« The David Pakman Show

8/24/20: RNC Set to Start as Trump Humiliated Again

2020-08-24 | 🔗

--On the Show:

--Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are interviewed on ABC, and are completely coherent, without any of the implosions that were predicted by many on the right and even some on the left

--Donald Trump is historically humiliated on the even of the 2020 Republican National Convention, first at a bogus coronavirus press briefing and later in a Fox News interview

--Donald Trump's sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, crushes Donald Trump in leaked audio previously recorded by Trump's niece, Mary L. Trump

--Joe Biden's favorability is up 5 points since the Democratic National Convention

--A child in Iowa dies of coronavirus as schools there and around the country are starting to reopen

--Most Republicans say that 176,000 coronavirus deaths is an "acceptable" death toll, but Democratic and Independent voters disagree

--Twitter flags one of Donald Trump's tweets for voter suppression as Trump spreads disinformation about voting in November

--Donald Trump's administration bought faulty ventilators from Russia, and then donated working ventilators to them as "aid"

--Voicemail caller claims that if Joe Biden is elected, we can say goodbye to free speech

--On the Bonus Show: Firefighters visit David's house this weekend, upcoming RNC speakers lineup, Germany's dogwalking laws infuriate pet owners, much more...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The David Jackman Shell, David Tagamet, died, guarded, been a building sort of poorest people, both on the tragedy in right and also some on. The Anti Biden. Laughed too have just been insisting that Joe Biden can't possibly huh that together in an interview, he can't possibly hold it together under questioning from Report fears and we had finally some examples that we can look out Joe I was interviewed on ABC News over the weekend. Alongside is running, make common Harris. This was the first joined in view that they did, I believe- and the interview was remarkable in
unremarkable, it was from the standpoint of the hill stereo and the hyperbole and the craziness that we become used to under Donald Trump. It was just like a ball during political interview, Joe Biden answered questions and he answered follow up question. Hands, and he sounded like a politician for better or worse and was completely coherent. Like but this would not normally be news, but its news. When you have people on both sides, anticipating the Joe Biden would evolve into a stuttering. Yes, he has an fuel, stutter, incoherent, mass unable to make any point whatsoever, and in fact I Lloyd the interview not so much because I just agree with every policy
the decision that is being made by this platform, the Biden Harris Platform, but because it was just normal and we ve been hoping for normal for so long. So, let's look at some clips here is Joe Biden sing. He would do a national shut down or recommend one. If public health officials said it was the right idea for dealing with corona virus, remember it's ultimately up to governors. What the president can do is recommending say: hey guys. Let's all do this remember that we still have a raging pandemic over a hundred and eighty thousand deaths as Donald from continues to insist. We ve done, and doing really well with the virus. Here is Joe Biden, Sir, income january- and we, corona virus and the flu combining which many scientists have said is a real possibility. Would you be prepared to shut this country down again? I
We are prepared to do it. Every takes the same line because we cannot get the country movie until we control the virus. That is the fund flawed. This illustration is thinking began with in order to keep country running and moving any economy growing and people employed. You have six the virus. You have to deal with. Virus. So if the site is say shut it down, I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists immediately. You had people come out and say: oh, my god, what a socialist authoritarian he wants, no country, he wants no economy, he wants. No businesses come on eyes come. I haven't. We learned enough at this point. Haven't we seen what happened in other countries verse? in the United States when people war masks and they took social distancing seriously and when you have to shut down
sectors of the economy. Temporarily, you do it, but then you're able to reopen Biden is not saying any. If your shock that what Biden sang than then centrally using the whole world handled it incorrectly wee wee handled it correctly. And we have one of the highest per capita death rates in the world. Biden is just being sensible This is a medical situation, just a candidate recognising that distinguishes them from Donald Trump. We have to defer to public health and medical officials. That's it that's. What need in this country, and people are going crazy about authoritarian Joe Biden now, on top of that, had we done a two month: coordinated, shut down, meaning essential businesses, only everybody, whereas masks no school back in April or may we never would have gotten to where we are today, which is in an emergency situation with one of the worst Corona virus response
in the world people are reacting to Biden. Like he's, the outlier Biden has just saying do what the rest of the world figured out months ago. No more, no less, then Joe Biden is asked because again, Trump has been criticising. Biden for being in his basement Joe Biden was asked. Can you wanna presidential election from your house? Take a look. I understand the restrictions of covered and campaigning in this time, but can you win a presidential election from home? We will we're going to follow the science, what society tell us, we ve been able to travel places when we ve been able to do it in a way that we don't caused a congregation of large numbers of people. Look what happens when will this happen with his his events, people die. People get together. They not where mass they end up getting cove mandeb dying. So when you hear the presidency, this
afraid to leave as basement guess what I have left my basement and but here on the meantime, five the people of white? What I've done out of my basement and guess what people are Leslie people are Leslie, it's about be responsible. I really think that this Creating controversy where there is no controversy here and what's going to be really interesting, is for three and a half years. We ve had this narrative from Trump that the fake news me is all against them all the media's against them, except Fox NEWS and even Fox new, sometimes as against them You ve gotta, go to obey and to find a fair media. What a lot of people have forgotten. I have not forgotten it. Is that the myth of the liberal media is a myth. This is a corporatist media with a penchant for salacious and controversy and right away, they are taking hook line and sing
every narrative set by Trump here, they're asking about Biden in his basement, guys, there's a pandemic binds being responsible. That's it ok and then they continue to take debate. The bait corporate media does by asking Biden about the attacks. Donald Trump has been making against Biden on his cognitive fitness. Now I happen to think it's fair. When you have candidates that in their seventies, Trump now MID, seventies Biden closer to eighty, its toll reasonable to ask about cognitive fitness, but what's fascinating here is that corporate supposedly fake news left, leaning corporate media. They're taking trumps bait on every one of these issues Biden?
