« The Dave Ramsey Show

This Is What's Stopping You From Becoming Rich


Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss:

  • "My father-in-law is trying to sell us whole life insurance,"
  • "My husband has an underpaying job and thinks our money is my responsibility,"
  • "Is it okay for my grandma to give me $30K and not the rest of my family?"
  • "Should I invest more or pay off my house?"
  • "Is there any hope for my finances?"
  • "Am I hurting my family's financial future?"
  • "Should we wait for student loan forgiveness?"
  • "Is a CD the safest place for an investment?"
  • "Should we sell before our yard is taken?"
  • "How do we navigate combining finances?"
  • "Should we lower our tithe?"
  • "Should I sell my rental property?"
  • "What's the fastest way to pay off a vehicle?"

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I from the headquarters. Ramsay solutions ramsay show what we'd all people build wealth do work that I love and create actual amazing, really open volumes. This our public aid to five five, two to five, multiple number one. By showing author and rooms you personality, rachel crew, my daughter is my co host today open phone jaeger, jump in we'll talk about your life and your money.
Durham weathers in irvine, california, high victor how're, you doing Are you better than deserve, what's up three years me and my wife us by our life insurance. for my father in law in both make a pretty good income, essentially they're like three years now- and I just I know we ve baxter- one cannot, but talking my father in here and essentially said it's like a good tax, free investment that we can do with a custom hole. I policy. sincerity, max daughter, following K and rock island
I'm even they bought a house recently we're just not sure if that's like the best way, moving forward to put our money in wa or at least with our extra money. So that's our situation and victory even married three years you shit yeah. We ve been frankly about their years, yet ochre show you your mid twenties. I assume yeah me and my wife- are both a twenty seven. So we got married around twenty four, okay and well. I I have to give you full disclosure here. Okay, I have been trashing whole life policies and people who sell them for thirty years as being one of the biggest often the rip off in the financial world show, if you say, Dave ramsay to your father in law his face he's gonna nail talk. I know o o that
aid of bringing that up would not. I would not dare to do that outcome uncle I would suggest you don't do that to yourself with your father in law. I don't think there's nothing to be gained by that. So you know I'm so, basically, he! You know. You have a guy in your life that loves you and that bali in these products, a guy on the radio that loves you and says these products are crap, and so now you ve got to decide as a grown man with your grown wife, what you god you're going to do and then how to navigate that decision. never recommend that you stay that you buy some our do something be caught when you're a girl. person, because your parents said you had to to keep them happy. I would not do that. Ok, but I would also not recommend that you
damage your relationship with your wife's father. I would want to be kind and honouring and really avoid an argument. If I were you, a family members, for instance, that I've been married, for forty one years victor, I family members that vote the wrong way. know how to vote? They picked the wrong party in there just dumb about it, love em anyway, I love him anyway, a family members. I have credit cards I don't I don't. I don't create at thanksgiving giving political argue with people who aren't going to change their minds that I Laura, finally, sorry that I love or financial arguments I dont I dont give financial advice for free to people who don't ask for it, and that includes everyone. Family included people. I ask, I will tell you so the victor tunnel. in a different way. What why you don't, like my whole life, Europe has an investment. I just what he knows, what he added
Why dont like it? Don't you? I know that You mentioned that, like the return over, thirty years is minimal and when you die die the money that you have in their is gone. They only hey the face, amount and There is no such thing as a whole life policy that is tax free if it acts we got a rate of return. It is tax free because you are they. or you can get. Your money out is to borrow own money and honey You go over at the bank and borrow money. They dont charger taxes on that either. So, of course, its check free, but it is not a tax and it is not a tax good tax, dodge not a good investment, it is not a good product, but now you you can reassure You know a bezonian things that we have set about, that. and then you ve still got this really deep
I bought relational problem and would recommend that you just be kind if you decide I do not use this product, which, of course, my recommendation. I would bring Commend you don't get into an argument with your father law about it. I would just say you know we ve looked at it and for us we ve done to go another direction and we sure hope adult to adult that you'll just respect our decision even though you think I'm wrong, and I want you- my decision, and so I have a friend who social but that the other day he leashed a car and easy, dumber than that he drove the car to my house to show it to me. Ok, but I didn't talk to him about Our leashes, I just went hey my first has a nice car, I'm gonna, be happy for him and his happy about his car, and he didn't ask my opinion.
And so I'm not gonna just go adult to adult. I'm gonna celebrate his adult decision, even though He did a nice thing in a dumb way. You know right I can still be friends with a guy one hundred percent be kind to your yeah. Even yet I think the biggest thing is going to be it could be. I don't really know your father in law, but if this is what? as for a living. It's a shot to the ego I mean, like I mean I mean if you, leaves in it so much like. If what we teach you believe so much that if we can't you know me it it's a heart, it would be a hard thing to say: are going to go a different direction from what I not just believe, but the work I do so just be prepared for that, and you and your wife need to have a lot of conversations. Victory really gotta be yeah and just really dive in, and you guys have to say, okay what's best for us and find the facts, because the facts is what's going to prove it to you victor and you both have to be on that same page. Cape. This is what we're doing, and I totally you keep it minimal when we like to say,
I think we're going to pass. Your wife has to be able to do look at her dad and which are the hard, a smile I say I love you and in a different direction. Yeah, you know dave show I love you and we're going to get from it. I'm going a different direction, alright, ass, a thing. We are now seeing something only now, but it's yeah that is where the yet the relational factor of it is just a few messy, It is also a great practice victor for you and your wife. You ve got to learn to do this gangway, that's right over other things. Yes, because you know that otherwise, you know they're going to interfere. You get written name your first child they're going to.
our fear when you get rid of by your first, how they all do it out of love and another. Do it out a look of don't pick me? I don't interfere in your own interfere in your camera down. That's would be mimi that, though we tell our kids names until they were born becoming a mainly I wrote. We hand the baby to their grandparents and we don't know my moonbeam. This is a small, our request, no hippy name this other amnesia list folks, the u s conceal, carry association is offering one of the best free resources. I've seen in a long time, the complete concealed- carry and family defence guide. It includes twenty three a proven family defence strategies, six pushed defence tips lifesaving training, legal defence information and more and its one hundred percent free. The? U s. Ccs, gives away resources like this, because
They believe responsibly. Armed americans should be equipped with everything they need for self defence. In today's world visit, you c c h, dotcom slice rapidly to get your free guide right. Now. That's! U s! She see a nod com slice ramsay. read your crews. Ramsay personality is my co host today, Ramsay the question of the day is brought to you by neighborly, your hub for home services, go to neighborly dot com, slash ramsey today to download their winter maintenance checklist. It's free and full of tips to get your home through the colder months. With no issues again, you can check it out at neighbourly dot. Com slash ramsay. Today's question comes from bethany in Texas. I've been married to a lovely man for fifteen years, who loves me and adores my son. He is the best dad I could have give my son, the problem is the finances I make a hundred and eighty thousand dollars as a nurse,
practitioner while he makes thirty thousand. The issue is not really the money, but his lack of ambition to make more of its. He has much potential. I recently found him a job which will double his salary, but does not ensure said. I love him very much and I to know and I need to now how to let him be? Since I realize I cannot make helm want to make more money. I feel when it comes to financial part of our marriage. He believes that it is my responsibility. I live in fear knowing that. If something happens to me where I die or can no longer work. My family would lose everything. How do I love my husband? The way he is since he refuses to change, bore bethany, yeah that the biggest problem I see here, bethany. Whenever I am glad that you just that, you realize you can control him, because you can't we can control the people and the fact that sounds like you're, his mom, I'm like you, you went out and fair.
Him a job and you're doing all of these things are being proactive, while he's obviously now wanting it. So so I would say, again. The money is not the issue here, a lot It is fear that if something happens are or are you gonna be ok, is your family gonna? Be? Ok and said: that's the approach I would take with him now Oh, go double your salary, but its aid. This is what causing in me and its feeling like its becoming a it's. It's a wedge between you and I mean just naturally, is, and that fear possibly might be. Other parts of your marriage and in your life together, and so that's the way I approach it more verses from the money side more on what its causing in you but yeah. I think we have harsher do I read that you don't respect him. That's what I read. and it has nothing to do with the amount of money makes it causes respect his his lack of personal grow. Than warning to do better in wanting to be better. He is a lovely
Lazy man is what I read and you know that's a problem because that's not going to yet you you're not going to suddenly get ok with that that's going to, cheerier eight or improve it's not going to stay right. Word is, and so I really think that you guys need to sit down with a good marriage. Counselor- and then he the counselor, hopefully can plug him in with some guys who are some men who are wanting to improve themselves and it's hard to respect a husband or a wife that doesn't you know that wants to shit like a blob and not improve. I dont Manderson makes thirty thousand as long as are on their way to doing the best version of themselves.
Laws are on their way to growing learning, getting better and so forth. And then the symptom of that problem is that, if you die, I mean I dunno how y'all are gonna lose or you lost? You know if you became disabled y'all are gonna, lose you're right, because you shut your up on an unreal. Situation with incomes and dependent on you, so I just, I think I think this is gone. for fifteen years, and you ve tolerated and held your nose because he's nice maybe the guy before that you had the baby with is not nice and so on. I don't want him to be not nice but I do want him to go. Be somebody why, on the fact bethany, I feel like he's not hearing you re like unless you're not saying anything to him, which would be an we too, but unlike their there's, some in their that you, don't you don't feel hurt. You feel like you're on an island by yourself and your isolated and all the rest.
