« The Dave Ramsey Show

Your Parents Don’t Get a Vote… Set Some Boundaries! (Hour 1)

2022-06-08 | 🔗

Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze discuss:

  • When it makes sense to join a country club (and why people need to mind their own business),
  • How to set healthy boundaries with your parents,
  • Am I overreacting to my husband's purchase?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I What is more, I am situations around LISA, we'd, better dom casual gang in the pay of mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw, those status symbol of choice of the rams you show we helped people build wild, do work that they really love and create actual amazing relationship. Rachel crews number one by selling author ramsay personality and my daughter is my co host today as we enter. questions about building
doing work you love and amazing. Actual relationships, threats, there's something I don't usually don't go straight to the mail bag, usually pull up twenty thousand seven, but let us read those occasionally pull off something that we get into customer care, hate mail or patrols or actual just funny stuff are really inspiring things that customers do and you used to read it, and I read it to the or to staff. Meetings are done that in awhile, and I feel I read- I read this one monday morning at our art and might never It was better the other day, as so was James. Our producer says you gotta reduce the audience. Okay, so thanks for your practical and entertaining advise you and the team put on the room she shut, were debt free, polluting our house worth we're two million dollars we presented, final mortgage check to chase bank in hollywood. California, the journey to the included driving passed a man dressed as Marilyn monroe riding a bicycle,
a seventeen year old woman wearing tight animal, prevent driving a pot pink corvette once at the I think the person ahead of us in line was covered in tattoos on her face. When we The teller, the check they congratulated us and then my husband turned to me and said where the weirdest people in hollywood quickly. The high bar is the point huge thanks to you and the entire ramsey team, for your guidance and inspiration. We couldn't have done it without you way to go. Guys, that's a lot of fine words about a world where it is people in hollywood you're. So where do we say that all the time, but really not exactly in that context? What does that destroyed up funding? That's great open violence here, a triple eight, eight to five, five, two to five mats and albuquerque new mexico. I met our area sean are allowed. Thank you very much do even rachel for taking my call. I appreciated for what's up
I feel really kinda bad asking this, because so many people are having a rough go of it and suffering and everything- and yet my question seems so you know your success- does not cause their problems. Why does she back anyway? What I would like to know, if I can get area objection answered, question whether I can afford or surely per judge or get ensure golf club, golf club membership absolutely. I should not like this can we have issued by not really. I thought I had a better chance of larger drunk rapporteur you now. These are good with me, I'm good with all level so I getting aside. This was not a moral question. It's just a ratios thing. If it is a small percentage of your life, that it doesn't matter, I've moderately, then Obviously you should do it if you
spend your kids college tuition to join a golf club now being made don't do that, each it's not that membership, in the initiation. Three plus you know getting the card itself would run thirty. Dollars then, then, really are three locally, after that is roughly five, fifty six hundred much it's pretty red but for most golf clubs, hopefully today yeah right, it realize real nice and it's a real nice, What do you make a year nude anyway? What he might get your help hold your tongue. around one sixty charge and what your net worth. Who did property and also that in the neighbourhood of one point, five million and you're dead free
The train on mortgage credit card, nothing except monthly bills, map things, just doin, country club. I think you're, fine Your find you I ve seen the problem is you're still a taiwan, but you're only brown. Show that cannot! You know, you're trying to hide a little bit? You know that's a lot of money for a national outlay and there was a time you know section. If you go, I canceled an empty street now purchase because they are in britain, the price from ninety nine cents to a dollar, twenty nine, so horrible. I can't believe they would do that to a man like you, but I'm I'm assuming too you're going to use the membership correct, like you enjoy golfing you're going to be using it. It's not like I'm going to sit there and it's a waste using yeah. I'm not going to I hate look what I got. No absolutely I'm gonna be hacking away sour matt. That's that
