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To Pimp A Butterfly | LAST SONG STANDING (E6)


These takes ain't freeeeee! In the penultimate episode of Last Song Standing Season 1, the LSS Boyz finally take on what some consider to be Kendrick Lamar's magnum opus, To Pimp A Butterfly. While this is Cole's favorite album of all time, Charles is...not as impressed.

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LAST SONG STANDING is a new show from Dissect and The Ringer. Each season focuses on one artist in attempt to determine their greatest song of all time by debating through their ENTIRE catalog.

Hosts: Cole Cuchna & Charles Holmes

Producer: Justin Sayles

Audio Production: Kevin Pooler

Theme Music: Devon Renaldo

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The welcome everyone to last song standing a show about your favorite artists, greatest song of all time, I'm called Kushner and I'm charles homes. In this first season of last one standing you've been going to war kendrick, Lamar colon. I had battled our way through his entire discography and interpret to decide what's the greatest kendrick song of all time and after a small vacation, the l w les boys are finally back, but I have to ask hold a very important question. did you miss squabbling about kendrick? I did have the biggest smile on my face. I myself have been fighting with you. I miss talking about kendrick, I'm so glad to be back The vacation vacation was great. I didn't listen to any music, Which was just kiss like a her, it was beautiful, but I have I have something else important further.
Finally, for the show dino it is. the ten o seven. Now these takes wait for a little bit yeah. We get into this episode, how you feel, but I'm sure this has been we've been building to this. This episode for a while we've been pumping it up. I think it's going to be
it's gonna be terrible and beautiful, contain let one cerebral contentious it'll be entertaining. I'm excited that we got a break because I needed a mentally prepared to go to war, for you maybe kevin. Can you give us some like some like epic music, some, like rocky shit like give us from the latest episode only getting to the album that is going to rock you know our relationship to its foundations. Can you please remind the listeners? What songs pick so far,. Yeah, so we are five episodes in. We got eight songs each. I think so episode one we did get mad city, we both agreed on mad city. I think we have some regrets on that, but can go back. so to MR morale, I picked mother, I sober you picked father time for damn pick dna. I picked fear for
section eighty I picked rigour mortis you picked adhd than our last episode, which was mix tape, Lucy's and features I picked. Ignorance is blue. Carting than cereal and nostalgia. You picked untitled owed to the hard part three and control These are these. Are these are good lists? These are yet we way, I think we both have good list. I, worried. I'll, be honest. We have one more episode after this at all. I haven't, even started thinking about how we're going to whittle this down. I just taught the thicker barrier. I know I think there's like well, we won't spoil it. I think there are some obvious ones that can kind of just pluck off right off the bat, but once we get into the nitty gritty of like, like fear going up against dna or, like mad city, going up against, I mean there's it's just going to be it's going to be a battle, it's going to be rough, but let's get into them and potatoes, are right like I said these are penultimate episode. We ve been through this your trenches,
but in many ways it's all been leading to this moment, Finally time for the elderly, less boys too big, best song, of to pimp fly came to be with those laid you and knows when it came to damage the greatest of all time. Not stop stop stop. Actually you know it. You need to stop because you texted me a blogger spot up. You are in doubt, you you said to me in the text. You don't think too butterflies is criticised, many more ok I think we should try. Let's say let me save that for the enemy opposite, let's get through the episode them will talk about where ranks guys, I'm I'm different torn about my purse.
My per you're gonna hear my personal connected to this outcome, which I don't think you know about, and its can probably click free. Why I'm so attached to this album, but if putting on my journalistic out, my objective had its tougher than me just saying this is best album, because it's my favorite, so to be objective, but personally, ah this is my It might be my favorite out of all time our so we will get back to me but for those that have forgotten or listening for the first time, rules our double s, pretty simple each episode. We cover one album and are forced to crown last long standing that me you can choose one song of each album? The one we think is better than the rest, then end of the season we'll have a royal rumble finale where we're going to bring the best on three chosen from each album and duke it out it till we both can agree the single grace chemical mar song about time, but also we have little housekeeping freer, next week. Is the season finale so
later in the week, were putting up a poor because we ve listened to you. A lot of your have gone very upset with us for either not talking about your favorite song, we're not picking your favorite song. So we want the listeners to vote for once on that day, think go into the final round at guys, will money. Trees, police are eight, so that is going to be up on all of the socialists and you stop yelling at us, because we are giving the listeners of democracy it's beautiful. I call I am really excited to see, I think we know, probably the top choices, as for whether listeners are going to pick. I think it's going to be either sing about me or money trees. Oh, I mean this. This might be a little contentious of an episode. Yeah definitely cast your vote if you're pissed at us, for not picking your favorite song yo and with all that keeping out of the way it's finally time? Let's get into trouble A butterfly afterwards a short short break. This episode has brought by peak
with exclusive games that rarely match abs, big, ten college football's. Now I'm peacock look for a full, saturday of football with the biggest schools. I might watch college football this year actually is to get a soccer games anymore. For my daughter, I can watch seems like ohio, state, michigan, penn state wisconsin had so much more on peacock already up the big ten saturday night. If I receive for the biggest games in prime time, de mrs second, at the big ten action streaming live wherever you are. An peacock sat up today at peacock tv deca This episode is broadly by new and improved shall be power. Natura plus premium gasoline prefer permits inhibiting deposits, rob your engines performance and hold back from its true potential, but new and improved shall be power network. Plus removes up to one hundred percent a performance robbing deposits to rejuvenate your engines performance.
with continuous, using gasoline direct injection engine fuel injectors, because your performance knows. No bounds, learned it showed that, u s, slash the power all right, we're back and guys it's time to talk about the album of honesty the one that we ve been leading to four, so so long to pimple butterfly, which was released on march fifteenth teeth, two thousand fifteen. Its contracts, third studio album and arguably his most critically claimed body of work features. George clean, under cat rhapsody, snoop dog produce five singles. I the black or the berry, can counter all right and these walls dubuque debut at number one on the billboard, two hundred and so three hundred and sixty three thousand album equivalent files to get number to get number it it's a wild number, looking back on it, this being his sophomore album, moving that many units for a project that is
very ah tents and rich and not as poppy, probably a good kid. Mad city is even if good kid magic is not a pop album wild, but fear we kind of getting too like maybe someday, disagreements about this project. Can you walk the listeners? The concepts and themes of butterfly. Through higher. I went to track as kendrick is doing a lot on this album, but I want to try to get an under two minutes Charles cut me off I'm going to long, but so too people five, essentially the continuation of good kid, mad city. It's what happens when the good kid finally escapes the mad city kendrick, you know, that album crowning himself king kendrick. He meets up with dray, he gets, her and it kind of leads to this new life outside of compton, where he has money and influence any kind of feeling on top of the world as a successful, wrapper and but How did the main conflict of the arm, or one of the main conflicts of the problem, is that this town,
are being pimped and exploited by what he kind of he as uncle sam that the arms villain, which has come to stand in for your america's history of systemic oppression and exploitation, and the title conduct of pimp a butterfly comes from the contrast of pimp and butterfly and exploitation. so we, this dynamic play out in the first act of the album. Long as I can counter, we here, like kendrick, feeling, empowered and feeling like a king but actually being controlled by like a slave, just where the the contrast with the title, can counter comes from then we here in the song like these walls, how kendrick is misusing his influence and revenge on the man who killed his friend dave by having sex with his girl. Why he still in prison so essentially he's like misuse. His new influence. Instead of helping people out his actually working to supper,
them even more give yourself use your influence exactly as a yeah he's being selfish, she's chasing sex money in revenge, and this is in the context of the armed. This is like framed as the current coke caterpillar mentality in the not fully and evolved mentality, but in the Like an acted out, we hear how this mentality ultimately leaves kendrick unhappy? we hear most kind of potently on the song you he's. suffering heavily from survivors gill armies, hearing about how, as friends back in compton are still struggling, some of them even getting killed while he's living it up on tour and he's very conflicted about this and does not tell you, takes a pivotal trip to south africa, which we hear midway through the item, but also hopped happened in real life and really inspire the entire album. Was this trip to south africa is first trip to africa and realises thereafter like visiting nelson mandela's jail cell and other experiences there. That
should be using his influence to unite his people, not divide them, and so we hear this kind of new revelation play out in the third act of the album, which were get songs like complexion. You ain't got lie to kick it blacker, the berry which all have very clear messages and more positive messages and our common aids, to the song I, which is on the this. Album kind of like a skit slashed on were kendrick, is now in compton, not to glow, like you did, I can kinda, but now to united people. We here literally a fight breaks out the crowd when he's performing any separates is kind of like metaphors. symbolic act of him. Uniting is people instead of dividing them and then kind of culminates into the final song moral man which is like this epilogue, and we realise that this poem that's been recited throughout the album is actually being ready to park. The two I a kind of metaphysical conversation about leadership and then Kendrick reads him another palm about
caterpillar transformed into a butterfly, and this is of course, symbolic baltic countries, own transformation from this selfish, celebrity being pimped to a cell. Firstly, there are few nights and freezes community beautiful, honest I could tell I could tell your love for this album, but I really want to know. Call you have a view important relationship with this project that I'd probably don't share, but I'm very interested in hearing like why means so much to my best but yeah right, ok, so painless, for you, his album comes out march, fifteenth, two thousand and fifteen My first daughter was born the day before. our fourteenth two thousand and you're, looking caterpillar, a pillar mikey my very own, caterpillar and so I didn't listen to it. On the day I came out. I listen to the day after it came out when I came home from the hospital and so I listen to this album
for the first time with headphones on, while holding my newborn daughter and she woke up super early course, I guess so literally the nursery there's the sunrise coming out behind me out the window, I'm holding my new, more daughter and listening to this out for the first time, so that give kind of like the very personal experience that I had and then just down like blue me away I was so impressed with just the risk that kendrick took as impressive what he was saying it just stuck with me, and this is another reason why I am so connected the island, because two bimbo butter I actually what inspired by the creation of dissect. So I was listening to this over and over and over, and I was like Kendrick is really saying something. This is as like: novel, like complexity, there's all these storylines, these characters, these messages they skits the colony and with to park like all this stuff going on, I
There is no way I really going to fully understand or get close to understanding what kendrick is really trying to do on this album. What he's trying to say if I dont really take the time and like sit with it study, it write it like how it used to in college when I would study composers like beethoven and stuff so that that just like curiosity about what he is trying to say and we wanted to go deeper was actually what inspired dissect, that's how that like my creed, the show around this album and then so. This album changed. My life. Quite literally, His dissect changed my life, but also the just the message that kendrick was saying like it's it just has there soul, as I'm kind of spilling out to you there so many layers to my connection with this, album that it's like I don't share. with any other album that type I've ever listened to, like all these different things that are caught up in grain into my experience of this album. So that's why it so kind of special to me.
