« The David Pakman Show

7/24/20: Trump's Jeffrey Epstein Lies and Coronavirus Concerns

2020-07-24 | 🔗

--On the Show:

--Donald Trump is caught in an apparent lie about Prince Andrew in the context of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell

--Former Trump Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci says that Trump wishing Ghislaine Maxwell "well" is code for Trump warning her to stay quiet

--Caller asks how Trump can be stopped from rigging the election

--Caller thinks they are not safe from coronavirus at work

--Caller feels disgusted with the Democratic Party

--Caller asks about Trump's new tone on the pandemic

--Caller asks about the race between Ed Markey and Joe Kennedy

--Audience Question: What happens if Trump doesn't accept the election results?

--Audience Question: If Biden wins Florida, does he win the election?

--Audience Question: How can Trump regain control of the 2020 election?

--On the Bonus Show: Republican convention cancelled, the worst 1984 book review ever, and much more...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The David Jackman, Shell, David Tagamet, died gathered. So at this point I think I have to say something but the situation with Helium Maxwell in particular, because this came up at Donald Trump, Tuesday, Corona Virus Press briefing and Trump yeah. I was just caught in another apparent lie to the point where I am increasingly convinced that Trump is scared. Of what she lay Maxwell, may reveal Anthony scare him. She believes that that's exactly what's going on and so we're we're gonna go through it. So just to reset Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and charged with multiple counts of sex trafficking in assaulting young girls
this. This video will now be demonetized, because I mentioned his name. Unfortunately, but we ve got to talk about this. This has been known for a long time, there's documentaries now about Jeffrey Epstein. It's been widely explored doc. Humanity was ultimately found dead in his jails, hell of a reported suicide, his girlfriend, maybe ex girlfriend whatever alleged groom and trafficking of women and girls. She lay Maxwell who is out of the public eye for some time, but has since been arrested a few weeks ago now there are widespread pictures from the last twenty plus years and videos of Donald Trump together with a Jeffrey Epstein and she lay Maxwell, including with Maloney a Trump without Maloney it from the years there's video we once looked at of Trump and Epstein at a party, I believe it was in the late nineties, trumpet Epstein together sort of watching and discussing different young.
Men who were dancing in front of them might have been the early two thousands. The point is widespread connections between Trump and Epstein. Now Donald Trump was asked about Maxwell on Tuesday and Trump wished her well, which is a really weird thing to say about an alleged sex trafficker given the number of alleged victims, but Trump also mentioned something about Prince Andrew which you may find interesting. So let's take a look at that clip just lane. Maxwell is imprisoned and allow people Y know she's going to internal people, thought in the past about presidential and precise definitions, behaviour and wondering I do feel that men have you seen that working out, I don't know I haven't been following too much. I just wish her well frankly met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in palm beach- and I guess they lived in palm beach. But I wish your wealth whatever it is, I don't know the situation with Prince Andrew just don't
not aware of it. So a lot of people are focusing on from saying he wishes her well, arguably, a wild thing to say, given that she lay Maxwell accused of grooming and trafficking in young girls and has left so many alleged victims in her wake. But the thing oh and we're going to talk about wishing her well in a moment. But the thing about Prince Andrew is particularly interesting because once again from claims total ignorance Sandro Epstein, I don't know anything about that, but we have video check out this video from February of twenty fifteen this is when Donald Trump was getting ready to run for president in this clip heel, he says he's about eighty percent, certain he's going to run for president and it sure seemed like Trump knew, a lot about Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew in this clip. Take a look. You raised the question of Jeff S, name in Europe,
too bad you and I think that a problem- I don't think I'm a guy, I don't know, but that Ireland was really assess. Pool, is no question about it. Justice Prince Andrew he'll, tell you about the island was an absolute cesspool lines are foreigners from there for many times I guess infringed, but I know friendly. You know them are you at my gloves a lot? I have clubs and everybody likes to play. You saying this is from knows The island- and he says, Prince Andrew specifically, is the guy you want to talk to. And he's gonna gives a weird kind of knowing look to one of the people sitting at that desk on camera. This prince Andrew can tell you about it so clearly, and twenty fifteen trumpet did think and know about a connection between Epstein and Prince Andrew. So there's a couple possibilities here and of course none of them are good, one is Trump is lying now, Trump lies all the time. This is what a lot of people suspect-
and the idea is from has been intimately involved with Jeffrey Epstein, and he knows all about Prince Andrew and now he's lying in saying I don't know anything about Prince Andrew, but remember, there's a thirteen year old girl, then thirteen year old girl who at one point accused trumpet Epstein of raping her in Epstein Manhattan, condo that suit with since dropped. The other possibility is again one of firms, cognitive decline, and you might have noticed that in the twenty fifteen clip I played for you, Trump is obviously more articulate more together than he is now. It's possible. Trump has just lost all memory and he has no recollection of knowing about the Epstein Prince Andrew connection. There have been allegations that say, Trump regularly forgets things that happened five days ago. Forgets things all the time, so either Trump is a liar and he knows everything. There is an hour much of what there is to know about Prince Andrew and Epstein or he's lost his memory. Neither inspires a lot of content.
