« The Dave Ramsey Show

Why Even Ivy League Degrees Aren’t Worth Borrowing For (Hour 2)


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  • Should my son take out loans for an Ivy League school?"
  • "How do I get around AI roadblocks when applying for jobs?
  • from the blog: How to Beat Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS),
  • "Should we surrender our motorcycles to avoid the payments?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from the headquarters, ramsay solution, broadcasting from the pods moving in storage, sturdy judge the ramble asia we people build wealth, do work that they learn the create actual an amazing relationships. Can common ramsay personality ocean again when show number one best selling author, the book paycheck the purpose career, job work, expert, open,
is makeover host, open phones triple eight, eight to five five, two to five marriage. cargo, hi mary welcome to the ramsey, show hi thanks for taking my call sure. What's up, I have none who was exactly except. to an ivy league law, school and I know ten things that you say you should never do is taken student loans to go to school and we paid for or olive his undergrad everything we saved through a five twenty nine. Twenty four plan and good morning. Oh yeah he's taking out quite large money about a hundred and seventy thousand dollars for three years. He did get now thousand dollars worth of scholarships bud just a really nervous about that. I mean that a lot of money,
and coming out of where he's going he's in a tea fourteen school. So, His income in three years, when he's finished or be two hundred to two hundred and fifty Thousand dollars- maybe you hope, but that that's what bid was in new york in Chicago and that's where he would end up Based on what he's a tab. student and son of the law. Sternness a graduate from the university did not go into big law. Why the reason he chose the money is going to is because the international match what he wants to do, but a hundred the international law lawyers specialised international, the grand If that law school did not make it too fitted out nor showers some do, but not all of them. There
so anyway, this is already decided. How can we help as we can fix it? I mean he's gonna go! Do it well. I just wanted to kind of find out why you thought and also we acquire doesnt matter, he's doing it anywhere. It does because we have a coach house over our garage, and I did offer to him that when he got done he could live in the coach house, but he would have He would have three years and he would have to pay that bad in three years he would have to take all other than his men. living expenses and paid down that. That is that something you think we- should offer him or be like no view took it out. As we know, student loans. I paid for all my school myself If you want to offer average again, I dont think the guy that signed up for the trip you're talking about gonna, take your offer. Ok, I think you would do that
You live in the coach house, but I don't think this guy well. Do you think it was a mistake to do that? What is absolutely But I don't think it matters all we can do is love him then you can love him women and hope it works out for him, but arm it's. It's mythology that you may, more money because of where you went to school across the board? Now firstly, there are exceptions to that. An coming of harvard law does set you up to be a better chance than coming out of, firstly, a totally lascaux a guide to go to big firm in Chicago firm in new york, but also you gotta understand when you sign up for big firm in chicago big firm in new york, you're a number and their goal in the first three years there is to try to kill you right. if you weren't in three hundred hours a week, gum in interest, bizarre crazy ear and all
to get to be in big law. I mean it's and then at the the story. What have you really a god when it's all clear? Oh I'm, a partner in this machine, ok, and I'm so it's it's it's. If that is your goal, singular goal. You know you might mean If he, if it all worked out a does, get that gig though we might get there might, but I I want you to hear this marian. I want David common on this because David this is a new study out by a group of harvard economists opportunity, insights and they look students who were weightless by ivy league schools Dave compared with the estimated future earnings of those who eventually got in with those who didn't and they tended one of nine flagship public universities. Instead, you mention you versatility, here's what they found its sticks to a statistically significant impact on their future earnings, as they projected in at age, thirty, three- and they said that the ivy league degree, would average three per
an increase over east school. Now, that's not long sought but they're talking about, but their total in general, and I really glittering all with a hundred percent. I can tell you that business. It doesn't make spit difference so the eight percent of the fortune five hundred are state. the fortune, five hundred ceos graduate from state school, They didn't go to mit, that isn't gonna wharton and they didn't go to harvard they didn't go to yale. Ok then go to vanderbilt answer. The idea that you make more in business, is laughable. Now in law there is a new wants that you problem they can get in there. She talk about big law, she's correct about that, and this is the pitches the problem is lay still has to get it just because he had the degree from Har who's. Gonna get graduate well I graduate in the know how competitive it is, it's got a graduate he's in he's in he's got the degree he's got sure he's got the entrance and his ruck written the check it. It's a done deal so Mary, just
