« The Dave Ramsey Show

You Don’t Have to Be a Victim! (Hour 3)

2022-03-24 | 🔗

Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze discuss:

  • Handling a car lease,
  • Cash-flowing an MBA,
  • Overcoming extreme adversity to pay off debt,

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I borders of worms, usually around your word, that is down measures and paid off mortgages. Take your ladyship w status under pressure from these range impartiality based solely on board is my answer to your question. This is what we do. We help people build wealth do work, they love, create amazing relationships and waited
just a second and just say, thank you to all of you out there success of things that have happened around here over the last decade or so thirty years in the making, but in the last decade, has just been mind. Mind blowing. Thank you. Podcast of the show is now in the top five pod gas in the world. Over a billion downloads, that's kind of mine going. There is about twenty million of your after listening right now to the podcast cash, your show the youtube version of the show which are all out there every day and thank you for that. We appreciate you were guided where we want to help you with work you We want to help you with amazing relationships. We want to help you bill wealth and we have wanted to do that for a long time, and we have done a lot of it, but will continue to do it around here. It is what we do were very good at it and we're really thankful.
that you're here, whether also side? Note if you didn't know arm were a whole bunch of folks around right now spring break coming by their visiting nashville for different things and tom you're in the national area. If you won't come, hang out and watch the show we do, it live every day for three hours and on the glass and are lobby, we have a big beautiful customer service area customer sperience area and with free cookies and alfie and whole area with a history, the company in a bookstore and all the stuff, and you get to sit and watch the show and You know which, when I'm on by myself, is pretty much like watching only paint dry, but but you could come weed, Have you any time and people do- we've usually got fifty to two hundred folks sitting here in the lobby, watching the show doncaster thing I have to make a reservation huge welcome the gun you might wanna check. Make sure you know or opener shut. Or something but we're we're here.
every day of the week want you wanna, see Dave, make sure you ask com we came to see dave rely yourself. Sars is well known that he didn't miss much, but the experience is worth it does not count. Model took him by the ramsay solutions. Headquarters were in beautiful. content to see which is about miles south of downtown nashville. One of the hut cities in america today and frank one is a beautiful old, southern town and square. It's just a walking area very, very high and very nice and gorgeous wrapped around that area. So we'd love to have you come visit any time open a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five sages and salt lake city utah, I sage. What's up, cooper, taking my call, I my husband- and I are almost done with baby step number q
We heard He got into a higher less about two years ago. I heard hesitations, age, yeah? Well, we didn't agree with their. We didn't. We have. We don't worry about it, but it got here. That happens. Yeah we're we're going now, show now we're just train of because we I it's really hard to get the least they're. Not very many options but were gonna, be finished, were just looking forward for our next step. It come to an end in december and the like This kind of our last thing I pay off before we kimberly, go on
few baby step number three and I know at the end of the week you can buy bell or trade in again and we are considering buying out because our We the weren't, you know with the car prices. It is actually worth a lot more than the dealer has locked into waters the by price in december. It will be forged Without then gonna ronnie. Yeah, we will have. We will either and that's the thing. If we're going to buy out, then we want to try to save up for that now. Yes, I'm asking. Are you going to have the money summer week had good yeah. Ok sure what your question, though I guess my question is like what the best thing to do, because it is also worth twenty four thousand. Do we at gala. Do we you, like it yeah? yeah. What's your household income household income is about sixty five thousand.
