« The David Pakman Show

2/7/22: Mar-a-Lago Raided for Docs as COVID Cases Decline Fast

2022-02-07 | 🔗

--On the Show:

--COVID cases continue to decline rapidly in much of the United States as many countries and states start easing off of travel and mask mandates

--Fox News goes silent after a blockbuster jobs report after spending the entire morning teasing what they expected to be disastrous new jobs numbers

--Former Vice President Mike Pence turns on Trump in a speech to the Federalist Society, explaining he had no right to overturn the 2020 election results, and Donald Trump absolutely loses it in response

--The Republican/Trump "circular firing squad" could seriously hurt Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections

--It is revealed that officials from the National Archives went to Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago to recover documents related to Trump's presidency

--A report explains that the Trump White House regularly incinerated documents that were supposed to be kept as part of presidential records requirements

--Dan Bongino participates in what is possibly the most dishonest Fox News graphic of all time, relating to America's unhealthiest cities

--Yet another shoe drops as it is revealed that Republican Congressman Jim Jordan spoke with Donald Trump at length the morning of the January 6, 2021 Trump riots

--Voicemail caller expresses concern that progressives are blindly against cryptocurrency

--On the Bonus Show: Demands for FDIC to ban rent-a-bank loans with high interest rates, experts say Delta's call for no-fly list invites legal issues, Michael Avenatti convicted of wire fraud & identity theft over Stormy Daniels fiasco, much more...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome everybody. I want to start today off and start the week off with something we really haven't done in about in about six weeks, which is just kind of go over what's going on with Covid, because things have changed pretty dramatically over the last six weeks We ve not done the weekly covert updates that at one point we were doing my thought was, first of all with so much else going on that there is no shortage of things to talk about, but also lets really give this army Kron wave. Forty six weeks to burn through and see where we are once we close in on MID February and for the most Part in the United States, things are looking so much better.
that there are now what I would call serious discussions about. Moving into the endemic phase, whereas before there was a lot of kind of here, no, we will see no evil. Let's just go back to pretending. Everything is normal thing. Not normal now, but the discussions about next steps make a lot more sense and, as I have said before, we before we look at the numbers, if there is not a more deadly new variant, there is sort of nothing else to wait for before we figure out. What will what will things be like with this as an endemic thing now, endemic doesn't necessarily mean no risk and to many people It still means a risk, but the question is sort of, if not now when, because if we are moving into an endemic phase with no really serious new variant. For one year, two years, three years, water,
you going to do over those one two or three years, if not now what would be different in two years if the situation remains sort of as it is now, one caveat too. That is even though cases are dropping. Adequate, as I will soon show you it's going to take some time for the hospitals to empty out. We are still seeing hospitals quite full right now because of the waves peak now many weeks ago, and it take some time for that to abate, assuming there's no new, really contagious sand or deadly variant. But let's look yet where we are right now, if you look at the United States Daily Kay Caesar now down from an insane peak of eight hundred thousand cases a day. All the way down to
two hundred and thirty nine thousand. Now that still a lot, it puts a sort of at the Delta peak, but with a variant with significantly lower rate of hospitalization rate. Remember that's down about through almost almost three quarters. You look at some individual states. You look at New York. New York peaked at seventy five thousand cases a day and is down to about eight thousand almost ninety. Ninety per That reduction. You look at Massachusetts, Massachusetts Peak that about twenty four thousand cases a day down all the way down to three thousand. Ok, that's a massive massive reduction, even places like Texas seeing a reduction only about fifty percent, but still going in the downward direction and then, when you look globally globally, the decline is earlier. We are earlier in the decline. We had gotten to three point three million global cases a day now down to two point: seven million, so there are poor.
of the world that are nowhere near doing. Well, as we would say, and we will take, but some of those in a moment. But the important thing for our purposes is that we are seeing countries States school district start to talk about what are the next steps now in terms of vaccinating kids under five there's? The hope I mean, I think that the most optimistic prediction is by March, that may start its plausible. It's not gonna be March and it could be April may be, or or maybe, even a may, but you are starting to see a lot of places make decisions about tat. level, for example, Australia, which has been one of the tightest strictest places since the start of the pandemic, will be reopening borders to international travel, as reported by the BBC of debts from mud this morning, so Australia, starting to open.