Are you like throwing out golf terms that I have no idea what you mean some assuming that the gulf? It means he's going to dig holes in the golf course that isn't what I would encourage Matt is that you know we talk about here on the show. Somebody often that you live like no one else, and that's what you hear a lot on the show is the sacrifice that people are taking currently to get out of debt. Build up an emergency fund to get to a point where their heads above water but then to later to living, give like no one else and so you're, just at the outset that other into the equation and a lot of people struggle in that are part of the equation because they're, like oh gosh, like yeah, money feels weirder. I fell wasteful as it's ok, they ask all the same question to ask, and so what I m always looking for trouble a wise decision, and also to make an emotionally palatable is ratios hub
if a percentage of your world is this and thirty thousand dollars as a percentage of one point, five or as a percentage of one hundred and sixty five thousand or income, as am I completely debt free, it's like buying a biscuit dade. It's not it's! Not your affect your life! If take thirty thousand dollars and put in the miller form burn it. Your life is not going to change you. Ok, that's me and showed. That means you can afford this cause? You don't even notice it doesn't affect your giving it doesn't figure. Investing picture enjoyment alive in its first reading. You can do with money. You can enjoy it, you can give it and you can invest it and you should always be doing all three Look at the ratios An ratios set you free, because I used to be that guy I was at guys had now. I need to drive a car that clean cave I'm like manage and other people's lives or someone, and that's just a bunch of crap that just poor I think, is what we call it. Not just you.
in a neighborhood where you run down rich people, you know, and it's like knowing he every guy can hang a caravan can't go. I can tell you who doesn't need it, somebody can't pay for it and they notice when they buy, but our friend Fifty million dollars- I surely drove up from my house and three thousand dollar lamborghini. So, but you know, that's a smaller percentage! He spent on his car of his income than you spend on your car. All of you listening so shut up. It's none yeah, none your business! What he drowned! and it's not affecting emits a zoo. It's me three or die. Percent fifteen million? So if you make a hundred fifty thousand that they like mine, three thousand dollar com percent of same exact ratios. so we need new way. He back shut up. You got.
full time job! Imagine your life geez, this a great job, Matt touchdown, I'm proud of you, go get the dad gum! Golf membership! You're awesome! This is the ramsey shift. The over the there's. The risk of becoming a victim of iD theft has skyrocketed these steal your info for not only financial fraud but for tax refund in social security, fraud, medical, I D, theft, criminal acts and even home tidal fraud, how did they get your info data breaches? Internet hacks fishing scams malware. The list goes on and on cleaning
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cover your kids for free call them at eight hundred three five, six, forty two, eighty two or visit zander dot com, the fragile, bruce ramsey personality is my co host today, Kate's in ontario highgate welcome to the ramsey show hey rachel! Thank you so much for taking my call back. He put you in george back in december, my grandmother passed away and of bringing about a hundred fifty thousand maybe dollars the public. ending I'm probably going to receive the money at the end of the month, I'm having a disagreement with my choice without but I'll
with money versus what they would like me to do, but the money I really like to honour both my grandparents. my parents, to learn just how? How are you Oh, I'm thirty! What are your parents a vote in this. While they gave me a thousand dollars, my husband, fifty thousand dollars very generously when we bought her daughter hall. Give it to you, or did they alone it to you and say they get to tell you how to run your life after that no further, That too, is a very general sweeping swayed until eight until they use. That is the guilt triptych it. So he did patton continue to fully fund our emergency fund, which is about halfway there and then put the rest towards our mortgage should pay about. Eighty percent of it now there's two different things going on here: okay, you're asking me what to do with it and we're discussing your parents wanting to tell you what to do with it. Those are two different subjects: okay, okay
it was a while. I'm here is what are your parents wants you to do, because I just heard what you want to do. What are they want you to do my hair, want me to put it in retirement accounts by canadian equivalence of raw than irae as well as do some. Repairs. So what's the word of what is for you keto that that kind of back to the question of that need to really feel that of what they're saying or they making you feel so guilty like what why why? Why? Don't you just going there Xanadu learn making me feel guilty there, really wonderful people who have done a lot on their own and they have really one with money and been great examples to me I feel I should. But what's your signature is to know you want to do with money is not dumb. Why didn't think so when all its not I mean it's exactly. We teach. Obviously that is not done, but also you didn't suggested you go. You know that somehow you blow the money or your irresponsible with money.
