« The Dave Ramsey Show

The Best Calls of the Year So Far (Part 2)


All The Ramsey Show co-hosts are out on the road for Smart Conference so today we're back with another compilation of our favorite moments from the year so far. We hope you enjoy it and we'll be back with a live show on Monday's episode.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The from the headquarters of randomly solutions which the ramsay show where we have people build, while the work that they love and create actual amazing relationship, rachel, bruise ramsay personality number one bustling offer. My daughter is my colleague ocean today, as we answer your questions about tripoli, eight to five five, two to five about your life in your money, aaa eight to five five to two
I've, given an indian hapless, whips wrong emitter out again caverns and indianapolis to start off this, our high cavern? How are you ay dave, I'm doing what are you doing better than I deserve? What's up well, got a question. My wife and I ve been talking for about a week or two. Now we are trying to get some stuff underway to start savings for mortgage on our house actually we're about one quarter. Smart three quarters dumb we're one quarter smarter by living off of a thirty thousand dollar a year income for on her income. So I could pay my way through the master's school quarter down. We needed a reliable cars. I found that trap and about a car years ago where, where at now is we all about? One thousand eight hundred left on the car Savings area have about nineteen thousand and another thing very: how about five thousand we're too
between being highly aggressive with that nineteen thousand and being mildly aggressive, because we do have a one year old and were both kind of like due to it. For the full, my tea nerdy. You go a little less wondering what you're advises the man. Did you graduate yeah graduated got a double year: income. Right now I bring em what twenty five growth one: twenty five Brophy Africa and she still working in she makes thirty yeah throughout the hundred prevail, not or household income. one thousand dollar car debt and twenty a thousand dollars in your account and what are the? What are they each saved? And what's the nineteen thousand in It's over in a and capital one? It's just over there sitting in a a high performance, cd, her high performance savings, okay and then the other five is where
it is in our mutual bank account out. I gotcha defied the fight is our kind of our three month. Where we're just starting to look at your guidance stuff, about and with what we are looking at. Our number five is kind of are about five month savings, Have a thousand emergency? But the five? Is there the five thousand about a a five months? yeah. What what happened when I was your age, I went, broke and lost everything rachel was about. Being, we couldn't pay the light bill, and so from that experience I started studying what is the fastest right way to bill wealth, because I had built wealth the wrong way and that's why after everything too much down, and in studying that an in studying people who had built wealth, I pretty quickly discovered that the fact that the people who build while not the middle,
should not the people who wander around enough fog with an opinion, but the people who have actually become millionaires the vast majority of them realise that their most powerful wealth building to wash their income, none of them get rich on a high yield savings account. I also mean the count will not by death. It cannot mathematically by definition, make you rich cause you're, making three or four percent. Women and inflation to infringements will make it like ten percent. Inflation is mine, ok rodya, so you're you're gone backward period, so the bottom line is this: the ones that built wealth were the ones that got out of debt and avoided debt that put us on the journey of at ramsay thirty years ago, of showing people how to get out of debt,
that they can build wealth more reliably so that they can change their family tree so that they can be outrageously, generous. Ok So that's the premise on which we answer all of these questions. We want to take you down that path and never In the history of man, have someone keeping a twenty thousand dollar carling around, like it's a pet, been a myth, a building wealth. thinking we were, we were. We were really aggressive with it to get to the start, so it was sixty thousand dollars total. I paid forty in two years and Now we are looking at it as we did with let us say out loud that that purchase was stupid? was way out of your budget. You show that was the twenty five percent, not more I'm agree with you I would dumber private dumber I've done of dunbar about but show all of that's gonna later
you're, pretty simple answer yet which governors is is to pay it off today and then you're gonna have three thousand dollars left as a buffer for your starter or your emergency. Fathom babysit three, which is your three to six months of expenses, would make a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. You shall be able to put several thousand dollars a month on that account, and so we're not gonna. Three thousand, but for thirty seconds the end of the next month we should be at six or eight thousand and the end of the next month. You should be of ten or twelve thousand dollars so we're not walk now, one year old, with absolutely no money as a way of life. Just a momentary thing here by christmas, you ought to have a Big old power money man and that That's where we're at where we're we're both when we talk We both phoebe like yours, they enable the. the grass at an informant. You have this and were both looking at the one year old, who does have some medical pointless come up going, should we be just slightly favour and
in and out over manner, not gonna have a medical. I went on unless the child has medical issues today gonna have a one year old, medical appointment that he's gonna take more, three thousand dollars of it. Unless she has summed up unless a struggling with something but him. If he's going in for standard check ups, you know it's couple. Box dude and you make a hundred fifty thousand dollars a year. I think you can handle it. He'll be aggressive with it Regrettably, the reason would be that that's the fastest right way, were you to bill wealth, get that emergency fund in place a fully funded emergency fund of three to six months of expenses? then, with no payments at all now, for that house like crazy then do it. Man I mean just leave in lean and on a budget gonna think given to what the mindset shifts that is important, for You guys just to say out loud with you and your wife is like.
