« The David Pakman Show

9/15/20: SCOTUS Goes Religious, Virus Deaths Spike - CLASSIC EPISODE from 7/9/20

2020-09-15 | 🔗


--On the Show:

--The Supreme Court okays religious birth control exemptions in a 7-2 decision

--Americans are now the disease-carrying foreigners in the context of coronavirus

--Notable discussions from the TDPS subreddit, including about Trump vs Biden, polling, voting, and much more

--Donald Trump's polling collapse should scare the anti-Trump crowd as much as it should scare Donald Trump himself

--The Supreme Court rules 7-2 that Donald Trump is not immune from prosecutorial subpoenas requesting his financial records, and Trump loses it on Twitter, but regardless, we will not see his taxes before the 2020 election

--Texas sets a single day coronavirus death record for the second day in a row, exactly as would be predicted after a case spike that started in late June

--The Eggman leaves a voicemail saying he tried watching NASCAR, and will never watch again

--Caller asks David to make an OnlyFans account

--Caller is concerned about catching coronavirus at the gym

--Caller discusses Trump's push to reopen schools

--Caller talks about Kanye West's supposed presidential run

--Caller is concerned about sending his kids back to school

--On the Bonus Show: 32% of US households missed July housing payments, Portland approves 10% cap on food delivery app fees, Florida insurance agent fired after Costco meltdown, much more...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The David Patman Show, is off this week for a much needed vacation, gearing up for the race to election day. We will be with you for the debate. We will be with you for election night and the transition period, but we are off this week so enjoy this classic episode of the David when shall the David Gag Michel David Pyramid, gigantic
currently waiting on the Supreme Court's decision really to decisions about Donald from tax returns, and I'm hoping to have news about that either later on in today's programmer. If not we'll talk about it tomorrow on the Friday show with you, but we do have a new Supreme Court decision to talk about that came out yesterday and if you ve been following the Supreme Court for the last couple of weeks, you might be aware that we had some reasonable decision, some correct decisions at four from my perspective from the Supreme Court over the last few weeks, but we did not get that yesterday, the Supreme Court has sided seven hundred and twenty two with the Trump administration, to allow employers to deny access to employees of free contraceptive coverage. If the reason for wanting to deny free birth control is religious in nature, and this is mean, listened the the the seventy
who decision the seven majority each had buried, not all the same reasons why they were with the majority, but the decision in and of itself is a huge win for the religious. Right and it is a loss for o bomber carers. Well, it's a loss for secularism and it certainly at least a wind. The Trump administration can claim now that this is one of the few wines that the Trump administration can claim is part of a bigger discussion about what is the case to be made. That Trump has accomplished anything and should be erect a reelected, not not not done what I almost said, but that is really a case that Donald Trump has to make. That's not a case for me to make a, but this is at least something that went his way. The Dhaka decision not going his way algae BT discrimination decision not going his way and the Trump Administration is actually tried.
Number of different ways to hurt Obama care with different regulations? One such regulation is that, if you are a religious based, employer You now will be able to say our employees, people who have health insurance under but as a result of work
for us they will no longer be able to get free birth control. One of the things that are bombing care said was that birth control is free to the patient. They must have full coverage of contraceptive services and products as part of their health insurance plans. Houses of worship, including churches, temples and mosques were exempt from that requirement from the get go. Some people work were not aware of that, but a lot of non profit groups like schools, which could be religiously affiliated or based hospitals, which could be religiously affiliated or based, were not exempt. If you worked for them, they had to through their insurance coverage that that you are offered as an employee had to offer contraception.
Services at no cost. Some of them objected right away and they said that goes against our religious beliefs, how're. We, it is a violation of our freedom of religion to say we must allow. We must provide no cost at to the patient, of course, contraceptive services when we don't believe that those should be something people avail themselves of on the basis of our religious
leaves in came the Trump Administration and they said we agree with the religious employers requiring birth control coverage without cost burdens. The free exercise of religion they put in place some exemption rules were employers can say, we opt out, their employees can still get birth control, but it wouldn't be free of a cost through their health insurance plan. Now, since the affordable care act requires it, what that men in practice is that the states where people live would have to pay and states like Pennsylvania and New Jersey, said hold on a second. If employers are not required to provide this through their health insurance, we have to pay for it and that's not fair to us, said Pennsylvania and New Jersey. A lower court agreed with pain,
Albania and New Jersey. That is the decision that has now been reversed by the Supreme Court. The seven too to vote in the Supreme Court had Ruth Vader, Ginsburg and Sonya Soda, my or as the only dissenters. The majority said these restrictions put in place by the Trump Administration r o nay, and for me the major take away- and what I want to remind you of is that this is an other explanation. Another way to to remind ourselves that health insurance should not be tied to employers period that that's my take away.
Course. You can fight the legal battle and that's exactly what the Trump Administration did, but at a higher level, health insurance tied to employers is the wrong direction and in terms of how far this goes, there is a slippery slope question here as well. I mean, if you look at, I don't owe christian science. Christian science is very much against all sorts of medical care. Would antibiotics be a legit exemption if they are religiously based? If, if christian sign says, listen, we