and my life and literally changed my life in more ways than one so and I have like It's not only changed my life, but then having that first experience with my daughter, my arms, like just like, Does that give you like a little bit more understanding of why I'm so connected to the album? That's beautiful, that's beautiful! I love this. Let's get too damn that's wild. It's a little bit of trivia that we do every single episode, coal, I have one for you that is mere dear to my heart and I don't think you're gonna guess it can. I go yeah, let's what classic anime its irish dunder in sound wave on king commuter I feel I should know this, but I don't understand any anime references, and I can't even get who are right. They were watching feast of the north star, which is like just a classic classic shown in battle longer so gay data is very funny to think about of the north star playing in the background as like people like
and guy it sound wave in all of these people are making. What is a very worldly record because, like that decision, these anime manga and it's a of the nor stars like a very violent type of like guy anime, foundational, or so just very, very funny to think of the vat, b what are the things that at least that producers are watching, but yelled yabba one for me. Ok, I got one thousand and one by the way I didn't know. Gonna teach me something about this album avant browser again, so within the city booklet for the album theirs braille letter rings, which are when you kendrick reveals the full title of the album, do you know what this title is that same, what's it say in braille and the sea booklet I have now. I d I do see I prepared. I do know what the previous title for to tumblr butterby analyze. I don't know what the full, what's it for one umbrella again.
it's got a funny you. This is like bad, even amending this cause. It's gonna be like bait for you, but complex commission, a braille translator, to figure this out and you translate it word for word what it says. It says a drink by letter, blank Lamar, which they cut beef, dup essentially is supposed to be a blank letter by kendrick Lamar, but it's fucked up and they fuck yeah. No, I love that see that's what head answer he gets. You student. I do you gonna like that line, What good are my second? What this one is really easy, which so elaborate released, a black of the barrier- twitter, oh fuck, it easy one call. I know it was. I know I used to know this, but I forgot our: if one hit at the time this
was one of the biggest shows on fox? I dunno he goes to rise, be hence in a real again. You ve got me he's got me, stop me twice our what's a what's your second one, I have one more after this jungle. Ok, okay! So I can get this one, but I love it when I call musicians. Final album recorded battling cancer. Dying shortly after recording, was inside by two bemba butterfly iconic like I could seven. These eighties musician, lifelong iconic, like I don't even know This is actually really good. I have no idea I've never write about this, though, have you David Bowe is black star. Yes, I guess so the album that was inspired. Oh she, I gotta know this idea. I read it at the time I read your blog is assigned to him. I did know that, not about that in what they got. If anyone out there has not heard David Billy's blacks are, it is amazing, even if you
like David boy, rejoicing, glistened above is so good. Last last one I have this super easy. Who was the beat for ray originally for a fabulous I think I told you that I think I told you that in an earlier episode, I'm sorry there's no way, I'm listening to fabulous rock like no, no certain but like kamagra, now nominate it's not, let's just say it's not as good as kendrick's version they got picked as damn that's. Why, for this episode, we we got some pretty good ones in there. I never thought I would stump coal twice. I'd, never thought I would have yeah we should. We should probably say that other fun fact I'll probably get to it in one of my hot or cold takes. But it's like the trivia answer. What is the original title for to pimp a butterfly to pimp a caterpillar yeah? to as a pebble butterflies, so much better? but you know why, as can be to pimp a caterpillar it, so I the vienna wise ways, on tour and kendrick texted her which is like. Do you have any like names for the album and she went to
book storage. He had been thinking of butterflies which, like I'm, not gonna, text him. Something but if it is so, let me go to this like bookstore, and try to find inspiration and she went into the metaphysical section and she's. She found a book with butterfly in the title and she took a photo of it to kendrick it that might be put Finally, one of the reasons why swapped any could adopt, but because he thought that butterfly the juxtaposition between butterfly and pay up here, way more beautiful than pimping cat pillar, which, like hampered, caterpillar, both kind of not negative connotations but a butterflies beauty. for area a caterpillar. It's on his way to brought europe. Yes, ok, so the reason why it was called to bemba caterpillars, because the acronym is to park
I've read your arms had not held out of life. You better. It's idle gain is a better database, a way better title of the two boxing's cool like it's erika? I your the too early to go into a hot or cold. Take here. No, it's not maybe it's more of an eye, but So, as everyone knows, this album, conical aids into kendrick, having a conversation with the spirit of tupac, one other point out so like the obvious to buck reverence but Just give you a like bullet speed, run down of how many times kendrick references to back into, but to pimp a butterfly you ready for this as its
Did you count this yourself claim? This? Is my sweet boy got his eye with your children with a half an hour? It's our reaction. As this gets out of season, dissect focus. I did all their work, so I want to take you before. You tell me how to take into account I mean I took me like: six months to make that season. So I just added, while the nuggets that I found throughout the season and then made a list gotta, again. So let's put in context, though kendrick seas Tupac when he's like eight hours, seven or eight filming california love a doctor dray in compton easy. It's been a pivotal memory that he has this first connection, with two bach I'll, have to remember. Kendrick claimed it to back this did him in a dream and told him not to let his music die? We to remember that kendrick birthday is the day after tomorrow
to buck was born june. Sixteenth kendrick was born june. Seventeenth, rail sector Uber to to a butterfly was released one day after the twentieth anniversary of me against the world by tupac, so there's all these nets. one day after kendrick is the next. The successor of the war is over. There was all these cool symbolism, we have to remember it to paper. Caterpillar was the original title, so on four free t hard. He should already discussed up about out for free, The the jazzy spoken word thing was very likely inspired by song by tupac called life is a traffic jam You got us into that itself very much like for free king kunta. He says made a past. Twenty five tupac died at twenty five. On this, you he said loving you is complicated, which references to baulk palm love is just complicated on all he says lord knows, and the tupac voice referencing the song name by tupac. Lord knows
foresail. He says if you scared go to church, which is first heard that phrases first heard unto pox rather be your edward on her politics. He says fifty edward salute, which is the tattoo of tupac or that the debt to that a clause on his on his six back, city nickname drops to pack on complexion, the back of the berry the song title and that phrase is used in keep your head up. It's the very first line of that song. You ain't got a lie to kick it the song but as a song called light, a kick it on, I kinda, redefines the inward and civic very similar way down pot. Did it redefines it on words of wisdom? moral man, obviously, is the big tupac rebel edition of the album and then plus other the fun faxa gave at the beginning. so those are the ones I have counted. Are you board? You want to know what I thought. I honestly why you're saying that You know how we always get aren't drake for having like this creepy obsession with a start in cash
drugs obsession with tupac is just as crucial the brok, It's a little. I mean, I think, it's cool, because he is as all these like very subtle things that you only know if you're, like really looking into that, then common into two back actually appearing in front of them, like that's kind of cool thematically, but he ain't, gonna creepy, It's it's! It's one, hair like baby. If he had like one or two less references, I wouldn't be upset, but that many references is too much, but it's a little creepy. I probably missed some too so yeah with that with that. Out of the way you think we write again to some nominations, clara, I'm so ready, I'm so cute. You said: okay, I've been struggling with my picks for like two weeks and I still actually have. I have five on my list, I'm going to just kind of like free balling here, but did you pictures and thirty seconds like what is really easy? I almost change one early this morning and I was like fuck you. I don't care
I am just go with my girl, like I'm just like it's very easy for me to know which songs on two people butterfly like so the year. Take studies again, I wanted you to your first are so the goal of each episode of last long standing. Recalling I determined best song from mckendrick outcome. This aren't you. Over the course of the season will do it out in our seas and finale, which is an ex week where we will be forced to agree on the last long standing, the single best song by chemical mar. I have first pick. I think this one is gonna piss you off call. I think it really is, but the what this on, what it dropped its needed
where it sits in the album its desperately needed. My number one nomination is heard. Politics was lying around like this. Like you, don't like the politics of course, it is, of course, that in what can now look you politics tell me right now as it it's long, but it's so fuckin charles itself than pure pop. Yes, like it's just that like the least experimental song. It's the most like as is the most straightforward, hip hop song. So it's just so you and you want to know what I have to say to tackle what I've been doing. want us to stay. One of us know. I love food policy, expertise, my thundercat sound way. Even at a beast. I think good politics is we are very dissatisfied. What I mean by that is that you have to think about what
who'd politics sits in the album. We. You are coming off of. In my opinion, a very very very stretch of the album because you go. I think I love what least theory for free can kunta. I think that's very like when I heard it first was like dm we're here. From institutionalized these walls. You brief, by on all right and then foresail, interlude and mamma is a lot like. That was the point when I got to that point in my re: listen also africa just how dense tat run of the project. Erasmus. Whole politics comes, I think it's, as some levity to it, but also. I think structurally what it is doing in the album he's that you think it's you think like call things The army and it's the hip hop track, is less experimental track. What you walked away,
It's it's not, I think, for all of its posturing, details of this violent world, its kendrick, coming back to the realisation that he flesh- later in the album. That's all bullshit, that whole that whole hawk, where he's talking about this is booboo and is boo, he's coming back to captain in realising, like all this shit, that we ve been like that I've been upholding all of their gang being stuff all of that violence. All of this These negative emotions that were holding onto is bullshit, but the way He delivers its hard to its heart. see that unless reading the lyrics, because you are like oh no- this is just like the typical this typical raw rap song and Actually, why think hood politics? Even to this day, I think, really works on the album because its kendrick.