the basement and now Biden, cognitive fitness, I want to turn to the blistering attacks. We seem from President Trump just this week alone on your mental fitness, whether here up for the job he's campaigners called you diminished and I'm curious how you'd responding to watch me. Mister. As a watch me look, it is both what we say. What we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape wherein comma this look, I think, is illogical question to ask anybody over seventy. Is all whether or not their fit and whether the ready- but I guess I can say the american people, it's a legitimate question: ask anybody watch Let's put the attacks aside, then remember people remember Ronald Reagan was seventy seven. When he left office you would be. Seventy eight entering office- and you have said yourself that you are a transition candidate- does
me, no one term president, what does it know? It doesn't mean I'm so you're leaving open the possibility of survey years, absolutely ok, so Joe Biden handling it perfectly perfectly well, and I do think much like before the Bernie Biden debate. You had all these people expecting. Oh my god,. Biden up against Bernie, one on one Biden, gonna collapse, and of course he didn't anyone to win the primary. They were disappointed and I think they're going to be its appointed again in debates against Trump. If they happen, I don't expect any kind of collapse from Joe Biden by also was interviewed by ABC Robin Roberts, asked about choosing Cobble Harrison again. This is not a particularly newsworthy clip. It's just notable that Joe Biden is normal. He's able to articulate
why he selected Kamel Harris? Ah, he is able to speak in complete compound sentences. We ve just become unaccustomed to take a look. There is a connection there that I'm gonna talk more about. Work comes to Bowen and other aspects of family. You alluded, Mr Vice President Abbas, the fact that you made it clear early on that you will get a select, a woman to be you're running. Make you select a woman of colored. Did you do that to rally your base? Did you feel pressure two select a black woman. No, I didn't you. Oppression, select a black woman, but what I do think- and I have said it before you ve heard me say it probably said an unusual with you- is that the gum look like the people. Look like the country. Fifty one percent people in this country are women that expression. Goes women hold up half the sky, and in order to be able to succeed, you ve got to be dealt in across the board and no matter what you say you
I cannot understand and fully appreciate what it means to walk in her shoes to be an african american woman with the indian american Background child and she can see exactly what it's like to walk in my shoes, but we do know, is the same values and- and I really mean- and so it was- it was easy for me. Was an easy decision and although there are enormous number of really qualified women, I spoke to every single woman That was on the list before and as I today, I made the choice before they was announced. I called every single one of us a tipping
The tipping point was I was it was there were several things, but it just seemed to fit the closest in the best. I thought I understood- and I think I understand her where she comes from what her instincts are, hurt her character. I watched her take on the the big banks that watched your take on the gun lobby. I watched her She was a prosecutor. I watched her as the United States. Senator isn't this so weird that Joe Biden just answers, questions and stays on topic and doesn't ramble in and again uses compound sentences now then asked whether she still agrees with her prior call for more police officers on the streets. Has been really the big liability for Comma Harris. She D.
And directly answer, as politicians often avoid doing? Instead, she praises black lives matter as important a national conversation about policing, and you know the name that you have come a top cup and the book that you wrote ten years ago, smart on crime, where you can put by saying that you wanted to see more police on the street. Do you still feel that way less, and I think that there is no question. First of all, when I wrote that book we black lives matter did not exist, and I give full credit to the brilliance of that movement in terms of what it has done to advance a conversation that needed to happen a long time ago. What black lives matter has done, as a movement has been to be a counter force against
a very entrenched status quo around the criminal justice system in America, and that's why I'm so excited about what we can do in terms of a new administration in the White House. Okay, so common Harris's sort of equivocating she sang black lives matter is good. She saying well what I did before was a while ago. You can't really explain it any differently other than to say I was attorney general at the time and I was doing my job. This is this is standard politics and we don't have the like it. But again it's not about whether you accept common was, answer, it's about the reality that these are just normal people who late to the media normally who relate to their fate these normally, who can complete a thought, and that has been so missing for years. In this Andrey meanwhile Donald Trump did not have a very good weaken. Let's talk about that next, so Donald
Tromp had another humiliating twenty four hours ending yesterday on the eve of the Republican National Convention, which starts tonight first, of course, Trump Golf on Saturday as the corona virus death toll reached in surpass two hundred and eighty thousand deaths. Ok, we're a global embarrassment. Trump is still golfing. Dont need to spend a lot of time on that Sunday Trump announces. A big press briefing. Huge medical announcement is going to be made big treatment news about corona virus wow. What could that be? They scheduled for five thirty word leaks the announcement is an after emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma. What's that and around as a corona virus trial treatment for months. Tons of countries have been using Conway and how is how is that an announcement that trombone, what what that is, what it was Donald Trump Chat, trying to take credit for something he had nothing to do with. Isn't it
whose and isn't unique to the United States and, of course, Donald Trump continues to miss, pronounced the word plasma as plasma seven times. In fact, during this announcement here is Trump struggling to even read what the announcement is early historic announced. In our battle against the giant of ours that will save countless lives. The FDA, has issued an emergency use as the authorization and that such a powerful term emergency use, authorization for a treatment known as convalescent plasma. Why can't somebody tell him it's plasma? Is that like, when you forget someone's name this second time, you meet them and you don't want to ask and then you've met them ten times and now it's too late to ask- and at this point nobody wants to be the person to go up to Trump and say sir. As Trump says, people talk to him, Sir, it's plasma, not plasma, then more importantly, substantively trump exam.
