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Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie discusses his political plans for 2024

2021-05-19 | 🔗
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on the vaccination push, potentially running for president in 2024, and the Biden administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
That was Isaac, Brian good Move, meanwhile Steve speaking of Lee, Brice Brian, that I cant was the new boardwalk by the way nothing to do with where we were. We were in Panama City, but the Jersey walk is a good place to be come up in about forty five minutes. You will see Lee Brice donate a recording studio to a school and then unveil a song. Thats never been sung in public. Before that he wrote two days prior to his appearance Ainsley. I cant wait to see that that first part aired yesterday so awesome he has so many hits Steve no Kidding Lee Brice. This hour and Brian, we just saw the picture of the boardwalk in New Jersey lets talk to the former governor of the great state of New Jersey where I live. Chris Christie joins us good morning to you, former governor good morning. How are you, Brian? You are not going to tell us to get off the beach. Are you no no get on the beach? Its almost memorial day lets go, get on the beach get rid of your masks and lets go Steve. Indeed,
we are going to talk about your mask initiative and vaccination in a bit, but what do you make of whats going on with the Biden administration? You know day one he canceled the Keystone pipeline now, Governor Whitmer up in Michigan is talking about threatening the Enbridge pipeline, but at the same time the State Department has given the green light for that pipeline. That has had sanctionable activities between Germany and Russia. They said they wouldnt do it now they have done a one, zero whats going on listen. This is typical, as I have been saying right from the first couple of weeks of this administration. They stone themselves unable to tell the truth to the american people and consistent with the things they campaigned on. Let me understand: thvment no Keystone pipeline for the american people, but pipelines Aplentiy for Vladimir Putin. I dont get it if he is so concerned about climate change and have to get away from fossil fuels.
Why is he green lighting, fossil fuels for Europe and Russia, but not for the United States? It makes no sense at all and again its the hypocrisy of his administration. They want to punish America, hurt America downgrade America, but you know overseas. They play Footsy with IRAN and they play, and now they are giving pipelines to Putin Ainsley it doesnt make sense. I thought he did this for environmental reasons. Yet its okay for other countries, right Ainsley, CDC, insisting school masks are rest of the school year. A child in Florida upset about this, and he talked to the school board in Martin County watch. This I think we have it. It seems unfair teachers take their masks off while they are yelling, while they yell at US kids, and that we need to pull ours up. I asked my mom. If there is a word for this, and she said there is hypocrisy. A few weeks ago I ran into my
teacher outside of school. She didnt even recognize me because she has never seen my face before all this seems unfair and it doesnt make sense. I miss seeing peoples face. I miss the way things used to be. I am scared. They will never go back to normal. Really accident seem like something we should have to ask any other people for permission. Ainsley and he and his parents were on with Brian at the first hour, I believe of our show, and they are saying, Mask optional. Please watch this its almost like wait, whos this and whos that its like, I dont, recognize anyone. Do we even know any other people its like were just dehumanizing its like you really have that much power. There has been no end in sight. They dont they dont explain themselves. They dont give their
justification for continuing with the mask mandate, trying to get back to normal here in the state of Florida and thats happening everywhere other than our schools. Why are we still punishing the children Brian Governor, its inexcusable? Well, listen! What we know Brian about the Biden Administration and what they are doing is Joe Biden promised he would have all our kids back in school in classroom within its first one hundred days. Promise made promise broken. Why? Because Joe Biden and his administration is in bed with the teachers Union and the teachers Union leadership, all he cares about one thing: the comfort of adults, not the care of children, and when you look at all the science- and they said all during the campaign, you remember it- follow the science. Well follow the science. They are not following the science on this, because all the evidence tells us that school is the safest place for kids to be and for adults and that its been a place where its been spread, the least during the Covid 19 crisis.
