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Clay Travis on Cuomo's resignation, mask 'madness' in schools

2021-08-11 | 🔗
Outkick founder Clay Travis weighs in on what's next for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and discusses his opposition to mask mandates in schools.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The legislature lets bring in from kicked o utility to Outkick lets bring in Clay Travis the founder clay good morning to you, Ainsley good morning, good morning to you guys appreciate you having me Steve, you bet. So what do you think of the lead story? Andrew Cuomo saw the writing on the wall and said got to go for all of you im quitting for all of you, because I work for all of you look. I think this is about trying to preserve Andrew Cuomo s electoral ability to get another office in the future. This is what I said on my radio show. Yesterday. I just heard Brian talking aunt it a little bit as well. It wouldnt stun me guys if he tries to run for the New York governorship in twenty twenty two in the democratic primary, because if you look at the most recent polling, hes still above everybody else, if he goes out, he says he tried to save and preserve the institution of the governor ship, but he wants to throw himself back on the voters of New York. The only way he could preserve
any viability as a politician by resigning as opposes to impeaching. I think he still believes that he could be re elected as governor in twenty T2. Even after all of this, it would not stun me at all if hes running by next year, Ainsley really. But what about the women he needs? Women to vote and seventy percent of New York registered voters said he should go yeah its amazing. How quickly peoples opinions can change thatS got to be what hes hoping on if he drops out of the public eye for a few months. Look almost every politician only cares about one thing: finding a way to get re elected or to continue to be in power, and this is the only way I think Andrew Cuomo could in any way preserve his ability going forward if he gets impeached this drags on for months. He has no hope in two thousand and twenty two and remember the favorite in many circles, be the New York attorney General LAW enforcement Leticia James. So maybe he wants an opportunity to
make his case even more to the public in New York and to go head to head with that attorney general and argue that the reason she wanted to remove him was because she wanted his job im, not one hundred percent sure. No one knows whats going to happen going forward, but id be stunned. If this is the last time we ever see Andrew Cuomo run for a political office. Brian Hillary Clinton, thinking about running Alveda, Sharpton and the only other thing bad about Cuomo is he was a bad governor. Hes got a terrible track record who Al Pacino thought was cool, all celebrities kind of like him, but hes a terrible governor. I dont think theres any doubt. Joe Biden yesterday tried to pretend that ten point five years was a success. When you go out this way, as you guys said, thousands and thousands of people dead in nursing homes because of your failure and also all of this sexual harassment. I think you could make a strong argument that not only is Andrew Cuomo a bad governor, he maybe a
criminal governor and also the worst elected official of the 21st century, its impossible for anyone. I believe to have done a worse job. Contrary to what Joe Biden said when he tried to phrase the overall tenure of Andrew Cuomo, Steve Clay lets talk a little bit about its back to school week. By the end of the week, thirty six percent of Americas, kids will be back in school. Weve been talking about how there are mask mandates all across the country. You felt so strongly about it. Weve got a clip of you at your school board meeting and you made it very clear where the Travis family stands. Lets watch this dont. Let your kids wear, masks. Applause, Steve, I heard somebody say time so youve got it out right in time. Look the most important job ive got, and I know you guys know this too is dad mom. You know your parenting. Jobs are the most important and I went as a parent.
Ive got two kids in public school here in the Nashville area and out of nowhere after school started back weve been to three days. They suddenly have implemented now a mask mandate for kids, kindergarten to fifth grade ive got a first grader and fifth grader and they told me dad were sick of wearing masks. We did it all. Last year we were fortunate. They were in person, theres, no statistical data out there at all to support that masks, make any of our kids safer, and this is just madness, and I believe that parents everywhere need to go to the very root of the democracy here. Show up at your school board meetings we had over. A thousand people show up the vast majority of them protesting the school boards decisions to implement, masks for kids, and I think people all over the country need to get involved and active in their kids return to school and try to fight against this mask mandate. Sweeping the country, Brian Clay. You really think parents should make decisions for their kids. I cant believe that laughter
its a wild idea, Brian Brian, the governor of Texas and Florida, are considered the worst people on the planet because they want to empower parents. How do we get so twisted on this? Look if you feel that your kids need to be in a mask, you have the right as a parent to send them in a mask. Let parents make the choice. I give credit to Texas and governors of Texas and Florida. We need more governors standing up for parent choice, Ainsley I agree and when you go pick up your kids, how old are your kids ive got like? I said, a first grader whose six and I have a 10 year old and also a 13 year old, Ainsley, the six year old. You go pick them up from school. Sometimes the mask is underneath their nose and they arent even wearing it properly. Oh, of course, people adults dont wear may mask properly. Can you imagine everybody whose ever had a kid? They are petri dishes the idea they are wearing their mask properly or impacting in anyway covid its pure madness,
Steve Dr Fauci, be horrified. You are the founder of Outkick, so whats clicking today on out kick yeah were going to be all about. Well one. I love you guys are talking about this game thats going to be going on in Iowa in the corn field, thats going to be going on with the top twenty five out for college. Football were going to have a lot of fun with your show fun things coming up with college football season. Cant wait for that, so well be chasing that as well as the ridiculous. Did you guys see the Dinger controversy, the Colorado Rockies mascot that ESPN tried to turn into the latest. Racially divisive sports story were teaming off on all of that id encourage people to check out Outkick if theyre sports fans Ainsley what college football teams are going to be the best this year, its going to be Alabama, Clemson, Ohio, State Oklahoma, but some excitement out there by the way Iowa State urging North Carolina Cincinnati. Those are top ten teams, nontraditional top ten teams for people out there
to be getting excited about. As we move closer to kickoff about twenty three days from now Brian and who could ever offer the best marketing deal to their high school prospect, cool everything has changed. No doubt you got kids leaving high school early Ohio state top quarterback came out with an endorsement video, its a brave new world, indeed Steve all right clay. Thank you very much for joining us Ainsley. Thank you. Clay thanks a lot Ainsley 817 the show is after yours, so you.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-12.