There are a number of additional european countries that are moving towards what we might call an exit from the pandemic. Italy, Switzerland and Finland are going to be easing restrictions and guidelines. Germany and Belgium so far are not, but any other countries, Denmark and others- are going back to normal, as we might say still, of course, with the caviar that there are going to be people who are going to continue doing what for they have been doing, and one of the interesting things that we ve talked about before is there's this discussion of. When can we treat this like flew one answer to make it an empirical answer, not an emotional answer. One answer would be when the death rate matches that of flu, that that would be something to look at. It is hypothesized that the army, cron overall death rate, is about zero point. Two percent
flew a zero point, one five so were not there yet, but it's going in that direction. One additional caviar to that is the death rate for the vaccinated is significantly lower than the zero point two percent, the death rate for the unboxing it at a significantly higher. So what you can safely were that the framework that you can accurately assessed for yourself does depend significantly on whether you are or aren't vaccinated, but one of those questions as well when the death rate becomes that of the flu. It would make sense
go back to normal right well know that the reality is that these two years have exposed for a lot of people. I wasn't as safe as I thought during flew season, and there are absolutely people who used to not take any precautions when flu was rampant during Lucy's, and but even if and when coded risk goes back down to match flu, it will still feel more dangerous and that people will be more aware of that risk and they may continue to take precautions. And, of course, everybody should do exactly what makes sense for them in conversation with doctors based on their risk assessment, but that's the conversation, that's happening. South Korea, as reported by the Korea Harold, pushes to treat covert. Nineteen like flew. They have lots of cases but low severity,
a relatively low hospitalizations relative quote quite quite a low deathray. So that's the south korean perspective in New Jersey, the governor will be ending the school mask mandate next month in March, and there are many municipalities I saw some in and by the way there are places that never did anything. So how many been talking are thinking about those I'm talking about places that did so are now having conversations there's some municipalities in Massachusetts that are moving away from the masks. Some in New York number different places, caveat things are still not good and a lot of places. Russia has hit a new record. they currently have ten times more cases than a month ago, to the extent that we can believe the russian data. It is now ten times higher cases than a month ago. That's not good for them. Hong Kong is a bracing for more
curbs or or guidelines mandates, as cases are doubling every three days very complicated situation in Hong Kong. China is locking down bays city on the Vietnam border. as cases are continuing to go up still low numbers and of course China has taken a sort of at least officially as euro covert approach. Now, whether that's zero covert or zero covered reporting that there's debate about that, but there are significant locked downs happening there as well. So what can we do? Well, I think again. The question is reminder we ve been here before what is different. Now the France is there is more support for the discussion now about moving into the endemic phase in terms of public opinion and the river was before, but there is also more support for medical experts. We spoke to Vincent RACK and yellow. Two weeks ago we read the
of opinions of many other public health experts and if things change, it will require a different approach. But if we are going in this direction, then there is this question of what are the milestones we are waiting for and there are people who are going to keep themselves in a sort of purgatory for a very long time. That's the reality, and every individual has the balance needed that that their their risk, tolerance, their health situation and the uncle health impact. That is, that is undeniable. I mean that the right is not wrong when they say there is a mental health impact of doing this is a question of when does the balance shift, and the answer is different for everybody,
So we're going to continue monitoring all of these decisions and seeing if the down trend continues, which, if it does within another two weeks, we could. We could be ninety five to ninety seven percent down in terms of daily cases and when you have that, combined with the effectiveness of vaccines at preventing death, you really have a dramatically different situation to consider in terms of what every individual wants to be doing hey. I have something unbelievable for you last week in the morning Friday morning, Fox NEWS was gleefully gleefully predicting a disastrous jobs report. They were doing com. bridge all morning it's gonna be terrible. It's gonna be terrible. They were rooting for our failure, which they say we do, which of course, we do
They were, they were rooting against America, and then the jobs report came in and it was fantastic. It was it. It was an incredible jobs report that we Surely had U S added over four hundred and fifty thousand jobs in January, twenty twenty two strong demand: restaurants, retailers, mail and parcel delivery, leisure, hospitality added more than a hundred and fifty thousand jobs. Retail added six the one thousand, just incredible numbers and fox- had to then just go silent. You have see this here is the morning on Fox before the jobs report and the next hour the January job before we released, and it could be the worst in year who I know, has been bracing for a bad number and could be a loss of three hundred. Thousand jobs. Who has the White House gonna? Put I happy face on that. While the real question is, how are you gonna put a sad face on the incredible numbers we got? It thinks that might see a loss of hundreds of thousands.
did it could be a morning of pain because just about twenty eight minutes right now, the January Report is going to be released by the Bureau of Labour and what not? Rejection is for an already low one hundred fifty thousand jobs added, but eighty p, the company that processes payrolls, says to expect three hundred and one thousand jobs law me a half a million jobs swing the wrong the way the binding ministration bracing for yet another economic, fast, angry jaws report. Soon after I didn't work out that worth of January jobs report just released the: U S, adding four hundred and sixty seven thousand jobs left, so the did ultimately report on the numbers and me any of these people going completely and totally silent. Some, funny one funny graphic that they had was this like completely
negative, catastrophic, more job losses in huge red font February. Fourth, twenty twenty two and, of course it didn't happen, you can always ask questions like what? What is the quality of these jobs? What are the wages of delete these? We always asked these questions. This is not a partisan thing for me when it yet I was the first to tell you during the Trump administration. The economy was mostly doing very well, whether it had anything to do with tromp was a real question, whether these jobs, Have anything to do with. Biden is a completely fair question, but the rooting against America, which I always thought they said we did, even though they do. It is just another instance of jackson- and this is completely beyond parity. This is later on steve- do see asking Stuart Barney how'd it. Everybody got it so wrong. All right. The January jobs report is an what house should be happy about that steep overview.
