« The Dave Ramsey Show

You’re Doing Better Than You Think!


Ken Coleman & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should I move closer to my job?"
  • "I'm in the military, should I buy or rent?"
  • "How do I position myself to take my boss's role?"
  • "Should I be on my parents' bank account?"
  • "How do I make traction with my finances?"
  • "Am I asking too much of my husband?"
  • "Should I start looking for new clients?"
  • "Tackling debt while expecting our first kid"
  • "Should I take out student loans the VA will refund?"
  • "Pay off student loans or PMI first?"
  • "How do I adjust my life after husband's passing?"
  • "How do you do Baby Steps 4-6 all at once?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Why, therefore, is ramsay solutions. This is the ramsay shows where we hope you win in your life, specifically by talking with ocean in your money, in your work, your relationships for number to jump industry, belated five by tripoli. Eighty five, five, two to five. I can comment and I'm with the lovely, the talented, be enthusiastically unstoppable. The incomparable she still waving me on here. Jade war, shy. We are here for you Jake you ready to go. Let's go. I must tell you for the eu to body it. You're gonna have to make sure you really check out the fit today she
look at that. She's gonna stand up, she's rock in the air. Jordan. Is that actually swayed It sways its swayed sweatsuit, that's what I like to call a suede swayed sweatsuit, I'm just rock in the brawny sure, because I couldn't find you. Cynical, but we are here, for your choice can not wearing we're here. For you, David is up in springfield Massachusetts David. How can we know it does not go you bet. What's up, so I am a matter salesmen. I'm currently driving our to work every day and back zero debt. My total cost of living, is seven hundred dollars a month that includes five hundred twenty dollars for gas. Now I was wondering if I should move out, words. There could I currently not paying rent so that could jack up my cost of living, but it could take a lot
dress all by myself or I can move within the company to a location culture to where I live, like within five. Ten minutes, there's no guarantee I'd stay store low and it could possibly lower my income. So I was wondering what I should do in case, no to lowering the income, that's not an option. Could you have? too many other options in this economy. Rhino to wear There's just no viable reason for you to lower your income right. So making the move closer, or to the current role. Me is the best option you ve given me I'll. Give you another option in a minute undertake why yes, you're gonna the pay rent, but you know what that's called adult in style and you know to do that anyway, number two you're gonna say: if money on the gas but you're also gonna less wear and tear or put less wear and tear on the car too, so I think if I look at less wear and tear jade and I look at less gas money and I look at less stress those earth
viable reasons to move closer to the current job. Now a third option is all: let me look at a better job. If you want to be a matter sales and that's put setting you up for a better position within that company, then I think you go option to which is moving closer, but ilo the third option, which is coming, more money. Can I get on a better ladder and an end? the drive. as well. That would be my favorite option, but I'm curious. What is that professional future? What are you thinking about. I mean, are you really have a direction georgia to sail? So I do love sales, working people and writhings right definitely would like to keep it in their going to school. Becoming an electrician, was also an option is being being in the trade for home love. I just don't I currently
I just don't know by wanted. If I wanted to go student loans or does not save our know, how old are you, eighteen, eighty eight, so because you dont know my ways very normal to be eighteen and not know what you want to do with your life. Ok, so I say go to moving closer to the current sales job that change your life, we laid out all the positive to that right now you begin the thing do? I really want to make the move and go to trade school and be an electrician? Do I want to go into plumy? Do I want to do something else and I'm gonna give you might get clear career assessment? Is my gift and early chris, give for you and the book from paycheck purposes the assessment as accomplice in the book as guy decline. The mountain you choose whose eye eighteen? You have plenty of time to experiment and check this out Yet some awareness of who you are and What you want to do why you want to do it and where you can do it? That's the next step. So stability is key jade you cannot make
life decisions. When you're stressed out facts and in you drive and two hours in the car and you frustrated yeah, you need some life stability, some that will lead a life clarity. I'm a plague Stu on one of these, though, of course you are here comes so oh here is the one thing that I would also think through. I think what can set was great. Really really good advice, but there one thought of it than I thought. Okay! Well, if you you assessment and you start in clarity around something that you would like to do. That requires so, form of investment on some form of education. I'm not saying it's college, but maybe it's you know, sir, thing? That's gonna cost you to get the training that you need. There could be a piece of this words. Good for you to stay where you're at barely. Ah order to save money, because your cost of living is so very low that be the margin that you need model. I don't disagree so I
my point here: there's wanting to go backwards financially, so now easy get a better paid jobs locally! That's right! That's right! The point, is it not For you to be like I've gotta make this choice instantly. I want you to do kins thing first and in that way, inform what you're, what your choices next makes sense David, absolutely and one last thing, I think I was a little unclear on the income, so the ease of flat rate or commission, so it could it up possibility of lowering my income. However, that's not a definite, so it I could be making even more money by moving closer then I do know that was an orange off of my that's, my mother. Yes, I wouldn't clear about atoms, are so Here's what J nurs it were in complete agreement yeah, I just want you to be stable. I want you to make that work rhythm here. Here's what I know I'm getting a post right now, on the commercial break breaks gorlias around. I was working on this and I'm Rinaldi's wellbeing work stuff. On top of that, if you're sick of your job promise you you're sick because of your job,
I oppose that when, when a young me like this is in anybody is drive all than ours and yeah you get sick, literally, you know what I'm saying hot met slowly emotionally then at least the physical lack of wellness. So my advice, David was I want you to be well all that we can make the right choice, but you can stay local. Mainly we see. Jobs and we don't go backwards financially. I agree with J at is the choice for all the reasons, the car wear and tear gas money. The wait, hey you're, saving money on rent right now. I love that move ah and oh by the way I get to stabilize my life s right I decide is why building is an electrician whatever use. I know you mentioned electrician work, but can I get quick piece of advice on the electrician peace. I the challenges of the next two weeks to go to
coffee or lunch, or a cocktail with an electrician or two and I want you to just go: hey I'm thinking about in the tyres on this deal and going into this before- I do tell me you love what you what you hate, the good, the bad. How did you are we need. You want your own business. I would love Get that advice from an electrician data. Can't say that enough for you to have it will be twenty one to have a cocktail. Can, oh, I look at you catch him now, always blame! You got me on that when I'm not providing underage drinking at all, I forgot that he was eighty
cocktails David, alright, get yourself into duels. Do they still sell that trash Zima, that's cocktail! If he got out near beer just because you put the jolly rancher that doesn't take the alcohol, we have laws, we have lost the train, let's get it back on the tracks. Hang on the line David we've got to get clear assessment and for paycheck the purpose we'll get some great options for things from the cold. Don't move Moray the show coming to the get till you make it its popular advice, but it doesnt work very long. If you will but you do you get fake. The enthusiasm and energy you need to win at work. You also can't figure local health and energy. Everybody knows we should eat more fruits and vegetables, but fruit, shoes Reggie chips! Don't count! If you aren't you physically promise your limiting your opportune, these two win professionally. Folks, I know- you're goin hard right now to pay off debt and get ahead professionally. You need it the gear that's: why balances
major will help you. They help me give me the benefits of fresh whole fruits in bed using just seconds the blind thirty one different fruits and vegetables powdered in an adult process that locks in the nutrients so go to balance of nature die, calm and enter the promo code ramsay to get thirty five percent off your first order. Lock in a lifetime price as a preferred customer, that's balance of nature dotcom with the promo code, ramsay for thirty percent off your first order. Welcome back to the ramsey, show where we help you with your money, life, your work life and your relationship life. I'm kent coleman, jade, warshaw, joins me. The phone numbers triple eight eight to five five, two, two five jade is one of our money. Experts here on the ramsey show, and I am the work I only like ever using the word expert, but I help people when at work. How about that? If you're winning your work life, here's what I know you have a better chance of winning the rest of your life. So
Ever you were on the journey, maybe you're not happy at work. You want to make some more money on a launch site us will get out of debt. I want to if you make more money while we're in the baby steps have at that and should today did that we can take any those calls I'm here for that of the jane is ready to go, for he is well. We continue of preston in Columbus, ohio preston. How can we help. I held on, I will work, a job where I have to move every three years, and I went currently, and I didn't know if I should continue ranking or when I move next. I should look home, I've heard you shouldn't buy home unless you are planning on living on it for at least like five years, and so I didn't know Russia's can be running for the rest. My career, or should I treated by home so Much longer, do you plan to be on in the military bomb? Do an and he says the about eighteen more years. Is it just you? Are you married? You have kids,
with one kid and one can only ok cause, you know Think you need to take it on a case by case basis. So far you made this long without buying correct your car, we, renting you? Ok, in parliament- and I think there is something important about you know not stack a bunch of real estate in different states in cities too. There's a kind of where you want to be as far as like not having to take on an arm capital gains in like that, so I think if you can take it on a case by case basis, because at at some point sing. Real estate is going to be a big part of your wealth building, but I dont think that you're there. Yet I think right now that you can. You can continue to rent and as You ve been in the military longer. If you end up being station somewhere longer- and it seems like this is gonna- be at least four or five years it could be. fourth it to get into real estate by a home and then, if you know, you're moving somewhere and it's gonna be a short term thing whatever that
off at you have just pocket it put it in high yield and let it grow whenever baby step you're on that sort of thing, I'm an. so you can buy again. Long term does not make sense currently, we you say to have our ran, obviously, but may also save weaver brokerage them, our house fund, we put money into line I figured we wouldn't be buying home for a bit. We always was very long time me terribly just and burst into a brokerage and then when I, whenever we can I hope we have this I've got a mind. What's I'm a very long time, what's that number in your head? Well, would you build a home eventually magpie, when I retire so light eighteen years from now I love gauge advice and we get a lot of these calls for folks and military and a lot of the advice you get is you know why
guys can everywhere you go by house and eighty billion are we asking for latvia? I've heard arable. We really want you to avoid a temptation and in an jake and explain why. But I would just say this year think about eighteen years. For now, you think about that home fund at their investing in it's gonna, be a Sou wheat downpayment right now you may want hagen J b cash, and so I love the idea of you guys, renting or take advantage, military housing and just snack cash to build the home of your dreams. I gotta keep you going. If you if your mind on I'm just playing a little mindset thing here and I'll I'll talk to jake. but my mindset would be how sweet of a home could we build or How can we pay off? You know I mean. pay cash for this we want to build and assist ten years I take up my friend, I'm all after remember, goin, eighteen years is a long time and I I sit here today until eighteen years goes by fast. Man
what baby supper you on Currently we have no debt, except for student lunch, okay, so, as much as I love the picture that your painting. I love the idea that you're thinking ahead and putting money away brokerage. Ah, to get you a little bit more focused so that we can get to this beautiful reality that can is painted and even the reality that you're saying of hay and eighteen years this is when we're gonna do our dream home. So, let's peddled by just for second and make sure that we're going about all of in the most efficient way possible. Is that fair yeah? Ok, so how familiar with you are, familiar? Are you with our baby steps, no now listen, they serve Ok, so then you are well aware that first we want a thousand dollar saved. Do you have that ok got so we ve got an fun.
