« The David Pakman Show

11/5/19: Shock reports say Kushner okayed Khashoggi arrest

2019-11-05 | 🔗

--On the Show:

--White nationalist Richard Spencer is exposed by audio leaked by Milo Yiannopoulos, and there is actually nothing hugely surprising about the content of the vile and disgusting audio recordings

--Fox News reporter Catherine Herridge quits, moving to CBS and stating that "facts matter," making her yet another Fox News reporter to abandon the right wing network

--A shocking report alleges that Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner personally okayed the arrest of journalist Jamal Khashoggi that ultimately led to his death while on a phone call with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

--Donald Trump continues to endanger the life of the Ukraine whistleblower, this time with Senator Rand Paul, who called for the media to print the whistleblower's name during a rally in Lexington, Kentucky

--Donald Trump aides are struggling to avoid confusing Donald Trump, including by manipulating who is allowed to give Trump briefings on important geopolitical matters

--A federal court confirms that Donald Trump's personal and business tax returns can be released to criminal investigators in the state of New York, but this will likely be appealed to the Supreme Court

-Donald Trump vows no more aid to California in the midst of horrific wildfires on the basis of political disputes and disliking the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom

--Donald Trump promotes Donald Trump Jr's atrocious book while pushing the narrative that it is actually Joe Biden who is improperly helping his son, Hunter Biden, self-enrich

--Voicemail caller asks about new polls in which Andrew Yang is polling 5% in Nevada and Arizona

--On the Bonus Show: McDonald's fires CEO for improper relationship, apple pledges $2.5 billion to California housing crisis, anti-gay prejudice in a death sentence, much more...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The David Pakman show at Davidpakman dot com Nationalist Richard Spencer, who have actually interviewed on the programme, and I encourage you to check that interview out he's considered in some sense the founder of the all right, buddies, definite a white nationalist. He said that that is an appropriate term, among others to be using for him. When I interviewed him on the show a couple of years ago, Spencer has now been there crawling it outed, but I don't actually know that. That's the right term he's been outed by an audio tape where he use
is all of the angry vitriolic slurs that many white nationalist use about Jews and about black people. Now you might be saying well, why is it notable that a white nationalist was using those terms about Jews in black and the reason is notable is precisely because Richard Spencer's entire thing was: yes, he's a white nationalist. Yes, he wants a white ethnostate where everyone who is not as he calls it of european origin, leaves the country but he's an educated, articulate well dressed guy, who wants those things and he wants those things to happen. Respect play or something I mean within the context of how? How respectfully can you have an nf? Let an ethnic cleansing right, but the idea is, he doesn't scream at people, he doesn't use racial slurs. He wants it all to be peaceful and for everybody to agree that
aces are going to separate now all along in this is why I say that the term outed is maybe a bit of an exaggeration, He won with any common sense, probably guessed that behind closed doors, richer, Spencer, was just your normal average white supremacist racist, but he was able to kind of keep up the facade for some time. He would couch his views in history or sociology or science, as they claim now to be doing in a very popular sometimes unfortunately effective way, but this is now all imploded, so it just so happens that the person who release this audio here is another rightwing bomb. Thrower named Milo. You novelist, who actually emailed with about six or eight weeks ago, did go well that he makes change the emails had nothing to do with this. Milo has released the record It's bad we're going to listen to it now. Nothing, sir,
Think about this in some superficial sense. This does contain shocking language, so probably best, as they say, to get the kids out of the room, I have so That is the way to create them. I am coming back here again by active, is never over. Land was worth price. They are all very like me, rose. I says it is like a visa. When I go by people like me, they look up in your face like losing down there
So, of course, you know talking about Kikes, an octoroon slurs for Jews and black people is really only one takeaway here. Actually, I actually think that the analysis here is. It was a pretty simple one. Richard Spencer is just like all the people that he claims to be different from right here he's, not some lowbrow racist he's, not some abrasive unanswered. Hated, Yokul or whatever right, because he's the dapper white nationalist well, this hounds, just like anybody else that you would imagine white nationalist, would be in cahoots with. He plays the polite, well dressed white Nationalist who uses coded, but arguably less threatening sounding terms like peaceful ethnic cleansing, a kind. Gentler sort of white nationalism, but it's all the same stuff. Now, why did Milo Yiannopoulos publish this? He says quote as for why I published it. I have always publicly hate,
answer and he has always publicly hated me. He thinks I'm a degenerate race, mixing cake and, I think, he's in knuckle dragging racist and cheap suit. As you will recall, he was AIDS sneak into a bar. I was singing carry Oki in and throw up nazi salutes and film it without my knowledge so it has been very satisfying for me to draw a crisp bright red line between, two of us, so there it is. It's just different factions of the vile right. In this case they are clashing with each other, Milo and Richard Spencer. But the lesson is: you've got to pay attention to the substance and not the tone, because if you go back to the interview that I did with Spencer. I believe it was back in twenty seventeen or you look at anything that he's done. If you listened only to the substance,
Spencer. For the last, however, many years, this would not be even remotely surprising tat. You might still be taken aback by the crass nature of the language sure, but the substance would not be even remotely surprising. The people who were surprised by this had soared have been lulled by the tone and the optics of Richard Spencer, and they were paying attention to the substance. That was a bad decision all along, and this is just confirmation of that- nothing new, nothing unusual, nothing. We haven't heard before just surprising some people because they understood- Spencer, to be more of a quote. Academic educated white nationals, nothing new here and will see if anything develops. As far as the release of the actual tape and Milo. You, Nautilus is involvement, although it may be another one of miles attempt to re insert himself into the political dialogue, at least
in some enclaves of the internet after he was essentially completely pushed out after comments about I'm trying to remember. Is it technically pedophilia? is hebephilia. Now I don't remember any comments that were poorly. They were not well received, even by many of the factions of the right that had previously embrace Milo here's an interesting media story, another Fox news reporter has quit so we had Shepard Smith quitting a few weeks ago. This time marriage who certainly much less well known, then shut Psmith, Catherine Harry known more for holding up documents in front of the camera. During her reports, she has quit Fox news, and, what's really funny is that there are conflicting reports, facts matter. She used it in a statement that was released by her outgoing employer, Fox NEWS, and she used the term facts matter the statement by her new upcoming employer.
