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Big Tech ‘rooted out information’ that could have affected presidential election result: Kayleigh McEnany

2020-12-16 | 🔗
Trump 2020 campaign adviser Kayleigh McEnany discusses Big Tech’s influence on presidential election, weighs in on Georgia Senate runoffs on ‘Fox & Friends.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ainsley, thank you. Rich lets bring in Kayleigh Mcenany Trump, two thousand and twenty campaign advisor good morning to you Kayleigh. So you hear the story about Swalwell New York Times is not covering that very limited coverage on social media, about Hunter Biden. We know conservatives, including the president are censored, or they put captions underneath videos that he posts. They are trying to control the narrative when we log on to Twitter or our Facebook accounts, and so Fox NEWS looked into it. Who these executives are Donat Ing money to so many of them donated money to Joe Biden S campaign. We have a long list of them when it comes to the Trump campaign. Zero twitter executives, donated to his campaign and two Facebook executives donated less than three hundred to trumps campaign. But look at this long list Kayleigh. These are all of the executives with these two social media entities that donated to Biden whats your reaction, its absolutely amazing, I mean big tech- was the Joe Biden campaign.
Now, big tech is the Joe Biden transition when you look at who he has on his transition team, in addition to those donations that youre showing he has an Amazon executive, he has a former facebook director, a former Facebook Board member, a former facebook lobbyist, Joe Bidens campaign, his transition and likely his white House will be filled with big tech. They rigged this election against the president by censoring the New York Post. Censoring me who was just giving that story essentially and many others, and they rooted out information that would have turned fourteen percent of Joe Biden voters away from his campaign and a future presidency Brian. I know the president has not conceded it looks like Mitch. Mcconnell did yesterday. We saw him on the floor. He acknowledged that Joe Biden in his mind won the election. He called Kevin Mccarthy Kevin Mccarthy did not want to acknowledge it. I asked Tom Cotton where he stood. Listen. The electoral college voted on Monday and they voted, but the
president has also legal challenges and it should be decided based on the law and evidence he hasnt sticked to the Department of Justice and the FBI on Joe Bidens campaign. The way Barack Obama and Joe Biden did he hasnt fabricated evidence to get wire taps on Joe Bidens campaign staff. He hasnt started calling for the impeachment before Joe Biden even might take the oath of office thats what the Democrats did after two thousand and sixteen, so you can spare me the crocodile tears from all these democrats about breaking norms, theyre the ones breaking norms four years ago, Brian right. So what was the presidents reaction when Mitch Mcconnell called him and does he believe the fights over yeah? I couldnt have said that better myself, what senator cotton just said right there. This president, you know hes made clear his thoughts about leader, Mcconnell on Twitter and our founders set in place. A constitution that had a process for becoming president and one step in that process is the electors. Voting one step in that process is
certifying the election at the county level and state level, and another step in that process is Congress confirming the results ultimately ending on January twenty they put in place certain face for when you have an election like this with mass mail out voting, and today I would just note that youre going to hear a hearing before Senator Johnsons Committee from attorneys in Nevada, one in Wisconsin thats, going to walk through that this was a never before tried system mass mail in voting rip away. The signature match requirements among other safeguards, and you ended up with an election that half of the country does not have faith in Steve. You know Kayleigh, I know youve had legal challenges all over the country and the campaign has not been successful, but when you do look at the impact that social media had what you and Ainsley were talking about a little while ago, I mean it really was rigged against Donald Trump theres. No doubt about it. When you look at the evidence and you look at the donors, I mean anybody who disputes that its laughable.
