« Fireside Chat with Dennis Prager

Ep. 295 — My One Regret

2023-06-29 | 🔗

This week, Dennis reads two very different letters: one from a fan who attributes Dennis with improving his life, the other from Arizona State University faculty, accusing Dennis of bigotry and hate. Sadly, many people who should hear what Dennis has to say never will because of false accusations like this, and that may be the biggest regret of his life.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi everybody Dennis Prager here for fireside chats number two. Ninety five any plans for number three hundred. Well, at least did you did you get to see mister terms that that was the least visible for a moment, He still in the puppy phase, although he even looks very big for a puppy. He is, after all, an english bulldog sprague or with the fireside chats. Thank you for tuning in as they as they say in america. As I know, a lot of you were not in america. Well, This is a not unique, but a somewhat different opening and it because it's very personal So I've been thinking a lot as a result of receiving tooth receiving a note things opposite literal apis.
happened in my life in the recent past and I would like to talk to you about it. So I have often been asked. Do I have any regret in life and, to be honest, I have very few I am very, very lucky to be able to say that my life has been a blessing, but I got a note. A note is actually forward to me. It wasn't to me was about. me and it made me realize I have one big regret its not anything I could have done anything about, but it is a regret. And I'll explain it to you after I read to you Note that was forwarded to me that came to Prager, you from a view.
Slash listener in Portugal named knew no he's in lisbon, Portugal, he is portuguese, and this is what he wrote. I just like to thank Dennis somehow for the way I have received from him the past two years or so I we're being in my early, twenties and hearing about rigour being a right wing extremists. this in that, but just starting listening to him. Now in my forties, I really I none of that was true watched All the fireside chats watched all Denison julie, listen to the radio shows now and then, as I was the five minute videos. The no side spaces documentary the film that I made without grow up, and so on so he's really, immersed himself in my work,
my girlfriend and cousin also got addicted after I advise them to have a go. I have also been a bit disconnect Did from religion since my teens but Dennis is applied. still it made me reconsider some views, I'm right. in his rational bible series. After finishing the look on happiness and understanding that there is definitely a source of morality and truth above government And while not being an american, I've come to realize how special your mail Can values are finally understood the constitution, bill of rights, and so on over all the contrast versus socialist europe where I live and concern learning? How so much of that is being eroded? Bow. a bit of random around here, I don't I'll ever meet denison person. So maybe you can thank him for me.
just for bringing some sanity and wisdom in this current chaos, sorry for audio my girlfriend loved his stage. Appearances anyway, just wanted to say thank you new, no lisbon, Portugal, so this really touched me Of course, I receive a lot of beautiful messages and am grateful too for all them and to all those who wrote them. But I'll tell you why I am reading this to you, so I am all for the man in the past and why this- triggered a realisation of what I said was my one big regret in life where he wrote that he ignored me for almost two decades from history. We used to his forties because he had heard that I was a right wing, extremist and a whole bunch of other things.
and I want to contrast this and then tell you about the regret that this triggered with eight letter sent by thirty seven. I believe thirty seven professors at our result of state university to the dean. Our president of arizona state for having me and Charlie Kirk speak there a couple of months ago, trial because, as you know, the founder and head of turning point usa. So it's like a perfect. Way of my illustrating what this regret is about, the dean Williams. This is from the faculty of one of the colleges of arizona state, it's an This college called barrett college that they're the ones who brought me a centre that is no longer in existence, since we spoke there by the way.