So this is ridiculous and again to the teachers union its happening all over the country. What its going to do is have long term damage to our kids, both psychologically and in terms of their education. Outraged parents, no matter what party you are, should be standing up and fighting against this Brian governor. Is this one of these issues that breaks through the party politics that people at home see their kids suffering, see the angst see what they didnt learn during the year and know what party is responsible? Is this a break through issue? I think it can be Brian. I will tell you, I think its incumbent upon Republicans to be talking about this issue. Much more than we are, we shouldnt be doing rear view, mirror issues we should be doing through the windshield issues talking about what the effect on our kids is going to be for the future and how we change these policies and oppose the Biden policies thats. What we should be spending our time talking about and a lot of Republicans just arent doing that and were missing out on a great political
opportunity, but much more importantly, were missing out on opportunity to restore our childrens educational progress. Steve governor, I remember when you were governor in New Jersey and I covered you when you did one of your town halls in Lincoln Park in northern new jersey- and I remember you got into it with a member of the teachers Union, as you did many of those town halls back then, when you fast forward to Now- and we hear the CDC say you Know- are just following the science- we are not doing anything political. Despite the fact that the mask mandate dropped last week, looked political and then, when you hear you know, according to the Freedom of Information ACT, we now know that the exact language the teachers Union sent to the CDC wound up in the final guidance it looks like this administration is paying a lot of attention to their stockholder. The teachers union, but it is political, well look watch what they
say and they do in this circumstance. Dr Jill Biden said that, as long as Joe is president, the teacher union leadership will always have a seat at the table. Randi Weingarten and the American Federation of teachers say we are thought partners with the CDC. Well, what the hell does Randi Weingarten know about CDC medical information that gives her the right to be a thought partner with public health experts and then to change their opinion and change their language to make it more convenient for her as a multimillion dollars union leader im. Sorry, it just doesnt make any sense, and what it is is politics. They are playing politics with our schools, which is bad, but worse is the effect its having on our children and those effects we will be seeing for years and why arent we standing up production need to be standing up even louder and stronger than we are. This is an issue that effects all Americans regardless of party. This is one of those things
where Republicans show we stand up for our kids on this issue and not for the comfort of adults. Ainsley, they say, follow the science, but when the scientists tell us, we can take our masks off and you have Nancy Pelosi still in chambers wearing her mask and telling everyone they are going to get fined if they take them off, even if they have been vaccinated its hard to trust the government, because we did what they told us to do Steve, maybe Bill Nye. The science guy calls her Ainsley. If Dr Fauci tells her, maybe she will listen well, Steve. You know and Ainsley that we have a governor here in New Jersey who is a former Goldman Sachs salesman who thinks he knows more about medicine than the CDC New Jersey is only one of four states left in the nation that still has a mask mandate for people who have vaccinated. He says he needs a few more weeks to look at it. Who is he? He is not a medical expert, and yet he continues to want to keep tight control over the people of New Jersey, Brian. Why Ainsley New Jersey and Hawaii only two states doing this
Brian governor. The idiotic illustration he gave shows how out of touchy is he says if you walk into a hardware store, we dont know if you are vaccinated or not its up to you, you get the vaccination. You dont, we all can get the vaccination thats whats great about what has hand since operation warp, speed and the implementation of this. We can get it. So we are making our own choice there. You are as safe as you want to be thats. Your message too right go ahead and get a vaccination absolutely look. I have had the vaccination, I felt fine and did well with it afterwards. I know that the science shows us that youre ninety to ninety five percent protected not only from getting it but from spreading it to other people, and so this vaccination was tested four times more than the normal prescription, drugs approved by the FDA and it works and it is safe. But do you know what the bottom line is? I trust the american people they dont want to get each other sick and they are not going to do that.
They are going to be smart about doing it, so they are going to follow the rules that are laid out there if they make sense by the way. If you cant take your masks off once you are double vaccinated inside then, what incentive are they giving people who havent been vaccinated to get vaccinated thats? What people like Governor Murphy are policing and others across this country who are not giving people the appropriate incentives to be able to take the vaccination Steve thats? Why you are involved in this partnership called vaccination, and nobody knows more about code than you do, because you had covid and you were real sick. But in the video that you did, you talk a little bit about how there is some vaccine hesitancy because people go. Oh, it came out so fast. It cant possibly be safe. But, as you point out in the video, the reason it came out so fast is because they were able to cut the Red tape yep, because President Trump and the Trump Administration said were going to do. Two things that are not normally done
were developing a new drug one were going to fund. It were going to prefund it because we want it to move faster and two were going to cut all the normal red tape out of it. None of the science, but all of the governmental red tape that slows things down, thats. Why? President Trump was able to accomplish what he did by getting these vaccines ready by the middle of November record time and starting to get people vaccinated by the end of November of last year. Thats why we are in a position we are in, so what the public need to understand is look. There is nothing perfect, but a vaccine is like putting your seat belt on when you get in the car. It wont guarantee you. If you get in an accident, you wont be injured or killed, but it makes it much much less likely. That is what we want to be be doing for people across the country. So we can get rid of these manipulating politicians who want to control our lives and get back to controlling our own lives. Ainsley thats a great example pause. It does decrease death, both situations, the seat belt and the vaccine. So you are the governor of New Jersey and there is talk that you might be