Raided the benefit of plasma or plasma as it may be. Vaccine to save lives were removing unnecessary barriers and delays. By cutting corners, but by marshalling the full power of the federal government we provide. Forty eight million dollars to fund the male clinic study that tested the like a sea of convalescence plausible for patients with the virus through study over one hundred thousand Americans have already enrolled to receive this treatment, and it is proven to reduce mortality by thirty five percent. Mendous number, the FDA, MIT Harvard and man sign. A hospital have also found convalescent blossom it to be a very effective method of fighting this horrible disease based on this science and the data Fifty eight has made the independent determination that the treatment is safe, and very effective. Now there are actual question
about whether this emergency use authorization makes sense. So, to remind you, this is a trial, treatment. That's been around the world for months. There's nothing special about the! U S! Trying convalescent plasma, there's a good of thread on twitter, which explain that, by giving an emergency youth or authorization you're making the treatment avail well to weigh more people who are actually that sick and who would likely recover anyway and could end up skewing the results and exposing people to some pretty serious side effects which can include as a result of these points, my transfusions, lung injury, a blood clots, kidney issues etc. So why The reasons you would maybe not do and EU way early is that when you keep the treatment as part of randomly controlled trials, you're actually carefully select things sicker patients, where you need something extra, I have a relative in Argentina who has grown a virus right now.
And they would have been able to give her convalescent plasma, but they decided she's, not sick enough, and because there are side effects it, we don't want to just start giving it to everybody. At this point in time, you dont want to put people who aren't that sick at risk of dangerous side effects and skew the results. By giving the treatment to people who were less sick and likely to recover. Anyway, when you have an emergency use, authorization, people start asking for this. It's more available. You start giving it to people who aren't that sick. You end up with people with side effects that didn't really need the treatment and the treatment can appear more effective than it is all because Trump wants something to announce, Ok, so then Trump takes just three questions at a completely non newsworthy press briefing. One of the questions is from right wing project, and a network away on, and then he walks off so quickly. After only three questions that you can tell the other people on the stage are surprised that that's it
Frumps, leaving take a look very much greater pressure on you got your eyes are authorized, as Mr Junker authorizes. You didn't answer the question: so that was part one of trumps late afternoon. Then tromp was interviewed by this horrible Fox NEWS, Hosty Hilton, and it was just a train wreck yet again. This was another. One of those interviews meant to be easy. That just goes bad for tromp Trump has been asked about and has failed to answer. What's your biggest accomplishment from your first term, Trump in the past, has given no answer multiple times to that question this time he had an answer and comically. It was worse than no answer at all from says. His big accomplish fists our health care and transparency Listen to this with healthcare. We ve done a great job One of the other things I did. I think usually one futures good
transparency. I approve transparency that bigger than healthcare. The people at work. You know, no one of them is like the old time expert on transparency, highly respected, been doctor, You said, sir. If you get is approved, this bigger than healthcare transparency, where you can go and negotiated why that helps people people will be able to negotiate their prices, which right now they. People will be able to get better doctors. You know what for good hospitals, hospitals are against it because makes a good good sparrows and good doctors. It's good for good aspens. It's the big thing. Maybe in healthcare, Anything I'm doing so. Let's think that through healthcare Trump tried twice, I believe in twenty seventeen to get a plan past that would replace Obamacare with something that will do lead to twenty four to thirty two million people losing healthcare
then what he did on health care is stripped the man, the mandate from Obamacare, which merely may So bomber care function worse, it doesn't actually get rid of it. It just makes it function worse. Then he said Transparency has been an accomplishment. I don't even have to get into that. I mean low can act, hatch, hacked violations lining his pockets and those of his family and friends, not showing us his taxes, not operating with multiple investigation so his accomplishments. He says our health care and transparency out of this world and then again, Trump says he's been the best president for black people in history other than may be: Abraham Lincoln What would I have to say to people who want both low and racial just for sorting have done more for the black community than any other president other than perhaps Abraham Lincoln. I think it's true with
criminal, justice reform and opportunities zones and all other things. I've done a prison reform. I mean what John is more than anybody else? I don't know its being recognised at all this little clip? Those twenty three seconds are everything that Trump is I and the most of anybody and no He gives me credit. That is the Trump presidency in a nutshell, failing on everything, while claiming success and claiming nobody's giving you credit for that success. Another disastrous day for Trump by normal people stand. Roads leading up to the Irish Sea which starts tonight. It's gonna be wild, gonna be wild. Make sure your following me on Twitter, it deep Hackmen. I will be tweeting during the Aral Sea and live streaming. I hope to see that David Pachmann show David Pachmann Dotcom today, one of our sponsors is surf shark.