Voting expectations in. I have to say this before I keep raising when he says critics want to mention that they must, when hip hop was rapid. Mother fucker, if you did the killer MIKE, would be platinum. I'm like here guys I was listening and a killer MIKE. I love like I love some killer. Might she like don't get me wrong? Like Malta, your rat bro, but dog man like come on. Don't lie to this like don't lie to us like that kendrick like no one killer, MIKE, not going platinum, bro come on man Actually, like I'm a little piece with you call like you came up don't fuck with hope. Politics like that, there's literally not a song on here, except for one that ibm out would be like. Oh, I can't say it say it you ain't gonna, lie its eye it's is just not a good song. I mean it's not a great song, it doesn't. do you like that song ain't got a lotta? Kick it. I am going. Tell you You ain't got a lie. I dont like that song, but you want to know what song I think is
actually not like by Luis favorite song out this project, like I get whites, in there and it's important, but I don't like it like. I skipped the almost every single time on my re. Listen after listening to it once can you guess which one it is, as I know, I like to outline version of I way better than they like I actually like Our version of I alot I'll, give you two more ok complexion, I can't damn complexion and burning ding ding ding. They have a key. I really can't stand complexion like, I think it's a beautiful song in terms of like what is trying to get at it. I just can't listen to its direct. The item for me in the worst way, but let's get back to hurt politics like tat When are you coming to my neck, you, your tumblr, gay or on it. So this is a simple butterfly, listen, you're! So let me tell you to postpone it. I listen you don't j under this. No, I I love this. Absolutely love the sign it just about. Ok, you! When you
picked out like, of course, trials picks decide, but this is like. I will give you some praise, because the out keep this in mind, everyone that come in at charles's neck online. the way that you just explain what had policy politics does within the album. Like tells me everything I need to know about: you're you're, smart, like you really understand so. However, hot you're takes our like, you really get it and you just explain its function in the album, like perfectly so very impressive. The explanation of it quite sure, like where you how you saw it without fit into the album, but like again, very very good to like that so great pick- actually love that you pick the song and I love that you picked it for not the reason that at first thought you picked it, which is like here, because it is the more like aggressive, hip, hop track on the on the project, but also you have to think about what he does to cause. It's followed by how much a dollar cost there. So even
you're still living this message, where he starting to come to this realization that, like you, boy, your block, that you're with Bubu little hole you went to school with bubu peace coming through with this very arrogant air, about him and and on how much dollar cost that bubble burst. You know what I mean like does how much you dollar cause work in out and if you'd, if it's not juxtaposed with when could politics, hits your ear you're still in that mode, where you think it's king counter, you think it's kendrick still like acting like he's the best put its it's the beginning of the first starting to slowly crumble and then once you get to how much a dollar cause that she complete we like them obliterated and that's why I think it's too, Secondly, a very, very good song, especially where It's no exactly in that's that's what I love about this album its ike, because it of course you get the transformation right, like that's the big
met a view of the album. Its eye. Kendrick goes from caterpillar the butterfly, and what really hard in music to do, I think, on these narrative type or projects is show that in between stages yeah, so we get like that. First run, a songs that you pointed out first three tracks were kendrick really like embodying that selfish, very clearly embodying that selfish mentality. This dick eight furry then into juxtapose that, with like the transformative version of yourself, like you, can make two kinds of songs very easily, but what's really hard is to give you the end between where you like. kind of starting to realise, but you're not fully there. Yet you showing signs a breakthrough but you're still kind of trapped in your old mentality and like the that kendrick in the middle of the album, is able to very articulately expire that kind of very hard to articulate. mindset of the inn between transformation stages ike, whether reasons I really love, this album hazard as a narrow,
as a story. Because, again, easy thing to do is just to show yourself before and after and not in between. So again, you know exactly what its function is on the album negatively and are even think the intro when, when the guys like don't tell me, you got, they got. You saying we are all aware shit. It's like, I think, about a song like, I, which the reception to I like a song words like I love myself, was deeply like wise. I took on this weirdo rap shit, you think of the reception to cancun to where it was just kind of like. I don't know like weird politics itself body, because its kendra doing what he always dies in terms of like saddam, it. Sounds this sound way more like a good kid city track, so it's kind of funny that, like on that, act. That sounds sonic more, like good kid, mad city, he started get into the widow rap shit of, like once
happens and the fight breaks out on I you're like a That's why he has the info on this because he knows when he goes home to compton. People are going to be like dog. You went to south africa and now you think you're better than us. You know what I know exactly exactly: yeah you're you're nailing ivory I've, given you gold, stars left or right here man, I thought I you're gonna come in just sitting on this album and you're. Just let me show you don't you understand them too, like very detailed level so, what's your number one pic, I I honestly, I think I can guess. Ok, I think I can guess your theory like I know which, through you're gonna pick, ok, gimme. What do you think my topic is where I think you will probably your topic before
yeah operate just right, I knew it. I fucking knew it the yo. U is literally cole cushion of catnip like so like dog. You have to go into you like going to you, because I predicted I want to. I want to know: okay, yeah, I'm so predictable. Great about myself here, but yet I mean it is like everything I love and music. It encapsulates everything I want from an artist for my what I want from a song. It's beautiful in its tragic but beautiful. It's like the back to me you can point to a song like you, and it's like her is why human beings make music like here is here, is like that we can only express an art in a way that, like, though, is like universally understood by this is why we create art
could you just like? It is one of the most honest songs. I think that just exists like it's so goddamn honest in vague heartbreaking vulnerable and I mean there's a lot of songs like that, but the way he executes it in a way that you feel every single time that you listen to it. It's like you know the way then I started to whittled down my pigs for this out because I had like ten to start with was just like. Ok, what are the songs that only kendrick Lamar can make I think you is one of those songs, its people some people like a rapid these bits, of course, but like the way that he does especially that second half when he comes in what that does that voice it just so like its everything that I want music, like I said the little big backstory It is so. The genesis of the song comes hughes on tour with Conny west. During the isa store which side, no ok
Do you think my dream concert in life was quite really is seen kendrick Amar uncanny west, especially kanye as yeezus, which is my fear. Kindly west album in the same tour, would be like my dream concert right. I went to go, see the easiest or there is traffic I walked in literally as kendrick Amar was delivering his final thirty seconds of his set. Must we twins dude what Do you understand that I wanted to use towards well and like not on purpose? Like I'm a kendrick, then I think I only saw lake the latter like a minute of cancer. All I got performance. It is like one of my I regret that I didn't plan that better because to see them and at the same concert is like amaze, anyways If you use a store, was transformational for you, but I well, I don't like this is like why, like business before, like candy, was very problematic, but it was like one of the moments in my life. One like this is what I wanted to do.
