« The Dave Ramsey Show

You Don’t Become a Millionaire by Investing Borrowed Money


Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss:

  EveryDollar, budget for the life you want today for free: Click Here

  • "Are our Baby Steps out of whack?"
  • read more: The 7 Baby Steps,
  • Why you shouldn't invest borrowed money to get wealthy,
  • "Should we pull from our Roth to fund our kid's college?"
  • "Can I use a credit card as my $1000 emergency fund?" 
  • Dave & Rachel react to a New York Times column,
  • read more: Money, Marriage, and Communication,
  • "My ex keeps slowing down my progress,"
  • "Can we use our kids' accounts to fund our debt snowball?"
  • Preparing kids for their financial future in a family with a history of Alzheimer's,
  • "What should I do when my car lease ends?"
  • "Should I buy a personal home or commercial building?"
  • "We can't afford our house anymore,"
  • "Help! I don't want to inherit a timeshare..."
  • "Should I be investing while paying off debt?"
  • "Should we pay off our daughter's student loans?"
  • Following the Baby Steps while fighting cancer.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from the headquarters of ramblers illusions casually from the pods movie and storage studios debts. Ramsay. Shall we now people build world, do work they love and create actual amazing related. Thank you for joining us reminder. Rachel crews rooms, your personality number one by showing author go out of the smart money happy hour? My daughter is my co host today, open phones, a triple eight, eight too. five, five, two to five!
This is the show where we love you so much. We will tell you the truth. And sometimes you'll like it, but we're here, because we care about you and we're gonna help I'll say at nice I'll say the truth nicer than maybe he will sometimes maybe sometimes on life or matching, today. As a start, my camera little us little black action, color color, coordinating their. You know me look thinner than wearing black, like being centre, discover That's a personal revelation open found. Aaa eight to five. Five two to five mary is starting us off. In saint louis, I marry Come to the rams show, shall I do for taking my car sure. What's up, though, the last few weeks Honest I'm going down a little bit about dave, ruby, rabbit hall on youtube, though I'm just kind of getting to know your
the ball- is really a treat by them, but I have a real question about your baby steps: the one thousand dollar emergency fund philosophy. I think my husband and I might be a little out of whack when it comes to following the steps and eggs exactly correct. We have a a Few thousand dollar car alone. We have a tutor fifteen thousand dollar mortgage We have about thirty thousand and non retirement investments, and we ve often cited a few borrowed beth and accounts for our children or trying to increase our requirement to fifteen mercato trying to do everything at once. My question is: are we not long before you even heard of ash Do we really richard been trying to save you know is as much as possible. I did for you really try to pay off as carloads and things like that. We want one car left. My question is, as it's taken us several
this day that money that we have and the non retirement investment that we currently have a deck and our backyard? That is literally far apart, so we ve been to remove it and replace it with a patio for about fifteen thousand dollars which are held high income about one forty five go. So I guess my question is, and I you know I. I also am worried if we use the money to pay off the car loan and then we do the patio. I just always like having some cushion to know that if there are big purchases that come up, I'm that we have enough cash to do it. I guess I just wanted to know what your philosophy was odd, based on everything you know where we're out, The summary of the background of the baby steps was this: when I first started teaching basic financial principles thirty years ago, I would have this exact conversational people were to wash dark
Where do I start? Where do I start and a couple of philosophy use emerged as we worked with thousands and Thousands of people now millions of people years later, but the philosophies, number one that emerge was they know. one wealth building tool that you have is your income when you give it to other people in the form of payments. You limit our slow down or even stop your ability to build wealth so becoming debt. Free first national later home is an essential of a long term wealth building plan, because the money you make hundred and forty five thousand dollars should turn. window millionaire, they viewed give it all to someone else in the form of car payments, etc, etc. Right and that's the general philosophy, ok, general philosophy, number two was people kept saying: where do I start because one hundred per
of us, including no matter how much money you make have competing priorities. We have a broken down deck. We have a an emotional need for a pad of. Urgency fund laying their high school kids, dynamic, the call to see how many kids coming out. We ve got life insurance. We need, we ve got a nice car we might need to purchase. We ve got another thing. We gotta think about christmas god, it's gonna be again in twenty minutes, you know I was All these things coming irish and show them what we came up with was the baby perhaps in the region they been so successful, is because it gives you a very clear path. That is based in good, solid financial planning principles and get out of debt philosophy, big the interest shortish duchess, between where you are and wealth nothin?
might not be the shortest distance between where you are and a deck, but it's the shortest just between where you are and wealth and that's what the whole thing's built on and show What we will tell you, there's have one thousand dollars. First, any other non retirement money you have, the thirty thousand bucks in your case would be to come. Become debt free except your homes. We pay off your car by the time you by the time dinner is here tonight parents are? Ok, then that leaves you fourteen thousand dollars and you have a deck problem when you make a hundred forty five thousand, so we need to get a deck fixed. you, have any money and savings and all other than this non retirement, We have a bout. Will you have a small savings account with a bow five thousand and I feel that I will keep some of that other though, but instead of the deck for your emergency fund, kazoo sad, I just wanna have some cushion that's what that provide you in and then you guys make great money and I would just cash flow, but don't put in put in the budget. Hey we're going to save x amount per month towards the deck.
Looking for okay, I get so you make a hundred for your right retro you mike mic, forty five, let's call twenty thousand your emergency fund, which will probably about right- and you never touch that effort for anything, it's not for purchases. A abashed boat. Another car is not an emergency okay. This is only if the world come? What comes to an end? I mean only if the transmission goes only If your mother, where are your relative or whoever in another state passed away and you gotta buy an airline ticket, I mean only as an emergency and unexpected event a deck falling off gradual! That's not unexpected, yeah. Ok, that's terrific! point we're put twenty thousand bucks there. Now you got no car, and now you're gonna get on a detail, budget and start working these plants- and I would say for the deck very rapidly. I think you can save for the deck my christmas cry and and then you pay cash. For it, oh by the way in the winter, the guys aren't working as much in Saint louis.
and so you might get a better deal yeah the deck in the summer. I could be wrong, but I think so, and so and so on. Ok now the deck, and now we got babyship fought. Fourth fifteen. percent of your income going into retirement? You already got at the kids career college gone. You already got that going and now, let's start just thinking about we gonna knock out regional to interpreting dollar mortgage is not much. You sound young, how young argue and thirty four so I mean you guys, I may try show yeah thirty, five, thirty five, basically just closer when, when you're my it's really My third point is the euro you're gonna cash? You should have this house paid up before
forty yeah you're, going to see a lot of traction marry because you guys you already have the instinct you've been doing this and, like you said it's everything's a little bit all over. You just need more of a concise plan, but there's no power you're going to see up in lack of focus, focusing and working straight down. Those baby steps gives you a power. She keeps you from doing other stuff. We tried their six things. It wants nothing, it's not what you do. One thing get the one thing done and show it the car and we get the deck. Now we got the retirement we get, Its college going nourish. We're start the house, one thing: a boom boom bobo Folks can come in here. Working toward professional growth in working towards better health has allowed in common they can be long, hard journeys, but they're worth it to have the quality of life you want and they both require, make it so crucial choices. Folks, getting healthy, isn't easy, even when you're eating right. I think about this
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you know you're so better than we deserve, sir. How can we help a question for you in return, we are retired and we have no debt and were purchasing a new car it we could pay cash for the new car. if we could get a financing deal and we can invest that same amount of money in cities over the same period, a time what your recommendation, pregnant women are our it pick out for them all don't buy it now, here's the thing how much more. What you're that worth point five million. You didn't get that by playing games like this. Well, you got lodged by saving money, acting money right. In borrow on a car and invest the difference. No, I won't. I was too modest hello. What you're talking about me not point as usual, deadly invested over a long period of time. To get two point: five million. You didn't I
borrow money and invest borrowed money to become Multi millionaire did you. And now you're going back on. All you're, always don't do it don't stick with the planned gotcha here, you're in crime my congratulations, he rode back you. I wish I were too How'd you like earlier would have made the cap a little bit easier, but I enjoy it. I don't think it's ever easy, but do you score a touchdown in the super bowl? Far as I'm concerned, man well done. Thank you work hard to get there. Thank you very much. That's so cool! You know it's funny that rachel when you start paying attention to money, and obviously that's one of the things- that's required to end up a two and a half million dollars. I kind of thought he was going to tell me that by the way yeah I kind of felt that you know he's just like hate, but the people just you're there thinking about money, not in a negative way, not in a greedy. Why not I'm obsessed with money, but instead of just you know, it's like people that drive and pay attention when the driving and the ones that drive and dont pay.