B S, news she's, going from Fox NEWS to see BS news, but with very interesting is that depending on which of the two statements. You read the interpretation of facts matter either can appear to be praised for Fox NEWS or an attack against Fox NEWS. Take a look at the two statements, so the statement released via Fox NEWS as I have received great personal satisfaction from men during the next generation of reporters and producers and sharing my journalistic values that facts matter enterprise reporting, will always win the day. This one seems to imply that at Fox NEWS she was able to share her value. Set facts matter now, when you look at the CBS News statement from Catherine Herridge,
S. News has always placed a premium on enterprise journalism and powerful investigations. I feel privilege to join a team, were facts and storytelling will always matter which, of course, the second one sort of suggesting that at Sea Bs News, facts always matter, but where she's coming from at Fox NEWS facts did not always matter which, of course, we know now as food are as Catherine Heritage is concerned. Even if this is her taking a stand against the propaganda echo Chamber, a fox were fact don't matter, I mean, if she's not necessarily sang it. I in most of you know that facts do not matter if ox news, I have a hard time feeling super proud of this, stand that she's taking if it is indeed what she's doing she's been there for a very long time. Nothing has actually changed now on Fox news. Where now it's clearly the right,
thing to do. If you care about facts to quit, but at some point in the past, if you cared about facts, it was ok to be a Fox news and she's, also not a particularly recognizes, face there anyway, so I'm not going to, You know make any positive assessments of what she's doing here, but the interesting story is a broader one about some of the Fox NEWS departures of the last couple of years, so we had mega Kelly starting some time back after a very public sort of dispute with then candidate tromp out. We had Shep Psmith more recently, and then you know some smaller contributors lay Catherine Heritage, who have just more quietly disappeared from Fox NEWS, but in the end of this is really the big story. Box is still crushing the ratings. There are some concerning numbers that I'll tell you about in the moment, but
Ox News- is still widely dominating the cable news ratings. Now there is an argument to be made that Fox NEWS is the place for a particular type of audience and therefore their sort of coalescing audiences that, on the other side are kind of split between a broader variety of news outlets less than that of mathematical argument, but you can't deny that there still widely crushing the things the one area where Fox is not doing so well, and this may be interesting upcoming as we get into the twenty twenty election adults. Twenty five to fifty four are considered like the important demographic in the new world, sometimes their referred to as the demo, with the demographic that matters foxes down. Five per cent in total primetime viewers this past October, compared to the previous October of twenty eight in their down thirteen percent in total Dave, you,
Is there down twenty five percent in the prime time key demographic that we're talking about age? Twenty five to fifty four and they are down twenty seven percent. In the total day, demographic of adults, twenty five to fifty four. So far, she's doing well, they're beating up CNN they're beating out MSNBC at at all. Most, if not all times of the day across the spectrum, but they are, having a growing problem with this important key demographic of adults, twenty five to fifty four now, fortunately for them, then it doesn't really matter right. They don't need to be profitable, since they have these rich right, wingers that fund them and that's going to continue, I won't say, her pituitary, because nothing lasts forever. It particularly in media, but for the foreseeable future. But this also connects to twenty twenty, and it also connects to the growing sort of rift between D we'll trump an Fox news, on the one hand you have the folks, like you know, Sean Hannity Engineering P,
oh and I believe Lord Ingram, for the most part, is on the Trump train. Their effectively trump brown noses a functioning almost as state media on Fox NEWS on a date, basis, Janine Piero on a weekly basis. I think, but then you ve got people like Tucker Karlsson, who's, not always on the Trump train. You have Shep Smith, who certainly was an end, now left and Donald Trump over the last year, fifteen months as we ve been talking about been more and more frequently promoting the even crazier alternative to Fox news away and or away and and one american use network. So this is going to be. Interesting media narrative heading into twenty. Twenty now remember in twenty sixty really twenty fifteen. When Fox NEWS was not behind Donald Trump, they were not behind Trump in a less oh Lee problematic way for the right, because there were all sorts of more establishment, Republicans that they could support or be behind TED Cruz or JEB