Ok, where we are today, we don't like it. We don't like having. We had a sixty thousand or carlo. Now we ve done with we ve taken it down to twenty one thousand. We have some money here. We have some money there. Obviously some stirring and you guys that you're not content with where you are financially. You know, there's something in you. That's like man there that there could be better way, which is why you picked up your phone and called the show I don't like their iranian again. Do you the barricades? Their name dave, bear same day, flower bud, but so so I challenge you. Kevin would be like to be do something different right this way, but where, saying again: it's not gonna, put you back financially at all I have a great income. You're gonna be ok, ended in there's, gonna, be natural fear, natural hesitation to do something that feels a little different, but what you guys have been doing. If you keep doing the same thing, you're not going to be happy with your results, so you have to do something different doing something is uncomfortable but push in, even if its aid
you're scared, uncomfortable because you're gonna be ok, you're gonna, be ok, you remove her. If you pay attention and play through stuff. They should the rams. Russia hey! eyes being free to make your own medical decisions is a big deal these days. Christian healthcare ministries gives members the freedom to choose the doctors and providers they want without the frustration of worrying about networks and with no waiting period to join at the membership based nonprofit ministry were hundreds of thousands of christians share funds to pay for and pray for. Each other's medical bills find out more today at c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budget, that c h, ministries, dot, org, slash budget you're a camel, ramsay personality is my co host today and stepping into the guest see Alex or most
I'm going to mess it up or mozy a first generation iranian american entrepreneur. I've just spent the morning with him. We did his podcast. I was a guest, investor a philanthropist known for his expertise? customer acquisition. Duration, huge deal on youtube, has done some amazingly large businesses including scale than exited seven companies for excess of forty six million dollars, been a joy hanging out with his young guys getting things done, one three million youtube subscribers well good to have you brother, to be here or honour to heavy weather thanks for hang out. Yet this is big. I've been fallen, you on you too, for a long time, and then we had am stephan on. I was on his show and he was he got to hang out with Alex so you're on now and what's interesting is that you mentioned in one of your youtube videos that Dave gave graham stephen Some of the wisest advice you'd ever heard around investing, and I want you to share that sue graham was headed
I tried to have his investments on the table. He said dave. What am I doing wrong here? What should I be doing and dave rather than dislikes, given him like all? You need to be sixteen per cent here and thirteen per cent here. He said well, if this pie our where your knowledge and expertise how'd you divide it up, is it I promise in eighty five percent real estate, maybe like fifteen percent, like my knowledge, stocks and more or less mirrored work grams, actual investment. Before you look like and the big make way that I have seen that was it wasn't one circular methodology. Wasn't I owe you gotta get into stocks, you gotta get into crypto you gotta get into novices like viagra, but it was more so do what you know when my wife and I exit our company and we'd taken sides. What attributions part of that I hadn't right
We come up with investor strategy because the investments attitude was in beginning, don't be poor and get started, but then, after that it was just like. I had everything in indexes and I wanted to take a more active role and the only thing but like a new good enough was business I'd gone all the way to the edge on two three four big realist. Transactions and ripe running to send the money. I pulled back no, this stuff. and so once I got basically gave my, permission or felt like you'd, give me some sort of like verbal permission, to do it. I know access is not com, kind of started and became our family office for everything that we do investing, which is exclusively businesses. We feel like we can add value to the end base you know you're comfortable. You shouldn't were put money into something that you don't and don't know and because some guy in a good suit shed two and the only thing he may own as a good shoe. That's probably not where we're taking the advice, so really that that's really really really important. Okay, so
You started with nothing fifty million dollar net worth in excess of that on this one transaction. Yet no one. I know you're, probably north of a hundred million. At that point, and The iranians american show your parent year for your first generation for american, because your parents came from IRAN. Both judgement at issued at mom's got a really good friend that both of his parents came here, and I also unbelievably successful aunt and financially, and sometimes I think I was talking to a friend, Brian Buffini, who's. Irish. Tat is a book called the immigrant edge and so the mentality that comes up that georgia's parents or a second version. Originally eastern really now there's a
immigrant edge. That goes with that one is the you think, the number one mindset as you work with investors in companies that keeps people broke. They subscribe. to what everyone else around them. Who is poor, tells them about how to get rich, so they take Peut poor peoples advice on how to make money And so as result of that they keep doing the wrong stuff or they don't do anything at all. A lot of them sit into this area of the process analysis there like. I need to find the perfect thing and me Ten years later, there still trying to fine perfect thing. They have started anything We have become a writer right now Are you become an investor investment isaac, his eyes, I talk a lot about sales stuff because I think it's a really good entry thing for anybody who wants to you know, take control their own income and costs no money into, and I have a skill. As I know you can read a hundred bucks on sales, but the first