Right. I think you were much credit was brief. Steward Barney hosted burning company and American built on box business Stuart. You know this We were projecting what one estimate was a hundred and fifty thousand or could have been three hundred thousand in the whole rice. Half a million. How did everybody get this so wrong? What you're right? Everybody did get this chronically wrong. I'm not sure. I can really explain why we ve got this explosion of four hundred and sixty seven thousand jobs, because it does run counter to what we were expecting. We thought that covered or Army Cronan partition would be keeping millions of people at home, they would not be at work and that will be jobs lost now. What's funny is They didn't originally think that, like they downplayed Alma Kron, they downplayed reports from Fouche he and others. We could have fifteen twenty percent of the population to do that, but now there saying no, I mean based on all that stuff, which we rejected for weeks. We were expecting it to be bad, locked and walk out. That way, I'm sure
that millions of people are at home suffering from economic growth and this these figures, which, Can in January by the overall number was still weigh up there? I can explain one thing here: the unemployment rate went up from three point: nine to four percent. It went up right now that that so that actually isn't necessarily a bad thing. Now I, but we ve talked about and again you fact check me go back and look at how I cover jobs. Ok it it. It's not a partisan thing for me. Sometimes the unemployment rate goes up, because more people are starting to look for jobs. When you are actively looking for a job, you were considered on em Lloyd. If you stop looking, you are no longer considered unemployed. This was the case under re again under click. This is just this is what it is, and I don't play these games where I ignore how these things or measure depending on who is in the White House. I don't care about political party, what sometimes
when the economy is getting better more. People say I now want to re, enter the workforce and they become considered actively unemployed. So it doesn't tell us much that the unemployment rate went from. I think three point. Ninety four point of it and and we're gonna continue covering this in the same empirical way that we ve been from the beginning, but how sad they were over at Fox that the jobs report was good and let me know your thoughts. You can find me on Twitter at De Pachmann and will be right back. One of the best things about being an independent show is that I can pick advertising partners that share our values and our sponsor Sunset Lake C b D, the highest quality, c b d, you can find anywhere and it's an awesome company. It's a hemp farm outside
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lucky stars every day, you're not date back. Then you can sign up at this, isn't a crazy. This is my job. You can sign but join pachmann dot com and use the coupon code wow twenty two I have for you today. One of the crazy political stories that I have ever covered and it might not seem that crazy because it has been slowly building but former vice President MIKE pants, has now turned on Donald Trump publicly in his speech at the Federalist Society in Florida over the weekend and Donald Trump has reacted by come, neatly losing it on my pants. It not normal that a former president and vice president, just thirteen months after leaving office are in such public conflict. Mike Pence publicly now has said that
he had no ability or right to overturn the results of the twenty twenty election and trump doesn't like that, because Trump wanted pence to steal the election This is part of the growing civil war and the Republican Party, and let me tell you clearly indirectly: this is not normal. It is not normal for a president and vice president to have such major public disagreement so quickly after leaving office, and it is not over something minor. This is something major. The Ex president says he won, and the vice president could have flip the results. The ex vice president says we didn't win, and I have no right to choose. The results- this is a disagreement as big as anybody could imagine dealing with the most funding. the one, crucial elements of our democracy is supposed to work. Let's go to the clip here is my pants President Troms said I had the right to returned the election of President Trump is wrong: I had no right to overturn the election. The present
He belongs to the american people through in the american people alone. Frankly, there is no ideal more on American and the notion than any one person could choose. The american president, constitution. I had no right to change the outcome of our election. Kamala Harris will have no right to overturn the election when we beat them and twenty twenty four hour I won't listen. Maybe maybe but pence is correct in what he is saying there and Donald Trump very quickly, completely triggered putting out a statement. Saying quote: just saw my pencil statement on the fact that he had no right to do. thing with respect to the electoral vote, count other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the old Chrome Mitch Mcdonalds. get Biden elected president as quickly as possible. That was one sentence. Well, the vice president
position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist. That's why the damn rats and rhinos or working feverishly interesting, I would describe this statement is febrile interesting. That Trump uses the word feverishly working fever, Firstly, together to change the very law that might pence in his unwitting advisers used on January six. To say he had no choice. The reason they want it changed is because they now say they dont want the vice president to have the right to ensure an honest vote. In other words, It was right- and everyone knows- and now of course, that's not true. The truth about that is pre trump. There was no disagreement as to the vice president's ability to to flip an election, because it even came up in twenty twenty and the former, the now former, then almost former and it was pushing pens to do this. There is a move to strengthen the language, to make it even more clear, but the vice president does not have the opportunity or ability to change election results. Trump. Lastly, says
if, in other words, I was right- and everyone knows it if there is fraud or large, irregularities, it would have been appropriate to send those votes back to the legislatures to figure it out. Damson rhinos wanna, take that right away a great opportunity lost, but not forever in them time our country is going to Hell a fact folks. This is not normal. This This really is kind of like an end of days, type situation which, hopefully just won't actually led to the end of days. That's that's! That's the hope that this is just ok yeah. This is crazy, but he's out of power and he's not gonna be back in power. That's the optimistic scenario! Now it's very important dimension. At this point, it seems abundantly clear that if Trump does run in twenty twenty four and wins the now asian his running made is not going to be my pants. I can only imagine who it would be. That would be an interesting choice and I would assume it would be
one even more radical and pants. Now, I think, there's an important disclaimer to make here as far as pence being the good guy. This is too little too late. It has been thirteen months since the attempt insurrection. He was just doing his job and what I mean by that is he can't returned the election. It was crazy that Trump even try to get him to attempt it pence caused a ton of damage during his reign, as vice president. He said almost nothing about this. Until now he doesn't get a metal pensive, horribly toxic. He couldn't overturned the election. He didn't choose not to overturn it. He couldn't overturn at all he sang now. Is it True, I couldn't overturn it. Imagine not killing someone in January of twenty twenty one after your friend urges you your friendly. Please killed us person, you dont, do it and then, in February of twenty two you go, I was right not to kill anybody right, murders
legal? You don't get a cookie for reminding us that thirteen months later, thirteen months later thirteen months ago. You did the only thing you could do. You couldn't overturned the election and you didn't you don't get a cookie for that now. What's the upside here, the upside is what were soon going to discuss, which is that this rift between pension Trump ad to the republican fragmentation here is an example. Here is a former Trump propaganda, Stephen Bannon, attacking pence over this. pandora. You gonna carry this thing eventually to your grave. Ok, because it is a of shame- and you are a stone, cold, coward- a stone cold.
