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Frank Siller finishes his walk to Ground Zero

2021-09-11 | 🔗
CEO of Tunnel to Towers Frank Siller reflects on his brother's heroism on 9/11
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reporter Lawrence Jones Lawrence Lawrence hey good Morning, family, it is a somber mad out here today, Frank has been walking for over five hundred miles across the country. Taking that path, and now we are here at the spot, where it all started. For your brother, Frank, tell me about the emotion that you are feeling right now wow. It is very difficult to be here thinking what my brother did. Twenty years ago, his car came to a screeching halt a couple hundred yards away from the mouth of the tunnel, which we are right at and eyewitness said that he got out hopped out of that car. Put his gear on and started running right into that tunnel, and police officer told me afterwards that when he moved the car he my brother had business cards in his car, says: Siler and sons. His sons were only two and a
half and nine months old. At that time I cant imagine what it was like when he ran into that tunnel and didnt come out the other side the whole journey. I have been on the five hundred and thirty seven miles its definitely to honor him. It has been a personal, very personal for me this year to da it. I just wanted to make sure America never forgets what happened twenty years ago, and I think a lot of people eyes are wide open, especially with t events that just happened in Afghanistan Lawrence. You know Frank. You have been on this journey over five hundred miles and you have had the opportunity to reflect about what happened that day, how it changed the country forever. What do you think about the young people today that arent aware of the ultimate sacrifice that a lot of people like your brother paid the ultimate sacrifice? Yeah?
You know. I say that once again on this walk, I had to see many young families out with their kids, eight different parades in eight different towns and many times they just lined the street. They are out there with their young kids. It gives me some encouragement that parents are telling their children what happened. Twenty years ago I addressed eighth graders yesterday, seventh and eighth graders, I said you guys are old enough to know the truth. You know that islamic terrorists tried to kill as many Americans as possible. They did kill two thousand nine hundred and seventy seven of them, and many of them at the North and South tower. Here when I come this tunnel on the other side, look do you know what im doing today im calling the widow of Lance Column, im going to speak. Toker H, im telling her that the tunnel to Towers Foundation is going to deliver her a mortgage free home, because its
so important that we all of us as Americans, but most certainly tunnel to towers Foundation and my family do something positive, because we want to make sure that goodness always beats evil thats. Why im going to call her and speak to her and let her know that she will always be know that she will always be part of the, as I silver Sill, Sil Lawrence? This is the first time I have been to ground zero. I have lived in New York for two years, commuted back and forth five years. This happened when I was in the second grade, and I have always avoided ground zero because of the emotion there. It was that day that my dad became big fan of President Bush when he said the people. I hear you, the world hears you pretty soon. They will hear from all of us. That was the moment that we became unified as a.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-11.