Now. I want to get to one other component of this and that's what I want to talk about next and that's the idea that when Trump says I wish her well about. She lay Maxwell you here that I hear that it sounds weird. Why would he wish well to an alleged child sex, trafficker, Anthony Scare, a mood she says: that's code from Trump Tuesday Lane Maxwell to shut up and not say a word about Donald Trump. So let's talk about that next, so the second part of the Trump relay Maxwell story is about what Trump met by I wish her. Well now I M ready laid out for you how, on Tuesday, at Donald Trump grown a virus press briefing, he was asked about the arrest of she lay Maxwell. Thee of alleged grew more and trafficker of girls for Jeffrey Epstein Trump
solely wished her well and then said. He doesn't know anything about the connection between Prince Andrew and Geoffrey Epstein. In the last segment, we focused on showing you in twenty fifteen from certainly knew about the connection between Prince Andrew and Geoffrey Epstein. Let's now talk about I wish her well take a look at this clip just lane. Maxwell is in prison and allow people want to know she is going to turn. People talked in the past about presidential and precise built Clinton's behaviour. I'm wondering I do feel that our fishermen have you seen that working out, I don't know I haven't been following too much. I just wish her well frankly, met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in palm Beach and I guess they look. In palm but I wish her well whatever it is. I don't know the situation with Prince Andrew. Just don't
not aware of it. Now a lot of people wrote to me saying: isn't it really weird that Donald Trump asked about someone accused of horrible crimes, right cereal, sex trafficking and grooming of young women and girls,
wishing her well, that's weird will, of course it's weird, but Donald Trump is a weird got. Here's a different moral code than many of us have, but there is a different perspective from Donald Transformer aid and very brief White House Communications Director, Anthony Scary Movie, who tweeted about this and scary movie, says Trump. Is wishing her well not to wish her well it's code for her not to talk, in other words, don't cooperate. Dont, tell investigators what you know about trumps activities possible activities with Jeffrey Epstein and Scare Muky tweeted in the morning earlier this week quote she has the goods on him. He is signalling. Please don't talk now, of course its speculative, but also, of course, if indeed there is some connection that involves Donald Trump Jeffrey Epstein, there is no shortage of such allegations. Donald Trump has shown that he is very much willing to reward people who stay quiet with either pardons or commuting their sentences. If you believe that trump wish
Her well is a signal that she should stay. Quiet, there's really an implicit threat. There sort of like a mafia by suggesting that the guy who got arrested, hopefully, is going to have good luck right, which means don't say a word Donald Trump. Has you similar language to other associates who have been indicted, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone postmen afford he's talked about wishing them good luck, wishing them the best. I hope for the best for them. So is a degree of speculation here. On the other hand, you could say, of course, that's what trumpets doing and it's completely off. Like there on the one hand, there's people saying this- is sort of speculative on the other hand, those peoples hang clearly. This is what Europe is doing and that's exactly what he signalling to her. By saying, I wish her well now to go back to the beginning and the sort of bizarre nature. Of Trump wishing well to a serial accused child sex, trafficker, just Imagine what would have happened if Barack Obama was asked about someone who had been accused of
supplying under age, girls for people to sexually assault and Obama had said. I wish them well think, just for a second about what Fox NEWS and all right wing media would have done for days, Barack Obama had done that, and you remember you know this. Myth of the liberal media just instantly crumbles before our very eyes. So, in terms of you know, do I expect we're going to get public news of any kind of allegation from she lay Maxwell about Donald Trump before the election? I really don't. There is contingent that believes. The timing of this real she lay Maxwell thing is exactly so that in MID September, late September, early October, there's just blockbuster allegations made about Donald Trump and his connection to Jeffrey Epstein. Part of why I mean listen, I dont know if there
that there is such a plan. I actually dont know that it would make a difference at this point. Tromp was accused before being elected president by sixteen twenty women out. He subsequently in books that came out. That number went to thirty forty, something women who have accused Trump different degrees of sexual assault up to and including rape and trumps approval and his polling started to suffer when he failed on corona virus when he failed on the economic responds to corona virus. When he responded to protest, against police brutality by threatening to and actually sending in federal troops. So not only am I not sitting around waiting for that to happen in terms of she lay Maxwell. I don't even know that it would make much of a difference. I think that the real issues continue to be the ones that people tell us they are. If you look at recent pulling the three issues: hurting Trump are virus response, economic response and response.