coward Forceps, I'm we're gonna start with numbers and announced YAP, so pence could have done nothing else. The the only thing the only thing pens could do was not try to overturn the election because he does not have the right or the power to overturn the election. It was, the law. It was the constitution but its furthering the rift within the Republican Party, and I argue that that is a very good thing. Let's talk of that I am really glad that something I've been saying for a couple of months. Now, is getting more attention. It's not getting more attention from me saying it had to be clear. What I mean is I'm glad other people are coming to the same conclusion, which is that by all accounts, Republicans, should do very well in the upcoming midterms now and were under six under nine months away from the mid terms, one of the best chances at Republicans not doing well
is the explosion of the internal disagreements and civil war that were increasingly within the Republican Party, which we have been covering David Siders and Natalie Alison, wrote about this in a piece for politico called Trump circular. Firing squad threatens Republic in mid term gains, and this outlines a lot of what we ve been saying, and the article says nine months before the mint firms. Nearly everything is falling. The republican parties way from Joe Biden dismal approval ratings to rising gas prices in a seemingly never ending pandemic. Yet, as the orange seeking looted its Windsor meeting here on Friday. It was censuring two of its own right. sedatives, Liz Cheney and Adam Kensington and decrying the house Since January, six select committee for what Ronnie Mcdaniel the Aral Sea Chair called the quote: persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse that had nothing to do with violence.
the capital in a year in which even many dammit, I acknowledge the Republicans will likely, when the house and despite Republican, lawmakers and strategists pleading with Republicans, to keep their focus on pocket, but it book issues and on Biden. The currency is still recasting the events of January sixth and chasing down enemies of the defeated former President Donald Trump. They go on to say for all the energy he creates at the parties grass roots his stranglehold on the party is emerging as one of the biggest threats to the Republicans otherwise bright prospects. In November he has singled out ten house Republicans for extinction. He's attacking republican governors backing primary Islanders, meddling and Senate races, where it may lead to the nomination of flawed candidates, ill suited for a general election, he's foment rebellion against the party Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell, and this week and SALT Lake City it was David bossy. The four
Bertram Trump Deputy campaign manager leading the effort to kick Cheney and Kensington to the curb ray. the entire article, but it gets to the really key points which is a sad point four for us right- I care about the left. The left is really failing right now it it's just really failing in terms of setting itself up to do well. Nine months from now in the mid term, Sadly, like it, if it really pains me to admit this, but the person best position to save the country from trompe an insanity is Trump and trumpets sabotaging their own midterms. Its tragically sir, that this is the case for the Democratic Party right now, but with under nine months to go until the midterms I'll take any help I can get, and so, when we see Trump doing this insane stuff, we see republican censuring, Adam Kensington, endless Cheney. Last week I told you that George W Bush from another,
wing of the Republican Party has donated the maximum allowed by law to both least summer Kuski Endless Cheney. Two people to Republicans that supported the impeachment have Donald Trump. I will take all of it because they're all terrible, remember list China is not our front loose Cheney when the rubber met the road voted with trumpet most of the time. So it's all bad were were maybe me are we even better off with a non trump republican than a Trump Republican. If the non Trump Republican is slightly less crazy, but more likely to get their policies, past work were poorly off no matter what so I would love to see the Democratic Party get it together and take advantage of this situation where, for you know, historically looking, it should not be a great mid term for Democrats, but maybe it could be. This is the biggest gift we could imagine, and so
We have to do everything we can to encourage the civil war to continue, will have more on this on our instagram page, which you can find at David. Pachmann show. It is a brand new year. Maybe you have goals around getting in better shape may be cutting back on sugar. That's why you should check our long time sponsor magic spoon, magic spoon, tastes exactly like the delicious sweet breakfast cereals, you loved as a kid, but magic spoon has zero grams of sugar fourteen grams of protein and only for net carbs. So it's perfect if you're doing low, carb or Kido or if me you just try to limit your sugar and take you can build your own variety pack with flavors like cocoa, fruity, frosted, peanut butter, cinnamon, cookies and cream. awful maple blueberry. That's my favorite magic spoon lets you.
