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Fox News investigates Biden admin's federal school guidance tied to racial activist network

2021-07-21 | 🔗
Fox News' Aishah Hasnie and Lawrence Jones discuss the Department of Education’s federal guidance on reopening, which includes links to the ‘Abolitionist Teaching Network’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
New handbook exposes an new handbook, exposes an alliance that every parent should know about. What is that Alliance Fox NEWS, correspondent, Aishah Hasnie reports right now good morning, good morning to you Steve its a very important question that really every parent and teacher should be asking right the money. Where does it go? Well? Some of the money we found out goes to tried and true programs to help get kids back on their feet. Fox news also found other dollars of that fund might go to activists who want to send white teachers to anti racist therapy after a turbulent year of protests and Covid lockdowns Americas chirp are heading back to school and there could be new lessons to learn. President Joe Bidens American Rescue plan authorized one hundred and twenty two dollars billion to the Department of Education for state education agencies. Ninety percent of that money will go to local school districts, which in turn must reserve at least twenty percent, to address the
learning lost during the last school year. The administration asks they do that by using evidence based programs like summer learning and after school activities, but thats, not all inside the Department of EDS, Covid, 19 handbook, called road map to reopening safely and meeting all students needs. The department recommends schools use some of the mope towards race and social emotional learning. The manual offers a direct link to a group called the abolitions teaching network, who will help schools transform network thats dedicated to not creating schools or reimagining schools, but destroying schools harm black and brown author and activist, creating the abolitionist teaching network in twenty twenty to educators to fight injustice in their schools and communities.
If you dont realize white supremacy in everything we do, you have a problem wants to go anti racist therapy to stop them from what she calls spirit, murdering black and brown students. One of the things that I bring to this work is a significant history of trying to trouble my own racial identity and trying to help other white teachers trouble their internalized white supremacy and anti blackness. We also found the group hired paid activists across the country whose job they say is going into schools to dismages, oppressive structures, mapping, building groups and coalitions, creating media and propaganda. Education cannot save us, we must save education. I want us to be feared. For example, if teachers find school uniforms to be oppressive atn with a send in activist to help abolish them, you call us we will activist resident and he or she or they
will find out how they will do the research they will do. All the organizing teachers and parents show up and we dismantle and we hope to have hundreds of them around the country. Doing this work. Love has a history of making controversial statements on Twitter, like this tweet from two thousand and twenty in which she writesed mediocre. Greedy rich white men are killing us its unclear how the Department of Ed chose ATN as the resource for race and social emotional learning. Although Bidens Deputy Education Secretary Cindy Martin is an advocate of be Tina, love last fall, while she was still superintendent of schools, invited love to stop student murdering black student. There is a legal disclaimer from the Department of Ed that says any resources or links they do offer quote, do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the department. We did reach out to the
department and ATN, but have not heard back from either Steve Steve all right Aishah. Thank you very much. We have interesting stuff joining us right now. First time we have had somebody in studio on the couch with us in over a year Lawrence Jones Lawrence Good Morning to you Lawrence. I know thats a lot for you guys to process. Our investigative team has been working on this for weeks, Steve its fascinating because everybody wants to reopen the schools, so the government has put out this handbook on how to do it, but then, tucked away it says to help with race and emotional learning they just emotional learning they just mentioned. This one group has connection to deposit. Is I secretary of education? This is not a conversation about reform, big question parents that are at home watching watching this pack should ask themself. Are they okay with reforms or be like this group that want to burn down the system Steve? They said that specifically, they said that very specifically in the video. These are brilliant people, they know exact. Will he what
they are doing? The big question as well Brian, should activists be in the classroom. Ms love had nor statement. I want to play for you guys that our team grabbed- and this just shows you the picture. The big picture, which is to destroy the system from within lets, take a look. I have been teaching now for nineteen years and I have been doing this work of completely disrupting systems in elementary schools and school systems for those nineteen years, making sure that were teaching Sbl through a model of equity, its important for a network like this to be diligent and explicit about that fight against white supremacy, a lot of people talking about crt and progressive policies embedded within schools and in the culture. This is why I say its hard to get rid of it because its already there they have been teaching it for a while, as he says, I have been teaching for nineteen years and I have been putting this stuff out. These are activist teachers that
have a doctrine they believe in that they are now promoting to other teachers, Brian while in denial watch other networks, say crt doesnt exist looking to find something to run against for political reasons. When they push on this curriculum, they say we didnt tell you to click on hyper link. We didnt tell you thats part of it thats a choice. What I would say not just CRT progressive world view marxist world view its the belief that America cannot be reformed. You cant fix some of the issues that we may have that you have got to burn the system down thats what they truly believe Ainsley. Another thing I will say about this is that you see a conversation here just like with black lives matter where people have legitimate grievances and they want to come to the table and talk about those issues. But the organization itself is very flawed. We see this in Cuba right now. The cuban people who stood with black lives matter. They said why arent you standing with us. We thought that you wanted justice for black people.
We are afro cuban and do you know what they say? Well, its really not communism. There. Socialism has been good for you, so you see this infighting people believe in this stuff, but they dont know what the people stand for and thats what the chaos is Ainsley Lawrence. My question is this: is the Department of Education with a recommendation for opening up our schools talking about covid and then, if you scroll through the email that I guess was sent out to seventy four thousand school districts, you scroll down to page nine, and then there is this section with that hyper link and you click on it and its to this organization. What does that have to do with reopening our schools? It doesnt, but they use race as a guide and, as you Aishah correctly pointed out, they put at the bottom of the page. Look this doesnt necessarily reflect our viewpoint, Brian. Why do you put it in there thats the only link that gives them some sort of guidance. Like I say guys, we cant run from this. At this point. There is staffers. There is teachers, there are people that are in academia, thought leaders
that are everywhere now putting this in the school, its just, not a matter of banning it. The question is: what do parents do back at home? They need to look at what their kids are reading. You have got to beat them to the punch. Have these conversations at home, Brian beat your school to the punch. The problem is you dont know you send your kids to school and trust the teacher is going to be teaching them something you agree with thats exactly right. They are not. You cant just put the burden on the teachers, so the audience they are probably freaking out right now, because they have heard and wondering if their kids, they can email us at friends at Fox NEWS. If they have syllabuses, examples bring it to us. Our research will pick Teo part and see if its a part of that network Steve Lawrence dont. You think, given now that this has been revealed now just now for the first time that parent need to ask the school district. Hey. Are you consulting with this abolitionist teaching network for Social Justice Lawrence? They need to ask the schools but also ask the teachers, because, as you see, this
teacher said, I have been doing this for nineteen years so its not a matter. You think we heard about CRT nineteen years ago. These are people already there. They recruit these teachers, they teach them this philosophy. Again, I continue to say reforms need to happen. Interestingly enough, this group is anti school choice, but they are Pro teachers Union, Brian. The students who want to get an a and teachers want to keep their job. Do they have to go along with this in order to keep their job, and they have to go along with this in order to get an a thats where they are going to need some help from the outside to help with the curriculum, its not just that its the kids as well as I reported on in Loudoun County, the kids arent turning on the teachers, never turning on the parents, the burden of proof is the parents. Now the parents have to prove that this is wrong now, so this just shows you Brian, oh, my goodness, Ainsley. Thank you Lawrence Excellent Job Lawrence. We will continue to do.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-02.