The George Floyd Protests, slash race relations. I don't even know that this is really what we need a more allegations from. She lay Maxwell if she has them to make, she should make them and they should be reported on, but waiting for that as what's going to knock Trump out of office, his supporters have shown they don't care about that think that that's the approach that we should have you disagree with me. Let me now I'm on Twitter at De Pachmann. Also remember that you can get the gaily every single weekday Monday through Friday, daily Audio podcast, for free on any pod cast up that you prefer Itunes, beautiful Spotify, available Google play pod casts, have added costs the daily on. Podcast typically released at three p m Eastern every day, we'll take a quick break and be back after this. The David Pachmann show David Pachmann Dotcom. If you love feeding,
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here and it's like you, ve got the paramilitaries in Portland and soon likely to be other cities. Past We they will remain to intimidate into November. You ve got from trying to prevent vote by mail, which is really just expanding, absentee ballots. You ve got. You know that all of the players that want to interfere in the election still plan to you know Russia, possibly China, etc. I think the plan has b we overwhelmed with a vote by so much that the interference doesn't matter. I mean I hate to say it, but I don't know what the plan his neck. That's a great idea, though I mean I mean. I hope it works tat. We do get this president out of office, opposite yeah. I r r? U, what states so you vote in New York. I am actually too young to vote. I'm seventeen o, my god, that's ok! Unfortunately, you could vote, though you would not vote for trumpet sounds like ours,
totally vote whereby they got it. Ok, and so are you? Are you between high school in college right now? Are you about to be a senior about to be a senior, and what are you going back for in person or is it the virtual classes? I have no idea, but you just need still don't even know me. I don't know you What would you prefer- or I would I mean- I'm ok, what either one or the other rather gone person your day, And you'd wit, what you'd, where a mask you'd, be ok with it yeah yeah that you, dear parents, have strong feelings, one where the other eye. What would you say that it did parents have a strong feeling about whether they want you physically in school. I don't know, I would have to ask them all right, Nick, very good, glad you're paying attention to the voters. Suppression it's going to be a big deal. I appreciate the call thank you, Sir,
What for taking it all right. Take care Nick from New York got right to the question. I love it. Let's go to area code, six, seven, eight who's, calling today from six seven eight, I David is cheaper. Marietta Georgia,
Are you J p? How are things in George I'm worried about you guys? That's actually what I was calling about. I didn't have really a particular question. The fine I just for your comment on the state of thing: yeah, I'm I'm in the suburbs outside of their lands- and you know we have got time to cases. You know every day in Georgia and I work and music shop and I'm back in the store. I mean they're, no any kind of mass mandate or anything even further- the employees not through the customers for anything job. It has just ridiculous. I'm restraining people get horrors thither, you know bring it in and there's no way really to sterilised them because their instruments- and you can't put this impact on them
right through the wood and I'm on Ebay. I even reach roaming hit hard signed by Paul Ryan, the other day, better leisure, traumatic event. We re imagine having a guitar and wanting Paul Ryan to sign it. You know that that's crazy, It had around me Ryan, bigger on Oliver Promotional like given or raffle, or something like that so I'm here I would add yet you're you're feeling unsafe at work a centrally like you're, totally unprotected people are coming in their handing instruments back and back well you're, not wearing a mass they're, not wearing masks.
Right. I mean who I do where Mass get every day or you do ok, yeah I've got said by absolutely should not require. Here, though, I have more conservative bosses and were even back to doing like our bread and butter is lessons in person lesson and we ve been doing private lessons in the store for awhile as well, myself included while and now isn't. It was the store, at one point closed when things were more shut down here we shut down from January to March, or thereabouts, and one wanted Georgia now opened backup. We we came back in order that kept our lessons on perfume. Starting young starting in June, completely ignoring completely ignoring all the numbers started, a new we decided to let people start coming back and impersonal
and do the owners are your boss or whoever. I don't know what the structures do Dave and talk about preventing the spread of them. Irish or is it just like we're open for business? That's it. We we have bought air purifiers and we ve got stations with with hand saying that either and we got you will find the state a state to guitars apart but other than that, I'm not really well. Well, I mean that's something
our now and let me ask you this- I have a couple friends down in Georgia but have not asked them about this in general, like when you go to the grocery store, when people are out, is there increasingly the atmosphere that things are just normal or are people overall exhibiting? Any kind of caution is really hard to day. I mean it's really lit. Just like you know a good bit of you know. Everybody is with people they and I'm not gonna, be a sheep young. You know masks or are you know, no make you loud a man and the other half of people like their hanging seriously, but- and this is good for them to be having a problem with this is Well Cobb County, where I am than they were
gonna come back in all boys and then people got mad and at him is undergoing a all, and now people are mad at that. Though I dont know what they're gonna end up doing you listen, I don't envy you that sounds very. Very tough and the georgian numbers are not looking good all. We can hardly listen at this point. I don't even know what we're hoping for were hoping for. A treatment were hoping for. A vaccine were hoping for some common sense and the removal of trump, but its we're going to have some tough months ahead of us. I think its undeniable guarantee, and what will have the appeal? I beg you very much for your words and socially live stream. Everything and let you have a good signal to those their good, informative, waited keep up with the Y know, tramping Maggie any and everybody are spreading. So thank you. I really appreciate that, thanks for calling in great to hear from you, let's go next to our caller from the four hundred and two area code from four hundred and two You what's your name where you're calling from I gave it
its William from Omaha Nebraska, William from Omaha the Oracle of Alma highs. How we're gonna put you into our into our system? Ok, oh yeah! My question was actually about about an election is going on in Nebraska right now, so there is the democratic primary winner for the. U S: Senate is Chris Jacket and he's recently recently, screenshots have come out. Looked him making crude sexual jerks too, he is campaigns ass. He and the Nebraska Democrats have voted to replace him with a leash help him, but since Jaffna already won the primary, he had to step down right under been petitions to call him like ended campaign and my question: what
you think there is any chance that he actually step down and the already won the primary could like. I definitely do want to vote for his opponent. Then I have no idea now is: is Ben SAS cruising to re election regardless? It is kind of you know, I'm not sure, he's the incumbent right now, yeah he's he's popular in my ear, it kind of hard to judge from Omaha. I mean. Let me put it this way. I lied. I read, I have not read anything about that seat. Being one of the ones Democrats could take. Is that fair to say it's not like ripe for the picking furl of Republican too loose? Well yeah? It way the Nebraska also kind of Attaka state. Now we use a lean Republican, but no more recent.