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any day now, I'm not exaggerating everyday. Just over the weekend, each day there was another major story about the Trump White House and records, and we have we're gonna, get to those stories now and the first is the, essentially a raid took place on Mara LAW, where the now, National archives showed up to get trumps documents, many of which related two meetings with north korean dictator Kim Jong one member, those love letters, member but then we fell in love. Trump did not turn over the record to the national archives, he took tomorrow: Logo and the National archives, had to go down there and get the records. This is an incredible story of Washington Post reporter, Jacqueline Alimony, Josh, Darcy and others reporting. President Trump
properly removed multiple boxes from the White House that were retrieved by the national archives last month from is more illegal residence. He just took the documents home because they contain documents and other items that should have been turned over to the agency. According to three people, familiar with a visit. the recovery of the boxes from trumps. Florida resort raises new concerns about his adherence to the Presidential Records ACT, which requires the preservation of memos letters, notes, emails, faxes and other written communications related to a president's official it trump from deny any nefarious intent, of course, and say the box contain mementoes gifts, letters from world leaders who could not realise that those are presidential records and other correspondence the items.
who did correspondence with north korean leader Kim Jong OWN, which Trump once described as love letters and then we fell in love right right. as well as the letter left for his successor by President Barack Obama, according to two people, familiar with the contents, discussions between the archives in the former presidents lawyers that began last year resulted in the transfer of the records. In January, another person familiar with the materials said Trump advisers discussed what had to be returned in December. People familiar with the transfer spoke on the condition of anonymity, so in December, they explain to trump what needed to be returned and it took national archives showing up later it actually get the stuff. The archives have struggled to cope with a president who flouted there. It is guy, see
told you it's a real word. People always say when I say flouted David, don't mean flaunted, and I say no, I mean flouted a president who flouted document retention requirement and frequently ripped up official documents, leaving hundreds of pages taped back together so This is this story and we're going to talk about the incineration of documents. In a moment, this is the prototypical backwards, projection, scam. That was this entire presidency, the story and two thousand, and sixteen was Hillary's going to do stuff with record's Hilary can't be trusted with email of documents classified secret, sensitive and since Trump has left we found Doubt that the real concern around all of those things was Donald Trump and his kids and other people that work for him. Do we think Hilary would have eaten documents as Donald Trump, allegedly
now. Do we think Hilary would have ripped documents and toss them onto the floor and people running and grab the scraps and take them back together. Of course not do we think Hilary would have taken documents about foreign policy meetings and letters from foreign leaders to her house Gimme a break Geiss. we can argue about anything else about Hilary versus Trump, that's fine, but on this issue, which was the flashpoint about why Hilary can't be trusted trumps, the guy that we need to worry about, I would love to hear more about that. People that took place, and this is not the only story about Trump and White House records that we have today, the next door It relates to incineration. So let me reset a little bit. We talked last week about this report,
that Trump Whitehouse staffers regularly had to tape back together things that Donald Trump would but we now have more news about this Trump White House. A white house staffers frequently put important documents into burn bags and set them today Pentagon to be incinerated. So you ve got conflicting teams. You ve got one team that understands presidential records, act and preservation of records when Trump rip stuff up and tosses it they run in and take it back together. They gave Europe reminded of the movie a beautiful mind. Some of you will get that reference and then, at the same time, you got another team that is collecting records and sending them to be incinerated Trump era. Whitehouse staffers frequent frequently put documents and burn
eggs. Regular burn runs would see these bags taken the Pentagon for incineration. This is for the Washington Post. It was up to the staffers to decide which documents to preserve and which to destroy. It has been widely reported that Trump had a penchant for tearing apart presidential documents, but details have emerged about how AIDS disposed of potentially important papers burn bags. Resembled four grocery bags and are widely available at the White House. Organisations dealing with top secret info like this, yea and an essay often use them, because destruction via burn bags is considered superior to shredding. That's true, you can sometimes tape together. Stuff, that's been shred
shredded. Ah, you tippit, you want to use a cross cut shredder instead of the one that generate strips, but it's crazy with the kids these days can do so. You burn it. Of course it appears that it was done with documents that are supposed to be preserved. This was a disaster. It was almost a comical fiasco. The comical element being trump eating notes- and I told you about this last week back and twenty eighteen, as was reported by Newsweek Trump, ate a document after Cohen meeting according to former White House aid Amr Rossa. Nan ago Newman. She said she walked in on Trump eating paper after a meeting with lawyer, Michael Cohen, in what she believed was an effort to destroy sensitive information. I saw him put a note in his mouth since Trump with. Why is this story so funny, even though it so insane? Since tromp was ever the germ of foam? I was shocked. He appeared chewy and swap quickly. The paper
It must have been something very, very sensitive. It is genuinely insane that the biggest issue of the twenty sixteen election that Trump made about Hilary was document retention policies, and this was what Donald Trump was doing his entire presidency and they still have it in four Hilary understand that in a week we covered trumps rally about seven nine days ago in Konrad Texas, at that rally knocked about Hillary Clinton and the crowd starts chanting. Locker up understand that the origins of locker up are over Hilary style. He made an email retention of concerns that Donald Trump made issue number one during the twenty six, the election,
they now or they they could know. Tromp was eating documents, tromp was ripping up documents, tromp was burning documents, trumped up documents home tomorrow, logo and they still chant locker up about Hilary who has never even been charged nevermind convicted of anything related to that and his supporters will applaud. They'll applaud, lock her up and they'll applaud, try. so legal activities where he says well, listen, we had two. We were just trying to take the election back from the guy who stole it or what have they cheer the corruption enchant lock her up, even though trumpeted far worse when it came to records and retention of documents and book handling, proper handling of classified in secret information. They still chant locker up its. It is a backwards world that we are living in my friends and the idea
some day. These folks will have a realization like ITALY. Imagine trump runs in twenty twenty four and we bring up whoever's the democratic nominating, whoever just prince of Hey. Listen. Don't get scammed again by this con man in twenty sixteen, he told you Hilary was the concern when it came to records and trump eight documents ripped documents through em out and had him burned. He is the con man. He was the problem, don't fall for it again. It's not gonna work with these people. They they will fall for whatever that
two thousand and twenty four talking point is as willingly and as readily and as quickly as they fell for it in twenty sixteen and that's why the concept of Trump two thousand and twenty four is so scary- really excited that one of our sponsors today is helix sleep. I sleep on a helix mattress at home. I absolutely love it and that's why I reached out to them about sponge.