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I thank them for sponsoring. The David Pachmann show David Pachmann. Shell, David Pachmann died carved today's new members of the day or Tiffany Boeing and Amanda Scott thanks to Tiffany another man duffer the membership subscriptions also of big. Thank you to Marcia Correira. Who is today's long times sustaining. Member of the day, Marsh has been a member for almost five years: grab yourselves a membership, a joint pachmann dot com. This is super interesting. We ve got the hour see starting tonight in which overwhelmingly the case for real Acting Donald Trump is going to be made by his family members were going to be hearing how great Donald Trump is from yes, his own vice president, but also from his wife, Maloney trump his
It's a vanguard, Don Junior, Eric and Tiffany and their will We some other speakers, including that couple from Saint Louis, who pointed guns at protesters, but even trumps. Family isn't unanimously on board with his re election. You already know about Mary AL trumps devastating book about him a few weeks ago. That's trumps niece but there is now leaked audio were Donald Trump own sister, Mary Ann Trump Bury said that Donald Trump has no principles that you catch ask them and that he lies all the time now. This is not some random person who doesn't know trump. This is his sister. Let's listen to this devastating audio and Mary Ann Trump bury particularly aghast at the constant lies from Donald Trump Card game. Changer stories
good preparation lying only but he's appearing to the base. What they're doing with the kids and Water. I mean now right away. Right wingers are focusing on oh, but these risks warnings were made surreptitiously these these were secret recordings. Now, that's true does change. Anything, and notably these were done, surreptitious, but not illegally, because these recordings were made in New York, which is a one party consent state. What that means is that, as long as one party to the conversation no there's a recording being made its legal. Now we can do The morality of it I'd argue that the
moral imperative to remove Trump is such that I'm not going to get bent out of shape by legal surreptitious recordings. Maybe you disagree with me: there that's fine, and now this is where it gets. Super interesting. Remember the claim that trumped up need somebody to take his s eightys for him. Part of this audio includes trumps own sister, saying she has knowledge of that. Take a listen to this case
is a brand. New task remains ransoms, pillar, tantalizingly, uranium trotting. You get him into the ended up in forming a government before the groups, but I didn't get it for you. I know you didn't come, then he went for one year and then he turned to university somebody's, take his sand and submitting, as everyone has said, That's what I believe I can dig hiding
Now, when you do what he does stories in order, so there is once again aim in what Mary and Trump Bury thought was a private conversation. It was recorded by Mary I'll trump saying Trump paid, someone to take his s eighties. There are more eclipse, let's listen to one more, were merry and bury Tromp Marian Trump Bury recalls the conversation where Trump called to ask her hey. Did you see me on fox? use, and she said I dont really watch fox or much tv and Trump was in Reggie couldn't believe way. What are you doing, and she explained that she reads books. Take a look at this.