whoever until eventually they got behind Donald Trump as it became clear, he was going to be the nominee this time there is less laws of reasoning for Fox NEWS, a right wing echo chamber not to be behind Trump, because there is at least as yet no serious primary challenger to Donald Trump, and it doesn't appear that there is going to be one. So the circumstances would be far different if Fox were not to be wholly behind trumpets. We get into the twenty twenty election, I expect they will be, but I think there might still be some interesting drama to be seen. Let me know what you think about all of this. I'm on Twitter, at Dpac, Mandir Show is on Twitter, David Pakman, show and another reminder. Twitch live streams are back I did one on Sunday night there will be two more upcoming this week and you can catch those at which dot tv slash
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by all means used. The coupon code vote soon. Eighteen, all one word all lower case become a member today, David Pachmann, Shell, David Pachmann, God cast today. New members of the day are Consuela Win and Maureen Van West struck, thanks to both of you for being gave packing show members membership the number one funding source for the programme. We are primarily a viewer supported and listener supported programme sign up at David Pachmann dot com. Slash membership also want to say thanks to Angelus Molly, who is today a long time sustaining member of the day annual has been a member for almost five years, which is along longer than Trump has been president's, even though prizes and feel that way other than you report. That, if true, is the most shocking
waiting in the entire Jamal could show Gi Fiasco since its inception, and if this is actually true Actually, arguably much worse than the Ukraine scandal, which is already a major major scandal. The spectator is reporting whistle blowers can allege with evidence that whistle blowers, plural that done from Son in LAW Jared cushion her personally gay the green light. Personally, ok on the phone with saudi crown, Prince Mohammed been Solomon, to go ahead and arrest. Journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Of course, we know after being arrested with killed remembered at the saudi arabian Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey have any of this is, is almost inconceivable to the whistleblowers out of the seven that are involved generally in this report from the spectator, too, of the whistleblowers involved
Reportedly are in agreement about this, and it is apparently not just an assertion, but one of the two Wis flowers says that an intercepted phone call that is in the possession of turkish and child intelligence, actually is the conversation during which this took place. The phone call is reportedly between Jared Kushner and and Mohammed Bin Salman himself. And I have even more to discuss with this, because is it something that I said a little while back the existence of this phone call is said to have been the way that turkish President Erdogan was able to convince or strong arm Donald Trump into pulling troops from Syria. Now this is still early, but that allegation is one that I high path
I doubt at the start of the Syria fiasco and a lot of people wrote to me saying David. That is baseless speculation and you are wrong to do it. Well it certainly. Speculative! This is an analysis and commentary show, and that's one of the things that we do. We speculate there were reasons to do that. Speculation, primarily that there was no sensible explanation for the timing of Donald Trump's decision to pull troops from Syria. This is clip from three weeks ago in a lot of people were angry with me, for it take a listen and then we start to speculate. Does erdewan have something so bad on the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. If it were to get out, it would be even more devastating that Donald Trump didn't do a damn thing about it. Instead selling more weapons to Saudi Arabia, to possibility yeah that is now exactly What is being alleged that Erdewan has something so bad on Trump that Trump, in LA personally ok to Mohammed bids,
in the arrest of Jamal Catch Oji in this case, which led to a show jeez killing that he was able to force Donald Trump to pull troops out of Syria. So there are actually two scandals here and the reporting that I'm seeing mostly about just one of those scandals, so scandal number one, if indeed Jared Kirshner from Son in law on elected, not confirmed by the Senate, an adviser to Donald Trump, if Jared, cushion or personally told Mohammed, been Solomon to go ahead and arrest. The Washington Post journalist, that is handle of the highest degree? We are talking colloquial, I'm not making a legal argument and not a lawyer. We are talking colloquial we about conspiracy to commit murder, although of course, still never be held accountable. We know that, but it goes further than that. If this phone call being recorded put,
turkey in a position to be able to strong arm Donald Trump to have hazard Lee pull troops from northern Syria in direct contradiction to what any of Donald Trump's generals or the Pentagon or the State Department were suggesting which led to the deaths of Kurds. It's leading to the possible resurgence of ISIS. It is an absolute travesty and a tragedy of foreign policy, and it is the complete subjugation of the office of the presidency at our expense for the benefit of foreign. Now we have to be careful here, because this is one story from the spectator. We want corroboration of the story. We eventually ideally will get the actual whistleblower testimony on this, because it's not just if the story is false. If. Even some element of the story is not exactly as described.
