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Big Tech really, really wanted a Biden administration: Joe Concha

2020-11-12 | 🔗
President-elect Joe Biden adds Big Tech executives to the transition team; columnist for The Hill Joe Concha with reaction.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Steve Well Joe Bidens, Steve Well Joe Bidens transition team wasting no time getting to work, trying to lay the groundwork for a new administration come January, Ainsley and making Sure Silicon Valley is well represented, of course, with big tech execs from uber and Amazon on the team. Brian right here to react. Fox news, contributor media opinion columnist for the hill, Joe Concha Joe. He has some contacts with Silicon Valley. Why not tap into it? Do you see a problem with it? Not at all? Actually, Brian, before President Obama took office, many of the people in his administration worked in Silicon Valley. Then President Trump wins in two thousand, and sixteen now you have a Biden administration likely coming up. As a result, those people will be going back. Think about it. One thousand two hundred jobs need to be filled in any presidential administration. Obviously, a Biden administration, look big tech really really wanted a Biden administration. You look at sixty dollars million in donations from alphabet which
obviously Google is a subsidiary Amazon, Facebook and Apple so, and we saw the evidence throughout the campaign of that rooting blocking that New York Post story on Hunter Biden or fact checking the president, but never his opponents, locking out accounts of senior administration officials or prominent conservative voices. So look we saw the Ty tie, root for Biden, very powerful combination, Guys Steve. You know Joe. There were many on both sides. That said the big tech power needed to be reigned in and suggested they change section two hundred and thirty, because right now they have got immunity from liability because even though they act like publisher energies, many cases they are not something they started a long time ago to make sure it took off. I got news for you: it took off and theyre rich big time. Social media now in the 21st century was what television and
radio and newspapers was in the 20th century, its no longer just about people sharing pictures of their kids or posting their inner thoughts. These are where people get their news from these social media companies. Its a good news, bad news scenario, Steve look, the bad news is taxes will go up for Amazon and Facebook and Google and obviously section two hundred and thirty. You talked about that that provides from a liability perspective, protects the social media companies from the content that the users put up, but the Good NEWS is that they really did not like President trumps tariffs with China. All that much particularly apple was putter hurt by that, most importantly, H, one b visas, the Trump Administration limited that to only people make two hundred and eight thousand dollars within a social media company. Joe Biden wants to relax that wants to issue more green cards. As a result, social media companies can hire more farm workers less money, certainly good news. Bad news, Ainsley, Michael Moore, read this
letter on his podcast. It was a letter he wrote to Joe Biden. Listen to this. I see these people in the media and elsewhere, trying to take c credit for your victory, a using their personal agendas to push you away from the progressive left and toward the cowardly center. They think, because Trump got seventy million votes that the Democrats should now reject black lives matter, reject AOC and reject anything that vaguely sounds like ssssssssocialism. Please do not make the same mistake that an otherwise well meaning and well intentioned. President Obama made charge in there on January 20th charge in there on January, 20th like FDR on steroids and go big Ainsley Joe. Your reaction, Michael Moore, toldly, sold the whole sss from the Fonz.
He could never say he was sorry a little attribution. There would be nice over all. Look if im any of the Georgia Republican Senate candidates, im taking that and making that in ad Americans, like checks and balances, either way. If you give a clean runway from the house to the Senate to the oval office, all those progressive ideas around abolishing the electoral college filibuster ice, expanding the Supreme Court, expanding the Senate banning fracking as far as canceling student debt or defunding the police. All of that happens so hey. Maybe you dont like me all that much but think about the consequence. Fuss dont have this fire wall between the House and the White House. I have a feeling if you gave Joe Biden sodium Pentothal, which I believe is truth serum deep down. He would tell you. I want a republican Senate, so I dont have to deal with that wing of.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-12.