We're getting more and more blue. So if there is, in my opinion, if he doesn't stepped down, I would think that it would be pressure that then fast get real yeah, I'm not able to find any polling, I mean listen, I don't they there is any way to force this guy to step down. I really dont know about the messages I dont know about the race. I really dont know anything about it, but I am not aware of any way to force him to step down, and I The reason I was asking about whether it would be closer, not is if, if Ben ass, is going to win either way. Maybe that figures into the cow
Listen, but I really just don't know enough about it to say: ok! Well, thanks for your time David, I really appreciate. Thank you. I appreciate the fungal. Let's go to war collar from the eight three two area code, who's calling today from eight three two I gave it to me. Yes, it is, I think, her peaceful became my dog. I know you're, not a historian David by this election. To you, you know everything is just an unprecedented election or seeing parities between this election in any previous election. You believe toward his. So in terms of similarities it, I am less clear what I can tell you, is it's the most important
election. I will be voting at an earlier in the week. I gave this example of you know. In twenty twelve, when Barack Obama had been in for four years, we were in the middle of an economic recovery. Mitt Romney was was running against Barack Obama and he didn't really have a great case as to why you should even really vote for him and he's gonna lower taxes for rich people any had some. You know different different ideas about the direction he wanted to make health care and, of course, socially Ronnie was much more conservative, but I said, leading up to that election. I believe Barack Obama is the better candidate, and I believe Barack Obama has earned a second term, but it was the most important election in that most likely, the economy was going to probably do well between two thousand and twelve two thousand and thirteen and two thousand and seventeen regardless of It was Romney or Obama. This is a very different situation. Where are a bit it to recover from four years of Trump is dramatically more plausible, then recovering from eight years of Donald Trump, and so,
in terms of its unprecedented nature. This is, without a doubt, the most important election. I will be voting in air fan. I'm guessing that in twenty sixteen got at the time that was the most have won the elections, but this was needed? What's crazy? Is there was a large? Well, let me only backup there was a group of people on the left who, in twenty sixteen, was saying this and feel that important I mean you know, corporate corporate, corrupt, Hilary versus Tromp, I don't care if it's not gonna, be burning, it doesn't make it look at how consequential the twenty sixteen alive was consider how different things would be on the virus today. If it had been Hillary Clinton rather than Donald TUSK, and so I believe that
there were a lot of people who didn't think twenty sixteen was that important. In retrospect, we know that that was very, very wrong Andrews and yet no, I agree with the green yellow with Harry. I think the approach and the virus would have been probability and, absolutely, and it would have been not about Hilary. It would have been about doctors, whereas now it's all about Trump and trumps, fights with doctors and etc. If it had been Hilary, it would have been much less about fireworks. It would have been we're having doctors run, this we're having doctors, make decisions because those who should be doing public health officials, yeah yeah, she would have been a good administrator and delegating ha You know we have to thank for taking appreciated. Thank you so much for the call we're going to take a brief break, but if you're holding don't hang up, that's my advice, because I'm going to go right back to throngs after a short range David,
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are on fire right now. You should see the phone bill I'm about to get. Let's go back to the phone lines at six hundred and seventeen eight hundred and thirty, four thousand seven hundred and fifty let's check in with Dontel from Florida. Last time on tell called, then we went to Don tell and the line was dead, but I am glad to see that Don t. His back. What what's going on with you on a thought when we talk about a kind of the direction of the less would be admitted, syllable you're lucky thought. Pierre Alot of people left my topical, maybe calculation, a while ago that the best strategy to get social democratic policy implemented would be by taking up a democratic party like with good suggestions, democratic revolution
but now that went again, debit unprecedented economic crises were literally in political reality that no one could ever expected or anticipating so indelicate threatens. The omens are doing. They don't know me to party when and by their own emission. They don't even plan on getting black important policy, but much abroad by debt and reconciliation for at least one year make even one of the men. So how did you get the progressive take over the democratic parties can, and do you think that the majority of the country that was already lived on the brink before that?