We already know that the trumpist will jump all over it as fake news as evidence of the media's corruption. And even if the story is off by a fraction, they will discredit the entire thing. But the truth is the opposite. If even a fraction of the Tori is true. If one whistle blower says cushion are ok, the arrest of Jamaica showed you instead of two. If Turkey did strong arm trump untruths Syria using anything related to cash og. If any element of this story is true, it is a scandal of I asked order that I mean listen, I'm still trying to process the entire thing and would scandal fatigue they all start to sort of blend together. But my immediate impression is that this is arguably bigger any other scandal of the Trump presidency because of the gravity and disgusting vile nature of it. That is what is being alleged as of right now by the time, you'll by the time you watch this, maybe we will know more in a week oh, what we will now, but
number one, not very different from what we have suspected for a very long time. With regard to the turkish strong arming of Trump Jared Kushner is unelected. He was not confirmed by the Senate. Is the cronies thick nap that Donald Trump, I guess said he was going to eliminate by draining the swamp and blood of the little all of that stuff. It hasn't happened it's worse than we could have ever imagined what's also worse than we could have ever imagined is the degree to which Donald Trump and people around him are desperate to endanger the life, really the lives, not only of the Ukraine whistleblower, but of the whistle where's family as well. Now I told you at the start of the Ukraine whistleblower fiasco that Donald Trump and his acolytes will not stop. Until the whistle blower is in danger and it actually is starting to seem like they will not stop until the whistle blower, potentially
is there. Life trump has already referred to the whistleblower as a spy as a traitor. We know that Trump is working very, very to leak. The name of the whistle blower, despite whistleblower protection, being a core tenet of the United States Trump did one of his Magda, safe space, rallies last night and lacking Kentucky Lexington Kentucky, rather the home state of totally toxic ophthalmologists, senator, ran Paul and ran Paul, an advocate for privacy and for the rule of law and advocate for the constitution, Rand Paul, claiming they have the whistleblowers name and the crowd goes wild and imploring lowering the media to out the whistle blower printing, their name they're, not going to stop until the whistle blower, maybe dead. Take a look. President drop has great courage. He faces down the fake media,
everyday, but Congress needs to step up and have equal courage. Good the president honourable made fifty thousand dollars a month that the protection of corruption we know we got an only because of his family. Good actions We also now know the name of the whistleblower. The whistleblower needs to come before Congress as a material witness because he work for Joe Biden. At the same time, Hunter Biden was getting money from corrupt oligarchs,
I stay the night to the media, do your job and print his name the crowd cheers You know the name of the whistle blower. They want him out and which will have. Horse immediately endanger not only the life of the whistle blower but of their family as well. This is the type of thing that Trump Brown nose hairs like Rand Paul, do when they're on good terms with Trump, but then Sometimes those relationships with Donald Trump go bad and trump a band they have a falling out and later they'll say yeah. Maybe that was a mistake. I don't stand behind everything I did in support of Trump and when it comes to Rand. Paul is particularly hypocritical because Rand Paul again has been in his entire political career he's all about the constitution. He's all about the framework established in the United States of America around privacy rights. This is
is entire career, and here is rand. Paul privacy Advocate Rand, Paul rule of law advocate ran Paul talking about, let's violate the framework upon which our tree is based in violation of the whistleblowers privacy rights for his political gain. Two ingratiated himself with Donald Trump who has been golfing with regularly another touched by the way I don't know if you listening. You didn't see this. If you watch the clip we just played, they gave the trumpist standing on the stage behind Trump T shirts. That say read the transcript, which is Trump's continued reference to the idea that if you just look at the tree gripped. It completely vindicates Donald Trump of any wrong doing. No, of course, they didn't release a transcript of the phone call. They released what seemed to be about seven or eight minutes conversation from a phone call that we know last that a half hour, which is by the way, a straw
airily incriminating of Trump trump? Is not a boat cognitive Lee Strong enough to recognise that the trans quote transcript even the small pieces of it that were published does not voting tromp its incriminating, but they gave everybody onstage and shirt that say release that read the transcript now what they are asking for here terms of media, go ahead and out the whistleblower. This runs counter to the law. Now you can feel that Nicholas the whistle blower should be out of you. You might take that position as a political position, but the whistle blower is protected. Law and Donald Trump and ran Paul claimed about law and order and law and order says that the whistleblowers identity must be protected, so they're all jumping on this messaging here is Donald Trump. Two days ago, saying the same thing exposed snowblower. Any reasonable person interprets as instantly
in danger in the life of the whistle blower. While the whistle blower gave a very and accurate report, as you know, certain of the media release information about a man that they said was the whistleblowers. I don't know if that's true or not, but what they said is used in all bomb, a person who was involved with Brennan Susan Right so Burma, but he was like a big big antitrust person hated drop at the very centre. I don't know if it's true or not, but that was reported by some of the media, so you'll have to find out. I don't know why the media is not on it, because the whistleblower Dave. A very inaccurate report about my phone call. My phone call was perfect, though it was totally appropriate, but he gave a report he or she, but according to the
