« The Dave Ramsey Show

You’re Immune to Socialism if You Don’t Borrow Money! (Hour 1)


Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should I pay off my house or keep the mortgage?" 
  • from the blog: How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early,
  • "This is socialized mortgage (and it amounts to nothing)",
  • "Should I keep investing like I am?"
  • Saving for grad school while paying off debt.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from their quarters of ramsay solutions, broadcasting from the pods moving in storage studio just around lisa, where we helped build well the work that they love and create actual amazing relations, camel ramsay personality, hosted the damage, gamble, youtube, channeling, collage, doubly smart money happy hour with rachel cruisers miko over today, we're entering
questions about your life and your money and we invite them right now. The phone numbers aaa eight to five five two to five times start off this hour in atlanta, georgia, height tom, welcome other amnesia How are you better than I deserve, sir? What's up in your world well, of course, employed about getting your world but a reason they saw. The company and family have enough money to pay out mortgages. If I wanted to- and I wanted to know- should I do that or should I keep on violence, I have a home under construction, is a construction alone at three and a half percent, which is gonna change if I closed with them under of fifteen or thirty year, mortgage approach, only five and a half percent and I have the funds to pay it off and others. No shit, I'm paying out. So what is it?
power, money that you got a nicer to change in the bay of the house are not It would have begged my lifestyle. How much did you get Tom that'll help pay both? Let members, why hook who's your mama, told you couldn't no! No! No! I'm under confidentiality, confidentiality agreement goal seven figures: what are we talking here, north of a million yeah? Well, I the reason I was asking was congratulations. I give an incredible wilder touchdown tom, well done with it that there are very happy. I wanna hear fine. How old? Are you fifty three good for you? and how much is the mortgage bounce gonna be? there'll be were in the house. The space shuttle beat around a million, in the home will be worth about. Two million collaborate good in a chunk, so they d
chunk of change under confidentiality is well north of five million them. Yeah, ok, so so you can pay. This often still have a big o pile of rican money. That's that's what I want to make sure before I move forward in this. So here's the thing a good way, sometimes for me, and I use a lot personally to decide if I want to keep something or if I want to invest in something, is I reverse engineer it kind letter, pretend you're, pile of money was five million dollars and you had a million dollar mortgage rogaine answer you pay off the mortgage yeah! You ve got a plan, four million dollars and you have a paid for two million dollar house. Ok is rather a gama numbers right, dinner, assuming assuming my assumption about the confidentiality close okay. So anyway, that's retention area and now the house. If there reverse engineer. Let's pretend you have two million dollar paid for house and you
four million dollars in investments. Would you go borrow. A million on your paid for house. Show that you had five million in investments not same difference, and that tells me what she see. What I mean by reverse engineering it She you can even do that with a boat that sitting in the driveway, okay, the boat's worth ten thousand dollars. If I sold the boat I'd have ten thousand dollars. Let's pretend I've got ten thousand dollars and piled in the mail table what I go by about yeah, I love boats. Ok, then dont show your boat, but now Of course I wouldn't bother about. I hate the stupid, but will then it's time to sell the boat? Had shaken up space in the driveway show you just first engineer it and that's a sunk cost analysis this? Is it a good situation to have, but a lot of people dave what they see paper is well dave of high invested that money. I can more than the mortgage interest, wouldn't that be the smart thing to do and the interesting
is when we did that larger study, a millionaire has ever done in north america, ten thousand one hundred and sixty seven of them, the number of them that borrowed on their house to invest. As a result, built wealth, precisely zero. We couldn't find one. Not even one the sun. I became a millionaire, because I maximize the leverage on my personal residents and put that money, a mutual funds- not while the millionaire guy and on take talk, told me differently dave. Well, that's because those people tell them oh yeah online course. It was gonna. Show me how to do it now for the race in dollars. That's how he made his money, not through leveraging debt. That makes sense. Yeah he's just you know. If I, That's why we put stuff on tiktok that made. I was gonna, avoid tiktok tac it drought that whole thing brought me nuts and we just Flooding it with ramsay stuff to try. Flush out on this flourish, yeah just shots from the sewage, if you just take up the spatial clean water, the sewage.