all of this happening. Do you think that they can go another four years without any people or you'll, be guy open declaration? So I mean there's a lot of questions in their don't tell. The first thing is that the art did you say something about cancelling everyone's rent for four years. Everybody lives rent free for four years, or these governments subsidize ok I have not even heard that proposed who proposed that Europe is being nobody oh you want I'll. I'm sorry! You want red cancelled for four years there, by our estimate, at least twenty million, with twenty million people are expected to be affected by October. Yes, so this this is as a result. Gave them again. Economic gravely and leave them are going anywhere in time to write, so it doesn't make sense to cancel red or leave. Have government Thucydides ran for the duration of the crisis. Ok,
yeah I just I guess I just I think for years- is a non starter and I do not think the crisis is going to last for years. I hope I will not bore you might be a bit Luella regret, good beer plan to give any medical role you be are anything like that or leave, or you will be helpful. So that people know you're. All I misunderstood, you dont tell I'm sorry you weren't proposing cancelling it for four years. You were saying there is not going to be any proposal to do it for the four years that Joe Biden be president that I think are now. I understand you're right, yeah, ok, so listen progressive, take over the progressive take over of the Democratic Party. I think that a lot of this is about. Managing expectations- and I know you and I don t- have had our differences over the you'd have time that you ve been calling in, but- and this may be one of them. My perspective is that the prince restive take over. You would like to see me
not be in line with what most democratic voters actually want and what I would point to that Biden really one the primary, not by a little, but really Quite a bit. I mean he was up two million votes at the point at which Bernie kind of started to white flag, and so I'm coming at it from a different approach, which I'm I'm obviously glad to hear how you disagree with it. But my approach is a Joe Biden said that he would use the green new deal as a framework for his climate plan. And he has to a great degree and in fact there were Bernie supporters who were mad that he copied stuff from burning on climate. It's like that's good. I want him copying stuff from Bernie on climate in terms of his tax plan. It's a far more progressive tax, Plan than what Barack Obama wanted, and if it becomes a reality, it would be a significant income.
The stab. I mean a limiting, eliminating stepped up basis and capital gains in a lot of different things, so we might have different expectations, and It's ok. I want to work together with with folks, with your perspective, Don tell, but I that when we talk about a progressive take over were probably talking about two different things and
as your defining it we're not going to see it under Joe Biden. That's for sure are we going to see the most progressive platform of any president in history? If Biden is elected right not have not plot platforms that have been proposed, but of an actual office holder, that's what Biden would be if he wins, I ordered bring about the heir to the birth. We got you made about the Democratic Party, the voters and the Democratic Party are my fellow horse. I think they are. I strongly disagree with that. If you look at the reports from basically everything the primary medical role, both in the majority and argument before we had a public outcry,
a demi global pandemic. Yet so I think that is not a matter of the boat. Is, I think it's not working in the Democratic Party you dont may not know Joe until tonight. Just pushed back a little bit about what you said. So you, if I wanna, make sure I understand what you said. You said you see. You believe that the Democratic Party actually is ACT as you believe it to be, and as evidence you said that the exit polls show showed a majority want Medicare. For all that, I understand you correctly, okay, so the polls I've looked at do show a slight majority of support. Four Medicare for all in the Democratic party when no information is given, but as more information is given about how it would work, the support goes to the low forties high thirty's, so I mean
be looking at different data than you, but I dont know that. That's the proof, your necessarily looking at I'm, I'm not sure. I agree with that because of the way that a lot of people frame made by certain, particularly at the question We asked the inner every frame. It in a way by all I wanna keep everybody in the country up your private up here, but I'm not talking about those pose. No, I know those pulsar. Those are pushed poles in those are not trustworthy, but there is good data like, for example, there is a great power point from the Kaiser Family Foundation. With It has nothing to do with Keyser. Permanente just happens to both be called Keyser, and they don't do that and they showed
as people learn more about what Medicare for all entails. Support does go down to about thirty, eight thirty, nine percent ok do and who one left there, because I got you bet rabbit about her but isn't gonna be sure of a small you, two general called unapologetic and dollar twenty two hundred subscriber, and so I was just wondering if you like me on the shoulder like any of your assignment, is something noted talk about these issues in more detail. Will you run the show right now? Don't tell you're one of our most frequent collars. You ve been on so much yeah, but I feel like it so pressure to try to get em. Like all the point that I want to make in terms of six million said without right in the balloon:
but you know everything about that when things are going down a little right now, I'm I'm not gonna. Let let's explore that when things calm down a little. How about that? I will be here. Let me show you think my eyes were over you now. Are you all right? until dawn tell from Florida, there is ass. He speaks for himself, I don't have to say anything else about it. Let's go to a collar from the four one, three area code, a very special area code back in the original stomping grounds of the David Pachmann show in western Massachusetts for one three who's this, where you calling from hello, David. I am a new viewer watching probably for about six months now. Ok short, Jordan, and where are you calling from I'm calling from watch your mouth? You baby thought little town of Ludlow Ludlow, incredible and killed law
blow known for what is gone, going on for large portuguese population this and our camp ass, the capable backer came here and the soccer team. That's exactly my all right what's going on to interest, but if you can try to keep the phone just a little further from your mouth just so you don't come in so hot you got a beautiful. So my question is: what do you think? The tipping point was for the sudden change in rhetoric from Trump regarding corona virus. What do the new campaign manager and obviously wasn't, but also rally what never backlash for the fire found she reach weeds? What what do you think? The tipping point was, I think, desperation. I think at this point, so it's possible that removing Brad par scale as the manager and bringing on that guy bill Steppin. I think his name. Is it's possible that Steppin said listen. I will do it, but you ve gotta, listen to me and what you're referring to for people who didn't
It is earlier this week when Trumpery started the corona virus press briefings. He did the first one on Tuesday he came out and talked about how in favour he has of masks. Trump said it may get worse before it gets better, rather than constantly telling us that it's about to go away a very notable change in rhetoric. I think it's desperation. I think at this point trumpet seized the polling. He publicly says it's fake polling. I think he knows that its real polling- and this is his last shot- he's realizing. People start voting ensue Two weeks the corona virus is going to be here for some time. The vaccine is not going to be widely available before the election and he needs to try something else. What he's done so far hasn't worked. I think he's a desperate cornered scared man.
