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Boston reverend slams 'absurd' anti-cop rhetoric from Squad member Cori Bush

2021-08-06 | 🔗
Boston Rev. Eugene Rivers III, director at the Seymour Institute for Black Church and Policy Studies, calls out Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., for defending her need for private security while she pushes the defunding of police.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thank you very much well defund for me, but not for t major backlash after major calls to defund the police, despite having paid seventy thousand dollars on her own security detail. Just in the last couple of months watch this im gonna make sure I have security because I know I have had attempts on my life and I have too much work to do. There are too many people that need help right now for me to allow that. So if I end up spending two hundred thousand, if I spend ten more dollars on it, you know what I get to be here: to do the work so suck it up and defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets because were trying to save lives. Brian yup crime continues to skyrocket in major: U Dot S cities. Almost all our next guest has seen firsthand how the defund movement has hurt community. He is calling on liberal leaders to take action.
Ainsley, the founder and director of the see more institute for Black church and policy studies. He has been working for what decades reverend to get the black community and churches to work with police thats, correct Ainsley. You worked you and the Clinton and President Bush to do this. We worked with the Bush administration and played a major role, assisting in the development of the faith based initiative, which was one of the single initiatives led by the Bush administration, and I want to say very quickly because I know we are limited for time. The call for the defunding police is not wrong its absurd and ridiculous. It is absolutely aint electric actual and ideological crime against black people to talk about defunding, the police had the city of Boston has as a result of good policing, supported Bay, the black community. We actually have a
decline in violence because number one we supported law enforcement, we supported the law enforcement and they have got developed the best partnerships that exist in the country and function as a prototype. Ms Bush should be arrested for political and ideological malpractice, its absurd Steve Reverend. She is going to watch this tape later today. If she is not watching it live right now explain to her why she is wrong its real basic in our poorest black neighborhoods. We dont need to defund police. We need to support and improve policing, and one does that by developing strategic partnerships, its not a question of fighting harder. Its about organizing smarter Ms Bush come to Boston, to see the model that exist and, in fact, frankly, the best model in the country
im going to be meeting with people in New York City, with some of the staff for Eric Adams to talk about developing faith based law enforcement partnerships thats the model- that is the answer to black lives matter. Brian. The other thing is gangs the gangs they are shooting each other people getting in in the crossfi. Where do you start? Listen? I will give you the bullet points number one. The black churches with support must mentor monitor and, minister to the most at risk, young black males that are involved in gangs in Boston thats. What we did we put clergy on the streets, working with law enforcement, doing the outreach to the gangs, black lives matter, never showed up ever Ainsley. How many of those lives did you change? Did you save? Do you think? Listen? I will say this because I dont want to be inaccurate on television
in the city of Boston. We are well known by all the gangs. If a young dude wanted to get out of the gang he he had optio. The thing is: this is very important. We werent guaranteeing their success. We were saying you have an option. You had an opportunity and its on you, we told out of every ten black kids in the inner city. Seven are good, three are stupid and one is a real criminal that needs to go to jail. We went onto the streets, listen if we can get a national campaign where faith communities work, hand in hand with law enforcement. We can objectively reduce violence and has been the case in the city of Boston, which is a national model Steve. Nobody knows this topic better than you because, as Ainsley said, you have been working on this for decades, its a pleasure to have you Reverend Eugene Rivers III, the director of Seymour Institute.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-07.