ok, gimme run a parallel for you. Ok, This is my mind works. I can't help it, but you know wretches low other Daniels, thirty one right, dont know how my brother sounds about right, so if, if he and his wife Alison gotta and fifty thousand dollars- I am very loud- I am ray opinionated when it comes to this particular subject on very right. Ok but I still the chances of me and rachel me up on this chances are me, call Daniel and alison up out of the blue and saying here's what you should do with money that you got from. Alison's paris or got from whatever other source is zero. Now They ask. I'll tell them what I think they should do, but I I'm going to withhold love if they dont do it.
I'm not gonna role my eyes if they dont do it there, like people and stuff If he is, I mean that's how we would function. One hundred percent, yes for sure, but but can't I have for you- do you feel like you're, going to get that at the role of the eye, the oh, my gosh. I can't believe you did that kate, that that feeling for your appearance or do you think they're going to say? Oh, we This was a better idea, but you go do like it. Is there that starting point I think might be disappointed that I baby didn't take their advice and I took Abraham these advised. Instead, I don't think they would I don't think it would be a thanksgiving dinner. Long ears is over you that you're just struggling between our they write, or is this right sorry
where exactly exactly I want you. If I go ahead and make like big dave, ramses stream decision, I wanted to do it in a way and explain it to them in a way that in our country, but I would like to do and I'd like to honor you and honour my grandparents isabel absolutely absolutely so. Let's go here. She's like dying over here Pritchett. You want them to be happy with your decision, but your needs. Their approval just needs to stop The boundaries registered their walk in all in your yard, with money boots, they need to get back in their yard when we came across a france that is came across a fence. you don't be mean about it and I'm not suggestion you be caustic, Is it really about their adviser? They ramses advice. This is about, like you mean a grown up and stuff, and you get make your decisions in unison,
you were going to? U gathered up information from several different sources, and then you made the decision on what you wanted to do with your money. It's not like pick dave ramsay over. I pick my parents know young and you're not doing that. That's not what's goin on! Here! What's really going on here, as you gathered information for assurances from places, you think that this Tick method is the vast, ok right. gathered several pieces. information from different places and bought a freaking tests. How in the world, but she did and we're making in always make fun of her all the time. But and we joke about it. But the point is I even in a week joke about as she she did not follow her parental guide when she purchased a car. That it runs on a battery. Her father would never do that, again silent, but I do know all we have done is solid that she loves the car and joke about it
that's all we don't even know me walking over in your boundary, saying you shouldn't, do that. That's a dumb idea! Stop me stupid. I know I never did any of that now. What now but Kate, I would say when you explain it to your parents, cause you're like yeah. They're, probably gonna, be disappointed, so, yes, the boundaries as a whole issue that shouldn't be disappointed. Guess appointment, you bought a tesla, make fun of our nobody k. I think too, to accept. In it to them, though, like that, like that you're quickest way, to honour them honour your grandparents, all the language you are using and to help you. you in your family when you and you your husband when with money the fastest way to get from at a point b of what you see, is the have what's wise as an emergency fund in a bank or having an emergency fund in the bank paying off any. debt that you have being able to take some of that and pay off your mortgage. That way, you guys don't have a mortgage payment so that so that you can invest in all that
advice is not necessarily it's not the order. We would do it, but investing that money. It's not like they're, giving you bad advice. You could invest that money and be totally great kate, but but the steps were or that in explaining to them like hey here's. What I hear time seeing it to be wise to to that point, and then I will then I will be able to invest and have the margin to invest the wide by John below who disagree with. You really explaining to him. I think he would just shape listen appreciate your input, you don't get about! Ok, but if tat I am thinking of I'm in her shoes, though, and I feel like a oh gosh. You know you, again this isn't you guys, but unlike if, if my I had saying that to me, she she's the point, though, that she's, king there opinion with such wait for her to just eliminate that. Then overnight so for her to make this decision, though, in the next three small item assure you honey, you don't get abode. I will not let you can be nicer about and that honey you're you
