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Demonstrations in Miami show support for Cuba: 'Cuba has to be free'

2021-07-17 | 🔗
'Fox & Friends Weekend' co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy speaks with activists in Miami who are protesting against the Cuban government
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Communism is a failed system. Communism is a failed system, universally failed system. Cuba is a unfortunately, a failed state and repressing their citizens. Rachel cuban President Miguel firing back at President Biden for those comments. Saying that the? U dot s is a failed state. Not Cuba. Is he shifting blame for the massive protesting in a translated tweet? If President Joseph Biden had sincere humanitarian concern for the cuban people, he would eliminate the two hundred and forty three sanctions applied by Donald Trump PETE this as a caravan of supporters, heads from Miami to d, dot c, to call on Biden to take action and help the cuban people Rachel. You were down there yesterday, Rachel, I sure, was and by the way, the protests or the rallies in party of the Cubans on the island arent. Just in South Florida. They have erupted everywhere from Ohio to California. They are all over the United States, but that caravan is heading out.
I was in Miami at Versailles, restaurant, which is iconic cuban restaurant ground, zero gathering point for so many people to get together and talk about whats happening and show their support. Here is what that looked like when I was there over the last couple days. Why are you here were here because we want to Cuba for freedom? I was born and raised in Cuba, horns honking speaking, spanish every night we cry for our friend and family. They are dying. Why are you here, Cuba to be free speaking, spanish Rachel? My mom is in Cuba and she is hungry. My family whats, your message to your mother speaking Spanish Rachel be strong. Cuba is going to be free. Speaking Spanish
Rachel im going to be here fighting for her. We are standing in inside Versailles, cuban restaurant, which has become ground zero for some of South floridas Cuban Americans, the uprisings in Cuba. So much of it has been started by the song speaking spanish country and life chanting Rachel. How important has been the art community in this particular uprising, extremely important, something people dont realize Rachel, a youth movement, its a youth movement, Rachel fifteen, sixteen years old and to be part of a movement you are in the middle of history in the making. This is something that needs to move forward, not just for us, but other people out there and to spread the awareness. What is happening in Cuba is terrible and there needs to be change, seeing all the support that its generated across the world, its inspiring a little sense of hope. I think the best way to keep moving forward is cautious optimism.
Many of them have had political police burst into their home and children taken away from them at gunpoint. Absolute tragedy whats happening there. The cuban people are showing that one they have lost their fear. They are no longer afraid. My father was killed nine years ago by a direct order of Castro in an attack perpetrated by the Cuba Cuban Military service. I came here in nineteen fifty seven. I was part of the Bay of PIG invasion im still here, im still fighting, we wont stop until Cuba is free, PETE, wow, Rachel yeah, it was very emotional. Can you see that what is happening in Cuba now first of all, is amazing, its all over the country, and they really believe this is the best chance the island has had had to be free from communism, so much emphasis in South Florida? What can we do? One of the things they need is more internet access.
We have been talking about internet how important that is to freedom, that is the public square right now and they cut off cell phone. They have cut off internet, they are asking Joe Biden if he would just do something provide some sort of technology. They float balloons turn the: U Dot, s embassy into a hot spot, so people can a organize and b put out these videos showing the kind of repression they are getting. There are some videos already. We are seeing teenage boys being dragged out of their homes and being forced to go into the military against their will against the will of their families, beatings, killings, bits and pieces coming out, but we need more information and thats going to be the key to keeping this protest. This rally, this call for Liberty PETE this movement Rachel, this movement, its not about the embargo. People are not on the street. Talking about the embargo, nobody is talking about Covid its about liberty and anger at
the communist regime. Pete, so well done, and what a reminder? Ideas have consequence, as we debate who we are here, as Marxism arrives on the shores and anyplace a at the margins, whats acceptable and not acceptable. All of that feels both small and bigger because of this small in comparison to what the cuban people face real repression every day. Ninety miles from our shore ideals have consequences, but big because over time, if you allow those forces to take hold the things we take for granted, those precious things can slip away, will not just an idea thats what is fascinating, while Bernie Sanders or Blm may issue statements on the idea of socialism and communism. What you show in that package, its real people who have experienced this life, who have relatives who have suffered under these types of systems? I find it fascinating how dismissive people are real world experience was seen a documentary or read the right book or whatever they may have been taught that likens them to dismiss
completely the people you just highlight who has family ninety miles off that Florida coast who actually lived this idea Rachel yeah its really will awful PETE. Most of the images we have right now are from Sunday because the crackdown has been in full force ever since. Hopefully, there is a flick everywhere of that movement still going.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-03.