run this big christian science, sir. You know reading room or whatever they got, and we don't want to provide antibiotics wit with that, but we dont want antibiotics to be so accessible. Would that be valid? I mean. How far does this go now? The estimates are that, somewhere between seventy thousand and a hundred and twenty six thousand women are going to lose contraceptive coverage as a result of this decision, and what this really is is pointing back to is it. This is an administration. The trumpet ministration that has lost on policy trump was going to repeal and replace Obamacare failed. He was gonna build the wall failed. He was gonna fix this fixed that fixed it he's failed and on a centrally everything they are now fighting a culture war. Remember that Donald Trump is not religious. This is merely pandering and it is a win on paper for Donald Trump. How much of a big deal he makes out
this win remains to be seen, but this is a cultural war. If you look at the last six weeks, you know the right loves to accuse the left of fighting a culture war. The reality is that its trump who faced with losing unjust about every policy issue, is now talking about. We ve gotta fight. These radical marxists mark, though there's barely any Marxists and certainly not in missions of power in the United States. This is about our heritage, visa, the monuments and the confederate flag, and it's about free speech. These are culture, war, tight battles and again This you're not really damaging Obama care in the sense of removing it. The way he wants to do, you're just making life more difficult for seventy thousand too
in twenty six thousand more women and from who is not religious continues to pander to the religious right through these types of arguments and regulation. So that's what it all is really about their stunning hypocrisy as well, because you block access to birth control, but then do you do provide parental leave paid parental leave when the baby is born, many many employers do not in the certainly not mandated to etc, etc. Think you get the idea, but at least on paper it is a win for the Trump Administration, a win that they desperately need, because these Windsor so few and far between you know I it. When I'm right about horrible things. I really do but America,
these are now the dangerous disease carrying foreigners. Just like I predict that we would be some months ago, and I hate it- I'm not happy about this. I'm not gloating about this. It personally upsets me that this is the reality. Much of the world, at least for now, is safely returning to normality. Friends in Belgium, France, lotta different places, masks recur, on public transit. Things are more spaced out at restaurants, but increasingly a normal existences resuming in countries that have successfully fought the virus. That is not the case in the United States We are not allowed to go to many parts of the world. The travel ban, which we are known for our now against us, because corona virus is raging here The american right wing is all about banning others, but
it is we who are now banned because we're the danger visitors from fifteen different countries can now go to the European Union, not Americans too dangerous. There's too corona virus. Here we failed. We are on a list so to speak american right has been demonizing others, as those who, like Tucker Karlsson, set on his Fox NEWS programme. Some months ago, immigrants make our country dirtier and poor That was Tucker, Karlsson. Well, the American Right has said it's: foreigners who bring disease. The american right has said we need to stop them I'm coming here, but now we are the ones that are too risky for other countries to let us
as Eric Ali rights in a Washington Post piece. There's a very long history of time, foreigners to disease. Here in the United States, you go back to the one thousand, seven hundred Germans and yellow fever. They were going to bring yellow fever. Irish, in the one thousand eight hundred, they were going to bring cholera so many examples: chinese immigrants, smallpox and bubonic plague Jews and tuberculosis. That's a classic Italians and polio in the early nineteen hundred Mexicans to plague typhus and small it's a very long list and the links between xenophobia and disease are widespread, their long lasting and we ve seen much of the same more recently with corona virus and so understand that Chinese, flew whew, Han flew Kung flu is Donald. Trump is repeatedly called it all of that stuff. It's just more of the same. This is not new. We ve seen this in the. U S, since the seventeen,
and, of course, yeah. The virus originated in China and yet China lied and yes, China should be held accountable, but every country dealt with a virus that originated in China. Most countries dealt with that virus that originated in China far better than we did so much better. In fact that we are now banned for many of those countries, it's an embarrassment. The virus is exploding in huge parts of this kind. Again a single day case record yesterday. I will talk to you later on by the way, Texas now two days in a row setting its single day case death record, exactly as we would have predicted when cases started surging in MID too late June. This has nothing to do with immigration. It has to do with a late and terrible testing programme lack of a contact. It tracing programme botched and too early. Reopening reluctance to wear masks in some states and its now bleed
into the responsible states too. I've been saying for several weeks now we're doing great here in Massachusetts, but it can't last forever when cases are so high in so many of these other states, and indeed cases and hospitalizations. Starting to trickle up here in Massachusetts. It's only a little bit, but it's starting to happen, We are now the disease carrying foreigners that have to be banned from other countries and it's embarrassing and its horrifying, and I hate it, but I understand why countries have to do it is our weakness. Ego is our weakness. Anti, I and sentiment. Is it hyper polarization we won't ever be like those other countries? Many of us believe that won't ever come to that and now corona virus has shown that we were so extraordinarily unprepared and had failed leadership. So now the question is
Do we do? Do we need another lockdown? Do we need like a six week, coordinated, full lock down? If that's, what we need is never going to happen. I mean it, you know I'm talking about you really, you don't leave your house without a mask you really don't go anywhere other than for four essential trips, grocery store or whatever the case may be an You d, do new stimulus payments. I guess is that what we actually need now, because when you look at ten thousand cases a day in Florida, ten thousand cases a day in Texas, you dont get that under control by saying, let's just not go to bars, let let's not do indoor dining you just don't that's not how you get it under control. Clearly, the summer heat isn't stopping it. Clearly, it's just going to disappear in April, the way Donald Trump and so many others said we are nowhere near heard. Immunity no matter what happens on that front, you ve gotta, be registered to vote and we have to remove this administration.
