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Daughters of NY nursing home victim demand Gov. Andrew Cuomo be held accountable

2021-02-25 | 🔗
Vivian Rivera Zayas and Alexa Rivera urge New York Democrats to 'step up and do the right thing' on 'Fox & Friends'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hatred and vendetta, but broken families left in the wake after fire through dry Grass Steve that last speaker was Vivian who lost her mother Anna Martinez about a year ago after she was exposed in a New York State Nursing Home Oaf LIVE Yaw joins us with her stir Alexis. They are the founders of the group voices foreseniors good morning to you good Morning, Steve Lydia start with you. I know you spoke yesterday at the rally outside of city Hall does not seem in New York City as if anybody in democratic control is listening to these claims about Andrew Cuomo and the nursing home scandal. Yeah, it sure appears that way were going to continue to apply pressure. I think they have to recognize that it is not just the fifteen thousand. There are many seniors that died of the extreme shutdowns if we tally those numbers together, it is humanitarian crisis, Steve Alexa. What do you think
is going on? Why wont people address? The issues of you know did Cuomo make a mistake: whys hasnt, he apologized to the families, his secretary Melissa, Derosa apologized, to lawmakers democratic lawmakers, making their re election harder last November, but they have not apologized to families like yours. I think the reason why they dont apologize is because that would be admitting that they actually did something wrong. As a former as a Democrat, I voted for Governor Cuomo. My mother did as well, and we expect the other Democrats to step up and do the right thing. Their political party affiliation and whether they know or are friends with Governor Cuomo should not stop them from doing the right thing. They are public servants, Steve yeah. They work for people like me, and my mom and other people voted for them.
We would hope that they would eventually do the right thing and not side with Governor Cuomo, Steve sure Vivian. I know Republicans in Congress in Washington D dot C are trying to hold hearings into it, but Nancy Pelosi wont let them. Yesterday, at the rally you were at City Hall Park, Assemblyman RON Kim called on Jerry Nadler, who is from New York and a Democrat, to hold some sort of a hearing. You know what Jerry Nadler is going to see this. We dont know that he saw the rally yesterday. What would you like to say to Jerry Nadler about investigating what happened at New Yorks nursing homes? Well, we would like Jerry Nadler to know that the families of for variety of reasons had our loved ones. There were believing all along, they were safe, so it is basically we need to restore the faith and trust in our nursing home system and the leadership in the state of New York,
Steve. Indeed, Alexa bench you go. Do you, you know, I know theyre trying to end Governor Cuomos emergency powers. They run through the end of April, but Democrats are reluctant to do that at the very least. They should pull the plug on that right. Absolutely. There should be no reason why he still has the capability of making executive decisions that affect other people. He already wiped out enough seniors and others that are still in lockdown Steve right, but the problem is for you, ladies and others, is that the deciders on these things are all Democrats, just like Mr Cuomo Vivian and Alexa Rivera. We thank you both for joining us.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-08.