« The Dave Ramsey Show

You Have To Sacrifice Now To Win in the Future


Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should we sell our house to buy another one?"
  • "Should I buy my wife a new car?"
  • "My health insurance is $1500/month,"
  • "I'm a pastor, how can I increase my income?"
  • "Should I buy a $1m House"
  • "Pay off my house or focus on retirement?"
  • "How do I buy a house without credit?"
  • "Creating a budget for inconsistent income?"
  • "We loaned our son money that he won't pay back,"
  • "Should I tithe if I don't attend the church?"
  • "I'm having a moral conflict with my career,"
  • "Save extra in case my 529 runs out?"
  • "How do I discern if my new job is good or not?"
  • "Should we focus on finding good interest rates?"
  • "What should I do with an inheritance?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I ram situation. I am sure that is the gang and almost morgan has taken the place of the Bmw status. We all people build while work, they love and create amazing relationship which can common refugee personality. Oceans, can coleman, show an expert on rear and your job and boys subject out there today we're here to talk
think about your life and your money, the phone numbers triple eight, eight, two, five, five, two two five, the college free and some say the advice- is worth exactly what you pay for it triple eight. Eight two I five two to five star with baltimore there's our robin is their high robin. How are you I'm doing well, how are you d better than I deserve? What's up, thank you can take it call on my question today is my hope and agree on a home in berlin. Hoping coming soon, but we also have some get the word. Are you figure out the back next step for four for ourselves. Look why you moving one more thing: the other two bedroom and we have an eighteen month old barn and we would like to try for another baby I'll call you would like, better than I also work from home, but we do need like some type of office based or area and turn how much, have you got not counting your house.
not counting house. I would say that the fifty student long with an entire sorry. Fifty five and loans at fifteen credit card and what your household income that will be good for you. What do you do for a living I'm in a financial analyst and that have been worked in auto manufacturing. Well, your goal a moving up in house to have a little more room for your family is a great go and it's a reasonable go think we can agree. It is a want and not a need ok, I think you could get on a need, is, shall ter you have shelter, you have won by we and the two bedroom house everything's. Ok today, but it be nice to move up, maybe not, But I'm not saying you can't do a one hour spent money on once. I'm ok with that, but we
classify were really is now the number one building wealth. The number one wealth building tool that you have is your income and when you send it all to Sally, may it's very difficult, a bell wealth, and so before you buy once you get your House, in order, no pun intended and that means you get these debts paid off of arm you, I'm rolling up my sleeve, I'm gonna work as me it is I can work, I'm gonna live on nothing, animal. got these debts a ass, a p and on this problem like you, eighteen months and that's living on beans and rice, eighteen months, it's suggesting in the house for now stay in the house and get out of that. before you spend money on luxuries, which is a move up in houses, a luxury.
Your family is not going die. If you don't move up in house, it would just be a really nice thing to get to move up in house. That means it's a luxury, not a need. Yeah, immediately uncomfortable and I get a lot of things expensive, A baking pan, open. It. Thirteen hundred a month and doing here is more than your option is to move up in house and keep the debt and you'll be stuck in the middle class rift your life could drug dealing with your issues are, Should it become wealthy, If you, when you move up and how sugar move up in house payment, now your butt it's gonna, be even tighter. Cause may also nature on bed room, sir robin you do make it good point? You can cut expenses. So what can we do? to reduce the childcare cost? Gotta? Look at it for eighteen different angles where there is a will? There is always an old phrase, and in this case yes, thirteen hundred ozma for childcare,
That's a lot, and it's more than your mortgage, you said so I would absolutely be doing Dave said, but finding ways to make more money and reduce costs, which means you take that eighteen months, as Dave say, with rice and beans with more income, we add the more intensity. We add a quicker. You get out of this day. And now we can begin to think about the future, but your focusing solely on the now right and we protect your call, show guys, talk to our staff here, tormentor team members Monday morning, doktor by law, but on the other day, but its work better, repeating. Can that here What I'm always going to give you I'm out gonna give you the hard path on the short term, because it the easy path in the long term I'm never going to give you the easy path in the short term, because it's always the hard path in the long term easy, for her in the short term, is go by nicer house.
She stuck in the debt or budgets, even tighter she's gonna struggle, to be able to bill wealth and find money to save and invest for kids college and for their in return. investing and be able to get the housemaid paid off may kicked out and the other is that debt kicked out. That's what, Normal people do they buy whatever they want whenever they want it, like they're in congress and normal normal finances in america, suck you don't wanna be normal, it's awful and so what you want to be is unusual. You want to be weird, so one of the greatest compliments you get on the shows have I call you weird means you're being you're doing hard stuff to death. easy life long term. It's always harder to work out and avoid a downright. Then it is to just pop don't touch in your face. Believe me, I know I have the ability to eat untold infant numbers of direction, one setting
and I have to curb that appetite, but at its heart it's easier than walking around with all the diseases of obesity right well, you know the minds. This is a mindset, so lot of people. Think of this type. Of rice and beans, gazelle intensity. That dave that we teach as a sacrifice and I think it's worth shifting that mindset from thinking of it as a sacrifice think of it as an investment that the price to be paid. Yes, I am investing I might have in relation to a better life. That's it and you ve got invest in yourselves. So stop thing. It has all its drudgery. Oh we gotta sacrificing olga, there's, no, ok! Here's! We do this this yield long term yield long term impact long term. return on my investment, not my sacrifice, but I'm investing in me, my family, our future, a body might huge negative article written about anybody? Mangoes, like madam I'm so sorry, innocent or bit surprised mission
to be diverging. How pay the price is awesome. I don't wanna, be somebody else. Like me life's good, I got a crate life, and if all that means is some idiot left wing journalist thinks I'm a capitalist, pig and quickly. unified me as such and then then have at it baby? That's the price of admission to be dave, a throw! Let you know. What's on, what's the price of admission to be wealthy? What's the price of admission to raise great kids price? What mission to look at your drunk friend, and so you need to get off the saucer screw up your life, it's harder to have the conflict and is go along by him. Another round hard is easier than easy, always turns out to be hard as your weapon, your mail in it in you're not pay a a price. This is the ramses this
soda, sponsored by better help, haze, doktor john bologna- and I talk about this all the time I love love new year's resolutions. I love the idea of everyone taking a moment to reflect consider some ways. Your life is going well and consider some things you like to be different and Importantly, setting place, actual steps you can take to heal and improve your life. This might be making exercise or sleep a priority, doing weekly budget with your spouse or, like I did last year, making therapy and important and intentional part of your new year and if you're thinking of in therapy try better help because there it, isn't just for people who experience trauma or who are able to function therapy You find your strings over personal challenges in practice, new ways of living and working to be the best version of yourself. Better is flexible enough to fit your schedule, because it's completely online just fill or questionnaire to get match with the license? Therapist you can switch therapists at any time for no extra charge celebre.
The progress you ve already made and income Break new changes this new year with better help, is it better health dot com slashed aloni today to get ten percent off your first month. That's better help aid, the lp dot com slashed aloni, can't coleman ramsey personality? Is my co host open phones aaa eight to five five, two to five jackson, kansas city, hey jack? How are you I'm doing very well how you do it better than I deserve? What's up, had a question about purchasing a vehicle in today's climate. For my wife it would amount to purchasing to vehicles at the same time, basically. Okay, so riddle me this. What are you talking about I've been driving a vehicle for about twenty years, because my everyday vehicle
I inherited it from my father brand new. Basically, brand new and the debt. diagnosed with a terminal illness in passing soon after and so loud was about and a half years ago had been driving a car Subaru, race, car, long story, short I've been taking it. Only the dealers and my local dealer kind of wrecked the last time they service that tried to install a clutch. And destroyed the transmission. Get a buncher damage and italy We will carefully show there Hey you from the car They we made a deal. We came to a deal. avoided anyone going to court and soda the me a new car. and a bunch of money off on a basically to many equivalent of the value of the other car.
But a little bit all right. Thank you will bear with me. I'm sure lunged margin in that thank customer margin in them. Their idols show you're getting a brand new subaru, yes show that that deals done all these model, basically that the oda What are you spending and then, when you spending on that car gonna cost about twenty five thousand: what's your household income. our household income is about. Two hundred and they want to spend one on your wife's one, twenty. So here's the deal so bad, and he told me I told him my wife me some work on her vehicle as well then, and he said he give her the same deal given me. If I want to buy so. I wasn't thinking about getting her one before he said that
he's going to give you the price of your old car off of your wife's and your car, or just a good price. If you're going to give me all the money you've given me off my deal and he said, he'll do the same thing for her I'll, give her the same money off as this electric car just come. He feels that he says. What I the ambush man you? How much did they give you for your own car the old car? It's leaking out of the head now? How much money did they give you for your own car out for my old car You better give me about four, four thousand for my car Ok in one day, and then they knocked off number more than they knocked off. How much more do up another three ok showed: gonna, seven thousand off another subaru. If you bought two in a row, basically in your wife is driving. What now in the that's, what's it worth that one hundred it
worth about seven or eight except It's gonna have the mickey had gasket across the floor. So such gonna, it's going you're gonna, build, sell it for five right now? If you don't fix it, if you fail, it'll show. Maybe our aid yeah yeah. I guess yeah, it's just it's drivable, which has got a leaky head. It's an old, her african schubert. Now what is your network or file? Where's, your network network, I just did a calculation like the are, if I go by just net worth at about two hundred and thirty, Well then, I guess: to an equity idling lashed to pay for all these cars now well. Only if I take money out of a law account or something so now we're not buying these tires are buying as we have the cash to pay for one car, hooker, hooker, but my mother's been telling me. You know
Maybe I should be buying some reliable cars for the? Maybe you sure, but maybe you shouldn't be going and taking your retirement money out to do that. You probably I'm going to pass on that, I'm going to pass on the second one cause. I don't recommend people buy new cars that go down in value like a rock, except for in the ass twelve months, much unless they have a network of in excess of a million dollars, because that way you can accept a blow on that site. I would cite up some money and by your wife, a better car that is used, and I would forego this sweet dealers offer it is really not that great an offer anyway. It's ok offer, but it wasn't like he gave you like half off the stink your son. He basically gave up his margins as what he did and he's got you on the hook for more work in them.