In November, because no matter what happens between now and November. Third, we need some one else at the helm. That must happen, and so we, going to talk about pulling a little later. Let's not take our eye off the ball. When it comes to acting response, Billy Data Day on corona virus? Let's do it and incur everybody. We know to do it, but when it comes to removing this failed leader. Not really really even a leader we ve gotta not lose sight of that in that's. Coming up on a just just four months from now Tuesday, we will be having the third ever David Pachmann show chest tournament. You can register for free it, David Pachmann, Dotcom, slash, chess hope. You'll join us will also have a big, one day membership special on Tuesday July fourteenth you can be notified about that. By signing up for my newsletter at David Pachmann dot com. Let me know: what's
not in your state, I'm on Twitter at department, the David Pachmann show David Pachmann Dotcom. One of us Answers is served shark, which is a and service that I trust to protect me online and they're, giving my audience eighty five percent off a two year, we on this comes out to under two bucks a month plus you'll get three extra months for Ray you don't already use of european. You should really start because it protects you. From being spied on by governments, protect you from internet service providers who sell your data, tech companies that track you online surf shark is a VP an you can trust, because, unlike many other VP ends, there monitor your internet activity or keep any record of it hides your ip address it in crypts. All your data keeps you safe from hackers and will even blockades and protect you from viruses and the best
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member of the day. That's Bruce Burns Bruce signed up back in twenty fifteen. Bruce has been a member almost five years and is today's sustained of the day, grab a membership. We have too much to do today for me to spend much more time but it takes under a minute adjoin, Pachmann Dotcom. We have a discussion forum of sorts at on red it at David, Pachmann, dot, com, slash, read it that's already d. I t we now have where around twenty one thousand of our viewers and listeners subscribed there, and there were three posts I spotted this morning with similar themes when it comes to November election, and some of this is reassuring, but I also want to talk about short of the cautionary aspects of it so user. The final play down posted only one will be president. I choose Biden and I am reassured to some degree
that a lot of the very loud voices that four months ago were saying Biden not progressive enough. If not Bernie or not, tool, sea, or every new gang, then I kind of dont care if its trump provide nor a lot of those boys his I'm not hearing from anymore and what I am hearing is you know, I now understand the importance of removing Donald Trump and I'm glad to see that user wagon we'll. What had a similar post, which was this election, is pretty simple Georgie of Americans are suffering and sick and tired of trumps? Stick and Biden is more palatable. Moderate alternative, it's very sober right. It's not bite in is the future of the progressive movement, its wheat. We have to remove Donald Trump, that's the take away and I'm sort of, but to some degree reassured by seeing this and then a third post
will also this one from wagon we'll. What is do you think Trump has given up the announcement about leaving the World Health organization just seems like a burn it all to the ground. Move getting more and more messages about that wishes to trump even really want When is Trump trying to torpedo his own reelection, I think that there is not a dangerous path to go down, but is one that if we go too far down it could dissuade people from voting and listen Trump. What what what we know about Trump. Is that he's an extreme narcissist with significant delusions of grandeur, and I dont believe that in any conscious way, Donald Trump is going to throw in the towel or not try to win. What, I do believe will happen is from loses, he's gonna do what narcissists do is he's not in a really accepted as an actual defeat trample say I never really wanted this anyway. I gave you for you yours, I made the country great again. If you want Joe Biden, I'm gonna go, I'm still rich,
best business man, I'm in a build buildings or whatever else the case may be he's never going to see it as really a defeat, because he is an extreme narcissist, but I anybody. Thinking from starving in the towel are not really going to try to win. We are going to see over the next four months a significant, significant escalation in trumps, erratic nature, and yes, he's going to try to win in every single one of us has to vote, which is why we're going to talk about polling momentarily. I invite you to join the discussion on the sub. Read it at David, Pachmann, dot com, it slash our key ddt. We have moderators you're not going to get bullied or if someone
tries to bully. You were gonna cut that crap out that it's it's a place for respectful discussion, and I invite you to join us. Ok, let's now talk about polling, Donald Trump continues to collapse in the polls, and this should really scare us. It should really scary you. The people who want to remove from are the ones. Should be most scared by Donald Trump Polling Collapse and this I've decided. I can't not cover the Poles, because the poles are removed. Couple in terms of how they compare two poles in past election. So I can't not talk about the Poles, but the framing has to be the Poles should scare us because they might keep people home. The anti trump voter may become complacent if they see too many of these polls that show Joe Biden winning. So the poles are looking
good for Joe Biden and that should scare us, because we don't want anybody to stay home. As a result, the only possible result of Joe Biden Polling. Well, if we don't take this approach, is that some, People who don't like trample say I really need to vote, I'm just gonna to stay home because you don't need my vote. I'm going to win and that's exactly what we need to dissuade people from doing. So, let's take a look at the latest national poles and then some of the important state number so nationally
Biden is leading Donald Trump by an average of eight point. Seven, that's a big led. The poles range from leads as small as for as large as fourteen for Joe Biden with an average of eight point. Seven, these are crazy numbers. This is a much bigger led than Hillary Clinton had, and that's why this is scary to me, because this can change these could be off by the full margin of error. These poles could make. People think I don't need to vote will get back to that. Looking at the important battleground states we see that Arizona has Biden up three and a half Florida has Biden up. Five in Michigan Biden is up seven and one slash. Two in North Carolina Biden is up by three in New Hampshire Biden's up by four and one slash two, There is a tie in Ohio State that Donald Trump one, twenty, sixteen in Pennsylvania and Whiskey,