little over twenty thousand. Ok, I'm sitting alone a savings account grey. And how much student loans and I have about five left and in the white house about ten okay. So if You're following the plan there You know that the first things first is. Keep a thousand dollars. We take any extra money. We throw it out our debt right here I hear the only reason we didn't get a dude as a who does have the military paying off a student loan, so we get payments alongside our payments. What does that look like long term? though, paid off completely? But what more do I make my own I'd try just out of school here recently My one was originally ten thousand
on army already paid, five of us in the last two years was in school and a few pay em off early? Will they reimburse you? Are you making? They don't pay me. They paper, the provider directly. Sugar no need for an independent under an airline provider. They want them interesting, interesting I'm gonna let them live because I know that that going, which is why we didn't tackle them. The I usually mean guy consumer does so you're, not on the hook for any of this whatsoever. Are we make payments longsighted himself. Making payments but that done them? The math? what I'm trying to understand. What I'm trying to understand here is: is it worth it you too cause if you're paying payments now, if it, if it their prey, to you as hey we're gonna repay. All of this. I'm not really sure why you're making payments now
what part of you the go ahead: they don't so they pay a launch site the site, or so we pay they they pay, but we have- being good standing. So the lumber writer says hey. This is your not for you do That is what your monthly damaged and I think my wife's owes like two like ten among and the night pay like seventy online okay, so she pays too ten and you pay seventy, and then they match your payment match yeah they're, not your payment based off. It's weird, the devil will island, but they pay about turkey hundred a year okay, so I would low free to get clarity on that, because I would hate free to kick this around four five and six? a peace. I would love to find out and get clarity and like hey, I I want my cut of this, but I also don't wanna be paying payments for the next ten years. Is there any way that I can pay up and get
part of this done and then you guys pay your portion of it. So do a little research on that for me, because I want you, get the money that they're happy to pay but I also don't want you doing this for, like years and years and years to come, miss that fair enough. Yes, we want british, I was pretty sure where they'll be paid off within the next like three years, and so I ended the month, but I'm with you in love with you just keeping this payment as it is you don't do anything and they may pay based off of the initial principle so, like my own, was a ten thousand dollars, to northern ireland said they paid a sort, percentage of the initial pencil and they keep paying based off the principal whether the principal cause now it's at like five thousand, but they still pay. That I mean it's like like last. Payment was like sixteen I still. I still stand by what I said and I still look and see. Is there any way I can make this thing go because I don't want to pay payments were three three more years so second to it. It'll make mislead better at night. Ah
and are you so that would put you to baby step we are you currently investing. Fifteen percent- I just one- make sure you're doing these baby steps and then the next thing is putting aside for that house so go through check and make sure those things are clicking for if they are, you do an excellent, I'm just poking wholesomeness, because you're already doing so. Well, I want to make sure that you're, just like your already run. In fact, I just want to make sure that Europe, when the race is basically what a boil down to a like a good job coach jade. Thank you for the call preston, hey, don't move or take a quick break coming back with more of your calls. This is the root of this. so to sponsored by better help, hey folks, doktor John Delaney this time of year can be hard in seasonal. Effective disorder is real. When I'm,
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h e lp, dot com, slashed aloni welcome back to the ramsay show. I'm can coleman Jane. Warsaw is my partner in crimes day triple eight eight to five five, two to five triple eight, eight to five five, two to five talking about your money. Jades here are arrest that money guru- and I want to talk with you about your work- is relates to your income, maybe you're, not so happy, were you? Aren't you go and can I make a transition while I'm in the babes answers? Yes, we walk. You to do that. Remember: Davis! For decades. Your income is your greatest wealth building tool, and I want be with your income either. You can make more money and experience more meaning and so That's very relevant, I'm here to help out on those work question. So let's get right back to the funds Go back to my old style grounds here in the hot Lana area? Ricky is on the line ricky. How can we help? the young ass. I am
baby step to, and my question is: how should I best set myself up for filling my boss? the old position ooh. I love this questionnaire thing. That's right up your alley! Love this we're talking promotion here, we're talking more pay right, Ricky, correct, alright me what we know right now. Where do we stand? Is the position officially opened the body ain I'd. Ok, tell me what more yes, it is. The open on his last is tomorrow, I have already talked with my boss, his boss and told him. You know I wanna buy and we welcome that let me know that he's looking for someone who has allowed leadership, capacity or experience in managing a gene or on the other, and that the job is facilities. Management system This experience and knowledge in that field, no managing
budget those kind of funding so that any kind of two things that I think he's gonna play against me too. I don't necessarily have that experience. It sounds to me like the boy, set you up. The bosses boss set you up in it I'm gonna give the real real. Always that was a man of a stiffer. Well Well sure I welcome that, but I'm looking for, and so it's kind of a way of going. I don't see you as a va, as maybe the top candidate, but I love your question anyway. Ricky. I love your spunk because you felt the to form, and you still called me and said. Ah I changed. Their perception of this woman went away into ok, arnica. What experience, do you have in those two areas where you don't have a lot d? have some Tunisia has, I think I have more leadership expire. Anthony realises, like I've, had to direct reply. for about a year and a half as far as like
leading a team by as far as I can college about glow experience. Then you play college basketball, yeah small sum then? What are you talking to a guy who would have put I chewed my right leg off to play d, three you're in a I a course I would have been problematic once I made the team have only had one leg, but you get my point. I really really really think that that is a huge, huge for you to talk about leadership in the college. Ask about setting? I would talk about What you love most about, leading those to direct reports here's ears, I don't know what you're going to go. Look I've done this and I've done that. That's great, I want him to see you light up when you talked about being a cap, an or a leader in the programme. I wouldn't tell a story What was the leadership role? How would you describe your leadership role in the basket multi yeah, I mean being point guard more generally leading a team in multiple
lot everywhere? There's only to do instead of talking about what you did when you talk about. How you lead, which is always a point guard talk about what you love most about the pressure of leading yeah. That's it It is now starting with the to direct reports. I've had these two people report to me. Last year or whatever it is, and I really really enjoy this. I really challenged by this Do you see how we're gonna crete? Because it is one thing to go, I've will and another. You do a good job, and it's enough For him to see your heart and see, face lit up when you talk about, leading as a service or, however, you want to describe your leadership style. now would be the only vice I'm gonna give you cause, I think you ve quite capable. As a guy who was a point guard, you know how to do beat the rock baby. That's what a good point hard. Does we get into the set we're looking at them
when I got to ad lib, I'm gonna ad, lib, I am in the captain on the floor. I would grow that narrative and just say, listen. What name by the way, who am I Boys boys opening make up an aim. Bob, ok, bob bob, listen! Thank you for even encourage in me. I know you're, probably looking for somebody with this experience in this area, and this experience here and get down, but but listen because you given the opportunity. I want you to hear my heart Here's why I want this gig and why, I believe, with your leadership, I can fill the gap at narrative, anima logistics. I would just say the same deal tell him what Springy have the logistic side, but really it's about the peer on the team. They know what they're supposed to do. Your job is to help them their job going if I'm by one I'm I'm happy to hear talk about all that sub- I also want to know how it transfers. I wonder if bob I want to hear. You say I
stay and certain things about this job and here's how that skill transfers into that occurs, how I see helping them part of what I want to see and at the very least coming out of this can, and you can tell me if I'm off track. This is this. Is your field I'd also be asking questions about kind of knowing going in that he was given the stiff arm. I also want to know what the track is end, When my questions would be like what Why attain it like? How do I get there? What do you have in mind for me reaching this next level, but for that kind of thing either way I learn about events. You know that at the end, though, So the idea- and then you go Thank you for the opportunity share my heart. Now. If this doesn't work out, here's what I'd love? What can I do? How can I do it? to get an opportunity next time. I love that advice from Jane. I think that's great a letter that that's good enough.
