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Dan Bongino on White House giving free phones to migrants, not Americans

2022-04-09 | 🔗
'Unfiltered' host tells ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ the Biden administration ‘doesn’t care about the American people.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rachel that is interesting. Where are they going so, if its not enough that our administration is doing nothing to stop the flow of my grants coming through theyre also arming these migrants with cell phones, that you pay for Peter Doocy, actually asked jen psaki about that, just the other day, take a listen following up on the smartphones that are being given to border crossers, the technology, so this can be tracked or so they can check in. Is there any plan to give free smartphones to u dot s, citizens that want them? Should we not be tracking migrants who regularly cross the border im asking if or do you have an alternative suggest for suggestion for how you have been tracked, I unfortunately have not been asked to make: u dot s immigration policy today is your moment. Well, itd be great. If anybody that wanted a free phone and a free monthly phone could get one, so is that
going to be an offer for the country? Well, Peter. I noted to you that we have a range of means of tracking individuals who regularly migrate to the country in order to insure that they are meeting their notice to appear obligations and that they are appearing many court when they should appear in court. A phone is one of them pete. A lot of words here now to react, lets bring in our friend dan Bonnie Bonn. Gee, know hes almost bongino, you herald jen psaki, asking a counter question, not really answering it on immigration. Your reaction right now, you know, let me just say: first, her boss, Jen psaki, that is Joe Biden, is running some of the lowest first second year approval ratings in the history of polling. Can you ditch the smug act and
kind of sit down and maybe eat a little humble pie? Peter? Do you have an alternate suggestion? Yeah I do like maybe dont. Let people enter the country outside of a port of entry where its illegal? Have you ever thought of that one has that ever occurred to you, hello Peter. Do you have a different idea in maybe that thats why your boss is at 4762 approval? I mean really a little bit of humble pie, jen its kind of a common sense question. No, so you let people in the country- and you give them a free cell phone and thats a tracking mechanism, so lets say and im not suggesting everyone who commitments. A crime of illegal immigration goes on to commitment. Another crime they dont, but they did commit a crime coming into the country, say: youre, a sex, trafficker or a fentanyl trafficker. Do these imbewith sills think that the guys going to answer the phone in the middle of a fentanyl deal hey its jen
psaki? Where are you im delivering fentanyl at the corner of 46th and myrtle? Do you want to meet? Do you understand how stupid these people think your america, they think youre dumb? They think youre, dumb and thirty percent of the people who still support Joe Biden accept the fact that theyre dumb we live in a two tiered society. You understand this of haves and have nots and by the way the have is money access to power. If you are an illegal immigrant, you are a favored group. You get more privileges than legal immigrants right. You already have you have access? If you are a blm activist, youre a have january sixth person involved there youre a have, not you go to jail right. I wrote down some more. You know if youve got a student loan. Are your student loans forgiven despite the fact that you went to law school yet youre, a guy working your butt off every day you get nothing
youre a have, not youre a you want to go on fox news and say hey that two thousand and twenty election I dont, know some anomalous stuff going on there. Youre definitely a have not and one more thing you want to lead prayer in public schools somewhere on a field totally voluntary, prosecute and sue that guy you want to teach a kindergartener. He has seventy two genders hes pan sexual and gender fluid dont tell his mom a okay. You go right ahead and do that tell me again how we dont live in two different americas right now, rachel, we do. You know who else is a have not in this situation homeless. Vets who arent getting cell phones or a place to stay or a taxpayer funded plane ticket and the other have nots are communities on the border. Nobody gives a darn about them in the administration and im so upset, because what this whole thing tells me, cell phones and
title forty two going away in may and this administration not telling it not cares. It tells me they dont care about the american people. They literally dont care about you. They never thats the joke of the democrat party. They never cared about you ever when did any sane person believe this nonsense that they care about you? Their whole platform is give us your money. Give us your kids, give us your health care and were going to regulate your businesses. When did they ever care about you by the way? If you were to give this stupid cell phone to any other outside of favored illegal immigrant groups, lets say we did it for drug dealers, no, no were not going to put you in prison were going to give you a cell phone and call once a week to check in america would laugh, but because its illegal immigrants, its a okay, will. We know the cell phones are going to go in the trash, so we should find out whats this
going to cast to cost, because youre literally putting it in the cash weve got a graphic because we went the whole nine yards for unfiltered tonight. Thank you will youre welcome. Ive got pete on today tonight ive got ron Desantis, who unloads on the new york city mayor Eric Eric Adams and ive got a report from the border. Ive got Dr David weissman, former johnson amp johnson employee. Talking about this fourth vaccine serious issues. He said something about the FDA, which I think is going to open a lot of eyeballs check out. The show will okay well be watching Dan, always good to talk to you on.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.