What's the other car worth. We what my heart my car is worth thou eleven thousand and pay off for europe the bubble. I'd, tell people not to have more than half of their annual income tot up in cars, things with motors and wheels. If they go down in value, I know for the last six months, they've not gone down in value, but this is the first time in the history of the world. That's not happened and it won't to continue so preceding assets. You have a lot tied up in rolling stock not enough that you gotta shall it, but if you tommy's, fifty thousand dollar car between you sell it make an sixty, guy, but if you want to keep it and pay, fourteen, often that your last that in your debt free to car, to night cars and makes it five thousand dollars a year in December. I mean what do you think rachel So what are you gonna do say? Wait what sounds good to you. I just felt some hesitation on you know. Even
asking the question way: what's your guy, what do you want to do Honestly, I want to be out of the carpet it now, but I dont know how to regulate their, probably not a good way to break with each other, as you call them and ass for the early by almost all the maturity of the money You the money now now no we'd, have to yeah so as soon as you have the issues, you have the money to do it, you can call them and ask for an early, buyout and it'll, be, remotely similar to fourteen thousand hours over there I believe, tat they might be thirteen aid or something this month. You know who this is, there is there. Is it's not an interest rate technically speaking, but it's called a call of capital, but your early by out is going down actually be more than thirty had been looked at more than fourteen, because it's like really pay off on alone, you're not having to pay the interest, although it's not technically interfere technically renting the car and you too
We don't have an interest rate, so you don't even know how their calculating it, which is what the beauties for them. But anyway, if you get to fourteen thousand or something in a pocket before december, call him and ask for early bout, and you can send them a check, no send you the title and it's over and then the other option, though, is, if you don't buy it now, would buy. It even forgot her own regime to shoulder the ten thousand more profitable to a gay ass for what it was worth yellow. If you don't around, showed a move down with cash. Yet in of yourself, many foreign you in belgium for fifteen? Yet that's ok, too, but if you like the courage for right on the bubble, probably would just pay it off and keep it. brooklyn didn't say to me you are in, for the fun of it is just jump start your baby step. Three, since I know you guys are itching to get out of this, I could hear it in your voice. There's an option just to sell it. Put ten grand to the emergency fund and drive a fifteen thousand dollar car. Do that,
If will do that now cause they have the cash to get out now you can, you can sell it and send the cash in you, do it and get the care shown by your way, I'm alicia early and salad that I would work this is the ramsey show the no matter what time of year it is focusing on your family's financial plan is always a smart move. I get questions all the time about where to start and what to do. First, one of the most crucial and affordable first steps to take is to protect your family and get term life insurance
I know it's not glamorous, but all the other steps mean a lot less. If something happens to you and your family has no financial protection getting term life insurance needs to be a top priority. I recommend ten to twelve times your income and lock in rates for fifteen to twenty years. This gives you plenty of time to get out of bed and bill wealth. I've been, commending zander insurance for over twenty years. and they understand and live this strategy and will take the time to help you find the most affordable term life rates, gotta Zander, dot com or call eight hundred three five, six, forty to eighty? Two, it
not that expensive, it's not complicated and you need to do it now. Millions of people get to the end of the month and I have no idea where their money win through much month left at the end of the money. That sounds like you, you're not alone. You can be in control of your money. You have to be there to tell a word about that. Getting on the bee word a budget give ever dollar a name, every dollar a job to do, and you do it every single month. The best to do. That is what the world's best budgeting app every dollar. You can make your budget work plan your expenses track. Spending. Clearly she wear your money going. It's all free living on it. It puts you in control of your money, star budgeting for
We by visiting ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash every dollar ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash every day, rachel is in San Jose. California, high rachel welcomed the ramsay show. in my car. How are you shouldn't better than I deserve? What's up, I'm too? If they want to eat, Thanks for taking my colleague anna I've been listening to you since I've been in community college, the kind of cool the endless show, but my question is how the state, I a masters then Van, just in an m and I'm going back to school within the next two years and the program I'm looking at will be around one hundred and fifty or two hundred thousand dollars Y, for. Why would you pay to be a pretty tough school I couldn't you a loud, that's ridiculous!
no mba on the planet worth our hundred and fifty grand. No, what would it rachel what What's your, why forego forgetting at what? What's like the end goal you're getting an mba to do what I wanna, be a leader in supply chain and be be more well rounded. I know within the field I am, and it's not necessarily required, but I've always enjoyed gold and hopefully, by the time I get to that point, I can afford and it's not too much of a stranger might budget. How much Like a year, I'm up! now I am right now making about eighty? I just point for a new job and I'll be making around the vice fifty silent donors, but hopefully clear my day. I have about thirty thousand. Loans and diet that half of it in my car and half of them. boy and a girl I'm down and where is your degree and angry and supply chain,
actually studied finance, but I landed a job in supply chain and I actually really loved and you're doing right. Okay, so Is your finance degree from what school I see what you ask: go on a midwife- you, you call me- I heard of it by on banana fear on air by I chanced those brown opinion college within the union and an and what did you pay for your financed degree? thirty thousand dollars told off for two years and by transferred you're amazing. Where are exactly my point, you're making six grants you make higher. If fifty thousand dollars a year, six figures you're making a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year from a thirty thousand dollar undergraduate financed degree and the fact that hustler and you're, smart and you know, grind any jumped over in the supply chain, which ought career field especially right now, you ve