And everything else in the in the shop. But now I I I'll pass on the second one. I would save up and buy her a better car and pay cash for it, and I would not cash out my retirement, but we don't borrow money to buy cars. We don't buy cars where the total of all your It causes more than half your annual income and I don't buy brand new cars unless they're a million dollars unless you have a million dollar net worth or greater and here's. Why? Because they go down in value, and you need to be concentrate on things that go up in value and and in this situation, Go and fix the super for the wife and then said bob save up, you're gonna get a decent man. I think Dave your right and it gets seven or eight forty fixed up and then put that into the savings and all of a sudden we've upgraded pretty substantially without any kind of debt it is doable and people get the in and out, don't fix. thousand dollar cars are the dealership either no which six thousand dollar cars are independent, mechanics where the cost is about half of what it is to fix a car dealership and so on
brand new vehicle and whatever, and you spend a ton of money on it. You make a lot of money and you want to And for the dealer service, it that's one thing, but you don't take a six now not our current head gasket job into the dealership, europa double what you pay with an independent good mechanic shopping around, so some shopping around I'm not doing it now a super with a hundred thousand miles is just get warmed up. I took em at our mind. Moving up and now you can fly bobo forgotten, The federal law to wife gets the good car exactly the federal law. So that mean she gets the new. When you get the one with the bus, they had gasket yarmouth trade cars out. So the show that works, marriage thing they're, just helping you open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five dylan's witherspoon, scranton, pennsylvania, Dylan, our you good afternoon until very well. Are you today.
better than we deserve, sir. How can we help good? So I have a general question. I took a job with a church in philadelphia last year in september. They offered me a sixty thousand dollar salary, but it's basically a package deal I'm currently twenty three. years old. I'm married. I do on a house with my wife repurchased in december last year and basically part the deal. Is that right now, I'm on my parents insurance, but the church does offer full how insurance for medical. but I'm gonna lose a king thousand dollars of my salary so that just paying me by eighty thousand dollars, currently and bringing home like fifty eight, thousand dollars. I will europe be fifteen hundred dollars a month. I have no
cool, and I I had worked for walmart prior to this end, I know the family insurance was a lot cheaper and I'm just trying to navigate how to approach this, because I don't wanna get two years so, basically from now two years from now a going to lose eighteen thousand dollars of my salary due to health insurance, small church. Not quite it's a larger church, they employ three hundred fifty people that you have a for school, the new plan, Sherlock, ass, bad, but here too yeah. I have to to prepare for this. So the reason I wanted to get your professional advice on this was that I'm trying to navigate watch abuse, currently I am pretty caretaker and I'm an approach.
to literally every trade, so I'm learning mackay it's. I'm learning plumbing electrical everything with this job. Do you want to be fully industry or do you want to add? One of these trades is a part time gig to supplement, which one I think my desire is to be full time ministry then do the trades on the side to make up for the decreased costs of insurance get two years to figure. This deal out. Go shopping on the health insurance should begin by the independent, margaret cheaper to route stay in the ministry sheet. That suits you want to be, and don't let health insurance drive you out of your dream. Job. Checking your family comes with important responsibilities and potential pitfalls, because self, The in today's world is more complicated than ever. That's why the? U s concealed carry association is giving away one of their most popular resources right now for free, it's called the complete,
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I and your range of income during that time range about seventy thousand to about one hundred and thirty thousand, for both of us, okay, cool and what kind of debt was the one hundred thousand it was. sleep student loans, debt or sally may. Take a while to get her out. I also tell us the story: what happened here so we got a call the euro show so so we we move the use them and bought a big house, a big house. Was that above four thousand square feet, and I started a new job there and a buddy of mine at cobra at work. He went around and he was bathrooms. Hey you guys. I got this. I got this audio thing and he started to read down on our computers. I listen to it and was a vintage
university is a apparently pirated copy of it, so yeah it'll work, but we started listening and we were like wow we're we're doing that wrong. Doing that wrong and there's a way better way that yeah, it was like one thing right after the I was like, oh man, this makes so much sense. Why why why, virus so stupid, assuming a huge chart on the back of her bedroom door that had all one hundred little steps that we needed to get to a hundred thousand dollars and we just got fired up when we started pay it off in paying off in paying off We did great at the beginning, and then I started having these. We spells road. Forget things so we went to after I found out that I had epilepsy ooh and tried a couple of medications, and then they didn't help. So then we went and got an m R I and found out that I had a brain tumor, others that
So then we were like. Ok, you stop the net snowball. You just stockpiling money right and you get ready, and so I had the brain tumor taken out and then we find out that if you do it on purpose and you see give up your money. It takes a good two, three months to get the bill and time we just paid off the bill with cash instead of adding to the debt like we had our whole lives One of the debts that we had was the birth of her daughter cayley this little blonde over here, but with her we knew we were pregnant at took nine months to baker, up an oven and then nine months later we still had painted off and that's how you re living before we get a brain tumor out of the blue and by the time they'll comes, we just pay it off That's a nice thing to have all your pricing, something that severe one doesn't stop there. You know afterward the brain tumor we found out. There's other complicate,
since that happened. You know she had lost. You know when they took it out. She lost sensation that half the half of her face, so she couldn't feel what was in her eyes. So she had an eye surgery where they, after the nervous were into her face from right and then no she couldn't hear so or actually she could hear too. Well, I guess is the thing so three surgery ear surgeries later. She now has much better hearing this was like a year later in the year later, so that we could pay out of pocket max every year, but that It can sallie Mae down the road a little bit because you're dealing with health stuff exactly always seen the way that the little engines that could now like we were on the debt snowball plan. We wanted to do it, but all these things kept coming up. Much more important, take care of you, then sally yeah, and then We crushed her car gotten a head on a collision and of
then, why not? Why not well- and that was that was our first car that we bought with cash because we had to we had to upgrade from the little tiny sedan that we had, because we had six kids. Now so we bought it, we bought a minivan, a used, minivan It total that and then I was informed about later, that I was put on notice for lay off. Of course, it all happens all at once, but I'm country song, man, unbelievable, and so you know people tell you like yeah. I started the ramsey and it's a good idea and stuff, but then stuff happens in life and you can't just follow it and we were like baloney. We don't do that. Even if we have six bodies and a car that only fifty five we're gonna make do we're gonna, buy a car with cask, as we don't do that anymore. So so we ve got a brand when our brain of earth it was new to us it was it used car that had forty thousand miles on it. We were in a more buses with with the cash
we needed in order to get it paid for without one into dead at all. So many naysayers kept saying yes just just get alone, one you can do it it's just it's just a car. I decided not to and then that the medical journal just kept going on. So I guess what was a total of user? Then they said for epileptics these things stone, your brain, and it will help turn it off had brain surgery again and then it didn't work some in the next year. They said we can just go in and take that chunky brain out, and we said and by this point he was like ok we're putting our out of pocket max in our I just keep doing get year after year, and then it didn't work. If I'm just that patient, but luckily he said we can do, we can put the thing back in your brain, but I can't imagine how it would have been if this doktor was like there's something else. We can try to help. You cause your difficult patient, but you haven't paid your bill from last year. you know cause that's the way we were eleven before we did. The rand
plan, but this way we pay with cash and when they had something else that low had tried held on five surgery or six. How many was at seven I've been told, haven't total is nine, not totally nine foreign wandering the last one along those last october, this lunatic I was born in october, so how you don't overall now I still am to see. You too weak but the thing is: what would it then like, if every time we needed a surgery or never time I needed to change medications we had to about money like now not a problem, while you're doing all nine surgeries. You go ahead and pay off sallie Mae and have some kids and live land fix a head on and get laid off and your own. I wish weird the little engine that could do the thing I think more now that you just didn't quit yeah. Oh my gosh, unbelievable heart. and I just this- is the question just a comment. I hope the audience is paying attention this you at financial peace
amidst still pay off the debt you know it is the fact that you guys press pause, but the ability to do that. Dave I mean- you know the heading paid off all the debt, yet still cashflow, stuff very amazing, huge you as our something else very, very well done what you tell me. But the key to getting out of bed is to not paid for christmas. With your december paychecks, very prescriptive. I'm also going to tat you never quit. Slugger Winston churchill speech never quit never network where Once we got the budget, it was just nice to be able to say this is how much we need for new school clothes, and this is how much we need for christmas, and this is how much we need for out of pocket max anti encase tammy needs have brain surgery and I'm the free spirit. And now the thought of not having a budget is scary to me because, unlike but and a monthly budget meeting, Chauvelin It is, I don't know anything about. The medical part of this does stress. Add to that
likelihood of you have an episode. Yes, The reason is that she says no, but I say ask as I see it. So the fact that you don't have financial stress in the house is probably helping queues, and its allowed us to focus on the things important, these four right here in our relationship with each other, her health air health area. Instead of focusing on money, on this material stuff that consume so many people's lives, but carbon monoxide stupid gore, while you guys are for amazing, you, your inspiring, while our bring the kiddos up what are their names and ages. I can see your healing high and they are thirteen, eleven, nine and seven. Alright, very good. We've got a copy of baby steps. Millionaires for you, that's the next chapter in your story and you guys have quite a story, but the the little train that didn't quit for sure without a doubt also got
copy of a new pirated financial peace university version- and I will let you watch it legally this time and available will ramsay plush it's online now and we'll give you a one year subscription. So you guys can go through a brand new videos on this and there the we ve ever done the clashes of best its ever been and all these years And I also a copy of total money makeover, so all right gang counted down one hundred thousand paid off in eight years, while they take quite a journey from seventy to one hundred and thirty counted down. Mature debt free scream kid against winning three two one What sites.