coach, human and tell him hey. We love you. We're going be here for you, even if I agree with your decisions and we, Hope it works out for you the way you think it's going to, but I'd, but I'm worried for you and I'll be present for your cousin I'm not mad at you, but I'm not mad at you forgot there, but the problem is when people believe mythology that two percent of the people, if you do something that only works. Two percent of the time. That's not a principle that works. The guy and you know so what percentage of harvard law are and about law, or for that matter, and you pay you pay what for acts for the degree or five acts for that of what you would have paid in state law school and then did and a big law and what or presidium by the time there's thirty. Three more still right there haven't got grow. Up like last week's hamburger with a schedule. They put a man interest, destroy him! show me it's it's blue
jerry how mean they are to the first or second year. People On- and I want to point out. this is like this like playing division, one football or basketball yeah, you still gotta make it to the n b a and so here's the point he's going to come out. I know he's in the school, but I'm talking about once he's out he's got to pete against all those other ivy league cars that are competing for the same big law job. So it's a guarantee. That's it, you gotta, be careful about all agree Teases is that they may Could you because these big law do ten to prefer ivy league grads? Yes, but you still got a compete. A great get away and then are you really at the other? I gonna earned that much more on average now on amazon of his particular narrow path worked out for him. Yes, he will ya I'm not going to argue that part of his is agreement, but based on that, What I tell my own child to go to a thousand dollars in that a crook? No, not even close, What I tell you to pay, what
when I tell you to go into that to go to an ivy league, a famous school just because no no, no, no, please don't All the data tells us harvard. Economists did a study on themselves as it is not worth it a competitive home buying market, but there's a way you can win. The churchill mortgage home buyer edge offers basque pre approval on us, secured interest rate and they bumped their shower guarantee to ten thousand dollars, giving your offer the best chance of being accepted. Go to church your mortgage dotcom today to learn more. This is paid advertisement, homebuyers, edges available for qualifying, bowers and select bone type. Some animal s idea one five: nine one in the mullahs, consumer access to or equal housing lender. Seventeen, forty nine mallory lane sweet one hundred brent went in to see three seven zero to seven.
can common ramsay personality? Is my co host today? Open phones aaa eight to five five, too. Five. I think it I just feel the need to circle back for a second number. One. If you are going into a field where education is needed. We are huge proponents, a four year degree were also huge proponents of the trades. There's lots as that are welders better make a hundred twenty thousand hours year, while people are them. Sure degree in social work or making thirty eight thousand shall lead keep in mind what you're gonna when you go, get a degree when you're studying, don't study some left handed puppetry degree a degree in german poker history, there's only one job. If you have a degree in german folk history, you have to get up
each day. So you can go to each other people to get a degree in a bulgarian is the only possible use for that degree in the it there's crap like that, all over the place the people go and do, and in the name of all education is good, no knowledge it is not good for purpose. of earning now. Isn't Education, expand the mind hypothetically some of your minds or so empty that it's crazy. You shouldn't but snuff in there, but but the but but some of it so generally speaking, education is a good thing. Generally speaking, a lifetime of learning is something you need to engage in one hundred percent of you. percent of us need to engage in a lifetime of learning. If the last time you nonfiction book was five years ago. Shame on you turn off netflix go read a nonfiction for god's sake, learn something all the time rest of your life learn something red rate rate rate rate. All leaders are readers, Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers shall be you learn, learn, learn, learn believe in education. All for money
He's got a four year degree, but that that thing that universally? You cannot defend. There is not one shred of data except mythology that guy went to a high priced famous school he lay gives an example that you can justify. extra expense, ok, the verses, a high up well staffed. Well, state school, the universe, ohio? the university of georgia. The university of tennessee the university of whatever you know we state you wanna, put after that. Ok or just a state school in the middle tennessee state university has one of the best broadcast and music degree he's in the world, and it is a state school. It's like eight thou, the manpower in order to issue tuition guy, one