even thought about or at the mentor suggest, looking into some commercial h back education, desertification quarters thing like that No, that's really good! Ok, listen regular last year by year, yet last piece on this: this is all mindset stuff. I this is my favorite I loved, coach. My favorite thing is on the mindset here, as you have nothing to lose If I was talking to MIKE teenage right now, I'd say: look, there is zero risk. look I've? Given you a nice little framework, you choose to use what you want but you go in with confidence. Take your shot. your point, our baby five framework three to take the shot and get yourself in the best position. for the shot and then be Ok, if you miss the shot Michael Jordan famously up. I got jordan's on today. Sue you and about what you got. I just got the whole school here we go old school snakes, their here's, the deal,
Jordan said once and I'm paraphrasing I own for making the last second shots those clutch shots, but the fact is, I've missed. Thanks since more and paraphrasing than I ever made in that close raymond etc, and the thing is Michael george: for all of his greatness and by the way for all the p out there, yes he's the greatest drawn in a la braun, take you'll abroad stuff and just I'll I'll raise your like michael air, jordan. Ok, nothing against Leubronn! Deny I got it against the bronze wealthy? I dont people think, because I say air jordan that I'm against la brought such rule. He just not the greatest. The goat is Michael anyway, that point marking the same team is islands. I know Michael was the goat because he was willing to keep taken the shop in because he won the most, but fact more rings. Yes, that's right arm. It makes me
Can I just go into something that are more. You go there and I'm out of work. There's an episode of family matters where harriet goes to apply for the job. You john no she's, not qualified for olive, and they are like trying to give her the stiff arm and she's like they're like you're. Not if I'd and she goes into this whole ran about how raising a family gives. her the sought like the transferable skills to actually do the jobs. I agree manage the budget, I'm the draft like she goes into this whole thing and at the end of the day she gets the job can because she's a seal. That's right, you better shoot a shot at my blood winning shot. This is where we come to get incredible, wise advice and a strong opinion on the greatest basketball player to live Michael george this is the rams. Remember
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Your money, you wanna, make more money want to launch a side. Also. Maybe twenty Many forest, where we increasing income with aside gig we get the raise because we finally say it's time to move so we're going to talk about a year for all that it is it's all of it and above so here we go sacramento county foreigners where we go next and Daniel joins us their Daniel. How can we help? hi canongate, I'm glad to be here. glad you're here what is happening. Parents are in your late seven, these early eighties and their thinking that they want to put my sister and I on your bank account and she They have believed that we can accessed bonds and justice no God, you debilitate debilitating disease. and so my mom feels like she's kind of the only one and if something happens to hurt you once you know,
ginger said to secure yet they could sell, and this won't think, if you think that's bad idea for us to be on on the current accounts. A bank account I don't think it's a bad idea. You're, probably are you the power of attorney for your dad power and, by more makes all stages of each still. You know good. Paypal and modern along, but its individual degenerative disease won't get better at only get worse and so on, but there's no, military right now, really they just like the first we did, it largely just were brought our ideas. the bank, the analysts on account and so on, I don't think necessarily a bad idea. The only question mark I have is she's worried that something, happening you guys would need access to money, but not her. Like I guess I'm trying to figure out what the scenario that she's concerned about
scenario that she's concerned about is that if something happens to her, my dad can't really make good decisions on tibet. I think your primary makes sense does make would happen and so yeah. Yeah. You know, I'm not mad about that arm. Yeah I'd say, go for it. It's we'll have any red flags on it. I don't go to go to the bank account. I mean it's not like you're being added to debt accounts and things that I'd absolutely do it? Unless you, I was one of you, any red flags, makes a lot of sensitiveness lotta wisdom here, given their health and their age yeah, do they both have wealth. Yeah. I do I know and trust okay great great, I like about this to Daniel. They came to you on this you're. Not you're not noses into this there's no tension here. It just feels right. am I correct? Do you have any misgivings about? Is that why, in other, Why did you call with that question which we were you leaning
when I asked her. Why we're doing you did she stared, while all my friends have done it, and so it seems to be like the thing to do, and I and I you know, I'm one support them, one hundred percent, it's just that that that didn't seem like a great reason to me. I I wanted to more to just kind of think through. If that makes sense or not- and you know yeah that was basically while there is not really awesome unless, unless you're not trustworthy, there's not too much of it. There there's no downside that I can find out if I really put myself in your shoes, if my we're getting up in age I went in, especially if there is any you know, degenerative disease up I certainly would want access to that stuff sooner than later, so you know just in case so We putting myself in your shoes. I would do the exact same thing I dont know my parents there's four of us kids. I dont know that they would give all four of us access to their account, not that were now trustworthy, but it is not necessary. One person and of heading up a thing makes sense arm anymore.
Arms case. I could totally understand that being something that is concerned about. I don't know about the thing, the! U know o my friends are doing at that. Be her reason on her way. some, but my reason would just be hey. It is important some one arm who can really, through things, cognitive Lee has access Money in case something were to happen to her and money was needed. That just makes sense to me, so I'm good with it facial called doing. You must go now to natural tennessee christian is their christian or coil other good curiouser, might be shortened by twenty five for about thirty dad the FAO has a much more firstly, on aid our day to day, but I got the a car loan that I haven't. You know that I know paid, for I got medical debt collection very recently on others.
The state of mississippi come after me for child support and so they're going to become a been pretty quick for that I'm gonna word monday to friday, I'm homeowner weekends to go some way to Get more financial freedom it get out of a better lifestyle, you can do. So, let's start first things. First, ah so making what about five thousand bucks a month for five hundred four thousand or more coal thirty six on the good man. Ok, is that after tens is ok, and you said you ve got around thirty thousand of debt. Do you know the exact number. no ma am ok, that's thing, one, the first, Here's to in order to get organised to understand what the problem is, we ve got to see it for what it is. So when you off the phone? Did I want you to go check,
but you know log into all those accounts and see exactly what the debt is. If you could ah sparse it out what type of debt is it? You may not know the exact amount but can you tell me what type of debt it is what personal loans and stuff like that vehicle alone now on I just know when I look at it on my bike from my credit, apps and stuff like that, if living collections. So as everything in collections boy. So, ok so right now it just kind of it's like you, ve been going along. All this stuff is happening in you're, just gonna like letting it take place. The fact that not really sure what the debt is were not really sure how much the amount is. Do kind of see this theme. laying out here? well? I got I got some of my thumb on Monday, mainly the auto loan and a couple of the a couple of of the helps a lot hospital wound housework lotion.
I got the money, debt relief programme up pay three hundred and eighty. Mom I am too keep it in saving the cow and they negotiated prices. Would they I am a christian christian, listen, I'm gonna, I'm gonna shoot you straight we're going to get you some help. He needs one of our coaches. But let me tell you what I think you need to hear. your hand have not been on the wheel? If you are just, I don't even know, I don't think it's Jesus take the wheel, but somebody has taken the wheel and innate you and he doesn't nothing thing against you at all. I'm trying to be a wake up, call to you, you ve got you then children you're supposed to be supporting and you're, not in date come after you in everything has been kind of like I'm letting life happened to me and I think you need start happening the life. So one of the things that you need to start to do as low as jades. It is get aware of. What's going on and on we give you a free sexual over financial coaches, but you have got to do what they tell you do. The second thing, is you better start
get some more money. you. You need about working crazy hours with the skill you have, because that will you do what jade's coaching you'd you gotta get some more income and start putting it to work. Oh well The question is: will pay a lot and rain I led by myself. I was servers dog, but by myself and eleven. we bedroom single our trail in up a twelve mile. Not change that go live with somebody else. What will the state a method one child born I figured later on. I might come a a child's calchas decayed and also needs a murder? come on with a room full of mud from a charm. Well,
cross at bridge. When we get me I'll, go get your two bedroom new. Getting all this it in you. Getting this mess cleaned up. It's what's! Gonna, ultimately, even give you a dog in that hunt. But right now you don't have a dog in the hunt. You gotta get your mess cleaned up, and it's really got to show that this matters to you, because, right now I hear a guy, that's kind of like if it happens cool. If it doesn't happen, no big deal like there's, you gotta go somewhere and find that enthusiasm to really make this happen, for yourself get out of that debt. Consolidation thing that ain't working for you on the line, we're going to get your session on us with one of our financial coaches, great our jade, warshaw dream, child and the crew. This is the ramsey show
why? But the headquarters of ramsey solutions: this is the show where we help you win in your money, life, your work, life and your relationship life, the phone numbers triple eight, eight to five five, two, two five: I can coleman jade warshaw joins me. She's, our money guru I'll, be helping you on work, related questions, because that plays into your money big time triple. Eight, eight, two, five, five, two, two five, let's go to tiffany join us in cleveland, ohio tiffany. How can we help? I thank you for taking my call so? Basically, I'm the kitchen fire. my own spa room. I've been here for two and a half years, my business is doing great gradually starting off during the pandemic arm. I have lupus so,
This is not really the greatest job for me, but this is where I love to do, and that's the one man I'm actually good at the subtle. When I made felt you hard. You know it's where, I have a hard time. have- and I have been married for eight years- anti other for before that he is a juvenile probation office officer with bachelors degree. I guess my I mean thing is that the job that he's then for thirteen years now there are, counselor were kind of working on things, but I am finding self getting frustrated with the fact that he You no kind of refuses to go and find a better job that would pay backer. What's he may arm, he only. He makes two thousand every two weeks or so One thousand am I taxes, yes, after taxes,
so I bring in more than that and what you bring em on average, like three thousand three thousand five hundred or so a month, That is mainly didn't work thousand unannounced I too, I'm sorry too was thousand four hundred and sixty four. That's him! two thousand four hundred sixty for a month, yet, ok, I've, yes, ok, sorry what is his job? he would you now probation officer so he's makin bachelor's degree. Ok, as he salary or hourly he salary, what's a salary, what is it forty, forty five, something in that range be like forty. Ok, Yes, so then, after tat is and insurance, and all that? Ok, let's so this is not about numbers entire nose out about numbers! This is about
You feeling like he should be, Excuse me he could be and he should be making more money doing more yeah again at attention. Yes I being unreasonable? I'll have a degree you now I don't boil the way you're going about it yet might be so what The narrative when you down to the best of your recollection. How are you talk? about this. I've tried it a couple. Definitely is I've tried, saying hey, you know I can help you, about me. You know what let's try and see, or to say: hey! You know like this. Is the great time to apply the job hiring everyone anger over money flag on the play as long as we can back to what he said. I gotta get that part what you flag my flag on the play is everything is you towards him? Yes, yes, I think that He's just meet again. All I can tell you is how I would do it. I feel
and I know the lupus plays into it, but I feel like when you are talking about our money in our finances. things gotta be a we caught conversation, everything's gonna, be ok, we earn more. What is that look like for us to earn more? Yet I think that's adjusts approach wise cause I in can you complain to this, but there's something about in this This is a little bit old school, but there's something about when come to somebody. It feels it also. Feels like an attack what does your question yeah? So we, even if you don't want it to be an eye in comfort me in meant, but even when it's like a lady come in at a guy about what you're making you have the right to question it and you have the right to want to be different, but it's almost like gotta, be some tactfulness getting in their because it's almost like he's probably like the ego part, is feeling it. You know what I'm saying like yeah it'll becomes defensive. He gets defensive verse and you can't get anywhere. Ok, here's we have to focus on you.