it's a heat. They think they know they know who it is. You know who it is. You just don't want to report it, Nando's who it is, but you don't want to report it, and you know you'd be doing the public a service. If you did, the whistleblower gave a false report and because of that false report, people thought bad things were done and then you had shipped go out and speak before Congress and before the american people and give a false story. He made up a story and then I released him after all. This was done. I released, and everybody said he did. Everything wrong, but the whistleblower should be reveal. This is an incitement of violence against the whistleblower I mean. Wasn't you can say Trump is not personally saying attack the whistleblower, but it is in this, an incitement to violence against the whistle blower because they are being sought, was immediately endangers their life, it's also
increasingly irrelevant, though okay- and let me explain this to you- have Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindelin. We have, according to the spectator which I talked about earlier today, seven new whistleblowers- we have Donald Trump's partial transcript itself, which is massively imprimen. So the initial whistle blower becomes lesson ret less relevant every time that their claims are corroborated. Think about when someone calls the police and reports a burglary era rime of some kind and they want anonymity, but the police show up and they investigate and find other witnesses. That saw the same thing. They find evidence that corroborates that initial anonymous report It no longer matters who originally made that first anonymous report, the whistleblower that Donald Trump wants. Outed is increase irrelevant, as we have witnesses who were in the room who heard the July by phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President's Olenska, but
have lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vinland, so Trump is doing what he does best. It's really, the only thing you can do, which is deflect the blame. Try to distract the media, make the story and enjoy patients of the initial whistle blower- and you know that this is not going well, because whenever you hear others come to trumps defence like ran Paul in this case, they dont defend transactions because transactions are not defensible. They attack the whistle are they go to the media, and there is another important element here that we have to consider. By doing this, they are also intimidating future potential whistleblowers. I have said this before when you make a big show of publicly calling for the outlawing of a whistle blower yours sending a message to others who know things that says. If you come forward, we will publicly on the national stage, try to out you and your life will be at risk and the life of your family will be at risk. It's sick, it's
American and we can allow them to get away with it. We really can't. I believe that the fastest recourse in the world were a year from the election. It's just twelve months, and then we can end this national nightmare of what will have been a four year nightmare. I believe that that still the fastest path, make sure you're following the David Pakman show on Instagram for more of this story and others at David Pakman show follow and while you're there follow me on Instagram at David Pakman as well, the David Pakman show at Davidpakman dot com. The David Pakman show is audience supported, media and you can contribute
any amount you want on patreon as little as one dollar per month. Plus you can get the daily bonus show world famous at this point and the daily commercial free tv show by making those pledges at patreon dot com David Pakman show. This is audience supported. Media. We depend on the support of our viewers and listeners Weather, listen to the podcast watch on Youtube or watches on tv or even listen on the radio patreon dot com David Pakman show, Welcome back to the David Pakman show This yesterday on the members only bonus showed that there is growing concern among Donald from staffers about how they can avoid confusing him and the extent to which Donald Trump is confused, the ball is a growing area of concern for the people
working around him on a daily basis. One such example is that Donald Trump AIDS were looking for twitter to put in place fifteen minute delay on Donald Trump's tweets such that they could maybe be canceled or fixed or modified before they go out I'll get to that in a moment. But there's a interesting storyline, that's growing up from reporting by politico and others about how Donald Trump is being kept away from certain people simply to avoid using him and it's like dealing with a nine year old kid, and in fact I would argue, it's actually like dealing with a key if we limit at nine year old kid here is an example shortly after Ukrainian President Selenski was elected, an actual Ukraine expert, the whistleblower that we now know as Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Vindelin, whose at the centre of a lot of controversy right now, then men was set to brief Donald Trump about Zalewski. Why? Well it made sense. Vinland is an actual Ukraine
spurt Trump needs to know what's going on in Ukraine. It makes sense to have an expert brief trump about that issue. Trump staffers at the last second told Vinland. You know what don't show up Trump will become confused by your presence, because Donald Trump is under the impression that this other guy Cash YAP Patel, is actually the expert on Ukraine now what's up areas is that Cassia Patel is not an expert on Ukraine. Patel was a Devon newness, staffer Devon, newness, of course, that completely bogus and and disgusting and depraved republican congressmen, Cash Patel, has no expertise. Ukraine has no knowledge on Ukraine, but Donald Trump believed that Cassia Patel was the expert on Ukraine and staff or said you know. If Vindelin shows up to talk to Trump about Ukraine,
Trump will become confused, so they tell Vinbin don't show up, even though Vinman is actually the Ukraine expert. This is tragic. This is sad, but it's also disturbing when it comes in order to avoid confusing trump people who are actually our real experts on subject matter are being chosen to brief trump and the real subject matter. Experts are being kept out of the entire thing ample into the twitter thing, which I mention, Donald Trump AIDS at one point worth considering asking twitter to a Thirdly, reprogram the way that the platform works just for Donald Trump account too in state fifteen minute delay on Donald Trump's tweets earlier in Trump's presidency, and they wanted to do it without Trump's knowledge, and what was going on is that Donald Trump's tweeting was obviously so problematic from day one and start staffers worst link with how to manage it. Trump was obvious you're not going to allow some one of the power to