thousand cold calls. You do you learn more than all the books. They read up to that point. Experiences a mighty teacher. One hundred percent and it's interesting with skill proficiency, but people are put off, takes twenty twenty hours of of concentrated, worked, become proficient in moscow, play the game, are playing the piano learning to do a cold call, twenty or a profession of actual dedicated work. But people will wait a decade to do those first, twenty hours, because they're afraid fears hold on back because they don't want to fail a lot of times. They don't have the judgment that they think is coming long from people who are actually paying attention them to begin with multi millionaire young age entrepreneur alex her mozart, our guests, the segment in catch him on to be sure, and with that up, that's h, o r m osier, if you dont know and you check him out of his website. It acquisition die com show. What do you feel Like I'm mean you had a couple really big hits along the way. The actual the liquidity event was a big hit, but the building up
gradual and on it may was like you had. You hit the lottery, and twenty minutes had this network, but you shall you built, accomplish hold it in. there was a lot of it. What do you think That is taught you about building wealth out there in amerika they as possible and be what do you think that you're, the sense of hope or the sense, a prince both around it. What it? What did you would you take away? So a hundred percent possible, be, I think I m, I define sadness as ignorance is in you, don't know what options you half and select whenever you feel hopeless, It's because you don't know what to do, and so, when I felt sad in my life, I think to myself like this is because I dont know what to do, which means that this is a problem I can solve, because all was figure out what I need to do and then that even me, my first action step, which is like. Oh, I just don't, know great and so for me solving. That has been a perpetual education process and nowadays, there's
aw much free information that exist on the internet. You can learn how to flip houses. You can learn how to had to say you can learn how to code. You can learn how to edit video like they're all these skills that that pay entry level roles, fifty sixty seventy hundred two hundred thousand years ear can learn in eight weeks and so for the people who are poor, when it is put in the eight weeks and then apply for the jobs you way ahead, a lot of young people out there and I get the messages they're, seventeen or eighteen. They call into the show the gone hey. I was invest and want to build wealth. I don't want to wait till him sixty at a wanted work, a job I hate to the four one k thing: they want make money really quickly and a lot of time they want. Do it the wrong way, and what is the advice? You constantly give those folks, so I say, like you, invest in the esa. Ninety p, five hundred as I, but I prefer people unless it s me five hundred which is you're, always india, higher returns on investing in your own education, your skill set compared to any stock market, and so,
A really real example of this is up. Buddy mine has a daughter. She, seventeen, I think she just turned eighteen. And she's she's working out a bowling alley, minimum wage job, popcorn ripe and she said, or he told her. He said you know you can trouble your income if you just get a certification So if a bottom aesthetics, today's five bucks and by tat after all, she could invest near, be five hundred and eighteen years old. They will be a tonic compounding, but if she invest five hundred dollars in getting the certification than two days later she was or income prob, we are better investment and by MR vacation than for ever having a three times higher baseline, for what she can make. Nothing too, like a micro example of how much skills can give you more cash flow to invest in everything else, and so my my belief is always keeping. reinvesting skills, because that raises your lifeline. Your your lifetime, baseline of earning potential that
I'll get an invaluable valuable education is always cash. Minuscule amounts, not all education, but it valuable usable utilitarian value she can meet. We go and do something with that. It's not like. I collect degrees from now. This is like studying something that is usable? One hundred percent of time is the best investment treatment my father. Came here with a thousand Allow me to speak english, but he had a medical degree in he's always been big on education for me and if you look at it as an actual investment, I mean he fled during revolution in IRAN. He said they took everything we had, but they couldn't take my education and so it's something that can never be taken from it from you. You can't lose in a divorce, can't be taxed on it when you're at your education itself, it appreciate, the time and in the more educated, become more viable each prior skill ads on top toxic compounds. Ask if you know how to do math, then you can
learned accounting. We want accounting and learn investing our business or would like each one compounds unto itself. You gotta follow them check him out on you. Tube Alex Formosa, H, oh, or m o z. I, for those of you that aren't familiar with how big a deal he already is and check him out at acquisitions. Dot com check him out at poor mozart on our social media and is partly ass. This call if the game with Alex Formosa alex an honor to meet. You today hung out, got a new friend, and it's been one hundred up here on your podcast thanks for hanging out with us for a few minutes. Here is the one hundred and one cool