Paramilitaries in Portland, are part of it. Try to create some confrontations to make a protesters, look bad, maybe that'll help and new rhetoric, its desperation, and I dont know whose idea it was. But clearly someone got to him and said you ve gotta, taken you approach. I would like to think that a more say in a world that the scientific backlash, and especially from the city grouchy Industrial, younger, actually sticking up for algae and that maybe just maybe he would Listen to that, but obviously it has everything to do with the pre election jack. Everything that's happening right now is about reelection and trumps. Gambit was reopened, reopen schools, reopen businesses, reopen everything, hope that it doesn't get bad right away so that things are ok enough in October that people vote to re elect Trump. Clearly, it's not happening clear,
is not happening in the numbers of gone. The opposite direction, so he's trying the next thing and it is all about getting reelected- will see if it works. Yeah. I guess like the last example I would offer up is: do you think that there is some internal charts? I'm sorry, I'm forgetting, like the internal polling scientific word, now not pulling but charge but are showing the projected death rate than the common August. Albert September November? Oh certainly, enemy, listen, some of those republican they're talking about. I think it's in the range of you know reaching anywhere. From two to two hundred and ten two, two hundred and sixty thousand deaths if things continue to accelerate- and I am sure that the White House has all that data by Geoffrey revived, even alright, through the phone call. Thank you very much great to hear from you. Let's go next to our collar from the three
eight five area code who's calling today from three eight five. I gave Edison Laura from a model Laura Interminable, that law Tell me, I love your question. Let me ask you something: what's going on with my favorite Somerville CAFE Diesel CAFE. I obviously have not been there since the start of the pandemic. Are they doing? Ok, I vow during a lotta. Take out got it They will, I hope, to get back there when things normalize there, and so my question is about the following: the primary re hearing. It matches the Kennedy Marquis in kind of what your thoughts on that you are so listen, I have friends that are working on both campaigns: the re election campaign for Ed Marcie and the Challenge campaign for four Kennedy and I
to tell you. I am very strongly leaning towards Marcie. It's not obvious to me that can dear sir, you know some progressive hero of any kind. He strikes me as relatively establishment. I dont know that there is much better to replacing a senior senator with someone who would be the lowest on the totem, Paul in a legislative body like the Senate were seniority matters so much. Ah, I believe that the debate was very bad for Kennedy. Marcie did very well, so I'm just not seeing if I'm. If I want to make a change, it needs to be soup clear to me that were making a change for the better and I'm just I'm not at all convinced of that. Right now, I've got up had arrived Ben. I've lived here, for ten years and young by moved. Here I mean Marquis has always seem to be on the right side of things from on her breath of ten point so just curious wearing
were, but that so the other thing that I have not love about the Kennedy adds is this idea that it's his time sort of just making an age case were like he's younger than Marcie and its in now to replace older Democrats with the younger Democrats and that that I don't find that two people, Similarly good reasoning, particularly when you're talking about again lose, The seniority that had Marcie has so that I've been a little turned off by those adds right, while an opt out, that idea they knew when he the Kennedy like. Let's not forget that part of debts of your house. Well, you- and I don't you know- I dont care so much about that, but I think that that's a reasonable right, reasonable point as well. You right, ok, won't think all right, thank you for the gold entered and hope to me back up insane real, soon appreciated. Thank you. Let's see
We can hear from our caller from the two hundred and six area code who's calling today from two hundred and six. Is that me? Yes, it is hello. Yes, that's a yes This is the misanthropic curmudgeon from Seattle. Ok, can you may be just Beale dont, quite yell, so much into the phone, and I think we're gonna hear you fine. Ok. Can you hear me now? Yes, that's better. Ok, they had a couple statement and then a question took the birth statement. Is that the things the drum? I think we now visually? I've been that asshole country between Canada and Mexico right and my other statement is, I believe, a free country should be founded on integrity and empathy with four fundamental foundations of no harm. No take no betrayal and no destruction. Ok, that that means that what is breaking point
with this unconstitutional criminality that we are compelled to do something next level to take our country back, wait. What so, which unconstitutional criminality are you referring to it in general, with that comprises not paying taxes, MID, Mcconnell, not pushing through voter protections and adjusting the list the Portland federal agent mean how much more we endured is pure. Any right of war but collapses most. So what do you want to do about it? Tell me what you what's your plan a bit collapses most. So what do you want to do about it? Tell me what you what's your plan, what I'd like to be national initiative, where we actually here from the people yeah on what they want on a national level instead of state by state? Ok,
And what kind of actions would you like to see? Are you talking about mass rallies, mass call out from work strategic defaults? What it would do we would you think of my understanding away the come countries, the postal workers. We elect people to represent us, but what had happened in essence is we are elected people the overlord over us and that David Byrne, the mental problem, if we don't have a rubber of government, the government does whatever want and we do have to take it now. We can work in that. We can all eyes on one else ray. We could vote in someone else, except at once. You get someone and, as in the case of prompt, then he's there what he does. He Europe is duly elected, destined due process that but he's a re stall of that with his He captured unconstitutional tyrannical behaviour. Will we ve gotta, remove them in four months than right outside any of that? gotta remove him in three months than for sure? Yes, but there is still the residual at the MID Mcconnell this deal