This subject went viral in america because it was a lead opinion piece in the wall street journal about ten days two weeks ago. It could of course, easily see a thing by the woman and atkinson who invited. Charlie and me, as well as a couple of others to speak at a health, wealth and happiness seminar. and she wrote about- having been essentially fired by arizona state for her being brought us so this is just a little of their long letter to The dean of ours overstay began thirty seven, I believe it is, might be thirty, nine professors out of forty five and teach at the barrack knowledge there. Dear dean Williams, we the undersigned barrett faculty right to condemn the hell. wealth and happiness event at that
w louis centre for personal development, which is scheduled. To post on february, eighth, twenty twenty three to express a vote of no confidence in the leadership of the louis centre, Then they go on and say that where they really believe in free speech, but they shouldn't have us back, there We believe in free speech. Of course, ok. We have objected. Ok, our objections to two of the scheduled speakers exceed. These previous worries, that is, of the others by an order of magnitude Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk, are purveyors of hate who have publicly attacked women. People of color the elgin bt community, as well as the institutions of our democracy, including our public, institutions of higher education.
By plaque, forming and legitimizing their extreme anti intellectual and aunt. a democratic views, barrett large will not be furthering the cause of democratic exchange at arizona state university, but undermining it in ways that could further marginalize the most of all it would be. Members of our community. while their national media profiles are familiar to most beneath our signatures. We have compiled sum of prager and Kirk's most recent bigoted and anti democratic public positions. So, let's see then go on to say how abandoned is: what kind of impression does it give to our by puck by puck? Is what might once again people of color is park and what is be? I buy
like indigenous black indigenous people of color students, the potential students to see that during black history month, baron is hosting. two white national list provocateurs who have decried cried the social prohibitions on youth in the end word and called for the cancellation of black history month and that, ok, so you see so they didn't want us to come. I am a white nationalist. Provocateur I hate her attack all of these groups, so. Now it's an interesting juxtaposition. professors at arizona, state university description of me. Oh I'll, leave to be charlie concern We defend himself by the way, just for the record, haider, Charlie Kirk. Do you know what he spoke about his entire through? three minutes. I was there. I could tell you the sabbath he's a christian and he was explaining why he is too
in the jewish sabbath into his life, one day a week from Friday night sunset on Saturday night sunset. He doesn't even use his cell phone just as an example Our people leave that in their lives, that's the hate in the meantime was speaking mostly about happiness since the subject It was in fact health, wealth and happiness, That was what it was about. There was a prominent physician there and Robert kiyosaki a rich dad poor, dad wonderful, human being and and very powerful book about how to do better in your life in terms in financial terms. So we were the speakers that evening so whose right that I am all of these things that they describe this hater, this big it this white nationalist or the man in Portugal whose life
has been immeasurably made better because of the things that I have said and in the course of my life, but they can't both be right. That's clear! That's what led me to my regret and then I'll deal with some of the things that they site. So you should know this in case. You ever hear of these descriptions of me, and am I I want you to understand. The only reason that I am even raising this is not to defend me, but is to explain this regret. What is my regret? I know that I have brought a lot of good to a lot of people's lives just after you one relatively small arena you may not even be aware of. I have done it male female. Our on my radio show every week every wednesday for about fifteen years, I have no idea how many couples have told me in person or in writing, that this help their marriage
immeasurably in some cases, save their marriage so
I regret that I am I have. Is that all these attacks? They don't bother me personally and all they do to me frankly, is proof that I'm effective. If I were not effective, they would ignore me. So the fact that I am a so hated by the people who have these views, like these professors, says to me. I must be doing something effective, which it is. It is effective, but that's why I have this big regret because of all the hate thrown at me. People like the guy in Portugal, the man in Portugal, wouldn't listen to me. Wouldn't re me wouldn't watch me because they heard how horrible. I am that's my regret. Not personally, I don't think I'm horrible for the record, but because it is deprived any number of people. I don't know what that number is, but its large of actually.
