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Dan Bongingo slams San Francisco restaurant that refused to serve police officers

2021-12-06 | 🔗
The ‘Unfiltered with Dan Bongino’ discusses the incident where customers were reportedly ‘uncomfortable’ with police and reacts to AOC’s comments about retail theft.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Visit, indeed, dot com slash hire Brian now this weve been Brian. Now this weve been telling you about the brazen smash and grab robberies like this and sadly were getting in new footage seen across the country, but as desperate retailers plead for stricter shoplifting laws. Congresswoman, Alexandria, Ocasio Cortez claims the crimes arent happening, saying. A lot of the allegations are not actually panning out and I believe its a Walgreens in California cited it, but the data didnt back it up former Nypd officer and Unfilter Ed host Dan Bongino Dan. This is why they didnt want her campaigning in Virginia or any purple state. Does she speak for the Democratic Party um? I dont even im, not sure who she speaks, for I could tell you no. No. She does. She speaks for the dopey. Imbusol crowd. Listen IRAN for office a few times; thankfully it didnt work out. So I wasnt contaminated by
this swamp rodents, but I met a lot of politicians and theres only one or two things trying to explain politicians behavior when they say ridiculous. Absurdi ties like this number one. They are just really dopey or number two theyre liars and typically, in my experience, im not kidding its usually number two. They are really skilled liars when it comes to Joe Biden and a OC, though im not messing, you I genuinely say, are they just really dumb because im not really sure with those two she sees it happening now, heres the thing this speaks to the essence of liberalism, being this corrosive cancer in our society. You know AOC, and people like that claim to be with their liberal ideology in it, for the little guy tolerance, co exist and all that stuff, but actually the policies they push like bail, reform and weak on crime hard on police stories. What they actually do is destroy the livelihoods of the people in the district that they are over its hard to believe one more quick point. Brian, I said often on this show having
been a police officer and looked into the criminal components. To this often, the overwhelming majority of crime is committed by a very small number of people. When you let those people out and you dont put them in jail, you obviously get a spike in crime, as it goes up almost geometrically. They dont want to tell you that, because they are just liars, Brian, a very good point, plus they arent stealing things to live, but so they can profit yeah. Yes, they arent stealing from you, know, Kroger they are stealing from Gucci and Fendi. What are you doing eating the G Ucci bag boiling? The leather like they did. You know where they were freezing to death during the revolutionary war. Is this ridiculous? What are you eating the shoes Brian? They are reselling them. They say: mobsters are paying these men and women to steal and its very organized fashion. The other big story out in San Francisco, big shocker, a restaurant, refused to serve two police officers and then
asked them to leave because others in that restaurant were Un Un uncomfortable because they had guns and uniforms and tried to walk it back saying we made a mistake and hope this is a teach able moment for us as we repair and continue to build bridges with the Sfpd. These are stressful times and we handled this badly, but they also said they would maybe do the same thing again. Whats your reaction to this. They were uncomfortable around more police officers. Do you know whats, really uncomfortable? You have a holiday coming up Christmas with thousands of families around the country who will have a big empty seat at Christmas from a police officer and their family, who you know what hes, not here anymore or shes, not here anymore. You know, whats, really uncomfortable that looking at that empty seat every year and being reminded of what could have been and should have been and never happened, because someone put a badge on their chest. For you know, forty or fifty thousand a year walked out into
the line of fire every single day and was around for you, thats, uncomfortable and those tears are really uncomfortable every year they deal with that Brian, its the war on foundational principles of our country, law and disorder go ahead. You have a chance to vote soon, thanks Dan Bongino look forward to hearing your radio show today, watching it on Fox nation and.
Transcript generated on 2021-12-06.