You watch flux news. I said no, I said I don't watch much television at all was what do you do? I we pause. What do you read books books, what the mead but that is just what to me means just brilliant about these recordings are two things. First of all, trumps zone, family seized trump. The way we do and what I mean by that is they know him privately and still react in the sea
way that we react to the public version of Trump, which tells us that privately Trump really is that same person that we see in public the Annette, pathetic self obsessed, narcissistic maniac its same guy now as far as these recordings changing anything as in terms of election results, I don't think so. You know Donald Trump Base ignores anything that they don't like. They probably won't even hear about this if they do Del, ignore it and, in reality, there's nothing here that we don't already know and his basis so called like that. I dont think these risks, buildings are really going to do anything in terms of hurting his election reelection chances. If you disagree with me, let me know. Ah, I dont see it making any
we'll big impact, maybe the Aral Sea will and that's what I want to talk about next. So last Thursday night Joe Biden gave just a good, solid convention speech at the end of the day and see and he seen his favour ability go up by five points. Now this is exactly why Republican set on Monday last Monday Biden might get eight to ten points out of the Dnc why did they do that? Because never does any presidential candidate get eight to ten points added the Dnc The reason Republican said it was so that when Biden gets five or three or four they can say who he's really underperforming? We expected Biden to get eight to ten points. You only got three four or five now, what's more interesting to me, is typically conventions will boost polling and favour ability by three to four job. And is actually exceeding that in the latest ABC News, Ipsos Paul, which says Biden
variability went from forty to forty five in one week now that still very low, in other words, forties bad forty five is a little bit less bad, but it still a fantastic number you wanna be running on. If you want to unseat and incumbent president, compare it to trumps. Favor facility, which is only thirty two right now in pencil, even worse at thirty. Ok, maybe it's not a huge problem for Joe Biden. So today the Aral Sea starts we'll have to see what kind of a bump done from gets out of it now. Typically, the way it goes is that both candidates get bumps from their respective conventions, but they're, not permanent, and some weeks after that inventions number settled back down, typically to where they were before the convention's started now with interesting. Is that binds boost didn't come
I'm doing anything spectacular or outrageous Biden gave a pretty milk toast coherent normal, speech. We saw him relating to people like a normal person to his wife to his family. That's a big contrast to Donald Trump and we talked about. That little bit earlier in the programme. Aside from the people who were expecting Biden to implode being disappointed. We basically saw a pre view of what it would be like to have a normal adult. As president, we wouldn't have wacky things happening every single day. We wouldn't have all these scandals. Some people in reaction to this are emailing me in there saying David. This is such a low bar. They did. This is not This is nothing to praise Biden about. I see it as yeah it's. It's feels better to have an adult in charge who's, not a laughing doc. The bar being low, is not an attack on Biden,
a reminder of how low low Donald from has set the bar and at sea scarier that sir, three million or more people are likely to vote for keeping bar that low by voting to re, Elect Donald Trump in November. So when people say Biden, They seemed ok because the bar is so low. That's not an attack on Biden, that's an attack on the guy set the bar so low and that's Donald Trump. Now. What does seem less ideal is according to the same Paul Owen. About thirty percent of Americans even watched any of the Dnc? That's not great from from the standpoint of enthusiasm. When you have a corona virus pandemic, more people are staying home. The fact that fewer people watch this than typically do is not great However, you can interpret that any number of ways. You could say the reason fewer people watch the Dnc is they dont need to watch it no, that they need to vote to remove Donald Trump and
for Joe Biden in November. It's one speculative interpretation. The point is the lower viewer ship doesn't necessarily tell us anything, my ex station, is that the ratings for the currency, which starts tonight are gonna, be much better, but they're going we better, not because there are so many more republicans, enthusiasts, thickly waiting to vote for Donald Trump compared to Joe Biden. There are going to be a lot of people hate watching the currency or watching it. The way we look at a car crash when we drive by I wouldn't necessarily too much into it. I expect my life streams of the currency. And again my audiences way more left, then it is right. I expect my life streams to do better for the currency than Dnc, but it's not because my audience is planning to vote for Trump. It's because my audience wants to see the train wreck
that is going to be. You know the couple from Saint Louis who pointed guns at protesters. Speaking at a convention, the question ultimately is once the currency is all said and done what does it do for Trump? Imagine a republican convention that damages trump dad be terrible more likely trumpets, get two to three points out of it in the short run that may be enough. For him to get reelected. It may not it's just very difficult for me to imagine being on too. The four days in a row in prime time and trump helping himself, because he see the mess up at every opportunity, but can engines aside. The refrain has to be the constant reminder has to be Trump, can steal the selection post office shenanigans, combined with foreign meddling, combined with other voters, suppression combined with taking credit for
They think Verona, virus related that happens between now and November. I know we look at maps and we say look so we four Biden, these just gotta take a couple of these states trump one and he's got to seventy. You only need to suppress a modest amount of votes and key states to flip the results and because their such huge urban rural divide in this country, if you're a republican, you know you can hugely help your candidate, by just doing shenanigans in urban areas. You know that when you do that, you were disproportionately going to hit people likely planning tools for Joe Biden and not Donald Trump. They know this. Ok trust me. They know it. Last thing: the convention boosts