Attention when they're driving and that's what they do with their money? They don't pay attention or they do and the ones have to pay attention. If you just think about it, even though he was getting ready to dump thing, but I mean he he's a guy that thinks about it. Why one yards? Why one end- and I think this is where people can over things, something don't take the math of something I think. Ok, why can kind of beat the system here? Because we hear that all the time right paying off your house or even death? You know people use debt and want to keep debt around like well. If I invested that amount of money, instead of paying it off, I would make more and then you know me like they start to they start to over think it where I'm it's like? Oh, my gosh, you have to like untangle it and almost in a sense, remember what brought you here yes ends? What is the imf, that you have when you're not attached to debt, what it what patty meal and that behaviour part. I feel like some people, you know jump at. But I appreciated his question because I mean I think there are people naturally that, like
I want to do well with money. Well, what's what what's the quickest path? Godchildren appointing pointed out got exactly your exactly right and social about can happen as soon as you try to fix something with the math and you forget the heart. That's right! You, you know, use only your brain and not your heart cause your heart measures risk and your head does math, and so, if you're, if you you know who I worked so hard to be debt free and then all of a sudden, you forget and go back into debt on a car or some some shark when you think about it right, but but at least he's on pat task and he's thinking about is is a person that considers these things and is asking questions. Yeah, absolutely still curious, yapped, no curious to two me Well done, sir! Well done, I'm proud of you stay, is in Cincinnati, ohio hygiene, stephen welcomed the rams issue. It area
better than we deserve? What's up, he had had a question for you more versed in your programme on fifty two and I've got three boys wanted the junior college, yours could to be a junior. The other one is gonna, be afresh. College in the other ones, just go in and not far from college either. My wife and I made it certain to try to pay their traditions and for good and we gotta. Yet we ve got good falconry nine programmes, but they're just back and cover all of it. So we're trying to make up some ground in a fairly short period of time and I wanted to see, without our on bought it basically moving the principle that we paid into our off retirement accounts, and moving that over to the five twenty nine it's about a hundred and ten thousand that would basically gonna get the deal done. And ran in it. We ran episodical them stood and have, but you
Wakey a million dollars when it comes to retire on time, which is a more than enough for pro lifestyle so trying to get your thoughts on it. How much money is in your retirement? Now nine hundred thousand. and you don't have any other money- gunnar emergency funds were used. Pay in full steven, you mean just like semester by semester, right, correct, roll, three boys all four years: what's your household income hundred and fifty belt, okay go ahead wise and make sure it's even yeah yeah I mean? U, s will pay each semester when the semester comes you're, not looking much in the of appointment at sea.
There's about a hundred and ten thousand enough and watch the turn of the total budget for the kids to go to school intuitions. thereabout see a forty five a year or yeah about forty five a year for each kit? That includes dorm and and every day that that's that's, show your you weren't talking registration, your govern everything, correct! Ok, So you got eighty a year right now correct You got one tune and there she got a years worth. You don't have enough. Then, if you move the roth, why not so we can get out will continue to say for our youngest, though we will basically, in a fund that difference, we haven't you remember nothing of him of the raft, as you say, in your your birth eighty a year after the next to you
is that's one hundred and sixty and after that, you're burning another year in college. Only now two are in college. Now forty, each right yeah, that's right, yeah for eats yeah, so eighty k per year and you've got a freshman and you've got a junior so for the next two years, that's one hundred and sixty you only got to ten or what cash flow some of it so yeah the math isn't apples. The apple you're not gonna, get lower. We need new and get their crimes. the sheets are your freshmen when you're freshman graduates will you I have another. We have two in school like ever again or is it the one going to leave about the time the other one comes in the the one leaves as soon as it all comes down here. So you don t want you get past history.
Here's your at a forty year burn right, give or take correct and done called them getting a job which they need to do it'll be applying for scholarships, which I need to do right, and I just I it it just. It just goes against everything. I am ishtar, cashing retirement for college shortly borrowed a duet. So I do that before I borrow, and by what you, rain, or rather nerve. Twenty non english cash out correct yeah I shall put it in going on. You can't, but you can take it out here, spend it wouldn't do that until our emptied the five twenty nine I'd, let it shutter grope, grow additional growth before you move at tax free right and show you got I will try to make it two more years and get that latvia, the first one out of school and then get down.
the forty burn rate, if you got down to the forty burn rate with this money, that'll get into that just makes it one year. Yeah, it's interesting to me: it's the it's it! It rubs me the wrong Why could go against the principle of using against everything? I believe you urged amendment if it won't do everything I planned online so here's one more day, I'm going to use the five twenty nine I'm going to cash flow like a bandit and and I'm gonna put kids to work and I'm going to go for scholarships and try to not touch this. If you do touch Make it the last thing you do and you allow it to sit there and grow until then oh, maybe only in the fourth or fifth year, or whatever else. What else can we sail? any other assets to have anything we can do because this
in one thousand is worth millions if you'll leave it alone and not take it out of it. What your? What it's going to cost you and miss is just ridiculous, because you're getting tax free growth on it, I hate to touch. I really have to touch it. It'll be the very last thing update. This is a ramsey show Moving can be exciting, but it's also a lot of work and because not everything happens right when you wanted to it's important to stay flexible why you need pods moving in storage, whether you're moving town or across the country part delivers a more flexible way to move by keeping things simple they deliver your container and you load it on your schedule either on your own or with the help of local packing and loading experts. Podge can refer when you're done. Pods stop the container and brings it to your new place and if your,
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I've, my wife, just had our first baby. I have roughly forty three thousand dollars and debt. My annual income is around seventy three thousand dollars. wanting to start my baby steps but adequate question whether this up one and two, I have a credit card that as max thou at the thousand dollar limit. If I pay that card off, can I count that Maybe that blind and attack on my debt snowball was intensely putting a thousand hours cash in my savings account. No john to show confidence now. Oh no,. because our max out credit card for a thousand dollars is not considered your emergency fund. Your emergency fund is considered cash that you have saved. So your own money before you pay off your credit card, save a thousand dollars cash thin. You start working to pay. if your debts and might be the first when you buy off, I appreciate job- and you know I'm a thousand our linda.
Cash thousand dollars put that in the meantime, the underlines built up in this question is that he's gonna use a credit card, as is always kick up on areas of our lives and he's gonna use a stupid credit card it's the underlying bulk rap yeah, that's just now Alright, there was that ensure wreckage. Mom went on one other, cripple, This job and she goes your scheme and scam and again you try to find a short cut. Gaming. Scamander. Do the work by that sure? That's rituals, mom! That's that's! That's what I get so Jonathan, just your scheme and scam and Jonathan just do the work vikings campaign? Oh my gosh, that's what you can scam, your way in the wealth. Again, you can have a trick yourself into it and our we're not going to go thousand dollars in credit card debt for the emergency fund, but we appreciate the question so cute: here's a more sophisticated problem, so this was sent to me via instagram, appreciate on my instagram people.
there cause. They will send me things a lot and they're like oh, my gosh. What are you think about this or anything about that? And this one cannot people marched me stuff, but I don't look at it, so I wouldn't know you have you like red the messengers or something? Is that what you're David? I am part of it. People are my people, so I get on in talk to people on social media. You lied to social meet, you lad, sour were their real people. Man there on the other side that enjoy your stuff, love and connemara, charming on you'll, get all should go and talk to them anyway, so that our guy you and they sent you the yes and I read the message Just because I read my messages and they're like hey, I want you and dave talk about it, and I was like oh perfect so together? So this is from a new times article and the headline was I've hidden, my trust fund for fifteen years. Joy finally tell my spouse so grave for this. Forty four year old man and of a marriage. My sauce for ten years we ve been together for fifteen unbent
to my spouse. I have a trust fund that provides me with monthly income of twenty five thousand dollars. When we first met, I said that I worked as a consultant and they ve never question that my spouse a dedicated doktor works long hours and doesn't like to discuss work when not on the job. Over the years, I have repeatedly assured my spouse that they dont need to work. As my income is secure and stable? They are, however, passion about their career and have chosen continue working actively, on various boards, but I have never held a full time. Job and don't plan to our lifestyle is comfortably upper middle ass. I am content with that. My dilemma is whether I should reveal the truth about my trust fund to my spouse. My family members have always advised against discussing our financial situation, but the weight of the secret is becoming too difficult to bear. What do you do all day? He sits on boards, oh
I don't know pledge wording. I wonder how often like this Well, we will. We know that spouses hide things from one another. That's it that's a consistent theme through life, like that's a known thing, and but this one was just interesting than like. Okay, twenty five grand a month. I wonder what she thinks that he does to earn. That. a mountain, so anyways, but what I would tell the name is withheld. There's enough, this clause known in times article? So yes, if anyone out there, has this dilemma, nor no. I also wish to learn the idea that you have a secret that is too unbearable to bear that is from your spouse. Listen, we always teach and talk and believe a being on the same page with your spouse as much better, so coming clean and telling them anything and everything
when it comes to money anything you're, withholding is not only a just left the weight of your voters that you ve been carrying around having to navigate. Does I think about this? we're george. This is the kind of is true. I know it's well absurd, but Do you think about it, a mike the amount Like probably lie, and deception that had to have occurred, to cover the google to cover the big lie: that's a lot of work and life and this time for that. So I'm just like three years. Well, an awful lot of girl ruler, your love for you no longer an end. You been with you. ass for tat I mean, like I mean I think it's my ended what she probably still wants to be a doctor because she's passionate about her work and that's great but yeah being upfronts, honest, disclosing everything, regardless of whether it's a twenty five thousand dollar trust fund or it's a secret credit. once you have whatever it is. Ah you and your spouse be on. The same pages is crucial to to winning winning long term so yeah. You should have disclosed this day, one and you should be
continually, you should not have any secret from your spouse. Shallow period, I mean that's just of thing. Ok, You just cannot build equality relationship on deception. Da ok, show your family is screwed up dude because your family is telling you that your money, and you're not needing to work is, is you, how they know your secret and your own freaking wife does not, and your family thanks. That's good your family, screwed up, and then they left you money. So you don't have to work. That's screwed up, show If you're gonna participate in the ramsay trust involves
continually working, because working is good for the soul like real work, you doing work showing up and doing stuff. You know this is not good since not healthy, there's, nothing such fun or is only twenty. Five thousand rs only three dollars a year so not like your freakin rich, makes three hundred grand Now I'm right now I mean it's not three million it's for you. Boughs and what this guy not done with his life, that he should have done pretty good. I should have done something with his life and studies. The king. I mean I mean now really already cut shortening onwards, that's code, for I don't do much. I'm tellin, you sure this is wrong. It's wrong! I'm angry as its deception. It's all glasgow, as if my family has said we should not share many information, because your family thinks this money is a bigger deal than it is
Just from your mind, they more important than your spouse now and more important than your integrity in your marriage. Yo yeah. You been live in a long time and that, in the shape of deception and its poisoned and really the cleanest best. Then you can know you'll be like an alcoholic who drug shuts down a bottle when you quit lying europe, a cleanliness of soul, that's gonna, be so good for you and issue we passed well yeah, Of course, she's going to be pissed she'd been lied to for fifteen years. She said yeah, ah yeah yeah, of course, she's going to be mad, yeah she'd, if she's not she's a worse, she should be mad. This suggests nutty. Anger is a good thing yeah and that's it. I'm a real you, but you you're you're living a lie. That's why you have to put it out on the dead gum, just columnist, you're, forgetting go to ethics class. To figure this one out,
This is why we need ethics classes of the sun. Don't depend. I am papa, don't do this to your kids, you're, better off teach them how to work. Give them. No money, then give them this grab this Does the rams asia I'm sure you played the telephone game. People whisper a message in passing around until it's completely different than what you started with multiply, confusion by a hundred if you run a business with different software systems that don't talk to each other? That's why there's net sweet by oracle, net sweet, helped, ramsay level up and it'll, make a difference for your business to join the more than thirty four thousand customers who trust net suite to help them make smarter decisions to learn more get a free product tour at net suite dot com, slash ramsey, that's net, suite dot com, slash ramsey,
Rachel grooms ramsay personality is michael host today. Thank you for joining us open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five ashley's in nashville, Actually, how are you. I'm gonna marry gas better than we deserve. What's up Good morning to you you're all in, I haven't seen measure out programme and well allow twenty twenty I'm still in baby said too. And we just go if you terms, but I'm just not sure of my decision, though, in two thousand and thirteen we adopted our son. can a year later our marriage fell apart. We split up so that board to now in the court turns over catch. The issues. I want a non can't really his dad's to show me how to get along where sobered in those two times.