everything. Smart to this point. Until some body told you that, where you went to school mattered- and it does not- there zero hard data, zero hard data on the planet says where you go to school matters and your proof of that your proof of that, you should pay twenty grand for an mba. yeah, the programme, actually their company and working for days there, like masters, the crimes pay for it. They're for you to go to her and get a yeah It's just not the school. You picked out ray so here's, what we're going? Do I don't know if we have a waiter, Do this, or not I want you to watch borrowed future are documentary on student, london. Tonight I want you to walk Two thousand people have watched it on
we'll play on apple tv, amazon, prime and kelly, can give her a code to watch borrowed future. We can ok good give it to you that way, you want to pay for the rental. Even ok, we're give europe woke out- and you can watch it for free as my gift and am What you're going to do is you're going to sign up to get a free m b, a that your company that pays you one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year to do. Supply chain is going to pay for at a school, because I gotta tell you No one cares, were you went to school out here in the real world? all I know. Is you got an mba? That's all they know. That's all. I know I got probably forty or fifty. Maybe sixty mba work inherit ramsay. couldn't tell you, are a single one. I'm went to school. By the way I did even harm Gaza and an mba harder. They passed our stringent interview procession, they prove to be very studley. People
and they fit into the Ramsay we're here now, one I'm sitting in talking to them and another have an mba. It's helpful because I know how to communicate because mbs or I have a certain critical thinking, skill thing that is pretty much dron germane all of your fields of study, but, oh, Gosh I love it. I want you to go, get the nba, and I love that you like studying, but please please, please, please learn something from your finance degrees call return on investment. You will make zero more money for spending a hundred and fifty than you will get a free one that your work will pay for. Please your right there, but the king. I was like days begging, is split. To do this but here it but here's the mindset and I feel like rachel that you're in that that I we
We hear it a lot, those when you're in that academic world and you love scotland. She said I love studying. I love you. I want to get my mba all of these things and you kind of get into that sector of life where that's where people go, that people do applied at the nice got. You like, I understand, rich how you got there because it makes sense I think that there are people out there that put things on a pedestal and all of that great, but you gotta out the reality. Here's the reality the reality is getting and be is great when you can pay for it and the fact that europe company will pay for what will completely pay for it's free, it's free and rachel. You. You are amazing, you're the she could not the mp and not the degree, and certainly not where you got that. I mean I've never gone no doctor and I were to go to school never gone to a lawyer. Where'd you go to school. I've never asked him, never asked him. I never hired an accountant and said you know where'd you go to
I've hardly ever heard and employ advice from where they went to school. In an interview, it's just as our matter conversation, but I've never Someone went to ex school over went to wash school this matter. it around here. It's kind of works against you people always community college and paid for it. Like you out here, you're one of us. You know your blue collar, you get it done baby, you leave them. You, kill. Someone under I get home you're one shall that's right! It it verses paid a bazillion dollars for a degree left handed puppetry. Oh my gosh in us rachel! You just got so much on the ball you to such a sharp young woman, I'm begging, you not me That mistake, hang on Kelly I'll, give you a copy or give your code. You can watch borrowed futures Odin our friend it doesn't want to leading marketing minds on the planet will go off on these famous schools and he's he's. Mr data, I'm a hasty checked
all the data on all of this, and he he thinks it's the biggest. Prestige of schools are the biggest game on the planet, for what they are now, if you get to go for free, you know you. because in that went to vanderbilt hundred percent free free ride, very smart, got up what celebratory valedictorian type sky sure go, but you know, but we need a pay. Ten exe. For the same set of education because of where where it is going to school. That's really bad plan, boys and girls. Ladies and gentlemen, This is the rams. Asia
Rachel varies rams immersion, our use, Michael host this day on the refugee issue, she's the new york times by showing off your three times over the latest. Put no yourself, no, your money
also their number one best seller so be sure check it out if it is whether it's on the debt free stage right here in the lobby of ramsey solutions a night, then how are you I'm doing great? How about yourself? I am better than I deserve, sir. So where do you live? I live in springdale arkansas, but I grew up in texas cool well, welcome to nashville good to have you and your heroes, we're debt free scream, how much did you pay off? I paid off fifty five thousand dollars worth of student loans cool. How long did this take? You took me twenty months, good for you and your range of income that started at thirty five thousand and I bumped it up all the way to sixty three thousand working, two jobs: cool good for you. What do you do for a living? I teach middle school PE coach, high school swimming and then in the evenings and overnights I stock shelves at a local grocery store. Why are you getting it? Yes, kind of had to have had a knock it out, huh, yeah sure how long you been out of school. I've been out
schools are gradually two thousand fourteen, so it's been a while since I've been out, but I really started foreign pay, you for the principles for the two years, three years, yeah so twenty months. Yes, yes, so you went through the class financial peace, university, yeah, so long story short one of the teachers at where I work at her and her family were doing fp you through the church. The church was offering it to anyone in the community that wanted to do it and while she said you need to get on this cause that beater of a car that you're driving on is kind of pitiful, and you need to do something about it, and I was like why have student loans and she's like well? You need to do this after you course like. Have you heard of Dave ramsey? I was like yes, she's like well. This course is free. You need to sign up, so I signed up the church route. Had it completely free, yes, had it completed the free? Wonderful, unlike I'm, not a member of that church, but they were just like we want of the community in when we held the community is gonna, come back again in itself so to speak- and I signed up- I went every wednesday joined it and there was probably the first time in my life that I've ever had a conversation about finances a little bit about.
