff Zucker or Brian, Stelter or Jeffrey Toobin survive this.
I think there will be some significant changes at CNN Rachel that will be interesting to watch. Certainly Jeffrey Toobins performances are worthy of firing Gregg. Thank you. So much for.
Transcript generated on 2021-12-05.