It caused me around twenty to twenty. thousand dollars and core return Everything else so come true to just gain contraction. on lady preparing for that in the future. I feel I could not go away and still be enabled. Well, if my dad, I really just don't know what to do. I'm sorry, ashley, that's really yeah! That's! That's a really hard situation. How much how much Do you make a year? so our work as much overtime as I can then trotted Last year I made around one hundred gr, one hundred thousand and then and this year it's probably to be between eighty and ninety k. What do you do? I'm a nurse good for you. Thank you.
how much, how much debt in general do you have altogether. probably around ninety thousand mixture of vehicles too well. I've been here all alone in her hands the credit cards in long ago, at the bank. Would you own your car twenty five She have ninety thousand in debt and twenty five of its car and then how much of its gretta gorge. around nine thousand, so the rest of it is one I have a lot to credit wicked around twenty thousand. We opened the paper court fees. I'm not sure I can't think of me
many of them die. That's only forty five that only fifty four thousand, though I have another vehicle, my name, but I don't take work, though, that another, at forty, eight thousand, but that no one in the world. What is that it's, his truck He makes all the payments on that. It doesn't cost me anything, but we went in together to get it so so your name is on the. Is it on the deed on the on the loan on the title of the truck yeah yeah, but the divorce decree gave him the truck and you're supposed to pay it or he's supposed to it! So that's not here! Now! That's like my fiance that I have now, I'm sorry, oh you! So you it's a year hearing on a truck for your fiance for fifty thousand dollars, so we will get a fairly by for him
we it's something where you stand together. He needed you to co, sign it. Oh now he is doing dared with his money. He has not got a friend. You know more about low lying gathers money why are you all alone. because you were we're getting married air. And I just I don't know it was. When are you getting married? for you within the next year, whole story that you told us that has what about tragedy and sadness. This thing and jumped up as super stupid and crazy man like fifty thousand dollar truck, while you're fighting don't have the money to pay and you have to take out a line of credit and the best idea ya. Gotta go in debt.
Fifty grand on a truck while you're trying to keep it dad gum child it. Custody battle ongoing with a crazy acts. This crock is crazy. Nuts, crazy, yeah, yeah, so I will show you you're getting married. When did you say? Would any here? Ok,. Why are you waiting an unemployed? Is everything she's been so crazy? My eggs for the past two years There were saying darting approach in my phone has one issue worn with none of that changes in a year. I'm sorry, that is changing in a year. Yet we did this night
I don't know, there's anxiety and depression on my side and my main focus being my son. Does she has not been at the top of the list? I guess you. You called and asked us for help and we love you and we want you to win and we're sad that you're having to fight to keep your baby okay, then I'm going to tell you some hard staff? Are you ok with that? Yet hooker shallow stupid truck get married now or don't, but don't wait around on some mythical island to come sailing from mythical shipped come sailing up your island when everything be right, because the things you been facing part of your anxiety and part of the things you've been facing with mental health. Stuff is not just your ex it's this pile of stuff on you and all of these, and I untied knots knots that need to be tied.
ok, you don't have closure on anything all open, ended things. Others open ended. This open ended that open ended. The ushers no closure anywhere and that creates anxious to create anxiety, show on yet you ve gotta get some some predictable order, chaos to the more areas of your life, you can get non chaos in, though the FAO, after your anxieties, gonna drop, I'm not a mental health, professional doktor, John Polonius. I've heard him say that so I said it ok, but that's the truth so, and these you know, and the debt and the I'll of debt, you guys have you haven't now you guys with his fifty thousand. Our truck is part. Of where europe zadig coming from, because you don't you feel trapped and now you're your work about the next time. The crazy ex comes at you. What how we gonna cover that means got a forty, eight thousand dollar truck note, and I know you take.
Care of it actually I've been in, but the truth is though, if he doesn't it's on, you then you're carrying this around your neck. You feel it in your between your shoulder blade. You feel the weight of it and that's part. The anxiety, you can't keep from doing that by the way. It's just how your body in your mind in europe spur works, show ya if If you are my little sister or or a daughter, I would tell you get married and shall the truck by the weekend or run this guy off and saw the truck by the weekend but pain or get off the latter right. Ok, That's what I would tell you do if I loved you- and I do not want you to do that- ok and then we want you to take this wonderful income. You haven't, you have a fabulous career choice because you always have a job and you always make money when you're a nurse it just a great job, and I say I would sell your car honestly. I would get any level interaction for twenty five thousand, unlike you can get a use, ten thousand or whatever it is, but just I would I would get out.
That how hard wood you work? How crazy would you go to have twenty thousand dollars? bank and no debt so next time crazy ex comes around, you can punch him in the nose with a lawyer that's what I thought I was found exactly and now, but you didn't. You went over the car lot with your goober fear. say about a truck Ok, so you went the other way shall what you to sell everything inside work like crazy people, live on beans and rise. Rice and beans get married Was it the credit card debt paid off? I mean all of you start getting some traction with that debt, payoff ashley and I think you're gonna start to feel more in control because you are where you feel that way. Does europe run the chaos, often dr order in an builder? build a war chest to go to war, and then you can fight for the baby. This is the rams issue
the flight from the headquarters of ramsey solutions, broadcasting from the pods moving and storage studios. It's the ramsey show where we help people film while to work that they love and create actual amazing relationships. Rachel cruze ramsey personality number one best: selling author co host of the smart money happy hour, podcast on the ramsay networks, with old george camel, is my co host. Today, open phones are aaa eight to five five to two I've! Sarah starts this hour in new york city high. Sarah how're, you harry you better than deserve. What's up, though I was because I'm about to start baby sap number two- and I have some money set aside for the kids and your account than I did know about what they use. Anna I've read mega torment,
think the handbook- and I just it- wasn't clear, thoughtful and clarify I wouldn't not unless shows a notion that I've got some kind of super emergency technically, technically, you can but what is what patenting is most of us that parents feel like a dirt bag If we use money for our kid right bag for young offsets any of the good progress, your king, a hundred percent- and I thought I could thanks, but I just wanted to make sure yeah I want to get out of here and house related. Seventy four and household incomes. What a three ten okay, so you're going to get it without doing this, yet no trouble, oh yeah, for sure I think I could probably do it in like fourteen months yeah I'm, but how much is in the custodial?