I was adopted as an international dopy, but when it came to the states for awhile I was in an outer foster care, so it was something that I had no idea to do, how to handle finances and for- at the time I wouldn't say pitied myself, but there's lots of times where I didn't feel empowered. I didn't feel like I had the the tools. Equipment and thankfully no god thing, I sign up for! F, p: u and I really kind of got going with it and then the pandemic happened, and I was like this is my time. This is my opportunity, because for a year I didn't do anything with fp. You, then, when the dammit hit the at the: u workbook sitting cut it in the corner of my apartment and as you kind of say, when the tides, roll back, you find out who's. Skinny dipping and I found out that I was skinny dipping and I needed to do something about it, and that was my moment I was the moment of like I'm sitting here. What do I want to do with my life and I wanted to be finance financially peaceful and I really went back through the course
start listening to your podcast started. Reading your books and just really in We put myself around any tool that I can put myself around to help me better myself, world. I'm that's amazing and your stories incredible, because a lot of people that could be in your position easily could take that seat of look. What's happened to me in my life. That's a tough story, Nathan, and so the fact that you ve been so pro active in your life completely and said. No, I actually can do this. I mean that's, that's pretty amazing! So for you what the thing that helps get out a dead people listening right now that may have some level of our story has been difficult and hard, but their listening to you and I think, ok, I can do that. It's like what were a few things that really helped value in the first thing was getting over myself, and I think I had a lot of plenty of opportunities to give myself excuses, but I realized those excuses. Weren't going to pay the bills. Those excuses
we're going to help me get to a better position in life, and I knew tat. I had to help myself and me help me myself was getting over the fact that I need to do something about it, so I stopped being a victim. I wanted to be victor! No, you ve, gotta talked about on your show and that really like hit me that I was like You know I can win like. Why? Can I not when you know it's like, I need to do the little steps do a little things right, because there is a way and I always resort back to the bible, verse so twenty seven ten worst it. Even if my parents forsake me, god is going take care of me. You know, and I I see that as a testament of my own life, that god has taken care of me and you know he's going to give me the things that I need to do to help myself and he really gave me that and so getting over myself and then just working hard persevering, pushing through and realizing like do want it and how bad you want, and are you willing to make the decisions that you need to do in order to get something you ve never had before? I know Dave always talks about that, and I I a true testament for myself, because I had to change up.
