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Gov. Ricketts: Biden, Harris showing ‘lack of leadership’ for skipping COVID calls

2021-04-28 | 🔗
Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts joins ‘Fox and Friends’ to discuss the Biden administration’s pandemic leadership.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There doesnt it man, o Ospace, o man, absence fro coronavirus phone calls with governors all across the country. The intention was never for the weekly call. The covid call that is led by our covid coordinator to be a part for the president to be leading that call. The intention was for our covid coordinator to be providing an update directly from the president. I can assure you that the american public governors hear quite a great deal from the president on his plans to get the pandemic under Control Steve. But despite what she says, some state leaders, including our next guest, says that is really not enough and calling to hear directly from the commander in Chief Nebraska, Governor PETE Ricketts joins us right now from Omaha, hey Governor good morning to you good morning, thanks for having me on Steve great to have you so I think Vice President Kamala Harris has been on the phone call once during the administration,
Joe Biden never has been when the call was being made, the covid call during the Trump administration. How often was MIKE Pence or the president on the line, so you in the last administration there were forty weekly calls about the pandemic. Mike Pence chaired thirty, nine of those which means he was on the entire time. Answering questions from governors fielding those questions. Sometimes these would last a couple of hours, long and President Trump joined us for eight of those phone calls which is in stark contrast to this administration. Where the calls last about forty five minutes and Vice President Harris has been on once for about five minutes. She didnt take any questions Steve right. It really shows the difference in approach of the White House right now in how they really dont appreciate the work the governors are doing right now in the states where we are on the frontline and really shows a lack of leadership on the part of the White House Steve. I know you feel that this is not the bipartisan approach
to the covid call that the administration, the incoming administration, had promised you. But, ultimately, are you getting the same kind of information in this call which I believe is being kicked off every week by the President of the National Governors Association, governor, Andrew Cuomo, yeah, Governor Cuomo, kicks it off and we hear from the White House staff, and we certainly appreciate the fact that theyre continuing to do the phone calls. We appreciate the White House staff that are giving us updates. There is a big difference between giving the updates from the administration and having the top people on the phone who can cut through the red tape and bureaucracy to hear directly whats going on in the different parts of the country. Steve right. I do this regularly with superintendents mayors counties, health directors, so I get a feel for whats, going on across my state and thats part of how I help cut through the red tape and make decisions, Steve sure, thats not happening with this White House
Steve. In fact, I think it was. Last week you were driving around Omaha in your car. You were listening to the radio and there is a new flash about covid that they should have told you about wasnt there yeah the whole decision to pause, J and J. I heard about on the radio- and I guess the White house- I guess, thats- how they found out about it too, because apparently they didnt know about it. This shows this administration is not doing a food job of commune indicating even internally with themselves. If the CDC is making this White House and not telling the White House or governors- and we are all caught by surprise, it really needs to get fixed Steve sure, because I know during the Trump Administration the President had said, because every state is different, you know obviously Nebraska different than New York. The state governors would be essentially in charge of executing the covid strategy, but this way the way its going right now less control. Right I mean they are just telling you okay. This is what you are doing
well, to give an example that you know these emergencies are locally executed, state managed and locally supported. One of the things that we have been talking about is getting smaller vial doses from the administration. They are going to bigger vial doses, one example. I think, if the president, or vice president, hear directly from governors, what is needed in New York is not necessarily needed in Nebraska and vice versa. They would have a better feel for how to really make sure we were customizing. This response to the entire country, rather than just maybe one part of a country or one size, fit all answer. Steve lets see after you guys have raised this concern, lets see if the vice president and slash or the President start picking up the phone call at 1100 every Tuesday morning, Governor Ricketts. Thank you very much for joining us live.
Transcript generated on 2021-04-28.