send Joe Biden is polling about six and one slash two points ahead. These are obviously very good numbers for Joe Biden if you start with the twenty sixteen map and then flip to buy in the states where he's now winning in the polls, Joe Biden wins easily with more than three hundred and thirty electoral votes, and that's why we should be scared. We cannot afford to have a single person stay home because they think Biden has your state. The bag I'll give you an example- and this is an extreme example- I vote in Massachusetts. Biden is currently winning in Massachusetts by thirty one points. Trump is not going to win in Massachusetts, but you'd, be you had better
Be damn sure that I am going to vote Massachusetts earlier this week I told you has confirmed, vote by mail is available to everybody and they will be sending out absentee ballot applications to every registered voters. So that's my view in Massachusetts were binds winning by thirty one. If you are in any state, I don't care what state urine. You should imagine your vote. Visualize your vote flipping the election from from to bide. Ok, imagine that that is the importance of your vote. If you knew you could be the difference maker between your state going to Trump and Biden, I hope I hope that you would go out and vote if you want to have a say: that's exactly how you have a say, so we're going to report on polling. I'm not going to ignore the polling story, because it is an interesting story. You know incumbent,
president, with this low of an approval rating just four months out. That is news, I'm not going to. It would be weird for me to do a daily show about me. Lee about american politics and not talk about that, but the way I'm going to catch it is. We should be scared by these numbers, because the last thing we want is horrible got wrenching disappointment again on November third or November fourth or November tenth. However long it takes the count. All of those votes we'll becoming and by male we're going to continue covering the polling and asking for your thoughts on the David Pachmann show Instagram Page, which is simply David. Pachmann show all one word on Instagram. Also, if you want to see video people or loving this Some people went completely crazy, a riding in the streets. When I posted this video on my personal instagram, there is a video of me harvesting, my two spicy peppers. These things are so runs
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I am an coupon code. Pachmann welcome back to the David Pachmann shall welcome back to the show I was sorry field to have a very interesting interview for you right now and unfortunately, the guest has very wrong. Thirdly, last minute, bailed honor, and if you only knew who this guest was Barack Obama now just kidding, if you knew The guest was you'd, be mildly upset, that's the probably the truth of it. So in it in you're not to delay the production of today's show, I'm in a briefly open up the phone lines, and here from a few people, we just had the Donald Trump tax return decision we shall be talking about at the end of this oh and much more so let's go to the phone lines at six, one: seven, eight, three zero. Forty, seven! Fifty starting with
a collar from the five five nine area code, who's, calling today from five five, nine. Five hundred and fifty nine are you. There call her from five hundred and fifty nine okay last chance. Four thousand five hundred and fifty nine and five hundred and fifty nine is gone We too are collar from the two six zero area code who is calling today from two six, so I can hear me yeah who's. This guy, I did. I was wondering when you read it Sorry, when I'm gonna start with an only fans, you said not only because I think a great deal with the early You know you, interestingly enough. This me
shocking to the audience, but you're, not the what was your name by the way. Just you you're, not the only person Jes who has suggested, I start and only fans, but my understanding is its essentially like a porn site. Isn't it Yeah, ok and end the you want me to start one great: ok, I'm cameo, but I'm not only fans- and I dont know that that's gonna change anytime soon. I'm sorry to disappoint both men and women, apparently, who want me to start that, but I I don't see it in my future. Yes, I think you are a very good you seem totally serious there. That was that there was a serious phone call as far as I can tell. Let's go next to our collar
the seven one, seven area code who's, calling today from seven one seven, I my name Burma Myanmar. What's going on about the banana and everything's opened up and when I go to jam like most people wearing man and they all the coffee shop, laggard tonic people just sitting there working yet is really worried about the spread of is virus. Now my idea of concern. Now let me ask you this Omar. If the gym identified as a place that looks dangerous. Why are you going to the gym. The big question really got the German and makes it a lot better. Yet I try to go there sparingly when they're, not out of people right. I don't like I'd, go, maybe like twice a week I normally I would but on the way back and go in there now listen, I understood rising my arm, my Jim just email, their opening on Monday and work out, will
limited to ninety minutes. But if that's a problem for me right Omar, I mean I'm not spending ninety minutes there, but you know you get it The wiped down every machine between use, you're, not out to hang out and talk to people. You have to have your temperature taken on that you all. When I read the list to me as I owe yet its clearly way too dangerous, it's warm right now I'll just work outside or do you to work out, sir? What it that's the call I made, but I'm totally with you. I would love to be able to safely go to the gym yards disheartening that I know ones where, in my view, be about. There are ever more back of soil or not the absolute. So what listen. I guess all we can do is hope that it improves. I I did go to a coffee shop last weekend and you nice, it's an outdoor, took seeding only sort of thing. There were no tables with within ten feet of me. I posted a picture of it on my instagram
that felt safe and I think I'm just I'm going to only do things that feel safe. The way that their being done in my state and so I'll do outdoor dining. I went and got my hair cut warm ass, the entire time, but I'm in a pass on the jam and pass on indoor for now all right. My friend, thank you so much for the call great to hear from you. Let's go next to our collar from the six five zero area code who's calling today from six five zero. I do the Hoover they Jose. What's gonna of German? Oh I'm! An international Roma from Mexico. Yeah now wondering whether you managed to see the new ruling from my eyes the Trump administration that
