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Bongino on riots and violence: How did we get to this place?

2020-08-31 | 🔗
St. Louis officer killed by barricaded gunman; Fox News contributor Dan Bongino weighs in.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Brian, we are back with this Fox Brian. We are back with this Fox news alert, not good news. St Louis police officer has died, shot in the head by a barricaded gunman 29 year old, Bow Hannah with the department first officer killed in the line of duty since two thousand and eleven Steve his family has released a letter saying in part he is a hero to many, but most importantly, to his loving wife and three incredible children, Emily a second officer shot in the knee and out of the hospital, the suspect is in custody, but no charges have been filed. Brian lets bring in Dan Bongino Fox NEWS, contributor, former secret service agent and Nypd officer. We want to talk to you about the myriad of riots and protests taking place over the weekend, but then we wake up to this news. You know Brian tough, ask yourselves right. How did we get to this point? I think we can all agree. Emily, Brian and Steve all growing up played cops and robbers. We wanted to be the cop right, noble wanted to be the robber.
How did we get to the point where our education and system and political leaders and our culture has failed this country so deeply and profoundly that now there are people who actually want to be the robber and the cops are somehow the bad guy. I mean think about it. The worst moments of your life right, if something, God forbid, were to happen, a crime committed against you, you are in a car accident, your child is missing, you are robbed. Who is the first one there its? Not your mom, its, not your dad, you may want them to be your mom and dad its not its the cops, its its the police officers every single day. You know these are the heroes and it really it rips. The country is being shredded. You know what do they say? Sizzles is a thin crust on a you have Cano. These are the heroes. I will never forget September 11th, right hearing, all the stories of the emergency services cops and truck seven, the Swat guys essentially running into the building. Do you know what I can never get out of my head after that?
That truck seven, those cops Brian, those were some of the same guys who turned out of the precinct. I worked in the 7 5 Nypd police officer. Can I never forget the idea that I may have walked past some of those ideas who are now no longer with us. These are the real heroes we have got to fix something in this broken culture. We have now Steve absolutely. You know Dan. For a very long time, people referred to New York City as the safest, big city in America, but that is quaint. Now, because we are certain liver heading, the wrong direction: the New York City, PBA Police, Benevolent association. Yesterday morning, at this time, tweeted this out, twenty five people were shot from Saturday morning to 700 a dot m Sunday morning. That makes fifty eight people shot this week, thats one hundred percent increase in shooting victims from the same week last year, and then there was a story here in New York City about how, yesterday the day before yesterday, 1100 in the morning on a subway platform in broad
daylight right over here, 63Rd and Lexington, a guy tried to rape a 24 year old woman and nobody. You know everybody is going hey dont, do that the guy got away. Eventually, he was apprehended with the use, I think, of facial recognition, software up town, but nonetheless there is a feeling that the city is spiraling out of control, and that is why it is currently impossible to book a U haul, because everybody is trying to get the hell out of this town yeah I mean this is Gotham its like a really bad dystopian Batman book from a dark knight series or something this is insane its attributable Steve to very real things. I was a member of the PBA as a police officer, myself, im glad theyre putting this out there simple when I was with the police Department, Rudy Giuliani, and to be fair falling into the Michael Bloomberg era as well. They followed broken windows, policing. You jumped the turnstile.
You went to jail years before it didnt work that way Steve you didnt, take people to jail for jumping the turnstile, the attitude not serious. Let them go! You dont want to take a cop off the street, the guy who jumped the turnstile same guy with a firearm who was going to shoot or rob someone on the train with you, punched them for jumping the turnstile. He didnt commit the robbery. This was not complicated. They followed this for ten years twenty years I would say, and all of that success as you guys are witnessing sadly, first hand with our officers and studios in New York, all of it something dismantled by De Blasio, almost overnight its heart breaking to watch Emily thats exactly right, Dan. One note quick on that subway note: he walls, a repeat offender. He had been arrested over fourteen times. I want to take a step back and get your thoughts too on the global look on the level of organization. Behind these violent protests. Now we have g dot, Op Ken Buck,
doubling down on Rand Pauls calls for an actual department of Justice Investigation into the funding of these violent protests. Now he tweeted out, he said the Justice Department needs to open up an investigation into who is funding these violent riots. What are your thoughts on that Dan? Well, after walking out of the White House for the acceptance speech event with President Trump on Friday into salute madness? I think you could see that video, thank God by the way border patrol guys who walked with me and my wife. That was not a protest. It was not a protest period. Okay, anyone in the media who is telling you that that was some kind of forget, peaceful, throw that word out the window. What you saw out there was an organized mob of people im not kidding guys. I know its morning threatening to rape. My wife will make you watch calling my wife, the B word think not just once. By the way that video you saw- which is my wife, I told them get them on tape, because people need to see this,
you need to see first hand from what my wife saw an immigrant to this country, who escaped the drug ravaged streets of Coley Columbia as a kid to walk out onto the streets of an american city in Washington, D, DOT c outlines of our White House and be called a hooker, be called. I cant, even say it because its a morning show- and we have FCC rules here- the things that were said to me and my wife were disgusting. People threatening, I will meet you outside of the hotel in the morning. The only thing that stopped them im not kidding was art, Brandon, Judd and border patrol guys who walked with us as we walked a mile long gauntlet of animals. These were not protests. There may be peaceful protests going on during the day and God bless you. The next day I heard there was a protest at the mall was very peaceful good for you. That was not a protest that was a violent mob of aggressive maniacs. Trying to frighten the hell out of american citizens because they had the gull to attend a
political event, Brian Dan think about this. So many of them you cant, get violent with them. You are not going to end up on top plus you have your wife with you. Forget it put that out of your head thats what they want. Brian believe me: it happened to me thats their job, someone is paying them, someone is taking them and then trying to make America better. They are desperate to get to you, respond and punch one of them in the face, so they can sue you and say: look violent Fox news, host attacks, peaceful protesters, thats, listen for as painful as it was for me to allow these lunatics to call my wife these things and to sit there. All I could do was get between them and her. They want you. They want you desperately to respond. These are they know exactly what to do? They want violence, they pray for it, and the best thing can you do is get it on tape and show America exactly who these people are. They are not protesting anything Brian, no one even asked us how we feel about black lives or anything like that. Brian. Listen!
We rolled that tape. When you there were, and already over time to think full circle. The american people are Outradgesd by that thats. Why Joe Biden left his basement? He knows there is only one politician condemning it and is he a Republican and they were sitting on the sideline and thats why you have got to speak out and I tweeted last night- and I meant it- you should have spoke out before the city started- burning its no good to speak out now. You are three months too late, sorry, Brian! There is no sincerity in it, Steve Dan. Thank you very much for dropping by and sharing the story. Sorry, your family went through.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-31.