Possibilities anew and I've got a marriage. A marriage is a team. You both are working gathered, unnaturally, always when it comes to these kind of not this situation this is more extreme, but naturally marriage is always gonna, be one whose way more excited to do the budgeting and all the excel, and look at all the numbers and the rate of return and there's not going to be one of you, that's more excited than the other with this money stuff- and that's ok like that. That is great, but the fact You guys are not on the same page and your wanting something else from him that he's not just not even giving you, but also not even giving you the dignity, to try to see where you're coming from and meet you even have no right. I mean any level of that. Given tag doesn't seem to be there so. J is weathers. J is in san, diego hi J. Welcome the rams issue, travel sure. What's up. So my life, and I are currently given up to buy a house and her grandma, who should very close. You just offered to gave us the gift of
thirty thousand dollars to put towards the downpayment. My question is: if he is ethically ok to take this gift, knowing that she had siblings, and her parents who have not been given that same offer of a guest, its ethically okay Because it's not your money, it's her money, she guessed the sun She was doing her money and but what you're pointing out is, as it may, piss them off right, yeah and justifiably in could come up here. Cause there's no intention, as far as you know, for granted to but give every by the same amount right yeah, no, not that we know of, I think she may, but don't know for sure. I don't like you, I don't think you have an ethics problem, but you might
have a relationship problem when all this comes up to light because feel it pete cut peoples not feeling it will be hurt, really by you, but by your run by her grandmother I mean you didn't do anything, but I mean I I maybe your wife, and he stopped her grandmother and say hey what about wines so finds out in their angry about this Yes, ever grandma mention that she would ideally like to keep a private. Last year, but in my head it's a gift. like yeah to J, and I mean I think you guys have to be aware that if we win comes out and it's gonna come out. It's gonna be awkward, can become out when granny's statist cleared. show. You cannot just be prepared.
That somebody's gonna have their feelings are later, but does that stop him from taking the gift? Now I don't think so as long as you're willing to be ready for your wife sister to be angry at dead grandmothers. Handwriting knows how many, how many green kids are there there are seven to ten. Has she I wonder if she wants to keep her private? No wonder, she's done other private money. Give we don't know, sounds private man's circles that she had helped out. People with pain for college. I was supposed to be private version, well the guy that came to delight how um, I think I think the the parents knew I'm that grandma was helping off the grandkids and kind of and talked in, and then all the other guy gets and found out, and they did not get help them. Ok, sugar,
He is not exactly worried about everything being, even which is brandish prerogative. That's ok! I don't mind that a bit on I mean the only place. There's fair is at the till to horror on the cotton candy right ah show granny gets to do the you must do with her money. You do Evan ethics problem, but ok, so how did the cousins wherever the cousins all reacted when the parents talked in the word got out about the college money. That is a pretty After of how they're going to react when this comes out. Are you ready for the if you're ready for that game on and the and as long as this is truly a gift, and there are no strings attached, Any kind is not alone. Grannie has doesn't get to pick out. The paint colors or something she nodded control here of your house purchase, because authority K, virginal, drove reached, I've gone on no strings attached
and you're willing to accept the blow back. well, look somewhere to when the other gifts came to light, then that that's where you are you're, ok with them, it's not worth. Thirty thousand for the drama then walk away. This was the rams issue if current at times have shown us anything. It's that everyone who has a family counting on them needs term life insurance for over twenty five years, the only insurance company I've recommended is Zander insurance. Not only do they search all the top term live plans to find you the best rates, but you can now apply completely touch less over the phone or the internet. They also our plans with super competitive rates that don't require an exam allowing you to get the coverage you need fast. Go to Xander dot, recall eight hundred three five, six, forty to eighty two,
Joe proves rams. Your personality is michael host. Today, open phones, a triple eight, eight to five five, two to five. One of the things you oughta notice and you ll notice and is a pattern through the show, some our there's more than other hours, but certainly in a given weak or given month you'll see it all the time purse finance one thing, if discovered at ramsay years ago, that has set us apart from the financial, professional financial goobers, that we figured out personal finances, eighty percent behaviour, only twenty percent had knowledge, the mathematics the coming wealthier, really about the sixth grade level. If you can do multiplication, you can understand compound interest, and so it's it's it's within your grasp. You don't have to be
phd in mathematics to do it, but the problem with understanding the personal finances, eighty percent behaviorist, then you have to think ok, vexed behaviour and what you're owing to always see woven through their show when you ve seen it in the last few collar share. even the email or is back hey viewer is all about relationships, not all about it, but I mean it's one relationships, your marriage relationship, your kids, you, your grandmother, wants to give you a secret gift of that your cousins dont know about. I mean she. None of this has anything. Do math. If you just do a math is like thirty thousand free dollar, yes right, right, jack, yes check! Sword straight would want are you gonna get your answer? Yes, I mean you know mutual funds. Eleven point, eight percent rate of return check yeah. She won't just like that. You don't have you don't have think about this. Stuff is just a math answer instantly
problem is, is that it's not a math answer. You have to anticipate and consider the relational. The spiritual the emotional, psychological, any components of behaviour. If you don't Consider those considering this whole thing is. Eighty percent behaviour- in other words number one thing: the screws up people's ability to bill wealth is their friends and family or them our europe personal, behavior, yeah. It's it's not your lack of knowledge of some sophisticated financial product. It's not that you don't know the secrets of the rich, it you're freaking, dysfunctional family. They put the funding
dysfunctional and that you're living out of that and that your wealth building more than anything else, yeah. Well, I mean it's it's the perspective you have to have and putting money in it's proper place in your life and when you realize that money as a tool, as I say on my show, to create a life you love money is that is the tool for it right. But it's your if your life surrounds it or it surrounds your life and like it is the thing that touches every area of your life and when you just try to do math you're trying to get its own thing over here and it's not it is. It is built into everything its built into sakharov registrations. If you have the money to do soccer for your kids for the fall, it has to do with them? trap might have me just happened. Did you I'd have of it flows through life? It's it's the thing, the currency we have to have to live our life, it's not just the numbers and so when you realise that your eyes, why does touch every We our life and yet and the problem with it is it's us with it at all times,
in the mirror, you shave with what you say: yup, that's exactly right and labour cut used to say that money problems are not the problem, they're the symptom yep of something else. That's going on in your life, including when I went broke it was because there are some colossal conspiracy against Dave, its cost dave- signed up for a first class ticket on the stupid ship and on the entire crews. There's no question: may not often. I have voted for every port on the stupid shit in saying. Yes, we were there baby and sober, It was the behaviors that put me there that left me out, to an end. The character flash for that matter that not lack of integrity and on the un's which jade war I'll just read a book on this, but your mindset to write you believed a certain way of dealing with money. You believe certain principles we're gonna get you read, you believe this way,
Also shifting your mindset and learning new ways to handle your money that that had knowledge is important, that twenty percent of learning, what to do with your money is still key, but why you do what you do with money is important too, which is the behaviour know that reasons I get so come down so hard on these people that our hopes dealer, other running round, go away, you just can't america today its theirs stomach this and systemic that, while there is there's also systemic success. It's everywhere around your look. There systemic wealth bill it happens everywhere and it's the people, the plug into that system. Yet. Instead of leaving your system of socialism and Turkey is going to solve the problem, which is a bunch of crap, its use, your fresh did you feel stuck and you lost your hope, but dont spread. That's and how well do you care is impossible, further Jim
see they're very frustrated. While there can't be a millionaire. Yes, they can be a millionaire and be a millionaire by the freaking time, they're thirty if they get their crap together. Hey. I just was with a girl, she's fifteen years old fifteen years if the yep opened up a roth ira when she was like ten years old cause, you are working in her dad's company and she's are doing all this and she did the calculations. She told me she'll be a millionaire by thirty, so I was like well, there you go No, she had parents who were teaching her and helping her and encouraging their rights issues in an environment. You that's beautiful, but unlike so when she goes into some leftist communist college economic clout says you can't do this stuff, she's gonna hurt affirming a rough I re and go, or you know yapping ding ding, ding, ding or scrolling tick tock, and we we played a tiktok video here last week of a guy and he's like the middle class. You have to make one hundred and twenty thousand dollars to be middle class and he walked through off the numbers. You know some of you like, but
yeah like oh and you only have six hundred and twenty five dollars left ireland. I dunno and we were like, oh my gosh. What if you invested that right like it's the hopes that it's the attitude, it's the attitude behind it, you're, exactly right, when you don't believe you can and when you teach people that they can't that put you in the evil bucket the hopes dealers are evil. When you steal people hope that's what you're doing I been accused of being a dream killer. Cause people call up with bizarre crap, and I tell not to do it. That's not a day. Killer. That is a nightmare avoidance. Yeah instructor, yeah, that's differ. and killing a dream, I'm coming a nightmare so, but that there is a difference in that there's a instead of saying no matter what you do, your screwing, that's right! That's right! At and you're not you're, not You don't have to drive that car. You don't have to wear that sure. You'd want to carry them Hersh you! Don't have to wear their shoes, you do not have to do any of To be equality, human and to build wealth. You can do as a matter of fact, the less of a bunch of that stuff. I just listed you, do the faster you're going to build wealth because all of those
your consumption and so this idea that you can get away from. you can ignore your personal character. You can ignore toxic relationships, toxic work, environments and You'll, get ahead, that you can ignore the fact that your spouses spending money after that, you can make it That's a relationship breakdown, you can ignore those things we did not enter. You a single millionaire. That said, I came a millionaire in spite of my mouth and yet I you know I am did talk to one guy said, I lost one hundred ten pounds out of order but my god you fixed by but oh my gosh, but he didn't last I barely pounds you can't carry manner, but you you can't carry them into it.