To go somewhere, and you know it's just oh my gosh. So we ok, we can either nor the sewage mouse or we can just put a bum the cleanliness in there and oh ooh, these people, the army, there are you watch some of these got honestly some of you- have good walkin around since, if you'll take a second and watch, the body language of a couple of these characters. You can one hundred We shall see they're lying. The third scenario is, I have twenty four I have a million dollars in mortgages and he's got a baby on his hip. Oh you've seen that one yeah that one went viral that one's just so that guy so lying. That is not true. You just watch watches, watch eyes. What miles, I mean it the guys just you don't have to be it fbi trained to figure out this guy's, not telling the truth? Okay, so just destroyed, apply so honest, people, the data that we did and in this.
millionaire study is airtight. We used all of the research makes will use outside research firm to make sure we weren't doing confirmation, buys we weren't falling, for some of the other reach methodology problems you can get into because we actually know a little bit about researches statistics are remedy in so we did. This data is so freaking solid that if you don't agree with the conclusions or what's known as wrong, shall You just gotta, keep that man. Is it just straight up the truth now? So you know Number of whole lot, the number of millionaires made became million Because I bought whole life, life insurance precisely zero, not one the number of them at least their cars, because this is what wealthy people do not now not some dead or at least cars, but now of them told us that I was anything but a mistake. You go the dumbest thing you ever did with money, they would say alleged car about all. I policy
I think that these are things that kept me from building, while it's what's so much simpler and more boring than you ever thought its it is. It is put money in your for one k, national funds or pay off your house. The problem, it's too boring dave, it's just really pointing to sex. Your approach. Make it real complicated to a lot of math on a board. Roque will need a whiteboard and I need to be to dance around, and I need to do a double back flip and get a Emily partnership double twist off the high board and you have to come up with, This complicated crept cause. That's what we're Bobby people do. Not, I doubt then less than they make they invest and they pay off their house, and if you want real money, what they really do, build and sell a company. That's that's the american way, that's pretty cool
that's, where most of your billionaires come from. Now, if you want to study that forbes four hundred they're all today billionaires and that's a thousand million, that's a different category- that's not a one to five million dollar! That's a thousand million you're not going to get billionaire with your four o. One K, boys and girls- mathematically impossible. Okay, but you know so there's some other tricks involved. Some things involved, but none of them are this stupid, but anyone can become a millionaire. Is so much simpler than social media is where you're getting your financial information, even though we're on there I'll just tell you to struggle this? Is the ramsey show. You could be a great driver, but if you never check under the hood, your car won't last very long. The same principle goes for your business net. Sweet by oracle gives you the visibility under the hood in business. That means knowing your numbers. Net sweet gives you access to the real time data unit.
need to make smart decisions plan for the future and move fast set up a free product tour. Today, at net suite dot com, slash ramsey, that's a net suite dot com, slash ramsey, thank you for joining us america. This ramses George campbell host of the george camel youtube show where snark is an art form, yeah. You gotta check this out. It's a lot of fun, we're having a great time the freedom to choose and virtual gift of yours. Snark thing. Thank you. You ve got down and I highly respect people with a heavy loveless nor it takes it could takes intelligent, oh yeah, you can't not just anybody can do at this level, so it professional professional, grateful it backs bananas and they're, saying I'm like a young dave, ramsay well yeah. If you worth much better here, my age with hair, this what you get it, that's what you'd get Jesuit accept. Well, I will more and more of a blunt instrument. Yours is varies.