I would very much like tanker there, so don't even make it differently really much more and more of a concept. Anything so young yet another region, but I mean, if I'm you know, you're sure Our thing you you had a medical emergency are of with an adult life. you or your husband is in the house. You there's a hundred thousand dollars. My kids account and we need to pay more yeah. I would use it for that yeah, you know, but but but I most of the time you just the the negative feelings aren't or don't. You know what I offset any good. The money would do barbarian, and so that's. Why would she don't do that? I'd leave them money alone? What do you guys are going to say? I was here as the numbers are what it was specifically for or where did they get? It if it was that they funded it as parents in korea. I was just curious more of that, but when it comes down to a jar of exactly right, it's their money, so how
stop adding until I'm am, and I will stop adding until I had my emergency phone and I will stop adding to it audio until I had fifteen percent babyship foregoing into my in my retirement so now, once once you've walked up the baby steps in you're back to baby step five, the news start adding again, but I wouldn't, but it's kind of like retirement in the sense I would cash out retirement but which stop adding to it while you're at this stage, but is in nashville high ban. How are you doing. Ok, I'm a shop dave better than we deserve. What's up? Yes, so I have a question about disability church, my wife and I have got your standard policies or by a smart, sixty percent. My wife is seventy and we have been considering getting supple mental disability coverage. We don't have your gyp weighing on it in bed. next year, eighteen months and
We were just wondering what your advice would be on the shuttle mental coverage gin, it falls in the gimmick. Category and show the bang for. The back is not as good It is your workplace furnish the other to disability policies, Nathan, the two that we have a young man. We d go and outside it understand, given some young understand so an end so, but if you like, but your policy would cost prop. Would culture employer probably have what you would pay for small supplement policy, That's just it is not meeting the supplement. Policies are expensive, their low, but gimmicky. That's what I'm saying for the actual carbon lay our extensive area.
And so on I mean it certainly dependent upon your or your occupations say what do y'all do Ben do you have a high risk of something happening physically to you cause of a job or no I'm a lawyer in my life is a nurse and what are you without a doubt, you got some money built up or what we are on baby step number two right now we should be out of out of debt in hearing about sixteen months or so and we I think at one hundred and thirty thousand a year total income that I would not, but I would not buy shotgun metal. In your case I mean, as you've discovered it's, not it's expensive for what it, what you get, and you know them. You ve got the main thing covered because after taxes you're Sixty percent or your seventy percent is gonna, be about what you're coming on me. You come home with eighty percent profit, but I'm in your Gonna lose
You're not going to be living on. Sixty percent of your current take home you're living sixty percent of your gross or seventy percent of your gross, and so ah yeah. I and ii If I woke up in your shoes when I was in your shoes, I did not carry additional disability and arm, but I will read right, because I'm glad you brought the substantial that we talk about enough on this discipline. term disability insurance is the most under ensured area in america, you need long term disability instruments. Hopefully you can buy through work very inexpensively or work, furnishes it for you or you can bite through your association if europe build the by the home builder or or whereas up that, but get long term disappear. Insurance is very inexpensive for what it is for that? First, sixty to seventy percent amount and your third,
two times more likely to become disabled, and to die? If you, Thirty years all between thirty and sixty five show you your prob billy of disability between thirty and fifty five is high much higher than and it is if you that than death, it and yet we all run run dogma, life insurance and you need to get a life insurance too. by our show. Ben brings up a really valid point. The disability insurance is vital, but supplement. Was not yet so for any additional disability insurance. When will be it that you're, like I would recommend some day is it is it labor cause. I would think, if you're at a job that is more physically taxing, like you, don't mean if there's, if you're, in a blue collar situation of some kind yeah your your disability policy is going to be even higher, because it's it's as much occupation based as it is age or health base.
so anything extra is not only of your eye was aroused window, cleaner right regulations, you'd rather a cubicle for a living right. You know it's a whole different set of categories for you to get down there. Don't it's really expensive! So again, you ve gotta, go back and try to get it through some common association. But you know, we're talking about or something like an aflac policy like the cancer policy, the should, until they reached the cat insurance, the our heart attack insurance. Whatever all this, it's all gimmick stuff I don't want to spend money on that stuff at all and so short and excitement, but I just don't: go this year, not sorry, sorry, not sorry aflac duck yeah, where we're going This is the rams asia Hey everybody! Doktor, John bologna! Here, when you hang on to stuff, you don't need it can lead to an anxious life. Look around, it might be
time to declutter. You've got a treadmill. covered in dust magazines from years ago. Your garage is so full. You came in part cars in it and that now hosty, lumpy madras you ve had for a decade and a half gross. Can lead to more anxiety. Anna can cause bad sleep. Your sleep is way too important for that in your way too important for that one of the These things you can do to improve your mental and physical health is to invest in refreshing sleep, and includes having a great mattress like a dream cloud right dream cloud, is making it a no brainer to upgrade your mattress with an offer just for our listeners, forty percent of all mattresses, plus an additional fifty dollars and savings start our ties in your sleep but a dream cloud sleep. dot com and, inter promo code, John bologna, that's dream club sleep, dot, com co, John baloney,
gradual bruise ramsay personality is michael host. Today, open phones triple eight eight to five five, two to five: So before we went on the air today day, you did you're free, web, in our own budgeting, with every dollar going right? Yes, we dared yap. We had four thousand show happening over ten. Eleven thousand registered, so they'll be some re plays a going Thus we people that submitted their email address but began when really well. We can adjust just into the fact that your budget really is the found one of the foundational principles of winning long term. You do this and baby step, one all the way to seven and how most people feel still does a control, but their money that pay check to pay checks go, and then you have inflation. Without stood alone. Payments are about to start coming and again, so there's a There is a really pressing people showing them: hey here's. How to do a budget and then even
with every dollar every dollar premium like here's. The here is the functions for your day to day life with money and how we built it to help people again day to day yet accessible on your phone and making it some minutes. Part of your habits on an everyday basis, so it was. It was great and I have another one on the twenty fourth of august, so you can sign up at every dollar dot com slush webinar for that one and every dollar dot com, slash budgeting. Why? I think that one's jade's, I think we all have different now, it's over either alone in there alone. According to this thing, I have in my hand, okay. Well, according to the website, okay, I could be wrong. So, anyway, you could try the one: every dollar dot com, slash, budgeting, J it'll, be teaching another one. She had ten thousand at her george, I george is doing one as well coming up soon to all thirty three jade and george and rachel crews. All of these are free weapon ares on budgeting with the state bearing down on you, inflation bearing down on your credit card debts,
time high folks related. Get control in the budgets the tool adoption do that it's completely free to go to war. Webinars, show, got every dollar dot com, budgeting or every dollar dot com Webinar was my landline and they make sense, but it was well. She would have been shooting probity, though it will get your going up and found a triple eight eight to five five who to five julie is whether in Houston, texas, I julie area I'm fine and you better than I deserve what's up. Well, my husband's family has a history very early onset, alzheimer's. All farmers have had to stop working nine years old, show it's tragic what he does and his mom had it. I'm working on early fifties and he lived to be sixty seven nothin
Don't you understand that may be with the early onset. They live a lot longer pleading care a lot longer, and I have retired so they are in their twenty when he twenty six point four, and so by hung about fifteen to twenty years to prepare so for the possibility of them leaving fifteen years of care, want them to be in the same message, but you know has been an eye or an, but my question to you is: how can they prepare financially for the huge burn, not know they need long term care and shun, but they're gonna need you know a substantial I don't have money as well, I'm sure wow, what a what a tough thing you guys are going through and how long ago was he diagnosed julie, your husband and five years. Fifty four now
how you doing while he is attending an adult they care and he's starting to programme a little bit darting with some information and stuff, and if yeah he is changing on me truly off or there is no there. There is no different formula, it's just it just got this I dunno different urgency. I guess if you will ah to prepare because, as you said, long term care insurance, the typical policy only covers three or four years, and most of them don't cover You know from forty nine to sixty five kind of thing,
can investigate those types of policies? Are the ones that I've seen are very expensive their inordinately expensive here that the long term care industries figure? doubt that not counting you know you're, obviously all learn outlier statistically, but the typical nursing homes is three years or last two and a half to three years as the average, and so covering that much about all they're covering show there not but yeah you couldn't to get that and the first three to four years of use of the policy then when you are not able to care for him cover some one, you would do that and but other than that of its aim, building Form- and I watched the best will building formula communal walking these baby steps. And building wealth. Now. you know you may wonder a gesture baby stepped forward and start thinking like it lacks hundred people college in there to retire early before
Fifty nine and a half and to have access to their four o one k and roth IRA and so forth what you can get hardship access to those without penalties, but it's hard to prove it in hard to pull it off. If but, if assembled to retire early, we don't put some of their money and non retirement. Investing called bridge investing, and so you now, instead of putting Fifteen percent and all and roth I eurasian for one gauge- am I put ten percent there in five percent into just, as should be five hundred org mutual funds that have low turnover ratios right, show that you got some money that is not trapped in a four o. One k that you could get to in case you had the deal is with this before fifty nine, the half that makes sense on the clock label will yeah yeah if, if they yeah if he offers more of them. Probably it's not one hundred per cent but yeah you've had this had this horrible pattern that you guys have watched
very, very short, ya. And then I guess the rest of the equation of spiritual and emotional. Isn't it the youngest just walking through something like this in an s faith exercise speak and and and and dealing with the emotions of what you guys are facing, I'm so sorry I wish I had. I wish I had a really good easy answer to make them It's part easy and eve, but even the money part is not going to be easy, yeah and I think julie for them just to be able to which I'm sure they are cars are experiencing with their dad. I mean, as we speak and so for them to know hey? I I have to even more disciplined and buckle down no wing. You know some things about my future that is applied.