get them in that right. That's right! You got the everybody's got to be working to guess hired. These are things we know and ends again. That's not a hope. Sealer comment that aid that To me, that's the challenge: if you find yourself in a situation, and you are married and you as our own, completely separate pages. Let this be a challenge to say: hey get on the same page, not just to build wealth but you're Quality of your relationships, monies isn't all you're the clearly. The relationship will be better like all of this. Together, and so it is it's. It's so crucial it so crucial. If you don't get the the elements of behaviour going you there is not a product or not. mutual fund there's not a technique, there's not a a tik tok video that is going to help you. If you don't get the thing, the elements of behavior, your spiritual, walk, your emotional and psychological health, your ability to set bounds reach with toxic people in and around you include your family. Your car
many of your marriage, the unity, the fact that were in large step, both working towards a high definition, vision dream, though Want to live together, you cannot avoid that stuff. as a matter of fact, if you do all that stuff and do some of the math wrong, you're still be ok, but you do the math all right and do all that wrong and make it won't work. This is the ramsey show It's either identifies Jesus of Nazareth is ahead of the blasphemy this season on the chosen down those for whom this was set off a series of events. My followers won't understand us come out. I guess you're not holding back anymore. I can't I'm out of I'm cc's in four of the chosen in theatres on February. First, starting with episodes, one two and three get your tickets. Now at the chosen rise up, dot com,
rachel, grooves, rams. Your personality is my co host vincent is in new york city high venza power, you good afternoon yourself better than I deserve. How can we help so we took a piggy back up. What you were saying a few moments ago the behaviour of being eighty percent in my own particular situations, I'm up the baby step number six and write about my own particular behaviour towards baby september. Six I'm not a bit of a fair question mark. If you will, in the sense that I a backward, my wife and I were homeowners and no debt at all. We have a substantial portfolio and taken a step backwards from a girl
we paying down our mortgage, which is at an interest rate of two point, eight seven, five percent, and instead I use that excess funds that I could be thankful. It's the mortgage for investment then I save and invest money. Whoever and put a port the mortgage now I'm wondering if, given our individual certain that if that is not an acceptable alternative, if we're not putting report, the mortgage acceptable. Alternative is a big phrase. Yeah acceptable? I mean you know: you're you're, investing you're not consuming year you're doing. That is what we would do. No, we would not do that break but the but, but you are you know. Are you going to end up broke because you're doing that? No no you're, not but
The fallacy in your theory is that if you the way you can test a theory like this, it is. multiply two hundred x and see how it makes you feel. Ok show how much is your mortgage balance Ninety nine left on it you can, I felt so if somebody came up and said on your thirty million dollars at two percent. Would you do that? how does that take your breath away or that take your breath away little bit here I would not do that because in the region it takes your breath away. A little bit is only I expanded that far. Did you feel that debt equals risk. right now at show manageable and so small in your world as a whole show in your world that you're not
sensing that there's any risk associated with it and in another approved? That would be to go the other direction if you paid off your mortgage today, and you have the opportunity to go get another mortgage a year from now at two percent. Would you take a paid for her? I should go, borrow money, a two percent mode, people wish I know, but if you're If you truly believe in the math that you pitched, you would say yes right, either yeah! No I'm with you. I understand I so my theory I think, goes towards as well that maybe in the course of time. If I continued this long term, maybe I'll generate a better return, you will long term, you are willing, you will, but your ear, the the tightness between Your shoulder blades, because you have a mortgage on the home where your children live and your dog lives in your.
lives in your wife lives is it is not as your ball in math and show when you, pay off a mortgage? People breathe deeper. They have a different feel. About the grass in the back yard when they walk through without their shoes on and those your call, two viable only over a large amount of money and a large amount of time you dont, since it, though, because I'm guessing you have a portfolio, probably events of ten million dollars or more, and so this three thousand out on your house's chump change. It's really not in your work let's not enough to make you upset one way or the other show, but I'll stick with it. our approach ash and because it brought me great joy to have no more and if you have the non time and assets, which I suspect you do too path that mortgage today I'd pay it off today, but I'm out They will still be friends if you want to keep a two percent mortgage united fight not what we teach her believe or how we live. Yeah
same example. but lowered samson not for visit, but other people. Listening. We have some friends and- and they make great money like they do totally and have always had card payments, but they can fleming. It's such a small part their overall world. It's not a big deal summit dealt with last year for the first time they bought a car with cash. we're kind of joking with me, and I go ahead. We're going to just try it your way. Let's see add we we're texting two months later and he said, and our group taxis like I will never get a car payment again using. I now I realized what it felt like to have even if you can manage the payment, what it felt like tat that leave every month and then the fact with his car, drive it for so much longer cause, usually when the loan was up. We'd get a new car and we'd start back in the cycle, and I didn't realize that we are in this. It's like this light bulb turns on when you actually live it and that's the thing that god, you know is a sophisticated. Talking about a very smart he's, not they make large seminary demonic, gathers arrangement their great. It's not that big. deal since events in europe but were expecting
assuming about? You is not that big three hundred thousand or more? It's not! But I'm tellin you when you do it you're, like oh crap. I never knew that's really what it was. I didn't realize without caring or what I was carrying around and didn't even know, because it's just normal. So I would pay it off so if you get mad at us than just get a or something We get back into mortal interest rates, come down and get your new mortgage. If you don't like being debt free, that's alright! That's alright! I'd pay it off tomorrow! That's what I would do a it's a good discussion, though if you recall him johns, John John for wine indiana. How John? How are you today I want to ask you what you would do you are made from forty two years old and I realise that I've been an idiot with my money after the first half of my life I spent my money on that was, would take you as I did members, but, unlike the mac me in the face of the few months ago, and let me know that I need to start thinking about my financial future. Now, Otherwise I get old, I'm gonna be in trouble,
what's maktoum carrier year, what was the wake up call. Not having any money at all. I don't own any property. May wonder what modern suddenly be a thing. You should a few more. to go, live smack made. A certain thing happened. Well, basically, Oh, I know to say, is that I just didn't but he money you just got disgusted. Ok, that's fine! That's got that's with myself. Okay! Ok, What's your point out, how can we all know? How can we help you, though I may grow eighty thousand a year, I'm I've got I've got about twelve thousand dollars worth of debt and I'm basically caught between two paths. I know it won't take me long to pay this debt off good, but I'm trying to decide if I should then focus on saving for a house and paying for it in cash, not taking on
that because I've been reading your book, the money make over an isolated that now and I don't want to have any part of it anymore, but the rest of my life- I thought about it. Does this by the house where you live and now I'm forty tat answer where are you living now? blood, and indeed I mean what what what renting an apartment you live in your french based But where do you live, I mean what kind of living shy russian or I rent an apartment? Okay, alright, alright, and what price range home? Would you, I am out of eighty thousand dollars are quick. Can you pay cash for one? Well, really buckle down and and begging hard, which is what I have been doing. I could probably space fifty thousand a year time. Thank you.
for years. I could probably pay cash for a one hundred thousand, maybe one hundred and fifty thousand dollar house for years fifty or two hundred thousand yeah well, while I was going to say, was I could save an additional fifty or a like an emergency fund for expense. On the house, but may come up you down the road of hot water, either those out or whatever? I love it. Do a second yeah, not the second option. I thought I know the trucking business has been doing this for fifteen years. The other option I thought about doing was buying my own semi truck paying for adding cash because being an owner operator, provided I had the right must be found in place. I can make serious money very, very quick, Now I think I probably would do both pay cash for house and pick out for a truck. It's just a matter which one to do. First,
and then you can decide that I'm okay either way. I love your wake up. Call though I love where you are, your heads and a really good space, John gonna, be in a great shape in about four years, is going to be a great way to go man. live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions which the ramsey show where we help people build wealth to work that they love and create. I call amazing, like the phone number here, aaa eight to five: five to five rachel cruze multiple number, one best selling author you personally, co host of the smart money happy out. and my daughter is my co host today. Open phones at triple eight eight to five five. Two, two five nicole is in salt lake city. A nicole
I'm good hurry, you better than deserve what's up, but I am so grateful tat. She gets it to both of you another working mom, I'm I'm concerned with what or not. I would give harming my family financial. future. If I take an extended maternity leave with my second child, I didn't I didn't take that would make Child and I've had a lot of regret about that and my husband in ireland during whether or not I could take it or two off of work, and if I did, we wouldn't be able to put as much toward our debt snowball as we are we paid off about two hundred and seventeen thousand dollars and, like you, yeah What are you doing marital I'm? I'm an attorney. What do you mean I'm net,
stay calm for both of us now I said what do you make of? I I think my net take home is one twenty. What about your husband and his is about? Maybe sixty I think snow. It was. Seventy last year has his net worth seventy, what she do and he owns some. Some croatia's washes, I'm not your income by sixty sixty five percent, yes, and then we would still have Eighty six thousand dollars of my student loan laughed it's our only debt. Besides our mortgage that we still have left to pay on, but we've we've been paying on it and and so it's going to set us back, we'll be able to make the minimum pay and maybe a little bit more with distribution, but maybe inconsistently- and I guess I'm just
concerned because we started a family later in life. Will both be an early for use by the time I wanted to go back to work and so obviously having that debt and then having not invested that long. I'm just concerned this is going to cause harm long term and I kind of want to like relieve you from from that Nicole. I don't think it's harm long term. I mean, I think, yeah, your your goals are going to shift if your family goals shift and that's a reality I do, but it's not like you're putting your family and massive danger here right I mean I have some other ideas that we can talk through here in a second but and this so many women feel lesson, especially since the breadwinner of that I have to be the one to save everything.