a very harshly for its find out. It's a scalpel, snark speaking which the government is added again. You were telling me while you were gone, things happened, walls, Where do I go? I don't know where you are a jane and I were hosting the show and I swear. I got fourteen hundred people sent me this on instagram and there was big headlines on the news. Biden, administration, made big changes to mortgage rates and the high credit good credit borrowers. We're going to pay the bill to allow the riskier borrowers to get discount. As we are borrows you're getting a better rate not done at the pain. charges much and this is socialized mortgage, so that the people Get a good job are gonna support to people that didn't do a good job where they are by having a higher rate on the good job people and a lower rate on the badger people is the shout work that sounds about right, so you know things somewhat: socialism Amelia, yes, and there's progression. There's misinformation too. So the law-
score foams through there. Paying more for their mortgages, but the yep has shrunk, to do that they have increased the right for the good score folks, they ve decrease the right for the bad score folks, but the punch line is that the actual rate change on all. these people is somewhere around an eighth of a percent extra. Here is what we are actually going to see in the address. What we're seeing according to the mortgage industry? Ok, translation, washington just announced, but they Poor people, freedom well my ridge rouble, and once again they did absolutely nothing. I might they made a big day boots. it's as if they were going into battle They didn't even have a bigger it amounts to about ten bucks. A month per hundred thousand dollar change in your life is absent. change your life. If you have a mobile, at its core Joe Biden
change your wife, bull crap, grab these peoples? Is the lesser evil evocative I'm gonna pay off your student loans win win I tell Andrew joe. When are you going to do this protocol? Should how much time left I am old, but he makes old a whole new thing, yeah wow so here's the thing dave that people don't understand. If follow the rams advice which Davis been preachin from the mountain tops for thirty years now, guess what this doesn't effect. Fifteen year loans, which is the only loan issue. It doesn't effect. You got you're following us. We tell you never take out more than a fifteen year mortgage Never more than a payment of a fourth overtake on pay and always put it. a down payment and this programme has absolutely no effect on that at all by the way, if your zero credit score done affect you at all, you're gonna get the same great right. You always got, which is a premium rate. A zero credit score
If you're doing the ramsay stuff, you avoided socialism. If you can be made of the political stuff all day, but financially sleep easy at night philistine. Mccoy low. You can't even really pissed off, because he really didn't do anything. It's too my plan to much meant it. If you're pay attention to the actual dollars that these programmes you're supposed to save you coming from washington, create the actual dollars, Then you will realise that these people talked like they are doing something and they never do anything and that's true of the public and stood by the way. Sherman politics you live in washington. Your goal is to make a big deal out of nothing and act like you did something that we all go? Oh, I love them, I'm going to vote for them again. They took care of me one of the board Wait I got and I still think, there's a reddit entire reddit thread on hating dave. Ramsey on this was you remember when trump came out with the covert bucks and then Biden, we had Biden also in both up and at it in
It's one of them. I can't remember, which was said they gave out thirteen hundred dollars you're going to everybody's going to get thirteen hundred dollars, and I was one fox news. Instead of thirteen on our changes, your life, you really don't have a life, hey dies out of town. the white paper round doesn't understand, listen! thirteen hundred dollars changes your life, you know of a life You wanna get cancelled again dave you! When I try to do. I make my feed you this week. It might pay your light bill for a week, but at the end, of the month. You're still screwed, if you, if you got the lottery quick. By my house I got thirteen hundred bucks. You know I mean is that dahmer crap! It's it's a very! for a temporary band aid on a bigger problem. It lasts about a minute and a half, and so truly, if
magically it's not a philosophical statement is not at all rich boomer, don understand you stupid, but people seriously. That's just dumb Guy thirteen hundred dollars mathematically doesn't change your life, a quarter of a pound an eighth of four percent. Changing your mortgage one way or the other, does change your life and being wise in the way you're taking out a mortgage or you're not taking on a mortgage. It all guess how much it affected my right now, I am a mule to socialism because I d borrow money. You don't play the game of the system and you'd have to win the stupid prizes of the system. Amazing, how that works? Well, I'm serious Yeah! I mean we announced when you know when we announced that we were going to forgive student loans right when we before election and then promptly did nothing for a year and a half a year. Eight months, but in gosh prior to the mid terms