I no one of the things that the president has talked about is repealing section two hundred and thirty, which protects them even though theyre private companies they get this protection, this liability protection. That was what he wanted to see in the defense bill. It sounds like- and I know you said this yesterday, when you had your White House press secretary had on you said he was going to veto. That is it because theres, no two hundred and thirty, is it because of the renaming of the bases? Is it because of the pullout? What is it well its a number of things, as I noted in addition to the section two hundred and thirty being absent, whereby the way section two hundred and thirty allows twitter to not flag chinese disinformation like saying that in the province that theres no religious discrimination, when we know the wegers had been tortured in that province, they can say that the China virus didnt originate in Wuhan and its not flagged its that, but its also, the fact that there are certain
provisions in there that dont allow troop drawdowns in Afghanistan and South Korea, among other places across the globe, its very much not in line with the presidents priorities, as he noted so its more than just two hundred and thirty its a confluence of different factors Steve. So he definitely is going to veto it. Yes, he is Steve. Okay, Ainsley, so Joe Biden went to Georgia. You know those two races are so important for both sides. He was down there campaigning and praising Stacey Abrams called her a hero, and he was down there to help John Ossoff, but he got his name wrong. Listen to this. What about the one and only Stacey, Abrams applause- horns: honking Stacey! If we had ten of you, we could rule the whole world. God love you! Is there anyone whose done more to make sure the voice of every George an is heard? I dont think so: Stacey Abrams youre a hero, youre, the one that got this going applause,
and we all thank you and, of course, honk for your next United States. Senator John Orsoff Ainsley whats your reaction to that Kayleigh and is the president going to go back to Georgia to help you know ill leave that to the president to announce on his plans with regard to that hes been there once, but its incredible to hear Joe Biden talk about Stacey Abrams, who single handedly rigged the Georgia election when she took away the safeguards Stacey Abrams, he said. If we had ten of Stacey Abrams, we could rule the world thats. What Joe Biden says. I bet you could, because what Stacey Abrams did? Is she rolled over the governor and Secretary of State, who did not do the due diligence for their state got rid of meaningful signature match? If you had a mass flow of ballots, where you used to have a six percent rejection rate because signatures didnt match this time, there was a zero point, three percent rejection rate, despite a mass flood of ballots. So I bet Joe
Biden wishes. He had ten Stacey Abrams. I guess he could rule the world at that point, its just amazing how he could say that so directly and not hide the ambitions, not hide the design and the plan from the american voters. Brian Kayleigh, I watched you almost every night with Shawn. I saw your press conference yesterday, youre more prepared to do that, and you know theyre not going to the press seems to have their own agenda and you also have these items but im wondering where Bill Stepian is where Jared Kushner is. They were the ones running the campaign. It seems like you got to be the press secretary and you got to talk about the fighting on the individual battles. Do you need some help? No im in good shape. I clearly separate my two roles and I love and my free time helping out with the campaign bill. Stepian is still hard at work and he put out statements recently. Jared Kushner too cant speak highly enough of him, but he does have two lanes in addition to helping out the campaign in his free time, and he also has Middle EAST peace with four of those deals.