With my time on earth. Damn! That's it the call to hear cause I've diane I mean. Already deeply ingrained at that point, but that was just like while thou is, I think what I love about. This song is debt. you at least the chorus sums up my feelings about. You call which not a? U s, goblet perfect, but the other disadvantaged backstory. So essentially you like, while he was on tour, three his friends back in compton were killed all the same summer, and so he knew is living it up on tour and one end and then getting all this tragic news on the other. And he said quote, nothing is adorable as that record on tour bus and things happening in my home city in my family like do anything about it. It's out of my control of feeling all these things, while I on tour
then he goes on to say that was one of the hardest songs I had to write and theirs dark about moments in there all my insecurities and selfishness and let downs that shit. Depressing as a mother fucker, but it helps, though it helps and so obviously the you know, the concept of the song is him look literally looking in a mirror, and I just by himself point all his flaws of we get the cool narrative thing where you and the song I kind of represent this, you know transformation of the caterpillar, the butterfly all these duality is, going from loving you complicated to two to be able to say I love myself kind of capsules the entire journey of the album just get like. I have so many lines that I do lighted here, but just like, I don't got any like cruelty, actions because the song is just like, your hard on your sleeve, literally
but you have just these heartbreaking minds of like you ain't, no brother, you ain't, no disciple, you ain't, no friend and never a friend, never leave compton for profit or leave is friend little brother. You promised you'd watch him before they shot him. Where is your ted is on the road, bottles and bitches? You face time. One time, that's unforgiving, face timed. It set of a hospital visit and then saying my third surgery. They can stop the bleeding for real than he died. God himself said you fucking, failed. You ain't! Try like a. it's just it's life is so heavy, but that everything over I admire and kendrick Lamar the cut vulnerability in the bravery really of expressing he's very, very, very deep regret. Is just so human and I'll stop there before and yet it is everything I said is why pick it? It's only a song that kendrick mark and make its
everything I love and music is encapsulated in the sun. I actually think what works about you, I think, in the totality of contracts career, is that it's the rare kendrick Lamar. Song that at least how I would describe it that's devoid of some of the artifice. That makes it hard for me to connected Maybe some of his more hetty songs were. You is just the emotion like when in inner use when they talk about creating it. It was just kendrick, pacing, back and forth in the in in the booth like yelling and crying and come to terms with the fact that, like this little brother of his dies and he's on tour and and that's kind of how do I put this- you know when you talk about the medically the themes of like
will and lucy and lucifer, and the appeal of being this wrapper. I'm kendrick sang in interviews like it was all my dream to sign on the dotted line, and this is his dream and the fact that he's not even there to protect this child what is so so heartbreaking, and I think when I mean it doesn't have artifice. It's like at least I dont see in europe, not the new morality there's not these like five. beat switches. There's not like this ended its literally just like one man come to terms with, was it worth it was my dream was hip hop. Is this tore off the women and the clothes and the jewellery worth fierce, because you- Never get to talk to this young man ever again, and that is so so heartbreaking, can't listen to this song I'll be there. I can
What I think I listened like I've really, so this I'm alive. I have to skip this or not because too bad song, just because he puts me in a place where, like an that's good, are where's dislike doors, some movies, where I'm like this move He is so technically perfect. but emotionally motion so flocking raw. I can only do it. We'll times, you know what I mean He has a lot of the beast, it's almost one on every album where it's like it's the sad scene in the movie and the listened to it over and over is like literally just like watching the sad scene in the movie over and over. It's like there's only so much. You can kind of take and when I love just a point out just my favorite really moment of the song- is act wait, not even when he's wrapping others this moment between the first and second verse of the second half of the song or country
you can hear him sniffling like as, if he's crying, which sounding from the stories it sounds like these are kind of like real real tears. He was shedding in the booth. And then you have this like beautiful wailing, saxophone so low that site reach, into these upper kind of areas. Of its register, just wailing added there's just that five second moment of the song that you just gets me. Every single time began its ike Good sound theatrical, but I'd just on this song, at least it just doesn't and it s very theatrical songs and I feel like we could tell when he's being theatrical for effect, and you didn't feel like that to me, a really feels like now is just like me really expressing myself in this moment. I do my lasting on you that I also think is just so beautiful ease to permit butterfly to me project, that's pure narcissism and
There are moments in this where, like kendrick is battling that and I think to be an artist you have to in our system to say, like I have something to say to the world, and everybody needs to hear it takes that level of kind of hubris, but I do like the fact when he embodies his friend being wake you. Wait no leader and kendrick having these thoughts of lake is what I'm doing right. Am I this property in? this person that needs to deliver this message and obviously, by the end of the album He says yes, I am, but you were such an interesting record because he's already starting to think lake is this what I'm supposed to be like you almost so those lines and you almost remind me of a song like savior words like even back then kendrick is battling with em, the guy that really needs to deliver. My people- and it's just such an interesting thing. They come back to you later curing it with
in that context that he still kind of fighting is ten see to feel like he to save compton. He has to see black people, which I think is just what great art is made up there no bill so that's nomination, one right, good pilot sixteen you, but he got for never to nomination number two he's gonna be difficult. Ok, he's gonna be many people like damn charles, really
issue. Number two was blacker the berry. The deficit was finished. These businesses will need to fill in the spaces our city and give to my sister ooh. Okay, we're going there we're going there cause there's a dick. I think that art can be complicated. I think art can say things that we don't agree with. Politically, morally, I think one thing that we don't give black artists the chance to do enough in their careers is be honest, whether that honesty is We are not, and I think black the berry is a very, very ugly song produced by terrorism are in car. Boy, wonder zeal can louis it's one of the more difficult Songs wrap your at around because its I will tell you see the most urgent to me also the most under baked in terms of its politics, but you have this be ended, show proposes, and it's so dark
kendrick delivering this parole performance, where he, it seems like his book accords, are going to collapse under the stress of how he's rapid- and I love that line when he's like on the biggest hypocritical of two thousand fifteen because if you want to look at any of the like foundational lines of black, like of this album, I'm the biggest hypocritical As a tell you kind of so much about who kendrick is- and I think why it's hard to wrap your mind around with black of the berry, is I think that kendra wants to have his cake and eat it to where he wants to be a leader for his people, that's something that he's been constantly saying. He wants to be their savior. simultaneously, he he wants us to view his are in turn of like I'm telling my story it sometimes I'm like. I don't know if you can have it both ways. If you're going to talk about
uncle sam. If you're going to talk about the ways that the government disenfranchises black bore the way law enforcement. All these things you're talking about bigger idle issues. So if we go back in you kind of like what happened during this on the latter- line of black of the berry was very, very controversial. Let me read it for you. He said so. Why did I weep when trade our martin was in the street when gang being in may be killing nigga blacker than me hypocrite that when I first heard outside europe, screams kind of just like it hits the ear wrong. I think even in interview, I was reading sound waves like yo, like even he was like caught off guard and in billboard. kendrick ends up saying in an interview quote. I wish somebody would look in our neighbourhood. No net is already situation mentally, where it's fucked up would happen to Michael brand.
