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Dr. Nicole Saphier on NYC masking toddlers: History will reflect very poorly on this

2022-04-04 | 🔗
Dr. Nicole Saphier explains why young children ages 2-4 should not carry the burden to slow the spread of COVID.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Lets ask our fox news medical contributor, DR nicole saphier, hey DR saphier good morning, ainsley good morning, you are a doctor. Is he following the science doctor and mother of three? First of all, ainsley Covid 19 restrictions has the selfishness of the adults completely different neglect to our children. You saw Eric Adams dancing at the grammys and other things still claiming that our preschoolers need to be masked. History is going to reflect very poorly on some of these measures being done, especially in terms of school measures, business measures and lockdowns, as we know that they have had severe devastating consequences of them and moving forward about masking our lowest risk population. Our toddlers remember, the united states is the only place in the world that is recommending face, masks, be worn by this young population and the bottom line is we have vaccines, boosters high quality masks? It is time to release the burden of children having to protect
others. In the beginning we were saying for children to wear face, masks, not necessarily to protect them, because we knew they were the least vulnerable, but to decrease the sprevmentd. Now we know when it comes to omicron and variant. Ba two, the klaus masks being worn by preschoolers, has no effect on reducing transmission. So we need to remove these masks have from children. It is not prableg for for them to wear k, 9 five. It is time for us to move forward. High quality masks, high risk, but.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.