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Concha slams Biden's 'choreographed' press conference

2020-11-20 | 🔗
Fox News contributor Joe Concha reacts on 'Fox & Friends' to President-elect Joe Biden answering questions from the media.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Whether a do you say to whether a do you say to Americans, especially immigrant Americans, who came to the United States looking for political stability and seeing all the things that the president is doing nice to see you as well, how do you justify not taking legal action to get the briefings that you say are critical that you say you need when you take a step back and you look at the way the president is handling this his refusal to concede. What do you think is really going on here? In your view, Mr President, elect? What do you think the president is doing Brian? How about a question about Georgia? They just found so many votes, all these votes uncounted. How do you feel about that dots? It make you wonder about the system that didnt come up yesterday. Another round of third press conference since becoming President Elect Steve here to react: Fox NEWS, contributor and media columnist for the hill, Joe Concha and Joe. We didnt hear anybody. Ask him what his favorite kind of pie was for Thanksgiving, probably pumpkin. Just thinking once again turns out Fox news.
Never on that list of people to ask questions. Thats amazing, right im noticing a pattern Steve as far as the out question from the statement from these reporters, which is how do you feel or what is your message to the american people? What is the easiest type of question to absorb outside of Donald Trump said this or President Trump said that? How do you react? I mean again its not even softball its playing tee ball with a beach ball on the tee. These press conferences are three words: choreographed hospitable and risk averse. You have a staffer which Joe Biden admitted yesterday that his deputy comms director calling on reporters that were picked before hand on a predetermined list. Have you ever seen, President Trump do something like that, and I think there was even one point where Joe Biden talked about his future press secretary. I believe: do you have that sound by any chance Steve? We do
take a look on the way out, Ainsley on the way out Peter Ainsley on the way out. Peter Doocy was never on the list. He asked a question about Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, a Joker turned it into a joke, but is it though, after all, Anthony Scaramucci was communications director under the Trump administration for all of eleven days? And you know if Peter Doocy were chosen, it probably would be, and Brian could appreciate, like Bill Belichicks career as New York Jets head coach, which lasted about eight seconds. That would be interesting from a journalism standpoint to cover. I dont think Peter will be leaving Fox NEWS for the Biden Administration any time soon Steve. He would be able to ask him questions. A paid MSNBC analyst would im sorry Ainsley Joe isnt that the second job offer for Peter Doocy by Joe Biden remember Peter when he was riding the bike, and he said, is your vice president going to be it might be you.
I think it should be you something to that effect. Is he anxious for Peter to get a job on his team right, because then you could control the guy? Who is actually asking tough questions when he goes to work for you its like, when President Obama hired Hillary Clinton to it? Go Hillary Clinton no longer pick from afar when she actually works for the guy. Actually very smart Brian spend the next few years getting these type of questions to the vice president. If he ascends to the position, no more contention and no more confronting questions unless, of course, Joe, he ends up being a moderate which would tick off most of the party. Then, all of a sudden, these Hunter Biden stories would be on the front page of the New York Times. That will be the beginning of the end, its amazing, when you compare actually and talk about the nice questions and the problem that Joe Biden has in terms of the far left again a republican fire wall in the Senate. If the Republicans actually controlled, that majority will keep Joe Biden away from the AOC wing of the
house and anything they pass gets the republican Senate. It never gets to the White House. But if excuse me, if Democrats take Georgia in those two runoffs on January 5th, then there is no stopping that particular agenda. Brian. Let me interrupt just remember just remember the reason why these guys from CNN and MSNBC got book deals is because Donald Trump interacted with them regularly. They made a name for themselves by confronting the president and the president never backed off and go back eight years Barack Obama. Auto would always have a list, and once every four months in the few press conferences he had, he would call on a fox person thats it. I hope people are okay with that, and I think that they are going to quickly realize that nothing is getting done in Washington and no one is asking the questions that people want answered exactly right. I went back and looked at the transcripts and I will leave it here guys. The first press conference for President Elect Trump thirteen times during that press conference. It was in New York, you may remember, and Russia or Putin came up in that particular
press conference. The tone and tenor was one hundred and eighty from what we are seeing in the Biden. Administration anyway got to go its thanksgiving week, dont, you know, and hosting next seven days at the house, piecemeal our people coming over, like sixty degrees. This weekend, we.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-20.