And it's up to me and I'm gonna put my family endanger I'm. You know like this language, language you're, using using its it's very heavy, and I think it's in what I would say is that its you're, putting more pressure on yourself than needs to be there. Yes, getting out of debt is a huge goal and one that I want you s, work towards and one that you ve made. Such signal progress too, but, like we said the last hour, the showy we talk so much about how debt is a tool to create. I'm sorry as a tool to create a life that you love and you guys have to look your family units and your family as a priority in a calm and your family is one you're like ok what what is best for right now and as a mom, I get it like that. I mean I pull back from work. my third biggest. I was like I just I wanna be home more, and so all of that is real. Now, Let me we want to stop everything you guys have been doing in the progress you ve made. No, I wouldn't suggest that either, and so I think I think I'll
wonderful, middle ground. A call for you is to have, because I mean in it ernie, I'm like that, is such a stressful job. The hours you work, and I can't even imagine so. What does life look like if whole stays home and her career shifts and your career looks difference for a year or two. What does that look like, and so I would start new having kind of conversation of- and I dont know this world Nicole, so you probably can directly better in this conversation, point on in this sense, but is their work to be on that you could do out skills at some level, some degree that is significantly less stress. And less time than what you been doing and still be bringing in some kind of flow, because I offset the student loans that are there because of law school right?
Don't worry for lesser used allowed agree to clear up the loud agreement. Does it have to live your life? Have you not like, maybe not in traditional right attorney, setting right what rachel shining rachel says she pulled back. She pulled back she's, not but she's, not out of the saddle either she's. While her social footprint is grown, she still doing parents, and she still on the show, still locked, number one best showing kids book a few months ago. And show, and at all about on. You know a lot less than a full time hours late enough, an office yep activity in the office, and so I not there, but we just shifted around how what we're doing with her brand and how we're doing that. for a season here, while the little one is there an? for you, that's what I would present to you. What does what does that shifts? Look like right, because there is of the is a level of responsibility that you guys
financially right that you have to fulfil. You have to make these payments and getting out of debt. As you know, lifts Many burrowed drive, you didn't have this debt, then you can have the option to stay hopeful time if you wanted right so, but But I do think that there is something there that there still can be money to be brought in. I think you have to think creatively and that's probably what I would encourage you to do to have something, and then he honestly to call will probably have to step up. this game? If you guys keep this momentum with paying off I just don't want you to think it's an all or nothing yachting, look into deft whore is not the right word rachel right. That's an overstated word, a get a mom get word in this case. The more you just can't win. Ok, you get mom guilt if you're at home cause, you feel like you should be at work. If you're at work, you get mom guilt because you feel like you should be at home. I mean it's a no win and there's always some moron on either side of the coin, telling you you should be doing the other one right answer: and shall we're not gonna, be either one of those, but probably some
And obey a change, a hybrid approach, because I There's a part of me. This is ok that the you went to all the trouble and the ex and the debt to be a lawyer to go cold. Turkey do nothing with flat Are you still got eighty thousand of an outstanding that doesn't feel right either? Ok, but up, but also not addressing this- need that you ve got this desire. You ve, to be at home doesn't feel right, and so I. I think somewhere inner long rachel suggestion ITALY is the proper answer, but I I want to take the utmost rachel. I wanna take their the guilt thing of. Are you doing here? operable no you're not do an irreparable harm. You just can't. I gotta think through I spit
a lot of who I am in money, time, debt effort, brain power to be a lawyer and cut that off completely even for just two years feels pretty extra yeah in decline, everyone's obviously created so differently, but during what you ve done and imagine listed. All that day I was thinkin like you know, you might look up six months. If you like on my gosh, I'm I'm crazy, I'm not happy because I need some output, you know, so you may find that in you how your wired you're going to want to do something as well, and so that's that's. The possibility if so, you're doing great nichol you're gonna be ok. You're gonna do good asking the right questions the
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thirty, six percent of all americans have absolutely zero and savings were over one in three another nineteen percent one. Five of less than one thousand dollar saved. That's fifty five percent downtown one thousand dollars, it's crazy out there you did. You guys know that stupid hasn't gravitational pull that you can get stuck in an orbit around stupid. You know you break as an orbit in. Are you break the cycle and a burst of energy? I tell you break in orbit. And if you're ready for a change, we're gonna help we're doing the biggest live stream. We ve ever done right. Now there are over four hundred thousand people registered to view
Our lives stream tomorrow, night thursday january, the eleventh at seven p m central its by are the biggest one we ve ever done. It's called break the cycle which doktor john bologna, rachel crews, george camel jaguar. Shall me navigating money, anxiety, bad money, habits that keep you stuck practical money tips that actually work and were giving away ten thousand dollars, One thousand dollars to ten different people, a total of ten thousand dollars to people who are act. Ali viewing this tomorrow night, if you're on the live stream urine Automatically signed up to be a possible winner, no purchasing assure the holdings, ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash, break the cycle, ramsay solutions, dotcom com, slash break the cycle rachel. What you enjoy way to put together the things you all are gonna be working on. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Yeah, it's gonna be great. We're we're really gonna talk through
What it looks like to change right and changes uncomfortable. But what are the actual tactical things you can do to break the cycle ends and yet in one of those is, is budgeting and in every dollar is a huge. Our budgeting appetite huge tool that a huge opponent in your life and your financial life, to walk with you in for To have that so convened. While your phone to really do this, I mean like there really is something about being proactive with your money in the budget is really the best way to do that in an ever dollars that so we're going to kind of talk through a bunch of ideas, including that and it's gonna, be it's. We make a night. alternatives, weathers Dalton is in knoxville adult and welcomed the rams. Asia. Everything but they're gonna go to make up a large scale graduate from a psychological. first school a year from now in January
right now we're about forty thousand dollars in debt from student loans, but that's all that we have everything else has paid off and are, after she graduates, she's working part time for a company that she plans to go full time for and a They have a programme of work for them for two years. They'll pay fifty thousand dollars off of your student dead, and so my question was We wait two years and let them pay off the fifty thousand and we just make sure it stays below fifty thousand and up or we hurry up and pay off beforehand. she graduated in January window. They give you the forty thousand two years later it out two years later, that you don't have fifty thousand and you should they pay off up to fifty the showed forty Oh yeah, we have forty thousand I'd run now. I think I she graduates worse. I have it in a mad about seventy. Seventy five thousand dollars cash. You called me
but about getting out of debt while you're going further into debt gets a there. What do you make. make about forty babylons ear. Is she working working at the time so make around. Maybe ten thousand dollars this year and er. We got two kids, and so what are they going to payers a psych nurse or starting off one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars? Wow? That's awesome. Yeah get. Ok, so you really doesn't matter, you're not gonna pay anything on the debt between now and the time she graduates. If we, if you really rolled up your slaves, you might just avoid adding so much
maybe keep it down to fifty instead stood go to seventy five. you got really really really buckle down and not go show foreign debt, but there is not so She really comes up when she I used to work there making one hundred. Do we wait two years, from then for them to pay all fifty or do we not use your hundred to pay off the fifty the first year. so you're going out and it doesn't come up until a year from now yeah. Here's what I would do. I would immediately when she goes to work save up fifty thousand dollars and put it in a shepherd account and let it shut their savings account. And then, if this place is hell on earth and she needs to walk out the door.
You can write a czech yourself and pay it off and you have not got golden handcuffs and she had to stay in a hurry global situation for two years, could you guys are used to live in all forty or fifty with her ten thousand part time? and you're getting ready to go to a hundred and fifty when she comes out, so you oughta be safe. Fifty really fast. Does that make sense. Lace makes complete yeah. So I want you to do the same thing as getting out of debt and just pretend like you don't have to savings account over there and then, if she, does state two years. Obviously, they're gonna write a attract, pay it off and you gotta next fifty grandly interim yeah yeah casually danton when these such nations, what we hear, as you have to be in the job for seven plus years, are like this crazy, extend that amount of time for this kind of bin fettes. We hear that awhile and that's what I would not advise if it's a long period of time just on my own I'm to pay it off. So I have your economy over my life.
Two years is really encouraging. Yeah ends She's gonna be picking right out of the gate, and my colleague crap think she has a really. Deal, I'm in you guys, are in a really really situation in that sense that she's found I know who she's working for and all of it, I'm like it's there's so many upsides yeah for you guys. So that's a girl. I think that's a great idea, try to so the next year I dont really set yourself a goal that we're not gonna go any further, and and then continue that goal of like this is what we're gonna use of pay this off. If something were to happen, so it still gives you an out there they'll, this kind of like we can objective. We need to show Well, maybe she and praying she loves. It should get paid well, they're gonna pay off the denton years and I'm she stays with it in and a right, but don't don't trap yourself. And in somebody else's world. Let's say you don't go seventy five, but you end up fifty seven thousand in debt when she graduates, okay, well, I would say,
obviously pay the seven off immediately and then put the fifty aside and then let them pay off that fifty within the two years, and I really want to have as much detail as much in writing from these folks yeah that this is going to occur all so. I dont want some vague, promise that are recruiter made- and it's never been- written down anywhere and needs to be part of her son being bonus. Her. employment agreement when she comes on board or whatever else that there's a written. Promise to do this, because some want someone having a memory problem later the great point saturate light
Juliet is where those in greenville south carolina juliette, I'm gonna, bring you up after this coming break cause. I just looked down, saw the clock- and I don't want to answer your question in fifteen seconds- that probably wouldn't be a thing. So, let's stinguished rachel. You made the point on his call the seven year plan the ten year plan to get somebody to pay your dad off no a two year plan. Yes, but that's not a government plan there, that's a private hospital, the is desperate for, shake nurses answer. One of the things that are the random adds to benefit the most things are throwing out of a corporate benefit. Yeah, it's not. I failed of Iraq is vitally important This is a real company. That's, why should get it in writing thing, and then you're gonna be ok. If you do that.