ability? You know, unlike the average persons walk around that that, and they don't know you they may not have that deep of a family history that they are aware, so you're gonna just fast forwards for them a level of I mean a buckle down in and maturity to know okay, if this is really true, how much do I to have so my family can take care of me, and that may mean soccer I sing you now some of the fun or whatever it may be, but just being that much more intentional and then also, I think, having the joy of life- and that was the emotional spiritual part that you're kind of talking about, but also not letting fear yeah right arrive. Drive. All of us here are johns alone, is cut out the new book building a non anxious life and up at that book is gonna have all answers julie for your situation, but found the line and announcing it, because we want to give you its on pre order right now, but gets you set up for to ship to you and then anyone else listening, because I think that that's why it's a part of
the equation that it could so easily turn into dread, a lot yeah, which is reasonable and understandable, but also you don't want it to steal and the desert parts of life that do have the joy. And being able to live in that, but so difficult. sure your face, and that if we can help vienna, we anyways broken through there, Quality time will help you we can but yeah. The idea that all deal with that later, I'm just going to screw around now my twenties and be irresponsible, He's gonna that option yoga lenient, we gotta get, we gotta be sure, is from day one and that that's not a bad thing that brought that parts not about the reason is a bad thing, but that the result is not a bad thing. This, does the rams issue the I say it all. The time dead is done, when cash is king, but when
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I have a car fleets right now and it is going to end in April the end of April twenty twenty four I'm starting to prepare. What I need to be doing at the end of that I am currently on and babies. That too I started last june. I am about at that. Way mark right now. Wondering the only thing I have left. My snowball is three student loans and then, of course, I'm just making my normal monk requirement for my car, I don't know if I should be trying to put aside money to buy that out. At the end, the value on it. What I will have to pay for, the bio, is about six thousand in body that I should have to. I don't know if I should be: Setting aside metal, you think you're gonna be able to buy six thousand dollars cheaper than its worth
have any right now. Are you running up very early days? I guess what did the kgb today? its value in about twenty six thousand men by outfit. On my we'll leave contract. Has it at twenty twenty thousand six hundred and two dollars in april in April. No, you can't get it. I'm gonna, let it be known April, like. Probably finish the dollars, I dunno why what kind of cars is exceeded Crash track Yet again, we under my mileage well filled in If you don't get credit where lad, but the only way you get credit is the actual value, the cautious gonna get inside the cars can be worth twenty. Two ok I'll make a number up. Ok, and you can buy for twenty and so you're, not over paying for the car, but you ve got They stood alone debts and you've got twelve nor car you're under your mileage. What
how shall then come and it's just? my primaries just under fifty thou, then a man. My side has asked me to make about twelve, the fear about sixty to give or take em what is left The dutch snowballed, your story, student loans, three student loans learned and then yes, my my payment. How much I was my fears, the balance on the student loans each I have just made a payment today, thirty thirty, five hundred seven thousand three hundred and eight thousand nine hundred. So total will be nineteen seven. I have a theory of what I might treasure. oh ah, open years. I don't think you're going. Twenty thousand dollars and be dead free by April. so: I'm gonna miracle happens in the numbers out in here. Ok, you shall have your.
at ferrigno, twenty thousand cash, and you want to buy the car. We could talk about that, but if you were going to just woke up by a twenty thousand on car. In the middle of what you're going to be run. Now you wouldn't care they aren't there. If you know- and so that means. by this twenty thousand nor car and causes not gonna, be worth twenty six april humbug, Twenty one point: it was not long I'll, be there you're. The century at least, is just not gonna, be there. I'm turning it in and I'm gonna have saved five thousand dollars to pay cash for a car. and so on. Then I knock out authority have among knock out the thirty five hundred and then I'm going five thousand dollars. Some I'm putting five thousand in your debt, snowball bar car in ideal, have been putting a little bit aside. Already format about fix, fell like again you are already cheating the baby staff right click heating. I caught her care archiving
Ok are well. I would stop six thousand other car, and well when any one April gets here- and meantime I would use terror and the eastern loans, and then you can move back. big car later with cash after you get emergency fund in place, but in All of this car was ten thousand dollars to buy the instead of twenty, we much I can do it, but twenty is a bit of a stretch with your income number should join d or sixty two kinda? What I was wondering I was like it seemed like it would be kind of right or right around the questionable mark cause it's a little above the bubble. For me to be one that If I, if I'm in your shoes, I'm what would I do if I woke up in your shoes, so except for the six thousand dollar already saved part. I don't wear red dirt gather yeah, that's just doing it. For you even told her. Now some people might be built like, but dave you're going off the baby steps you're going into debt snowball
but this would be a time desire. A car shall look look. It would be like if yourself it would be the same as if you had a thirty five thousand our car loan or like hey, sell it. Get a finger yeah, yeah yeah, let's say you, upside down in a car and take Well, not really. You ended up with a small loan that was in the baby steps. That's the same thing too. So all of this is just we've got to get. We got to provide for basic transportation, yep and so yeah six I've dollar car fitch beautifully in this and she's already a step They all in new york city high bill. How are you. I'm good. How are you better than I deserve? What's up? I am in between buying an apartment for myself and a mixed use building and I'm not sure what to do or both are excellent things, and so it's a choice between excellent things,
It's not like. I don't know, I don't think ones in the stupid common ones, not the advantages in twenty year game plan of only the home, you live in art, pretty dramatic and but but obviously invest Real estate is pretty dramatic and wonderful, so ah, but what happens is what people think about when you buy home. The first thing you, as you do away with, rent and rent goes up every year and home, you know what you pay for it. I'm gonna go up every. I got some with taxes insurance, but again by your payment. The largest line item in your budget is locked in. The second thing is its: up in value tax. Free dollar. Fifty thousand can be profit after one year held a single thousand married and then the third thing is
the one of the things we find in the millionaire studies. Studying millionaires is one of the biggest items that are paid for home. Like that, It stabilizes, you know, you're your last thirty years of your life, you don't have increasing rents and you ve got a very stable, predictable. On chaotic situation, because your home life is steady. Were war, betterment roasted over their plan monopoly yeah, that's more of a game, yeah yeah, so I mean nothing, owning your own place of residence is a huge factor and not only is building walls, but if your entire, just financial picture for not just the math sake, but also just the peace of mind, sake of having a place to live the yours and again and the fact that its going up in value- and all of that is- is fantastic, so yeah, I'm all about buying a home for myself, but also investing real stated, its another great option. From for wealth building too,
Yup yeah! I, if I were you, I would buy a house first, that's what I'm gonna say. You are, after all, that babbling, that's what I was saying you know so yeah just fried up by home and didn't get it paid for and then save up and pay as for investment, were real estate and register has been winston runs our family real estate and asian and rules to investors. Well, they always pay cash. We pay cash, for That's morosely. We love rothstein, huge rules, they fan but, I am not a huge mortgage fan and I just there's I I can always relate. I dunno it's it's one part of his it forty two years I've been married almost forty one years of unmarried and in my forty second year august, always agent, and yet I can still Remember that part of being single that I think cash. I could. When a tent and have investment real state. You know because I always wanted. Investor that badly. I've always wanted to buy real estate, and so
You know that's kind of what each link any thinking, not just that. Monopoly on. In that thing we shall go and we were light to that emotionally, that's what caused it made a babel through the answer, but it Into the babbling I bought a house, this is the rams, show if I'm just day, ramsay aunt rachel crews- and we want to tell you our number one tab for managing your money. Well, I'm talking about. budgeting gas, and everyone knows that I am a huge fan of budgeting well at and always been the case, though, as original no but listen. I seriously love it now because, as soon as I said, making a budget. I learned that it puts you in control of your spending and my favorite way to budget is on our app every dollar. Every dollar makes budgeting simple. It's the east! his way to make a plan for your spending. So you can prioritized the things that matter to you and you can get started today.
For a re, just download the app and check the show notes for the link, and you guys don't wait to start budgeting, download every dollar and create your free account today. Do it it's the best Rachel crews. Ramsay personality is michael host. Today. Thank you for joining us america. I'm dave, ramsey. Your house, savannas in orlando high savannah, welcomed the ramsay ship. Try hurry you better than we deserve. What's up our home on earth and am our property tax? Is an car insurance brendan forde? I went up like crazy this path, we are under on a lot of our bill and we ve been trying to work with our stating our savings are running out in the next few months and we're trying to decide if we should follow. because we have a lot of equity in the home or if we should accept a ten thousand dollar gathered.
From my family member, the hollow as and be able to and the home a little longer. ok so Savannah how much? How much is your home worth a real cure came and they said our homeless worth about four hundred thousand and how much you o on it. I will we got it to you. The girl, with two fifty wine, ari unblinking, how much we on it now. they said: we'd walk away with a one hundred and thirty thousand. roughly. If we got for what it was worth and how much you own your car, our cars are a bit a huge pay, are all our that we owe about twenty five thousand bar that what would you call
My car is, I believe, sixteen thousand and my husband s, five thousand watch her household income We bring home about thirty nine hundred about what he you do, the ten thousand our give runs out exactly that. That's why I was giving maybe following the home with what be better, but I wasn't sure on why what we should do. I want to make the right choice. While the fact that the ten dollar gift a financial denial. Are you kidding the canned on the road? You're you're still have dealt with the problem. The problem is your budgets upside down right, that's go what you already find it yeah. You are already thinking what your household income again. Thirty nine hundred a month. Oh I'm, sorry, a month.