the news to map salute the outer solemnly. I will listen check out. My video trump ism doesn't end when Trump leaves, because that's exactly the heart of of what I'm getting at listen. I appreciate the call. I think, your questions that you're you're asking some big questions they may be even too big for me- but I think, you're thinking about a lot of the right things thanks to everybody who call and it is always. I apologize, I M not able to take every phone call we're going to take a break. We will be back right after that. In and Shell David Pachmann dot com,
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Hi by all means used the coupon code vote soon. Eighteen, all one word all lower case become a number today. The David Pachmann show David Pachmann Dotcom. Ok, let's get into audience questions for the weak, a lot of very similar, its clear what the audience is thinking about, and I understand why first question is David: what do we do if Donald Trump refuses to accept election results? So there's two different ways that accept can be interpreted. He refuses to accept them in that he claims it was rigged, but he still leaving or he refuses to accept it in that is going to try to stay in the White House. Now I wanna again restate most likely. We don't have to do it.
Thing because Donald Trump, if he loses in November, come January. Twenty first will simply not be the president he's just not the president anymore now. For me, the biggest concern its trump rigging, the election in winning the? I think, that's a bigger concern than him not accepting the results, but let's play it out. We see trump undermine democracy, he jokes about staying in power a long time he says to Chris Wallace on Sunday. This passage he's not yet ready to commit to accepting the results. So now there are articles being published about what what we would we would have to do. If that was the case and most Instead, what we would have to mobilise, listen, you and I removing Donald Trump, its ultimately going to depend on the systems that we have. So, from a practical standpoint, the most likely scenario is tromp is going to leave, because January, twenty first. He would not be president anymore if he loses the November elections and there would be,
president- and at that point he would be trespassing in the oval office and you would be escorted out, but where I believe our efforts are better spent, because we ultimately can't control that, and I I do trust that he will will be removed if you physically, right this day. What we can do is it's only July, we're better off doing what we can do to prevent vote rigging, making sure people are dropped, voter roles and fighting that in court, as has been done, expanding up and he ballot access. I just filled out my absentee ballot application this week and plan to boat abide by male all of that stuff, because with with all of you, things, and this is going to come up again later in this segment. Prevention is cheaper than the cure. If Trump tries to stay in office, I really dont know how he gets away with it. He won't be president anymore. Somebody else will
smoke sworn in and eventually he's going to be removed and he's not going to be the president. My that naive right I mean it's like other people listening who really think that that's naive that even something like that, like if Biden wins, and he shows up ready for work with his lunchbox in everything and Is there any says, I'm not leaving that that's going to be allowed to happen? I don't believe that that's going to be allowed to happen, if you believe, I'm wrong. I want to hear what the path would be an. I understand the fear which is from has flouted every norm, he's constitutional violations,
all human squat. All of this difference of I get it. I still don't think that he is going to be able to stay. I actually think that Trump, the narcissist if he loses- and this is a big if we don't want to put the cart before the horse and we ve got a vote and all of that that I've been saying, I think, if Trump loses his narcissism will force him to essentially say I didn't want it anyway, to essentially make it undesirable when, when you have an extreme suggest and you take away from them, something that they want what they typically do as they say. I didn't really want it or I don't want it anymore, or it's not worth that much anymore. Let someone else, have it I'll make more money and real estate etc. So that is more likely to me if from loses two basically say
now. You know I'm better off going back to real estate, good luck with Joe Biden or whatever then trying to stay in power, because that's often how the narcissist works. Now the authoritarian narcissist may try to stay in power and trumped certainly has no shortage of authoritarian tendencies, but I believe if he loses, he will leave. Let's focus on preventing the election from being rigged against Biden there we can do something: hey David. If Joe Biden manages to win Florida back from Trump, is it over four Donald Trump? So I understand why people are asking this. Florida is a big prize electoral, its twenty nine total votes and right now Joe Biden is leading by an average of six point. Four in Florida, that's array,
of anywhere from being tied in Florida to Biden plus ten in Florida. The real clear politics average in Florida right now is that Biden is up by six point four. So, let's start with just the simple mathematical case, if you start with the twenty sixteen May, we're Trump one Florida and the only change you make. Is you flip Florida to Biden? is not enough for Joe Biden to win the presidency Biden, winning Florida and otherwise the map staying is twenty seven two thousand and sixteen would give Trump two hundred and seventy seven still. You only need two hundred and seventy to be president, so Florida alone will not help Joe Biden.