If you're buying a home in today's market, it takes more than hope and an internet search. You need a team that you can trust through thick and then that's why I've recommended churchill mortgage for thirty years, the experts at churchill know their stuff and we'll take care of you, the Ramsay way. That's why churchill is the only ramsay trusted mortgage company go to churchill mortgage dotcom today to learn more churchill mortgage dot com. This is it advertisements in a idea, one five: nine one in emma: less consumer access, dot, org, equal housing, lindore, seventeen, forty, nine mallory lane sweet one hundred, brentwood tennessee, three, seven zero to seven jaguar wash all your personality is michael host. Today, open phones aaa eight to five five, two to five if you are a new listener or viewer, and we know there are a bunch of view based on all of our analytics election numbers and a huge number of you have joined us in just the last few months. Thank you for that.
You may be a little bit of a loop on all these are always lingo the baby steps and debt snowballs and all what kinds of things we talk about around here. All of them will try to keep you up to date, but if you want to really dive into it and start to learn where you are and where you need to go next up, it's a freezer, just go to ramsay solutions, dotcom click on get started, and I be figure out your next best stab from where you are right. Now Ramsay solutions, not com. It's completely free click get started sandy, is whether some nashville high son sandy welcome the ramsey show card. I answer I get my call sure, I've been agonising over something for a few weeks, blocker around my house. What would they say? What would Dave say so? Did I decided to call and see what she would say about this, my husband to buy an air day in florida as an investment We have no emergency fund, we have excellent credit.
All we do have is the equity in our house, which we do have Mortgage out, I'm here, thought about this idea? It would require and home equity line of credit impossibility. Another investment mortgage john. On top of that sort You already know what dave would say. Yes, I do believe and do you want to know what jade would say: yeah yeah yeah, why my I'll, be able to say on the air button you're going to get us nowhere, australians and the word no attack by capital, you're broke ro pickled only by investment properties broke people really dont need to buy high risk investment proper, broke people really dont need to buy high risk investment. But he's in another state with all hundred percent borrowed money and leverage on your own home.
The scope sideways. It's got nowhere to go, but bad, okay, so limit. Tell you he's been watching is better spent too much time on the internet, yeah yeah. So your ears, what the internet! Here's, what the idiots on tik tok I'll, tell you, oh god, that that running an air being. Is a hundred percent profit gonna make so much money. You're gonna be judged by, thing in money, there's gonna be cash everywhere. It failed I mention that renders the tear up your house. It fails to mention the times that it sits empty. It fails to mention the high management fees. It fails to mention all of that. Ass of your maid service. It fails to mention the fact that local municipality, decides that airbus embrasure no longer legal when they pass a law prohibiting. you're being in your neighborhood, which is happening in some areas and h, always or preventing them left and right, because they don't want a hotel
well in their neighbourhood, which is essentially what I bnb is, and I the thing If everything worked perfect away, the tick, tat guy say you're gonna be, shall richest, unbelievable, but guess what you and I live in the real world. It doesn't work that way running air me as a complete pain in the bahamas. Ok, exactly what three fail in may is screaming. Are you gonna be to convince him of that shit. No sound the deed and try? I'm sorry. Just now I refused to sign the he locked, the house. How s your name on it in tennessee as well. He can't get a he locked without your signature right now. Ok! Well, Thank you all so now discuss the marriage aspects of this. But no you right
Don't do it cuz? Well, you know here's the thing who can find a virtuous wife for her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her and he will have no lack of gain sandy. You have what's called. common sense. You can perceive risk a mile away. Your husband spent so much time on tick that he has no idea what real risk is and how much work and hassle and problems. This is You can make money running in urban bay, but you know you can offer my group money running a hotel, but it's called a full time job Somebody has to manage the hotel so by us to manage the maintenance people some. to manage the maid service, somebody s, that this is not just. Found money that you walk out on the sidewalk have a bale of money because you signed up for airbus and bake us from moron on tick tax that it was a great idea. It's passive its past
when Jacob was no passive about it. Talk about active. This is about as active a piece of real estate as you can get again, There is situations where you can make bank on this if you're willing to go through the hassle and the hard work and put up with it. But it's not as much as people say it is, and it certainly not as much as your gross rent projection is by freakin air, be in vain because all tell you as you keep it for all the time here's wouldn't get for it. Will nobody keeps a full all the time number one number two nobody puts everybody and earn a hundred percent on pay, never happens. No boy put I buy in there and they don't tear it up past beyond the level of their deposit, a never happens so dad gum- and I got up at three degrees of separation- uh huh guy- that has an inexpensive property that he.