Big guys, we could use your help around here. If you want to help us out, here's are you can do it? You can subscribe to the show you follower podcast follower click the subscribe button, the follow button. That kind of thing you can share the show if that particular point form has the ability for you to share by sheer button. Do it if not just click the link Outcome- link out and send somebody on e mails are hey. I've been looking at least you guys and at sir I'm learning something she spread. The word forest we would appreciate. It leaves nice, five star review subscribe, share, follow like all those kinds of things and helps a bunch we know it's helping because we are just hit number one on apple podcasts of all of them. and er. It's crazy. Without over a billion downloads. Now, with a b
A billion would be just mind blowing. But thank you. It's your fault! Thank you! Gosh. We pray Yet you Juliet is whether such greenville south carolina as promised. I Juliet, how can we help I wanted to ask your opinion me my whole life. Or how about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars we hadn't it add in a sleeping credit union and it has the tour and were wondering if we should go back in time after Didn'T- need an r to look elsewhere and new We clearly don't want to take away it with the money hello. maybe you didn't they wanted to take a look at that market. the european year of what he thought me should do
would go right back and renew that shady you, ok, doesn't pay very much. It's not a very good long term investment. It gives you a lot of peace, and you told me three times you didn't want risk, and I heard and I heard you ok and you shall I'm shooting out, I'm sixty three and I don't have any she's all of mine is invested in mutual funds in the stock market, but I'm comfortable with that risk I can tell by talking to you that if you did that they are two hundred and fifty thousand you would be awakened. I'm scared, you probably In the last thing, I want to causes a sweet eighty euro person to be awake at night and can only be asking second question Do you think that any of these companies are good, three days my word:
union yeah. They might. But it's not enough to fool with in other words, what are you getting on? The shady: what are they offering you when you renew it while adding, I think he's dead. Five point: five! That's not bad at all! Ok, if you got if you got six, but your day, but people you didn't know, entrust lock your credit union again again. This is about sleeping well at night and I wouldn't lose. I wouldn't go but I don't get a half a percent more in lieu sleep god you're very at your very comfortable with this credit union, and and see you a does have a two hundred, fifty thousand dollar gift tea on their show. Your covered on your guarantee, and I, if the credit union failed, in other words like an f d, I c, but the with a credit unions not after she had so called the answer you, but anyway you're.
we're fine they are. I personally would just tell you to stay right there. Okay, not because I wanted your opinion, but you knew about it now I'll say it again for the sake of our listeners. That's not because its five and a half percent as a great long term. Investment costs is really not it's because I want you to be able to sleep and five and a half percent is a good she d and were dark hunk talking about your comfort here, not about a twenty year. Investment horizon. That's right. They save juliet called ladys, eighty years old and she says dave we're not to intervene. thousand dollars. We just calves, other city which puts the best. What would you do if you were us and she wasn't therefore, the rest Juliet was she was now in ivory. Again, I appreciated you taking care of her because she s, we don't want her to bestow stout, but if somebody is eighty years old with two hundred and fifty thousand, dollars? Ams they're, not work about it as much.
What would you do at eighty years old? Well with some of my investments of sixty three. It would also be more true at eighty I'm already realising that some of the investing I'm doing is not for me because I'll never touch it yeah, it's really for the next generation gap. and show you gotta ramsay young rooms. Kids are gonna, be getting the stuff, and so, when I'm get investment decision now, unless it's a five or ten year horizon. If I'm buying out there long term? I am obviously thinking about you, know the next generation from god and show you were to superimpose on her situation, if you ve, got to interfere, fifty thousand you're putting it into a shady that tells me you're not living on it, because that city, not paying you monthly. Do you don't need a return on their, so they ve got other money yet that their living on. So they very likely unless thing some comes up and they need this money
sure sure a very likely or doing their investing for the next generation at eighty years old, and so, if you took that mindset it be easy to put it in mutual funds, because you might not be here five years, but you know the next generation will be sure yeah and you could leave. They could leave alone. Just you know we're gonna dump you're in for two thousand and mutual funds, and then, when we pass it'll pass to the cat, yeah yeah and you haven't you never touch it. You're, not really investing for yourself at that point. Yes, okay! So here's here's it's fun as sanyo during the brake. Once and I sat with our smart, MR pro this morning we knew at once a year and kind of like look at all investments and I was actually telling a seminar in the lobby she's fifteen m shows how might her off irae, and I told her that I looked at when when I started mine and when I started working for you guys, even in high school and all of it and and as we're talking through all the numbers and looking at everything you know are investment pro. He was like hey. This is gonna, hear here here and here and he's like
crazy, as what you guys are investing here. You probably won't touch it'll, be for your kids you're saying this to me, your daughter, your investing that you won't touch, I'm investing money I probably wouldn't touch, and that you guys is a family tree chain like when we say that what doing today when you don't need the money believe you the news that aren't you gonna do tat tat to pass that on and when you give dignity to you kids parents out barrier with little ones and teach them to work and in europe be able for them to live out the principles on their own, regardless of what their parents are doing in I teach it to their kids right. This big big legacy, snowball effect than just keep, during over an hour when everyone does their part and heat generation. It just keeps it going The line I mean it's pretty, it's pretty remarkable and it's really encourage. to you out there that our own baby steps one too. In three new really grinding it out? Well
If you leave, you start to do this. If you blink it'll be twenty years Does that roth irae? You did as a teenagers twenty years old, and that money that you are working and you not felt attacks return. I pay the taxes on it. and it was an eight hundred dollar initial investment and that, finally, he pulled it up. It was eight hundred dollars that that was what you're earning income was that your yeah and that's what you're allowed to report- and I put that in into a roth and then the next year- I think it was probably fifteen hundred or something whatever may several years in a row, we did that with each of you, as you worked, and but only twenty years later, yeah its invasion worth aggregate. It's great lindsey is in illinois. High lindsey welcome the ramsey show tomorrow arm. So my question, for you is if I should keep the house that I have or if I said, get on
and by a less expensive home, I'm wondering how their violent in its fibre and twenty five a month you gonna get less expensive than five hundred twenty five a month. Well Other include my insurance or my real estate. Back, that's, ok! You make linsey. I make forty thousand or either is there something wrong with the? How sure him now, very bag. I have I'm calling the realistic tax it. How much are you real estate, thirty five hundred three hundred dollars a month which makes you haven't, hundred dollar house payment making forty k you ought to be able to do that. Our budget sounds like you got dead and other shows that are causing the strain or you're. Not budgeting whether to derail estates, not your problem,
the refugee issue, no secret. We love a good deal here, Ramsay, which is why I don't want you to miss this one right now: you pray order. My new book breaking free from broke. You get a hundred dollars worth of bonus items for free, I'm talkin a book online. In q and a and enhanced audio book, all completely free and all chock full of what you need to know about credit card schemes to investing traps? The mortgage myths to building wealth, all the researches there the offer ends january fifteenth. So do not wait. Go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash store, that's ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash store rachel, grooms ramsay personality number one best, selling authors author of several books, including the latest kids book, I'm glad for what I have and it blew up and
if you sold out of them, will get the reorder back. In now, we're back on amazon still sold out, come to ramsey solutions, dot com to get a copy, and just to do a shout out. I know this is a show all over the world, but I'm doing a book signing at the books, a million amount juliet on Saturday, I'm an hour yeah, I'm gonna do a to reading an old fashioned books. I am, I know at eleven o clock central time, so I have to do those before the value pending. I want I do I love of exciting election. now with people I want so penalised. I know the mount juliet books and I have written and we were like yeah: let's do some local books on it so in brooklyn, the national man's a great company too. I've done a bunch with him over the years yeah. So anyone the nashville area come out on Saturday and the MT juliet that's what got it for fairly new store out there, yeah yeah, it's a nice area out there now beautiful or not. Now it always, as naturally, as always, has been while it's all kind of blown up and there's
pollution. Yes, yes, rachel is in Sacramento hi. Rachel! Welcome to the ramsey, show, hey guys wednesday. Everyone's day, how can we help so my husband and I only a house that peace is a pretty busy road We ve been discussing what the next poor and others of our life is and there's been a project on this road widen eggs and I'm so are you kidding road construction in California? I know MR flowers and we're not gonna be viewed in any case, I work we are. I am concerned, I more concerned, but my husband about eventually getting an imminent go me in that situation, where we would have to sell it, I want to make this are our how many felipe puts a lot of work
equity and have been good equity annex. I would prefer to you. I'm sorry That's right now and you go and and something that we can actually make our home or be, gamble and see whether or not they take our whole house there just up to our friend or does your quality of life rachel change? drastically right when this happens, when you I mean like do feel that yeah, I'm like that, yeah the changes are gonna. Tell you something like lemme. Have they already announced a? in a lane, widening that is gonna. Take some of your yard or you're, just thinking that pretty soon they're going to sell. harmonised and are actively working on the street. We live aren t by their legs, but a piggy like block by block. So we are the next block: but they have announced that and they have their the process so
This would be like right now, I'm just preparing we are buyer or your buyer would know. All of this is so they might know. All of this. It hasn't been announced by our block, is actively being worked on and they have to get. You know a whole them to permanent grandson things though it'll be you hear it by now. I got out of war. This is about it'll. What what's wrong with showing a male? the yard adjacent to the area we'd like to ban, but those houses are stalling for like stubborn, a thousand dollars, we only have about two hundred k and equity. So I'm leaving homework, really searched for forty four sixty
well that would do well to reunite demanded a working. Now you need a move. Yes, do you need to double the price of your house? No ok show a menu there. Some other options on the table here somewhere I mean you guys, could rachel a rent somewhere for a year or two save an ngo What are you guys want to be sure I'll show little girl have about ninety two thousand year. Ninety two thousand annual right now I just got another job. Ok! Well, I guess you girls talk through what we tell them. There was never take out a mortgage more more than a fifteen year. Where the much more than a fourth of your take home pay. If you can make move to another neighbourhood that fits that they get all of this uncertainty out of your life, then. Yes, I would do that now I would not use this as an excuse to over by and put yourself in a pinch on the other side and go all we had to know you didn't know you didn't