Hi, guys, whether you're starting on a card table like I did or well on your way to becoming a multi million dollar company net sweet, can help your team communicate and plan ahead better like they do for ramsay. Let me tell you that sweet really helped us get our systems together and more than thirty, seven thousand other companies also usenet sweet to know their numbers and their business better so check out now. wait today and find out how they can help. You become the business you want to be five or thirty years from now and right now, you can download nets which free kpi checklist designed to give you consistently excellent performance at net sweet. dot com? Ramsay, in common rams. Your personality is my co host today match and fury pennsylvania man are you I grant you doing better than we deserve, sir. How can we help yeah through my wife, I were twenty three years old, you got me,
wait till you twenty one and I'm a youth pasturing. She works customer service jobs that she can stay at home and picture, our baby, we're on baby steps, poor, five and six, and we both button ever had any dead, except for a mortgage. Why to go? We both have always thank you appreciate. We both have I always enjoyed listening to you and calling your program, but we recently took F you and we left it feeling super inspired to like pay off our debt bar. How do we currently have? eight thousand left on it and it's a fixed fifteen year mortgage. But I don't want to just wait fifteen years for it. I don't want to just I don't want to drive, you know what I mean yeah, I'm in, and so You talk about the importance of having a big shovel to pay off debt and someone who getting started. His career ended. In finish, I don't have a huge shovel and my my question, is. How can I wisely increase by income while balancing the responsibility and calling being a pastor to pay off our house good for you,
of the questionnaire. My my dad was a pastor and many times in our childhood or adolescence. He would have to. Is he passed her small church said small income, and now opportunity? He would have to add thanks had so, you know, dad was very good with the construction work things of that nature. So my, I thought would be. Where do you have some talent skill that You can immediately put to work so you get some premium something premium to offer based. a time you can get so how many hours we could you give like I do. I could you evenings and then fridays and saturday two may be like a realist we may be twenty hours darling. So we start there. I've got twenty hours max, what can I do? But what I do that will allow me to make some money quickly because we're talking about our work right now I'll can make twenty bucks an hour if you're stuck in shelves. You know a wall mortar target, but what
skill at you have right now that you know you can get paid for I really like you work with people like talk with them, then I am I'm pretty I'm pretty relational. I can't say I'm stupid andy, but I'm learning it out. I'm twenty three, I'm really you know I I you must have more scrappy than anything I'll, just I'll do whatever it can do so leave your degree. I mean you went to seminary. Did you have another degree other than seminary nights? So it's a it's a it's a he's pastoral degree right after our leadership perfect, yet oh it's just a matter poking around and figuring out what you could do that you make the most per hour on the short term. I honestly my general rule is always unkind. Entrepreneur we also always move towards some kind of self employed. Anything else. get me something is silly, is walking down her pet sitting and
thirty bucks an hour doing at an maybe people do their debt free screams on here that have done that. The great news is you're way ahead. You're a you're thinking about is be you only o, forty eight thousand hours. Will you go this house in two years here of extra We got the goal, that's what I want, but I mean extra income. It's just a matter of how much you guys want to get jacked up about this, and then she saw them Other question is, you know: but I can say, is true: the data that we are working with churches all across amerika. We worked with seventy five thousand churches now over the past thirty years and data that we have is somewhere around eighty two, eighty five percent of pastors by vocational most churches or not of size that they can even support the senior pasture full time, in general, the movement away. The church movements been in america and
traditionally the worship, passion use past or starve to death So you get into a mega church or something right, and so with your ear. You know you in your calling me it's gonna be a few years before your calling page. You substantial amount of money. Now, you're calling does develop, though particularly your oratory scales. If you become a great preacher, you may yet some sad gigs speaking at youth conferences and other things you know filling in for Pastor here are their pulpit ministry, that kind of thing and even later own. Maybe some writing. So a lot of after supplement their incomes within the calling and then some just simply are you know they have a bread, rout Adona. Outlay delivered to offer truck genuine. They work you bs or whatever that whatever it is, you do but You know the good news is you're willing to work and, like you should scrappy in oslo I'll take scrappy over six degrees any day.
Six crappy or get her down and there's so much opportunity right now day for somebody who scrappy so you know Look I'd! Look at people based work! Does twenty are blocking at that time of day that you look so this is just the hunters Dave set you have limited hours and you have a limited time during week. So what are we looking at people based, yorkshire would be great say. The customer service work, but if little fashioned delivery or waiting tables. I would do that exactly nick, where those in salt lake city, nick. How are you gonna do better than we deserve what's up, so I did that. the question for you guys, We have an opportunity in a wife to buy a house, but The problem is that if a million dollar house by two rundle properties inside the house would bring in around five grand a month
and so the more it would only be around for that now the monk and we can make potentially around five gb be a smart you to buy that house, not everyone on the rent of by the bill to Let me know you're, just not unaware ought to know where you are in the last three years but in some areas, rent evict someone for not paying for six months, the pandemic, during which time you would have been foreclosed answer. Yeah, so they are the same as those that do you drove raw pass and in her dead, dumpling us it I did by it. Curious because were always prepared to do from certain people that were kind of innocent. The thing is, though, that it's not like a typical rental, if they're being beaten, they have a three year, that's even more attractive or they're, bringing one I've seen worse, because now we've got cities passing laws, not allowing air bnb cars are invalid. No zoning,
why were you hesitate you just They the whole thing you're feeling pray. for some people that you and your wife respect by time is a lot of influence over you and yet your hesitant. What where you hesitant about? I just seemed like your opportunity, but also dunno. If we can make it work there's a lot more risk here than the people pressuring. You have any concept of Verona what the flip they're talking about. No, I'm not gonna tell you to do this deal based on this. I think you do and I think you're gonna get yourself in trouble and top of that. you're living in a house with other people can't defeats the purpose? Man I want to live in a hotel. I buy hotel. No, thank you. just you know all in the name of I can make a buck out all, real estate, a good investment all rose there s, not a good investment rules it is a good investment all
Education is not a good investment. Education is a good investment, but stupid forms of real estate and stupid forms of education manoeuvring Degree in german poker history or medieval left handed puppetry, but that doesn't mean you're gonna end up being anything but a barista, and that stupid education and when by real estate leverage it up to your eyeballs and you say whether renders a gun pay. The rent that stupid but I've got had rendered for thirty years and these tests and I'm don't pay. Sometimes they go in chapter thirty bankruptcy is a pandemic moratorium on mom vote on evictions. You're sit norm and I do not have enough undo the pandemic greatest chose to not pay because The government told him they could and then, when you do finally get them out they can you tell him better you gotta. Beware of the influence trap. What you just heard folks happens to all of us at some point or lives of careful and p, that we respect and love dearly that are stupid. Who'd, yes, but yet they tell
it's a good idea and something in our this young man. He said we are hesitant about it. He didn't feel right about it, but the influence of peace We have no idea what you're talking about made him think we'll g as they said, it's a good idea. Maybe I should consider thankful. He called the show today read some articles about what's happening to air bnb politically and a whole bunch of markets, they're getting their face, smacked man in their hands and everything else smack, and so you can read you you build your whole pro forma based on air bnb performance. You can really get yourself an attractive, don't do it don't do it? Those are the ramsey show
What is your boy? Am she solutions which the rams asia would better dom cage is gaining in? The pay of mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw out those tat, a simple choice. We all people build wildly words that they really love and create an amazing relationships. Can carbon ramsay personality owes to begin pullman trope number one best selling author is microloans today, as we talk about your life, your career,
and your money open phones at triple eight eight to five five at two to five reed is with us readers in san antonio texas. I read: how are you How did they hate campaigns gave him a calm got to be on the show sure? What's up? Oh, yes, My wife and I got married about nine months ago, really excited and we are thinking of buying a house, and we are adamant about not in any sort of credit card, a credit score. Now. How do we do that? you just have to have a mortgage company that does what's called manual underwriting, like churchill mortgage that sponsored us here for Almost thirty years here on the rams you show they do manual underwriting manual underwriting, is what I used to do before was, if I go score like when I first got the real estate business, simply means that they in the days now we wouldn't exactly this way today, but in the old days we would mail the mortgage company would mail a visa.