Being temporary is fine, but that's still means Trump could be within two or three points in the popular vote and he won the electoral college and twenty sixteen, while being down more than two points in the popular vote too. Ray Clinton. So what we can hope is different. This time around is that with early voting, the temporary boost me I bleed over into voting and if Joe Biden got five and Trump only gets two or three maybe, the voting will be skewed to Biden and that will take away the power that some October surprise would have were thinking out loud. All we can do is vote I hope you will. I know I plan to continue following us. On Instagram for more on this story, we're on the ground at gave a pattern
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to go remote for now, or at least they thought they D did it because then the governors, the governor of Iowa, came in and is actually forcing some schools to open. So there is about three or four different stories here. One is this: is it actually, why lots of places try to make it illegal, or at least the violation of contracts for teachers to go on strike so that The governor says jump instead of saying. Why are we dumping that doesn't make sense. They say how high- and this is exactly an example of that it relates to collective bargaining. It relates to unions. It relates to so many different things on the labour side, but it's not our focus today, the other side of it. Is really the craziness of of the pandemic and the entire story of opening and sky openings and the like, and the really crazy thing about the school starting fiasco is that it's all becoming,
Affably political and I wanna be careful buzzing laughably, because people's lives are at stake here. But what I mean is it's obviously political, because we're now only talking about a couple of months, it's just that they are months that are crucial. Donald Trump election and possibly to the re election of Republicans in the house. In the Senate gubernatorial, republican reelections and I'll. Explain what I mean by that and be really specific. You have people, the right like Trump, but me republican governors. Although Charlie Bigger here in Massachusetts, has been good on this republican As you have all these people saying opened, the schools now open it for economic reasons, open it for mental health risk you know being closed, led sturbed suicides and mental health issues in isolation and all the stuff. Ok, they're gambit is so rules being open, will help them get reelected, particularly trump. The idea being the optics of schools being open is good, politically ITALY
seem like things are returning to normal in advance so the November elections and there is a truth to it. I don't deny that there is an economic reality here, where many parents can't work or, work as much as they normally would. If their kids are in school, because there centrally counting on school for child care? They are in jobs thanks to our economy, that dont pay enough, them to be able to say, ok, I'll pay for child care and then go to work. The numbers don't make sense. So I'm completely sensitive that, and these are real issues- I'm not brushing off the issue of opening school. Rules as something that we shouldn't even consider? In some places there are counties that have almost no cases. In particular, there are these sort of semi rural schools, where you might have like seven through twelve might have a hundred and fifty heads right, twenty five kids per class. You can do that right. It's lovely safely, and I'm not against doing that. The problem is that not the case in a
variety of places that are opening where we ve instantly seen cases spread, quarantine, start etc, and again, it's almost September at this point we're talking about, one semester had we done it's always too little too late. Had we done a full, coordinated, shut down in the spring two months. Maybe three formats compliance, we would look like many countries which now are doing well and we would having this conversation to the degree that we are having. It would be clear, there's a bunch of schools that can open, but now everything has to stay open, Things are, the guidelines are ignored, schools must open and we are in a position where, for political reed Donald Trump and others want to force schools open, and we saw what happened. We looked at Georgia. We looked at me. Hurry we're looking at Iowa, Indiana, everywhere, kids and teachers start getting sick. Entire classes have to be quarantine for weeks. Your essential.
The ending up, sending a whole bunch of people home anyway. It would be far more logical, although maybe not politically beneficial, to say: let's do this semester remote, we're, not saying no school, we're not saying no school for a long time. If things go well, we are hopefully, hopefully just a couple of months from some Maxine approval optimistically, which, by the end of the year, some more specific number of people will be able to start getting and in spring semester. Things will start to normalize wit. It will still take time but right now the debate is over just a few months, and what is the real obstacle for many parents, it's the money, peace other countries have said, let's be safe and let's ride. We send people money and take care of people the long run benefit suggests is warranted. In the U S it took months to get one too hundred dollar payment to people,
Who knows if and when the next one is going to come, and that creates this Problem is the same with the desire for many on the right to cut the unemployment benefits. If you do that, you can afford, people back to work not safely necessarily, but it will create a semblance of normalcy, so they will frame it as the left. Once everything closed forever, left once everything closed until November. Fourth, just to hurt Trump right, one of these two, it's almost September we're talking about like three months now, just do school from home will get to Windsor Break and then, hopefully by then some portion of the population will start to be vaccinated will be starting to get beyond the half way point of flu season, we're all going be better off without having to re shut down, because things explode. That's disastrous.
Nominally flew season coming. I got my flew shot Friday glad to have it doctor fouche. You recently said this won't go on forever, but we have be safe until we get to the other side and now Iowa, which opens schools today, with the first confirmed child corona virus death. There new pole about the virus, which shows that Republicans Democrats and patents are really living in alternate moral realities when it comes to corona virus deaths now noticed that I'm not saying alternate realities. In this case, everybody was presented with the fact that at the time, a hundred and seventy six thousand people had died of corona virus. The poll was done a few days ago were now close to. Hundred and eighty one thousand corona virus deaths. But at the time Republicans Democrats and independence were told hundred and Seventys thousand people have died of corona virus. Ok, presented with that fact. Do