You don't have to gain and how to get yourself bankrupt, show just by a home word the payment after you put your payment. You're equity from your other house is no more than a fourth of your take by on a fifteen year fixed if you're doing that. I am all for your move. didn't I got more than that, I'm not for your move and that's that guidelines that we use around here jacob genre. just renew new york jacob power. You I gave how are you today and I get good? How can we help I am eighteen years old. I am attending a freshman at a small university and update new york going for astrophysics and what I'm cool hung about. Today is unfortunately a compliment. Go my father passed away, no one yet a heart attack, while yours
on the one hand, the statehouse: how are you how old was he Jacob? He turned sixteen july, I'm so sure I I'm so I'm so sorry, I beg you. That's tragic so yeah, so the reason that I'm calling is because he also left me a pretty substantial amount of money through his life insurance policy, which was three hundred and thirty four thousand in cash. And so my question is what I should be doing with that. I do, you know, have a thought- and you know the back of my head right now, obviously paying cash for college. You have would make sense. I would think right now. It's gonna be about eighty two hundred. To finish my degree. Ok,
Where are you paying for the degree before his passion, while Manon had about thirty five saved up? no college fund, it was a little bit more before the endemic, and then it went down a little bit, but that's what she has it out. So she was so we can take out student You know as I do, and I am off like a normal person. Would so ok from algeria, clan showed her ears sounds like when you ve gone to a tragedy, when you're eighteen years old, the sounds like it's a lot of money and if it's not, will evaporate if you're. Not very, very careful so you have to that's what I'm really glad you have to like, raise your right hand and pretend like that money is not their swear off of it. Ok, they only the with the ec, the only exception being just paying
knowledge to wish- and I want you drawing down the college fund before even touch this for those purposes so What I want you to do is number one swear off of using the money on what you figure out a way to get through life, with no student loans and without burning this money, were not born in buying a car. When I go in a house we're not gonna archery up when I do anything like that, simply gonna, get those school and live on engine rice. What we're doing it? That's it! Then, when you get school and have your degree go get a job and then that money sitting there and can grow as an investment and be a huge. blushing to you later on. Ok, so let's go and that three hundred thirty you use it up eighty and finish school. That leaves you to fifty You'll leave it alone in seven years at twenty five years. All that to fifty will be a half a million. If you leave it alone in seven years that
half a million obey a million at thirty two and thirty, Two years, all your millionaire. If figure out a way to live and use it. thousand dollars of this situation and leave your hands off the rest of it. That's kind of cool the out about be amazing, yeah yeah, that's what the numbers will live, but that the big problem is not the money. The big problem is you keep that in a mutual fund, yep, that's in a good mutual fund, so jump jump on ramsey solutions, dot, com and click on smart investor and sit down with a smart mr pro, and learn about mutual funds and talk through how you can use eighty others to finish your school. Yet a job live
your own earnings and keep your hands off of this and It'Ll- make you a millionaire when you're thirty, two that's kind of cool sure you're going through this, but it could be a huge blessing. Obviously this is the ramsey show. The headquarters of ramsey ramsey show where we help people build wealth to work as they love to create actual amazing relationship. Thank you for being with us american. The phone number here aaa eight to five five to two five number: one best selling author ramsey personality and host of the smart money. Happy hours, rachel, cruze she's, my co host today I'll show my daughter, open phones, a triple eight eight to five five two to five chases in mobile alabama highchair shower you, I'm great to better than we deserve. How can we help
I've got a lot of upcoming changes this year. Expect them my finances twenty five years at all. I just got a. I up in my career to where I'm expected to double or triple my my expected. This year, I was guile from around. Sixty thousand I'm expecting make somewhere around a hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand myself a sheer wow. What do you do? I've been a welder for the best. yours, but I just became qualified and and bland up some job to become a wailing inspector which and with a lot more money? How good for you, dr chase Also getting married this september and my wife come up, I see the nurse and we and we've lived to get a prolonged albert S, gonna Now I am, I gonna increase mowing. Gumbo hurrying comes to join with my as well as the bears command. You know said
Please use gonna dramatically changed the cheered on this just wondering how to navigate not only we have a small beer in the house in her or in her student loans total to less than two hundred thousand. I have debt personally and then in the end, I dramatically as well as getting married. So I was just wondering: what's your advice on how to navigate this upcoming here? Congratulations! What a great year! Yes, sir! Thank you! How old are you twenty five good for you, that's great chase, and how much does she make a year so close to seventy seven thousand. That's amazing units will be up to almost three hundred grand together tools murmur. I can tell what he's gonna make two hundred megawatt. Fifty right, you said we're going to feel more between one fifty and two hundred, it's kinda hard to gauge out there yeah, so still a quarter million dollars at twenty five years on what ago? Yeah? That's amazing! So is the house
Is it in her name we recently and how much you on that. So about one sixty and how much does show her car, maybe ten aft and student loans, legatee annulment as low, ok? Well, the first thing I would do chain is- and hopefully you guys are having these conversations now, but I would sit down and make sure you guys are on the same track when it comes to europe. That you guys have the same goals. You have the same value systems around money and you guys work as a team. I, my husband, I would just went to lunch before the show and we do this. Every january were sit down and we look at last year. We look at this coming year in an even dreaming and talking through tactical things, but also just kind of big goal for the year and just knowing that we have the same weight. We approach We definitely right. I'm the spender he's the saviour like there's natural personalities within it, but we are
team and we see ourselves moving in the same direction so chase. I would You haven't already making sure that you guys from a value system, same point. What I mean by that is where I could use debts We have goals here here and here, like we are working in the same direction together. It would be number one is what I would say to you. number two make a plan to to get rid of his dead mean pay. It pay off the car pay off. The student loan have a big golda pay off there. Ass? What you guys absolutely can do as well with your income here in the next few years, so so there's some really fun things you guys can do chase. I just want to make sure that you all are in agreements. what to do and even how to go about that. Do you feel, like you guys, are in a similar mindset. With that, or will that be kind of a big conversation up gambling we can be on the same page, I'd say: she's been more responsible are naturally I got a bad. You know five or six years
We ve been together for two years, but she knows arches son of a year ago. In doing things tat, I mean to you she's by our and staff, but I mean I have I've, never really had anything, but I never made much money now about to start making a lot of money, I'm just trying to learn easily yeah and you can easily creep into lifestyle creep or chase if you hold on line and Austin's going to pick up cars gift you guys as a wedding gift from us to you financial, these university. So this is our nine lesson course. You guys watch these videos together. throw in every dollar premium and that's our budgeting. App and you guys together again, learn together, sit down together, and this subject is one case that can it can be a point of unity and excitement or a point of a lot of pain for married couples. So starting off,
that same mindsets, I think, is the first big big step as detail is, do not pay any of her with your money until you're married whereat shall, after september its Where's our house, our our student alone, our income until september. It separate you just have a room, mate and don't pay your roommate stuff, you get yourself, legal and relational pinches. If you do that You wait, till after your married to pay egypt pay on each other stuff. guy in the new combined everything when you're married show an arsenal pick up and we'll get you signed up for all that? What a great year you ve got ahead of! You shall find chase. Congratulations very very proud of you, open found a triple eight eight to five five, two to five george camel is a brand new book coming out next week january. Sixteen
Dont tuesday is launch date. It's called breaking free from broke. You can play order. It today for only twenty dollars to get a hundred dollars and free bonus items, including instant access to georgia's. which talk show me the money exclusive access to an all on private event an acute, and I would george audio book and book january fifty. the last day. You can get all that stuff for twenty bucks, including the book and will worship. Walter you on the sixteenth. If you went to this extent the book or between hunters and that's what you're gets your so when all the good stuff you get it now. That's a good idea. This book is incredible. exposure is the most common money, myths and excuses had on it. Deals with all this traps in the myths and the garbage out their work, The good research in here George has done a great job with on me and Funny, so he's funny so snarking and so smart. It's all good shall check now: ramsay solutions, dot, com, slash door,
now go ahead and get your copy now breaking free from broke the ultimate guide to more money and less stress this book. When I read it, it reminded me of my first book: financial peace where we went through all the different things about money and george, of course very millennial way with a lot of working, a lotta fun and I really good up to date cutting edge research on this stuff. It's worth a red, you will like it breaking free from broke. My george camel this: did the rams asia eyes, rachel crews. Here now. Most of us know what we should do with our money, but actually doing it. Well, that's a whole front story. That's whites important to create good money habits on january, eleventh hour team. Here, ramsay solutions is hosting a free life stream. Where we can
look at the habits you need in your life. If you want to be successful with money, go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, slash break the cycle to register for free it's solutions, dot, com, slash, break the cycle, don't miss it roger peruse, rams personality is my co host today, open phones aaa eight to five five, two to five. sam is in canada, hey sam, welcome to the ramsay shop, did I ever tell you my call for what he saw My question and I have always tied it time, tied one percent. our income, but I guess I just wanted to get a bit of a I need your, I suppose, regarding where we are with our baby steps oh right now at baby step, number four and were working towards five and then putting fifteen percent towards investing
By doing so, we pay it's not margin to work with, though I guess I just wanted to see what you It is regarding back mocha well, first and foremost with the time. I'm anything, but a legal wished god. Not major money, Doesn't love you more if you ties and he doesn't hold withhold blessings. If you dont ties, I can't find any of that in scripture. but what I am sure of of having taught this biblical financed thirty plus years now, God has wished to tie the as a a slight, a starting point in our generosity because he wants to teach us to be generous to take on that character, quality of his because he is obviously a giver and so your head