o d request to you bag of verification of deposit to see. If you have money in the account, do your downpayment they would send a veto e to your employer, a verification of employment. Europe employer would write down and say: yes, she works yearners. What makes send it back to the more It got me. I was all snail mail in the old days ripe and thereafter They actually went around in there. They do they check with your landlord and they looked at your credit bureau. Port and saw what was actually on the credit bureau report was being paid work pay the bills that you have on time and you don't have any bills on the credit bureau port they assumed. You were smart because you are in instead of dumb night like to fight, goes courses you're dumb. If you don't he built because it's only a measure of how much you play kiss you faced with the bank The but that's as what manual underwriting as it means they manually, actually have to verify that the human being is capable of paying the note,
and arm. Then you can get the mortgage and same exact rate, not no more no less than a regular figo score right the differences, if you ve, got a seven hundred and fifty five go score. A monkey can make that loan that you look at the number go bubu big ok, then there's absolutely zero analysis. Ok, then! they depend on the analysis that was created the create, if I go score to be their analysis, which is part of what caused the crew. Action, two thousand acres we were loaning people with I fight goes gorge money who were we broke and at all, but you're broke people buying houses and it caused the two thousand eight crash. That's not as much now, but one thing for has gone and worked on their algorithm. Does it sucks, but its mathematically unpalatable, but All that such an issue for model so box, but yeah you can get a mortgage just go to mortgage company that
You know it does manual on writing banners in norfolk. Virginia I been what's up. Thanks for taking a call, appreciated, chirrup, what's up So my wife and I are be finishing- a baby said three january. Twenty twenty, three thirty seven retiring from the military in five years, right now we have income enough to so much down on our house. The weak inhabit paid off and eight years, but I would not be able to do that. Fifteen percent of my girl and come into retirement, sounds wondering what your boss round that, even though I'd be gaining a mode engine at five years, if I could play catch up on return later and just get the house pit of super fast or do you know actually put a baby sector in that situation? What you'd tell people MR byrne: catch up
the thanks for your service by the way we appreciate your shirt so The good news in the whole story, your actually thinking. most people don't bother. We have a whole population full of frequent zombies. They just go on and do whatever amazon mastercard apple tells them to do. And then they, google, it and Google tells them are smart. and another is true by the way show on the ear, actually using thinking skills waited go dude, I'm so proud of you I'm not I'm not be an issue. She really argued that if you pay keep paying attention like you're paying attention, you're gonna be fine, even if you don't perfectly day the way I would do it? Ok, you're gonna be fine, because ninety we're gonna be, but winning as they pay attention shop I would not do that Get out of debt like your planning, and in january I start putting much as you can aside for a down payment until you ready to buy when you buy, but the house. fifteen year fixed and far sighted,
Fifteen percent of your income towards retirement and yes, you're gonna have a wonderful military retirement which I'm very happy the taxpayer to pay. You thank you for your service. a few things. I actually think we do well out of out of sea, but gap I want to say, stay in order to follow the order. because you're going to be in such good shape. What do you plan to do in retirement from the military would set nick chopper? Look like yes, a hundred percent sure, but I'm looking at I finished my NBA a few years ago and some of them, then the project management may be financial advising I'm not sure yet so the point is, is everything Dave said: amen, amen, amen, but you by doing this way- you're talking to your pay, your house off, because you're gonna have it income harmony for the built her, but you gotta be making money and in you're gonna, have a wonderful ladder for fun. Your growth at a very young age. So
you can do all of those things just follow the order, the baby steps- and I think in the long run, you're gonna be glad. But- and here too I think your income is not static. Now and your your numbers you're running our based on static income, so right. Dear income increases out and then you're guessing what you're doing you leave the military, but you keep rejecting that out. You're, probably still graham and also for eight years. That's another but it might be ten, but ten is just fine, the again but How's, your focusing you're thinking you're thinking outside of the night, motive, stupid but stuff that people do in this broke culture, you know you're, not just click prime all day long and in one or more you're broke and arm you're just be smart showed that that makes all the difference in the world. You ok, over nationalism,. interviews- and I do- and I don't believe it comes up. What's the number one mistake, people make money in america,
and they always want another figure, amongst my credit card that match, that's what I'm leaving got reginald how life insurance has an adverse too many to have one right. But what really? What happens is that the answer is is not paying attention. because no one shuts down goes hey I wanna be stupid, must really was stupid, looks like but we want or allowed a zombie come on more than a car. You know you imply abash boat, my god well and show that this is what happens when people don't pay attention anything that, if you're in a win at anything winning is an intentional act. You want a winning your marriage. You have to intentionally embracing gauge the process of being married. You want to raise good kids, it's not accidental! It's a lot of work because they're weird, you know, I mean it's just a problem, so everything you win at you've gotta be intentional. This is the ramsey show
The current times have shown us anything. It's that everyone who has a family counting on them needs term life insurance for over twenty five years. The only insurance company I've recommended is Zander insurance. Not only do they search all the top term life plans to find you the best rates, but you can now apply completely touchless over the phone or the internet. They also have plans with super competitive rates that don't require an exam allowing you to get the coverage. You need faster, go to zonder, dot com or call eight hundred three five, six, forty two eighty two gentlemen ramsay personality borne by showing also the book pay check. Their purpose is Michael. Today's question today, sponsor by neighbourly your hub, for home services as the weather, warms up neighbourly help you find local service prose, like the grounds guys, five star painting and mosquito Joe, which We need in nashville
to turn your? We ve cut mosquitoes, decisive eagle, sheer and how to turn your outdoor space into your favorite space and help you find all the help you need at neighbourly, dot, com or so honour to have them as a sponsor. Now April, is national financial literacy month all month long teachers and students in classrooms across america are taking the time to talk about the portance of learning, mummy skills. Today's She goes from Alex in minnesota. How do you create a budget that works when you are young and income is inconsistent and unpredictable. So, on this one day we ve got a young person. Presumably a student who doesn't have a lot household expenses he's living at home, potentially an what we want to focus on. There is what are your expenses, water, mom and dad required here? You ve given gas money.
But out with some of your insurance, whatever. That is what are your spinning habits, things you're saving for, and I think the budget there Dave is kind of created around that when you don't have a livelihood of the four walls that we teach exactly economically and that's what we each kids, students in the high school curriculum foundations and personal finances taught in forty. Percent of the high schools in america. Now our high school curriculum is and what we teach their alex's, exactly what can set europe. Of doing a budget when you're in high school or junior house go either. One is not, become wealthy. to become a master budget person. It's a start, to build the muscle telling your money. What to do instead of wondering where it went. which, by the way, is all about it also devise a plan and follow it. Children, regardless of their age, do what feels good,
So if your fifty two and you do it feels good. You are, by definition, emotionally a child. Your immature I give survey oh shut up deserve anything you haven't earned that you deserve it. You're not. Titled to a new car I work show, hard, all real you're, the only one you weiner acacia it's a child? regardless of if there are twelve or their fifty two and we hear them all the time saying stuff like that. Well, you know, yes, I do now have done at all, I'm all, ok and so have seen it all heard it all the thing itself the whole thing you're Alex's to get you the other side of that and say as an adult cover training, young people to be good adults and training, Young people to be good adults, involves telling your money what to do instead of wondering where it went, and so all you do is go this month or I wanna buy or by september. Ok, I wouldn't do that.
Yeah, and so you begin to go cave if it's a five thousand dollar car, my mom and dad are going to match whatever I come up with. So let's say they are going to match your twenty five hundred, and you begin to Sarah. How much money do I need to make that five months at a five hundred bucks I gotta get after it, and this is interesting dave what I love about financial literacy and something that you just said. I want to add to The reason we have movements right now: a law among a lotta young people on social media. It's called the anti work movement is being they ve never been taught real financial literacy This young man, you take this question were here and it begins. stay on what we just said to him. He began, to tell us money what to do. The budget is Davis laid out. Here's. What happens individual responsibility flourishes when you get taught, You can have enough money, but this anti, work movement. All this junk that out is coming from young people who have never been taught. how to manage their money and They don't have enough and then again to say I work too hard. I don't have enough money, I want.
Government to supply me the money in a much more. make this political cause. It's not it's actually, sociological. When you christina handle money as a young person with what we do. Should financial literacy motherly we're doing patrol your destiny day? Dave you get off your little, but and then they become hard workers because they go. I like what money allows me to do It can be generous. I can be helpful though I can be calm. I don't have to be pissed off all the time, that's true, not right in all This is all goes together, see I thought, the anti war movement was because college professors were students of Karl Marx, and had passed that along the college students and reinforce the fact that they got a partition, ocean trophy instead of keeping score they were playing soccer and they were sitting. Will you just nailed? The two other reasons right, but the reasons. Those message stick because when you don't have any money in your broke, those messages make more sense now, but to somebody who's got money, you go when he talk about that's a paper,
if, however, as long as you know it's more fun to score, there's that use do right. I mean you know how to be a united the psychologist. To figure this out. You smile more when you score than when you don't score. Well go score, that's what work is it score. Conscious score is what it is just go score. Yeah go put the ball in the hoop man, it's what you do right, and and you're gonna, have more joy and more dignity and more choices. When you do that, Alex has not got, problem. He's gotta ask a question, right right now is a great young man and so I mean we got a lot of great young people out there. That's right, but we do have a group of participation. Trophy graduates are, are intent on making mediocrity their goal and it's a problem. It is, and by the way, this is what leads to credit card debt. All time, high stool. Loans. All time I I've gotta rely on somebody else too.
give me money so that I can get the life I want, and that is counter to own. It leads to record numbers of twenty eight year old living in their mothers basement seven million men not working because they like their jobs to and as the lady on CBS news. That said, the other day, that's highly unattractive yeah, it's right or to get a date. Yeah, it's true! It's true! You don't feel real. Inaudible culture, not he's a dream, daddy yeah! That's if only does, is right. It means you're gonna live in my basement, you're dating a dreamer. God help me yeah I'd love for you to say he's a doer. Please tell me, the doer. Yes, he has big dreams and he's doing things to make those dreams come true that I like I like that So this highly attractive terms Mediocrity is really kind of smelly. Well, it's miserable
You can try to put another label on it, but a person whose language here you're cool. I act like you, had a man about being a communist, yet well. You'll notice that anybody who says these kind of things on social media is always angry. I tell what you never see. An angry capitalist an angry person with a lot of money and options. You see anger where I feel limited, and they Start by being limited financially because we don't Each financial, financial literacy, ramsay solutions as us. Why were in schools? But if we don t, this, then what happens if they come through the system dave and the sick, I'm tells them you a credit card so that you have a back up plant in administrative load and credits get over two hundred thousand dollars in that they get the green left handed purposes will be successful you can be a barrister right, oh by the way, the only people winning in that system are the people given alone in the credit cards. Interestingly enough they're the ones that are winning big
credit cards at an all time. High, I'm going to stick it to the man. I'm gonna make sure he gets really rich right and they're upset against gets rich people. The people ought to be set against. Are the are the financial purveyors of all of the mediocrity and frustration in your life? See that's the game, mad at somebody is the people who make really awesome commercials selling your car. car do the best commercials on tv. Here's the thing: if your job socks you're not in russia. No don't get another one. That's right! ball shocks right. Get you another one subject the right! One hears us hard yet the gig economies exploding right now, Dave freelance work. People can get out a debt fast. We ve had nurses call in this programme. I don't like what walmart pay it's right on working hours or somewhere else, We got an unbelievable job economy right now, three point: six percent unemployment, my we also never to work in mcdonald. It was never All of my answer
less than one lonely. That's what you want I own in saint thomas, but out right. You know! No thank you and that's. No. school, see we live in a world. Where, were you don't have to go work in adults? You go start your own business online. Today I never had to that's the point. I know I used to grass and I my buddies. This is a thousand years ago and dinosaurs was the earth my buddies, were making a dollar sixty five minimum wage wow. This is how long ago was true story. I was twelve years old and I cut grass for three dollars for a yard and I figured out. I could cut the grass in one hour, so I was making double what my buddies were, making as whopper flopper, so I've never been held to the standard of. I have forced to do something. Yes and you aren't either you can choose to go. Do anything you want to do boys and girls. This is still america throwing weirder america than ever before, but it's still america. This is the ramsey show.