executive orders issued to forgive the student loans. that's some timing as they get, and it says such there s, no doubt that with such he was very suzie burgess someone I'm having aren't they dangle the care to try to get the vote in they do nothing and hears. People call us and they say well dave. Why would I pay off my loans while what the government calls on only ten thousand dollars? And oh, by the way, have you noticed it has never freaking happened, Did you notice that part. did you notice it? It's like. I promised its political promise how all these have to be before you understood. I have always it's not gonna happen. I mean at what we and we need it. We need we need to distribute little vials of cynicism to this generation and let them becomes call about washington, like the old people have because we are suspect thing they do there because it is, all four show and not forego,
it doesn't change your life. I've been doing this a long time. I've been for thirty I've been coaching american, how about wealth and for three I still am waiting on Washington, the changed. My life get up. Every morning I say long, Lord Jesus one is washington. Gonna change. Mamma is even answer that one now he's not he's been visited. He still laughing. He just will ha ha ha. It is a little trick, even if a promise or something that actually happens like this mortgage situation. It's not changing your life so if it's all over the news and foxes acted like its or social, conspiracy coming otherwise darting point or draw near electronic means. down the white house because by and change the mortgage thing with us. of a pan. Here change, is like tin box and we buy that gets up fifteen year. Mortgage done apply to you, and so you know it's it's it's relevant
It didn't know it once again: hot air, no substance, you know that's just the it's just full the chinese babbling, ambitious, hot air, sub she's right down. It is more crap. Well it's more reason to follow the ramsay plan because then follow it. you have to worry about the next headlines, gonna be in the next mortgage right. You just better Nikon aren't when I get a fifteen year, loan pay it off and then by the oil slick from god and get rid of algae either so mean as a case of savior. Ok, shall you be mad at me if you're left you're a writer whatever just all of you get online right, but the bottom line is if you're waiting on the white house to fix your life. Let me give you a hint. The secret is not in the white house. The secret is in your house, get yourself a mirror, look in the mirror and go you the problem,
If you the solution, because that's where your help is going to come from boys and girls, it's not coming from the island of misfit toys. This is the ramsay chef. I say it all. The time dead is done. in cash is king, but when, to life insurance. Cash value is crap cash value life insurance is a high cost product with little to no return on your side called investment. The main benefit is fat commission checked for your agent term life. From Zander insurance is a much better way to protect your family future zander shops, the top come needs to find you the most affordable term life rights. Then you can use what you save compared to those cash you premiums to really build wealth. Go Zander, dotcom, recall eight hundred three five, six, forty to eighty two to learn more today
start. Camel Ramsay personality is Michael owes today in the lobby of roundly solutions on the dead you stage, Brooke is weathers. I broke. How are ya hi area better than I deserve. Where do you live pittsburgh? Welcome to nashville, then much doubt occupied opera. Seventy eight thousand dollars, god How long did it take about four years? Good for you? and you're a range of income. During that time, twenties It's thousand dollars up to seventy seventy thousand wow, nice job. What do you do for a living? I'm a registered nurse. Ok what was the twenty six that wasn't nursing and as a ticket agent at an airline? Okay- and you finish- nursing school and boom boom? Yes, so you've got a much much better career. Yes, not that ticket agent is a horrible thing, but you make a lot more money now. Yes, yeah good for you. Seventy eight thousand was what kind of death a mere typical
I started off going to the university, not really knowing what I wanted to do changing my major. So a lot of the debt was about forty two thousand of living on campus and loans, four thousand was between two credit cards and twelve thousand was a cart loan so you're just fairly normal, yes broke yeah. I know additional twenty thousand. I I paid cash for the rest of my nursing school. broken. When are you going to do? When did you graduate nurses? Go about your bars and twenty twenty one?