okay or not okay, his tweets. So the idea was, let's secretly go to Twitter and let's have them fifteen minute delay on Donald Trump tweets, and during those fifteen minutes, staffers presume we would be able to either edit tweets delete them. Talk bout of them, whatever the case may be under stand, the scope of this were true is so erratic in his behavior, but also reacts ITALY to any attempt at controlling or modify his behaviour. That staff were looking at US king one of the largest social media platforms in the world to programme in functionality just for Donald Trump account specifically to avoid the embarrassment and problems that Donald Trump tweeting was causing never mind by the way. How potentially abused the two could be imagine if you're one of from staffers, and you see that Donald Trump writes a tweet and you ve got fifteen minutes to act
on that tweet, and you know that it's a tweet that could, for example, Hank the stock price of publicly traded company. During those fifteen minutes you could go and short that stuff how to make a financial gain windfall really from what you now can predict pretty safely, because Donald Trump's tweets move, the markets will be an upcoming shift in a share price. It's dangerous it's stunning that this is something that they would even consider asking a platform like twitter to do and The reality is something that we, for a long time. The people around Donald Trump have to treat the guy. Like, as I said, a poorly behaved or even cognitive. We limited kid despite the fact that he is in a wealthy seventy three year old white Guy a born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Who is not ever known any actual adversity
his entire life and yet still believes that he is the greatest victim of the unfairness of the world, as he constantly talks about witch hunts and presidential harassment unfairly he's treated by the media. It is like dealing with a kid that is what staffers are increasingly describing sad, but dangerous is We have yet another major court decision that says yes, Donald Trump's tax returns can and should be turned over to the New York state, criminal investigators that are investigating him, is yet another failed attempt by Donald Trump to prevent the release of those tax returns. Now I assume that this will be appealed to the Supreme Court, maybe by the time you watch her to the story it already will have been. We will see if the Supreme Court ultimately takes the case, but if so that is increasingly Donald, Trump Supreme Court and they may well find in his favour so I'll reset the details for you. There is a criminal investigation going on into Donald Trump and into Donald Trump business. It's him
winning at the New York state level. They attempted to obtain Donald Trump taxes and the taxes of Donald Trump Business for the investigation. This was blue but this will, this was ignored. Initially, ah lawsuits were filed. This went to court, one court said is correct and ok for the documents to be turned over to the investigators, Donald Trump's lawyers appealed and again yesterday, another court said it is okay for Donald Trump's taxes to be into the investigators. This was the second district federal appeals court truck. Federal lawyer, one of them another one of them had this guy's name is William Consul Boys. He's been arguing all along that, on the one hand, this is merely a politically motivated fishing expedition. So it's wrong but, on the other hand, he's also arguing you can investigate sitting president anyway, now the entire premises very legally dubious. We do have the Justice Department Memos
you're really about policy they're, not about the law which say it is not the policy of the federal Justice Department to charge a sitting president. Now that has nothing to do with investigating a sitting president and also that's the federal Justice Department we are talking here. The state of New York investigating Donald Trump so to any sensible person. Looking at the basics of this Donald Trump, his work inordinately hard to prevent the release of his taxes. No doubt the release of his taxes would be bad for him. The question is in what way would it be bad? That's still up in the air? Will it expose that Donald Trump is in his riches? He claims to be what did expose financial fraud committed by Donald Trump? We don't really know, but what's important to understand about this ruling. Is that almost definitely it will be appealed to the Supreme Court and the release of the tax we'll be put on hold, but just as importantly, in a lot of people, you mailing near missing this this
about whether Donald Trump's taxes can be released to state investigators not about giving them to Congress or the public. Now my leak, but even if the taxes are given to state investigators Ethan until there is a trial of some kind in principle, this will not make the taxes public again unless they are leaked, which is always a possibility. But ultimately, if this Supreme Court takes this case, and my guess is that they will otherwise Donald Trump's taxes get sent to investigators. It becomes up to the Supreme Court, which is made up of some justices, that Donald Trump personally selected, who will get to decide whether our systems of checks and balances are effectively not nullified, and what you have to understand is that administration, has been a total scoff law loading, the law on dozens of requests and subpoenas. This is,
One were hearing about, because the truck topic of trumps taxes is more widely interesting, but by one analysis this year alone, the Trump Administration has either blocked or ignored more than eighty six subpoenas and requests, we may eventually trumps taxes we may not, but the real battleground here is that the long, lasting importance of the issue of what the power of the presidency to ignore the checks and balances that we have do. Checks and is really still exist when the president is able to get away with ignoring any of the ones that they don't. Like and soap, are Donald Trump is winning big. I mean just like really big on that issue. If we don't change that The implications will be far more far, reaching than simply during the Trump administration, we'll take a quick break, give us alike on Facebook at Facebook Slash David Pachmann show we will talk upcoming above California, wildfires. We will talk up
Many more things, as well as Andrew Yang Yang Story, coming up the day Pakman show at Davidpakman dot com, whether you're looking for David Pakman, show coffee for your Chemex or french press, or the David Pakman show it's all available on our website, shipping to anywhere in the world. At David, Pachmann, dotcom, slash gear, don't miss the bumper stickers to David Pachmann, dot com forward, slash gear: did you know that David Pachmann Show is on all sorts of different platforms, find us on Youtube at Youtube: Dotcom forward, slash the David Cameron Show and on steam it the blockchain based publishing platform at steam, dotcom slash at David.