My father's not mad at you about your percentages or anything else, personally in that mindset then have chosen to never miss a dive track because its at least those it's that a minimal starting point for my journey. should. I am always trying to learn to be a good investor and a good giver, and a good budget are a good steward all of those things and show the thai, this first fruits in old testament. It's often up before anything else, but that's not it's not a salvation issue. It's not a gods, for she was none of that it simply heavenly father saying this is the best way to ride a bicycle the best way to handle money. It's the best one. live your life is to have a natural, steady rhythm of generosity and ten percent as a starting point, I find people that are not
they're not stringent enough with it and then people who are so legal, stick with it that they get confused about it and so on I do not beyond either one of those sides. I wrote a brother based on a different spectrum. but if I were in your shoes I would take ten percent off the top before I did anything, it's what I do yeah and I would say to sam with giving I pray anything in money, but I think especially giving their An interesting habit. That's created that when it does just become the rhythm and you stop kind of looking at the number leaving and all of that, and it's just it's kind of those dangers. This is who I am I Macgyver, and this is what we do in our household and an almost becomes that non negotiable nets that habit in it continues and continues. It will contain you through your life. Obviously your choosing to do that action and where people get tripped up as they believe Well, if I just had more money or if I get to this certain part, it'll be
z or to give you know, we can kind of like make that arguments and to a degree small percentage moika I get it, but it's crazy. if you're, not in the habit of it, it doesn't become easier. Think. Well, if I just had, you know x amount more a year, it would be easier, but when your baseline is with your habits a certain way. Even getting that amount, it gets eaten up with life, and you you don't just this thought of. I just had more, it would be easier, doesn't always come to fruition. Sometimes it becomes harder, so making it a rhythm in your life? Don't and told a story that when he was a child, he went out and earned a dollar fifty cents and brought it home to his mom. and she spread it out on the table and ass. She said what are you gonna do with it should? What should I do? then she should. I would be very happy if he would tie them it annie. Should I type the fur
dollar fifty! I remained not tie that every dollar thereas rockefeller rockefeller, again more dynamic of em. And are you? Are you with a dollar fifty, it didn't start with our stomach. I finally got fifteen thousand a month. That's right! That's right! So your right to start when it They are, and I mean I remember the first time I gave a thousand dollars as a type. I thought I mean some ten thousand dollars. Oh, my gosh, and then I remember the first unworthy of ten thousand dollars. Oh, my gosh means online. Hundred thousand on? Oh, my gosh, you know and I thought you buy it in, as if your how doing got a favorite color fun. It's funny he's up their giggling going. and he gave me that day he was helping me out here and again, it's not a legalist sick thing, SAM, but also with your specific question, baby steps, four through six, that's a long time so like
That's a that's a long process right I mean, if someone's like, can I skip the tithe for a month? Excellency I'm like listen you're, not realistic about this, you guys, but that would be a habits shift four through six as a long time frame. habit would change, and I just don't. I don't want that for you. I want you to be in that consistent habit. We talked for just for buzzer promotion, all the way into bankruptcy. Court. And all the way out so those people they say you automatically are protected or blushed. When you ties book crap about him at bad, yeah you can still might you can still wreck the car? I can promise you ok, so I mean I did have one of those blue haired, ladies say well, you just didn't have enough faith and I said well honey. They took everything else. All I had left was faith, so you know that's just that's just not true. Okay, experience really or biblically and which wild is you know when you do give, and I think this is probably if you're considers off a spiritual person or not you experience
this level of joy. You know we, there are some videos going around. Our team did george did some jaded sum of giving and, unlike you, either She and I wasn't even their participating in it, but you I will giving away my money. They were joyful and you just coming as a view of the videos you just crime like there is something about joy that you just can't get unlike like there's beautiful wonders of the world, there's awesome cars in LA I mean there's things in life that are great to go and experience and buy, but there is just so They thing touches us in our human souls that giving does that other things just john in it provides, a longer, lasting joy and to rob yourself of that too is, is unfair to you is up So that's what we say to be giving, regardless of your baby step at the top of the every dollar budget, our budget gap giving is the very first line item, which is very different than a lot of other financial experts out there. That you will hear this is an a
value system of our plan. Because, again it's for you right, you accept We want something that is so beautiful and so wonderful and then the added benefit here. The first benefit, I guess, is that it the other person on either side right, but that actually needs it. So there are some that, How do you guys that you, just you, don't want to miss it hard to find someone. That's depressed. The is registry generous, very difficult, if not many amount there. It's hard to find someone that makes a bad husband or a bad wife that is outrageously generous. I it's hard to find them. They they. The heart very unusual, very unusual, show the
generosity is not an act, it's a character, equality and what we're doing is developing the character, quality and show it and that results in acts of generosity, but the the it's like integrity. There are acts that show integrity, acts that show honesty, but it's actually equality. It's a human quality that you can adopt and choose to be that you can decide today I'm a personal integrity, baby, I'm a generous person and sam all, that's not directed at you. Your question was early early on in this discussion, but it got us all soap boxes. We love to talk if you'll live like no one else later, you can live and give like. No one else. You can put yourself in a position that you can give more. then you made the new to make an ear. You can put yourself in that position and I m just in war
what it does to those around you watch what it does to your face. When you do that, folks, you cannot mess up generosity almost impossible. It's the easiest. Financial principles to grasp and sam. Thank you for letting us jump off on our soap boxes. The after we answer your question. This is the ramsey show.
I, let's cut to the chase, it's easy to get discouraged about crazy house prices and interest rates, but when you have the right real estate agent to help you buy and sell the right way. You'll have confidence to make smart decisions. Ramsay trusted agents, part just experts who, god you through buying or selling, there's someone you can trust to have your back from the first call to closing day find a ramsay trusted agent near you at ramsay solutions, dot, com, slice, agent, ramsay solutions, not gum, slash agent, ritual. whose ramsay personality is my co host today in the lobby of ramsay solutions on the debt free stage arm-
in romania are where those hi guys. How are you hello day if I re irate like any be enough here, god, while km border, you guys where we live, and Anna California right exit, isn't varying yeah, come too much real good? The thank you for having to be and how much it out of your paid off we paid off over a little bit of a hundred thirty thousand dollars actual. How long did this take twenty months? Good for you and your range of income. During that time we started off around a one nineteen, and then we bumped up our income to one hundred and eighty cool. What y'all do for a living? I'm a register nurse- I work at a hospital monday, orthopedic unit folk were then I will be doing a nurse Education at the end of the month, I must again I do a part time teaching job mate. Yes and I'm a freelance videographer also worked at a nursing facility as an activities assistant. Our actual for you guys, done. What kind of debt was your hundred and thirty thousand pray?
her everything like normal people, we had student loans, credit words that we used for some of his equipment for work. Little things. We also had a subaru that we paid off. Well, that was the last thing and then we were also able to cash flow, a car during that process, while we were expecting Baby, you guys go good for you, Meanwhile, you saw what happened two years ago. That put you guys on his ramsay plan. It's real! it's a long story, but I will make it short. I just kind of want to have a precursor story, so me and armin have always been weird people and we've been together for fourteen years, then I'll we were long distance starting our relationship, so he was in San Francisco. I was in orange county california, so he did that for five years,
hours and then we got married in two thousand eighteen, sweden, mary for five years. And then, during the pandemic, twenty twenty we were like that's our year. We want to get a house and we want to move out which we did, however, and the beginning of twenty twenty. We had no idea that the pandemic was going the happen so arming got laid off. He got laid off you after the house after by no before us, and so we were quarantine and my mom's house, which was quite an interesting experience because it was a full house. We had these big plans to move out and get our own place together, but that didn't stop us? We were like you know why it, while everyone's losing their- firms and their jobs, even though you are laid off like. Let's do it, let us go so. I picked up three jobs, as a register nurse during covered while pandemic, yes I'll and then
was selling kido low, carb cookies at the bake sale, just a kind of make extra cash oh, I would wake up early in the morning, makes some cookies go to work, did three jobs doing my masters. Online was doing it and I was collecting his e d d checks. Oh my gosh. Yes, so I'm back to what I was saying I feel as if we were able to do that. We were like you know why it we, I didn't even know what gazelle intense was, but we were doing. It was stilled in are in our bodies and are mine and our spirit or sold as a couple, and I said if we can do that, during the pandemic and save up a down payment during covered with no job. What more can we do this to pay off? that so we decided to do that now, driven down my brother was tat, does he? Have you guys thought about paying off your debts and so forth and offers who are kay like we're. Just keep air like we're on any russia do it, but what he said really stuck with me
then I remember I was watching on Youtube Trying to see how to get out a diet- and I came across the ramsay, show- and I remember, watching countess from indianapolis who paid off two hundred thirty thousand something of her debt by her solve. Yes, I was like what more we can do. It and other other couples out there, They had smaller shovels than we did. They had their little trouts than those like. You know. We got a shovel like, let's kill it. Let's do this, so we did We definitely worked really hard through. It all way to go so how's. She asked and may ok and then holds out the baby. Shiloh is eight months shallows at my e can't yeah. So you as we were expecting a baby dear yeah, we what we actually experienced a miscarriage in february of twenty twenty two. So sorry, that's! Ok! I don't need anyone's petty, had got out of the planning and I'm I'm so glad he did, because once that happened, we are like. You know, let's
Up this mess, we all have kids, Just do this, let's take care of everything. So when that time comes, we can set ourselves up better when, when we become like during covert lloyd I was like seeing how hard she was working yeah, and I was just like when I lost my job and I was on eating, for a while. I innovation about video and videographer ye, and I always just was like ok, Is there a way to tat kind of make this my thing like I lost my job. I used to work a pharmacy company for seven years before I got laid off in Poland so but on the side, I'll always done like creative work like with video and stuff like that, and then I was just like looking hard. She was working and also inspired, and I remember going to las vegas to one year conferences and recently, I was just hearing other people's testimony or testimonials, and then I was hearing you guys talk and then from there with the combination of with, like the actual like miscarried and stuff, like that, I was super inspired to just kind of.