ok so two years ago, so halfway through this program by income goes way up, yes and with noctis fit finish. It off, yes, I'm suspecting them, but majority of this was done in the last year. The majority yes, but I was still working on it when I was making like limited income, is good for you, so how'd you get tied into this ramsey stuff, and while somebody actually tried to hand me your book when I was working as a ticket agent, and it's honestly, I shall I set it on a shelf as a fifty fifty and you bothering me yeah yeah, it was like trying to give her a ticket, yeah and and eventually like when I was working as an agent who, just just like living paycheck, a paycheck, I couldn't keep up with anything. I was always like getting down to zero. That's when I got the credit cards and I started put him my money on the credit cards and everything And then I picked up the book again and I was like I really need to start paying off my debt. So that's when I started the baby steps and just work gazelle, I intend since then we'll catch
up and really that's when it took off so. But you had to get to a point where you felt enough pain to go or I'll, try anything our ears as book. That's been collecting dust. Let's see what it has to say examined. It made sense to you. Yes, your customer randomly handed her nobody on tackling night. Yes, because ticket agents take more abuse than just about any body on the planet tat, it was a very hard for some nasty human being able to take it easy, I know, is doing in Washington DC totally out of the other, summarily nasty human scattered, some arrogant master. You here, sir, I'm sure he's. I have what for twenty seven thousand dollars a year, you took a lot of crap. I didn't well who and let's go ahead and just say who were you working for which airline yeah? Oh, my gosh. I've worked for american airlines, that's okay! When he mad at america. It's not their fault, it's the customer. I mean but boys and girls if you're going up to the ticket agent in a you're, an american airlines version and you're really pissed off, because the pilot screw up or the mechanics,
up in your flight is delayed. It is not the twenty seven thousand dollar your employs fall at the counter, some class from being ice? Ok, now we would just took up for you with the old you they aren't you the new eu is successful, notion that free, yes, I'm so proud. Yeah and I also did like on the site I did. Albert eat store dash instead heart. I walked dogs for wag, cleaned apartments. I I went through like the apartment, complex, impound old things if them and sold them, while in what order out I've, although side hustles, what made you the most money? Well, being a nurse. I'm working full time you could get extra hours with yacht and also had a it's called pr and nursing. Where you can. It's like. You don't have benefits, but you can pick up extra and you get a higher hourly rate. So I did that at one point. I worked sixteen days in a row like yeah, just between, like jobs,
It was the answer to your pr in big time passed basket for sure yeah and I got to watch a lot of dogs too. That was one of my favorites. Some people would go away on their trips having fun spending money. I was getting to play with dogs that make some extra money. Two hundred is: what do you charge for dog sitting? Dog walking and it just depends any like anywhere like an hour, walk like thirty dollars. It's amazing! It's like a weekend. Maybe like people are out there complaining one day, there's no work to do no side houses, I wanted to some from home and he went and busted your butt and was making twenty five thirty forty bucks an hour, yeah yeah. I did a lot of side hustle for you. Was it worth it so worth it? I'm just emotional right! Now, really is it occurs to me that these rich people pay money to go to the gym. I heard a walk their dogs It's amazing just coming through exercises, free,
why is binding, we'll go to the gym and you can't get a parking spot close to the wood or you gripe bright, some in this backward. We are ok, just just yet. Way to go in the outer feel to be free and liberty it's just you have to wonder areas that link you don't really relies like how great you're gonna feel on my whole, life has changed, and I know that my whenever I am a family like their life's gonna change to veil facing problems outside of money. What were those changes? You would say of here's. What I'm I've experienced. Only thanks to death I'm just thinking that is we're talking about previously d. Think I care ability and lake. Looking at yourself in the mirror and being like here, the problem you have to fix that you know you can't depend on anyone else and action
if something so funny to share and you're going to be kind of disappointed? But you know when they were offering the refund like if you paid off student loans during covert, which is what I took a big advantage of that zero interest. That's when I was really going to hammer instead of standing back waiting, that's good yeah, but what I did I I actually was like. Well, maybe I can get that twenty thousand they're going to pay it like. I just paid all this money off, so I got my money refunded back to me. Oliver, it hit my bank account and I was like oh my gosh, I'm rich, and I was like no not that like debt. That's all that so my loans got reinstated. I had the money back to me and I just had like guilt shadow like over my whole body and unlike, What are you doing? You just met four years like putting up this new character, like all these, like tat, You didn't have before you like the sacrifice, the dedication that taking account of the saying no to people all this stuff, and I was like you are paying that debts and I wanna once it came back into my account. I would like to underline