making a pretty hard for international student, get back in the states yeah. I must universities bend over backwards said. I did not hear what I did see it, I'm I'm against the ruling. If you know how can it be that its safe enough open, all alimentary and high schools, and yet it is to day injurious to allow a relatively modest or of international students to come in. It strikes me as discriminatory like either it's safe to do schools or it's not as my take, but I have I heard, and I have not read lot into this. You may be no more about this than I do that if schools say that Davis signed an individual teacher to you for in person, learning, which can just be like a five minute checking per week that technical
We then the students would be allowed to come in. Have you heard anything about that? Guy? So will you basically have again? We have to take a certain number of credit ours, as in person or like hybrid right, in order to be able to pay like the rest of our course load on line yeah. It I mean it. You seems to have a lot of loopholes in it and the major seems like a strategy to get schools to reopen forcibly, because I just an unsteady computer science and like I can imagine that computer science department at by university operating without international students right there, the deal is they
like they were student officers like yeah, it's just the third Ukrainian that seems counterproductive. Will it seems to me that either way it will give the trunk the Trump Administration something that they like either they will keep keep a bunch of foreigners out. That's one possibility that they would welcome that or it would get schools to reopen, even when they don't really think it's the right thing to do, which is also what the Trump Administration wants. So it's almost like they're they're gonna get something they like out of this no agreed. What more do you think of the the end game of opening schools? It seems like girl, bombing raids, explode like you. Do you have a bunch of taboo right of your household? Send all the kid they are getting backing and they all go back home parents and get them infected yeah. I think three, I think. Basically the hope is the bomb one,
off until after November. Third, like I think the calculation is, schools won't school. I believe that no schools open earlier than late August. I hear NASA choose its usually September. I think there's some states that open earlier. I think the calculation is. If we get schools open, we get the publicity of schools being open. Parents are able to go back to their jobs, maybe because there are not home watching their kids, so the economy will show some better jobs, numbers and hope Lee it'll all stay relatively under control until November third and it'll get Trumpery elected. I don't think it'll work, I mean if you look at we it's right now is we're filming this it's the early afternoon. We already are at twenty five thousand new cases. Today, it's only half way through the day. Most states don't report until the afternoon like it seems like it's not going to work, but I think that's their idea
nobody's gonna work, it's crazy, it's great it all right. My friend, I hope it works out, and I appreciate you letting you know what's going on. I beg of you take her. Likewise, the pleasure is all on this side of the microphone. Let's go to our collar from the six seven eight area code, who's calling today from Sir seven. Eight, hey David money with Anti Anthony. Hear me: yeah got ok, I'm so my question is with Canada was presidential announcement? Do you think there is any chance a he got from a debate stage and if so, what do you think the dynamic would be with him from an Biden all a bummer? Now so listen, here's the deal caught. Kenya West has said that he struggles with bipolar disorder
it's very clear that Conway West is is quite ill. I saw some reports in the last twenty four to forty eight hours, that is in the middle of a bipolar episode right now. I don't know if that's true but its being alleged, I don't. I think that this is a complete distraction. I dont think black folks are going to vote for our think. Blackfoot you're gonna switch their vote to con yea because Conway happens to be black. I just don't even want to give this attention he's not going to be on the debate stage. To my knowledge, he's not done any of the things to actually formally be running for president. I think it's just nonsense and I dont want to risk distracting from the very real danger of not removing Donald Trump in November, which needs to be in a bind, the guy that can win and we ve gotta remove Trump yeah. I shouldn't do we agree with that? I'm a big tanya, fanned by some went, looks like I think he might just back out a few weeks or so I think this is just a spread among things
yeah and again back out. As far as I know you can like, I can say I'm running for president. If I don't actually go through the process of of of a formal, that am, I really running for president like out. It does nothing for him to even back out of yet exactly you're yeah. Alright, Anthony very good great to hear from you and unimportant opportunity dimension. I think Conway West is ill and I don't think we should pay too much attention to it. Let's go next to our collar from the eight or seven area code who's. Calling today from eight four seven David thought you, I gray, I'm a proud member, and I'm so happy be talking you love to show. Thank you you. I appreciate that the couple things that I want actually help answer Theo S collar. Ok, on the public, my kids are thirteen and eleven in the school system just set up something saying we have the option to keep them home. There may be only certain days ago to school, or there may be in learning
the options, so I don't even know if and I feel we can open the public school. What one idea? What state is this any lie? Where are you located? I'm in Chicago suppers, ok got it got it yeah I mean listen. I think that did this is much like with the shutdowns witches Donald Trump likes to pretend that he's the boss and he tells the fifty states what to do, but these are decisions that are probably going to very dramatically between states and even within states. I imagine that there will be parts of states in school districts that say we're going to do this or going to do that. The idea that true
is going to be running. The decisions for all of these school district is a fantasy. Yet pretty much. I think Governor Pritzker here is doing a wonderful job in that's why they monitor it. So in case we need to pull back they're, not gonna, put any one risk, especially like my family. We all have add well, unfortunately, yeah in another thing, I'm gonna say about the colony thing. If you calling Forbes magazine in Europe must give kind of pushing him here be trying to call his party the birthday party and clean if you get a vaccine Verona virus, it's the mark of the beasts? I don't think you didn't beginning anybody about what is going on behind your kindness commented that vaccines were crazy, but but to get back to something, that's much more relevant, though than cognac. So what? If? What is you have? You decided your kids aren't going into school what what are you going to wait to see what the school district? Besides, I have a feeling, what's gonna coming out