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to the Biden Workforce in October, and it showed that There were three million fewer people in the workforce under Joe Biden, in October, then, under tromp at the peak now, when you looked at the graphic you could immediately see it was an extra narrowly deceptive cherry picking of data, and you could see that they were cherry picking the dates showing from in December of twenty nineteen, but then Biden in October of twenty. Twenty one with no real Reimer reason. It ignore the reality of the pandemic. It include the reality that you can deceived very easily with labour force participation because with a growing population at most times in history, the- U S, has had more people working than ever before more people not working than ever for everything about it was extraordinarily deceptive, but now
I have a new graphic that might actually be even more dishonest and deceptive. On the Dan Bond GINO Fox, show were Bonn. Gino mileage has been. Ass thou know if he was the host here, they put up a graphic called top ten, most unhealthy. U S, cities and the whole point of the segment is to say Democrats say: they're gonna fix problems, but they actually are problems. Look at all of these democratic cities and how unhealthy they are. A new look at the map- and they say oh Portland Main- is one of the most unhealthy cities in the. U S and right away, you might be thinking waited what Portland main wise Portland and unhealthy city. up Seattle, Washington, Portland, Port, Portland oregon- that is San Francisco, Oh Honolulu wages in Hawaii super healthy, wise Hanno, so it looked like a weird graphic and they cite a source and the source is wallet hub.
so maybe you think wallet hub is reliable. Maybe you don't it doesn't matter, but right away, we should be asking. Is this actually what the wallet hub article says and if you go, the story on wallet hub which we are linking to. You see that their map is actually the healthiest cities, not the least healthy cities. The healthiest cities that are identified, are the ones that, on the map, Fox, you says, are unhealthy San Francisco Seattle, Washington, Portland in San Diego California, Honolulu DC, Austin, Irvine, Portland, so You immediately notice. First of all, they list Irving Texas when it's. Actually Irvine California, on the map and these are the healthiest cities, not the least healthy. If you actually look at the unhealthy, just U S, cities, according to this analysis, there
are Brownsville Texas, Laredo, Texas, Gulf, poor, Mississippi, Shreveport, Louisiana men, Tennessee, Montgomery Alabama Fort Smith, Arkansas Jackson, Mississippi, not exactly liberal cities. If you look at the most obese cities in America, which is a factor in health, Macau in Texas is the most obesity in the country, Memphis batten Rouge Little Rock Shreveport Birmingham, Jackson Mo Beale laugh I yet it is truly pathetic, and this is where I came up with this. Acronym caps cap stands for critically analyze primary sources. So when you are presented with a graphic like this and its top ten, most unhealthy, U S, cities! You! Your first question should be: is this a primary source and of course, is not the primary source?