the government you have to do this now, like there never gonna pay that answer them. The next day I painted nitrate of again. Yes, I did you know I like they're, not going to put every year where you got it changed. You changed who you are, and so you change the way you talk to yourself, yeah, that's one of them, nothing's going to stop you now being no challenge or amazing or dark, John bologna, though that I said, if anyone talk to me the way I talked to me, I would hit em we're not yet but you knew trial the negative side, the opposite. So who was cheering you on my best friend and my fiance were to really big cheerleaders. Some here with me today, but I
I actually had a lot more people telling me I was crazy, then I had supporting me, but I deduct for you own or hold you back. I just tune them out and, like I know, you guys are all broke and you have so much debt and you have like six credit cards and, like I'm, not going to listen to your friends or making fun of your financial plan, you're right on exactly good for you and soon they're going to be asking you hey what was that, oh by the way, Brooke Brooke? What was that thing? You were doing for many make over night. I had so much to talk about it and people to breathe like not wanting Listen, I'm like if I could took the younger me when the person like handed me, the book I probably would have like had them smack me in the head with it like. Can you do all of these steps? Because your life will change like it will truly change, recommending matching report, my guys, like you We are to get accused with something the bible we broke. I now good job listen well done. I ve got a copy of the baby such millionaires book for you, the total make overbook, and so you can hand those out anna subscribe.
a membership to financial peace university we ve not been through. Go and go through it if you have been given away and we want to continue This journey and become a baby steps millionaire, and then we watch on the baby. Bbc million are our ok, you're gonna, be there we'll be there, I'm proud of you how large I'm thirty actual very, very well that breath from pittsburgh, partly ticket agent, partly successful partly a dog walker? Seventy thousand dollar paid off and for years, because she changed brook, I'm so proud of you count it down. Let's hear a debt, grew three, two one yeah? Maybe nothing is so poor that we can just change. You see that that emotion, oh you, can only get it now. This is what happens when you change your life, be not conform to this world, but be transformed
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It won't get you some help and show you where you are and where you can go next and all that kinda good stuff, belgian, chicago, hey bill. Welcome to the ram she show dave, hey george thanks for taking my call real quick, just wanted to say thanks for what you and your team do it's a truly life changing. Well, thank you, sir. How can we help you? I have two questions that might be related, but because I'm a little older or we're maxing out my four o one k: should we keep doing that or do step six canada's writ and how should we put towards college savings? what's your percentage right now going to your investing right now about twenty five percent of the gross heller? Ok, If you look around back down older fifty god I'll be fifty next month, your ancient time is running out where it was nest Agora at right now
total retirement, two hundred and seventy three thousand thereof? Ok, so if we dial that back, let's say to fifteen percent? How much more money that give you every month to put away for college and drove the house that Give me an extra fifteen, an extra about an extra fifteen hundred a month. Ok, no answer you! Let you boot wala! We just funded knowledge and start playing down? The house gives you we all care, how you're going to be okay on your wealth building site, but you need to get the house paid off and of course he's gonna show for college or the next generations gonna be having. Do you not consider student which we don't even one on the table. That's not even an option. Yeah. Well they're kind of a little spread out. I got a seventeen year old and a nine year old, so I've got a junior who's, who's coming up to college and then I'm a you know: nine year old just got some time, so you're likely cash when the junior cause you got definitely we we do have about
five thousand so but held for him. A catalogue of some other than yeah that'll be gone in the year. Easy depending on what situation has year and a half anyway. So then you've got the cash and the rest of it. And then we've got to start thinking about the nine year old. She doesn't put the squeeze on his lighter and- yeah you're back into the microphone. How much of the fifteen hundred goes towards the the college plan and it's probably a lot of you- probably not putting a lot extra on the house but for five, six should be done simultaneously. You're, not making growing on. By putting all all of this into retirement. Thing your college and nothing on the house, because of you I don't address these other things that gonna come up hitch in the back of the head: yeah, okay, gotcha, if you gotta get it all on. That's why we run four five and six simultaneous and once you have a paid for house and the kids college is covered. When now a whole lot more money to catch up on wealth building as well, but you don't even have to because she's going to mean he's only fifty he's got two hundred thousand already. He keeps putting