Man, that's s, T double MIT dont, come forward. Slash at David, tackling the David Pachmann show David Pachmann Dotcom once again, wildfires are ravaging California, and the president is doing what no president should be doing, which is about no more federal aid. The California at this time trumpet right. Wingers have been using the California wildfires to spread what is a combination of an iscience nonsense, but also sort of like the most toxic version of partisan politics that you imagine, which is when people's lives are at stake? I actually saw clip last week of Fox NEWS host Tucker, Carlson and cultural critic. Dave Rubin saying you can blame the wildfires on left wing, wokeness and political correctness. Trump has previously said all sorts of nonsense.
But the wild wildfires as well, including how, is all the fault of forest management which he has no idea. What that even means latest fires are really bad. The last I looked over two hundred thousand acres of land destroyed people fleeing homes hundred and fifteen, twenty five, maybe a structures that have been a damaged by the fires, at least three people killed, so far that number sadly may be climbing. So what is Donald Trump? Do he tweets insults at the caliphate Governor Gavin, Newsom and no more aid for California quote the governor of California. Gavin Newsom has done a terrible job of forest management. I told him first day we met that he must clean his forest floors. Regardless of what is bosses, the fire mentalist demand of him must also do burns and cut fire stopping every year as the fires rage, fire apostrophe asked by the way, as the fires rage, the rage belonging to the fires
California burns. It is the same thing and then he comes to the federal government for money. Help no more. Together governor, you don't see close to the level of Berne and other states yeah, because their search circumstances are totally different. Topographically but our teams are putting our working well together in putting these massive many fires out. Great fire fighters also open up the ridiculously house water lines coming down from the north, don't pour it out into the Pacific. Should be done immediately. California desperately needs water and you can have now. Gavin Newsom, immediately shooting back on Twitter. That Trump shouldn't even really be talking about this, because he doesn't even accept climate science quote you don't be in climate change, your excused from their from this conversation. So there's a lot here that sick now, of course, through the president- and you tell us state one of the states that you are also the present for you.
Tell us state that suffering from horrible wildfires that you're cutting off aid it. It's disgusting people are dying literally because of the fires. Second, from talking about water lanes from the north skies, no idea what he's talking about. I mean truly, no idea he's referring to these rules that don't allow farmers to do all the water from rivers, and you have to let some of the her flow into the oceans, naturally, as the planet is supposed to work, and Donald Trump is apparently furious with that were hit. Him thinks it's some kind of leftist mismanagement to allow rivers to function boy, Donald Trump is then using people's homes and property and lives their lives here being lost to be flippin about climate change and to throw political rhetoric. Sean at a state that he doesn't like it as a democratic governor, he's it I simply embattled with Nancy Policy Congresswoman from California, but California is filled with both Democrats and Republicans.
Not that should even matter not that it should even make a difference because they're all Americans. I hope that historians are properly done. Amending everything that that has taken place here so that the second vile nature said ministration isn't loss to history, because that would be a tragedy. The administration is tragic, its actions are tragic, but forgetting the horrors of this administration would also be tragic, and if this guy wins re election, this exact kind of pettiness, although it sounds to call it pettiness- is too soft, more than heading. This is worse than that. This is what we would expect to be in overdrive if Donald Trump is elected and knows that he doesn't have another election to win or to deal with at the tail end. Is this how cheap life has become under Donald Trump Homeless, children, kids in cages, who cares their political points? The score are killing people, while the governor is a Democrat and some some
something rivers and the ocean, no more aid for you, it's whore! defying and imagine what lessons are. Kids are being taught implicitly by this president, when you have a president that behaves this way and children see it. What lessons are we teaching kids based on the behavior of this madman? Truly sad and hopefully without Trump's help. They can get the wildfire situation under control in California, of the Republican Party under the current administration is projection right. It's accuse others of doing what you do. It's a very common tactic, but it's really been sort of on steroids under the current administration. Now this isn't knew they ve been doing it for a long time. It's just taken on a particularly sort of special significance under on what Trump Hilary information securities terrible. She can't be trusted with with the documents and classified information,
Trump is using unsecured phones that he refuses to have screened and his family is. In private email for government business out projection right, tromp is going to stop cronyism and he's going to drain the swamp, and then he, yours, half of his immediate family and fills his cabinet with rich cronies. You get the idea, but the Ukraine, Joe Biden story, they've, actually been doing one of the most acute projection, jobs that we've ever seen, Donald Trump and his family are self and reaching from the presidency, but he insists and he accuses Joe Biden and his son Hunter Alfin reaching from binds former vice presidency die. Junior went on tv, like I told you last week and said I wish I could make millions from my dad's presidency talking about the binds, but of course Don Junior is making millions from his dad's presidency only blindest loyalist, could miss the reality here or