you're, giving him the what he should be doing and you need to be focusing on what is key? from doing anything else their day what's holding back. So what is his language, one of the world one of the things that he sailed back to you. Well Well, you know, he's will apply for that higher up job before and they told me that they needed more for me, I went to college what it was. well he he. I don't think you have a very good job. He does not act so now he got so what you, what I'm trying to help you understand is as a spur I'll jades right, but we ve got it you understand what he's dealing with he's, not lazy, he's lost nea and it presents his lazy I've seen. You call him that, but listen I is he's afraid too stick his hand back up because it's been slap before and he's got.
bad self esteem issues which, by the way, go deeper than just what we're talking about. So there's a couple things. And I'm not seeing you gonna walk around building him up and saying all these compliments, but, to the extent that you can't is his spouse supporting him in area of what is holding him back, so you're, no longer idea person and by other, seeing your senior hearts and well placed not, but ideas aren't the fix. You know the fixes for him him have a vision for the future that he actually believes that you can get. I don't think he has. No, he does it, but he can't he can an idea about the future these clouded about the present I believe in himself. He doesn't even do much more. Maybe he thinks he missed the boat. Maybe thinks he's failed to many times theirs. I've been going on in show in the moment it's like driving a car and you hit a patch of falk and he hit a patch of fog
the only you do when you hit fog slowdown, pull over and wait for the fog to clear, so the only you can do is is speak, love into him, but for whom I believe in you so much. I hated avenue hey. Let's do have a dream night where we dreamed instead about dreamed about his job or dream about this. rear path that he needs to be on. Why you get in talk about the law. if that he longed for with you and when we can get his head and that then you go k. What what must be truly what what what what do we need to? Do you like your hand? Again, that's the big one, that's a big one for me on this and I'm not I'm not coming review at all. What I am just telling you what I heard: okay and sometimes it's good to have an impartial person cause. I can tell you what you heard and lay back when you initially started the call cause? I make sure the talk in the house feels right when you know we started the call it
kind of seem, like I've got my institution thing. I've got my own room, I making thirty five hundred, dollars a month. it kind of made it sound like hey. I got this going on, but the end. This is the one thing I know how to do, and this is what I do. But then, when you kind of started talking about him, it was kind of like it. He needs to do this and he needs to do that. He probably thinks what he's doing is the one thing he knows how to do so, I feel like there's definitely needs to be a little bit more balance in how we talk and when you finally have this conversation, it's what both of us are doing to improve, because even though you're doing well, there is something that you can do to improve too and that's how you keep it balanced skills and not just you pointing a finger at him, real, quick when a person is clear tiffany they can be confident. So I'm going to give you to tools, I want to give him to get clear assessment when you please gifted them and say hey. I think this will help you see more about who you are and where you want to go and giving the book from paycheck to purpose and then just love him and support. He misses the range I get hard
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Oh plumbing emergencies, as well as repairs and drain cleaning visit neighbourly dot com. Slash randy, to find a mr router near you, awesome taste she comes from madison in california. She says work and allay as a self employed fitness model. Ok, I have worked for the same company on ten ninety nine for seven years no contract, involved. They just keep keep booking me. The company looking to hire a full time model which would kick I position out would recommend I start looking for other clients at a higher rate to diversify my clientele, or work as many hours at my current company to make them. Money possible and pay down my debt, both the question at moving on. Yeah, I mean it really is the situation here. Is that I'm gonna do both I'm starting to look no question. You wanna, have you had a swivel looking for many opportunities and by the
she should be doing that as a self employed, ten. Ninety nine anyway, one hundred per cent- you are living and breathing off at you and SAM understand that I mean that's essentially your world, you guys were running a company, you were the musicians plus you were booking stray and so you're always looking for that next client that didn't get. What's your max, you know how many, how many gigs can you do, but I would absolutely be looking at im getting new gigs, but I would stay with them until the last possible day. When they go hey, we we hired the newer younger model, that's true arm. I took some liberty with that one I dunno. If that's what they're actually doing well I mean as an artist you do have to diversify. Like that's the name of the game, there should You should very rarely ever sign anything exclusive. So that sounds like there's. No reason that you can't start looking for you. You know diver, to find your clientele in building up your thing. Ah m yeah, I mean We are doing all that you're paying down your debt. I don't see why there is a downside to that at all, and I just got a good idea. In fact, no
it's not a good idea, it's a bad idea, but I want to share with you. Ok, I wonder what the market is for the the dead body fitness model, a market for everybody, because I I'm not in great shape, but I'm not in bad shape. Maybe I could do some of the lawyers and irregular giles on tv. Their regular guy, like there's gotta, be a spot for me to sell like pitiable equipment, the middle age guys yeah you got the one pack pack stir could have got a pack up. You know Do you want that? You're not gonna. Do is ever see me modeling this kind of shirt. I see it on camera now and I go. I can't pull at all I feel like you're modeling it now like, as when things nobody thinks that I would ever where the shirt in the woods, with an ax now you're like the idea of light, your mark, your roma ivy. Here, that's a stretch, right, Milwaukee was godson. His word tanner awaits tanner. How coil
I am looking for. I guess advice on how to utilise my wife and I savings to attacks we still have wow expecting our. Child in April greatly lay out the Devil Jake. We have forty, seven thousand in student loans. Still and fifteen thousand dollar ought alone, ok cool how much you have saved, but we have forty five. Thousand saved right now. Ok, I like, so you got this be coming along probably would just honestly push paws on the baby steps until a baby gets here and knowing that you ve got this debt. Knowing that you ve got this savings, keeping in mind Ok, once this baby gets here, we're going like him on this. What I would do who is stack up as much money as you? Possibly can, between now and April, magically getting to the number that allows you to he offered at but we're just sitting on it. Just now
The baby gets your cause. I just want. You has focused on that, and I want to baby gets here, everything's all good. You ve, pager deductible. You paid for the baby to get here then take that saving Take all the money you saved up with it in knock out every penny of this debt. Sound good news and then you're gonna build up your three to six months of expenses. After that sure how much money. Do you think you could say between now and April, we could probably save all probably collyer number three to four thousand before then I'd say ok yeah, then I'm doing that three four thousand and your wife when she hasn't we should as her leave. Does she plan on going back to work or what's the plan for that or It's her plan right now is that my income would be always kind of believing and she actually, not going to be getting any paid leave, and so I have to account for that as well, but
so with her and come out it'll be like between forty five. In forty eight pre tax is what we're gonna have to be working with interesting ain't. Doin here king year? I'm a little worried about that because, right now, with both of you working there's only three to four months. There's only three to four thousand that you're putting aside to pay off this debt, right and that's not gonna get. That's not gonna help you clear it by the time you have the baby, then, Taking this pay cut and I'm worried that you won't have margin to continue the debt. So what's the plan to create that margin. Yeah. I guess it would have to be kind of movement. Our expenses, a little more than we have, and I guess my thought was potentially paying off thrust of our ought alone. The free of some more income eat each month, but I guess I'm not sure if it's her advised or not.
That's something I thought under to try to free up more of my income offer one that would happen. You know one spring. Well, that's gonna get paid were first anyway right, because your listing the debt smallest scale largest, unless, unless student loans are teeny tiny. When you're doing those first. Another there. The auto loans can be smaller than that to student loans combined. Okay, so that's happening. Regardless right when the baby comes, that fifteen thousand is gone and then the rest coming out of your savings in the three and four thousand is paying I don't know another thirty. Four thousand of student loans rate he argued rhetorical So you ve got fifteen or seventeen left of that, so that the money that the remainder of debt that seventeen thousand or so of debt? that's what I want to make sure you guys have the margin to pay down and keep that intensity and go quickly. Sure when your wife's stop working what what
of money. Are you losing? What was she making forty yeah? That's a big I mean that's half your income right there. So what would we? me feel better. If tonight, whatever night this week works for you guys, sit down and really play. these numbers and see ok, how's really honestly not just in our minds, because we all the fantasy of we have a baby, and now I don't want. No longer work anymore, it like for a lot of women, that's what they want to do, and so you really have to look at these numbers and see if they work, because it might just be honestly just that tweak of going hey after after maternity leave even though you don't get it? Do you know not paid or whatever after maternity leave. Is it possible to go in work just for a little while till we get this debt cleaned up, and then we transitions that lifestyle, because that sk gonna. To save you a lot of months. I would also like to suggest tainer than if you and your wife have this conversation jades right and we go what what what our reality One of the options is for you to stay
up and go awry. maybe it's gonna be little. I'm gonna be there. It mama's relapse orton than you are right now bro. Let me just lay that AL formula come on category three. They want mamma. I notice you agers, they still, my wife knows. Everything about what's going on is kids like I'll know anything is, I guess, my heads than they. Tell her everything J I had so mama's more important Hannah. In the seasons. Specifically, here's what I've been thinking, how many Can I work look? Can I make some extra money to accomplish a sinking J d say I just think you gotta consider do I busted some crazy hours, knowing that are making life better for little one and mamma right and It's a season I just had a push that, while, regardless and in sorry, we were belaboring this, but regardless there is thing that needs to happen, whether you decide work more? She decides to go back to work to pass this debt there. Still this long term picture of okay you still got up put.