For instance, a president of a major network sent her kid to empty to middle tennessee, state university in murfreesboro, freaking, tennessee and couldn't credible ordered the sender kit anywhere, but want to study, broadcast and want to study the field at that apparent was in, and so What we're looking for here is value in education because education, but this idea that you have to go to a famous school but causes. Going to get you a job or because it's going to get you more money, is statistical mythology, there's nothing to back it up. neurons are studies say, and it's not right now its virtually insignificant even in the higher level grad degrees, and this is not our opinion. These are hard, economists have put the stuff out so that the customer doesn't care by the way carry your mom and dad your grandparents and may be crazy uncle areas at thanksgiving, giving cause that's where he went to school in. Oh, so we
gotta get over this. My nephew went to. I couldn't give a crap nobody hers or learn anything yet things are we teach here. One is a degree the only way to get where you want to go to do that thing you want to do or is it the best way if it's no, to both of those simple question is: is the only way for the best way. Then I got news for you: there's a different way and increased in twenty twenty three, it a whole lot less expensive and a lot less time consuming and that's the reality of the world we live in and it's only continuing to shift that direction now, so we're pro education? Absolutely it just doesn't always require a degree. We're not pro mythology, yeah and it doesn't require a degree to be sure that you are not more likely to be successful. By going to, one of those famous schools. Now it just isn't there there's no data again wall street journal
the full serve by seventy eight percent. That's eight out of ten of the city owes a fortune five hundred companies, the top five hundred companies on the stock market, graduated from state schools, No! What, though, dogs, you aren't statistically significant? How am I I realise, just a second ago that you are more likely. If you go to one of those big name, schools, you are more likely to be broke ashore, story on the can common show. Just a couple weeks ago, of a guy who went to colombia, gay film school o three, hundred and forty thousand dollars because he went undergrad any gotta graduate level degree he's in hollywood, making sixty five thousand dollars right now and he was quoted in the wall street journal saying I could this job without either the four year degree or them first, a girl is exactly right. You got it so its again, that's the film industry, so it's not apples, apples and every industry. You gotta have a great degree for medicine foresaw it's a lot of your size jobs in a lot of your an army all medical jobs, but
there's a guy who regrets it and he got this procedure just agree, and he still had to start at the bottom, where, if you wanna get a business degree at vanderbilt in our town. Here, the southern ivy league giving will sure it's many thousand dollars a year you. Firstly, a tennessee is twelve thousand hours, you so we're saying six times. Is that way, degree six times more valuable than about than it is at the around autistic. I'm a hundred percent sure it's not because I graduated from most attention and people the graduate from friend about work? For me, oh boy, football teams better, you too well at football as it that's, but yeah I mean it's just I just had to throw them it has nothing to do with what we're talking about. Absolutely, not don't pick your school on your football either. Don't do it I'm going up, please god, don't go every good public school because they have good for which, by the way, a lot of kids are doing that we are already seeing yes, always rated in everything. It should all this garbage man so
whether has a lazy river, that have a lazy river that you can post down. You can flow down raise lazy river at a university. This is how ass, a man in this whole process has become, and this is why we have a student loans that problem of trillions of dollars, because com continues to make loans to people who want to go to the lazy river there. You go open a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five, how she forgets lithuania and our show the day is brought to you by neighbourly your hub for home services, neighbourly nationwide network locally own homes,. reproach like Molly made, MR router plumbing and five star painting takes the stress of homer it maintenance and improvements visit, neighbourly dot com, dollar service today great company, today's question tony massachusetts, I recently apply for a job that I'm extremely qualified for and thought I had a serious shot at getting the inner. You never got a call and I'm grown up. we'll discouraged
It's an amazing job which I'm sure has a lot of competition. The application process went through an artificial intelligence platform that screen my information and I'm worried screened me out. The whole process fell in personal. I feel like I didn't get it convey my skills and experience. You have any tips for applying for joy. I under and a platform it's been a while since have been of the mark. Yes, so this is an applicant tracking system. Even small businesses are using some type of aid. I software to help process information, so we ve got an entire. Article that I wrote on this called how to beat applicant packing systems. This is it rapidly. Solutions are cup while just pull a couple, quick things for tony. Why You ve gotta use key words. So if you read a job description, let's say it's about three or four paragraph job description you ve gotta, be In addition, the key words in the description tony and then make sure that those in your interview, rather in your as our add battle francis, if it says you need help of experience with excel just using a simple example