So I just gave away financial peace university- that guy who's getting ready to get up on his feet and get going again. You don't have to be broke to go through api. You you just want to learn how to handle money, better gods and grandma's ways of handling money. What does scripture say about money live on the new make as an example. Ok and What does what a grandma say about money live on less than you might get out of debt stay out of that they can and we're going show you not only the principles then how to actually go about doing those things in your life. We get it if you worried about money. It's all consuming you wonder if you got enough to pay your bills, you can't afford to fill up the gas station. Nobody can always on your mind, but you should, have to live with that kind of stress, and you don't have to when you follow proven plan you'll discover peace with your money, infant, your patient, firstly, you'll, learn how to,
you are in the same plan. The shop ten million people get on a budget, save spent wisely pay off debt become wealthy and not registered generous Great town take the course with updated a ton. The content, including george, camel doktor john baloney, decide today that you're done I've had it more like I was talking about before the break. You can do this gotta ramsay solutions. Dotcom like I pay. You check out financial patient today ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash, F, p, Barbara witherspoon, minneapolis barbara. welcome to the Ramsay show paper, I can't go to talk with you guys, think you ve got your guy. You try my husband and I had been married for ten years we have a blunder family, children, ranging from the age of thirty two down to twenty one, either they twenty one you're shooting a twenty six year old son
That's my husband son. I married you lived in wisconsin has five children under the age of seven for their busy this time held outside two years ago, by asked about three thousand dollars, my husband, I we're baby earlier on babies, catholics, hopefully it will be seen in about a year and a half for our final debt. I d like to believe that seven we ve had a difficult time getting the son and daughter in law the path back again it is causing significant the in the family My husband- and I are to the point: where will you do know? We're not gonna see the money again, the remaining balancing fifteen hundred and we the sector that and we have moved on. however, those tiny continues to just give daggers and say that we were. He was entitled to the money. You deserve the money and our other adult children fevers, and these comments
yeah, I would really love your experience. Can society does not work not putting his family and then throws the emotional manipulation to my husband, and I that we will be the one responsible when him and our grandchildren get kicked out a mystery. we're, trying to determine how we just allow the lead arrows to bounce off of us while holding the empty bag of a financial loan um which caused strife between my husband and I could. I did not want to borrow the money so we've had What are you crying? The only to give him and you borrowed the money to give him we borrowed the money as a double dear. Oh my gosh. Not only did he not pay you back, but you went into debt to do this. Oh out, our no, we didn't know we do not go into that. Nowhere, where babies, to how you loaned him the money you didn't borrow. We learn in the money. I thought you said earlier that bad guys, our import
We pay back our problem, but we can't get him the work. We can't get him to maintaining and remember river, whose honour will no longer that you don't get. You don't have to tell him what to do now. Your back his battle, doesn't get to tell him what to do right now. Any guidance on how we just do it. don't invasions taxes at EU level right now, I'm hearing, I think I think his dad needs corolla his dad. To call him up inside a lonely forgiven, forget just forget it. we don't know we're not alone you any money anymore ever again, but this, forgiven? You don't owe me anymore. I love you we agree with a lot of things. You're doing but you're a grown man and you're allowed to do those things. And on don't be friends, I'm still them we're about You don't say more money. Forget it If you, if you want some help,
we can give you some coaching and will be your his cheerleaders, but won't, give you either one coaching or cheering without your permission, cut him loose, set him free here. yeah. This is bothering you way more than its bothering him. Oh yeah, you had twenty eight million dollars worth of grief? He said twenty cents worth of grief. He ain't, gonna, get character for theirs to bother him well exactly site. This is bother barbara, barbara. Let it go it's just fifteen hundred dollars absolutely and like what breaks my heart more than my pocket book, because we don't need that. You can't you can't get your heart broken hearted money matter to him a break, but it it
it's my heart how he speaks to my husband to follow, then that your husband needs to say. You can't speak to me that way anymore, yeah, okay, You can only speak to me, in terms of a reasonable? I don't any one, family or otherwise, to speak to me in unpleasant ways in an ongoing, and only In process now, somebody can have a moment. That's one thing, ok are not cut everybody out of my life. That has a moment does not one talk about, but but ongoing abusive thing. That's the ear! welcome to call here in your welcome being our home, but you're maintain these levels of volume, and this love of reasonable respect and give you the same thing, but Don't call here and we're where we're not responding. For your children there, your children train, we love you and what were children for you, if you ever want any advice on how to get where we
are financially. We can show you, but but but I'm gonna tell you what to do and you gonna. Make us give you our money here fused young man. They hate me some bound ranch. Your house one is a nice gentle man, isn t he has even six For me, I ain't job, but the big ol heart and a very, very soft gentle personality shall I want your husband, a roar. Just a little bit a new data needed now want to be men and women. But it takes drinks to set boundaries and that what's lacking here is boundaries, and let me tell you any time you're, someone like yours, yours, you're, steps on who doesn't respect by is any time you put up a fence and he To play in your yard hastily, have a fit easy, so don't expect us to go well,
So I don't go well cause this kid's, a torp jumped. Ok, are: all you can do is say you have to over there in year yard and have your laugh fit. You can't sit in my Arden, have a fair and just don't worry about the money monies off the table monies off the hook. And the fact that you forgive it is not going to make this young man suddenly have character. He and I think, that's also on the hardest things remain open to use. I could have been more, it has its sale. The trip sailed kids way to over your fixing. You just got loving worry is, and if you want some help, I showing how you can show him but until he's ready for some help its everybody else's fault, in bar? I would just add you need to encourage your husband that this is not a direct reflection on him. It's very heartbreaking when you see a kid A grown man make these
the decisions and say the things that you say about this appears to hear this is it's really hard when you see adult kids do things good model for them. Those didn't teach them how to do it. but when you see you don't kid like this- is not working to support his family for other stuff, go there's way more going on he's, not lazy, even though it presents his lazy he's lost. You said earlier. This is a confused young man. I think you're right confusion can make up said so lost that they lose all gumption to get
then do something and that's the best your husband can be aware of- is try to love his son. That way, I agree. Dave got to cut it off for awhile until he gets a wake up, call do not loan money. Do not loan money, give him money, give them never loan money, change the relationship and that's part of what showered hang on you're going to send you a copy of doctor John the path change. Your future it'll help you navigate the
Listen, we all know the christmas season can be one of the most expensive times of year. So right now, you're, probably feeling ready for a fresh start with your money. Listen, I got you on january, eleventh were hosting a free life stream, where we're gonna show you how to do just that. You'll get the tools that you need to get unstuck with your money. Guys. All you have to do is decide that you are ready for change so to register, for free, go to rooms, solutions, dot, com, slush break the cycle, that's ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash, break the cycle. Gentlemen. Ramsay personality, open phones, tripoli, eight to five. Five two to five job is weathers. John, is in land tat John welcomed. The ramsay show they got you much were taken up all gonna gotta, you nick I've been questioned: boyer, ok, so I listened to your show a an attitude. you teach untiring, what I've done, which anybody?
if you're not die than you met in a huge mistake by daylight. Anthropogenic for such my local church, but have the ring away, and I have quite the beginning to work in that direction. I had to educate myself over morning and listen to the sermons through the more uneven. an unplanned myself was nature. A grocer michael we're getting a lot of information for them and am really growing those two passers and all the ones, but those are the two major ones that I listen to and so now I'm kind of feeling like. Not only should I be giving a portion of that ten percent to my local church, but I'm growing just as much if not more are listening to those pastors, Should I be supporting those urges also giving up another central centre to to those vote. Those church in euros passers I really love your heart, appreciated that and my time
red rochelle are, or both personal friends graduate good friend of mine and arm. Judy mailing with him about an hour and a half ago matter fact, but I shall do gonna know what those guys would tell you on think it's the same thing. I would tell you- and I and charm, and here cause she's a piquet as well. Ok, what is the purpose of the ties is it for you to buy a ticket to a cell improvement christian seminar now. Ok, it's not the purpose of the thai that is to support the work of your local, congregation. presented in the old testament. Storehouse, storehouse the widows and orphans and paid the price, and that was the Some of the store house- and so you get together, tenth of your green.