As you know, the very aware of children metallic either of auto immune to be good, but it's gonna come out. You they're gonna, do a risk assessment from the top down and recommend to parent or maybe mandated thing your child's probably should be in any worsening situation or remote learning system in Brazil, coming in good, it's too dangerous shut up. I don't think they for you. I will you think that they may say certain kids will come come in, but will have fewer people in the classroom. By taking kid with with conditions that may make them more at risk and they can do e learning. I have. I have a feeling for an interesting, interesting
All right will assume. I met by David Martin, I'll just gradually coming left. You call. My main question was actually on about where you had said when you were taught him up in black. Like me, mad matter adjacent, aren't you a stool and Terry crews was trying to get into it with without women, but nobody is really wedding. Anybody talk about what the founders of the movement. The actual doctrine is, so I don't know why it is not only people know and understand the gathers good people, the movement, but I don't think people understand what is being dictated from. Down or what those ultimate goals are. Yet again, we would, you can argue, the top down doesnt matter, because it's it's sort of a leaderless organization, but the point the point I've made before is: there's a lot of India, Jewel black lives matter. Group saying you know, did this: we ve got a fight against jewish supremacy.
In the israeli palestinian conflict, and our battle is the same battle that the Palestinians are fighting. It's like listen check out my clips about the israeli Palestine. In conflict. You will find that that I have a measured taken, What is going on, but that it is not The same battle, there's a lot of anti Semitism within black lives matter and the women's March, which we talked about previously, and so I'm right. Air about structural ray, system in the United States I'm right thereabout all of these different issues, but to say this is this is the same battle. The Palestinians are
fighting against Israelis are. They know. It's nod and you're gonna lose a lot of people if people are paying attention. You're gonna lose a lot of people without argument. Here I just don't understand ministry of a conflict that has been going on for absolutely wait. Wait! Wait too long, but I just want to say thank you for everything you do. I keep telling everybody check out the shown a joint like I did please all I mean I'm out of work contractor fur instructional, then an education over. I can definitely afford with the discount to get your show on there the going. Thank you in a great job and we love watching every day. Man Eli. I appreciate it. I say hi to everybody. There the Chicago area and hope it all worked out with the school year. Yet then, you take here, thinks he's happy happy and keep up the good work and show it's amazing. All right. Thank you very much and an early shall bought shalom. My friend, thank you. So much. Ok, let's go next to our cause,
or from the nine one floor area code who's, calling today from nine one, for I was right did you say, Ryan Year high? So my question is about the Lincoln Project. I'm sorry! If you ve already covered it on the show- and I admit it, but all this is good or making projects that putting out ads and there really will be affected ad. I was wondering if you had any comment on them. Yeso Lincoln Project is anti Trump Republicans. It includes Kellyanne Conway's, husband, George Conway, I believe Steve Schmidt, former Mccain advisor is involved. Rick Wilson, who's been a guest on this grand long time. Republican strategist isn't, but there's a bunch of others, but those are like the three big ones. Am I right we don't know a lot about the delegation will in any case they ve been producing. Anti Trump adds, I mean listen. The ads are very good. I dont know you know when I see the add it reinforces the beliefs. I all
we have, but I don't know if it's changing any mine so to speak, but to the extent that they have money- and these are Republicans ignore the danger of Donald Trump. It's great. The ads are very good and we reviewed a couple of them on the programme before a year, and I also want to point out a particular add that I thought was they blew my mind. You ve never seen anything like it. Yeah there's one add called whispers, but the name of it on the Youtube, video and it seems like whispers- is intended just to be seeing by Donald Trump, and it's just meant to throw him into. Filth you haven't seen that add whispered to the really great the add. I think that, actually you know I mentioned before I dont know how many mines are being changed by these adds. I actually think you're on to something which is the ads are very well caliber braided to trigger Donald Trump himself and he has gone on tweet.
Storms as a result of not always the ad itself, but the fall out from these ads, and that, I think, is actually a really clever aspect to it, because a lot of the damage that has that trumpets suffered has been self inflicted damage like nobody said he had to fail on corona virus. He could have taken it seriously. It was to some degree self inflicted, not the virus, the virus would have been here either way, but trumps reaction. So I think the ads are good in that and in that way, that they trigger Trump yeah yeah. It's under seen it before we ve never seen anything like what were seen before all right. My friend, thank you so much for the call I appreciated. We are an uncharted territory I think, is the way I would put it thanks to everybody who called in was just taking a few brief phone calls, but I do want to go to a break because the news has been broken about the Supreme Court decision on Donald Pumps, taxes. That's what I'm going to talk about right after this short range, the David
back. Michel David Pachmann dad got real, quick, when I tell you about our sponsor magic spoon who have done so thing awesome. They ve taken all of our favorite sugary childhood cereals that we know we should eat anymore and turn them into some. Then you can actually feel good about eating as an adult there's four flavors cocoa, fruity, frosted and blueberry, they taste great their crunchy. Their sweet, like you, would expect this type of cereal to be, but it's perfect for a kid. JANET Diet, because one bowl has only three net carbs twelve grams of protein, its sugar free gluten free grain free soy free once our team tried magic spoon for the first time