should have never happen. Never, but when we don't have respect for ourselves, how do we expect them to respect us? It starts from with. In don't start just a rally don't start from looting starts from within that, like coal I don't know if you like remember around this time, allow Reply was never upset because black lives matter. Black lives matter. Movement is happening. People are pro resting in the streets, and people were claiming that this is and it is its respectability politics I think. Sometimes, things that I've talked about with kendrick lie. That's hard to get arms around with his music, is that he's he's faked is very important to you and as a christian myself, a lot of the christian faith is about taking responsibilities for your own actions that You learn when you go to church on, go to bible schools, just like your personal seen, take responsibility for this. Don't you victim and I think a lot of people during this time would like your kendrick, not the time man, what happened
michael browned? What happened to on more in these are things that been happening for decades, pon decades upon decades. This has nothing to do with being a victim or you know things that they could have done differently. This to do with the way that law enforcement the government treats so kendrick said follow up. I believe this is new york times. When I speak, I speak for self first. This is MIKE spirit and I know where I come from, I know the hurt that I've costs families. These are my demons, which I find so fascinating, and that's why pick blacker the berry, because we, I think we forget that Kendrick is always alluding to the violence that he caused in his community. Good kid city is retire, album devoted to the chaos the people he heard? The violence he wrought on entire city and him happy to be saved from that. Of course, the follow up record to that is going to deal. With I went around the world and now I'm seeing things that
happening in my city happening across the country. How do I cope with this? So I dont think its right to throw out lack of the berry as this terrible song, I the black of the berry, what its wing is so fascinating, even if politically, I think a lot of kendrick, some music tend to dip in these ideas of respectability, politics which I just do not agree with even I think that the song is so this rule and just kind of every single time. I listen to it, I. What is it you like a tunnel bricks? I mean purely from a writing perspective. I think it's one of his light on arguable. best. Just though the hook the pre chorus lie all this led to our true after that meet punch line at the very last line, with the assassin corey The years is infectious, but also very very heavy in terms of the word play with their in expressing that the kind of the duality
but I mean I appreciate you- sharing your perspective- cassettes herb like when I like someone like me, listen to the song, and then I hear some of the push back. It's like I dont really like I have a place to have an opinion. I just try to listen to all sides, but I think where I came to How I can best understood the sun was after I heard some of the genesis for it again a kind of goes back to the same story. That we shared with you because he said quote when I say these lines talking about blacker, the bury its for myself. This is their punic for myself, because I still feel that urge. I still feel anger and hatred for the man next door, because I got it a call knowing that someone around the corner done, did this to my partner saying killed us Have you ever listen to this song as if he just the news of someone in compton killed. You know of his homeboys, its rarely therapeutic. Is he he's expressing
the anger of that moment, but also trying to like writing himself to keep himself in czech like no. I can, retaliate, because this is how the cycle continues. This is going to mean so he's conflicted, ease on one hand. He really wants to go retaliate, On the other hand, he understands the bigger picture like right. If I do that, then makes me a hypocrite, that dog all these things, I'm trying to and power my people and be this leader. If I go out- and I am involved myself in that, then the obvious I'm this big. regret. So if, if you take what he says and I get like the double whammy of that billboard interview and the song I feel like is what is just it. That is a one to punch in time. Where ya, it wasn't quite the time to kind of have that part the conversation or that retrospectively. That's what it feels like but I appreciate it for just again the honesty because, like you said
like there's one conjugal more quote from this time, and it came from a conversation about the song where he said that always for me, says I'm not the community I'm not talking like about the community or of the community. I am the community, Not to me always met like whatever my feelings are about my experiences, at least for us. Unlike me, like you, can't discredit it because he's feeling it. Maybe he go back on this feeling, no five years from now when he's evolved or sees it differently, but in the moment in that moment, this is exactly how he was feeling and For me, I just have to kind of accept that as part of his experience and just listen Well, I mean also this what the soaring does- and I think that, like here today, what people are not a monolith: I remember when the trayvon stuff was happening, MIKE brown. All of these early things from a family of like silver rights leaders like
march on washington and allay c p members for life lawyers. People who, like really have done the work getting into arguments because today, people had lived through the civil rights movement, not agreeing with a new generation was taken to the streets in what they were doing and my business was always like. Hey, like you guys, are legends, don't get that wrong, but it's a different timely it's a new generation. That's protesting in best way that they know how in well. Bring. That up to say is like I don't agree with kendrick. I still don't a lot of stuff that he does, I don't agree with, but like give think people can get mad at cannes. and chemical kimberly whatever he wants. I think that is also a kind of Beautiful thing about this album, even if I disagree with a lot of the politics of it, is that lake as black people as black artists in erica we can grow unless we get to have all of the ideas right
but what's your second nomination, I think I can guess it. Alright, I've got. Why glad you picked that because it was on my list of five them trying to to to choose from in real time. So I already know what the second one is. Okay hit me you're, going to do but you gotta ways as they used to guide. I have one lock, I'm gonna save pick to see what you pick. Third, my work is, though, wesley theory, the oh damn. Alright. Can I tell you something, but I'm glad you pick because when these theory is why actual number three pack- it is my actual number three peck, but my number three, I picked one. That is not my favorite song, but I think we have to talk already in terms of a chemical mar park ass, but I love was least theory and, unlike yo, is called
makes fun of me for like thinking this comes on the again again, I think, on on the same page, does I think we're gonna talk about other the I wanted to talk about, so my plan were beautifully wesley stick, and I wanted to talk about six longs and not overlap, and I think we're gonna do that so Wesley siri is fucking amazing. Let me just say that it is fucking. Amazing love wesley's theory. It I don't even know how did you even start to explain my love for the site, because start from the beginning. Opening sample is brilliant, semantically, brilliant, because We, this jamaican sam singer, boris gardener, singing refrain. Every inward is a star which every nigger his legs- I guess I can say is that they do so, but if it works on the- his whole album is framed about. This is centred on this duality right, it's! U I it's caterpillar! It's it's butterfly
all these do is, and we get it the duality in this title, because in on one hand you can hear it as this empowering thing you know: what kind redefining the end word and putting positive, annotations to it, which is what kendrick does at the end of the album on the song. I worry traces back. The lineage of the word to african royalty finding the edward in the same way that bourse gardener was trying to do with the song in the seventies. But also can be heard from the perspective of uncle sam every edward is a star. Let me in your talent, let me pimped the butterfly, and so you, that duality in the opening sample setting the group- work for the entire album and then you get like this. Come on get I think about. This are more like literature, and I listened to this. This album more like a movie than it is an album, which is why I have to listen to it from start to finish, and that's why this was exercise of like just picking sizes, so tough, because it's a fucking movie and light,
every good movie, every good novel gear winning chapter sets up here. Tagging. Is this the often sector Beer antagonist at it lays out central conflict of the story, which is exactly what wesley serious, does at first. One is rap from this perspective. kendrick when he first got signed, he's talking about going getting your money. Jewelry talk about girls and the other, the hook I've. You know saying I loved you, but now I just wanna fuck like that I'm talking about music not about a girl, it's about how he fell in love with music and it this genuine love, but now he's just trying to exploit music for material gains. You get that in the first half the second verse we meet p raps and herbs perspective of the villain uncle sam, Pimping kendrick does young immature a pillar for you know, region, to go into all the ways that white america
british america explains talent, but it's there he's playing that character on uncle sam on that second verse, and then we get the doktor theresa like I can just go on because doctor Dre ties into the end of good kid bad city. This is the first time on to butterflies, just like from a narrative, Speculative. From a storytelling perspective, the song is just brilliant: there's not a wasted verse, not a wasted word at all kind of sets up entire album, not diminish. Just the sonic of is fucking, so good. The george Singing like this weird, like fuckin, what's they say the metaphysically muttering berkeley, Baba blah- or this is like We now have a reason now have: is money go back home? I love I've been going on, I think kendrick is just so good tat is. Buildings, layer after layer on a song, and this is a song where it's just like-
Something new is happening every couple of seconds it all works. I just man, I'm so happy, picks, focused ok, I'm glad you that you are either you're gonna shit on this big waves- and I didn't it was gonna, be my third pick, but I'm doing ike sacrificing. My third pick again don't talk. A lot of people are going to be like You know what it is. What like daughter so Abby like this is this is to me, is one of the top three songs on the entire project, easily yeah, I think so. I'm so, unless the song of the can very excited to talk about it, Can I also say that I think what disarm does too. Is that. I think a lot of times we talk about a pebble butterfly, we complicate what it actually is which is like to come. But if the classics off We're album where it's like the artist is fake, this now and has money, but I think the layer that it adds to that story is that kendrick for the first time is traveling the world.
Or like really really, he gets to go to africa by theirs. thing that's happening and I think it happens with a lot of african americans. Especially, is this idea of that lake successes, a curse in that, when you get more money, when you get more prestige, will get more access to have his guilt on your back Now is like a need to give back when you listen to the end of mortal man right there. It so forty. The dichotomy of two saying that there is based, gonna be this reckoning where poor people are going to stand up and eat the wretch, while also parking not being able to grapple with the south. The fact that he himself is which, and now he might also be part of the problem, because he's like nor with this is like I'm helping now, I think is, so fascinating that it ends on mortal men, but it starts with wesley's theory, which is so much about kendrick being like. I have
All this money now doktor dray is telling me at the end. The hard part is keeping it and when you get to a sound like you, the realisation that, like I chased this babe, I chased is money and when this boundaries person in my life needed me the alert of money, the alert of Lucy. All of these things kept me from doing the work at the moment. One thing I could do at that point its Should you like? I, don't just starting off with a record this dense, but doesn't sound like that its views, Breezy, it's very easy to listen to is just I can doctor. About how good wesley's theory is as an introduction to this up. yeah I mean even just like the bravery of starting the sophomore album after good kid messy with is totally different, sound you're, pretty by flying load is sound waves. Thundercats flipper, like that standard, baseline is incredible:
it's the I just love the statement that it makes and not to mention it's just a perfect song in terms of you just looking at it as as as as I quite often do, is to studying it for its kind of narrative components and thematic components, opponents and what its doing functionally issues. It's perfect. I can't think of a more perfect opening song, if we just talking about a net, if concept album and how one would that that up it's hard, think of another song. That tops was this theory just an and if thinking about a best kendrick song the components that we lay down This first episode of the season, where we're talking about concept, lire delivery of the matter stuff, but also great duck shit like it just hit all those all those marks it out, I'm looking for and in it I saw, that you could handsome won and note. This is representation of what kendrick mar does and what he means it. So,
ray it's like every lead? I love this on its own. It can, I also say I love the transition from the All right the course, and then, he comes in and like the heart It is keeping my fucking like with your house who are carved out or have you will have a yellow? It's not like there's. Somebody points were like the transitions from like hot diversity refrains to samples is I believe both the very opposite. I'm going to give you all a little ad break and then we're going to come back for round three cause me and call her cooking will be back soon. This it is broadly by new and improved shall be power. Natura plus premium gasoline prefer permits inhibiting deposits, rob your engines performance and hold back from its true potential, but new and improved shall be power. Network plus, removes up to one hundred percent a performance robbing deposits to rejuvenate your engines performance.