percent around him more you're, just gonna have a million dollars a million and a half doll. For a one came, I guess the sixty five now fifty near yeah. So with what is putting in at fifteen percent without end, and then we take our kids collagen in fifteen years at the hospital. Then he can be shooting a sixty five, probably worth for five million dollars. So, but if you do do this, then you got a mess at college and heroic bump on six. vanished rubbish, look down the threat of a mortgage, and so that's why we do. This is why we ve actually develop the system, as he said by the book A book is not just some random series of thoughts. Its highly developed and polished over thirty years of helping ten million people in our midst, in our study, we also found that they get paid for houses and they paid off fast. They don't pay it off. In thirty years. Writing the code. Often I read your ten point two exactly sir,
in chicago high susan, welcome the rams asia Thank you very much for what I am. To figure out if I should continue to trains. Baker grab go, I am finishing up, came down my debt or, if ice, use. What I have said to hey I mailed debt and then start over basically studying grad school. I I would like to go away to study creation and conservation. Probably our history could be human artifacts. Do then that's gonna cost one? one idea to research. It looks like it canneries between twenty and thirty thousand, depending on the shore, like it say, a passion area have you look at what you make as a result of doing this,
so it can vary a lot. It depends on what type endless I've been using work and if that some are smaller, markets could be down to forty thousand. If you work at the matter, this new phony and it could be an excellent yours, what would you do now right now I will occur airlines, repairing medical equipment when they damage it would make. Now. I sixty thousand a year as january. I just got a motion that came with your aid. Awesome and then I'd have a side job that is closer to the passion and I'm I got hired on by my alma mater to be an assistant in their collection and that started in february, and I make a between Five sixty seven hundred a month depending on the number of hours I can work and how much that you have left, I have forty seven thousand, even
Are the math that uterus gave me says that you're degree, spence the term the money you're spending on your degree as I turn on investment of increasing your income, a very Two zero yeah defends an hour ago. Answer me: smithsonian's, like a fairly more percentage of the jobs No! No! I don't it. Instead, I would be the you're you're making really more now than you would make an entry level job after getting the degree yes and so spending twenty thousand dollars to get it agree to make the same or lash is a zero rate of return is what I'm saying yeah that others hundred over a hundred percent passionately. It's not a return on investment, lie, which is ok but that just should decide which one you want to do first, and that tells me get out a debt first.
But I have a goal: had I been pay our first and then go to grab your girlfriend pick out when you state the money to go after you get out of there the money saved now I have about thirty. Three thousand six hundred is in savings at banal monica and I have a three thousand dollar tax return. Coming from the outset that I didn't industry, we should just two people work. What we call the baby steps and the four step, is reduce all savings that you have down to one thousand dollars so may use attacks in twenty six hundred dollars to throw at europe. seven thousand hours were the debt and then I put my budget on beans and rice, rice and beans, no life, I'm going to work all the time and I'm going to attack this meaning forty thousand and get it paid off as soon as possible when its pay. off. Then I will save up the money to get degree to move towards your passion. That is
going to change your income dramatically? It might change it. A little it changes negatively, but it might change it a little positively, but it's not going to get there's not going to be an aura. Why you're not spending twenty thousand to make two hundred thousand we're spending twenty thousand to get into your field? That's what you're doing this is the ramsey show the hey george Campbell here. If you love the shell, when you want a deeper dive on your money journey, we've got a weekly newsletter that gives you helpful articles and tips on following the Ramsay way, just go to ramsey solutions, dot com today to sign up for the newsletter again, that's ramsey solutions, dot com to sign up for our weekly newsletter, the hey it's james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products services you heard about during this episode, thanks for listening
Transcript generated on 2023-05-19.