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Biden signs executive order disbanding 1776 Commission

2021-01-23 | 🔗
President of Hillsdale College Larry Arnn provides insight into the future of education in America on ‘Fox and Friends Weekend.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pete poet, on his first at a in PETE poet, on his first at a in office, Joe Biden disbanded the Trump administration, one thousand seven hundred and seventy six commission designed to promote patriotic education in schools. It pushed back on the idea that the country is systemically racist, that whole critical race theory thing, but the new administration claims the commission quote: sought to erase Americas history of racial injustice. Well, the chair of the one thousand seven hundred and seventy six commission and president of Hillsdale College Dr Larry Arndt, joins us now doctor. Thank you so much for being here. You say the one thousand seven hundred and seventy six commission hit a nerve with the left with the Biden administration. What do you mean by that? Well, we have a very fundamental argue underway in America. One of the things that concerns is a past. The status of the past is incredibly important in nineteen forty, eight, the novel, the doctrine of big brother. He who controls the present controls the past. He who controls the past
controls the future. What they did is make the past changeable mallable, but it isnt right. So what our report calls for is present the history as it is all you have to do is look it up and you will find out in America that there is a constant energy to overcome the many things in our history, and it comes from where Lincoln said it comes from. It comes from the Standard MAX for the free society in the declaration of independence, so today what they want to do is base the whole history of the country as a long parade of country as a long parade of racism. That issue will wrats them PETE. How will progress of the progressive left they want to do economically, politically, the classroom? How central is that to their agenda? Education is always
fundamentally important. It was to the founding and the reason is its how we speak to the future. What do we say to the young? There is two ways to go. The way we do it today. Remember the system by the way has been converted into a extensively top town system and the academic world is all you know its not all. By the way, there is some really shining great distinguished historians who have attacked the New York Times, one thousand six hundred and nineteen project, because they say things in it that just isnt, true and so God bless them. But the idea today is that there has to be a standard, curriculum and standard test and standard thats by the way, both a democratic and republican idea and the old way was. You should locate authority and responsibility as close as possible to the people who are vested with them,
and that means the proper Somp of Thesovereign of the school Sy is the school with the parents, and students and teachers are gathered. They disrupt that right. Now, its textbooks are chosen by a national, complicated process PETE, and then you get the peoples history by Howard and everyones classroom as the a result of things like that. Real quick. The report was not written for academics, it was written for the people. Where can people read the one thousand? Seven hundred and seventy six report its on the Hillsdale College website? Pete were out of time, but I want to make sure people check it out because it is worth.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-23.