sure what are your skills on your resume is axel so that that a system picks up on that. Second, make sure that you every resume to be custom for the job lobby We doing a cut pace and putting up multiple resumes, multiple jobs, that'll get you flagged and then third don't apply for too many roles at one company, one. Or maybe to max. Don't do six or seven. Sometimes Ataguju kicked out as well, but again more! Details in this article we go into mostly until I found somebody you know inside the company. That's why I didn't whole thing using proximity. Parallel, we wrote an entire book called the proximity principle is much more important, know somebody in the company or know somebody that no so body so that they Take your resume on wanderlust, I asked a I put in higher managers goes he's a good good, but we do want to say. Look at this issue is a good one and he's a good good right.
using proximity principle, get the book that that is the answer to circumvent anything that has technology problems. There. The rams. Asia, I know a bunch of you are getting ready to move right now and man. I know that's a lot to take on hey, please make sure you're working with the right moving company to make it the best experience possible pod, moving in storage, let you move on your terms. Moving were the pods container, gives you the flexibility you need their drive. deliver the container write to you and you can packet your page If you're moving dates, don't wanna pods can store your container for you in their secure storage centres or keep it in your driveway either way you done have to move twice and we all know murphy snakes in when you least expected if your play exchange they'll work with you to adjust, no stress they even have
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and your range of income during that time to thirty two. Fourthly, excellent, while nice job very good. What do you guys do for a living? I'm an attorney and I'm in sales in the aviation industry. Awesome, I hope and got harvard after we, just as we were talking about man, everyday That would have been the irony of irony. I wanted I smell summa, graham outbreak and from Boston, india. That would have been great. I'm glad I'm going to work out the good hey, how what we're candidate was the fortress five, all students out every dollar every bit of it so a ihop to law, school and yours as well a private school from a protocol. Ok, cool good for you, guys, what do you do for a living? An attorney? You said in your should return one I'm in sales and hiv sales and occasionally excellent good, ok, so how long you been married almost six years this year. Right after you get married, something you say: ok, we're gonna we're gonna, Plowin, understood lunch. Told me the story.
you are on the bench. Bureau shall never heard of you before no idea isn't out either years ago, bout that Our second, so can I got of get the idea of this. Guy makes sense. So listen to your point, gas started subtly playing it at home, meredith was in the room and I know that I don't make the decision I get meredith to make the decision. When I wanted to be made. oh right of but like the idea in advance is, as you know, we do we do when I'm hoping we're gonna do so why? it did lead to the only I would say argument in our entire marriage. While, yes, I will. To go to from aims at once in the two and take what was already done baby step three and dropped out of Aimee step, one, because I wanted to put every dollar that we had one to follow: minus two thousand dollars exactly into our students
Knowing that we're gonna do five years we compromised and we did her look at. so you don't. Let us welcome a great income and you both were in agreement ultimately and got after it yep yep, mechanically, very cool. Congratulations! Thank you! So much you got four hundred and twenty five, where the stood loans at mount everest, and you get married and you're looking up you're goin out like this just got real puts it, takes your stomach and does not oh yeah. So was the Five years easier or hard when you thought it was gallery. Once we made the plan, I think it was a lot easier than we thought I was going to be. It didn't seem as insurmountable, as once we actually just got started, because we were on the same track, bolton looking down from the top of the mountain, down as much easier than will get the ball go. And yet, when you get up there, you're like
again. This was a harder climb than I thought it was going to a right or one of those. I thought this just can be horrible and we just did it. You know, so you never know which way it comes out would not do again. I'm not signing up for this against this. Not it's not my definition of of vacation? No, no, we we did have the advantage too, because Saint Meredith's income was enough that we were able to live on no problem, so we are able to just take my entire income and throw it at it. So we we did leave issue for a little while- and I know that's the story a lot of times, but basically we were able to to take? What she was already making love? only on that and then say. Ok, anything! That's left anything! That's my income in that anything. Actually get out hers or just gonna, throw straight My observation is that when things start working, people start sacrificing deeper, and generally that a knowledge of the other I'm curious win in the five your journey. Does the income bob significantly or was a gradual? It was pretty grab when I got a promotion from associate the senior associate. That was a very large pomp and that helped a lot and we were able to my extra income.