Just run with it and then go with what my heart was. me like patch, otherwise I am ordered him all the way you know how to do it was all men will be. So it really is time. It was ass, all risky to jump into something that I didn't know like didn't seem very like stable, but, like I wanted to do it, I know my heart was in it and then you know luckily, like a year later, I d started contracting out with the companies that I container wherefore till this day. Man, it's been my full time thing rely very good, ass, a thing so proud of him, chauncey bovine, on your right, all four hundred and thirty thousand dollars of dead and twenty months, and they say how'd you do that. What are you tom, the keys to getting out to dinner? I would say discipline and you have to have a reason why for those two reasons. Even if you go off budget, or you get lazy. Those two reasons will bring you back and I think teamwork really matters as well,
river come. There was a time where we have a kind of during baby step, pause or bbc up to pause. I'm sorry! We were kind of getting lazy and it was like the first trimester I was like I don't want to eat at home, like I want to eat out like this baby wants in and now every day I just wanted to eat out, and I was like you know: let's give ourselves grace like let's budget, whatever we had some margin, so we did eat out and things like that, but once we knew that once the baby, we're gonna go back into it and we did- and I remember I was on the website. Actually I was bored can I went on the website and then I saw our picture on the website and I remember alive, oh my gosh
we were on the ramsey website like now. We have to do this. We cannot be on this page from the conference. Is that oh, my gosh, and so when I went on it I was like. Oh my god, Armin we were on the website. We can't be seen or know. We cannot be part of the postal, so I said ok, so it really lit a fire under our butts. And I dont believe I'm back back into a discipline and your reason: why is it will
you better, get other aims website so now, knowing how we know how to get people motivate forum on the shot does have a really cool euro mediterranean out of an outbreak of an item of like I don't know why they picked us. Maybe we let the really broke. I had no idea that we are more. Do you want our money? Let you guys so my regular angel allow were so proud of you. He gave way goes. He wrote a thing. We ve got the baby stumps millionaires book. The total money make overbooking financial picture, workday membership for you to live or giving that's the living give box to say thanks for coming from all the way from California you gotta, go it and I'm proud of you well done
Well done and now we know a new secret, just put them on the website: more motivation, armand and romania, romina romina, romina and shiloh from anaheim california, one hundred and thirty thousand paid off in twenty months, making one nineteen to one eighty counted down. Let's hear it british bridge grade Well, that's done boys and girls, this The ramsey show our scripture that I thirty four nineteen the righteous person may have troubles, but the lord. Livers him from them all. my angelo should I have learned that, even when I have pains, I dont have to be one
If is weathers in Indiana high kyle how're, you doing like him, I got much rachel. You d be talk of you to your birthday, venomous kyle better than we deserve, sir. How can we help? Well, I'm a big The yard pay attention to you, I'm thirty. party last week- and I don't stupid about a year ago. Thinking that you know building a good credit score is a good way to leverage job equity on my home and and invest in real estate, but I know better now. I know better. I'm I love the motorcycle mama about a three month course of getting it digressed away off and I would add that I did have a mortgage, my home and I have a paid for investment property that is right, to be moved into or sale. And my question could I should have felt the investment property which I have about a third, what it's worth in payment warded off or keep it cash for a month after month in payment.
Up early much you make it your kyle. Http business here and I I gross fifty two thousand a year from mad salary- How much do I owe on your primary home? Seventy three, seventy three thousand How much is the rental worth? the real her about it. They said buckboards, twenty one, thirty one. Fifty is a realistic measure for nice. Well. My knee jerk kyle over here is the real estate guy, over here and that lends real estate. I mean it's a paid for asset right and do enjoy it like do you enjoy? Have you been exerted on august, that's true, others say: does it? Does that down like a burden to you to put renters and in everything I bought it in february last year,
and I ve spent the last year working on it myself and only it on all me: flooring, army, water lines, written the bat and bringing the bathroom to new drywall power. Everything is really fresh and new in the town and it's all paid for silence said, sir nine fifty a month generator. If I run, and I'm targeting risk our patients, which is the home health aid. They have a twenty four hour care. Are you married x out they ever married when the shoemaker. my wife, she's, a mom, ok sure your household income, Fifty thousand bucks you ocean and five and the rent worth a hundred and thirty is that right numbers crack nokia, ah well, you'll few keep the room, You guys of you and your wife have got to lock arms and instead, what can we do to tighten up everything in the garden? Get the shaft paid off because the
Bad news is you got a mortgage on your house and not on your rental. The good news is not much of a mortgage is only seventy five thousand in so enough, twenty five thousand a year three years, but our income. You know and you know, do something to increase your income during that time, or something like that. That's fine! If you're, not making good progress on chunking away at your mortgage like really big ol chunks. Within Couple years, I'm someone the rental, I've want to keep it and give that IRAN. I would, but you don't want to look up ten From now still have a mortgage and paid for rental must not gonna happen What I'm saying shall give any money saved child. You guys have an emergency fund or anything. I did and woke up not arouses. We said work aimed at our way off.
So I went to my left. Twelve hundred in our tormented him money market and I took about sixty eight hundred and threw it on early so far, May we do. Is we to rebuild the emergency fund? The next thing, namely others, develop a game plan to pay off your house in big chunks. You're, not gonna pay it off than I would dump the rental. as a part of me that would just dump kyle you get that. Give you a lot of peace. That would put money back in a savings, our pay off the car that pay off the house and then, if you wanna get and rental business and do it later and save up and do it, but there is a part of me that would just the peace of mind today. You know, but wouldn't it was not a bad answer to your show today, if you know I can listen, I'm listening to yeah the way your talk about it. You don't want to show you wanna tried, you gonna, give them run so if you're gonna give it run, then you ve giddy the trade office
over on the other side over here? We gotta, pay a price and get this link, and mortgage gone because I would not have done what you have done, but you're now show let's, let's figure out what the best way forward is now are, stephen, is whether jacksonville Florida hushed even welcome to the ramsey issue. I dave doing better than I deserve. How can we help basically just Adam a? I need some guidance on the under truck on this car. that I got going on. I mean my wife recently signed up for financial peach university and so we are on step one. Would you getting without another word, but the budgeting I'm pretty sure we're going to get there pretty soon within the next couple of months, though, I'm already starting to think about a the second baby step, which is paying off our debt and the state.
Biggest that we don't have that much really. The biggest that we have is my truck, and I wanted to give by somehow. I should really handle that. I wouldn't german. What are you alone? I have become twenty seven between them, What's your what's your household income annually We again we take home about sixty checks at solid seller, ok I'll get so you don't, you ever knew much too much invested in cars that are going in value you have over Have your annual income, including her car tot up in cars, is too much even if your truck was paid for it showed because, Bulgaria turn your twenty seven thousand into ten thousand. In about twenty minutes. Like a gummy, I'll drive a nice truck drove trucked work today, you know I love maria, show, you know him against having a nice truck, I just don't. You know struck to have you and it does right now it owes you now if you all
that your incomes are becoming up significantly and you want to fight through and pay it off. That's ok, but rule of thumb is Stephen, don't have things what motors and wheels or wheels, de gather that equal? More than half your annual income? Because if you do, you have too much tied up in that are going down in value because of its got, we. and or a motor, it's going to in value, yet period yeah, an stephen earlier what you said of in thousand dollars. We want you to do that even faster. You set a couple of months and I would have would I would yeah- What can you sell? What can you do, what to what to scrape together a thousand dollars like ASAP, that's the fastest baby step that we want you to just hit and tackle because it changes the momentum of the whole process, Angie we're out loud shrill, facebook marketplace. What are we gonna do show much tougher carefully. their next and really are out baby one down in one month without
in dollars in one month. You ought to be able to go out there and scratch that, together from different sources Chemicals are the corner, the couch everything yap tablets. When you saw this truck at a free up that that pay me it's every launches, probably eight hundred bucks a month yeah so you'll be able to do it faster, and you may have to take out a loan on the difference to stephen on the trunk, if you're upside down on it and that mate, that may be a a realistic thing and and scrape together some money and get something else ends yeah, but it's, but when you're losing as much as you lose on vehicles- and you have so much tied up in vehicles. So many dollars against vehicles of any kind boat she dues snow we'll beals side by sides. Whatever the thing is, it's gone down I hardly the lash collar right in Gaza hard to get ahead cause you're losing every year on every one of those things and
not a guess you haven't a nice car, I'm just again show you been able to afford it. You gotta get yourself in position, there? You can afford to lose that kind of money and not there right now. So if I'm, u the shortish. Distance, for you is dump on that truck and get yourself under control. four colony ambrose sure to be the bearer. Shall the truck on that guy. God, just because I love you and I want you to win. What's a sour, the ramsay show in the box we'll be back with you before you know it in the mean time, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's it
of daily with the prince of peace rations?
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-12.