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42 migrants on terror watch list apprehended at southern border

2022-04-21 | 🔗
Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas., on Biden's open-border policies causing a national security threat.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It is disturbing, it is disturbing new data and it shows what it migrants on the terror watch list ive been arrested, trying to enter our country illegally. Since Joe Biden took office. Those numbers released after a request from congressman chip roy to the department of homeland security congressman chip. Roy joins us now good morning to you congressman. You are slamming Joe Biden for blaming them for the forty two people with terrorist sizes sneaking into our country. Many more did sneak in that we didnt catch. What led to that? What led to the investigation trying to find out the true trying to find out the true numbers? You are asking the question that every American is asking right now and Jen psaki is dismissing bill. Melugin is out there doing such great reporting. He had seen something like twenty three or got information that there were twenty three.
We got the information the same day or week. We sent a letter last august. It took eight months. My office finally got a response. Back a month later for the detailed questions we had asked, one of which they answered, indicating that there were forty, two individuals arrested with known ties to you, know terrorists. They were on the terror watch list, thats a real problem. The thing is: Jen psaki dismisses that and says thats 000 x, of the encounter jen psaki cant tell us how many people have come into our country who are known, got aways. We know from the intelligence we are looking at in the information we get from border patrol agents that there has been some five thousand six hundred thousand. Maybe seven hundred thousand known got aways. They are the worst actors who come into the united states. In addition to the forty two individuals on the terror watch
list, there are four hundred and eighty that were stocked with known gang affiliations, to translate those numbers to the five hundred thousand or more got aways. None number coming out on a daily basis, two thousand to come across our border. Every day the border patrol agents can even get to what is disturbing about. This is the extent that they just dismiss this, as if we shouldnt care whats happening at our border, god bless bill. Melugin for seeking the facts were trying to do the same thing in congress. The twenty three number was up until december. Now we are in the april its forty two when Jen psaki says it is 00 x percent of how many are coming over. All it takes is one thats right. That is the truth. We saw that, obviously, with a tragedy in new york in two thousand and one on nine slash eleven, these are over stays. Weve got people that we know to be dangerous individuals.
It is not just the terror watch list, the four hundred and eighty affiliation of gangs, the people coming in with massive criminal histories, and we see the crimes committed to the united states, talk to the ranchers in south texas and getting impacted every day by criminal individuals. Administration refuses to secure the border, its on them and its purposeful, purposeful. We are in the middle of inflation highest in forty years. We are paying for them three hundred and thirty, eight dollars million on infrastructure. Ninety eight dollars million on dollars on utilities and food, three thousand three hundred and thirty, three twelve dollars million on transportation by vehicle. Look at the encounters in march the highest in a very long time. We are probably going to see higher numbers in april because its getting warmer and in may, when title forty two ends. What can we expect? That is the exact question to ask
you know Brandon and the people that I know and the people that I talk too regularly. We are looking at numbers that could explode from the current seven thousand or eight thousand a day up to fifteen thousand, maybe even more a day if they repeal or stop enforcing title. Forty two weve got a way to solve that problem. That is, the department of homeland security to continue to enforce title forty, two and frankly go further and turn people away at the border. The american people are tired of this im in texas. Right now, in the district that I represent in austin and san Antonio, I met with a bunch of people yesterday they want our borders secured. They want to get the federal government out of the way telling them what to do in living their lives, its a simple prescription for the future of our country.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.