These six months, we still you know, are saving for kids college and I'm challenging this forty eight thousand income long term, not just with a side hustle cause you're not going to want a side hustle until you pay your house off right. We've got to look at what it's gonna look like to get this core income up over the long haul, and is it just you or is it you guys working together for short term, to accomplish that great advice and congratulations? Young man, exciting, hey, go ahead and let me get a little extra naps between now and when the baby comes, because you also are going to be sleeping, whether you're working extra or not part of the team, no sleep is going to be. Ok, you'll make it. This is the ranch. Welcome back to the ramsey show on KEN coleman. James warshaw joins me. The phone number for you to jump in is triple eight, eight to five five, two, two five, if you're new to the program. Yes, we talked a lot about money, but a big part of your money. Life is your work life. It is your greatest wealth
building tool. That is your income and I hope, folks win in their work life. It's a will. Those work related calls anything. You want to talk about on that issue and I pray. the shoe got an opinion on that too. So you get plenty of advice on that? Let's go to mark now in portland, Oregon marker wheel, hello mark? Your live what's happening all right? So I have kind of like a weird multi faceted question. I am a hundred percent disable battered by and felt like oh and permanent ansel allowed to work the ok. I have pretty much, Maybe I better go I have many more suited alone debts bra. Getting might agree, and I have my I got my bachelor's the mechanical engineering but kind of
big kind of practical. What I'm one areas like I get a one time due to federal student loans. Forgiveness from that of the nature of my disability, from being in the navy, so I'm kind of boycott during the feeling. Is it worth at the edges? build a grad school and then just naxa withstood allows and just get him forgiven. It seems a kind of sketchy to me a little bit. What's allowed, also get hold of legal hold on hold on our. So what with the masters. What would the masters be in and why would you get it? probably be mastered and mechanical engineering focus more on legal, big science, pulling finance in the built environment and what I m doing now. Also would that says I work for growth financially, it proved through promotions, yeah yeah. I would so what I sketchy cause. He has the g. I blocked, because
and you might be ideal that pays for the entire tuition and they get a housing stipend like if I were to be going in portland I beginning twenty three hundred bucks a month tax, free tool. so and then, on top of the Erika Oh go ahead. I had one more question but go ahead and then, on top if I were to take out student loans, I could take out of the sixty five thousand a year for the two years to do that. The kind of office The loss of income that I have now, ah, Another kind of weird aspect to this, too, is like this would be like. If I were to do That would be more than what I'm making. Now that the g I go and those long go. There's no tax, What other shaded with that by and by wife is also in medical school right now to suggest kind of them.
It's kind of thunder workers were married, but like realistically of the money would probably end up going towards like reducing her alone. So let me get enough. Let me let me make sure I got my head around this cause. Some I'll be honest, like with all the military payments, and suchlike like that. Sometimes it get gets confusing. So You got a little bit of existing student loan dead. How much is that congo, ten kay the G8 will pay for that paid off no, but I could get it forgive them out I wanted to but okay, it's just one thing and just one thing at a time cause. I want to help you, but I also want to make sure the people listening and why won't the g I bill cover that, because it's all he's already done that, but already have that. oh yeah, I bill would cover you going to grad school correct. So my question is: why can't you just use the g I bill to go to grad school that's what you want to do and why can't you use the other peace that you had. The federal student want forgiveness because of you
this ability to pay off the ten thousand. What's wrong with that, we adopt what I'm thinking, but suddenly, This is where I like kind of the moral and ethical dilemma like I could do all that, but then I could also take out more student loans and then those would get forget, because it's the one time, also what you wanna do you wanna take out sure student loans, knowing that you can get the federal government forgiveness and now I have used their education guardian. It would be covered my how the expense and all that, like that's kind of where I thought I heard you say I thought hold on hold on hold on hold on, I ask I thought I heard you say that will go towards paint off some of your wife medical. Alone dead as well, so you you're talking about, and I take it out us you don't loan to use personally or you can you,
want to cover your housing, expensive, ready and waiting. I bill already gave you a stipend for the housing. That's it we're like living, this is another important like a more than thirty. Five. hold on, hold on hold on cause. I am hearing you, but I am also feel in a little it the fact that were gone. back. There is a shady quality to it because gee I bill covers what we would call living expenses right like whether that's rent or other things goes along with living, but you're saying I would take out student loans to continue Do that my problem with that is, the G8 bill, saying hey. We have a stipend for that. That's what that money is intended for the fair the student loans forgiveness student loans by Definition should be to pay for education, so it does bothering lame related expenses will now. necessarily I mean relate.
Expenses. Yes, but are you going? Are you living on campus to go to school, No! No. I have a house in a mortgage and a job So that's what I'm saying like currently feel if I wouldn't stop working to go to school. I feel, like that's a little weird. It's not like you're going to school you're tina student loans is covering room in board and dormitory, and that I mean by our student loans, which, by the way, I wouldn't tell somebody to take out student loans anyway, but in this case there forgiven. I just I mean So always! Second, let me in my part of the partners where we're not trying to be dead now or not it's just. The way you know is up it's strange. Well, it's true! because you know it's not right. That's what I yeah yeah, it's not as still so. You agree that you just said: okay, we finally got. I didn't mean to lead you there so by lawyer moment. I feel this is right and I dont
I get it right. We ve got to get well, then, why are you asking us if we think you should do something sketch has free money, makes you do funny? Things can want a free on the taxpayers legal, like with my read my friend, listen to me about it. First of all to things since you called. Now I'm gonna, tell you it's sketchy because it wrong. It's wrong because you're taking out money. That is that's all tax. They are funded, my friend I'm paying for that jades paying for it. I could go around the room, we it's nice people out in the lobby. I don't think they would like to pay for that either yeah What about your brother, but, like crook, I know the crux of the reasoning behind it because I feel like we do have to point out the reasons. For me. The reasoning is student loans. Really it should. For education- and I thing in your case. I dont think the living expenses are inexpensive. You getting your education
if you were going to live on camp ass, if you were staying in a dormitory, if you had it, you know get in. Apartment in another city did take the classes. Then I could see Ok, look! Maybe! But in her case, because this is This is your situation see how your personal mortgage has anything to do with you choosing to go to grad school and sulphur reason I think that's where the ethical barriers for me. Ah, we agree with you. You said it was Actually we think it sketchy and- and let me just say that you're a great american- you served country. Disability because of it you're a great american, your group, american and you know it sketchy so up to you, my friend. I don't think you gotta idols. can rationalize this. For me,
or for jane, but in my head and I haven't been able to entrust you're gonna. Look if you were like, if you had said some and I'm just trying to come up with some scenarios. If you are like hey when I was in the military it I don't know, I'm just trying to come up with a way they may be. This might like, if you enquired a bunch of other debt because of school by Don't see that like this, just as it is an hit, raise you're a good man, a great american. Thank you for your service, your guts right. We agree with your god and you got a bright future in front of you. You don't need this question it through medical school years. When we find don't trust short cut it, you guys are on the right path. Thanks for the call, this is the real issue. Harry ramsay solutions, run a mission to bring hope to the hopeless way helped millions find peace in their money and their life and we need it. Like you to help us, we have controls and our sails marketing and technology teams we offer.
actual developmental and health benefits to help. You live a balance life while doing life changing work, you aren't you the crocheted she open roles at ramsey solutions, dot com! careers and apply. Today, that's ramsay solutions, dotcom slash careers welcome back to the ramsey show and can comment by jake warshaw we're here for you taking your money calls your work calls today triple eight eight to five five to two fox tripoli, eight to five five to two five: okay, so you said, I'm gonna do this yeah we I guess we do in the common section, this law and we need a. We need. Pull feature. Is this real its roots ok. Ok, this out in clear by james- and you know, he'll talk, but this is my like this. This is hard hitting. I like it hard hitting lights, and here it is about setting up quickly. I dont want to eat up a lot of tyrant list out. That's my little
friendly you www eaten up now can't come alright here it is fair, fair point. I see you did their last call gay last call. Gentlemen serve our countries in the navy disabled and has the g, I bill has ten thousand and loans The ideal won't cover, but then he asked as the ability to get as much as sixty five thousand dollars in student loans- and he was thinking hey, should I just They got out live offer that wallet given this masters blah blah blah blah blah myself wife's gonna be a doctor, although he said he felt sketchy about it and we taught him sketchy? Because but surely he wasn't using the money for casey rise using it for other stuff, but during the commercial break you said it does sketchy, but as my my portion of being a taxpayer because of his service for a country I would.
fine with him doing it, and I said no, no, I said I'd be willing, because that the the foregoing this is taxpayer dollars. Sixty five thousand and said as a taxpayer. I would be willing to this the guy guy surgery, surgery to the point of one hundred in disability. I would be to give him my portion, which is your point: zero: zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero nine one of that. Sixty five thousand question. Was it ape enough? Other folks, in the chat say I'd give up my portion too, then that me it was like. So what I'll see you in the comments have at it Would you give way don't give a shit, and I would be unhappy to go on record as saying I'm a bleeding heart conservative living define. Can I don't make me give you decide? I can. That means that I feel really really bad for his situation and plight, and I am so grateful for his service, but but I am not going to donate my tax dollars left. This one is absent. This is
such a silly argument. It's about principle, not actual percentage ha ha no kidding able behind them with the andean stingy at all in principle and it gets stingy principle works weather. Stingy or alright. So the real comment away. That's all we let the let the pie wally people in the entire sway, the others a couple of folks in the audience there with which you will get this guy back. One hundred percents me way less than I paid it's beyond simple. Thank you, Deanna dns with me, a man. You bunny limited no minor wrong answer he's a whole mother said you know that doesn't even count. What does that mean? I don't know we need to move on move on me, yeah drop it in the drop in and called. I really want to know what you gave your hey penny for this man. Sixty five thousand is not the point you re framed it. It's should taxpayer dollars go to him leaving office. Do not want no, should not. I don't care how much they met.