And a bunch of characters. women there and one of them killed the other one in Oh! So we are not at all. I think that yeah, that's my that's my love of air bnb then, but that doesn't happen very often, but I mean these characters and this was not a cheap. This was not a house emma, in the wrong end, the town or whatever it is called sheesh knowledge. This is this: was people partying and hardy too hard? Oh, my gosh out of control so yeah. I saw it does that eyesight. That gonna happen. No, that's not gonna happen right, but the point is running a high turn over night tonight. We too weak rental. If this is not
it puts out a tenant in there and they stay in there a year and you ever have an actual relationship with the planet. So, okay, so here I am plain devils outcome, as I sometimes do. There are listeners who want to get into that space and they they don't. We one of the listener, tik tok, as you call it. What do you say? Picard a person like our short after your homes, paid for by beefed up servant and understand that you are embracing two things that no one about when you do urban bake high national factor, high risk yeah, and so you have to apply those to the numbers It's the same thing when some somebody goes to all these nothing down, rules that crap and they go. I can rent the house four thousand dollars and my payments? Only five hundred I'm gonna cash flow, five hundred Let me tell you how that works and they undergo, if that's the case, you're gonna break, even with vacancy
with non payment with suing to victim with fixing them. airs beyond the deposits with fixing the repairs that just happen, your house, the heat near, goes out. Roof leaks, paying the insurance paying tax messing with it. You got a father. We're cash flow? No, you don't your breakin. Even this is what He pulled on grass. Why father largely what that means As you know, what a flip you're doing. You have no knowledge of how real estate really works in my homes, properties of all kinds are one hundred percent paid for, and I swear I wonder if some american them, then you know I mean it's unbelievable and you know you know araby and be a net long and what an even get into it. Moon once the crews runs all stuff rachel have, but he would shoot me if I proposed or bambi make his life miserable and in what. But why is it? miserable the cider or that's the risk, it's not worth the risk the juice.
The squeeze there. You go, that's what I want to get like. Just pay cash for a normal rental right now, But I why even funny what you want to do, what you probably could make more money net net. You won't make more money. We will get it wrong. Regional property, you make more money doing urban, be than you would on. Didn't you No, not yet. Some guy off the streets is going to net net. You would do that, but even if you don't know what you're doing you don't know, if you're out it'll be atlanta net net you'd make more money, but you what you need to perceive is the extra hassle level. It is real you're dealing with a lot of human beings. This is through an emanation look,
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Mr Andria, that your giant aloni its pledge to speak to you, both today, you're too, what's up saw, I am my question- is how to get out of doubt if my current salary, as a truck driver, projected to make eighty thousand the sheer ok, how much is your debt Tibet is sixty seven thousand. Forty thousand is du monde that and then I have eleven thousand dollar balance on a car in the rush is credit cards I been trying to make a dating currently living with by partner, and so that's he because, when I moved in with her, I was over the road and now I'm a local driver saw I pay her. To help her with the mortgage, but we're not married. Yet I
age of mention, so ok, Oh, you are paying part of your roommates payment as rent etc, Yes, your rent is how much five hundred a month. Ok, we make eighty thousand dollars a year and you have a five hundred dollar a month- rental, okay, yep. So what wrong with getting on a tight tight, tight, tight, tight, tight, I tight budget and beginning to pay these debts down. You got your you version of a margin in this budget. Yeah I've been true. waiting to see that for myself, like I have in my notes, all my bills and credit cards um how much each monthly payment to some of them is for the minimum balance, and following the listening to you and some the last couple months for the baby sets now, but I just can't
to get ahead of you. Don't you haven't done about you in so what is your take home pay and about twelve hundred a week? Okay, you get paid once a week, correct, okay, you sit down and you look at june. How many times are you going to get a paycheck? Let's pretend Four o that will give you four thousand eight hundred dollars to work with minus five hundred for rent minus food, direct minus some car gas, minus the minimum payments on all of these bills and everything else goes towards the stupid credit card. Until it's gone and you cut up the credit card, I've got two of them up. Just start. Listening to you, I ve paid. I state feel, like you re right past, all the room that should be in this budget, forty, eight, a dollars. Minus five hundred minus food- that's up! but load a money left over yeah.