Tell your mother, and I were the name of your children before there were born, because you were afraid your mother would roller ok, she's, because we don't get a vote. It's your freaking kid! You get to name the kid. We hope you don't name a moonbeam, my weight, but but you get to name the kid my mom goes. Oh god, don't name on anything weird. I tell you the baby names exactly you do you all all you said was a nice way. You don't get a vote, my kid in my body, I name it. You know and that's it healthy boundary know. But what do you say to Kate who doesn't she's really support of healthy boundaries? She does, but I think Have you information explaining why she's making this decision is not wrong? It's I don't I don't get a vote, they don't get a vote is on. They don't need to be provided only us now making our decision to do the emergency fund and pay off the mortgage, but I think it's too, really fine relation willing to go into her appearance and say: hey here's why I have chosen to do it. You don't get a vote, but here
Why unexplained that's wrong? You wanted okay but dialect alone. You didn't explain to your kid that you didn't explain to me why you bought a tesla and I still want to get gas anymore. I know, but I didn't you didn't offer you didn't, owe me an explanation now I don't. But if I was worried about it, I probably wouldn't give you an explanation, but I'm not worried about the care bear. It is Israel's boundaries. That's it you got, it was wonderful. I love it now. The bottom line is that what you want with your money, I would recommend, but we always recommend. We hope you do that and we love you anyway. The number one wealth building tool is your income for business owners. This comes as no surprise as you're used to putting in extra hours and watching your bottom line. That's why christian healthcare ministries or see hm is a great option,
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Welcome to nashville good to have you how much doubt if you paid twenty three thousand very good for you and how long did it take a year one year and your range of income during that time start out. Seventy six thousand and then was up to eighty one thousand who worked out. That was the twenty three. My car you're out of our level, the one that you drive, that I'll show you all been married fifteen years next month. Ok, What was the odd thing that happened a year ago that you should ok So I started relief about five years ago. My work had a lunch and learn about being financially fit and I'd never considered financial fit as just always physical, so I went to it and I was kind of intrigue and that kind of started the snowball from their so over next course of couple years? We cannot talk about like we were to be able to retire. I had put anything in retirement and probably ten to twelve years he was only put in and five percent and just like that, we needed to get our act together.
So I ve been prognosis, nervous and scared and covert came along and then Providentially, founder radio show started, listen and it took me a while to get to work as we used or credit cards and got her cash back and all that kind of stuff, and so the n rachel's boat notion, your money was coming out and the wallet, and so I had never use a debit card. I think I had wanted so that was my first debit carpet. And then, from that moment I was like we can't. I can't put credit cards in that wallet that are so proud of you, the motivation being done inside of it, and it distinguishes whether you have better credit than it destroys the radio bulletin. I love it. That's awesome, yep, that's amazing, okay, so you're! Not! Then you come back to cannes and yolo. Okay, I'm about to get us weird and what ginza well was all gung ho, and this was a little
it's kind of weird ass, it it and just canada. He was like we, we we, you have to have credit cards, everybody has credit cards, we we can't live without him. a little while before we got turn down a car company, because we didn't have a credit card with us, ride around this time. So I had to go home, get a credit card to put a deposit, get the car I'll knock. You gonna need a credit card for emergencies, but in all and now you're you're survive and without a? spanish, but okay, ok, so were severely debt. You guys had what was called the car that are you to go to guard the the downpayment on your it had always we had come. when did at got out. We by his track paid off early when in student, paid off with like a year or two in we just kept doing that and I knew really like inside, like that's, not how I want to live, that's not where I want to be, but we would keep going back to it. So, we'll, like you, work for the bank, yeah