we actually ended up, emailing magic spoon back and saying: can you send us more boxes? Send more samples they ve, been a big hit with David Pachmann, show staffers and magic spoon knows how delicious their cereal is, because if you don't like it they'll refund, Your money, no questions asked and you'll get free shipping when you go to magic spoon, dot, com, slash, pachmann and use the code pachmann, that's p, o K, L A David TAT, Michel, David Tagamet, dot, com, au cake and eat much awaited decision. The Supreme Court just moments ago decided saddened to that. Donald from cannot ignore a subpoena of his financial records sought by new year. Prosecutors and the wording that I selected to tell you that is not trivial.
And I'm going to explain it to you momentarily so zoo doubt, this is a big legal defeat for Donald Trump at the same time, his lawyer is calling it a victory in that he is saying now they can fight this out at a lower court, and yet Donald Trump is also Simon. Tits. We'll dangerously, going absolutely crazy on Twitter and we're going to walk through all of it. So, let's start with the decision itself, there is some confusion: because there were actually to decisions made here and also the decision is about whether this now goes back to a lower court to be fought. So what the Supreme Court said today is that the path is legally cleared for prosecutors to seek Donald Trump Financial records at the lower court,
level a lower court previously found that Donald Trump is not immune from responding to subpoenas, because he is president of the United States. That's really the big desist. In here, because for a while Donald Trump and his lawyers and others have argued it's not just that Trump is immune from indictment. Donald Trump is immune from investing. She by virtue of being president of the United States and therefore he doesn't even have to respond to a subpoena for his financial records. What the court found in a seventy two decision. Is that Trump is not immune from investigation and that's actually a really big deal. However, this now means that
goes back to a lower court, and what trumps lawyer is saying is okay. Well, I'm in a framing it as positively as possible. Now we go back to the lower court to keep working to fight these records from being provided on other grounds and, of course prevent the them from going public and the second part of the Supreme Court Decision Congress was also seeking Donald Trump Financial records. For now the Supreme Court has said. Prosecutors can seek trumps.
Records, you ve got to figure it out, but Congress for now is not going to Trump is not going to be compelled to provide financial records to Congress. So this is, I mean, listen if you want me to to just give you the highlight we're not going to see trumps taxes before the election right. We have four months until the election. What has been decided is that on principle, Trump can't just ignore the subpoena from prosecutors, but now it's going to be fought at the lower court. If, indeed, Trump has to provide his financial records, it's not going to be done public. It will have to be kept quiet, at least, and certainly beyond the November elections. So if your idea was based on this decision, we might see trumps taxes before November, not going to happen now. Trump is going crazy on Twitter. He immediately started tweeting ah uncontrollably as soon as this decision or went public and I'm gonna go through some of those tweets from starting with quote
the Supreme Court sends case back to lower court arguments to continue. This is all a political prosecution. I won the mother Witch Hunt, that's the one that said it couldn't clear Trump on obstruction. I won the Miller, Witch Hunt and others, and now I have to keep fighting in. Politically corrupt. New York, not fair to this presidency or administration, he's the victim he's the most powerful person in the world. Maybe, and yet he's the victim everybody's unfair to him. He just eat you. It's all just stacked against him from continuing with another tweets and quote courts in the past have given broad deaf since, but not to me again he's the victim he's being singled out. The courts or single him everybody's, just singling him out poor trump, and then a three tweet rant were Trump said quote. We have a totally corrupt. Previous administered
action, including a president and vice president, whose spied on my campaign and got kite- I guess he met caught. I got kite and nothing happens to them. This crime was taking part. This, even before my election, everyone knows it and he had all or frozen stiff with fear. One against one all against the federal government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, I'm struggling to pass the grammar which is falling apart with everyone leaving to give it a second third and fourth try. Now the Supreme Court gives a delay ruling that they would never have given for another president. This is about all caps prosecutors misconduct. We catch the other side, spying on my campaign, the biggest political crime and scandal in U S, history and nothing happens, but despite this,
I have done more than any president in history in first three and a half years, there might be, are their six lies. There are good, might there even be seven lies or distort? I mean it's, it's crazy. What is going on and again if his lawyer considers this a victory, wise trump going so crazy, but the important take away is from, is not immune from investigation. That's good! It's a good thing! The court is clarified that but we are not going to see Donald Trump taxes before November and we all need to accept that. That is the case. The good news is, we don't need to see trumps taxes to know he has to be removed, whether we see trumps taxes or not. We know that from has to be removed in November, so this isn't going to complicate voting for me. If you understand what I'm saying. Ok, for this second day in a row,
exactly as the time lag hypothesis would predict. Texas set another single day. Death record yesterday. Remember that cases started spiking in Texas around mid till later June, like June sixteen to eighteen, we anticipate typically a nineteen. Twenty one day lag time between cases and deaths and so of cases tart the spike between June sixteen and eighteen. We would expect deaths to spike right now and that's exactly what happened. We had a then single day, death record in Texas of eighty five deaths on Tuesday and then yesterday, an even bigger number of fifty percent one hundred and twenty one deaths yesterday. So this does not bode well for the next ten days because of the new cases were actually twice as high last week in Texas than they were back in MID June. Very, very ugly, also notable that Florida,
