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Dave Rubin on why he voted for Trump: He is ‘last bulwark’ to stop the radical left

2020-10-29 | 🔗
Talk show host Dave Rubin discusses the state of the 2020 presidential race on 'Fox & Friends.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
For years you had a president for years you had a president who apologized for America, and now you have a president who now you have a president who will stand up for America. We will never ever quit. We are going to keep on fighting and keep on winning winning winning cheers and applause. Ainsley five days till the election and more than seventy three early ballots already cast President Trump and Joe Biden hitting the campaign trail in battleground states gearing up for a showdown in the Sunshine state today and Dave Reuben host of Show joins us, hey Dave Good Morning, Ainsley Ainsley. They are both going to Sunshine State Battleground state and they both need that a must win for either candidate youre in California. You posted that you voted and you voted for President Trump. Why is that? What about his message? Resinates with you
as most of your audience, knows ive been a life long Democrat. I voted for Obama twice. I voted for Gore and John Kerry, and this is the first time ive voted for a republican president, but I see Trump basically as the last to stop the radical left. Joe Biden himself may not be radically left its a little unclear what Joe Biden is and what he actually stands for at this point, but whats coming behind him. What the future of the Democratic Party is is this progressive left, the progressive left, the collectivist left, the AOC Ilhan Omar Democrats and, I think, thats the worst set of ideas possible its counter to everything that America is all about, and on top of that, by the way, this isnt just a counter vote. I think Donald Trump has actually done a lot of good. You know until the last two months I thought peace in the Middle EAST. I thought
thats what we all wanted before Covid the economy was doing well. I think it will do well again, and there are sign that is. It will do well again, hes done things internationally, where suddenly countries are realizing you to play by the rules, the? U dot s isnt going to pay for everything- and you know part of me- also likes kind of being patriotic and theres no feeling of that on the left anymore. This is a great country for two hundred and fifty years, weve given more opportunity than any other country in the history of the world, and I think we can continue that, but we can only continue it if we have a president that believes in constitution and that America is fundamentally good Ainsley its interesting that you say about patriotism, you drive down the street and in one neighborhood they might have american flags up, thats, amaze, red white and blue, and now you see good for them to stand up for the flag. How did we get there? Its a bizarre sign of Trump support, because you know im here in LA in California, so
this is lefty crazy town? And you know you see the Biden Harris signs, you dont really see trump signs. You see them at the parades now and huge weekly, one in Beverly Hills, which was unbelievable and love, fest and tons of great people of every background were there and all that stuff, but usually now at this point, when I see american flags in my neighbors yards or driving around yard, that seems trump support. Why would you put up american flag if youre Democrat, because they are telling you that system was racism and America was founded on slavery? They want to change all of the rules of the past and tell you how bad everything is. The american flag in an odd way has become proxy flag for Trump, two thousand and twenty, which is sort of unfortunate state of things, but its just sort of where we are at Ainsley Dave. I know you use social media. Big tech were
grilled by lawmakers. What did you think? Oh yeah, unfortunately, its probably too little too late? I mean at this point. We are five days out from the election and a lot of people, including you guys at Fox, amp, friends and especially Tucker, have been have been nailing big tech for years. Ive been talking about it for years that weve known about shadow bans, weve know about algorithmic tricks. When you subscribe to channels, you dont see things. We know about the New York Post Hunter Biden story. It appears that Jack Dorsey lied under oath while he was talking to Senator Cruz. So we know that there are all the tricks, but at some level, five days before the election, having the hearings its nice, because the average person might hear about the issues more, if theyre not really paying attention to it, but can anything be done thats going to affect the election because obviously thats what this is all about? If something was going to be done and we could have all sorts of talks about what regulation
means or breaking the companies up or whatever that might be, we probably had to have the conversation or not. We, the Senate, probably had to have that conversation about a year and a half ago. A lot of us were talking about, but they are doing it now, a couple of days before the election, guys im pretty sure the ship has sailed on the twenty twenty election. As far as big tech Ainsley, we have to get through five more days. Weve had people on the show noticed they are losing stories, arent trending, losing followers or censored. So yesterday, when they were asked, can you name a liberal thats been censored? We will get back to you on that. No one comes to mind. No one yeah its one sided its one sided and thats part of the problem, my personal thoughts on free speech. If these are platforms, then you leave everything up and if it breaks the laws of the United States, then theres a legal issue Ainsley exactly the platforms should be
platforms and if they are going to decide whats true and not true, you can only post truth. We did two years of a Russia collusion scandal. Im sure you have to take down every MSNBC host Twitter account Ainsley, the Holocaust never happened, and they allowed that thanks. So much Dave for coming on with us. My pleasure thanks guys, Ainsley youre, welcome. The media is largely ignoring claims by Hunter Bidens. Former.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-29.