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Buttigieg on Trump not debating virtually: We all have have to get used to virtual formats

2020-10-08 | 🔗
President Trump says he is not 'wasting his time' with virtual debates; reaction from former 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President Trump, they are trying President Trump. They are trying to protect Biden. Everybody is, I think, that im better to a point, and I feel better than I did. I jokingly said twenty years ago. I feel perfect im the leader and I cant be like Biden where I hang out in a basement every day. Sure if I wanted to hang out in a basement, I wouldnt catch it, but I meet a lot of people and I have to im the president of the country. I cant hang around in a basement, Steve Fox NEWS alert. President Obama T outraged over next week s plan announced on the presidential debate and Joe Biden announces. He will be there. Former democratic presidential candidate, PETE Buttigieg helped Kamala Harris prepare for last nights. Debate hes. Also the author of the new book called Trust, and he joins us right now from SALT Lake Mayor PETE Good Morning to you good morning, thanks for having me on Steve, you bet and theres your book right there. So what do you make of the President saying, if its going to be virtual, its not worth my time well its too bad? I dont know why the president wont participate in a debate.
All of us have had to get used to virtual formats right parents are, you know, having to deal with e learning, which in some cases is not what were used to well is always not what were used to were having to take meetings over zoom its, not something I think most of us enjoy, but its a safety measure, and I think part of why the u dot S is falling behind is badly behind the rest of the developed world on dealing with the pandemic is because every time theres been a choice between doing something in a way, thats, more safe or less safe. This president seems to push for less safe. I think its also a reflection of the weakness of his campaign when you see campaigns getting the kind of bad news that hes been getting through this month. A lot of times youll see these kinds of increased arguments, overrules withdrawing from opportunities a little bit of flailing there and its too bad, because I think the more the american people can hear two candidates side by side, even if its virtual, the better. Of course, the only reason were here in the first place is that the President of the United
States is still contagious as far as we know with a deadly disease which reflects the overall problem, and I dont know why youd want to be in a room with other people if you were contagious with a deadly disease and you care about other people, Steve sure, maybe the president doesnt care about other people, Steve and the campaign Mayor PETE had said by then he could have had a couple of negative tests. We dont know at that point its all speculation, but lets talk a little bit about the debate. Last night you prepared Kamala Harris. She seemed she well prepared. I understand you in practicing where you played MIKE Pence, you threw every curve ball. You could at her to get her ready. How did you get that fly to land on his head laughter ill, tell you. That was the one thing that we werent prepared for, and you know I was in the hall, so I didnt even see it and it goes to show the difference between the experience and the energy where youre in the hall and what gets the most attention on tv I dont know who sent that fly
in. I hope the fly is okay, Steve. The fly has a twitter account now Mayor PETE, one thing that people are buzzing about today is why wouldnt she answer the question see what you did there Steve? Why wouldnt she answer the question: will Biden Slash Harris move to pack the court, so I think what youre see Ing is an effort to use that to distract from a much more immediate issue in front of us. Look. The american people believe that the winner of this election should choose the next Supreme Court, Justice and Senator Harris and Joe Biden, and for that matter I agree with the majority of the american people that that be. The right thing to do, I mean remember, were not just talking about an election coming up were talking about an election underway, something like five million Americans have already voted, and you know there are real consequences to this. The affordable care act case is hitting the court in a matter of weeks. If it gets struck down pre existing coverage gone,
we just saw two conservative justices, Justices, Alito and Thomas. I believe, write a document where, between the lines you can tell they want to overturn marriage equality. You had Senator Cruz on before his book is about the difference that one vote can make on the Supreme Court. My marriage exists by one vote on the Supreme Court. Weve got some really important, immediate things at stake right now in a debate coming before the Senate in a matter of days, and we want to make sure that efforts to distract from that dont succeed, because this is one of the most important things that Americans are voting on when theyre voting on who the next president is going to be Steve. Sure weve had a number of guests from both side of the aisle. This morning, talking about what they thought their representative, how well they did? What do you think Kamala Harris was particularly effective at last night. Well, I thought she was terrific. She was able to repeatedly hold vice President Pence and Donald Trump accountable for their
failures to protect the american people from the coronavirus. The fact that the VP is in charge of the task force and were doing the worst of any country in the developed world. I also appreciated that she stood up for american troops. The president of the United States, calling those who served suckers and losers, saying he didnt understand whats in it for them. While he was standing on the ground of Steve Right, but Mayor PETE, you know the president has said knows what section sixty means and the way he talked about. Folks, like John Mccain Steve, I hated to interrupt you, but you know the president has denied that particular story right, but we know hes lying because even in the middle of Steve, how do we know hes lying well, because part of his denial was he said I never called John Mccain a loser and anybody with Twitter can go see he did so to see he was lying in that part of his sentence, but not another part. This was a guy back when he was a wealthy young man in New York, born to privilege, thought to
himself im going to let some sucker go to Vietnam in my place and pretended to be disabled. If you really believe the president now on this kind of stuff, ive got a bridge to sell you Steve all right. Do you think it has been an effective strategy? And I know your side says that Biden Harris is ahead in the polls for Mr Biden and Senator Harris not to really speak to the press. I know when you were running for president. You know you talked to all of the reporters every day. You think this is an effective strategy going forward. Well, of course, they are doing press, they are doing it in a way thats consistent with safety and consistent with the campaign strategy, obviously its a winning strategy in the sense that our campaign is winning- and I think you know the really remarkable thing happening now is how many republicans are coming to endorse. Joe Biden, I think, were up to two former chairs of the Rnc now and folks, like Cindy Mccain, really laying out the fact that you can either
be a John Mccain Republican or you can be a Donald Trump Republican. You got to pick one or the other, so you know in terms of the coalition thats growing the Democrats, the independents and remarkable number of Republicans all coming together, saying they want Joe Biden to be the next president id say this strategy is working pretty well, but were not taking anything for granted. Pushing hard youll see the president and the vice president, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris traveling to swing states and campaigning safely, because they respect the health and safety of those around them, but campaigning in person as much as they safely can to make sure we take no vote for granted Steve all right, mayor, PETE Buttigieg. Once upon a time the mayor of South Bend Indiana ran for President Sir. Thank you very much for joining.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-17.