who believe that is an acceptable amount of death. Most republic gins believe it is, of course, Democrats and independent dont think a hundred and seventy six thousand deaths is accepted, so this is a CBS news. You gov pole of twenty two under registered voters. Margin of error of two point four, and it found that fifty seven percent of Republicans believe why hundred and seventy six thousand corona virus deaths is acceptable. More than half of Republicans believe that's an acceptable death toll. Only ten percent of Democrats, believe a hundred and seventy six thousand deaths is acceptable and only thirty three percent of independence, Stu by two to one margin, independence believe the death toll is an acceptable now, first of all its the hypocrisy, a tie, of these same republicans- who say ah ha didn't seventy six thousand corona virus. Doubts are acceptable. Thought Barack Obama
He did to resign because two people died of both in the United States, there is always a hip Creasy angle. Let's not make that the focus today, second there is a morality component here. Is it possible that the reason Republicans think the deaths or x Optimal is that early on the deaths were mostly in blue states with dirt. Aviation links to China and the US countries in Europe that were seated with the virus early. Could it be that republicans are okay with deaths as long as they're, mostly democratic voters, I know the answer to that, but it's certainly possible, but the really interesting things statistically is that
you don't have an even partisan divide, and that could be a factor in November, and I want to be really clear about explaining this. We always expect that all else being equal, if you have a purely partisan divide in any issue, you would expect, for example, that independence would be roughly fifty fifty split on an issue, as you would expect that the Democrat Republican, imbalance would be equal. This isn't super clear the way I'm explaining its hope. So let me give you an example. You would expect that, if Republicans support something, seventy slash, thirty Democrats would oppose it. Seventy slash thirty all else be well meaning, if there isn't some other factor to consider now, there's always some other factor to consider right. So when you look at abortion, you dont have approval for abortion. In most cases among Democrats equal to disapproval, among Republicans, there's religious components there
other factors that go into it so right now, the country is more in favour of worse than they have ever been and part of it, is you don't have an even partisan divide, yes, Republicans or more against abortion than Democrats, but it's not to the same degree. Ok here with this question except ability of corona virus deaths. The partisan divide very unequal. If we look at the numbers again, you'll see that even among Republicans, forty three percent think the death toll is unacceptable. It is unbalanced, with the democratic number showing us that this issue is stronger than partisanship. It still hugely partisan, but even Republicans forty three percent of them are putting aside partisanship and sang the death toll is not acceptable, despite it being our guy tromp who oversight
not acceptable, and then, of course, when you look at independence, who were not fifty fifty split but by a to one margin say this is not ok. This could be a difference maker. November corona. Viruses polling as a top issue for voting in November and Even among Republicans forty three percent say the results are unacceptable if some of those Republicans vote Biden, if some of Say I'm not gonna vote Biden, but I'm gonna stay home. It could be enough to push Trump out of office. Now, of course, on the other side, we ve got voters suppression the postal service foreign meddling all of this stuff. So that's why we need to bring out enforce these folks who all Eddie Democrats by a ninety two ten margin think the corona virus handling is unacceptable, You gotta make sure that they vote last thing. How can Republicans call themselves pro life,
and be the group that, by the largest margin, believes a hundred and seventy six thousand deaths are acceptable, just something to think about David, Pachmann, Shell, David Pachmann, dad got one of our sponsors, this privacy dot com there, giving you five dollars. When you sign up for their completely free service at privacy, dot com, slow, pachmann, I've been using privacy for a little over a year. Now you ve heard me talk about it before it's a lifesaver and here's how it works, takes just a couple of minutes to set up any time you buy something online or on the phone. Instead of actually using your real credit card number, the privacy app and the browser login. Let you give each company a randomized virtual credit card number that you create out of thin air it or even auto, fill the card number with one click and the payment is taken out of your checking account with
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he'll. Protect your financial info companies can charge. You unexpectedly and, like I said, you'll get five dollars to spend when you sign up at privacy, dot com, slash, Pachmann, David Pachmann, show David Pachmann Dotcom. The president of the United States has had a tweet lagged by twitter because it is encouraging people not to vote by telling them things that are not true about corona virus. This is incredible that the sitting President of the United States, is violating the terms of service of a social media platform, not for something unrelated to his election, but because he is spreading disinformation about her own upcoming reelection, Donald Trump tweeted quote so Now the Democrats are using male drop boxes, which are a voter security disaster now, of course,
these are municipalities using the boxes. It's not Democrats from goes on to say among their things. They make it possible for for a person to vote multiple times, also who controls them? Are they placed in republican or democrat areas? They are not covered. Sanitized. A big fraud, and rightly Twitter, put the message up on the tweet, which says this too violated the twitter rules about civic and election integrity. So there are really two parts here. The first is Donald Trump is continuing to say that vote by male absentee drop boxes, none of it. Secure. This is not true trumpet saying that without evidence, I'm sure you know that by now part two of This is this new idea of playing on people's fears of corona virus. By saying you know the drop boxes for the ballots, they're, not cove id sanitized, and this is a clear attempt to dissuade Biden, voters,
How do we know that, because Biden, voters, we know our team in corona virus more seriously than our Trump voters Biden. Voters are more likely to be planning to vote by mail to avoid maybe catching corona virus at appalling place by and voters are more likely to wear masks when they go outside. So we know that if you start spreading the idea the ballot dropbox might give you the virus. You were going to disproportionately hit Biden voters, but it could backfire. If Democrat cats, are more likely not to believe what Trump says and trot Voters are more likely to believe what Donald Trump says it's can evil that this idea of saying you know you could get corona virus from the dropbox. It might end up key in his own voters at home. I dont think in the end it will have a hugely disproportionate impact one way or the other, but twitter is completely wrecked a flag, his tweet and to put a warning on it. Donald Trump is terrified that
