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Candidates, Democratic Party officials are 'far too cozy' with China: Sen. Blackburn

2020-12-11 | 🔗
Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., weighs in on 'Fox & Friends' about Hunter Biden, Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., and Jon Ossoff's questionable relationships with China.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ainsley have a great weekend. Thank you. Iowansly Ainsley lets bring in Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn Good Morning to you senator good morning. Ainsley lets talk about Hunter Biden and now his uncle, who is Joe Bidens brother theyre, investigating him as well. The president tweeting out, I, why didnt the fake news, media, the FBI and Doj report the Biden Matter before the election. A lot of people are frustrated. People are saying we didnt know about this story. If we would have, we would not have voted for Joe Biden. Seventeen percent of Biden voters said that, according to media research center, what do you say well and what were beginning to see is a lot of buyers. Remorse for people who voted for Joe Biden are actually they felt like they were voting against Donald Trump and theyre saying. If we had that known, there was tangled web with Hunter Biden that he was federal
investigation. It is for money laundering for tax evasion that New York Post story was actually accurate. This computer shop owner, if, if what they were saying, was actually true but Ainsley. You had the mainstream media begin to say: oh theres, nothing to this. It is just xenophobia by Republicans, but look at this with the Swalwell story, with the things Pelosi is dealing with with Hunter Biden with Jon Ossoff, who is running against David Perdue down in Georgia. It is all relationships with China and in the case of the Georgia race, youve got this Jon Ossoff who worked for a company producing videos, and it was a chinese commune government owned company, and now he admitted he hid these details during the democratic primary he didnt want to get too close
to China. So then he amended his Senate ethics filing after the primary and said. Well, you know I did this work for this company in China producing these documentaries. I dont know if they were propaganda or if theyre documentaries, because he will not say hes, been lying about this and now theyre saying well, you know it was below his payment was below the five thousand dollars threshold. Is this another relationship that China is trying to cultivate? Is this somebody that is also you know? Hes also worked for Al Jazeera, but then he says hes not making money, so is his company a nonprofit, a profit? The list goes on and on the sordid relationships that democratic party candidates and elected officials that are far too cozy with China and, as General Keane said, we
are at war with China on every single front, except the: U Dot S military. They do not wish us. Us well were in this pandemic mess because of China, Brian yeah, and we should not be shy about saying that they still have not told us how it started and the w dot ho has not told us how it started, because they dont know Senator Blackburn thanks. So much im looking at the polls- and I know Youve- got to take it with a grain of salt, but it looks like two flat footed ties, so this is going to be decided in Georgia, leading up to January 5th its going to be decided.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-17.