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Cuomo holding frontline workers hostage with 'dangerous' coronavirus vaccine distrust: Dr. Ahmed

2020-10-21 | 🔗
Dr. Qanta Ahmed, New York pulmonologist, reacts to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and California Gov. Gavin Newsom vowing to 'independently review' coronavirus vaccine.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So hes going to put togogeth so hes going to put togogeth the same group of people, probably that he used to put together in the nursing homes where eleven thousand people died, because they putut heavily infected Peop in with the general populatioion, is that the people hes going to use when the politician is a real low life. When a politician is willing to say that and kill people and scare people from using something thats going to be great and really solve a big problem, they ought to be ashamed of themselves. Brian president Trump not holding back reacting to New York Governor Andrew Cuomos, vow to withhold vaccine from state residents until it can be independently reviewed now. California, Governor Gavin Newsom, making the same promise degree Qhanta Ahmed. This is a doctor that sees these patients on a daily basis. Doctor welcome back whats. Your reaction to the state governors thought trusting the federal government
Brian. It is so disappointing because I remember how well Governor Cuomo worked with President Trump when we were at the height of the pandemic, with massive numbers of critically ill patients. This is a lost opportunity. It is also a very dangerous precedent when I see our democratic governor here and then another in California remember. This is on the heals of the remarks made by Senator Harris that she also would not trust a vaccine coming out of this administration. The vaccine is being developed by world authorities, incredible: u DOT S multinational and other international pharmaceuticals that have had a lifetime of experience, developing vaccines. The FDA, in my opinion, is unimpeachable in terms of their efforts. This is part of operation warp, speed, ten dollars billion of? U dot s. Funds invested in ten months to give the world a vaccine, and now we in New York state, including critical front line workers like myself, and my
patients are being held hostage to the governors, political vanity. It is a real mistake, Governor Cuomo, I would ask you to change that thats, not calling into question the credentials of whoever is on their committee im sure they are highly educated. They are no way equivalent in FDA approval, even in emergency use authorization- you mention here in May. Seventy percent of people surveyed or seventy two percent surveyed by Pugh, said they would be willing to take a vaccine. Now. That number is down to fifty percent. That fear is being peddled by politicians like Governor Cuomo, not by the President. I would like to see Governor Cuomo say. Let me sit down with you, President Trump roll up my sleeves and take the first coronavirus shots on camera with you across parties, the virus has no politics. The virus is deadly and Brian you remember. New York saw the highest numbers of deaths per million population, one thousand seven hundred deaths per million population, the highest number in the world.
So this really have a decision that the governor could reverse and there is an opportunity for him to lead by example and show the way for all governors in the nation how to work across parties to not be an obstacle for us to receive that vaccine. Brian might come up on his book tour, perfect time to write a book tour in hot spots in New York City. We understand fifty nine thousand new cases averaging a day over the last two weeks. Cases were up thirty, six percent deaths up. If you went to the hospital you had a twenty five percent chances of coming out twenty five percent of losing your life. Now its down to seven percent thats right, remember, Brian. We are doing over a million coronavirus tests a day in this nation. When I last ran, there is definitely viruses on the move. Definitely people being affected, we are detecting it more. The virus is less virulent. We are going to need a vaccine if were going to achieve herd immunity.
That is the only way to bring back the world, including the United States, to normal. This is not to be sneezed at Brian. He wants to sell a book and he wants to act like a tough guy and Americans. Dont get a vaccine.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-21.