Four thousand dollars a month: how much is your house payment on it went up to seventeen hundred a month? sure you're. Ok, you can afford to have them. The insurance you couldn't afford it before and you may need to show sixteenth of our car too. Dollar. Swimming and stress. Aren't you ass. We are, this is not fund or your fightin. Now, where were- and going out pretty while we're trying to attract the lord and decide what version for I'm hiding, I feel like we ve been doing. Ok, are you carrying with you So how long you guys remarried? How long you been married,
years, okay and you've been collecting crap the whole time you got married now. You've got a big old pile of crap in a big old pile of debt. So let's get rid of a bunch of crap and get your life back. Ok shelves. Sixteen thousand dollar car sell the house and get your life by nasa power. Should I don't like your life and each other again and there's a part of trusting the lord absolutely where people have faith that there's also that savannah you guys have to do you. You ll, have to make decisions, hard decisions and you have to put action towards things that are needed, you. You do that. You, like ours, is far three hundred pounds and I want to lose weight. I can't just trust the lord. I have to back off the the damage is both things right and that that's the thing and that that's like Dave's example, Chris Dave's, addicted to donor. So, although I have donut reefer gosh about almost three years now don't get free shown you bring down it's our house, pretty good, I'm gonna get model. Donut coin should like, but
but yeah savannah I and I think for you guys, honestly, if you say on the line, arsons gonna pick up, because I want you guys, you in your house. And even married three years to go through financial position. Firstly, this is nine lessons on exactly step by step what do with your money because you guys are just kind of you're just you're. Just Dunno I mean really is what it comes down to your new have great house, you have great cars and you think a guy everyone seems to be getting ahead. in doing well- and here I am there's a lot of stress to this life that looks like it should be. Okay and it's nice and I dont know what we're doing wrong and so having a very myths nicole plan, were you guys, are on the same page and you know what's going on and you actually have a plan that you're working towards an that's pegana mean cell in the house. That's gonna means cell in the car cars we back and often some stuff because yelling you guys are you know when taxes, your pride, bringing home forty k say: that's what you have to work well,
and there's a lotta deck here compared to that income, and so its pride does feel very overwhelming, but it's possible to change all of this, but It's gonna require a lot of sacrifice and diligence on dies on your ends and you can do that if you'll take a machete to some of this junk in your life, you'll you'll get a life back he's right now: you're, u dont yearning realise how hard it is to breathe. Yeah cause you sure concentrating in your being weight, and obviously you called with exact right question and you already knew the answer to it that the ten thousand dollars just kicks down the road which you are living in an unsustainable set of mathematics and the mathematics or kick in your body and you were, you already knew that show your ear on top of it, you're gonna, you got the stuff to win rachel's right, we'll get you signed up for financial patient diversity. You note her case is almost like a stereotypical case study thing, Larry, marquette used to say wish
We spend the first seven years of our marriage trying to it in the same standard of living, is our parents, but it took them thirty, five or forty years to get there and we do it in four or five years of marriage. They've been married three years four years and they just didn't get a house get cars, get a house get cars, get my bebe and you just gotta and then you also need look up legal crap. I can't breathe. Oh I'm gonna kill, The stress and I'm gonna kill much mouse. My stresses level is so high and an so you know in an but that's the problem is this stupid banks will loan you so much money that they put you in bankruptcy because they don't have enough button they'll just loan, you money, you know you can go, get a credit card in go on a trip you can't afford. in your manner and get a car and, unlike you know how shooting sitting with young couple on a first hour doing coaching many years ago there take home pay, was twenty six hundred bucks and the guy had a twelve hundred dollar car payment?
which was a that's insane for now only nineteen thirty years. How was your that would be like over three thousand or twenty five hundred dollar for payment, but twice or take on pay. Twelve hundred our car payment and he's like we're moving we're paying for our kids food non like well, no captain! I should, We stupid car man and he's like no. I can't sell the cars. Yes, you can is no god I wish that car, if god did not give you the car, here's how you know should because their scriptural clear the blessed of the lord, have no sorrow added to them, and this is got sorrow written all over it. Baba and ngos will even finance manager said it was a miracle that dead miracle in some. approved you're crazy little purchase, but they will. They will loan you so much that even the
man's manager thinks it's a miracle, can't believe. When went kay the lord made another sale, luckily orange, yellow lord guys governing gods, I got nothing to do with this. Don't blame is on me. I don't want my name. There I, the banks, will loan you so much. They took you know, and you know, there's actually people out there walking around that. Still think that if the bank will loan it to you, It means you can try order if, when the same people who thinks, if you have checks left in your cheque book, there must be money in the account thing people because you can afford the payment. You know they mean like that that's the mindset I can afford, though the living situation that were in because we're not behind. On payments and oliver razor just staying right afloat and that's where risk
and life and job losses and sickness. All that never comes into play, but when it does Then that's right about love this. The rams. Asia The fly from the headquarters of ramsey solutions, broadcasting for the pods moving and storage of studios. It's the ramsey show where we help people build, while the work that they love and create actual amazing relate rachel crew. Ramsey personality number one best, selling author co host of the smart Many happy hour on the rims networks analysed, My daughter is my co host today: open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five todd starch, the shower in free, nick charred todd how're you rachel, I taught what's up, I'm just going up,
one ask a: how do I protect myself from inheriting a timeshare and two to add a little context to that question? Ah, my in laws may have expressed to my wife and her siblings that they planned on including budget sheridan to them both and try stand pretty much. I want to make sure that at times there's no way of ever getting to see my wife and I and or or siblings, have also expressed or are there and are they they don't want to see when herrick or timeshares
or so on. It is or anything like that. We do. My wife and I to to show the kids have figured out. The tom shares are basically legalized fraud, one of the worst products on the planet, but the parents hadn't figured this out yet. You know they bade lobby. They they think it's the best it's by. So what I just yeah? You guys hated they'd, they loved the parents should on figured it out. Ok shall basically a tom shares a liability. It's a bill. It's a problem which is what you're saying, and I don't wanna inheritable. Will you dont inheritable, so you're, not going to end up owning this snobby trance further to your name under any circumstances, because you won't signed the transfer papers. you're, just gonna give them the older salute. No thank you right now, knocking the timeshare are companies or closed
timeshare they can come back against the estate, but they cannot come back against you, although they may like some of the parents, assets likely will likely will screw up the estate, but it's not gonna come against you in my come again Your wife would have inherited from her parents. It might mess that up, but not gonna, miss you, you and your wife up, because you're not lie, both for your parents for your in law, stupidity that makes animals. so they're what they're doing is they're poisoning their inheritance. But their ever be a conversation with you guys to tell them that yeah we'll. Let me do they know that you guys don't want it yet also saw my if it were citizens, they have had that conversation end, but you know we evil. I guess benefited
and the change you know they like. I say they love their points, be they use them, and you know these, they provided no room. Nominations for us on trips and stuff. But you know what time I don't have you buy hotel if your grasp, if her mother in law, body, rounded l room, it's the same thing except you done it damaging our estate later Adam. Yeah. I think you got need to explain to them that this is going to mess up their estate. While this is good news, knowing that it can ever come to my wife and my fire, you can't because you you do not inherit debt, but the in this. Is that it's a bill. It's a liability, but you, but but the estate have to stand good for the estate. Show any, that they own stance against anything I oh. but you do not hear a bet but mean
the english united. We did express to a slight well, the time chairs law also receive a cash. I guess loaded with torn granted the pig meat in sweden's by no. I don't want to twenty grand. I don't want the timeshare. Keep the stupid thing. no, no twenty grandmother. Him touch. It people pay twenty grand to get out of these dad blamed things. All the time romania should its- about business, full of fraud. Full of scummy operators. It's a filthy business and yet you don't want anything to do with it. No, under no circumstances are we taking this. Damn sure you can't give us enough money to take it. It's like it's a poison pill,
That's really yeah just see if there's any other steps to protect myself so for now you're fine, you know how to protect myself from my mother in law going eighty thousand dollars in credit card debt. You don't have to because you're not liable. But you're not going any inheritance, because when they saw the house again by the eighty thousand origin credit card net before. you get anything. What you own stands against, what you Oh, when you die, Children do not inherit debt, it will affect what they inherit, because the doubt have to be paid before others in distribution net of the debt, and so the stupid time shares a bat and it's an ugly debt causes very I d get rid of you get stuck in these things, and one lawyer calls it legalised fraud and again we were. for the timeshare industry? They are the filthiest. Now still lying a bunch of thieves,
ever seen on the planet. They're horrible. They feed on oh people, they feed on dumb people. Just it's awful so all people in buses and ship remove their lock, I'm in a room and keep fade num pretzels until they baghdad gum timeshare, it's awful their horrible business. So have I been unclear, as I say, Do you feel our really for you? I left home truths. It's an end manner It just goes yeah. You know, you know it's about. Other industries do do bad things that are not good for you, but this industry is particularly scummy. I mean, like the credit card people, credit cards are stupid, but they're straight up. They just say you know it's twenty eight per cent, we're going to screw you and you're going to love it and people just go, take it and they just you, know, sign their. The begging, cut it up and get rid of. Mainly let me have you got a wife from less yes, my whole life people. You know we're gonna, take all your money and give you
most no insurance and make you act like an end somehow make you think that that was a smart idea and work screw you and you're gonna love it, but at least you can do so the policy you know, you know carly, she at least you can get out of a car leash, stink and time shares man. It's like a oh. Are you just got me all riled up taught I hate the act and they pray to iron and all people and on people? Well, it yeah, but date. go and they target obviously specific people they see out at a hotel. Okay. We can rope. U n
and and knowing that they probably don't even have the money to pay for the like, it's yeah playing golf the other day doing that gm cabo and this guy comes up and goes hey. You want your godfrey and I'm like yeah. He goes or you go there shouldn't I'll, get away from me, sit and take a seven iron or should know that you're not going to get for a round of golf. I'm going to sit and listen to your crap, not a chance unbelievable! This is the ramsey show. Frederick programmes. Your personality is my co host teresa, isn't little rock arkansas teresa. How are you japan and knew better than I deserve. What's up well, I am knocking on the door of sixty one. I have no retirement money saved up whatsoever. I've been workin the baby steps, I've got my little thousand hours
and hopefully so, security still be there. When I retired sixty seven max it is. Even now, I'm in the baby steps too much. Company matches for just wondering if I should go ahead and be putting that four percent and to my for one kay? Even now, I'm still and baby steps to four years. we have no money, none. What do you make I bring home earthly sixty seven thousand motors you're dead, la lumber, sixty nine thousand or what stood alone, is eleven lead, then a car loan, car alone of eighteen of a partial alone of twelve, and then
you d say another partial alone of twenty six on a tractor. Why do you have a tractor? where work country. Folks, we where's your husband husband is seventy five drawing so security? He is bicycle the disabled, I guess you could say he has feel pity and empathy. My had three back thirty three fellow had only to be on a tractor no and I use the tractor- not anymore broke people don't have why six thousand not tractors? Well, I have tried everything I can to try and sell this thing in. Just let me go back in letting well it for whatever they can sell it for now you have a different tractors or selling right now. What's what contractors is komodo the sale
We all knew about roundish tractor. Well, when people say it is a good bye brand new and for the same price of what my pay our phone ideas? Well, you your pay off. the personal loan. It's not a try is about you, it does. It have an actual leaning on the director. Yes, ok with who who yoke about a year well? I will go to the credit union. Edinburgh borrow the five thousand hours for the difference in get this tractor soul, and you need to show your car to you as your in emergency mode girl. You, pointing out nor tractor when you're broke. It was two years ago before I discovered diaphragm play this last in our what is your life? I worry is what your land worth. I oh boy, bow dorriforth Alan.