here is wallet hub, so your first step should be to go and look at wallet hub. When you look at wallet hub, if you identify it as the primary source, then you would say: ok now let me critically analyzed this well what'd wallet hub, do wallet hub, looked at the hundred and eighty nine populated: U S, cities! They looked at forty four indicators of health and These are what they are and then you can actually say to yourself. Is this the right analysis is the analysis done correctly, what's being excluded, what's being included, but, most importantly, does the data match? What Fox is giving us, and the answer is of course it doesn't. Of course it does its the opposite, with the additional typo, where they put Irving Texas on the map instead of Irvine. California,
an absolute and total humiliation. I would argue the most humiliating graph or chart that I've ever seen on Fox news. If you have a counterpoint, if you have one youth, is more embarrassing or humiliating let me know I would love to hear it and by the way we'll different than by angina stories, one he's been kicked off of Youtube for spreading covered this information and number two. They actually the Bonn GINO people reached out to me a couple weeks ago, inviting me on to talk about some kind of Bob Book Ban that I hadn't heard about Friday night. I wasn't available shy, appear on that show. Invite me again I'd be interested in hearing from you I dont know that they will, because I turned it down, but if they invite me again, should I appear within Bon GINO. Let me know info at David Pachmann, dotcom sums
you know when you follow a story for a while. It's actually rewarding it's actually rewarding, because you can see the evolution of lies from people, and that is exactly what I have for you today. The headline is, We have now learned. republican congressmen. Jim Jordan did talk to Donald Trump on the morning of the January, six trump riots for at least ten minutes straight, just the two of them on the phone you might say. Why is that a story? It's a story because for a year plus now Jim Jordan, has been deliberately deceptive about his conversations with Donald Trump on the day of the Trump riot. So, let's stop With the news newly obtained records show Trump and Jim Jordan spoke at on the morning of January Sixth, the House Select Committee investigate
The insurrection now has records which provide details about a phone CALL Donald Trump made. Jim Jordan. On January Sixth, two sources who reviewed the call records tell CNN Trump, spoke on the phone at the White House residents with Jordan. For ten it's on the morning of January six. Why do we care about that? We care about that because we want to have Jim Jordan tell us what was Trump planning? What was trump hoping would happen on that day and for as long as Jim Jordan says. Oh, I don't know that. I don't know if I spoke to him before or after an over both to him at all no idea, but it when I'm not sure we can. We have more trouble for to the extent that we can't prove this conversation took place, holding Jim Jordan accountable to get him to either tell us what trumps set on that day or to say ominously, the fifth or whatever the case may be a key focus of The committee's investigation has been on the run up to the insurrection and the myriad ways Trump and his ally
his, including those in Congress, spoke to Trump try to overturn the election results. The new details about the morning phone call comes, as the committee is debating, whether to move forward with a subpoena for Jordan after he refused to voluntarily appear for an interview, So now we know that he did speak to him on that morning. Here is the deceiving constant, a backs back story with Jim Jordan, first of all, I'll remember when he spoke to a Libby, Olivia Beavers from politico, where he said quote, look I definitely spoke to the president that day, I don't recall, I know it was more than once. I just don't recall the times. He was then asked about it by Brett, Bayer, let's list until we what he had to say, then many is obviously giving go down a number of different roads about who knew what
and who is talking to coordinators of the protests. Did you talk to the former president that day I've talked to the former president of ten times. Thousands I mean I may not, founded on general analysed countless times. I talked to the programme. I never talk about what we talk about, that you don't think that's appropriate. Is I m talking about what happens in Republic in Cairo? Remember Brett, Bayer, didn't ask what you talked about. He said: did you talk to him on that day and Jim Jordan says I've talked to a many times, but I don't talk about what we talked about. The question was: did you talk to him on that day? Forty five talked in the President numerous times. I continue to talk to the present time, yet ongoing research farmers- yes, I mean I've talked to the presence. I've talked to present so much. I can remember Albany's. I've talked him, but I'm certainly talk to the present and on that day was Can you share any of the inside of what he was thinking about that Brad
People we need to come testify are the people who can testify to the fundamental questions. Why didn't the United States Capital, the people's house, have an appropriate security posture? All know it's funny, as the committee has decided, Jordan should testify, but he is refusing to go a day? And what have we done? Those are the people we need to hear from those that that's information testimony. We need to get that's what we focus on, but I don't think that many Thompson, the chairman this committee said everything on the table until we raised this issue about the speakers offices, the one who knows what what the security posture and why it was the way it was ok. So he didn't answer shortly thereafter. Couple weeks later, He was then interviewed again. and this was on spectrum use and just as a vase of theirs confusion over what you told right there on Fox NEWS on Tuesday night. So I wanted to clear it up. First off yes or no did you speak with President Trump on January next year,
the ice I spoke with the president last week. I speak with the present time. I spoke with my January six mean I talked with President trump all the time. In that sense, I don't think gets so here it was no longer tenable to maintain. He didn't speak the Trump on the sixth, so so here he can see that I did speak to him on the sixth unusual. I would expect members of Congress to talk with the present the United States, when they are trying to get done the things they told the voters in their district to do? I am I'm actually kind of a may, sometimes people capacity by cars I thought of the present. I welcome what the reason people keep asking is because he was not deal directly saying. I spoke to him on January. Sixth, I said my talk. last week on January? Six: did you speak with them before, during or after the capital was attacked, I have to go, I I I spoke with him. that day after I think after I spoke with you in the morning and I
I don't know he just doesn't know now. It is completely implausible that, even if you bought at the time, the first time he was asked, did you talk to him that let's give him the benefit of the doubt, because this is how you have to think about how absurd this was. Imagine that Jim Jordan really speaks the Trump every day and asked a month later. Did you speak on January six. Imagine he genuinely doesn't remember. I don't believe that for a second, I believe it or not, but it lets you give them the benefit of the doubt once it is asked on Fox NEWS and the answer is so obviously deceptive. There, There is no way in Hell that, amongst his beautiful plentiful staff, no one comes to him and said, sir. You spoke to Trump twice on January six, including before the right.