What I was doing, how to change up myself, how to change up my perspective, and we, like you, know what I'm gonna start winning and I want to, How does winning look like? How do I better myself and winning is having the lavish lifestyle issues having peace, having the understanding of like you know, when a rainy day comes, I'm ok, his. God has prepared me for this moment of virtue, well done. You know what that's the truth for all of us on anything. rubbish successful with you don't want, first steps to get over europe alike, that that's good, really good, night and very good stuff. Well done. Who your biggest cheerleaders on these people. To my right they are my biggest cheerleaders and then also just random people that I sharing my story with there. kind of good luck of us look too, and they just understood what I said you know I can't go out. He and pass to two years. I've been mill prepping and I really like it because its help me be a better place. Because I'm able to use again the tools that god has given me and not
dependent on some restaurant to feed me. I'm able to be able to help myself be a better cook, and whenever I get married wherever family, I can help my family, see that you know we don't need to go eat out. You know we can do the prepare with the things that god has given us, and so everyone who understood what I was doing and the sacrifices that I was making when I had to say no to certain trips or just certain events. It was tough. You know they respected me and they understood what I was trying to do because they know They weren't going to help me and I needed to do what I needed to do now. So who are the people on your right? Well, what's the relation, so these are the people on the duns they took me in when I was in college. I lived with them, but they are my youth ministers and- and this is Devin he's the one I invited to come to fp you it and we've been best of friends since we ve gone church and adjust someone I'm able to kind of bounce side. is offered trying to prepare for my future, going through baby step for and just looking for two completing baby step. Three being called a good friend. Now is great good well done naples, job man, you're here, oh well,
donwell down, I'm proud of you will think stuff. We gotta copy a baby steps millionaires for you how ordinary people build extraordinary. Well, how you can too number one best seller. That's your next chapter in your story for sure we are declaring that right now and also a cop the total money makeover you even give away cause. I'm sure you ve been yak about this, and somebody needs a copy of it. We're even talking about it to somebody, and you can show them how to take these next and move through the process. So very, very well done, sir, very proud of you three. How old are you Nathan, twenty nine twenty nine debt free at twenty nine yeah? I mean that's! That's where the I mean that's when you can look ahead. Thirty years, it'd be like dang If the decision I made changed everything and I'm so excited for when I look at a lot of my friends, I look at people who are my age and like I'm talking about hey, will how does your retirement account look like and they're just ghost like something hidden worlds, just the color drain their face and psych. I ask those people that questions like I don't wanna be that person. I wanna be a person where I know what it's gonna look,
like for me down the road. You know and adjust its heartbreaking here that end- and I just I know that for myself. I want to have that sure. Answer of what I'm going to look what's. He gonna look like for me later down the road and that's kind of sacrificing now for what's to come, well, the answer very very well down, are at Nathan from fiat bill, arkansas, fifty five thousand paid off and twenty months, making thirty five to sixty three with the sad us was one. old job dead, free student loans and everything, counted, etc. That for each group, three two one, I hear your story like you, ve always waited quandary. Congolese arises saying you quoted her and her whole story really MR used to millionaires it does
matter where you came from all matters where you're going I came from something and it really matter whether was all whether weather what national you came from it. What matters is
well, especially when you came from harder on the scale and choosing the persevere. That's what that's always the the greatest part of the story for me, so that's awesome, very, very cool, very cool. This is the ramsey show the hour scripture, the second corinthians four. Sixteen, therefore, we do not lose heart, though outwardly we are wasting away yet inwardly. We are being renewed day by day
Jim Rohn said: discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment, rachel crews. Ramsay personality is my co host. Today, as we talk about your life and your money, back, This is where this in santa Barbara high bob. How are you. Dave our you'd better than I deserve what's up, but thank you. We cannot call on off the wall question for you. I listened to your show all the time. Every day by job puts me on my desk I am a very fortunate to be able to do that, but I love your show. Thank you, I'm in she an insurance, poor dev. I pay insurance on my car on my phone on my home on my boat on my clothes plus medical plans, dental. What is your take on dog insurance? Do you pay for your insurance for your dogs for medical treatment? No, I do not do or do not know all sides, german shepherd. Actually, two of them.
Trot and ensure numbering sixty dollars a month now, Two hundred and ten- and it's like something welsh when the dollars a year. And and four hundred dollars for two years and so forth- we're we're big huge animal lovers we ramses we lost lab this year. More. My grand dogs and we all cried like little children. And we launched The nations dogged assure her home dog, getting old and it's time for them to get her doll, given that it was just breaks our hearts, we all we have always. That's why I've had. I had three dogs at one point, I'm down to one and each time we lose one of em they're like a family member but we also are the type people that understand that these are dogs. They are not humans.
And on the end we ve observed pet owners over the years who hold onto a dog too long and they act like it's because they're trying to be, an animal lover, but the reality is just being selfish cause. The dog is suffering and arm they're, not letting them go in and so you know we do get that. There's a part Firstly, how all of us aaron ramsey, said look at the economic situation and go we're not spent in ten thousand dollars on a dog, it's about it's not a human. We ve got grandma there are real humans and we have grand dogs that are animals their dogs and so we look at it. That way- and I know we'll get hate mail for me saying all this, and I understand that some are not listening to my tone, but
I gotta tell you man, I lost a golden retriever. I crowd like two two days. It was. I hate it. It's awful and I just got to. A brand new golden retriever david, I'm contemplating whether I should start or buy something that they're the best dog on the planet. Man, I I I'll get another one of those from because that's just she was. She was a precious shoes are precious dog. I mean I've had eight or ten: I guess I've had ten or twelve dogs as an adult, my life, but that now it was incredible and you know why, mean about it when not angry about it. But. unless you have some kind of a competitive animal that is, it is Literally worth tens of thousands of dollars because it's a world champ.