About thirty zero to hundred dollars or thirty seven hundred dollars. Now how much is about the credit card, I have three of them laughed once point you one, fifty six hundred and seven hundred you should, by the six or seven heard office month and probably the twenty one. Fifty yet seared your democratic urgently. What one month a one month, stew, it ok but you're not going to end then you're, not gonna vacation. And you're, not going drinkin with your buddies, you got life here, get very clean up your dad gum match because you want to get married. Yes, it's time to clean up your mesh. So what teaching. You is what called a zero based budget your income each month, unique to that month. Minus every dollar gets an honest. My every dollar has emission every dollar
a name beside it before the month begins before june. yet share next week, you need to have figured out what you're come for june, is and assign every one of those dollars. First to necessities, food shelter, clothing,. protection and utility show rent car payment, car gas food; ok, that's it and then everything else do we're goin out this got these credit cards lot luck there, the freak, an enemy because they are. Yeah. I heard only eight hundred monitoring five hundred and twenty six hundred dollars makes you debt free. Are I'm sorry twenty thirty two and make sure that free you're dead? free of your credit cards in one month. You really should be right. That's how you do it absolutely! That's how you do it right? And jump online and pick up there are our hang on, will give you the every dollar app and It's your turn into the advanced version.
every dollar app which connects to your bank and helps you run your budget. It's the world's best budgeting app and it'll help you, but giving every dollar a name. That's the point! When you get very deep old, very nuanced and a very careful with your plan in each and every single month and you squeeze every one of these dollars until Benjamin franklin squealing then you are ready to go and that's what we're doing. We're not going to money on anything that are tron, cleanest mess up. So realistically, you ve got fifty He too, if it fifty five, thousand dollars in that you make eighty thousand what you got almost no expense, as you probably could be a hundred percent that free and a year pretty close a year and for everybody, listen! I want don't don't blow by this. Is you to look at him? A black man that guy you can't out in your ear unintentionally, your lack of intentionality. Make eighty seven thousand dollars a year and he can't
you're at where golan were how to pay off a two thousand are configured out in and out is not as dumb as well, because it just chaos as germany, spain and place everywhere in europe. that, is all it off. Spun your brain and then the ether and everything else and so giving every dollar an assignment every time you do this people those of you that haven't done it. You need to sit and do it tonight june's come in next week and you should, under your dad gum budget, maybe for the first time in your life. Put your tie. Income for the month at the top of the page and then give every dollar an assignment? I will promise you two things will happen number one thing will happen- is that you will feel You got a raise because you will go. Where is all this freaking money going? it's gonna blow your mind: how much you waste and Secondly, is gonna happen is you're gonna, get a sense of peace instead of a sense of anxiety, even though you Actually done nothing with money, yet now you ve actually
executed a plan that says. If I take these seventeen steps, I'm gonna be free. As soon as you see the steps in front of you, you realize their doable. Your anxiety goes down. Your stress, what goes down your piece level goes up and you just slick, your hair back and go? Ok, let's get about the business of doing this as go game out baleen into it. It changes everything if is in chicago high timothy. Welcome to the rams, show. Thank you, sir departed you're shouted is honoured to have you what's up with you. My life now wondering if we should use a portion of our emergency fund to pay on mortgage off. How much is in your emergency fund Currently we are forty six five and we owe thirty all intents and purposes. Thirty, four.