However, these elections rarely are completely isolated, where everything is the same as twenty sixteen except one state flips. If Biden wins Florida, he probably is going to win something else like, for example, Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania. If Biden Winds, Florida back and Wisconsin, he wins. If Biden wins, Lord back and Michigan, he wins if Biden wins Florida and Pennsylvania back, he also winds, and even if Trump holds Florida, so Trump keeps Florida and keeps Ohio Biden can still win by winning any two of the three states with sconce in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Now, of course, there's other opportunities for Joe Biden as well. Arizona is very much in play
for Joe Biden. North Carolina is close, so in the mathematical sense alone, Florida only will not do it for Joe Biden. My belief is that if we see Joe Biden Win in Florida here, certainly win. Some other state that I mentioned. There is almost an exact analysis to be made in oh hi, o the differences. Oh hi was only eighteen electoral votes. Where's Lord is twenty nine, so if Biden flip so high, oh But not Florida, he still likely needs Ohio plus two unless it's a very high population state with more electoral boats. Now, in the end, we ve got fifty election We can't control anything other than our one vote and we have to make sure to use it. So when look at these scenarios. You know every once in a while. I will look at two, so
witn dot com is a great place where you can start with the twenty sixteen map and say: okay, we start with two thousand and sixteen and flip this or flip that there's a bunch of different scenarios that have Biden winning, there's one scenario that hasn't at I I believe it's two hundred and sixty nine two hundred and sixty nine and a bunch of scenarios they have trump. All I can do is vote, and so when I cast my ballot via absentee, which I've already requested in the state of Massachusetts, I will be doing it with the belief that this state could you come down to my vote. It is mathematically unlikely to be that way, but
a single one of us should say what I vote. If my vote could be the difference maker. Of course, your vote could be the difference maker, meaning, yes, you should vote and we all need to make sure that we do ok, let's now go to the foot sort of third piece of this pie. Witches Trump is losing in the polls and Trump is getting more desperate and what, if trumped, doesn't except the results? Now, let's actually explore what can happen. That would give Trumbull win and there's two sides to this. There's the election tampering side and there is the policy success side. Now, I'm going to be completely transparent with you here. I think it is all but too late for Trump to do anything on the policy side, the three
major issues for voters as as per a new pull that we looked at earlier this week. The three major issues facing voters right now are: according to voters, corona virus number, one, the economy and unemployment number two, which is very much related to corona Virus and George Floyd Police race relations. Number three. Those three are very bad for Donald: try economy is the best for Trump, although he's now even to underwater on economy. So what can trump actually do? That is just doing stuff politically to get support back. Another stimulus which is now in the work certainly could help in terms of of vaccine, if a vaccine is finalized in goes widespread before November, it will have. Thing to do with tromp mean literally nothing but trouble, try to take credit for it, and maybe some people would be
Convinced by that the reality is the way things were going best case scenario. Is there some early doses for health care workers in the fall? and it may be after the November elections anyway, not totally clear if some super effective treatment is found from, could touch. Try to take credit for that, if, through no fault of Donald Frumps Corona virus improves in the economy improves from can certainly try to take credit, he will claim credit, and maybe it will help them to turn to some degree. But I think you see the theme witches were barely more than three months out and the failures have compounded and been so outrageous that we essentially need miracles. I say you know from personally cures cancer and in cancer, so many different things if from cures all cancers, now in November. Ok, but on the issues. There is really a limited window for Donald Trump to be able to do anything now in terms of dirty tricks. There's a lot
what if William BAR announces an investigation, maybe into Joe Biden, maybe into Hunter Biden in October, mightn't, even work at this point. I dont know that people will fall for it. People may see it as once again, like the Hillary Clinton thing all over again, but that might help trump. There are at this point people willing to essentially crawl over a broken glass to vote Trump out, not everybody, of course, But there is a high level of motivation. I don't even know if announcing an investigation would work could trump engineer some kind, a backroom peace deal with somebody endowed it as a victory, the the grand deal with China Grand Deal with North Korea, that's believable or the Taliban. Maybe I
Just don't know you know we we talk about domestic politics is what works and right now people are dealing with the virus and the economic fallout. I just don't know that it would be enough to change opinion so, to be perfectly honest- and this is why it gets very. As I said earlier this week, a desperate trump is a dangerous trump trumps. Best path to victory right now is suppressing the vote and trying to rig it in his favour, which is why we have to be so vigilant on that game. We have to stop the voter role, purges. We have to stop closures of voting places. We have to prevent these paramilitaries from continuing to be in cities until November and being used to intimidate voters out of voting. That's trumps best bet right now. I think he probably knows it and that's what he's talking about vote by mail and violence, and
that is because he's essentially giving up on all these are the things. That is why we have to remain focused and prevent him from using that in order to win this election, we have a great bonus show for you today. Remember that you can get the daily audio podcast every single day for free on any of your favorite podcasting platforms. If you're in Itunes, Guy I'll or a spot of five guy or whatever is widely available, make sure you're getting the podcast daily, and we will see you on the phone,
Transcript generated on 2020-07-28.