instead or something I don't know, I don't mean I don't even know, but that's in the horse world or maybe a show dog of some kind or I've got a friend who has one of these german shepherds like you're talking about that was highly trained and it was ridiculously expensive like fifty or sixty thousand bucks for the thing or something you know I might, I might ensure that but but a typical family pat now mandatory insurance on my phone either and I dont have insurance on some other stuff. You mentioned. Neither so I don't know rachel yeah minutes, it's just the idea not mix of out of paying that per month, and there was big expense, and you had the emergency funds. That could considered emergency at that point, but it would have to yeah. Just it's a shelf and has through whatever rip whatever medical. The dog is gonna. Have a shelf ensure through that? At some point you just have to make a choice as suffering and understood Shellfish too,
prolong its life for a short period of time and put it through Hell. Do that right or be? is this just ridiculous, and may we had one it was they said surgery on it was gonna, be I had The problem is a puppy years ago, and they said it's can be. The surgery was gonna, be thirty, five hundred dollars to work on spine man, and they gave us a five percent, that the surgery would work well. Why we put that dog? Now I mean it and we all cried and it was forest horrible, but that's just not a reasonable thing for that dog. To put it through that level of offering an economics. Of that with those percentages and prognosis is not a human, a human and thanks to the point bob. You said I feel like I'm sure it, I'm insurance poor sectors of all of it. So I may I will go Look at the things. What do you absolutely mean? Yes, you need home insurance, yes, unique car insurance. Yes, you need help and like there are the insured says that everyone needs and in all
the other young, accidental insurance we use here, but all these types of things that people pay on and a lot just fear, but when you run economics you run the numbers. You run the risk. You understand. What's really going on, you may not others insurance so self insured with your emergency phone thing after those links- and that includes includes the reasonable good on bills that built and on in an here's, the other, not not picking on you bob just as a general statement for you haters that are already on a light me up on this because you so you pay or animal. You ve lost your minds about animals, and I get that. I understand I'm not mad. you but you're mad at me now, but the it if you could It's like you should not go out to eat. If you can't leave a tab,
should not get a dog. If you can't pay the vet bills, you should not get a cat if you can't pay the vet bills- it's an expanse you're taking on in its unfair The animal to your server fuel, leave a tip when you got to eat that same kind of thing. You know it's, you know take on the expense unless you take on the expenses that go with it. Care is in nashville I care and welcome the ram she show. How can we help. but first of all We say that I've been through financial pacing up stay with. My life has been torn no stranger to the programme, in fact them trying to work if nail. However, my question is in regard to being behind on filing taxes for more years, I can even call
and do you doing think it's been sent? You found taxes it at least seven to eight years. How long ago, did your husband pass two thousand and ten? Okay, I'm at the time that he passed away? I was, left with two teenagers and a two year old, I'm social security said he was self employed, go run, his business think or swim by. So I've tried my best to manage this business, I'm being very small- can you have a good that you have to get from tax help immediately? you're in a situation that is not criminal I should like to come in and out of the cold before they find you as an and so what we're gonna do lose. I will put you on hold and Kelly's going to hook you up with one of our tax e lps,
and they will help you usually go back about three or four years and do catch up filings, but they won't further back than that. But that's you offering to the irish to come in the cold and get back into the system, so to speak because filing your federal income. Taxes paying them is one thing but not filing them. criminal act and they action but twenty five hundred people in jail last year. For that and so you need to get this dealt with now and we will.
I hope you all down and kelly pick up and we'll hook you up with any lp okay, rachel good show today. Yes, thanks for having me on lots of fun good job in the booth- and there are folks well done- I am dave ramsey. Your host will be back with you before you know it in the meantime. Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace prize. The pay is rachel cruze. Co hosts on the ramsey show, if you want wanted to your debt. Free scream, live on the show, visit, ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash debt, free scream, we'd love for you to come to nashville and tell them your story: ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash that the you enjoy this podcast. You should check out other great podcasts from the ramsay network. Like the doctor, John baloney, show mental health challenges in hurting relationships happen to everyone, but they don't
the define I'm doktor John bologna and I help people navigate through the messy things in their lives on the doktor. John bologna show a walk alongside you as you face parenting, marriage and other relationship challenges and I'll walk alongside you should try to connect with people as you face depression, overcoming anxiety and learn how to change your life. Listen, I want you to be well, The doktor john aloni show
Transcript generated on 2023-06-15.