Ok and you don't have any other money and put into this equation. So you during your forty six five by thirty four yet sir, what your household income They salaries were looking at a hundred now one and ask ask what your household income is. Oh, Oh, my goodness,. Between mine mine and my wife's we're looking at one hundred and like I said one hundred and thirty six poker okay, this was after you have got good art and a show. Here's the thing pang of ours is a really good thing, and we re We tell her by the it's, not an emergency. So if you go below three to six months, if you go below three months of expenses in order to do this, you cut too deep and current feels like you are ok. What do you think? What what at the red one
lots of expenses. Three months of expenses were, we were looking at eighteen, nineteen thousand. Let's call it twenty, which means you have twenty six five to throw it your thirty four! Ok! Did I get that right? Yes, are ok and then in the next four by christmas you just cash flow, the rest of a knock it out. Ok, My wife will begin bonuses throughout the next several months which will be paying down the mortgage further now, given that happening now we're looking at august. Okay done now, you have a question: go ahead, I'm sorry! I didn't do it. You can absolutely go that route. That's what I would do that's. The whole idea of show by christmas were rebuilding emergency von by from three months up to six months. What you don't need more than forty was by august. This fifty paces thing august with some bonuses. More than that rebuild up from twenty up to forward o bikers, but no more than forty in your emergency fund? You don't need forty six in your emergency fund if twenty rep
and three months. Forty represents six months. Six months is enough Then move on to your other steps, this other amnesia from the headquarters of randomly solutions which the ramsay show where we have people The work that they love actual amazing relationship, doktor john lonely, ramsay personality hosted underground bologna and number one by showing all there is co host today as we take your questions about your life in your money, open funds aaa eight to five five, two to five shells george, this our often mobile alabama chelsea. How are you a good hour you better than I deserve? What's up or thank you so much
Taking this call, it really means a lot to me. I actually sent this question after watching y'all mark conference in nashville a few weeks ago, and it just meant a lot that gal reached out to have me ask this question live so I guess I'll get I didn't do it. I have been working to babies that without the nineteen paid off thirty thousand dollars worth of credit card debt in my car good for you than ever a car like yeah, maybe you hope to never have a coronet ever again. I still owe two thousand dollars and didn't want that I currently rent in alabama had been married, my husband lives in maryland and we own a house in maryland. He works for the railroad and he hasn't been able to find opportunities equivalent to what he has right now, I'm maryland long story short. I lived in maryland were brought here. That's where I met hand on a person then recovered from such that give ah to get well and then move back closer down south, where my sign from upper mary- Yes, that's why we're living separate right now is. My son is downtown,
My question is I'm looking to get closer to my selling in mississippi. He be about an hour and a half away from me and, like I said, I currently rent the town, I in very rule and are not a lot of opportunities to rent there's nothing available. Based on the four calls that I've made it like us at a small community them. I've been, and I are considering looking to purchase a second home for me in had been near where my son is, and this would require us to go outside of the baby's bet and the trend away all of our options here and I feel like I'm in a race against time to spend more time with my sign while he you know at this stage of life, he's twill Ah my right now I only get in every other weakened in the summer, though um yeah, that's, that's kind of where we are. Just trying to weigh all of our option. It sounds to me. You are trying to do everything all at once,
yeah yeah it it's been a struggle. I mean I feel comfortable renting. You know I'd be fond du randt. If I were closer to my son, though not all about money, I'm talking about your turn To do a long, distance, marriage, you're, you're, really right now to do long, distance, parenting, Yang trying to clean up your finances and you're trying to stay sober you're, trying to do a lot of stuff all at the same time, afraid all this is gonna implode on itself asking a lot of you yeah yeah. It is a lot I mean the two mom I feel yeah. I feel like you know if, if I could get in a second house and to say to my husband and I dont combine finances at least not now we're not against that. We just living separate. It is made sense for not to our final together and that may be wrong in there may be. We will make sure yeah yeah. I appreciate that you made twelve year old yeah
but you know near your husband, more yeah, more important, and there's nothing in this conversation is ever ended. This fact Two different cities are never one time of. I heard you I'll bring this to a close. it is almost like it was going on forever. The way you talk about it, you I don't have a plan to land this plane That's bothering earn more than anything you're asking about you, forty one years, and so somebody asked me, though, not how we ve been married forty one years because I told her if she leaves ongoing weather. I couldn't diana, do what you're doing. I would be a complete, wet, dishrag wimp couldn't do not gonna make it. she says she says it. Does I'm going get married remarried about thirty minutes just cause. I can't make it. That's what she says, you know when she's right in also I don't under that. I can't get my head around what your doing well
from home, so I'm able to see him like we make plans with each other every six weeks. Were I stay with him, not married. That's of us a fun. We can dating opportunity. Yes, is not a guy on if you buy another house, eared cementing yourselves further apart. If yeah, what would be the solution like if I lived with. You know having my experience and substitute the mental health like what what would it hurt my son from him not to have his mom for calm. You know what I'm saying like it's just a temporary thing that I wanted to spend time with. My phone the ground. You know it wasn't such a five year, yeah here by our mergers, dust yeah. It's not so much from harrods right now, ike it. Let me put it this way. I know first hand people close to me that I love and care about who are married to the railroad guy in my
I said I have to leave this town in order to stay sober and be mentally and physically. Well, I don't care what my job is. I quit I'm going to go with her it's so right. Now, as far as I'm concerned, he is choosing he's married his job. More than he's married to his wife and your mom. the twelve year more than your husband correct so what you know I would not buy gas got a solve for this aid. to go down there and you buy a house and sell the house in maryland and until that's done, you don't buy that's what needs to happen. Oh yeah, you need to go back to maryland and spend the money would have spent on the house on airline tickets to come, see your boy or more He needs his mama well more than he needs a stretched. Thin, barely hang on barely sober mom coming to see him yeah,
it's hard for me to imagine going back to using I in august a that I've been clean and sober loyal, go in of mars awesome. Thank you. Think yet harbour meet I'm out in my own area, but the thing is Don't want to! There's no point, creating all these strange point, just what john saying, but you been thin air, yeah you're, right yeah. Somebody needs to give up something here, to get a more sane life situation and only then do you make the decision to buy but some minting the separated marriage by you buying a house for six years now, no make a very clear way. Had ninety days within a hundred and eighty days or we organ, we are living together, some way or another right. What's it look like and you may have to deal with an ugly reality. an ugly reality where he says I'm not leaving.