but whose cognitive limited and that wouldn't be something to make fun of I mean if they ve that's the case, then you wouldn't necessarily. Understand the nuances. What's going on, is now been scaled up once again to these cartoonish levels with Donald Trump criticizing Joe Biden versus ethical lapses, involving helping his son Hunter, get a privileged position, while trumpets Simon, taneously plugging done Junior's new book off, of which he will of course make a whole bunch of money. Trump says Joe Biden helped his son Hunter make The from Joe Biden Vice presidency is bad, it's corrupt, it's terrible and then Donald from tweets quote my son, dawn Junior is coming out with a new book triggered how the left drive I hate and wants to silence us available tomorrow November. Fifth, a great book that I highly recommend for all to read, go order it today, first of all the
dear of Don Junior writing a book is absolute hilarious and I'm going to get to that in a second. But this is Trump again doing the and he criticizes others for if Trump were any other federal employed, but the president. This violate ethics rules. That Trump is the position of the presidency to benefit on financially exactly what he is accusing Joe Biden of doing for Hunter Biden. Now. As far as Don Juniors book is concerned, I looked around see whether Don Junior really road it or whether it was ghost written by someone who can actually right. There is now. Other name listed on the book, but I took one look at the beginning and it's pretty damn clue the written by Don Junior, because it is some of the worst writing. I've ever seen. Let's check out an excerpt. This is just cringe worthy bad writing. Chapter one trigger warning, I'm not mad. Look everybody called the trader once or twice in their lives right. Everybody gets falsely
used and wrongly investigated by the FBI and has to testify in front of Congress for over thirty hours, answering the same, stupid, politically motivated questions over and over again, don't they and everybody has an army of Social Justice warriors combing through every word, they've ever said online to find something to be offended by correct Why should I be mad? I'm not mad. In fact, my plan was to write a feel good. About forgiveness and healing sort of a chicken soup for the political soul type of story. I was even going to call it kumbaya instead of triggered, but it seemed that There was already taken place, we buy one of the two thousand four hundred and sixty seven Democrat candidates currently running for president, so instead of chicken soup over the next three hundred pages or so I'll. Take you on a tour of all the craziest struck dvd is that the left is come up with in the last decade or more think of it as a trip through Jurassic Park. Only instead of dangerous dinosaurs. You get to see sleepy liberal losers, socialist crack babies and hypocritical policy, which means that if you decide to come along,
I promise that nothing will jump into the car with us to find out a little about me during the ride, if only as a way to dispel the conspiracy theory on the left that I was born with horns of course, horns a known anti semitic: opening. I hesitate to even bring it up, not suggesting that its deliberate just always seems to end up in there. Doesn't it Anyway, can you imagine being so confused about reality that in the limited lifetime you have the number of hours you have on this earth is ticking down right? You choose this as a book to read in truth, no real readers would read Juniors book. It's just not the way that things work. This is not the type of book you sell to people that red regularly. This is the type of book you sell to. People that don't read and are going to buy it as a political statement. Now, as far as Donald Trump promoting the book, while criticising Joe Biden, Our trump has no ability to feel shame. He is
ability to understand irony. He has no ability to understand hypocrisy. That's not news that shouldn't! Surprise us! Please! If you have some other position on buying this can you plan to do it? I want to hear, and I want to know. I want to know why, quite frankly, we have a voice number, which is too one nine to David P. Here is a question about Andrew Yang. It could actually apply to many of the candidates running on the democratic side right now, but about Andrew Yang. So we will answer it at such a big fan of the show. My question is what you think about
getting at last. I presume threshold, thereby outliers review and that they should be counted for some other reason. Yet so listen, it's not about those posing outliers. It's not about. They shouldn't be counted. It's just not going to make a difference This analysis could be done for a bunch of the lower level candidates. I'm going to do Andrew Yang, who I like personally and I've interviewed multiple times, because the caller app, CALL Andrew Yang surely Andrea Angus, pulling at two point. Eight percent, ok, but the primary is fifty individual state elections, plus some territories, so the collar mentions Nevada. That's the third state to vote. It goes Iowa New Hampshire than Nevada. It's too that Yander Yang voted pulled five percent in one of the four recent polls. Now, in the other three or four recent polls he's only polling, three percent but it doesn't matter because there's something called a fifteen percent threshold to receive any delegates,
Andrew Yang in Nevada, gets fourteen percent of the vote. Assuming that there are other candidates who get fifteen percent or more vote. Andrew Yang doesn't get any delegates right. He gets zero delegates, so his five percent in Nevada or his three percent aren't going to get any delegates. That's just the way it works right. It's not my opinion. That's just the way it works. Then you go to Arizona it's true, there is a pull out of Arizona were Andrea. Has five percent now Arizona doesn't until March 17th and there's a whole bunch of states that will have already voted but again ignoring that. There's a fifteen percent threshold that has to be met if Yang his five percent of the vote in Arizona in almost every circumstance he gets zero delicate. So I'm not trying to just anyone's bubbles, I'm just wondering if some people don't know the primary process and how that threshold works because once you recognise that three or five percent it doesn't actually make it.
France in helping him to secure the democratic primary nomination nomination. Now, if you understand that You still believe that there's a path then I want to hear from you. I want to hear what that path is. We've got a great bonus. For you. Today we will talk about Mcdonald's firing, their ceo for a relationship he had with an employee. We will talk about apple pledging billions of dollars to fight the California housing crisis and much more get instant access to the bonus. Show instant mix under a minute by signing up at joint pachmann dot com or by becoming a patron patriarch David Pakman show the David Pakman show at Davidpakman dot com.
Transcript generated on 2019-11-23.