yeah, and I had been listening when I would pick my girls up here. From school ever lesson from two to four. We would hear the debt free screams, and so I heard one that was almost exactly the same amount that we owed same amount of money, and I was just thinking- there's no excuse that we can do this. That's me, Amazing and then you guys did it- I mean you said Ok, we're gonna, do this so curious can well you say to the wife listening right now, who wants her husband on board? but he won't get on board. What was it that helped? You decide. Okay, we can do this and I'm gonna, I'm gonna jump in and we're gonna. Do this weird plan a paying off the car? well, it's really. Laura has really good intuition intuition and its. This is more her area. The man I'm an hour, Oh I guess it's really. Just you know. Do you really trust your your warm? I mean
I mean up until my job now I never even knew what my paycheck was something I never even looked at it, and so you know I just fully trust her in everything, and she thought this was a really good idea and so those kind of against my rayson. Ah, you know I'm on board. Everybody's rage against everybody is thereby rage to stay in that get in stay under your lie. That's how we were all taught us go good to how's. It feel now feels good great they like. It was just so apparent powering like we can do anything if something ban and are income decreased or one of us also job like we're gonna be able to manage. It will be: ok, any by journey on from the sidelines girls, mainly our daughter YAP. They were really big
we go to the store one of them. One had the grocery list and the other one would have a calculator and they'd be like mom or get close them out, though we can't put that in that's not on the list as good yeah. That's a great great exercise. I want to learn to say no to budget with it or to live within them an amount and make make decisions, because you gotta. Okay, if I'm going to put that in the buggy, I can't put these two things in the bucket. You gotta decide and you'd, have to do that. Your whole life really oliver stone so not just restored, but everywhere and that's that's the thing some way to go. You gas oil, proud of how you feel to be free. Wonderful, is good. I wish found it and start at centre. Will you go back and a dope done done are good for your very good well, let's bring the girls up to give us their names and age is please get. let's see an abbe in their birth. Ten. There twins o one also separate rules, mom's, a twin seller. You go good stuff.
Fine starve. We got a copy of baby steps millionaires for you how ordinary people build extraordinary wealth, how you can to that's an ex chapter in your story and be millionaires now you're, on your way you mega eighty but a year they pay much. You can do it very, very, very possible one. Third of the millionaires that we studied never made. Six figures silence very possible good stuff. Also got a copy of the book. The total money make over that. ten million folks are fallen. The do the stuff that you're doing the baby steps the whole thing if that away to somebody help them get started an I've got a copy of the financial peace university one year, subscript, If the eu, every dollar through the room she blushed subscription I'll give you that as well. You can go through the clash if you want, if you have already been through it, give it to somebody else. We want you to pay it all forward and give you some stuff to help some other folks, so why Well, you guys were very proud of y'all you're awesome, your heroes. Thank you well done! Well done good excuse to come over to nashville and hang out. Yes, I, like it good stuff, alright
Can I m laura and Ebby end like see from knoxville twenties thousand paid off in one year making seventy six to eighty one count it down. What's era that british grew three two one, very well, then you guys very well done nick, isn't obama Nebraska. I knew how can we know I have questions about it alone, thanks my call for sure so I can currently in college and live there. signed or you're smart about cancelling debt burden It will be forgiven if you have a federal stood alone. So I have to cycles. once technically little about from corinthian yeah squandered. Plus large. I promised to pay in bonds,
admire your mouse gone there both gone so one subject They are non daily statue enough. I want you gotta the process and we need to get government and work through it, but please standard ok Biden came out said I forgave five billion dollars worth of stern loanga. Both crappy did not. The stand. The procedure with a department of education is if a private college like corinthian college, goes broke the fairy Government has always cancelled. All student loans associated with that college live we ve done that that's a standard barton didn't do that it was gonna have or the bible and offers your troubles, an officer errors in office. It's it's the way the program works in so he wants like political credit forbidden under squat, so that by the debt is forget, the stupid college went broke, they ripped you off and you get your dad completely forget, now you have to go through that process. So yeah mathematically,
not paying any more on these debts and you're going to walk out of this completely but you're going to go through the paperwork and you have to deal with the department of education and the law, forms and do all the staff so that it goes away because it doesn't just poof disappear, as does do it.
