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Conservative groups expose Biden's ties to liberal dark-money groups

2021-02-19 | 🔗
Jessica Anderson, Carrie Severino and Caitlin Sutherland provide insight on ‘Fox and Friends.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Amp free premium delivery. When you add a base ends Monday PETE. Last year, anonymous left wing donors spent one hundred and forty five dollars million in so called dark money to help put Joe Biden in the White House. Now, a trio of conservative groups are launching a grassroots campaign targeting the presidents pay to play approach shaping his cabinet and the policies joining me now are members of that conservative coalition, which is a great thing to hear Jessica Anderson, executive director for heritage action for America, Carrie Severino judicial crisis Network and United States Surt Land Public trust.
Thank you all so much for being here this morning. Caitlin. Let me start with you. As you talk, we will show on the screen portions of your ad. What are you whats the theme of your ad, and why are you part of this coalition? First, thanks for having us on PETE. Of course we are part of this coalition left wing. Dark money groups spent a record amount of money to elect Joe Biden for the President, and now those groups want pay back whats the pay back its in the form of extremity liberal policies that are putting people out of work and keeping our kids out of schools. Liberal activist in the White House work for the same dark money groups that got him elected in the first place. Pete one hundred and forty five dollars million. Buy you a lot of Ininfluence Carrie. Your focus is on the consequence of defunding the police yeah. So you know, personnel policy and Biden has chosen. Instead of
going with the unity platform, he pitched the measure. People has gone with the complete opposite that is paying back these dark money groups putting Gupta the head of one of those same dark money groups as one of the top officials at the Department of Justice. This is now the nations top law enforcement agent being led by Anti police radical. She has endorsed defunding the police. Even in the midst of the violent riots we saw last summer. She has criticized crime, victims, families who are advocating for stronger policing standards. This is a really shocking move. The only you can understand it is if you recognize its a payback. This is not about actually having justice at the Department of Justice. Pete great point: Carrie radical people at the helm make even more extremity the policies that are there. What are the focus of Harry Jackson is doing. We wanted to highlight Mr Becerras record. He has been nominated for the Secretary of Health and Human services. Unfortunately, Biden has put
forward a candidate that has no healthcare. Experience has spent his entire career working for the abortion industry, working to support socialized medicine and going after the religious exemptions of groups like its little sisters of the poor. When you look at someone that would be at the helm of Hhs in the middle of a deadly pandemic, I cant understand why Biden would put someone like this forward if it isnt to enact this extremity progressive partisan agenda, as he hopes to take over the rest of the government PETE. I think you are on to it right there. It is encouraging to see conservative groups working together in a coalition, because the left has done that in big and powerful ways for quite some time, Caitlin Carrie Jessica. Thank.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-09.