having a better life. Because of some of the things that I have written or spoken or broadcast or podcast. I use every possible medium to get my ideas across when I was in high school, and I think I did mention as I wrote my diary, I know what I want to do with my life, and these were the words I wrote to influence people to the good. I am preoccupied with goodness. That's my prayers, the patient there's a lot of evil on earth and I'm preoccupied with goodness. So how do you one explain all this hate mail believe it or not a lot of people dont, like goodness or they think they do, and they do a lot of bad. How many kids leave college, meaning then they went in and I'll give you one example. They went into college pretty much
attached in some way to their parents least to one of the two they have to and then come back pretty much loathing their parents. In many cases many cases may be millions because they have learned that their parents are really. Bad people if their white kids, they learned that every white is a racist itself ally of such grandiose city. It is it is. It is almost impossible to describe by the way it is white people among other, who are always say all white racists. Why aren't they speaking about themselves if some man got up and said you know what all men are rapists? you assume he is raped her cosy spy. On behalf of is a excluding himself, of course, not all Anything if there were a member of the all their speaking
about themselves- and they are the greatest racism by far in america- today- comes from the left- all black, dormitories all black graduations lowering standards for blacks. I can think of a more racist thing than to say: blacks cannot live up to the standards that others can that's about his racist as you can get that's cool Klux clan territory, but that comes only or almost only from the left. So, yes, I have this deep regret that, because of all the hate directed against me by these people There are many, many especially young people who won't watch one of these fireside chats Many of you have seen at least two hundred of these or a hundred of these or off Two hundred and ninety four prior to this one. Did you ever hear If in bed did I, say anything that you think was immoral or hate filled or racist. That's
A lot of time- and it's all spontaneous I'm not reading pre existing scripts, you would have thought, we would have come out. You know, very interesting observation again. It's so often outsider see you clearly in some. Is that what you can't see yourself so, I get. A lot of public may allow beastly at Dennis prager dot com, for example, aside from Prager you so my first days of relating attitude, Julie, hartman this young woman- that I do the Denison Julie, podcast, with they would do some work in my in in this very room. This is my office in my home. and she made a really hubs. Her face should choose then she went through. Maybe a thousand emails said: there wasn't one race esteemed fail: wouldn't you Think if I were this white natural is or white nationalists would reach out to me that you're mad, keep it up, keep up
racist jonathan, not one are they not listening? It's a gigantic. Unbelievable lie, I know about gigantic lies. I wrote a book on anti semitism called why the jews and the this national lie in history was directed against the Jews and that was that Jews would kill, kill children any use their blood to bake the pass over bread called mata begun levin bread of of the pass over holiday. was a grandiose lie. It never happened not once and in any and jews are not even allowed to weep animal blood, let alone human blood, I mean it was a gargantuan lie. Jews were tortured, murdered all the jew, of england were expelled. I think in the sixteen, century or or our be the seventeenth. I think, the sixteenth century,
maybe even the fifteenth I'm such a devil take back, you see, I don't want to mislead anybody, but in the middle ages, all the juice of england, where we're expire And that was the biggest reason they were killing Children to use their blood to bake matter, people can and spread. Evil lies and they end up being believed. That's what's happening with regard to me a much larger than me. With regard to america. Frankly, so my regret is these lies about me. Have stop people from prevented people not stopped prevented people from watching a fireside chat or reading one of my or viewing any of my lectures at her on youtube or my wife, for daily wire as well as Prager you and it. it's a sadness to make us if could have helped their lives. A great deal so
I really will. I think I should devote a make if you think it's a good idea. I really would look to you for advice but answering the stuff. Prager said Prager, said Prager said: Anne answers so I'll. Do that another time? Ok, I wanted, because Otherwise there won't be any time to take your questions, but I did want to share a very personal real. Jason of irene I do believe that my ideas can help people be happier kinder. more mature get married. That's a real piece of hatred. Well- that is the only one right now I'll say this one was a great one. This is an example of the hate filled rhetoric of Dennis Prager from the professors at a SU arizona state university. This one cracked me up. Yes,.