It's a process like a series of paper paper and fill out their series of forms you fill out just like if you become disabled, your federal student loans are forgiven, but you have to go, prove the disability to fill out the paperwork. They don't just automatically. Call you up and go hey. I heard you're disabled forgiven. Now you gotta go you gotta, go make the thing happen: yep yep! This is the ramsay chef. The
Three mg personality number one best selling author is my co host today. So much crazy going on and people are looking for direction on how to handle their finances day to day, but they're also struggling to see if it's even possible to build wealth out there right now, our building wealth live event. Weren't to you through. The crazy. through all recession, talk high ass prices high. interest rates. How you gonna become wealthy its not! By going stupid, I can tell you that and getting in some kind of get rich, quick garbage we're going to show you had a really bill wealth in good times and in bad times, do that. These building wealth lab events would just finished up a couple of them. They were sold out in vegas sold out in orlando, the phoenix
Event is September, the thirteenth Sacramento november, the first minneapolis is november, the tenth and san Antonio november. The fifteenth they are all eighty percent sold. So if you want to calm you're, not gonna, build a wait until the fall to buy your tickets right before the event. They're gonna be gone, so we want you to you're tickets. Now so that you can We pull this off from a great rachel. Crucially, with me, george camel can comment, to John bologna. We can't wait. You guys. We love going out into the public, seeing human beings. We think this is important humans, to see humans, it's a good thing and at that event passionate started those twenty five dollars and get a for pact as low as sixty dollars bring your friends Be amazing. Get fora before you, buddy, let's go go to ramsey solutions not comes later. Events get your seats. Now our questions,
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from the sale, am I over reacting to this no you're, not overreacting, kate, you, as our still debt, ridden close to babies three, but until you guys are out of baby step three, you are selling things in order to get the cash from the sale to put towards debt not to go, buy new stuff, so no, I don't think you're overreacting. I think he's wrong in this. He can still here the things he has I still enjoy the hobby, but you don't have to go in and purchase new stuff right now, where you guys are at I wouldn't. I would wait till after baby step three. Then he can upgrades himself if he wants, He needs to sell stuff in order, but that money towards debt or towards the emergency fund not to buy, something new. That's the exact correct, de gaulle answer on what he should be doing. The problem with this If not what he should be doing. The problem with this is why acting like a little boy and you're, acting like his mommy. he needs to man up.
And decide that you and that the two of you as a couple like two freakin adults, are trying to occur should all together and then doesn't have to run whining for permission to buy a bow to go. Hunting. he needs to be participating in the vision of the household. Once he decides that the two view- are trying to accomplish a goal. That's worth it then, It turns around the other way and we start selling guns and hunting gear and begun guy and I have way too many of them. My wife is personal monetary is way too many of them, but none of those things are getting in the way of our future. vision that we have for the Ramsay household as a couple, because that's important than bunch of crap. purses and guns and bows and stuff that we all collect. Ok, so Oh it's not about. How can I help you steal,
be and keep the rule showing began. We keep these not, breaking the rules are not participating in the grown up. Discussion is the problem. You need to get your and gave her a noble, whatever participate in the grown up discussion. Yes, but he's not the one asking to clamp down on that point. I mahina another point k. It's not it's, not We throw a blow. whistle with stripe, shirt and throw a flag he's out of bounds, he's out about in not the both that he purchased the abandoned the fact that he even wanted to purchase the bow because he's completely not plugged into the bigger picture future the vision for this house and this couple: that's where he's out of bounds. So that's what I'm throwing the flag and that means that no, you don't upgrade your hunting equipment when you're in that, good god, no and I'm not listen, I'm all for you get your stuff guys. I want you to go. Do stuff, I go. Do gas stuff all Adam? I believe in it and it gets a big deal.
