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Big Tech leaders called to testify over accusations of bias, censorship

2020-10-17 | 🔗
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy joins 'Fox & Friends' with insight.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Transitions I into youd, ask it: I have no, I into youd, ask it: I have no responses, another smear campaign right up your alley. Those are the question you always ask. Will that was the former vice President Joe Biden yesterday Help being asked finally about his son Hunter Biden and the dealings and e mails and everything that goes along with it so lets bring in house Minority leader, Kevin Mccarthy now to react and that other subjects good morning we really appreciate having you good morning, PETE whats, your response. Finally, one reporter did ask about the Hunter Biden scandal he didnt answer. Will he ever answer for it well its obvious that Hunter Biden made money off using his family name? What I dont understand is why Joe Biden is not answering the question of how much he knew about this family business remember six years ago, when he was vice president. He took his son Hunter Biden to China.
What did they talk about on that plane? Ten days after that trip, the chinese company got their license. That created the fund. That Hunter Biden was a part of. So these are questions. If youre going to run for the leader of the free world, you need to answer. You are vice president of the United States. Your son was making money off you. You even said when you were leader of Vice President Ukraine. You got somebody fired going after the company that your son was on the board for and now there are e mails saying that you should be paid by this. You can not avoid this question and this question has to be answered before voters should be able to vote. Will minority leader, Mccarthy. Let me ask you about the tech companies whats going on in regard to this story and what our response is going to be what your response is going to be many of the big ceos, Twitter, CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and CEO of Alpha alphabet and Google, with coming before the committee the next
couple weeks about decisions they are making more so as publishers versus platforms, and we talked about section two hundred and thirty- and whether or not they should have liability reform, whats the right way to begin to handle these tech companies. Is it repealing section two hundred and thirty protection? Surely its not having government make every decision along the way? Is it something more drastic whats the right way to handle these big tech companies? The right way to handle is, is to scrap section two hundred and thirty and start over for your viewers to understand. American public is wanting to know about this election. Your seventeen days away section two hundred and thirty was created, so the american public would express themselves freely. It is a protection, so people can go on to these platforms express themselves, and these companies are protected by a government law that they would not be sued, but now what are they doing? They are actually censoring. They actually went in and censored an american government website the republican website of what we had did they sensor when the debunked Steele dossier came
out. Did they sensor when trumps tax returns come out? Did they sensor the Alatola of IRAN, the major sponsor of terrorism? That answer is no, they arent even pretending they are protecting Joe Biden. They are going after and helping who they think will become the next president. That is appalling to me, and that is a protection that government provides them that I believe we now need to scrap and start over. We need a free town hall where people can discuss ideas and get information Jedediah. These are important questions that you bring up about bias and about what information distribution looks like in twenty twenty theres. Another topic weve been following very closely because last week was the Amy Coney Barrett hearings. They were handled quite well very markedly civil. In comparison to the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, in my opinion, but now you see a pil ing on from some in the left,
as theyre calling for Senator Feinstein to be ousted from her position, because she had that positive exchange that hug we all saw with Lindsey, Graham acknowledging that the hearings were handled very very well. So what do you make? We have this tweet that well offer as an example that says this is not normal. These hearings are not legitimate. Dianne Feinstein gave credibility to the process when the majority of Americans have been clear that they want to choose the next president and the next president should fill the vacancy. The committee needs new leadership. What do you make of this type of bizarre reaction? Shouldnt we be wanting lawmakers to be able to come together in a civil manner and hold a hearing similar to the one we just saw last week. We should- and it just goes to show they want division instead of decency. How many times do we see something when people can work together? When you look at Amy Barrett? What shes been able to do? She deserves to be on the court. I dont think anyone who watched that hearing would think
differently and thats the only question before us, and can you not have a hearing that people can respect? Can two sides actually hug one another at the end, that could have differences of opinion thats what Americas about, but for those people that want to drive division, and it almost goes back to the big tech they want to control what you say, what you think and who your friends are thats. The real challenge and whats scary to me is Joe Biden, wont answer the question: if he wants to pack court and remember America tried that once before with Roosevelt and it was rejected, it was rejected by the american people and about Congress thats why people need to go to take the house dot com, because Congress would vote on this as well. This is something of why the Democrats are moving forward, but Joe Biden is running for president and wont answer that question PETE yeah, the only chance we may get to get that question answered is on the debate stage and it might have to be the president as the one who actually asks it house, minority leader, Kevin Mccarthy. Thank you. So much for.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-17.