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DSH Secretary visits southern border as surge grows

2021-09-21 | 🔗
Fox News contributor Tom Homan on migrant surge.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We have reiterated that our borders are not open and people should not make the dangerous journey. If you come to the United States illegally, you will be returned. Your journey will not succeed and you will be Entang jerrying your life and your familys lives. Brian. There you go DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas claim some of the migrants camped under the Del Rio Bridge are being flown home. He said, like six thousand, our next guest says it wont, be all those migrants, Ainsley sources, telling Tom who Heman that most migrants are being released into our country. They call those flights, a quote distraction from the truth. Steve Tom Homan joins us right now, Tom, as we look at those images from the bridge down in Del Rio, Texas. You know we hear from the administration, and the stats from the government is that over a million people have been apprehended, and that makes it sound like they were stopped and then sent back,
but of the million something you know lets say what proportion are actually sent back, because if there are children or if there are women we have heard from the most part they get to come right on this yeah. No, the secretary, I watched that news conference. I wanted to throw something at the tv I dont know what the color of the sky in his world is, but he cannot say two things number one: the Haitians will be deported when this first happened about three quarters of them were released, it wasnt until they were called on it that he decided. Okay, we have got deport some, but many are being released to ice and ice will release them. I mean, if you look at the number six detainees ice has been ordered to release of the nine criminals, its a shell game. Maybe the border patrol is not releasing them anymore in the last couple days, but they are being sent to ice and they are being released from ice. Another thing he said when the reporter asked him: do you have operational control of the border? He said. Yes, they have lost operational
control when there is three hundred and fifty thousand got aways. There is no operational control when you surgery sources RGB in the Dell Rio. That leaves two hundred and twenty four miles of border unguarded. I have seen the assignment sheets two hundred and twenty four miles of southern border were unguarded because they had a surgery sources to these other areas, thats, not operational security when the Haitians are moving back and forth to Mexico for supplies and freely coming into the illegal camp on, U Dot S property, that is not operational control. And finally, I will say this talking to a senior border patrol command official. He told me Tom. We have lost control of the border. This is his term. He said broken arrow, we are overwhelmed. We cant handle the incoming. We are outmasd on this. We have lost operational control of this area and that comes from the men wearing green on the border, doing the job Ainsley. What specific stories
does he say when he talks to these individuals? A lot of the people are coming across. The reason to believe they are coming is the administrations actions mean more than words. He gets up there all day, long and say dont come you are going to be removed, but they have released hundreds of thousands of people into the country. Many with covid people have seen this once they get to their final destination. They call their relatives and friends cartels. How many people being released? The secretary can say all he wants. Dont come based on their actions and how many people have been released into the United States. They are going to keep coming. So just warning them not to come is not working. Their actions speak louder than words Brian Tom dont tell us, dont come if they want to actually get that message out. Take out ads radio put it out to local governments, make them make the announcements to let these people know dont come. He has a press conference. He is telling us that he doesnt want them to come. Is this a joke,
its absolutely a joke? Look you dont want them to come, then enforce the law detain people we move, people stop releasing people do what the Trump Administration did. That was operational control. Do you know how many the Trump Administration released zero remain in Mexico program? Everybody went back under this administration, unaccompanied children, they bypass title four. Then they go to court and argue. We need title forty, two, the judge laughs them. You are violating title forty two, releasing most people into the United States despite title four have covid now coming and argue that you need it again. Their actions have failed the american people and taps joke. I have never seen anything like this in my life Brian, if they didnt have the drones up in the air and didnt show those virnls. Do you think this would have been happening now, even Mayorkas, going down there? No thank God for this network. This network pulled that scab
off and we have to keep on it now other networks, starting to cover it pushing the theory. These people are being deported, not true Ainsley, especially if you have kids Lawrence Jones says. If you have children, you get to stay. Yes, absolutely Ainsley. Thank you. Tom.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-22.