With continuous using gasoline direct injection engine fuel injectors because your performance knows no bounds. Learning! It showed that, u s, slash the power. Oh right- we're back and its time for the final song nominations principle butterfly. To recap, round, One call picked you. I picked hood politics from two co wednesday, theory, and I picked placard berry and for three I'm through myself on the sword here? Thank you. I'm picking, alright. Alright, it's not my favorite. Song of this problem is not even my top three. I just felt the greatest chemical mar song podcast, one of us at some point. We're going to have to talk about all right
ass, my life, my god. We could have agreed on this, because I had the same conflicting feeling where I know it did. I know what a represents. I know it's important but It is just not my favorite song its, I mean, I listen to it every time and I like it, I loved the song, but it just. Is it just now inflicted about it. But I am glad that you took you took this. interface here and we have cars, we have to talk about it. It's that is a really important song. Can I give you my trolling for super this episode? Oh gosh, okay. Alright, I don't think this is actually that controversial ago. I think all right. Fundamentally change the successive alright, fundamentally change. The way we talk about to prove a butterfly. I wouldn't I vividly remember, went to pimple butterfly dropped, I'm not talking about like glee, I'm talking about like
people, I know rap twitter people are going in on this album. I don't like a lot of people understood the album on a lot of people, even people who understood These are just layman who understood even liked it all right. Happens and it becomes as rallying thing like when you're in the streets protesting against least brutality all right. Comes this song, the everybody's, like we gonna, be all right. The the girl the irony of all right is that it's not really a protest on the closest gets is like we hate pope I want to tell us that in the street both show, but it's the whole song to me did it feel as if it was supposed be about protest is just one of those things that it becomes one and I think, that's honestly some of the best protest, songs, jenny, We are made to be protests, arms, there's just something emotionally in the spirit of it at the rear. I use this for my trode received thing is that I think that two people butterfly
but what, if forgotten this album? That's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is, after all, right basically be Comes the song of that year, it becomes that song of this moment people go back to to pimp a butterfly give it a second listen in a way. I truly do not remember them doing, because we have to realize if we're going in terms like the singles awful to pimple butterfly here. Got to so many singles before you re all right. There was I there is the berry, there was king kunta, then there was all right it. I like I'm. I, the black of bearing, can to you kill me for saying this. Those I dont think those Conversely, what tv or kendrick expected them to do I wouldn't I don't think you're wrong at this hour- is just not for singles. That's he's kind goes into my point about all right as like to your point,
This thing out, almost out of his own control out of kendrick control becomes a moment, but it every really dissect the song he's not sacrificing like everything about this album in terms of like nay, its name, if function were every song does what every verse does. I feel like it's as most and untamed, album it's too. He didn't like every. Even all the singles survey narrative function and we know that kendrick will leave off size, even if their good songs it didn't. The narrative, I think, that's the most. Extreme onto the butterfly, which is really whites hard to just pluck out one song offered up on it, played as a single and it's gonna to it's gonna work. This out miss best experience from front back at the dutch. The way created it anyway. you dig into all right. The first verse is like all narrative. He says wake up. I recognize you looking for at me for the paper. This comes off the heel Have you he's referencing? waking up in that hotel room and
recognizing uncle SAM is pimping. Him, then inlet First to he introduces the second villain of album Lucy lucifer wraps from her. active in the same syntax of uncle sam does so we like doing very heavy narrative work in the verses of the song, which is why it always so funny to me when he actually listened to the entire song outside adjust the refrain of we gonna be all right. It's protests on mike- it's just not it's it's I I think the pre course does do it does ear when he says that we The Popo want to kill us dead in the streets, full show nigga, I'm at the preacher's door. My knees get weak and my gun might blow, but we gonna be alright. I think like, if you take the prequel if you take the core, is I do get why it became the area and it is a rallying cry, but I agree with you the first to start with what you want. You are how your car forty acres in a mule up, he piano qatar, that's literally just came continuing what he had been narrative leah, doing it
our album. So what I picked this because it is important song in his discography, because what I say, I think it saved the reputation of to butterfly. That's not me it seems that, in terms of like I was gonna forgotten I to it saved that a lot of people listen to all right. After being, miss streets and chanting. It get wet back to the album with different years and were Oh, ok, I know I understand what he was trying to do with this project, Yeah I mean it does painted in a more like. Almost more how to pull light right because it does like the refrain is hopeful its ground. it hope, and so you think that the entire album that with the entire out misdoing. So I They get kind of. can give you the wrong conception of what pimp, butterflies and who even kendrick bar is right. Leg. reform the song on top of a cop car, you know I'm bt, which famously got pushed back from fox news, and you know it
Do you think the album cover it's like him and his homeboys in front of the white house like knocking out a white judge. You know like there's so much and then you think of the versus the blacker, the berry words he just going in on white america and so so much of this outcome is computational right in and really, I think, kind of like call the attack on white america, but stiffly like calling it out in curve. It kind of highly adding, obviously all the negative. Components or or things that happen. Because of these policies that have been you know historically marginalizing his community legal. and all of that I think, would you point about all right kind of I do know that that is that doesn't make sense like it almost like colors the. differently in maybe in a way that it shouldn't. I I think this goes back to like.
Sometimes why it's hard for me to really really champion. This is hendricks best album, because I do agree with you wear this comes out, at a time when white america is basically looking for a piece of our. Not just white america. A lot of america is looking for a concise piece of art that can kind of tell them that ironically, it's going to be all right, but can kind of contractual lies so much of the chaos, I think we rachel actively think of depends butterfly as lake very very. protests heavy, like police brutality record when it's not it's very much. A record about kent come to terms with MIKE what he's possibility, is to combat in after becoming rich and success. swore and leaving in going to south africa and like
what he's role is and can he saved his people in this very, very specific way. But after all right, I think wretch who actively we think of to pump a butterfly. I, as representational of the black lives matter movement and of those points just that summer, in a way we're it's not really that, though, to people butterflies, very much continuation of like kendrick personal journey and A lot of you might get mad at us saying that But I always am signal to pimp the butterflies about kendrick located, so this is like my. This is why we actually think art is so important for this, because to your point, actually like it's more. Born for me from where I am from what why look like to hear kendall, be himself talk about his personal experience, more than it is like me needing some like comfortable figure to like some come.