people are going to come out and vote in huge numbers and not for him, but for the other guy and in fact the entire Republican Party is terrified of that. I expect that as the election gets closer there's going to be going even crazier and pulling out all the stops. Everything will be on the table. We have to make sure it backfires. We have to keep publicizing that he's doing this, because there is one thing: we know people will be more determined to vote them or they realize Trump doesn't want them to? People are just like that by nature. The post office was a turning point for many Americans sending troops into cities was it turning point for many Americans. This is a cult. It's a danger one and a lot of people understandably, would crawl over broken glass to vote in. No, number the president of the United States is trying to suppress the vote. Obviously, he should have long ago been banned from twitter, regularly bullying people breaking
about a return in condition they have, but this is bigger than twitter mail in balance or bad ballot drop boxes could be infected with corona virus. We have to stop it. We have to stop it and of the lesson skip it? You know what you have to do. We have now learned that Jared Cushion or Donna from a son in law made a deal with Russia for ventilators? during the corona virus crisis. In order to be able to say, hey, we ve gotten ventilators, we got ventilators, it turns out. Every single ventilator we got from Russia was fun de according to a new report. Every aspect of this story is crazy. So, first of all, it's crazy that shared cushioned. Her Donald Trump son in law is working. In the administration? It's insane for reasons of nepotism, it's insane for reasons of nurse incompetence, then you remember that at some point in maybe, April or may outer now
trotted out Jared Cushion or to do a corona virus press briefing, and it went horribly wrong. We never saw him again. This was the briefing were cushioning dropped. This Kafka ask line you know the ventilator supplies our supply. It's not the states supply which is like in what we discuss that in detail at the time it was indecipherable, Evil genius and we never saw again at the press briefings, but even more importantly, some of the things that commissioner was doing. We're laughably, counterproductive so, for example, cushioned her organised getting shipment of ventilators from Russia to the? U S in late March they were faulty, they didn't work. Andrew Cuomo got some of them. Other officials got them and they started seeing supplies come in from Russia and they they were wondering. Why are we getting russian supplies and the and the Ladys were. Faulty Jared could There was able to hurry up the delivery of faulty ventilators because he has
personal relationship with the ceo of a russian sovereign wealth funds. Currently sanction by the United States. So another insane detail cushioning goddess multi ventilators more quickly by doing business with a russian dude whose current under sanctioned by the United States. Every aspect of this is insane Then they gave the ventilators to officials in New York in New Jersey, including Andrew Cuomo. The official said these not work and initial They said. Well, it's just that there's a voltage issue because russian ventilators. Once we fix the voltage shit voltage issue, it'll be fine, turns out that In truth, the fat ventilators were completely faulty and this one would be a comedy of errors if people's lives weren't, depending on it, the shipment from Russia
listen to this insanity, the shipment from Russia came with other supplies that weren't even hospital supplies like, for example, Trump talks about getting gloves. We're talking about surgical, gloves medical grade gloves, Russia sent us household cleaning gloves understand that ok, just household cleaning, gloves and should build the? U S, six hundred thousand dollars for those gloves in the middle of a hundred year pandemic, for which Donald Trump was completely unprepared, he starts buying faulty incorrect medicine medical supplies from Russia. Now there are also reports of more than fifty million dollars worth of contaminated corona virus tests. From the United Arab Emirates, so The reason we elected this guy was supposedly that a business and would do really well running the country. Now Trump is a failed business man, ok, but is how it works, and, quite frankly, this is
seeming more like money laundering than anything else. Now back to the russian ventilators for a second Russia sent us forty, five font. Faulty then too Peters around April, one which we paid for we later heard news that the Trump Administration with sending Putin two hundred of our ventilators as part of a foreign aid like we just gave them to him so think about that we by fifty ventilators or by forty five ventilators from Russia, which are faulty, and then we give then two hundred of our ventilators, which work well. This is how business man runs. The country is. Money laundering- is it embezzlement, and this is just one story among hundreds like this, in this administration We may never know the full reality of it and you know what if we get rid of them, I don't care if we never know the full reality of every single one of these stories we have of, a small number, which is too one nine to David P, here's a collar who,
is not in favour of Joe Biden, listen to what he has to say on last year. For the first time, I've watched louder because well, I'm gonna preach tv job by your backing of United States you'll be lucky to be peace. Peace Juvy watch bother pretty much much troubled appointed a party which is nothing more. Radical extremists leftist. Thank both at me. Yeah listen binds not the authoritarian, its trump who's been hostile to a free press. Its trump who's been hostile to media its trump, whose kick people out of the press briefing room its trump who calls media news and the enemy of the people, Joe Biden, you can a lot of negative things about Joe Biden- and we said
you have them Joe Biden is not thought Rotarian Joe Biden, clearly much like Barack Obama, respects and understands the role of a free and independent press, and this is how things go backwards. Trump is one of most authoritarian and hostile to media president's. We ve had in a long time, and people are calling me saying. Media and free speech you're in trouble if Biden wins, come on guys, you're living in a fantasy world. On today's bonus show. I going to tell the story of fire fighters viz in my house at four a m this weekend. Ok, why were they at my house at four a m this weekend I'll tell you on the bonus, show, make sure to sign up join pachmann, dot com or by becoming a patron at Patria. Dot, com, Slash David Pachmann chef
Transcript generated on 2020-08-24.