Into the student loans and that's what really propelled us this last junker my income as commission. So I also got better commissions overtime, so worker sacrifices. Did you guys make on MR waiting for children were not waiting anymore? I love congratulations you very It's not easy to wait on is it it is not it's not an easy choice to make, but sacrifice was definitely. It was worth it to now that weight is gone. We have our son and be really excited about him and not have the debt on top of it right now, oh and his mama paid approach to changes, life- yes well done, europe, yeah, very cool, four yo. I'm proud of you huh. cheering you all along the way. Everyone everywhere was Harry's, parents are particular blot. People were kind of sceptical of the concept, but once we told them how close we were in specially when we did everything off
it's all. When you do it, everybody knew the funding of the council it's twenty twenty four, these people, the hours because stuff. While an you guys very very well. What do you tell people to secret to getting on a debt? Is persistence, grin and sacrifice You can't have it all right exactly when you wanted and above the plan is, there's nothing: being able to look at at the end of the month and say: oh I've got you, know x, number thousand dollars potentially to throw at my student launched this month. You know: that's we always celebrate a little bit. You know have a dream. I know I mean when you can throw ten grand at a month at it. It's really good! Yes, even if it is a four hundred and something thousand dollar value, where we're gonna get there, okay, so yeah, this is going to work now, wow, how Are you two and now? What do you dream about now? The bay the boys on the way I mean itchy. I want people to hear this. So how old are you and in what? How does this change your dreams? So I'm thirty, four okay and I'm thirty, three wow yep
and now we want a family. I mean that is the dream, so I'm actually gonna be taken some time off work and being a mom for a couple of years moment in north carolina, where her parents are changing the whole living situation. Everything from there. From the house so that I could spend as much time as soon as we get very good where a cosy dave I love your neck. Is I want people that are new to this whole thing to realize they can do pretty much whatever they want. This is not just financial peace, it is professional freedom personal freedom to make choices like this editing phase you now and the scariest thing for me is: I just never lived outside of Boston you're, going to love north carolina attacks, change our promise or raise oh wow, and change everything. Congrats nations you're too you're amazing, I'm so proud of you well very, very well known congrats Congrats gay rights. I ve got the live.
A box for you. It's the baby steps millionaires book, because if you aren't one already well basin, you're right on track and the total money make overbook as well and finance, peace membership. If you're, not through the clash going go through for the fun of it now or teach it or give it to somebody whenever you want. It's all for you Thank you got so much for coming were so proud of you, grech, and merit up boston, mass, at least for now I have like no one else later. You can live wherever you want and give like. No one else: twenty five thousand paid off in five years, making two thirty four thirty counted down europe that british grew three two one what what what what lady little money from deep down in his guts, you have had some power to did well, let's foreign trade
thousand article stood landing on at that again It'll get you excited right there! That's where it gets that if Sallie Mae is that big and she's in your house, you know when she leaves yeah. That's pretty amazing, good wow get the ugly woman out of my house shall be level. They are an end. So I mean there's an example: we were talking about turning your talking about famous schools, all that there is an example from a land, logical that and then said, Levin lactation, leaned dan and then, senior and a junior used in both had greater comes in their work, their way through it, but while putting credible Yeah tell ya, then we're gonna choices. Gluck, I tell you, you come out and your facing down the barrel of foreign and twenty five thousand, and you just graduate you pass a bar you're married and you look up. You have an o crap moment sure I stand at the bottom of the mountain- and I really don't have a choice, I mean it is mandatory to my question.