Now. You know there is no way after that. He doesn't remember, and here he is still thing. I just don't know was it before or after now, of course, on a day, that's that momentous it sort of like it. I think back to nine eleven right Remember where I was- and I can tell you with certainty what happened after or before, like if you say, to me. Did you work on the on nine eleven? I remain were that. Yes, I worked on nine eleven. I remember talking to my colleagues about what was going on, and so, if you say, and Were you at work at all before the events took place? I can say with of course now there was no period that day we're while at work I learned about what was happening my entire day at work on nine eleven I was in high school at the time was after the events took place when I went in it was like. Are we even staying open? This is crazy, etc. There is no doubt about it, because it's a notable event and
so this idea that oh yet, but did you speak to him at all before the riot or obviously the conversation would either be what is Trump expecting to happen or what is Trumpery REACT, trot how's trump reacting to what is happening. It just completely implausible that he doesn't remember. I have to go back I mean I don't know I don't. I dont know, though, that what, when Windows conversation happened, me abiding. y know. I spoke no time, but but tailored to the key here is the people. We need to speak to. People we need to talk to each other. You can answer the question: why wasn't there better security president, how Jim you're one of the people that we actually need to be talking to so obvious liar, are liar and now I'm listen. It took a good its it took fourteen months. Fourteen months we ve been following this Jim Jordan, both the trump that morning before the right and so Jimmy Odin could tell us, did Trump sand
thing about hoping that there was violence did from say anything about what he was expecting might pence to do This is the guy that we should be talking to and they try to talk to him and he is refusing to appear. We Voicemail number? That number is too one nine to David P. Here is a voice smell that is going.
upset people in my audience, because it is someone saying hey David as progressives. Maybe we shouldn't be so anti crypto currency o this will this will upset some people take a lesson. I dared to refrain from any outward article and commend you and your bout sampling crypto, an iraqi I'm, a progressive and also crypto investor- and I understand you correctly, like so many progressive got leaders demonizing the integrity of crypto well entertaining like reasonable discourse on out of properly regulated, and these are things like they're, like Trump, like with their rhetoric. Sometimes Geneva problems like crypto such a big idea is like the internet, so I to paint entire sectors upon your scam rises, almost empty and levels of immaturity. It is not perfect and we need regulation.
but there's a reason to think continues to grow, and I think there's like I think, is here to stay, and I fail to see how progresses wind by demonizing it I mean they might even when, like some votes by helping leave the discussion unreasonable regulatory policy yeah listen, this is this is really painful to me that there is such a lack of Balance from many of my friends on the left on this issue of crypto currency it it's almost like it's a trigger word. You hear crypto currency. Are you here the word bitcoin and its immediately like no bad scam, illegal crime right away and there's also kind of like a naivete, or maybe an arrogance, to think that you know the future of this entire, space that you know whether this is something it's going to be viable or not? I think some humility should tell us. We don't know, and that's kind of the whole point. Crypto currency is clearly here to stay to some degree:
been around more than a decade. Major Wall Street financial adviser is now say to most people. It's not unreasonable to have in a one two three to four percent of assets in crypto currency for diversification. It's it's a volatile but it's been or on a long time there are crypto currency. Eighty acts moving in the direction of mutual funds. We don't have the like it, but the idea that any second it's going to evaporate seems increasingly unlikely. Now I think the other thing that's important is A lot of the bullet points at an end. Again, just as a reminder, I dont care about crypto Currency, any more than I care about mutual funds or stocks like I want to just have a properly diversified asset occasion for my risk tolerance with my money that that's all I care about some negligible crypto is me
sleeping held by wealthy people right just like the: U S dollars I mean it do this. This is a systemic problem. Money is mostly in the hands of the wealthy, that's not unique to crypto currency. So that is that really the issue not to me is Crypto used to complete criminal transactions yeah some I mean apparently not that much. One interesting thing was when the silk road got shut down. It was believed that the silk road was basically that the vast majority of of Bitcoin transactions and with with the silk road shut down. Bitcoin transactions would fall to almost zero, it didn't happen. Crypto transactions barely declined when the silk road was shut down. The dollar has been used for way more crimes than Bitcoin. Has it it just a reality? tell us one thing or the other meant defending anything does
Coin: mining, not all crypto, but does Bitcoin Mining, have a carbon footprint absolutely absolutely and its impair. I mean it's not going to be sustainable unless, as dealt with either through alternative energy like that's it that's a problem, that's gotta be dealt with and also the legacy dollar and banking industry has an insane carbon footprint. All the dollars that are brought by tourists to Europe are then blown back to tee. The. U s. You understand the carbon footprint of that armoured cars everywhere, insane infrastructure of banks, the overhead, deaf private jets, Emmy its. If you want to talk about that, let's talk about it, but let us also consider other banking and and monetary instruments in the carbon footprint people hear this and they go. But it's not the same while just pair one by one and my view on Crypto is nothing is only good. The internet
Oh my god. Child porn scams right, but the internet exists and it's going to exist. So we ve got a control, the child porn and scamps. The stock market, its rife, would scammers fake financial advisers ponzi schemes. Yes, we have to deal with that, but investors, but best thing in the stock markets not going to end cars, I mean they they put out missions and people die in car action yeah, but Lisbon cars. To exist as it were. Not at this point we are getting rid of car, so let's make them green, let's switch to electric, let's make them say for less redesign our roads, I'm not even an evangelist that it crypto exists doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I put a small portion of my assets in monthly dating back to twenty fifteen and that's it. I don't have all my eggs in their if crypto ends and goes to zero, I lose
what is now three to five percent. If it does well, then I do it it. It's not something in and of itself that we should have this reflexive reaction to, and the problem is that when the left takes that view they just miss, on participating in how to properly regulate crypto, and they leave it to about or no the libertarians or whoever. Let's take a more balanced view. Please, we ve got Ray bones show for you today sign up it's going to happen dot. I will see you there.
Transcript generated on 2022-02-12.