I'm lucky people speak. If someone wanted to be generous in art will see that's answer, it doesn't mean generous versus dingy. I'm three frown. Hearts are the is salt lake city christina. How can we help Well, I'm totally with you on that who are you who knew you do you care Thank very much appreciate your vote oaks yeah. so I have I have a mortgage it It was really do ninety five, it's about doing right now, and I hope you might Ok, we really we really needed to move back to where we were. an hour it anyway, We also have thirty thousand dollars in student loan debt, and when my husband, I went to college, it was three percent,
So we we were in the good good time right so Question is: should I pay off my mortgage to be of the peer my or should I pm suitable and my p m. I is about forty three dollars a month on that, The short answer is no. I would not pay off your mortgage first to get off get rid of p m. I I would walk the baby epps, which is paying off you're, all your decks your mortgage, those almost the complete opposite. Ah, There is good reason for that year, student. I mean Student loans or debt and is causing you money every single month and There is something to be said for when you on a plan walking the plan the best way. The way The baby steps is constructed, is the most way to paying off debt saving money in building wealth and not just me saying that this plan has been around for over thirty years, and milk,
the people have walked it this way. So the thing about it, Christina is everybody out, there goes. My situation is a little bit different and because The situation is like this. I think it would work better. Why did it like this right now the fact of the matter is, you can get off this phone you're grown. You can do whatever you want and I'm not going to be mad at you. We're both going to sleep good at night, but if you're in my opinion, I do think that the best use of your money is to get. Student loans off your plate? Freedom, clear? I think this twenty p m. I think it's just like it. bad song that won't get out of your head like it's really not. it's cool to save money on things, but it's really not in your It's really not that big of an important thing, because once you get this debt paid off once you get three to six months saved once you start investing fifteen percent year, be on such a great trajectory and by then
Probably the amount of money that you ve paid off on your mortgage? I don't know what your payment is. I don't know what you're interest rate is, but you might close to knocking that p m I out anyway, because once hid it, you know it's off like once you get to that. Twenty percent it out and if your thereby land. Then you will be sooner than later. That makes sense, yeah well We hit the the industry at like four point: eight and those not grieve bite yeah you sound compromise under dollar the year was gonna high. It is unclear mine. It is you're gonna be there again everybody's got that kind of. Why I'm the exception to the rule and my when is if you walk through the plan Similarly, you're gonna have more money to throw towards this, and you're gonna have the piece of not having tat. having your savings. Do have do you have any savings, three to six months,
we have about like seven thousand oven insanely exactly so my point. My point in this is think you're trying to do the right things, but I think you're trying to do the right things and the wrong order and at the end, the day you still have debt you dont have. Quite, if savings any got p, am I right so let's start doing this stuff in order, so that were not kind of you know. It's almost like I put a little money here. I put a little money there I put a little money there and you look up and it's like yeah, but I still have debt and I still don't have savings and like you're, not accomplishing what the day we all want, which is that peace with our money? And you get that peter when that debts paid off? you got that the right amount of savings cause for you guys, seven thousand is not enough and then at the into that road. The final thing is were paying off the mortgage with intent, inequality and if you want to go intensely for while to get rid of that poi, I that's your business, but does it does Except for you yeah? No, that's fine
is, I just wanted to know what you guys I cause we are in full disclosure, fully following about the baby sounds but like we all of our cars were paid out. Arm keepers paid out, look, that's all that's some, but I do think that, ah, haven't analogy my brain. I don't know that its appropriate, but oh, I cut of intrigue now well it's like life. If I married- and I got this for my If I'm married, I'm one you're percent committed- and it gets oh funky when I say hey- I'm committed on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday saturday by sunday, sundays, I get into it like that. Doesn't work he'd be like this is not a fool commitment in so we would not be able to have the marriage that we should have, because I'm not fully committed- and I think the same way with this plan when it comes to your money, when you commit to this planning go all in on it. You get the full benefit of the plan in its all that it could
be in all that it should be. But when you take sundays and you're like on sundays. That's when I you know, I don't know, use my credit cards and on sundays. As so if you get some of it, you're paying off the cars you're. Doing that that's great, I would love for you to go fully committed to this plan and see what happens next great stuff. You said in that call it's like a bad song. You can't get out of your head by nomination. You can't touch this hammer great, our jade James, our fearless leader and you, the people. This is the Rambis, is rarely solutions? This is the real show it's where we help you win with your money and with your work and with your relationship. All of those somehow are very interconnected. We want to help you win in all three areas, because that means you're winning in your life triple eight eight to five five, two, two five aaa eight to five five, two, two five s phone number to jump in I'm ken coleman, jade warshaw, joins me
our- and we are here for you- so, let's get to it! Owing to this is always exciting. Always love when they tell us on the screen where people are from, because it gives you an idea like the world's really big place, yeah and we ve got Johnny I'm alive, but I think this is most sula might hear is that rising delay Montana also a little bit of a heart s, not a softer mozilla, mozilla. Montana is yes. How can we so. I am a relatively new, but also- and I had a very working over the past year and I resorted to racking up credit- our debt we learn. You was a big no now by I'm living on half of the income that my husband used to bring in and now I'm back peddling because I can't pay the debt off until I am either contemplating credit cards like the consolidation order.
Holding the council and just think of the court. The credit card companies will work with me very limited on name income I can make, and I just don't know what the best option to do what happened. I'm sorry! then was ill, a very rare, a tumor that the inner edge was studying and he made on develops covered innocently back from coal. Really so sorry flow I wouldn't say: oh mom are you was the breadwinner for twenty one years of our life and for kid so- Sorry, any life insurance. No turns known savings. No one k, I'm sorry. I I do want to say that we hear We hear this a lot like something traumatic happens, and there is
more spending that happens in a lotta cases, after that, whether it's just out of emotional spending or whether its truly like I haven't, figured out how to make life tick without this major breadwinner in your case cut because there was no insurance and because you ve got four kids that has put a wrench on how old are the kids. I'm so my orders, if twenty- and so he is not really in my youth and my helpful, but not directly in my financial help, both my I've a seventeen year old man, twelve year old, a ten year old daughter and I dont- have a traditional income. I rely on dustbin upset and the reason why my two girls have health issues, and so one of them happy Medication, that's like nine thousand dollars a month, while, though I have to rely on medicated, so my income is very limited as to why I can bring in what is the matter thing cupboard yeah? So, let's, let's diving that. So what is the limit in order to get
medication covered via medicate? What's the limit on new financially to what you could actually earn? Twenty six thousand a year that crazy yachts, keeping you in poverty, let me ask you this two girls in their health issues. Is that also keeping you at home? It would not allow you a traditional, let's say we could get childcare. We got a great job with great benefits that help with that. Let's just assume all of that is that even possible for you to be work outside the home. It is past I do queen homes, so I have a couple a moment, but I clean a couple times a week can get some cash. You know that, that's the idea about europe, but your cabinet level. And cap I am like cap two I couldn't bring in and so my kids go to the doctors. Quite often Oh sir, I'm multiple times a week, scheduled kind of have to be flexible. If I could find a job that I could get this all taken here,
that would you name it. Nor can we play some real numbers to see what it would take. happily heavily have you done that I mean I don't want to do work you already done, but why If we in europe I was going to say what, if we sat so one childs, medication is. Nine hundred, did you say a month: ninth out nine thousand girl, ok ice. I feel it. I feel it. At nine thousand a month in then What do you have a mortgage. I do not. I read can I get you wrote my were as it currently fifty by its going to going up at the first year to talk it. Can I ask you: I again about this medicine on if you Regular insurance, what portion of the nine thousand with the regular insurance cover? So Whenever we did some research cause, my will offer a great job offers it's marketplace and stuff like that. We could not find an inch.
company, that would cover the medicine because its human growth hormone and she takes a lot of it and so It's kind of one of those shaggy medications. I don't know the ins and outs of it. I just know whenever we contacted health insurance companies about me years ago, we could not find wine to where he be raised, they getting would even be beneficial for our. I see what was he making before? he passed the forty eight thousand. So how did medicaid allow that? That's what I'm wondering so so my my son was in our home and he was a minor and then as it was in our home, and so they go by how many people are in your home. and now that my son is no longer a minor and my husband is deceived by family went from six people in my home city, hectically, four people in my home, so they they typically duct ten thousand dollars per person. Who is no,
her considered under your help, I see the ok I get at them. The map matters so mad mean to me that that you get penalised. get you get some help and then he penalised Nine thousand dollars is extraordinary, even if you are making a hundred fifty thousand a year of course, at the ads. Almost all your take home, you know, it's right up so much and you ve got to how much credit card debt of your Acta just under twenty thousand so I had a nasty at the beginning of the year and that went septic and that led to the domino effect, and I was not able to do my normal housecleaning for about five mine and so on. I started. I remembered well just use the credit cards and I was working extra and then that it just was too big of a for me to forget my feet back under and so I have not been used in the credit cards for months now
by does medicaid color does matter, he cover the entire middle of the medicine, yes medicate, so my cue daughters of butter, open heart surgery, multiple ones they cover one hundred years, of all of their medical me occasion, surgeries, even if we have to travel to seattle, for their surgeries and they also cannot provide travellers distance. So I'm out of pocket from my children's matter. This is zero right, pay, nothing! I just I wouldn't want to look into other, even if they're, outside insurances, anything else that might have the ability to cover this because you living on twenty six thousand dollars with for a year with fork. I don't see how that sustainable long term, and I just want to get as much information as I can at the very least, can we connect with Xander and see what the heck could be out there that could help offset? nine thousand dollars a month that your pay
hey, I wish we could be our weight more help to you. I feel, like we say, more lives, learning than helping here's. What we're gonna do we're gonna get you connected free two hour flight, one of our best financial coaches, here in the building and they're, going to walk you through what you can do, hang on the line, we'll take care of Let's cut to the chase, it's easy to get discouraged about crazy house prices in interest rates, but when you have the right real estate agent to help you buy and sell the right way, you'll have confidence to make smart decisions. Ramsay trusted agents aren't just experts who, god you through buying or selling their someone. You can trust to have your back from the first call to closing day find a ramsay trusted agent near you at ramsay solutions, dot, com, slice, agent, ramsay solutions, not gone, slash agent
welcome back to the ranch show on can compensate workshop joins me hey if you knew the programme or even listening for quite some time, we would love for you to help us spread the word here and joined the programme like the videos. You watch it on you to give us a few. Low on podcast and in a fire. a review and share share, share whatever platform that you listen or watch on. We would be so grave, won't help as many people as possible get out of the system the matrix, if you over, they just think that broken and working Sucking job and have an ok or crappy relationship is just well ass, just life. We won't help as many people as possible, so do help us do that. Let's go to Houston texas, where kristen awaits kristen, how can we actual hey? glad to be on, I have a question. We need that foreign five. Primarily,
really on how to actually make them both happen at the same time. Ok, is it just baby says foreign fibre, maybe six four five and six for financing, but I mean can afford the pair of our home early yet, but were in our working towards getting up to fifteen percent rate right now were the wind but eleven and a half per cent of our income for the time allowed between some. For the kids a hand We're gonna worried that you're not gonna happen. interesting want saved up for the kids, because we and our kids really young right. So we have a lot more time for retirement vs. When the kids are going to go to college, I mean our daughter just turned seven and she's going to graduate isolate and eighteen, so but that we still have thirty five was here So let's retirement, let's walk through these percentages a little bit, so I can understand your monies gone so you're completely deaf freaks at the mortgage. Let's say: there's twenty five percent- that's going to your morgue
is it that are less or more. I think it just under with the mortgage property taxes and insurance, I think about twenty eight. Ok, so that's a little higher. If that's, ok then let's say you're. Giving ten percent ok, so there's thirty five percent and lets say fifteen percent is supposed to the retirement. So were at fifty percent of our income. In your case, fifty three percent, what's happening to the other, fifty percent of your income, cause that's assuming you're investing outgoing going. You know groceries kid. how many guys it's very easy. We have two kid: ok tickets or for four four. one house: what's the income combined income for you and your husband, hello, I just started our time job. Nine. May we don't know homicidal bending over the you're, but my husband make one fifteen a year: ok, what I'm propose a few months ago, what I'm gonna put
oh, is that something in your budget, the other fifty percent, something there is inflated because essentially, what you would have. If you're not you know, I think you said your at eleven percent, so the other ino, fifty four percent of your budget is inflated somewhere So are you on in every dollar budget? Yet, mean in every dollar and I do not want area waded out property taxes. The heat is bought. This house unladen protest vote. If that should be going down a few hundred dollars a month. Oh okay! So that's good! So that's going to help you get twenty five! So yes, in january. How much of this should I dedicate their actually getting fifteen percent through we're going out to the king and then have a little bit more for the call it the kid college fund. I would do the fifteen percent no matter what, because their time is, to come, no matter what, when you have to retire right. I would start talking about with the kids. How old are they re about? Almost
german a seven year old? Ok, so you ve got a little bit of time there and it sought to say that you can't put any money aside because again, with baby step, five were not saying has to be the specific amount if you can get fifty and two hundred dollars in their every once in a while that something. But I want it is fifteen percent as quickly as possible, and then as things start to change with your property tax or whatever he said that was inflated right now. Start to see a difference, that you two four hundred dollars is a big deal, but I really want you going through your budget with a fine tooth comb, because there might be some other areas that, for you seem normal, but when you really to peel back ago. Ok like what's what bigger priority for me to do this are forming it make sure I'm getting at least a hundred bucks a month into a five twenty nine right in thing with the mortgage, you might, you know right now again, it's about being intentional. It's there doesn't to be a layer of intensity too. That whatsoever. At this point so if you had. You know I ideas that you were gonna, be paying double payments.