The other state, along with Arizona, California, that seeing huge numbers of cases Florida today as of noon, had already gotten a new single day, death record only as of now So things are looking very, very bad now, meanwhile, in Oklahoma, you might remember that Donald, had a rally in Tulsa Oklahoma. A couple of weeks ago, Oklahoma set a new case record yesterday with eight hundred and fifty eight cases in one day, which probably is not coming as a shock to too many people. So what's important about this is that when we saw the cases start to spike, but not the deaths, The most easy explanation, the most easy. The easiest argument to make was: there's a lag between cases and debts. It's about twenty days. There were other, ideas thrown out- and I've mentioned some of these ideas to you before it's it's younger people getting the virus, so the deaths aren't going to spike because young people tend not to be as affected by the virus, we're doing more testing
that on average the people being tested are healthier. So, even though there are more cases being reported, we're not actually going to see as many as many people die states could be lying and is still not clear that states are being totally transparent and that all these when ideas the viruses, mutated and become less serious. It's Sadly, and tragically, is looking more and more like. The explanation is the simplest one. Witches cases started going up some time between June sixteen in June, twenty, depending on the state and twenty days later, which is now we're, Sir, to see the deaths spike now meanwhile, and I'm going to have more coverage of this on tomorrow's programme. Meanwhile Donald Trump, once kids back in school, he once all kids back in school in person Spite the medical community saying this isn't safe, despite public health officials, expressing concern about sending all kids back to school, despite a number of summer camps having to be shut down, because so many people, so many kids,
have gotten the virus, including in I believe, it's Arkansas, Missouri and one other state at least has had to shut down summer camps and the projection coming out of Donald Trump Mouth lately is truly stunning. He said earlier this week that states are keeping politically are keeping schools closed political reasons. Even tweeted yesterday quote in Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries. Schools are open with problems. The Dennis think it would be bad for them politically. If U S, schools open before the November election, but is important for the children and families may cut off of funding if not open. Now, Sweden, aside, Sweden's having problems the other countries, Trump mentions dealt with corona virus. The reason that schools are opening in those countries is,
They have so few cases. Germany, Denmark and Norway had at most a couple hundred or or a new cases a day recently or or even like in the teens, urges just double digits. We have sixty thousand new cases a day So if you want to be doing what Europe is doing, you should have handled corona virus like Europe did from the beginning. Now I also can ignore that Donald Trump is threatening schools with pulling funding. If they don't open Trump said he doesn't want to make this political. He said that earlier this week he says he believes schools are being kept closed for political reasons, but Trump has identified that he believes schools being kept, kept close to hurt him so Trump is now saying we want to make a political but we're gonna force you to reopen school,
under penalty of pulling funding, because he believes it will help his re election. If schools are open, that's making it political, which he claims, schools are actually doing.
Consider also this incredible hypocrisy if it's too dangerous for Paul manner for and Michael Cohen, to be in prison because of corona virus. How is it safe to reopen every school- and I know some of you will say but David Michael Cohen, is- is not an old guy, but he's older than kids Pollyanna for is even older. I think metaphor: it's in the seventies. Kids are not as at risk when it comes to spreading and serious cases of kroner viruses. People Pearlman affords it. That is true, but what about the teachers? What about the parents and tens of millions of children going back to school are going to put millions of adults at risk and- and I wanna be really clear- I get economically the importance of opening schools. A lot of parents can't work if their kids aren't in school because they can't just a for child care. So even
every single day in a full time childcare. So, even if the job has reopened for the parent, they may be unable to work if their kids are in school. I get it, but we have to be sensible if schools have to close when there were one hundred thousand active cases in the United States. How can you say they should open when we have a million and a half active cases in the United States, which is roughly where we are estimated you're right now, I'm struggling with the math and tomorrow on the programme at the top of the show tomorrow, because of the Supreme Court decision on trumps taxes, we just ran out of time tomorrow. We're going to talk more about the case for opening or not opening, schools hey. This is really funny. We have a voice mail number. That number is too one nine to David P. There's this guy, the egg man he's a liberal jewish guy up in in upstate New York, who calls into the show he said he tried watching NASCAR because he heard you know, as trumps said, the rat
Sir ratings are down. He wanted to see what it was all about. It doesn't seem like he's. Be a big NASCAR Fantasia, listen to what the advance said. Hey Dave, I consider myself very liberal and my wife is like intellectual overall way beyond me. Suddenly washed off first NASCAR race ever because I learned I know the black I need bubble, while that, in that car driver re learned, some guy had a black lives matter. They also learn said they got rid of the convention flag abandon. So I think Ladys have died up and I watched by first ways ever I never will again it was stupid. Left I tried to do it all these good, all against the trumpet forbidden. I just gotta make us more disappointed have drunk when ye. I am. I do not want to be so let down again Dave. I really needed Gimme a break. Somebody called about two thirds exactly that delivered yourself, a solemn brother
awesome garden. I wish I could show you my boy. You know I can't tell tools Oklahoma. Yes, of course, all. Points by the egg man very, very compelling we ve got a great bonus, show were you today we will talk about how many households missed their July First housing payments. It's a huge number we're going to talk about Portland, approving a cap on how much those food delivery apps can charge restaurant. And will also talk about the latest corona melt down relating to somebody losing their job. All of those stories and much much more on today's bonus show get incident. Access by becoming a member at joint Catherine Doc,
Transcript generated on 2020-09-15.