You're land is worth three thousand dollars: We will diet it we bought it in. I grew no. For the whole seven acres. you're twenty six thousand, our tractor for a four thousand dollar piece of land? Well, we high, and I use it clear. Nearly citizen our hunting area and food plot? The Tokyo was country girl, not criticizing country. love country. I was over bush organ last week in all my farm. Shall I got that an cause. It's therapy but yeah, but ok, I it was a good point, yeah, where it is now by the moment, purchase now. gives you joy, but not as much joy is being as being broke, is stealing from you right now and you start and look up.
Go. I need something to eat rather than social insecurity. When I get to sixty six sixty seven, yeah if environment your mood, I'm so scared, I'm going crazy, and I'm showing tractor, I'm shown car and we'll get two thousand our car more work. Like a cry, person are you leeson the landed use. I dearly dawning lace in relation to our able, any day now now its land that other people our own, that his kilos formation but when we're not having to physically pay for a lie, so you don't have to pay a lease but you're not receiving any leash money on your seven acres. Now, okay, alright, this was trying to get to ok you have: seven acres and literally the only value evidence for five thousand, our yes father, Election acres, mountain land or somethin,
Now it's it's just eighteen between a bunch of errors and nobody I mean it's pay I know I know, but I find it hard for me to imagine land that that cheap fallow land in arkansas, the minimum requirement of sunlight in their ok. We are, we are I gotcha girl. God knows why I love it. I kind of think I'm going to liked. I think that I've got a feeling- it's beautiful. I really do, but but anyway, the show alright, yeah look contractor get round the corner of the joy of the student loan is that. Why do you have a thousand arson alone I've been taken on it, says nineteen nineteen and then did not range of paying the last three years. So you ve got
get in higher gear mode cause? If you give this mess cleaned off, you can't you, have plenty of money to save and invest, but you, but show me payments coming out using any room in your budget to invest and that's why we tell people to clean their debt before they take and yes nor short answer. Don't I want you to know that remain a year by shown everything in sight, I want your husband. he's gonna, be shouldered next, ok, and on and on, In every dear and the area needs to be afraid, you're gonna sell him cause you're gonna shoot and put him on enchantments showing money. Oh my gosh, unbelievable you got a scratch up. Every day or you can clean. everything up and and knocked established vast as you possibly can because you don't have any money to invest jani room in your budget with what you described to me so and you ve you got in shit. You get pictures, so we ve got. We gotta make we're gonna make Hey while the sunshine.
and you get with it and injuries it's gonna, be it's gonna be extremely uncomfortable jam know that going I'm glad we really uncomfortable be an eighty two: oh yeah, romani, a hundred percent and a rusty correct by your you know, mean by a like, after decades of living, a certain way untangling that is much more but I think that we are living some some way for five years. You're into you, know: you're you're, taking a life teresa and your team not tat! I mean you're gonna be doing some really newer ways of thinking that are going to feel very uncomfortable. That keep pressing through, even though it's hard to replace your heart every time, you do something smart on what you say. I'm doing this because I'm a country girl, I don't want you to anything else. Dom and say I'm doing this, because in my country, girl quit blaming dumb stuff on country girl, blame smart stuff on country girl could cutter gangsters smart stuff, and you know that this is what this, what you're about to do your best to do some really difficult
things and people in your life are gonna. You ve lost your dad got mine, but what you're doing you're trying to secure a reasonable lashed three decades to decades of your life. You know an and that that's very important to fight for very important five and its possible trace ass wheat. Two people, it's good about five years for down from where you are, and it's a completely different situations. Are you? Do you It's never too late. We always get that question. Is it too late to remain you now and all too late, but your training, we should not ignore tractor four hundred fifty thousand bucks in your retirement you're trademark. Eighteen thousand, car for another hundred thousand origin, your retirement, you can a quarter million dollar set aside with match. If you get your butt out of debt now by the time you hit, If you shouldn't sixty eight years old, you can get there, if not, maybe maybe two hundred, maybe not turn a quarter or maybe not to fish but you can get to where you
have the sense of being broken, then, if you want to go by six out nor tractor to play with out of your two eight thousand dollars and your seventy fine go. Do that but otherwise don't and blame all smart things on being a country girl, I don't think this is the ramsey show the fragile crews. Ramsay personality is my co host today, open phones, aaa eight to five five two to five in maine is John portland main to be exact. I John, how are you better than we deserve. How can we help sure, yes, sire the question regarding forty k of student loans. At once, I pay off roughly fifteen thousand of other dead. Do I make a charge to pay, my forty chaos of student that or you
It a main tax credit program that over ten years would result in me paying five thousand the programme refund me my payments on as a refundable tax credit, and should the program fall through at some point three year, you're so down the road I plan to have the money saved to pay. The lawns back immediately so that I get rid of the dep, but is a wise thing to just make a charge to disregard the programme or let it go the ten years and pay the five thousand over ten years. Pay it off John, yet disregard the programme. For many different reasons, but one of them is just that you have the ability to pay this off, and, you will be depth free on your own. I gladly quickly, regardless of a programme or the governments, whenever it is like you, you have to ability john to pay. This off
beat up free to move on with your life? If my name had a programme that will give you five thousand dollars in one year, why you're doing it anyway yeah. We would take it but main as a programme that keeps you in debt for ten freaking years I'm not in and around in the sewage for ten years, no way get your money back. What do you make? I make sixty five thousand at this point. What do you do look into I'm on a engineer: the power industry. Ok, how long you been our school jessica For years I did just which browser I took a little bigger pay decreased it just training. into a better what culture, as you later Here show your cause: you're, not making money for an electrical engineer: a swamp I like hello, yeah. No, I had to take a bit of a pay hit,
The transition to a different one other deadline- mildly debt- is roughly fifteen k. Two thousand credit cards. You get me, you swore a man, I had twenty, a hundred and personal you know, most electrical engineering might like a hundred right. The esa and that's that's more. You have a couple here is a more than a couple of years experience from five and I'm maybe a p two, but I'm I'm only a couple years out, I would like to see myself around eighty young came from changes to try to open a girl. You ve done what Be settling down there about six, if cents on the dollar, where you should be ending up so does you got a great recreational wondering? What's quantitative rates got a great choice. Why? The number one career field of people there millionaires. America's engineer.