Along with wanting a man, the vast majority of women wanted to marry. Yet the left us. Just fully. Undone that part of women's nature to now is that hate filled, or why that I I want women to get married, ideally by the way. I understand not all can but ideally to a man. I don't know why that tape filled, since I would happily see about men and have Nathan is a living example of how much I annoy men to get married just for the record. Ok, that's the regret and you can help by saying too. people wait a minute. You won't even watch how about just three fireside chats throw a dog at any number between one and two hundred and ninety five, I picked three ok
or or any any of his videos at Prager, you of which there are fifty five or We have as work at daily wire there, beautiful series of talks that I give up a daily wire. And tell me what exactly is hateful rebus book, I'm happy Now that's a real hate filled book, as we all know so unhappiness really produce white nationalists. It's it's very sad, but you can help by by saying to them. Wait a minute if you have an open mind or if you even think you have an open mind, give this man a chance to touch your life.
Okay time for your questions, okay, here's the first one upstairs! Okay! Here we go hi dennis and anna. I have a really good question for you. I know you really well traveled and I was wondering outside of the: u s: what country do you consider to be the most free things by? That is a toughie? That's a very tough question But it's interesting because I just returned from two weeks in eastern europe, I gave a speech in bucharest, romania, but the the most of the time was with one hundred and fifty what we call prayer listeners- and it was my wife about my twenty fifth or thirty. If you're doing cruises somewhere in the world, then we crews the danube river and went from hungary to bulgaria. It was fantastic
I write a weekly column. There are one thousand of them by the way, that's another chance to see how hate filled. I am read any of the thousand columns that doesn't long there, all they average about eight hundred words, and I wrote a column that in some ways I felt better in europe than in my beloved america. There are there are people there are Americans, I know who feel conservatives who are worried sick about america and its suppression of dissent for the first time in american history Outside of world war, woman, woodrow wilson, the suppression of of beach in the united states, the uniform, the latest example a perfect of biology and remember what college is put on leave because he thought that.
There is an innate sexual difference because of the chromosomes women have double x and men have x and Y chromosomes. and he was he was suspended for saying that were act lee either male or female, a professor biology who buy By his black- and I only mention that because no molly. If a black professor biology is suspended, they call it racist, but not if the left does it it's it's, I hope that this man on my radio show for a biology professor to be suspended or even fired. Perhaps he will be for saying that we have different chromosome, so we're different sexes. It gives you an idea of where the third, seven professors are coming from. Philosophically truth is not an issue. The ideology is an issue, not truth so anyway,
what country might be freer right now, the the greatest Creator of bad ideas of toxic ideas is the united states of america is difficult for me to say, because I have worked my whole life on behalf of american values and truly love this country I mean love. I dont use the word. Often But it is a love to see something. You love ruined is a very painful thing, very painful. And the greatest thing of america was has been its freedom and the most important freedom is free speech. If you cannot say what you think.
Before you are in the degraded state. It is degrading that people can when people cannot say what they think. I saw this communist countries. People were were rendered in the sheep like state. So yes, think that there are european countries where you are free to say what you want there, most no european country that does to children what america does to children who say that they are the opposite sex, that they don't give them? What is it the hormone blockers they? Don't they don't do that almost every. In europe now. This is almost only in the united states and canada that, sir, that's a problem. So to answer your question: in terms of some basic freedoms we might hi. We might be behind some european countries today, that's a race is there
many other things that are prohibited because of the EU. The european union blocks so much speech, especially now with regard to science, if I don't know the status of a doctor in europe who says the lock downs were a catastrophe which, by the way, I said in April, twenty twenty, you can look it up. I said on the fireside chat on my radio show in a tweet and tell him that it was the greatest international mistake ever made. I am, I distinguished mistake from evil, but it did in fact attempt terrible amount of harm, especially closing schools to children, which sweden did not do by the way and the children turned out much healthier, both psychologically and in terms of health.