How long the climb is going to take. You don't do it for twenty years. You're gonna do it for five years, which is pretty incredible, they're, amazing, what a sharp couple! very cool. This is the ram she shut, folks Dave ramsay. Here there are moments in life. We don't want to forget, like your kids, graduation or the once in a lifetime trip for the big moments, every day moments and everything in between every dollar is there to help you budget for all of it. It's the simple budgeting, app that help who plan save and banned for the important things budget, for life, you really want for a moment of it download the app or two the link in the show notes to create your free account. Today, every dollar,
the coleman ramsey personality is our co host. Today, open phones are aaa eight to five five to two five Daniel sit in Houston, hi, Daniel welcome to the ramsey show day, thanks for taking my call sure, what's up? Meanwhile, I've just started philanthropy university. We finished the third lesson and we are trying to figure out how to do Sadly, we have for vehicle payments I trust her car and we each have a motorcycle I was wondering if we should voluntary voluntarily surrender the motorcycles to get out from underneath that no, I know What what are you alone twenty five on mine, she owes seventeen on hers. Watchers worth towards about seventeen watchers worth eleven good god what a mesh yeah. What do you mean? Archer household Income-
she lost my job in march and so we're living of her salary is returning. I. What do you do in looking for her jobs, nonstop of had seven our views and nothin's come from any of em? What do you do? I worked for team over the past. Eight years I was reading a manager making what kind of money. about a hundred thousand year. Don't want rachel mantra manager the whole, obviously operations manager for the region I was out. There were twenty five locations. Mocha. You made a hundred grand so much interested here. Ok, and I want circle back to that- that's. What does she make she makes about. Eighty thousand a year good. He works for exxon, mobile, ok, look let may add tradition. Then I will circle back to the the the motorcycles. Are not the problem, they're the symptom. So here's the problem
with surrendering them. I want to surrender and, as a last ditch effort, my factor, thunder, actually come repose. The montoni monash render them. Because if that, but motorcyclists were seventeen when they take it. They're gonna sell it as a repose for nine, oh ok and you're responsible for the difference. The deficit So you control the whole the terrain. If you sell it who's owns with very through harley davidson I will now would be to lunch. Harley has run into this before I will be talking to harley a lot Boca. unless there are angry or mean on the phone, then I just hang up on him, but I just We calling them. You know once a week and just giving them an update that you got laid off and we're about to get a job and you suck right now and we're gonna work, out there and I'd be talking
hardly dealer and gaunt hector. Can you get me out of these look up and is your credit master yeah, I'm a five thirteen and she's a five sixty five there, your credit, screwed hooker, because I would have you borrow the difference because outward four issues on yours, ok Eight thousand get you out of yours, ryan. Have you borrow that difference. If I could, if you can, a way to do it, because I rather have heavy eight thousand depth to have twenty five agreed agreed. And sorry I yeah, but and that's the goal to get there or and or get you reemployed, acknowledge circle back and work on the thing. The thing that caused all of this, which was that the job Ok, yeah, so you lose your job why'd you lose jobs, just lay offs or someone else go, lay offs neo, it lay offs yeah. I did many severance at all
We all got up. We are behind on everything we gotta with all that severance ah and then yeah just kind of living. On that, sir, you apply. Why have you not gotten reemployed? Do you think I don't in applying for entry level provisions like the clean back rooms- and I don't get a job I would add my resignation team timor will give us a service to refresh I do my resonates. I had that done apparently entered at seven interviews and some of them with up to a third round of interviews, and then I got goes did, but are you in being for positions that were similar to the t, mobile position, I mean it. in for absolutely anything right now: manufacture I had to work at a at bucky's to clean bathrooms origin. This food and monkeys goes to you here goes