and if you wanna, go hunting and that's right, go hunting but got a bow and It wasn't a lack of a bow that caused you to miss that last deer. It was the fact you didn't grow up on it right as a problem. It was you not the it's, not the arrow, it's the guy shooting it. So there. We go now he's a k. I think, and whether or not this is that this I hear I hear you and I agree. I totally agree. Ok, but listen. There are people all their. There are millions before right now and about half of whatever half of whom are thinking I have a spouse like that, though I have my. Why won't do it for the point once you have to talk about, not the the discussion is not about the bow. Yes, the discussions about the vision and the lack of it, but if he will have died and that's a marriage issue really deep, because you are married to a little boy and not a man you're, to a little princess and not a woman cause you you step? Besides your spouse, you
your shoulder in the wheel and you left to go to the things that matter for your house and instead of just like how little cannot get away with where she won't nag me. Oh, my What are you gonna sit com? I mean go, like a red dish. No, no, no lack of vision from either she doesn't matter yeah, you're, right, it's and so you're. My point is it's not a it's not Hunting gear problem is the problem, and if you can of that. Then you really. at the core of it, you have a marriage problem, because I never tell you in any circumstance to baby sit your spouse, I you know where you are. If you're married to a woman like there, you just have to enjoy making money. Now you have to quit in a worse and deal with the power, one of her behaviour and you all at each other and go this is not causing us to win in If you see way a you're just a worse deal with
stuff, you know it's not be mad at you, but that you can. Not dance around it. Like you know. How can I, how can I manage our household in such a way to prepare divorce you can't you get divorced. It's a frequent financial nightmare, mean marriages, grand divorcee. Fifty grand you co. Uk half but do the stuff, because it's all this, national finances more personal than it is financed. Yes, all intertwined all intertwined. and for couples, though you know it's you a lot of you. Will they don't even have that discussion of? What's the vision of our of our of our household? Where do we want to be like? That's, not a It's not a normal discussion, but the input. The encouraging thing is to sit down at and and push into. The awkwardness like right, like if you've never had that discussion. It's going to be awkward, it's going to be flint like you're, not going to know exactly what you're doing, but the conversation start talking about it, because your point, it's not just the money issue,
your marriage changes, don't you guys get on the same page, and so there s something about changing the marriage and the outflow of that change. Marriage comes situation. Like a money situation that you guys then work together better, but a lot of people even sitting down having a discussion that doesn't bizarre those disks. not happen in some households and but you cannot fix, the hunting bow discussion with a hunting bow answer because a hunt Imho discussion is not the problem is the symptom. Yet the problem is we're. Not being grown ups aimed at a big noble, go, that's big enough to cause me to put
image. My items, my selfish thing that I want to add aside for a few moments so that we accomplish some bigger goals in my marriage and that selflessness, that's a that's a marriage! That's how marriages get healed. All the time and financial peace university yep I've had people tell me for years. Women have sex marriage counselor. Then we went through a pr. You saved our marriage because we force you to have a vision for the future. Together we're going to be up in your grill. This is the ramsey. The pay is rachel cruze. Co hosts on the ramsey show, if you wanted to your debt. Free scream, live on the show, visit, ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash debt, free scream, we'd love for you to come to nashville and tell them your story as ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash that the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network. Like the doctor, John baloney show mental health challenges in hurting relationships happen to everyone, but they don't.
Have to define I'm not your john bologna and I help people navigate through the messy things in their lives on the doktor. John bologna show. alongside you as you face parenting, marriage and other relationship, challenges and I'll walk alongside you should try to connect with people as you face depression, overcoming anxiety and learn how to change your life. Listen. I want you to be well list. The doktor John baloney
Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.