Storehouse the leave. I ran in the old testament and on low, but a biblical history, but the point that is not on to pay them for services rendered to you, the poor. of the tide is to get a rhythm of giving in your life and remind you each week that you don't really own anything you're, just managing at all, for god and so and there's a lot of grace around the tithe, so you can do whatever you want to do. Gods not gonna, be mad at you for sending my target a gross or or whoever elsie watch in both of those are wonderful teachers by the way world class. but the the local church function is supported by you also by your giving but not even the reason for your giving the real and for your giving his so you learn to be generous, not show you
just a ticket to I shall simply one of them in a month, kind of made a smart aleck cause you're like this is our I'm growing from, but this isn't about your grabs, I gotcha there was a feeling like, like the old poet, tie them. In my opinion, algerians, pushing for the local church is your supporting, local church letting go out and do other things. And when you the crisis with a view to these two gentlemen who do a phenomenal jobs, are so large they aren't. If I'm listening and again, we need neither one of them are hurting for money They are neither neither churches in financial trouble. Both churches are an excellent financial condition and are plenty souls to christ John, I would just just add- I think most pastors would agree with dave, and but they would also say this is a preference, not a principle, and so the press this is to support the local body. The local church, however,
The principle is day says, is to give back what you ve been given a portion of, in two thousand to the lord. So let me say this though I I think you gotta shift your mindset from I should support those too. histories too. I could support now much good and I think that's the deal. I think you really love them. I think you are downloading offering above the type that is about and beyond highs and all efforts hours. Another ministry over here the does good work for god. That's a good work for orphans, good work for whoever a good work for the unborn, a good work for in I, and I want to support that ministry. That's an offering! Over and above the tide, the thai there's a different set of principles, but now we've. Given you all this nicky nagy detail stuff. I also want to back way up and just say, there's tremendous amount of grace over this whole thing. The whole principle is, god to make us over in his image, he's a giver he gave his only son he's the ultimate and generosity
and so he's trying to make us in his image and in the principle is to build the giving muscle, the generosity, muscle and always be building a generosity muscle. You hear me say that all the time anyway, but this is a uniquely christian discussion, we're having here for those of you that are not people afraid, but but but that's the technical answer from an evil. jellicoe christian perspective and what has been termed four rid of years, is that the time is modeled after the old testament storehouse and that's why it goes to the local church as were the model came from. And you know their, but bring all your ties to the store house and that's an old testament in direct quote show, but an
do not, then we can have all kinds of other discussions, but I dont think you're going to hail of your own time, but I do I can tell you this is a high correlation between people are generous from people, a win at life and money. It's very unusual to find someone getting a divorce who's been tithing for the entire time. The merit cause interest tends to make you less selfish and, very unusual. If you got that of you as well as an asset couple had made it and have a steady rhythm of giving an agree in agreement where that steady rhythm of giving is going called ties in this case, It's also a very unusual that you're, not in agreement on most of the things and adjust its is an indication of the health of the relationship in your marriage and so an old pasture. Tell me one dummy his passion for forty five years, an irrevocable, much urge get worse. It were to others
and he was saying that if the ties somehow magical- but I think the tide in and of itself is not its leads, the principle, as you said, behind the process and the prince, with generosity and steady rhythm of generous. It's wonderful question. Thank you, John every thought, letting us get back on something actually matters, that's really another great great question show will back up. More step does not just take a second more on this and can because I loved what you said their own region. at that, but when a pan back from these things, I. my early The commission is an adult and my early days I became very fair, cynical, very detailed about stuff like where the tie it goes. What counts on the thai? How do you calculated and all that I finally went over. Don't hurt, I need my money is. If I was somehow singularly supporting the kingdom. That's all areas, you know the arrogance of that is unbelievable.
Firstly, are arrogant young variously, so you know, but I got to later- was the time is not for god he didn't need my money. If you They take it and I beg regime. God. I don't need more money, and so in rome that church craig and taught my toddler there don't find they don't need your money. But if you want support that, that their done, because it's incredible work and there your local church. The now be called an offering yes- I think that there is something beautiful there too, as you're talking about generosity, that if you feel that you are receiving a blessing, and you wanna return. Some of that blessing. That is also generosity, is well to say. You know what I'm blessed by this I've felt some impact. You know what I want to give the the widow's mite. You know that heroin was like living on. You know, leaving a tip that executive sense. I mean it's. An act of appreciation, rushed made a knight in the way he took care of our table and I'm going to be a blessing back to you and that's just it's it's. It's
called class. That's right! You know. Oh, my gosh selfish, dad gum people out there, love John's question, cause you're, not he's anything but selfish, he's just a better louisiana and in one of the final find that god's not up there with a clipboard looking at where- you're given and how much is the attitude of the heart condition and so you're in good shape? There don't worry about that. Just give you're a wonderful young man, very cool, good stuff, good stuff, can call him and ramsey personality my co host this hour, thanks to Austin Ben Zach, andrew and kelly in the booth. I am dave, ramsey euros and will be back.
What is your room? She solutions, which the rams asia were damaged on page, is getting in the way it all for mortgage has taken the place of the Bmw status symbol withdrawn. We'll people build well do work that they love and create actual amazing relationship like for joining us. We're so like lukas weathers injection, mississippi starting off this hour. I look, how are you Military are great. How can get common denial
I'm currently in a job I'm trying two years old and I've been in this job. For about two. and I could we found out- and I'm not really passionate about it. Why Well, I'm in the I'm and the one in liquor, industry, I'm a sales rep and it's just some pretty difficult to watch people coming in a store who already have a political life and walk out with your products It was a hard thing to deal with. See that happening so as values disconnect? Yes pressure, care, everyone that logs into a liquor, store and buzz wise, not having a bad life, another, but it is the one letter pretty arm pretty poor area, and so the ones that are coming off the streets, like just just pennies in their pockets, come in and
find the cheapest things on the shelf just to get a just to get a drink. Why did you get into this? He worked in a liquor, store or you're a salesman for a distributor, I'm a salesman. distributor show how Are you dealing with people coming off the streets, whilst library Go into the stores and on and on talk to the people, to trying to talk to the liquor, store owners to try and get them to get my products what a lot of them we have from high end products, but a lot of amr are to target those those cheaper costs, where's, better just trying to get a quick drink luca? I'm just curious- and I understand all of understanding is very personal for you of what I'm curious about is how well, how did you make this decision to get into this two months ago? Well, well I I wanted to originally get into medical device bills the difficult field they get into without felt experience and firm
My original intention was to just try and get my foot in the door for the first couple years and is getting through. Experience under my belt, so that I could then movement that other arm but other field, but it just right now it's getting pretty I forgot to do I get going cause, it's just it's it's just a moral thing. Sure I get it, but you took this opportunity just because it was. I need some experience. I gotta sell something and this presented itself he jumped into it. That's what I'm understanding. I. So here's the deal stop over thinking. You're you to stay in this role you you're have to get up a little burden and you're not doing anything. Morally wrong. Understand your feelings. I dont want in any way discount what feeling convictions all it, but the fact is you're not. anything wrong. It so sit still and keep doing the job and
if you find another sales job replace it with that's the advice- and I appreciate what you're trying to do- get some sales experience somewhere else. But now you gotta learn from this and go waiting. I'm not just going to take any sales job. I need to make sure that I'm going to sell a service or product that Ok with any can over think this europe is again is wrong with you with distributing alcohol or selling alcohol, but in your situation this is very, very personal, so I went over think this. Let's make the move I not sure how much you're thirty five thousand. I shall find ourselves job making. Forty five to the thousand dollars selling something your proud of, and then change as what counts but then get in proximity. If you can, if you could get selling something that's near around that medical field, I We try to look for that first, you understand what I'm saying cause it's connections at this point, not just experience but connections,
and make sure that as you're doing that, that you're taking on something you can be proud of, Everyone in sales needs to remember it's very difficult. to be a great salesperson selling, something you don't blame him. Yes, That would bring that I've been I've been struggling with, goes on I call on both sides of my family from both my parents sides. So it's that that's been This part is just not really ah care, I don't really believe in the products that are now that I'm selling and that's bundled and so I got an opportunity somewhere to this. Presents itself don't take it richer, something else because that you had red flags before you took this here. You're only two months- I m, I know you did and and Now! It's manifested s actually worse than you thought it was gonna, be in terms of convicting you
and you know your your morals or saying ding- ding ding, ding, ding, ding, no larger gone off get out of here. So go find. Something else assumes you can and then quit, but don't just we at every time you have a adversity, a situation, so again how much of their six years from now. I don't want you there's six months from now. You want to build a vonda sales job doing that show, are doing something that you actually believe in. you can hear over the years we ve developed, we develop products, books, software or apps or- clashes or whatever, and one of them biggest challenges is to make sure that that there, all proud of what were putting out the instant we're not proud of it. We can ask anybody, including me to suggest it to someone south to someone That's what sales is suggesting you do something right
and high. You can't suggest you know by a car. If you I hate that brand. and you think that brands a piece of crap and and then you're going to go to work for that dealer. You know so yeah. That's that's gonna, be a problem! You shut down! don't take a position where you're not proud of where you work so true and specifically in sales, because sales you know period, he won't let me, but it's very difficult and very difficult sales, because urine of Angela right, that's your role and people can fake. It needs a lot of fakes out there that that hitler sales numbers. But if you a person of conviction, and you gotta have a true ethical code. You will where you down, if you get excited to the point of view on behalf of the product or service it you're selling is absolutely will cripple. You just will judge is very difficult because people can you you're,
body language changes. The throne changes your facial expressions. Hang all your nonverbal are are just not there. do you know when you're doing that and so on. I mean if you are showing up in his case, aim a lie, of whisky. That is, you know the bottom of the barrel. No pun! and harm It's designed to take advantage of the homeless, then not going to be fired up about that yeah? You know the drunk homeless guy right show you're not going to jump. You know, but nobody's going to be excited about that and now you know, but so you just gotta find a way. do the thing you do that is not violation in your morals or find something period. That isn't but don't be just two months jumping out without having something to jump to the wedding Try twice. First thing I said was hey, you can stay put
this decision so you're going to be an adult about this. Until we find something to replace that income, you don't just say: oh don't like it. I can't do it anymore and he wasn't saying that, but gotta be careful, well, I mean there's a that's honourable work, you know for a lot of people for him. It's not a good fit. This is the ramsey show no secret. We love a good deal here, Ramsay, which is why I don't want you to miss this one right now. When you pre order, my new book breaking free from broke. You get a hundred dollars worth of bonus items for free, I'm talkin, a book online q and a and enhanced audio book all completely free and I'll chock full of what you need to know about credit card schemes to investing traps to mortgage myths, to building wealth, all the researchers there, the offer and january fifteenth so do not wait. Gonna, ramsay solutions, dot, com, slashed or that's ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash store
guys, if you like the show- and you want to help us out we're doing it for you for free, you can help us out, would appreciate it. thank you can do. You can subscribe to the show on youtube. podcaster follow or whatever you do on your particular version of how you consume the show. You can leave a review. Five stars, no need to leave one star, mama set of Yang anything nice to say, don't, say anything at all: and you can share those were the veranda tom or your listening on talk, radio or the you're watching on tb and or that you are, you can click the pink and share it. If it's you to bore a podcast link, so just spread the word forest? Let people know that would be a huge help to us. If it really does matter, it affects the all the algorithms and all the things and cause to be served up and so forth, and just just about a week ago. I think we're the number nineteen pod cashed in the world in size in terms of a veto
billion downloads of the show now and that air of one hundred percent that's cause. You guys told someone so thank you Thank you. Thank you for doing that. Shahrazad, used, and I certainly welcome the rams ratio are you guys better than we deserve? How can we help good eye A two part question about a job change. I'm I just recently went through a job change. After nearly fifteen years with my previous employer, who I started with right out of college. So this is a pretty big shift. I'm so I'm trying to figure out is what is reasonable timeline for feeling that old within your job, meaning that your understanding problem if you're building those relationships with people and just understanding how things work and then the second question is how do I discern this is kind of the overwhelming stress that I'm feeling is normal for starting with a new company after such a long time with a different company and or if it could be a symptom of a larger problem? How long you been there
my started its bit about former. What do you do I'll project manager so there's no set rule on how long it takes somebody to get settled theirs There's no just hard and fast rule, but I will tell you that being settled will happen when you who get over some of the natural fears and doubts of starting something new that just naturally your water of life for talking about, we ve been doing something for a very long time. Fifteen years is a long time is the only culture you ve ever known the way they did work that last company was all you ve ever known. So I think, settling I'll, take care of itself. I think that the bigger thing that I want to know is what concerns What are you feeling concerned about right now, though, I want to find out if there's some depth to that or if that's just kind of some natural stuff going on. Yeah I mean I I guess at my previous employer. I felt confident that I built a very good reputation, in that You know my my loyalty.