running for president. In a few years, have you made a decision? I havent made a decision Ainsley, but im certainly not going to preclude it. We are going to continue to speak out like we are doing this morning and all over the country about the issues that I care deeply about, because I want to provide a voice for the Republican Party. That is forward looking that is opposing these radical liberal policies of the Biden, administration and laying out a counter alternative for us to consider and thats what we should be doing and look. There is going to be plenty of time after the midterms in twenty twenty two to decide whether or not you run for president or not. I will tell you this. The most important thing for us to do is to take back the house and the Senate in twenty twenty two, so that we stop this Biden Harris Liberal March in its tracks and Republicans have to start talking boldly and correctly now about that not waiting Brian right. They are trying to federalize elections and fatten the Supreme Court. What could be wrong with that real quick today? There is a big
story: Governor the New Yorks Attorney Generals Office said they will be conducting now a criminal investigation into former president trumps business empire. No longer civil. You got a great legal mind. Is the president former president in trouble? Listen, you never like to hear the words under criminal investigation if its about you its, never good its, never positive, but were innocent until proven guilty in this country. Everyone has constitutional rights, whether you are a citizen living here in the state of New Jersey or whether you are a former president of the United States, and so I ask people not to jump to any conclusions. Let the prosecutors and the investigator do their work and come to conclusions, and then we can come to judgment. Then no, you never like to hear those words Brian, but lets remember that we have the presumption of innocence in this country. Despite the way things are covered sometimes so lets take a deep breath. Let people do their work Brian. By the way, the president would not be investigated if he wasnt president,
if he was businessman Donald Trump, this probe doesnt happen, which is flat out wrong, listen any time that people are investigated for their status rather than for their conduct its wrong. But in the end now we have a right as the american people to see evidence. You know we have said all along. I have said this before with the Russia probe turns out not to be the evidence that you would need anywhere near it to prove that there was any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians thats. Ultimately, what Bob Mueller concluded right in the same way that we looked at the elections, we need to see evidence about whether or not there was fraud in the elections, and now we need to see whether there is any evidence regarding these investigations that are being made in New York. You know: listen, I did prosecutions for seven years in the end, the facts are the facts, and the american people are smart. They will judge the facts that are presented before them and they will come to their own conclusion. We need to see the facts.
Every American has a right for the truth, Steve Mr Christie, when you were governor, the governor of New Jersey works very closely with the governor of New York, with the port authority of New York and New Jersey, running the bridges and tunnels and airports, and things like that. There is a story out this morning that Rudy Giulianis son, Andrew Thirty, some odd year old young man who had worked in the Trump White House, is now considering running for governor in the wake of everything thats going on with Andrew Cuomo. Put on your political hat for a moment, and what does that look like to you? Well look. I know Andrew Giuliani very well, and I have known him for a long time. Is he a very bright aggressive, ambitious young man who wants to contribute to public service and did so during his time of service in the White House, he has every right to be able to run for governor. The primary will be tough for everybody involved. Congressman Lee Zeldin has also said he is running and Lee will be a formidable
candidate in the primary as well. So, if Andrew gets into this, if thats what he decides to do, is he a smart young man? He will contribute to the debate. We will see how he does against congressman Zeldin and anybody else who is running in a state like New York, thats, so blue. I think its really good news for the Republican Party that eighteen months out from the election, that they have people who are willing to step forward and fight the fight to try to get the governorship, and so I wish Andrew all the luck in the world. He is a good young man and a friend, but that primary will be tough, because Lee Zeldin is also a friend and somebody who will be very formidable if they wind up squaring off with each other in the primary Brian. How does Andrew Cuomo still have a job? The people of New York have elected Governor Cuomo until the election of twenty twenty two. We will see how all this plays out over the course of time and again, as I said about these other things, people have a right to the truth, and so this investigation is going on. There lets hear what the truth is there as well
and lets let people make their judgments. I will tell you Brian that, as somebody who was victimized by the Obama Justice Department, when people jumped to conclusions in the media and the Obama Justice Department was weaponized for political purposes against me, I will tell you im always reluctant to jump to conclusions on things because it was done to people around me and the United States Supreme Court ruled last year, 9 0, that it was the politicization of the Justice Department and the justice process, its never good and im not going to participate in that kind of stuff, regardless of Party Brian Right, nine accusers. You have the ethics violation as well as the nursing home investigation, a lot different than yours, Ainsley. They goal after Trump in this state. But the Democrats, it seems they get a pass governor thanks. So much for being on with us its great to be on with you.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-09.