body was that I have never used. That's like a book title yeah yeah this is, I am lucky. This is tough. I don't know what's going on. I don't know if you're just not interviewing well in essence, something I can analyze right now, but you're gonna have to start dive diving into your relationships, man. You know enough people to be people to get those people to vouch for you, you got to get into these interviews were pretty much you're the you just have to have a pole. because they ve heard so much good about you and they ran this guy's real. Through these relationships. If day, appreciably real. There were hired it and that's what you're not do you just applying it getting in the interview process. You have no leg up on anybody else and, quite frankly, you're being out performed in the interview. says some hours somehow know how and I want to cause. There would be. I just don't know the answer, but you I've got to change the odds in your favour in the only way you're gonna do, that is people
commending you really address waiting for you not just a loose recommendation, but someone gone. I know Daniel I'm an open, the door. You got too much experience and too much skill set from previous job and you weren't fire. you are laid off, there's no stain on you, but I'm gonna say one other thing: unity, you'll get yourself a twenty twenty five out: twenty five dollars. Our job may block two. Maybe three listen buckish, hiring gas, station managers, the guy. Now they want me out for a hundred grand anna. the point? Is you gotta go get paid right now, like there's, no excuse for you not to be made, money in a warehouse somewhere. You got to be making money out of the way managing bucky's gas station is like many walmart, that's no smell and ever okay, so the you tell me you ve been in a block now, I'm just that you just heard of this is a legendary thanks anyway, the let's stop. We're gonna, send you kids assessment to help you ascertain
if the career assessment, okay, we're going to send it to you as a gift free we're going to send you a copy of his book. That is a quick read or not a quick read it? Should you should read very fast, called the proximity print the ball, and this what's gonna, get you in the north or also a stranger, is number one best seller, big book called paycheck. purpose! I want you read and do they really do they assessment read out of those books in within Seventy two hours, a terminator, your doorstep, Change the way you do this then go to can call me dot com and read everything on their about reza maize. About letter writing about, Getting the interview and about what to do in the interview can tradespeople on getting jobs. You will get a job with three weeks of doing these things, it will happen He can. He pays the best in the world. This is why I've got a million remedy personality show where have you all that free to help you nuts stop on that sidestep next thing What are all the cars.
On my truck. We owe forty thousand on her car is twenty seven thousand water they worth my tribe. I had a wreck our minds so last time I was trying to trade in the praise it for about twenty one. in hers was about seventeen. You guys redress here in a mass of these vehicles, ear, hooker! Well we were. We will your down with five years from today when you get a good job. You're, making a hundred and she's make an idea. You make an hundred eighty eight and you get these Motorcycles are broad shot up and you shall em and the new these cars ratchet up in your shall and then you get it no couple paid for vehicles and you never buy anything else again that has a wheel or a motor unless you I care for it. you got that lesson ripe? Yes, healing. It's gotta highlight around and he's highlighting this lesson for you
I mean I can see it clearly. I hope you can't, because the tree do something stupid and I've done a lot of stupid, stuff, Daniel and y'all? Are nickel, stupid beyond belief. I've done a lot stupid, stop my goal when I do something stupid is not do the same stupid thing next time. If I'm going to do something stupid and aches to be a new stupid thing, you follow me there yeah Oh that and that's your got, no more vehicle stupid. You got your is completely out of the way in this chapter of your life. You got all your vehicle stupid done. Never do it again. Peck and by conservative vehicles or don't buy, and cash yeah? You got serious jones for motors man is pretty incredible and know you because I'm the same way so hang on Austin's gonna pick up we're going to get you the career assessment, we're going to get you the fraction french frenchmen, get you the paycheck to purpose book and go can common dot com, ones of free stuff. There. You start reading that right now, when you got off the phone this
Does the rams asia pay its get? If you love the show and want a deeper dive on your money journey, we have a weekly newsletter that gives you trending and helpful articles in tips on following the ribs eat. When I go to readjust Lucy's dotcom today to sign up for newsletter again, that's really solutions, dot com to sign up for a weekly losing pay, its james producer of the ramsay show. This episode is over but check the episode notes for links to products and services you heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-05.