The company and my I always had the company's best interests in my heart. So if I, if I made a mistake, you know kind of like okay. Well, you know we'll work through that at a new, company as a whole knew what he called new people, and I have a lot of responsibility, and this is the exact kind of job that I've been wanting. So I I love it, but I'm also just afraid one hundred percent was going on solo, slow start with reality four months time. You cannot build a reputation you make it our russian nuclear. A bad reputation. Yeah, you can't let our but but a good reputation, is developed over time. So right now we're trying to make a good impression and in your really worried- and I understand it, but here's the deal. If you look back on your past job, you, developed the reputation to wear a mistake was made. They understood this is a rarity, and this is not a character problem and it's not a But as you problem is just the natural workflow, we all make mistakes, but you develop that over time, so give yourself a break. You gotta, remember your history. You developed it before you
philip, it again in show what right now. This is a mindset thanks. Oh here's, a little exercise. We need to feel that fear in kind of worry pop up during the day you needed is fine herself a quiet moment, even just shut down the email you people think you're looking at your computer, but you're, just gonna, run through middle exercise, is sphere, have any evidence is a sphere of any evidence. That is true. and if it has no evidence that is true. We know it's our mind and its based on fear and it's gonna hold me back, and so then we flush it. If it's true, That means fears protecting you from something but case? You have no history at all that says, that you're gonna make a bunch of mistakes at this new company in a job you ve longed for, and you worked hard for. There's no evidence says you're gonna create a bunch of problems, stakes that they're going to fire, you at you did really intensely. Do something bone headed to get to that place, truthful arthur?
so believe in yourself, invest in yourself and operate in confidence because you ve been there before yeah that fair, very fair. Any time you do anything for fifteen years, doing the same thing in a different place was gonna take a little while period while it yeah we're job, whether its relationship, whether it's now you change cars, driven one kind of car and you get a different kind of car is going to feel you're going down the highway. A major takes a little while it just whatever the thing is. I got our human mind gets a groove. Rut were the two and arm in arm, and now you bumped up out of that in Europe. They are you're in the land of adventure darling. You know it's not unlike low marriage when you you ve grown up So we are you. We went to dinner with a young couple. Other night Dave urged sasy and I, and they just got married station- are coming up on twenty five years and they were just saying what
advice. Would you give us and an association great advice way better than mine, but one things I said was: is it realised that first year is so difficult, because you ve grown up in one home if you've grown up a different homes where there was a rhythm of how life was done, so maybe the dad did things this way in your home, but the dead completely did something different over here, and so you both are bringing expectation. Based on the environment You grew up in and all of a sudden, you get two completely different expectations because different experiences in environments and you gotta learn to just to each other marriage, and I think this is a very similar situation. All she ever new is the way that company did work and a company a very unique culture. You come to solutions and you never been in a place like this before men it a blow your mind: how we care for each other, how we come in kate, so unbelievably clearly very intentionally. It show any.
it's good or bad, is going to take some time because it's a really different environment and it just takes a minute to commit to get your footing. It's a simple, seven, sarah alike. What you did, though, I like your spirit of adventure yeah. I like that you stepped out on this island, said I'm going to do some big it's time. It's time to show. golf, the cobwebs and yeah good for you good for you, it's going to pay off for you, gonna pay off, for you stop baviaan eyes: witherspoon dc havana. What's up I mister m, didn't you so much for taking my call sure sure, so I twenty two years old and I'm gonna be turning starting medical school in a few months. Congratulations, thank you. Thank you. I first thing to say them burglars out there, but I gotta undergrad were almost leaks. Do nothing, and so most of my Twenty nine, I think, will cover all of my education. Expensive, show my guess, my my my and thirdly, generous with that and I'm almost certain
cover all the others, but I do have thirty thousand dollars in savings and I'm wondering whether I should keep how to kind of pity that up in terms of whether I should keep them just in case, I have a couple thousand dollars it's over that I do need to end up paying for if I should start investing, because I know my retirement investments will be probably four to six years delayed compared to most. were starting work, forty six times more income that so I think you'll be ok. Listen The best possible investment bovina can make right now is in Havana. Who or what known as a cash machine you are getting ready to make some serious bank, because dom people don't get in damage, go. Then let him in.
And so you know you're going to go through this you're going to graduate you're going to pass your boards and doing all of that was zero data and starting off your career with zero debt is the best investment you can possibly make. You are a better return on investment than a mutual fund is now yeah. So just trap all that money. What you listen! You did a lot of planning you did a lot of schemes scamming you've laid everything out. You've dreamed about this in detail. Now do the same thing for the money part of it you sound a little bit kind of wishy washy disorganized about whether the money is actually gonna, make it or not. I want you to sit down and develop a plan where the money makes it. Your money makes it graduate with thirty thousand are still in the bank. That'd be great. I want you to lay out a detailed Hd high definition game plan to get through much go with the money you ve got and that's going
keep you from buying stupid, but stop when you're tired, stretched out taking some test in the the mail and I and so seriously laid out in detail. This is the other amnesia. Hey folks dave ramsey here: do you feel like you're, stuck living paycheck to paycheck and can't make any progress with your money? Listen, you do not have to live that way. On january, eleventh, my team and I are hosting a free live stream. Where will break down exactly what's keeping you stuck and how to break out of the cycle for good? It's time that aside you're ready to make a change, go to ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash, bread, The cycle to register for free
the coleman ramsey personality number one best selling author is my co host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on that debt, free stage, jake and kelsey are weathers. Hey guys. How are you doing well doing well good to have you guys? Where do you live? Irvine California, all the way to nashville all the way across the whole, stinking united states way to go gas coming. Thank you for coming and how much did you pay off? We paid? at four hundred and fifty six thousand dollars in six years, ou three hundred thousand of that was in the last three years, wow good for you and your range of income. During that six years we started one hundred and seventy five thousand, and we ended at two hundred and eighty five thousand do for a living, I'm a tea and he's a physical therapist, ok info while great incomes show what what an what kind of was it
yeah, primarily student loans, we had one car built in there, but it was all pretty much made up of student around four hundred and fifty it's largest in london for a teacher, happy oh, it was foolish in the beginning, but when we were signed up for things. It was just it'll, be our problem in the future, will worry about it later and then Obviously, it became our problem alone. has been married, twelve years we actually had our anniversary on on saturday happy anniversary, very good. Ok. So, halfway through your marriage six years ago, that's larger still sitting there, almost half a million dollar staring at you and you you york, wake up in the middle, not in a cold sweat. I mean what happened, what what in the world, what changed? What changed the direction on this? So we grew up in minnesota, and then we move to california for jake's physical therapy school and we he was in school. We knew that we wanted to get rid of the debt. Somehow we distant know what the plan was, and so well,
was in school. We were living on the teacher salary and I had a long commute and I listened to the neighbourhood is show on my computer, and so I asked Jacob. He was interested in china programme and basically the minute he got out of school. We started running and I would at the beginning, we a little bit dave issue and then that's when the last three years you saw how we picked up really worked. It off your hundred grand a year for three years, you're after it beans and rice, absolutely jake. One time was working for jobs while so he's an impatient physical therapists. He was working at four different hospitals became a little too much so he schuyler back, but We sacrificed a lot of time. I didn't see him a lot I did summer school, he worked really hard You know ten our days every weekend I would tell people. jake works every day. I think they heard Jake works a lot.