well quietly, like frankly, brought black man took to look too to give me this, like part, felt heartwarming we be alright optimistic kind of in tax like I know a lot of white people are a kind of attracted to those characters that make you comfortable as a white person like this dynamic, a black and white why this is so important to about jack, and this is what I really learned. I really dissecting music, as I know it they probably it was initially tracked it to him. For that reason, but when really dig into his music. It is personally so personal like we explained on you like, I think it for me at least it's very important to hear some. Expressing the emotions. more than it is like them trying to liver, some like concise message of ike. Here's how we fix things like just a here, the rock experience of some one that is not like you from somewhere. That is not like where you grew up. I for me as like way more important than yet someone
and deliver us purposely dislike. This concise message of Ike hears the solutions to all the problems. Like I utter like that, doesn't make sense, you think that's where we get some like Mr Miranda. Big step is where I think kendrick for years, especially after dm, especially after pulitzer, is getting there at sea, because it's like so much of his career now has been pivotal in, Popular consciousness, yeah yeah him being this figure of like we'll know, you dropped out you're, the guy. You dropped all right like rats, you aren't him being like you do like, as if you once again. Dude? If you listen to these walls, you're, like yeah man, guess. A culture we also realise kendrick is capable of some fucked up shit like this. You know that last verse of these walls, like I'm just like oh wow, kendrick ease a demon then I'd say that working open, global ache. We tell you. I do not believe kendrick,
I believe that last verse, until MR brok came out, I thought it was just like playing playing out a hypothetical situation. Now, I'm a hundred per cent tickets, real situation. That actually happened. Did you Did you always think it true or like with did you're right now. I do black out. I knew but like I think, because, like I'm, I'm sorry acceptable to the legend of conjugal more in a way that I think, like he's himself trying to secure successfully maybe not where it's like. Once again, I think people have this way like if we talk about mortal men, Why we're kendrick is just like him, Billy Jean? Do you really think you touch them? Kids, I'm like wow like like kendrick, Lamar is way messier of a figure. His party a way messier than we give him credit for, but because he is written at least much transformational music. I think sometimes we like
wipe our memory of the mess your stuff and be like nobody like it so much more complicated than that. but a simple narrative that we kind of think about kendrick in the popular consciousness, which I think again to your point. Mr morale is like very consciously trying to say no like not I not that I was maybe I was trying to be that before get a lot of this, like we have have to admit like he is trying to be that person on this album. Oh you, you convinced me, I didn't believe you for awhile and then going back to listen to mortal man. I'm like oh, okay, yeah, I mean he's compared to like nelson mandela, like it's like he's, I a genuine think he was like trying to be in that conversation or or earlier he thought that was the position god was putting him in. I do think believe that when you anything about these kind of the folk lore legend of the two, our dream, and all these things about him like being a profit like all that kind of stuff. I really do, and at this time period I do think he was thought that that was his
is, and he said it s an interview psyche. I do think you think that's why he was put on earth in this time and twenty fifteen, and but it's him like trying to read it's always him trying to reckon with that position, and never really like being that person always him trying to like. Am I this person questioning it? I'd like this? This is this is why the people need. This was great. You have one more nomination budget. I already know it's either going to be how much it costs or mortal men so just pick, Yes, it is how much of dollar cost. I like mortal man, but I think I think, if we judge talking about the song itself, because mortal man like the whole skit. So I give your technically counting that I can see why you make that case, but as if, just as they stand alone song, I think how much dollar cost is so so still disbelief building stem gripped. My key staring at me. I started gonna, try to leave to tell me why you like how much darker ass. I love this because, like
It's essentially like a biblical parable right leg. It's it's like mary, philosophical nature, its in the title. How much dollar causes a question about wealth? how we value things. What we value, how much Our value kind of systems are relic if like how much a dog, what a dollar means to use different from you know what a dollar means to someone else. and so I just love like he may this kind of self contained. Parable you something you can just think about rights based on a real experience, but of him I think everyone knows, but essentially it's him going. this gas station. This man ass, a verb change or dollar kendrick refuses cut. bubbles up all these insecurities about why I'm going to give him a dollar and then the revelation is at the homeless, guys, god, which is of course like base. On a real experience, but he deftly like plays it up to make this. The other self contain parable that I think you can kind
it's like study and think about it's, like very just kind of invites you too, to think philosophically about value and wealth, and all things that he's contemplating on this album and trying to figure out as well. It's like, I actually think the beautiful thing about this song is like, hopefully at the end. Kendrick is just like why? Fuck you, my holding onto my one dollar, so much like he's, holding either he's holding onto it for principle, can I can I can I give you a secret because this is an album that mean so much to you and an album that, like pride, doesn't as much to me. I conscious we made my picks ones where I'm just like. I want coal to get, we saw that leads like our was making my list, so I'm just like I want to get. I want to throw myself on the sort for at least one or two of my pigs, so working like big show. You get I really appreciate that Charles
We have become so such good friends that people are actively like charles goodhart charles, are going to leave each other, and I was literally really excited to figure out why goal of his album is going to be. Do let's. Getting to the moment that we ve I've been waiting for our eight we, In our case, for all of our nominations in round one call picked you round to he pick one Weise theory and then in round three, he picked how much a dollar cos round one. For me, I picked hood politics round to pick the black or the berry round. Three. I picked alright, but listeners call texted me just so you can wear my job and he said that this, while its favour conjugal, more project might objective. We not be as best so I'm giving you the floor. Dow call to give us your ranking of the kendrick albums. Now that we finished, he's. Ok, this is
from conflict- and maybe this these overlap into the finale where we both give our rankings cause, I'm gonna need some help. So maybe we this. Maybe this can be a conversation that helps me formulae. What my final ranking is gonna, be because a gay, so here is my problem with the outcome is exactly what we just talked about. I have such a subjective experience for that it's really hard for me not to just automatically put a number one, because it's my favorite album but from taking that had off and trying to be objective. I think the big thing for me why I ever having. Out putting a number one just like the streams like, I I'm I'm not one to like totally put all the way into like what people are into, but I do think it is a factor I do think it is a factor in terms of a closely at our side, kendrick like someone that, moving culture, some of that as influencing culture influencing music influencing hip hop like I do think what people are listening to is actually important ill. This album
left a billboard. Two hundred at some point and doesn't I dont, think, regularly returns, whereas dam and good kid mad city literally have not left the charts since they had those are multi platinum. Where I get this one only went plan. Ok, this is like a popular kendrick project in terms of like p, listening to it, which I dont like. I think my I thank colleagues must album is users and it's my favorite, and I don't care if people really don't listen to that album so, like I get people like to people, but why is the best one? I can get that pick as I like picking violence, albums are generally not the ones that are most streamed, but I do think I will say this I talk to you didn't have to do the more I think ass. During this project with you, it's easily good kid, mad city number, one. Damn number two, two pimple butterfly number three because the feeling I had gone back, listening a good kid mad city and damn, I think he achieved It is a goal more sex.
Lee and in a better way, where I think too, apple butterflies, such a messy record, just because it is true to do so much yeah. Well, this is the thing about kendrick. It's like he has these three albums. What I think are pretty universally my pushed back that took him a butterfly the classic. I think all three elements are classic albums. I think a little butterflies, a classic, what kinda thing be a haider and I in the same way like cod You can make a case that, like those first, three apples are classic. You can make a case that these first three right, chemical mars are just easily class, no matter what you think about them. So yeah. So for me the ranking, that's where it gets tough, because I can see you guys- and this is why there are classics like you- can legitimately make a case for every single album or all of each each three albums to be what like there's lead? emma cases for every single one I think for me, number one is between tibet.
Fly and good city. If I was being Jackie. I would probably have to put good kid mad city. If I'm four things? A push me over the edge of a jet objective, ranking out have to go to the numbers and the numbers on good kid is just while, like he's about to break literal, records, you know and hip hop for long is charging album. It hasn't left since he came. Came it's tightly going back to it it's time Like others, I mean, I think, all three or timeless, but good kid is like it. Age. So so. Well, I think by jack but to say that my objective ranking would be good kid. to pimp butterfly damn wow. My subjective ranking, would probably be typical. Fly good kid. Damn you heard that first, we Are we got him
yeah, alright, now that now that we started it now, because that's been in the chamber for awhile, let's figure out what our picks for to pimp a butterfly the greatest song off. It is I'm going to let cole go for you're gonna have to help me because, this between wesley searing, you, you know what I'm going to go? First, you want to know where I'm going to get first call you go first, fuck yeah! I'm I'm changing, it was a change in the rules of last long standing right on our penultimate episode, pickin wesley stereo shit, I'm picking was these very: let's go you like they here's the thing. I wanted to pick it from my round three it's, I went with all right, but after tat, about wesley's theory with you. After listening to this album going back to wesley's theory, each and every site typing like this is a masterpiece. I feel like my best gift for you, as your host he sang like, I don't want you to have to choose between your babies. I'm gonna pick wesley's theory
case of turkey, the game. I appreciate that that really helps. Except now, I'm like ok, do I picked you or is it the Conflicted feeling about all right does already have to be in the the royal rumble finale or me that can be the listeners choice but you think I'm gonna be there goddamn way on this planet on picking out, the great central and looking to be honest, I don't like you, can pick it right, but I come on it. I get a big in you set in stone with you. I'm so I'm so happy? I talked you up the ledge of picking alright because he has a big You'd, like you, know, full well that your ass was not picking all right in the seas. Infinitely that come up isn't obligation pick were deftly, not picking it for the five year, so good good point its duty.
is? It would have been an obligation pick and I, like I like all right as a song, but I would just like dogs like that's. Why picked wesley's the economic I like wesley's theories? only a better song, but like I can we make a case for it like I'll write is just kind of like brassiere begin level like this is progress on a good point: goodbye, ok, so we have to. We have our master list, ever massively I'll run down for people so whole has match the mother, I sober fear record is ignorance is bliss tunes and cereal nostalgia and you. I have met city father time, dna adhd, untitled, to the hard part, three control, and why least theory. I feel a really good, like I'm fine. link way stronger about this than I was. If you episodes ago, I, we have some really songless yeah, I do I, the general!