Nor to counter post? The number two is accounted number three teacher Mr Gallagher. You not so that's that's about it. larger study millionaires ever done after we found so you're in a great place? That's why I'm right before you. I think you chose while there but yeah. Let's get the debt cleared off as fast as we can in the fraternity cost on your life? What you could have been doing with your life, while your screwing around for ten years with the state of main is not worth it get get the stuff paid off yesterday. Take six job cells, get it cleared up really really really fast and go. Have you a one? or for life yeah and university on conversation is, is big because is forty million americans that suit a lump him. We hitting in october and summoned. were actually gonna address on our live stream on tuesdays of timber twelve, to be at seven
essential times free. You guys make sure to tune in because this, the student loans are so many of these types of things of these programmes. An even with you know, everything that happened, the supreme court. I mean like there's, there's all this stuff, there's all this chatter. How did we get here? Where do we go from here, yeah and so being able to kind of just like clear you're all the other messages at your hearing and all the programmes in all this repayment stuff they ok. What can you Who do? How? Can you take what you, can control and knock the stuff out and find be free of stood alone them in our last. I met. You know there is a sixty one you're all It had been paying on it since the ninety nine ninety nine yeah. So you guys, I mean this is a it's a it's a big conversation to have, but also one that we feel like we're able to help direct and guide is to make sure the tune into that lives. Room it'll be actually dave you. jade warsaw, Anne and we're gonna talk about this and avert again a lot of americans, these payments are gonna be hitting here in. The next cap
months in it, and it is in its scary right, hundreds of dollars now that you may not like you, have the margin for your expected to pay. So upturn. Harriet wealth at seven p m stood founded in America. How we got here, how we get out go to ramsey solutions com, slash student loans, sign up for the free livestream, furnish it till you were expecting over a hundred thousand people a view that, and we want you to be one, The spoiler alert we're going. buy, em off I'll know, you're sure to hear that we're gonna tell you that show deflect. You know right up front. That it is just why are you how thou it is? Well walk you through exactly just like we just two different scenarios: surely usually san antonio, how surely how're you paid honoured could be can t you today. I've been saying for years. Why, monarch onto you. How can we help
I want to know if we should help her daughter pay off from debt, I am she's got. She was in credit card, get a couple of credit card about fifty thousand dollars to wow, and well back the first of the year. She kinda drank the kool aid and she called him up and she made a deal with one to pay off that card at zero interest. The other one agreed get two percent interest good, so oscar night sixty two thousand dollars a year. She not a girl, she's thirty, six years old and she is paying these guys, eight hundred and fifty dollars and just be, will lock and watching my daughter s rather we'll just what Jamaica sixty two thousand, so
If you help or are you giving a drunk a drink or you helping her for the last time ever, use she'd, never gonna use credit card, again, as she learned our lesson, yeah yeah yeah, How much are you going to give her? Well, my question to you is: I've heard you in the past kill people that are in debt like this to call the credit card like if she knows twenty one, one two, if she behind with them hello, surely surely we launched and if you shoot, I think we lost her. If she's, if we're behind try it see if you guys can bring her back up. I don't think you can. I don't know I'll put it on hold y'all work on it. If she, behind you can settle for pennies on the dollar. If she's current you can't, if you ve, got a deal worshipping the rate over the dollars a month, you probably can't hear you
we're going to give her some money. I would only do it on a matching basis like every time she sends you a receipt for it, I wonder how much you want to give her, but if she sends you know, tell her you're gonna give her every time she puts them and you put a thousand in our somethin like that. If you got that much money in that so much yeah and making sure to surely that you are in a position that europe that that's assumed and would begin to look what that fifty thousand dollars swept by what was that right, and understand that hopeful that it doesn't need to be a pattern in her life that this is like the thing: she just goes to all the time but to really align sex god, we got her back. We got her back alright. Surely we're about we're about or about turn founded by are either I'm here. Ok issue behind on this debt. No,
he's, not then they're not gonna to or whether they're only gonna, shutting off she's behind how much out how much money have you got, we could pay at all. No material, millionaire, yeah. Ok, I would not pay at all. I would match whatever she's doing a few things that her behaviour is permanently changed. Nome. Or drinking if you're gonna give a drunkard right now, don't be an enabler. But if Europe Sure that her behavior is permanently changed and you want to match matter, she puts in one thousand, you put in one thousand and she puts in one thousand, you put in one thousand. That kind of thing I'd do something like that. Let her sweat through this a little bit to let us as you never does it again. our scripture, the proverbs twenty seven, seventeen, his iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another john, wouldn't
Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who will argue with you I have done this this. I have done at his why it's an art form for me. Yeah, that is so great that from wooden very fun Your crews, rams your personality is my co host. Today, china is in Pensacola florida, high, tina, how're, you don't hurry, you guys, better than we deserve. What's up can I have been following the may be saps doing them out of order balloon twenty twenty we give it after you At the same time, you before the night we class over, I was I was scared, returned after ten years of being gone,
we kind do things out of order, because that way have piles of cash you know murder weapon. We don't tell you to work. The various national you're fighting cancer Well, I will tell you, love cash, I'm stage four, so I'm always going to be fighting mom, so we've paid off forty six thousand eight hundred eighty eight dollars of debt in the last three years, but I still have nine thousand fifty two to go and we have our fully funded emergency fund almost fully funded, it's twelve thousand dollars and I'm
I'm antsy to get that nine grand gone at the same time. I'm scared to take out your emergency fund and pay off that debt or type of cancer. He has stage four metastatic breast cancer. How old are you fifty six. and so it came back with a vengeance. Three years it yeah, I was diagnosed in cuba,
in eight, and then it came back in two thousand and ten and then both of that was destroying occurrence and then, in august of this month august, twenty twenty came back as stage four in my lungs. I'm sorry, I'm sure I could cable, but I'm still I'll be in treatment forever, so, and so I'm not obviously so, What yeah? I don't think this is a baby. I would not say you do your baby steps normally, when someone's going through a came, oh and trying to get towards remission, which is not your diagnosis crack, but I would say: stop everything. Don't work on the baby steps pile up cash fight cancer in your case, you're, electing to fight cancer.
while having some savings and fight debt, write, correct and so we're not gonna call this. The baby steps is just your choice. Instead of just piling up cash only you're saying part of my work is: I want to go and hit this debt. right, that's what I'm here and I want you to want. You know What's your donors, your site, it's a modified version of piling up cash is all it is okay, it's not a modified version of the baby steps, and that's okay. I mean it's a nuanced difference, but so the point being that there's not a a baby steps answer to this is more of a thing of you how much and in your emergency fund now one thousand one hundred ninety three dollars a legit and what your household income. Thirty nine hundred a month after tax in europe. thousand origin that left
nine thousand dollars and fifty cents of nine thousand those nine thousand fifty dollars guess were able to put my arm. Rx This is a right around twenty one, another the money, because we honor house glad in getting hit high with orange insurance. more expensive, twenty one hundred a month, so we have a very pretty h. the man fifteen fifty a month, toys that reason I don't keeping it others things that come up that aren't plan for so fast I heard you keep on certain, carry her ears, light years away, I'm analyzing this and you you tell me, if I'm wrong- because I I don't know but. Sitting in this seat? I've had this discussion with people lots of times over the last thirty years. Ok!
and so what I understand about cancer, and I've never had it and have not had the much about fighting. But I've had lots of french and lots of people sitting in the street. I've talked about it It's very very important that you focus on winning the battle right. Yes me. You have to focus your emotional energy or spiritual energy on be on winning right now, an and so having said that, then I would tell you that whether you add to the savings are worthy paid down on the debt, The answer is which one gives you the most peace, because I want you to have the most pay, so you can concentrate on the most important things living that makes sense, there's not a wrong answer. Yes every three, you tina. You may say I would feel more peace with
nine thousand dollars gone. You know like or for some people like now the man payments- fine, I just want some cash over here right. So it's kind of this nature, your journey with, where your acts of what gives to what what gives tina the most peace you need peace. Could you need power, drive and I look at you've got an amazing. You've got an amazing tone to your voice. I just tell you, there's the a joy in your life. There is a lot of peace, but I have was getting to live. I'm thirty six months. Good, though, is so and talk about it with your spouse. To me, what gives you guys the best quality of life? If right now and it might be that if we'd brothers, after eleven twelve thousand, would rather have twenty two thousand or instead I haven't,
twelve out of more than three thousand and no dad. You know what gets rachel's right. You choose your journey and that's what I'm telling you, because that that is a modified version of piling up cash. The reason for piling up cash and put in paws on the traditional baby steps is to give you the power, the emotional spiritual and eat financial power to lean this fight. And to enjoy the ride, and show as much you can and that's what we want for your show. you're, smart, your game on, there's, not a thing in the stupid column, fight fight fight, that's what's that That's what we want for you. We want you to have the the peace of a warrior to fight and go into this and am not begun oh, I'm doing this wrong by ramsay you're, not there's not a wrong pile up cash or pay off debt. What gives you the most power
what gives you the most peace? so reminder when you have storm clouds in your life folks or when you have a unexpected thing? You get a job, lay off you get. A baby on the way you fighting you get a cancer diagnose, does you get ah whatever like this? He is not modifying ship you to stop the baby steps and pile up cash. You can come back later with a publication restart. So if you pile up fifty grand foul pile up, one hundred grand- and you know you could push play again and run the table yet on baby one through three. You noticed just like that. You know if you got a bigger pollack cash, but in the meantime you can concentrate on what's important Which at that moment is the storm yeah, get it running into the storm, not from the storm as right, and on which the old story of hello on the plains, run into the storm that way there
the storm, not as long because the storm goes over them faster, if they're running into it and cattle run with the storm, so they end up. Staying in the storm so be the buffalo, be the buffalo run into the storm that that's the old story? And that's that's the thing Ah sorry for your girl him. If you help you in any way your husband anyway, your college and let us know well be any way. We can this
does the ramsey show will be back with you before you know it in the meantime, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace prize, the highest rachel cruze. If you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the ramsey baby, steps go to ramsey solutions, dot, com and click. The get started button will help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation, that is ramsey solutions, dot, com and click get started
Transcript generated on 2023-08-18.