Four more than the previous President Ainsley. You reminded the press yesterday. Why arent you cover ing that thats exactly right, historic, Steve and Kayleigh. Today you are appearing as campaign spokes person, yet I think it was last night the campaign sent out a fundraising e mail from the campaign asking. Should President Trump run in twenty twenty four. What was that about? You know. I think that they are just putting out that thought. They are still focused Steve. You are the campaign spokesperson. Yes, yes, he is still focused on two thousand and twenty, but two thousand and twenty four look hes the leader of this movement, no matter what happens in two thousand and twenty two thousand and twenty four there is for his taking his base, is strong theyre not going away the forgotten. Men and women are forgotten no longer because they had four years of President Trump, hopefully four more, but two thousand and twenty four its there. If President Trump would like it Steve, let me just interrupt add one thing: weve also heard stories that
the president may not show up at the inauguration and its a different kind of an inauguration going to be largely virtual anyway. Is the president going to fly down to Florida. Perhaps that same day and perhaps have a rally same day. You know Steve, that is the million dollar question. Ive been asked it a lot. I will leave that to the president. Steve give us a hint just tell us a little bit of a hint right now. Hes still got his litigation playing out as we approach January twenty so ill leave it to him well, see weve got a lot to get through before we get to January twenty Ainsley one thing at a time: I guess what about an election integrity? A lot of people are looking to the president to make sure that voters who went to the polls to vote for him or whoever they vote for that they know their voices were heard that everything was legal. Weve got this big election in Georgia coming up in January and another presidential election in four years, yeah Ainsley its a great question. You know this, president, for ten months prior to November three, two thousand and twenty has been talking about
mail in voting- has been talking about Jimmy Carter, saying it is the most subject to fraud way of voting, and I was with him when his attorneys came before him ten months ago and said. Mr President, look at what theyre doing state by state were going to try to fight this in court to make sure that the legislature determines the time manner and place of an election as the constitution says, and state by state. You go into the court and they said your claim isnt right, then you go into court after and they say your claim came too late, so weve really got to figure out what happened with these courts. With these regulations with the mail in voting because its not just the integrity of the election but of two thousand and twenty two two thousand and twenty four and beyond, because what happened this time can never happen again, Brian right and finally, if the president does in his legal challenges, all arent successful, does he go to New York? Or does he go to Florida? He is now a Florida resident ill leave it to him, but he became a Florida resident very proud to have him in the
sunshine state, but leave it to him in the first lady to announce exactly what theyll be doing, but right now he is fighting in court and he will continue those legal challenges and tune in today, at ten, a dot m for that Senate. Hearing that will be very eye opening Steve. I saw the Florida governor RON. Desantis was at an event in West Palm Beach yesterday in front of hospitality workers, and he said, despite whats, going on in other states, im not going to shutdown the restaurants, which was exactly what the waiters and waitresses and the cooks wanted to hear from the chief executive there regarding covid right now here in the United States. How does the White House feel the rollout, which is a couple of days old, has gone, look ill, leave it to the White House and speaking to my campaign capacity now, but you know what I will say is governor. Desantis is one of the best governors in the nation. He has made Florida a free state where you can open your restaurant, where the citizens have self responsibility where we all know how to protect ourselves from covid, but
shutting down. Businesses is not the way to go. We have a vaccine thats being rolled out and it really is impressive feet for this president. We can protect ourselves from Covid, but we can also have a United States constitution where we dont have Governor Cuomo, shutting down places of worship, Governor Newsom, shutting down. Eighty five of California, as several states, go to orwellian way of lockdown Ainsley Kayleigh, one of my best friends. She owns three restaurants in Florida, shes opening up Un Fourth, one in January, stark difference from the folks out in California begging just to keep their one restaurant or their two restaurants open, because they are all closed down. That says a lot about the state of Florida and why a lot of people are moving down there for tax purposes as well. What does the president say about the stimulus money because Steve just interviewed a guy that owns the oldest restaurant here in Manhattan and he doesnt have any ppp money that ran out in August yeah. The people depend on it look. This is an amazing program that the President put
in place to get money to small businesses, and you have radical liberal Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, who literally said literally, said im, okay with stimulus checks. Now because, in her words, we have a new president coming blatantly saying it was politics that made her deny the money to the american people, theres no place for that in Washington, theres no place for folks, like John Ossoff down in Georgia, who is basically said the exact same thing. We need politicians who put the people first put small businesses first, like the PPP funding, so people like your friends Ainsley, can operate their small businesses as we face this global pandemic Ainsley. She said minimum wage if thats increased to fifteen dollars an hour, itll change everything she cant afford to pay everyone that much yeah its a confluence of liberal policies. That, unfortunately, should Joe Biden become President, are on the horizon and will bankrupt small businesses and change the future of our country, as President Trump, of course brought us the hottest economy in modern history when he came into office.
Brian of course, in a half hour, well have Kayleigh on to talk as press secretary in the same outfit, quick, costume change, Kayleigh.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-17.