Jake works every day all day. Yes, a lot days for a lot of days in a row for three years, their amazing wow, powerful, as there are so many times that I sat with people talk to people here on the air either one and they have a mountain student loans out like this, and you your incredible because that was a wee bit daunting look up and go. I got foreigner, fifty thousand or a teacher, and a pts gum because neither one of these are six figure gums usually but the way you worked on your turned amanda that oh, my gosh amazing. yeah. I gotta ask because just the strain on your relationship just not seen each other, that you're exhausted your work and effort. Every day and your. Why should it be? What kept you golan interval those dark days? It was on definitely knowing what the future held and cunning
As the one question we figured you'd, maybe ask about his arm. One of the keys sacrifice and We definitely made the most of our time on the weekends at a time when I come home we knew new, it maybe go to church we'd, prepare meal, we eat with visit with fright for a tiny bit and we'd have may be wanted to ours, whether so we really learned cherished those wanted to ours. And we knew that once we got over this life was, would be so much on the other side and a few months out, it certainly is have you had a moment ago of emotionally and financially in relation to exile a little bit a little bit I mean as it hits you you know or innocence it hasn't, because I'm work and some organised. through the steps- and I actually jokingly, have told kills a couple of times when I go to work on the weekends. It almost feels natural
like what I'm going to work. Extra jobs and extra shifts when I stay home at actually is actually feel more abnormal like what are you doing yeah, but it's it's starting to sink in it's starting to feel real, that hard work that we did for these his pain. Often or did you notice can be released one. It was gone Definitely we knew the day that it was gonna be gone and we had the loan company that we're gonna call and do it and we had cookies. It with without getting. the debt and stuff and dumb and so Once we have made that call and went there processed. We definitely felt the relief. Ok, I'm will go back to what I said have medigap the the four hundred and fifty almost five hundred thousand dollars is daunting, because most but lotta people give up right there it's too overwhelming. I can't get there it's hard to it's hard for people to internalize the belief, the hope that they get em
get there and you guys did it in six years, most of it in three years. What are you that person who says hey no way, I can't I can't I kind of see how you guys did it, but I can't believe it myself in autumn giant? They need definitely believe in themselves and then, like we were living blocking examples, a teacher physical therapist, and we made it work. As we said at talk, it really comes down to dedication, and hard work, and definitely sacrificing in planning yourself? but you have to have a goal. I dont think there was a day that we didn't talk about today every single day. We talked about it and I think that sort of bin the release. Now too, is you don't have to talk about that, but you have to that goal. That bonds or else would you know an omen. What about what was I to you that we, but I think that people does have to figure out what you can do, that you can work those extra jobs that you can be willing to sacrifice
This was a longer journey and I think a lot of people sometimes are sure and so it's just what are you willing to give up? You know I mean we driver nineteen de I camry. So I mean there's things: sometimes you have to give up to get to the goal that you wanted to end well it's time for you buy a car now you really do need to get a better car that sucks. Oh, my gosh. It still works I know you got. You got a break lol man, you gotta be done. I don't want to go crazy here, but go pay cash for it for sure. But oh my gosh man, work, social heart, I'm so proud of your learn. Amazing couple and you kind of look like you got a little ptsd a little bit like you're still trying to shell shock steal from you, gutted it out so dramatically. I mean there was so many years of saying no, and we can't do this. We can't do that now, like you said the releases yeah coming taking a trip to nashville going to visit family, doing things like that that we said no to a lot of it several years ago
we get to enjoy these things on a much grander scale. Do you feel when you do when you did I got something the size. Do you feel accomplished? Quite live? We do this. We could do anything ok, yeah, exact all along the way. Kelsey kerosene. I always tell people that, once we even got towards the end, we could already feel the freedom you talk, the peace and its indescribable, even when we knew we weren't fully done. We still felt, as you meant, the release. Already you mentioned before I always feel like you're. Giving yourself raises all along the way, and we the longest time, never even had to think much about money, because we knew where it was always going to be going and now we just a transition that and to better ways Yes, even, invest that I think we felt the peace along the way to it was at first of soda wanting to put although student loans and see them at once. They started going like we ve. Like we had more money, even though every month in money
The door, but you just felt that you had that I think, because you're giving every dollar name in knowing where it's going was good, they. Yet you felt a sense of control before you even get free. You were in control good for you? I would get a copy of it, we stopped millionaires for you, that's going cake, walk. We got a copy of the total. make overbooking financial peace membership as well. You guys incredible your heroes, I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much jake and kelsey irvine, california, four hundred and fifty six thousand paid off in six years, three hundred and the last three years making one seventy five to eighty five count: it downloads zero debt, free scream, three, two one where that fray, the forty fun boys and girls. This is the ramsey show
our scripture, that I matthew, ten thirty one do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrin Sarah like Lee billion air woman founder of banks. I think there is nothing more than lives way of nudging you that you are off course its course correction. I agree. people. The technology feel fail for living, they call it iteration yeah are for John maximal wrote a book entitled. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn now, which is a great per se, one failure. There's no progress! Well, failure! You write a book a week. The another one was called a failing forward its right. Let's. Jessica, syracuse new york hide jessica. How are you you think it's not my chemical should help
london was known for some power. That would show my husband that. To that end, I'm I know that you generally say that you know emergency funds are not there to throw you off, obviously they're there for the security good with that being said: how much do you put into chasing a better wait, foremost among our emergency funding. Then our long term aid has been in a hurry it'll, be counting a buffalo pandemic. It with that, like truman, a quarter or down like point five minutes bidding then about point, I right now. Another curiosity I jumped on the internet today to see what's out there s another one setting up at one point. Five one moment overview well below what we brought about. Gabriela How much is in your merchants? You ve got the money, The kind of ten thousand you gotta automotive sitting as well. Maybe another two thousand programmes show
One person of ten thousand. What I've got I'm an accounting well tempered and ten percent of the value of around one thousand one percent is a hundred dollars. You can do. So moving from a half to one and a half over a period of a year, you made a hundred dollars. Secondly, I showed you many hundred dollars, and I got a dinner nice place on that. Well, unreasonably large place and arm, but but it's not it's not going to change your life. Even over a period of aids is not going to change your life so that What does change your life is having the emergency fund? as an insurance policy. When life happens, they keep from carrying out things that are growing at a rate, the does change your life. So if you don't care, for a one k to fix your transmission bogucharovo emergency fund, that is
not more than a hundred dollars. earlier original point is what I would refer back to, but again what I in a five hundred hours to get a hundred dollars. No, I don't think I would surf the internet every so often and see if I can get a high yield thing. That makes me an extra hundred might little bit I've got a bunch of cash laying in the company here and are retained, earnings, business version of emergency fund and spend some time on that trying to, in our figure out how we can park that some kind of flowed account. So it's not all just sitting in checking the knowledge of a lot of money and arm. But even then it's not. Its purpose is not to grow wealth for the company. Its purpose is to protect the things that do grow, wealth for the company and child just how to run a balance that I'll tell ya, spend some effort on it, but I am certainly not gonna major and minors. That's what it amounts to johns weathers in new york city had John welcome to the ramsay show.
I think so, how are you better than I deserve? What's up, So my grandparents left me with about two hundred thousand dollars, I'm not sure what to do with it. I don't have any dead, lording, and I dont want to buy a house for myself, but I do I do remotely loading, but I will briefly and some people said that it's a nightmare and and property managers aren't that good, I'm! Okay, how old are you twenty six, where you do for a living? I'm a software developer good for you and you're, not you're single guy. Yet and you don't want to buy a house. Why I I don't There are many lives long, knowing how much does the cleaning luca that's for you like the freedom of not I'm not being at anchor
down to that I'll show they died. No problem. I got a bad gump. eject at one a man right now. I just drove me crazy. As long as I told her and the more more stuff you own, the more repairman you have to know, so I kind of go along with John alike. It especially your stage a life, and there is no rush for you about something. so I'm sorry, but your grandparents wonder they pass all woe to shield. Both of them at one time. it happened a tree. It happened a few days within a few days, my grandma, return after my grandpa partial, my goodness, oh my shari, where you close to home yeah because that's my reason, interesting and in a new york city, even though it's pretty expensive, because I have to say I love my family and barbie costume now. Okay, alright,
No, I would not do remote landlords, nothing! That's a bad idea if you're not well. cut your own grass. Then I would not you don't need to be done when lording, not that you have to go. Grass there, but it just tell me you don't like hassan: do you hear I sign up for a bunch, a hassle? So that's all, She's gonna get rich, quick, crappy, you were on or something there. No fool with that, if I were in your shoes, are today what I would do in its very boring park the money in a mutual fund for right now or a couple of three giovanni and just forget it forget that its there and just let it grow and then a little further down the road. If you decide you want to buy a property or maybe you're getting married, and you won't, she wants you to buy property or in other countries, it's happening, then you don't that's the kind of stuff you know but but for right now, I it might be three years for you'd do anything with it and the star modest way down right now, so it's on sale. So, if woke up in your shoes, and I
you're two hundred that I didn't really have anything to do. With first thing I did try to put someplace. Where I keep my hands off, I've not spend it right in the second thing I would do is put it someplace, where I could spend it yeah yeah. You know what yeah. Having said that, though, you might want to earmark a little bit of it for fun and pull it out and go do something fun. Have you got any ideas on that yeah yeah, probably travel to europe for some for what's that cost having let's get hooker, yeah me budget, five, grand or sumpter ten grand or something go. Do that and the rest of it should be I'm gonna, ramsay solutions, not calm. Click on smart vestrymen should doubtless Mart mr pro and began you're education, on investing begin learning from an adviser. You don't take an adviser's advice. You don't take dave's advice, you
sit down and new art other than they piece of advice as users. Both learn about something before you, investment and put him in a pretty good position, it doesn't, you know, are beyond dudes, have fun with it. I'd. Also just let your heart wander a little bit and do you'll do something good with it doesn't have to be huge over the filling pressure to do that, but something good something good with that money. In a kind of generosity, generosity, that's not a bad way to cut a start movie in this phase, because it really set something in play, something special in your heart. This is something new grandparents did for you it's a way of honouring them, but again I want you to feel pressure to do that or on a large scale, but just to some then good do something fun. I like that combination and do somethin smart. Now, maybe you know, if you put farmers in five percent of generosity that Libya, ninety percent, or something like that- no pressure Zira. It's always good to try do those three things: have some fun with the money, be generous with the money and invest the money in this case,
vast majority of it. I think I'd be investing in limit the fine, but I think I would do something there her and in hope when you get to thirty years old or thirty, five years old- and you look and whatever you've ended up doing with his money. It needs to do so. It needs to be something that would have caused your grandma rip out a smile. Yes, and then you ve honoured their memory, because had common sense, are obviously good with money, they had some money. They left their grandson to underground, pretty incredible,
can common good show today, thanks for having me good work in the both Kelly and andrew and zach and Ben and austin drop your guns, I'm dave ramsey! Your host will be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, not to walk daily with the prince of peace regime. The bulbs kid coleman digital, the ramsey show, is one of the most popular podcast in the world. Get your daily dose of advice online and check out all of our shows from the ramseys that work wherever you listen to podcasts the folks day, where you want to hear even more life, changing content from ramji download the ramsay network app, so you can catch all your favorite shows all in one place like the ramsey show smart money happy hour and the doctor, John bologna, show you'll get real talk about life relationships, money and your career, plus the app lets you browse by topic like debt, business or selling your home get the content you want. Whenever and wherever you want to listen download the ramsay network app today
Transcript generated on 2024-01-03.