In the season may be or not because of the age of your kids, but there will be a season, will not where you will be able to do that, but I really, I want you to look at this in terms of percentage, because this plan works for a reason and it works because of those percentages. Sulphur, you got a really look, it's ok. What's the fifty percent going to a somebody in private school is on his theirs. Think about your budget that it feels like. Oh, maybe that's what it is other than property insurance for three or four three hundred more wall. Padded threem! emergency fund for a long time that we have been working towards this for six months the greater our about four and a half months, but we are still continues. You hundred dollars every month there it is defined and we happened. A hundred dollars between with two kids wait, wait a minute! Wait, a minute, the area This is the body that business where your money, if I get nothing on the money
you're doing all dead. Like pull back on my money for a man and be ok, you about the foreigner math mine now And if you know what you think you used some of it in you need to replenish it back to six months goin on replenish it. I want you to get back. if fifteen percent, whatever it takes, you to to fifteen percent investing and if you want replenish you're savings back to six months and if few putting a hundred dollars a month in your five twenty, That's great! The biggest thing with that twenty nine is projecting out to the future. In really, standing, what is what actually gonna be there when you kids get college, so you can start having those conversations now, but I I think you're doing better than you think you are, I think you're just. I think, though, the cup hundred that you're, putting aside to try to replenish the emergency fund plus the old? If that's going out the property tax rate now mean that could be six hundred dollars. Is a lot of money right, yeah, so Jesse, like your kind of in this limbo phase, once that you're goes out, then you're gonna be like oh there
it's the money that that's where it went yeah. I I am here in a mindset christian, where you're just feeling almost guilty that you're not doing as much as you'd like step. The steps aren't a a taskmaster. They are guide and you move within the steps when you need to so I urge you and beaten yourself up a little bit. You shouldn't be you're doing enough you're fine. If you want to replenish or boost the bay is there a mean baby step? Three then do that and to gauge point we just want you getting on a consistent investing, but don't be you know meeting yourself up over this doing wrong you're you're doing right, you're just doing a lot that help. Definitely it boy that nice to have another perspective, because the one you're in it you can see all the flaws, see you. necessarily always that's it. That's it. I just what your mindset right now to go, not doing a great job brought you're ahead of just about everybody in america. Have you seen the data so give yourself a break?
greece on the priorities, not the productivity part of this I think we get hung up on well. Dave says jade centre right raised. Four five and six seem time ways exit life. Have and the steps are therefore reason is a reason why threes before for threes before four yeah in the point of four five and six, what I just said, I just heard how silly that sounded. there's a reason why three before four but the point the fauna, lloyd bird, yet more count more important than the fifteen percent right. There's a reason why we haven't there: that's right, you feel comfortable with six months. Then what you do in gas acca. I guess that's the point under there the madness yeah don't get hung up on How well I'm doing in each day, at the same time, it's what matters most me within the steps. Yes, so Kristen deep breath office phone call go I'm doing great. I'm gonna continue to do great right and I'm gonna be fine. Yes, yes,
now have bad men have been here that you cadets re critically than I do think this is great kristen. You know this is on you too bright now right. Yet so you You could just have him get to this moment and go look at what jades look at what can said. Look at a goofy sure you gotta, listen to that guy do in europe So what's his name, Michael Michael you're. Doing fine rely as Michael and kristin take personnel take dinner. Man come to a restaurant. I've been working hard on, you guys are crushing our don't move quick break. back with more of your calls. This is the real
here's the thing about investing advice, you can find it just about anywhere, but that doesn't mean it'll always help you with your personal goals. Here's another option check in with a smart vester pro these financial advisors can review your plan or help create one. That's personalized to you to find a smart vest or pro in your area go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash, smart vester, go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash, smart vester, ramsey solutions is a paid non client promoter of participating, pros or more at ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash, smart vester, helping you with your money, your work and your relationships. This is the ramsey show. I'm getting coleman. Jade warshaw joins me. The phone number to jump in aaa eight to five five to two five triple eight, eight to five, five to two five, Diana is on the line, providence, rhode, island Diana? How can we help? I have a question about a carly. Ok,
I am my leases up, and may I also a problem Eighteen thousand on it. I was wondering if I should go hated and buy a car in may or solid club, or saw the car back and go by and take a hit for two thousand and by a coffer promptly valid. walk through that again, so one option is to buy it at eighteen, cracked, in the other option, is to come out of pocket for two grand and just get out of the lease, and then you do you have some money set aside. Could you said by car fragrance of that means? You ve got I agree and set aside. If you do that, I do Then I do a home equity line of credit. Ou know: okay, let's, let's look at this. The entire advice singing please like it's a measure. You don't
Indeed I can well. Maybe you do, but I'm not going to sell oh well. The first question is: do you have what other debt do you have? Arab? thirty thousand dollars and credit cards through the eu I was in Iowa I own a home, and I all about twenty three thousand two hundred and thirty dollars too. thirty thousand on the home armed Have any money set aside? If you have any cash that you can do, your hands on stocks Ah, some nuthin your ankle automobile. Thailand will know I'm pulling a retired a hundred five thousand a year, five thousand dollars a year, so you ve got some money coming in it's just you. Are you married your kids at sob advocate pitiable, okay, so here's the thing I am not opposed to you getting out of this car and taking a here if I felt like you, could take it without going into too to cover another car, because you need a car. It's you in your tenure old arm. You ve got this eighteen thousand
if you bought, turned around and bought the car and they got a thirty eight thousand of debt. To do two things are so let me let me just up and really cork are you're thinking here. What how would you come up with the two grand out of pocket? we're in other words, how long would it take you to scrape the two grand together so that when did turn in the least you had it pica two months, how's your credit how's, your arm, how's, your credit, that's the problem! I guess that a debt cancellation- grams they hadn't paid any my credit cards for approximately six months. For my credit, just dropped coherently and you know in some cases it's like. If you have a ten thousand dollar car alone, you know you're trying to get out of it or a car loan in general. We tell you to do at a small loan. For the difference he can get out of it and get just a cash car five thousand dollars. Something like that. So at least your debt is going from eighteen to five right.
this case that might not be the case, because your credit, you drive What Nikkor here's the thing: the eighteen thousand car, with your income, the fact that you have an eighteen thousand dollar car that you would purchase on or that you'd beat. You know trying to get the lease off of doesn't bother me as far as the price of it, but because you've got this other, almost forty thousand in debt. I kind of hate that ford, How quickly could you pay off? Let me look at this. Your credit cards in the debt snow How many? How many are there? Is it just one or two or is it lots of little ones? But how is it that there is Eat and do they all wanted? Are they all expensive than the eighteen thousand car paint, the the car, the eighteen thousand, combined. No individual. Are they all less against? Oh yeah? Ok, are they?