speaking, yes, but we're gonna need the listener sick to really so little I this because we we need sing about me or money trees We are entering into something it and their people will vote for. All right did think he will be like flock. Ya'll were full, well innovate. Based on my pool around us on twitter, I was like expressing my grief: trying to pick these selections for this episode and the list that got back for the top. Three were all different, so I think I don't know. There's a clear cut best song like like people's choice or to build a butterfly, so I dont know. I definitely think any money, trees or sing about me here
Then guys listeners you can vote for whatever you want double for all right because, like we're not pick like, if somebody like, like votes are like buddy trees are sick about me, I could see both of us being, like our. I hear these aren't contention like cool or google. So what? If it's all right on my dog? Ok, edward leg, Alright, I'm excited for next week, man. This is gonna, be I don't even know yeah we're gonna have to talk about how we're going to whittle this down next week, we're going to whittle it down housekeeping, don't forget. Next week now seize the finale. It's what we ve been buildings. Words were finally going to do it, we're gonna crowned the last long standing. So don't forget, look out for the poles. on all the socialist, especially dissect, you can vote for whatever you want anything, kendrick song that is not on our master list is in contention I'm kind of excited and with tat Joe guys. Thank you much for listening to this episode of last.
standing china to our producer. Just in sales, are audio production, wizard, Kevin puller and the person behind the wonderful team, music, devenant, aldo, yeah, we're see ya Are you call let's get into this stingers? Because oh, I had you listen to the artist of his generation. That is less than before in the most important wrapper of honestly, the fifteen years. Can you careless with your your your trip down I'm still boy that are ongoing. Graham, very as anyone that, mr last week, my homework assignment was to listen to all the times. Tat records by drake, It was actually interesting exercise. I do appreciate that you know these five I guess cunning,
caps career arc, pretty consistently. Every good looks like every to every three years he drops one which is like listening to the kendrick heart series by contracts is way better. you know it's not do. What do you want my ranking low, outta high or high to low one to five or five to one five to one. By do one: okay, Seven, a m on bridle path, room, see I'll, be, is last on my list, Joyce its. Ok, here is what happens when, when you try recreate europe pass too much and just becomes like too there's something about seven m bridle path is just like him We live these classic moments and it just doesn't feel of genuine my main problem on that so number four, six p m in new york programme. from reading this to this too late, the beet is not great.
The cadence of his voice is just kind of annoying to me over like when you get there. aggressive high tone and does it for too long, I'm just out. He does that doubt that all songs about my out can't kendrick literally, has built his career on the aggressive high tone thing. I'm just like a woman's right, but drugs is like annoying. Kendrick seemed like cool after accusing you. What should I do? I know this is. I think this is maybe the now, maybe not Number three is five am in toronto, our objectively. This is a case of a revisit. This is like the fan favour one right, buddy, it also is better than any hearts areas like and I like very enter onto is so good. It starts out cool but again like when he doesn't like what, if you're, just gonna rap for like three to four five minutes straight switch up your fuckin flow
like you just stays in the same kaden same pocket same voice like the whole fucking song like he's good dog. He sees the look diverse, even a whole. That's why every song sound like drake feature drake jacket amounting to inject a euro wily you, while out aside, I know you are now side for five. The image around tell me every learn that about me on the spot. Guess I'm not I'm not that I'm not the outside type. I stay inside most of the time the earliest is already like agreed. Yes, so what's what your number two it's gonna be wrong. I number two. Nine am in dallas from thank me. Think me think. Ninety I'm in dallas is better than five amateur onto their because today is the first one to me, is the most genuine is like him. I mean to and ten- it's like first record like he sounds hungry. I believe him like. It sounds genuine, so even might like firing
tehran as being better I just like the gent, like just like the authenticity of nine aim in Dallas. That's! Ok, that's fair! That's though, that these number one four p m and call a which I objectives like the song is a good sign Where is this? Is this correct praise diane, as for his flow, is just fuckin cool on this. Like he's not doing the high pitched thing, is it he's like? It's got the like dd parity b, which is super clever. He's like taken shots. Do the whole time delivery is cool, is not trying too hard buddies. I punchline after punchline, shot after shot. I think like tat, sixteen area, twenty sixth drift- in twenty. Sixteen is my favorite drake era. like when he did. Nothing was the same like that's. My favorite drink, album our law that either a basic peck proud as it relates year. The basic pick the way the real cool head pic is, if you're reading this to eight patrick rate, really
parallel. I liked out of that same period, but, like I don't know, either Nothing was the same was more dynamic region. too late has like bob's unlike hits, but there's more of an arc to me on Not you know how you feel, like I'm a basic kendrick, then I feel like you're. Only a hundred percent of a basic drake fan, I barely listening. The guy I appreciate you. I appreciate you forgot. I do this data that I do. How does that better? You did better. I thought you were the rank is bad boy. That's why I'm glad that you in the spirit of the exercise you went along with it,. tell the listeners because you actually told me the wrong song last week, so you told me to us into a difference on yes When, following a and listening to these with us, I made it so last week I said Beethoven's final string quartet. I wanna get trouser. Listen do I was actually thinking of his final.
Piano sonata! So it's pianosa not in sea, minor opus, one eleven is what I had. You listen do. So what do you think What what was here? What's your guy the best reckoned describing is aggressively beautiful, macao and yet like? I was in love with it? I was I listen to this morning and the great song just to be that dynamic too. yeah just about so many emotions like at one point It's like ways at it that it comes back and its here. It's it's just so hard hard to find. Describe the way I was here when I listen to it, but it was really really just like I've been listened to a lot of electronic musically again and was, that's not. It was just like. Oh, it's all here, terms of like how it's like music is changed some watch, but how much it really hasn't it.
the can make you feel in terms of the way that lake evil just like why. How is just a piano just how much that one instrument can do to you when someone who really knows how to write music and really knows how to play music, the way that they can make you feel where the rate of and great at, like executive, he said he'd encapsulate beauty and the tragedy of life in a single armenia. axle grease way to put here yeah single? he's, but also just sometimes a single like phrase unlike that opening the opening of this piano sonata is just so tragically intense in abundance. Like flutter flutter. Anyone really listen, just listen, develop the dichotomy between the opening cauzee big aggressive, like very deep the cords and then it follows up with this. very high fluttering piano like almost like, like birds chirping, It's almost like when you've been outside during the worst thunder. Storm, and then what
the sun comes out and transformed into like the warmest most beautiful day having that together and just doing that with a piano within the course in a few minutes hours this kind of just like me, and I can understand why call gave me the song is beautiful, great homework. Brigitte do you take an exercise? I wasn't trials. Gonna go, but it's gone quite well, I'm by the ear, seeing the light with seeing the light, but just me being exposed to it. I think like what do you start to listen to it more because I remember when I first our listening classical music, just all sounded in all gonna just blurred together, and I can't really separate any part from the next part, but once you like, get more familiar with it, You really see how emotional and how you how it can just capture human emotions without words so beautifully so completely.
So how are going to do homework for the financial year? Are we should definitely homework one more the fence again? What do you got? yeah, so in the spirit of our day, that's wild! I want you to dip your toe, debutante anime are we all I'll watch a whole movie? If you think I like it, I didn't doing. Is I've been because I've been trying to get myself into it? Has a lot of people respect like like the genre, so Michael gadgets need to find that entry points. So what's a good entry point, peace, a good entry point, you know this is going to be a basic bitch answer, but I do think that, like this is, something where you can watch it with your kids? Ok, okay and it's beautiful, you gonna, Love it have you have? You ever has musacchio no art such wants bearded way spirited away, spirited away, two thousand one gonna start
spirited away. A lot of you like Charles watch, given something more difficult. Why start, unlike me, as I think, is like a great lake if you are Ah no about enemy. I think spirited away is the one where it's like. It's a lot of People when it was released in america finally got that an animal is profit one of the most important artistic genres of our late again, I'm in let's do it. What are you? What are you gave it? What are you giving me for homework again? Have out bob ellen, how familiar that's like super? Why guy come and see her out your gimme gimme, your fever, bob dylan album because I'd listen to bob Dylan, but I guess get rolling stone and I have flashbacks to like every old white being like you like a fat man. What about bob did not let them see you don't like my flatly relax go young thug are so give me your bob Dylan album that kind of wash the modalities of
old, rolling stone people trying to force him down my throat. I have, I guess, like probably two favorite dylan albums and a kind of different, so one Highway sixty one recent visited, which might be as more papa is the one with like a rolling stone on it this is one where he cut come on me and that's I guess you like. Alright, I'm even dabbled a little google. You give me the deep again, the deed, ok, so the real dylan heads stand. This is probably is best album. Its past is kind of corner growth. Prime of the sixties. It's ninety zombie fives blood on the tracks that's a real dylan, that's the that's! The real dylan head, I think, can take their consent the best outcome as blood on the tracks it might angel perception of like what dylan even sounds like. So, let's go down Bob dylan blood on the tracks give it a listen all the way through. Let me know you think, fucking you I'm so excited for this homework man. Now that is right. we will see our next week.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.