Ok, Mary go aright melody in Chicago hello, two prager interesting that you just returned from a trip to eastern europe. I just returned from a trip to poland. My grandparents emigrated to chicago in the early nineteen hundred while in crime how the only rainbow flag ice- What was on the? U S, embassy, that's right, I was part of the tour group and many in our group coming That is why our embassy could not fly it's true flag. Instead of an agenda. That's right. but also in tandem with your comments on families and children. We saw young families with their children, walking in the plant thee a walking part that borders the old city of krakow. And also saw families with their children in the main square chasing after pigeons with such glee. As You stated its like the? U.
I say in the fifties: well, I don't have much to add, except we experienced very similar things. by the way, the rainbow flags on american embassies and on the other, the white house, I would not want. On the white house Emmi flag, other than the american flag, even if it was a flake for something I believe in them. things that I believe in, but the white house is supposed to be for for all america, it's not for one ideological group, has something to do with anti or pro algae bt, its anti or pro keeping the white house quote, uncalled inclusive way. Is inclusive about having an ideological flag draped on me, I would state or on its embassies. adrian forty five book arrest. Romania, hello, Mr Prager, I've had the pleasure of seeing you twice in bucharest.
I can assure you those were the most pleasant events I was part of if you have or had a role model in your life and if so, who was he or her ideal, I think every boy would see his father as a role model but, as you said in your comments about honour your parents, many please do not love their fathers Still from what I've heard you talking about your father, there is the chance. You might be one of them. I did have a role model until I was in my thirties and I now urge my eighteen year old son to look for such a role model, even if its somebody in his life or some public person. Thank you for everything. Well, Certainly been listening carefully, so Yes, I acknowledge that when I was a kid I didn't have a particular love bond with my dad. That is true.
such a change in the course of my life as I got older, but yes,. he was a role model, and you know what having fun Who was a good role model is more important than how much how little love you have for him or how loving he might have been toward me as a kid not very, which was by the way, not not rare, for our generation, the world war, two generation. But he was a role model because I thought of him as a particularly ethical man. I'll tell you a story about my dad, I Wasn't born then, but this is the story my father married at at a young age or not for that time, but for now certainly very life refuse twenty two. and he had a child. My older brother, at the time,
and then world war two broke out and my the heavy being married with a little child was exempted from the draft. I believe that was there was the situation, but my father enlisted. He didn't think it was right, as he put it, I'm not gonna fight hitler, because I because I'm home with a baby, he thought the idea this repulsive and he risked his life for three and a half years either an ironically never ended up fighting hitler directly. He was in the pacific the entire time fighting the japanese fascists. That's a good role model? You do what is right, even if, if it, if you have to take a risk, so yeah. In the final analysis, he was one.
And that was apparently a played. I didn't realize what a role it played in my life until later, which is very common. I must say with my own sons. It's always it always cracks me up when either of them will come out, with a quote that they heard from me when they were a child, and I would have bet my house, they didn't remember it, but they remember everything and that in its and it's a good thing, if you gave them good values, I hope I did and by the way, as regards having a role model that you may not even know. Personally, I can't, are you how often in the in the course of my radio career men with care, philip, usually men but often men, but usually men and they would say. I just want you to know Dennis we're not in that far apart in age, because I've been broadcasting for
for years I was very young when I began, but that it is, started, pre early that guy's woods I just want you to know your father figure to me am I am. I thought first time I heard it. I didn't know how to react. Maybe it may be even the fifth time I didn't know, but as I kept hearing it, I thought. Could glad that I could serve that role in your life and then I into another realisation: that's what every mail should aspire to being a father figure a role model. Two young men, that's the best thing a man could be doesn't matter how much money you make. but a few can in fact be a role model to younger men. You have you have truly justified your time on earth
So this is a pretty unique fireside chats because of that that personal realization I came to a shared with you about the one regret The way we all march on, certainly I do and this role model thing, I invite every every young man watching when you are asked. So when you want to be when you grow up What? What do you want to do with your life? If you answered I'd like to be a good role, all two young men, you will have done the greatest service. You can do with your life she next week thank you for watching this video to keep rig, New videos free, please consider making a tax, deductible donation.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-25.