deck consolidation programme, that's what I'm on understanding did it. He asked, but I was gonna, try to get a press on time off. I think I think we're trying to look for an out, but at the end of the day, you've just got your success. You've just got debt and you're just going to have to pay it off. You don't have the money to get a less expensive car like you, don't have the way to get alone to do there and you don't have the credit to do it on that. Question jades, I gotta a question yeah for you and diana, and if it's gonna take you two months give or take to come up with it. Thousand to get out of the lease How long would it take you I mean? Is it fair to say that you could let's say six to eight months from now have about sixty a grand view. if you started work and extra hours, you're doing we you can here's where I'm gonna try as how much time do you have before you have to make this decision I'd. Do it now? Oh, you ve got
Ok, that's ok! So here's where go where you go, can't I'm a like a maniac! Yes and I'm gonna save up money. I'm gonna get out of the lease yes and I'm gonna fall. However, the two grand house, I'm gonna, have about six grand and I'm gonna get myself a decent car. That's right and it's ninety graham diana. It's a great better to get you from a z why you get out of this situation? Yeah crucial, If information is you ve got time? I'm thinking were deciding today, you got time, ok get six thousand What as much as you can I save up you're because watch what happens with the least right now what you paint a remark on at least three: seventy five. So we get a three hundred. Seventy five dollar raise in about six miles a list now the three seventy five goes into: paying off You can get out of this with a hundred five thousand and illicit you can find a way. Mama bear yeah, you don't have a baby. ten year old, so we figure out some super cheap childcare care, you're working like crazy. Let's see if we can make an additional fifty grand montparnasse challenge out there. Could
make an additional fifty grand in twenty twenty four. I think the answer is yes. In it. If that whole fifty grand minus taxes, of course, go. towards getting out of debt. I you're free quick. Why, at the very least if she has a hundred and five income, they can live on all the lifting of it. It's exactly like where you cutting expenses. What are you selling how What are you working? I think you can get out of this, but I would definitely get out of the lease yeah. Okay, yeah, that's going! Alright, I am happy with that. You helped great. I owe you guys you're awesome by the way. I love that rhode island accent. Can I say that yeah a got a parked car when she started talking about the car yeah I was like yeah. I wish I talk like that. I got this goofy southern thing going on. I I like that rhode island accent, that's your stuff, hey how about our? How about our backyard we take calls from from local,
Ashley's carlo, measurable targets, but I have no idea what he's talking about folks. I try to keep her on her. Let's go to actually use calling from national I was very excited tight, so quickly. Said my out beyond bade. His companies have decided to give a twelve percent contribution directly to the four one case too, that we need to contribute additional fifty percent or just the three. a three percent, what that is it a continuous match, or it's just just it is now time thing. No, they ve got a quantity of europe at he's. Working, that's a twelve percent. Every single year is not a match. You know when it comes to baby step for and for those listening baby step for us. Putting fifteen percent of your take her eat up fifteen percent monthly into retirement. The reason for that- and I kind want to get to the reason first, and then it will inform why my answers what it is there.
For that is, we want you building the muscle of, Vesting your own money into retirement because he's out job now, but, let's just say on down the line, he decides to go work someplace else, and they don't do that after they don't do that contribution over the course of the year You want to know that, no matter what you ve built it into your lifestyle and you ve built it into your budget, that we just invest and we invest fifteen percent This is off the gross number and that's just our habit in life. So, yes, I see lungs. what all of that say? Yes, I still want you investing your fifty percent and of any match or additional contribution, or anything like that? Russia's icing on it on a very delicious cake. sandro, mammy hunger, that's great, that their matching that much or that they are contributing that much it sounds. Even regardless of what you put in. So that's really good yeah. I love thing. so much actually for the call or so we gonna do these things called commercial breaks, but hang up
I have another segment coming your way with some great calls: she's jane warshaw, I'm Kim coleman- and this is the ramsey show after these messages will be read. Welcome back to the ramsey show, I can call me jade warshaw shows with me. The phone number is triple eight, eight to five five, two two five are scripture. The day comes from proverbs twenty one, thirty one. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the lord and then our quote, the iron lady herself Margaret thatcher, you may have to about a more than wants to win it love it isn't that true, Alright, let's good irvine, California. Bonnie is awaiting Bonnie how coil and he agreed it's such an honor to be sitting with voting today, thanks so much for taking your time to think of me, either I'm a little nervous, so sorry you're doing great. That was quite an intro you're, crushing it what's up eight years. I
have a coffin regarding completing a bachelor degree. I am an associates degree and earned twenty twenty and have been working full time and ensuring. When I recently applied too, and avoid or university- and I got accepted an indifferent. and I think it's not bad though it does in committee we'll be on my way ok, let's, let's see, if there's any evidence to back up your gut about that, I absolutely are so You don't think it's a wise decision, because you're finances paint the financial picture force. Well now overall, my husband and I are doing really well and we make roughly about one hundred and twenty five before taxes to an air. And we ll be What we have is three darwin and credit card for judge of mine and then we also have an about thirty three thousand. Left. On alone, I'm from his parents died in a heap of iron
people by a dumping, an honour for so I'm thinking about and then buffalo button twenty three upon a mortgage? Ok, some thirty, six thousand of consumer dead, end how much is a schooling, gonna cost? If you were to do this so it'd, be about a sixteenth, to now be going full time for next year and a half years so that we are, it means: you're, not working in the insurance job, I'm it'd, be actually I I go, you could try. I would be yeah. You probably would be working, I'm sorry time, only only thirty five hours a week trying to tackle both yeah and and yeah. The reason that I'm getting cold feet is because they're, you know they're personal. They want to complete this, but ultimately I too feel guilty findings. thousand dollars to complete school. When I know the it's gonna. Get me I haven't might well. That was my question. I love I love the personal reasons, not gonna? Question nos at all
Because of that I want to say, I think you should do it, but you should do it later, not now Absolutely I don't think you should feel guilty about. Considering it and analytical it to be about guilt is just oughta be about. You know what It matters to me to get that agree one day, but I'm on it. when I can and when I can is certainly after we pay off thirty six thousand and consumer debt and they get to the point right in cash flow or I have saved it up to then be able to do it, and I think you up the degrees always gonna be there I think you should put it off. That's what you're, thinking and feeling- and I couldn't grew more with your feelings here: yeah I coming firm, I'm good planet and things right for future like I may have won over. What sort of family couple years by Andrew you know birth, nigeria and going well. If I'm gonna cut all this in an effort into complaining school at yale, I could be spent
definitely on one time getting apart. Punjab mcgillicuddy, you twenty dollars an hour we're doing. The number of women like I could just you know I can it in two thousand and one year or destroying it over two and a half years. I would I press pause, not the delete, but the applause, but it's gonna, be there you go there absolutely yeah yeah you're awesome. I think it's simple press the pause button yeah, you bet thank you for the call. I love it love it love it let's go to mill in salt lake city mel. How huxley hi. How are you mill I regard My question is pretty straightforward, nor should we our current home to pay that he has moved into my Tom, who are going on a church mission for a couple years or should we keep their invented out or feeling a little bit high, because
we're about negative fourteen hundred every month like earlier this year we cut out of the extra Why you re married outward teen hundred every month, that's dead! basic needs and even by basic necessities to you make it enough money. I what's it? What's the income between you and your husband, like a hundred About a hundred thousand makes about a wait and see: how much do you guys have. A hundred and eighty thousand ok, a hundred thousand are bringing yeah yeah. So would they want to hold on shoes murray, give us some hundred thirty. Why why I was going the monthly payments for just alarmed. We have about sixty thousand. Didn't long tricky thousand in car cologne and sixty thousand, credit card
look here, as are all about twenty six, eighty, that your guy the cars, fifty three thousand cartoons. we gotta get out in these matters. So do we, I mean twenty six and twenty seven on two thousand sixteen cars there are hundred and twenty five thousand miles one alone one of them now we had car problems all year, so we just put into that car. Almost ten thousand dollars a year we had The transmission of data to be completely well, so none of their not worth anything is that what you're tony now, another there weren't any. We could Sophie sold the twenty six thousand alone. What would it what's it worth on kelly blue book? It's in the low twenties like twenty one, twenty three sorry like me- three thousand upside down- probably ok, and what about the twenty seven thousand one
after in bad shape. We could reach a break even on it. Ok break even on that. How quickly could you scraped did you guys live on one car. For while we have five, you ve got five kids Ok, that's brings nothing only little erosion here, here's a super quick question I'm getting get out on this one. If you sell your house clear off all this debt go, live, rent, free with mom and dad or not not at their house whether on this mission, this isn't may bail you out, but it's not gonna change your life. If you guys don't fix what got you this mess, you guys are living way way out abounds. Yet I I think that you guys can make this happen, and I think that whether if you live in mom's house for awhile or not is kind of besides the point, I want you to look at this situation and see where the problem is. The problem, as you keep taking on debt you've got student loans. You've got cars, you can't afford, so I think you're going to need a few
pain, a little bit on this thing, and I would get rid of one of the cars I'd. Take the hit on the three thousand scrape up three thousand dollars as quickly as you anne and get out of that one and scrape up a little bit more money in one of you is gonna, be driving a beat her for a while, and then I'm Look at this hundred thousand income that you're making and I'm gonna look for anyway, that you guys can add to that income over this period of time, because I don't like, the idea of you guys renting out your personal home. I don't know how long your family's gonna beyond the mission field, but if they should come. back sooner suddenly, it's like o k, like we re yard, agrees folks out loud either sell it that day, but he does it exactly. More problems for you guys- and you know your house- what's it worth thousand eight hundred now like a two minute, two hundred thousand dollar equity. Here too, and our equity, and when did you buy it. about three years ago
Does your husband, wanna do he doesn't want to sell the house. I would not sell it. I wouldn't I would work through the debt. I think you guys can do it and I think it's going to teach you the great lesson at the end, and I think there is going some pain involved here, but I think that you guys have the ability to get your income up a hundred thousand, ah the on with a hundred eighty thousand of dead. I think that there is some real moves that you guys can make to. Even this out, the average person is getting out of debt in two years and under I think you guys can be done with this in two or three years maximum. If you guys work hard, if you dont, you know this is up to you guys how quickly you work this thing, what can each of you guys you to bring in some extra money, I mean I I feel like I'm maxed out honestly like with time, and I was going to get it then he he does. He also does a bunch of side hustle hustle, he does. Where'd he go voiceover interpreting that aside from it
job getting these cars cleared out and you each getting a couple of beaters is going to be the ticket to you guys, cleaning. This up super duper fast, okay, so that's the one on the list and then we're just gone through those baby steps. Man hey! Thank you for the call, Jane warshaw, a great show, thanks to everybody in the booth, keeping us on the air. Thank you, America. This is. The ramsey show the doktor john bologna here until an emotional health challenges, broken relationships, it's all just part of life, but they don't the define you die john aloni show is here to help its a collar driven podcast, where you can get practical advice on dealing with anxiety, loneliness, depression, relationship challenges, your kids and so much more the questions from our collars or, if you're, walking through a tough situation and need some help. Give me a call. You are never meant to do life alone and that's what this podcast is all about.
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-15.