And you're gonna have some hard choices to make and some hard decisions to make, but just pretending that those hard decisions don't have to be made is just me. Can you both crazier crazier and crazier, So how are you going through all this in a low, I love how you want to be there with your son, and I think that that is. It is important and there are other ways to accomplish it. And by the house and in a town cause you're in fundamental, but I don't what you're runaway on of owning a rental. I want you guys to solve for our be together and how we're gonna serve the twelve year old in. I think it's important People call my shawl time asking about I do. How do I deal with an anxious kid or how do I deal with the kid? The struggling depression? The number one answer I'm always going to tell parents. Is you go, get well cause your kids are absorbing that stuff
you go take care of, you make sure your whole and then circle back and start trying to solve your kid. It almost always not always, but almost always be and to lift that child up a moment at her whole, not a twelve year on the twelve. Rolled on the planet and then look at this marriage situation and go right This is the rams issue watch all rams. Your personality is my co host today, open phones, a triple eight eight to five five, two to five. Chris- is weathers in Atlanta hi. Chris welcome to the ramsey show hey dave thanks for taking my call. So just a little bit of background, I'm forty two. I am a tree. half an hour and I have been then that free all my life, I laughed fifty years, but I feel guilty. Every time I spend money
He had fallen K failings. We invest money. Still work. My wife still works, but it pains me to spend Anything over a hundred dollar sometimes I was wondering if you could tell me you still feel that even for thirty years of being that free. Oh, what not, because I feel that our house has paid off. We have no payments and I still get that quenching. in my stomach. Every time we have to go do anything. I can relax and have fun wondering if you could tell me- Maybe how you feel sure if you felt the same way after you adapting the gulf about bunch of wealth. So it's not guilty to fear that make sense, and what that
is as jot doktor john bologna would show your body is remembering being broke and its telling you that that you're spending as a threat, it's a threat, it's a threat. It's a threat and, sir, your fear active. That's what happened to me anyway, even years after you got debt free, not ten years, but for a while it did, and I I what I did is just what you've done. I just recognized it was happening and I kind of like you're doing. I started asking the question. But the flipped go on. I mean what's wrong, where you got a million dollars. Were you pissing and moaning about going to the grocery store, for you know our jargon, my crazy yeah I mean that's what that's what that was me talking to me? Not you, okay, but I'm just saying I had to kind of go. Okay and again I'll I'll, just bring out channel. My inner below me- god help us but yeah, but the hut
don't go, but nobody you know, that's the thing I had to do. Two things. One is how to save our facts. Are my friends what we ok. So what is your net worth? Chris. I would say probably two point: two and europe Forty two years old and you're, a hundred Note that free your hundred dollars, what. Wow, two, seventy five. So let's just be realistic for a second. If we took two hundred thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills out of your net worth and put it in the fireplace and burned it he's now got cold, sweat straight. No, he does if we did that, if we did that your life is not going to change. One per cent
The really good way- that's a fact, no, that's a fact other than the nervous breakdown that you would have, but I'm just saying, but the, but you know what I'm saying mathematically are you is ok with two million, as you are with two point: two! You are window that to be true. That is a fact safari. So when you go and and go on a nice vacation and drop ten grand for your poor wife who's put up with you trust me. I just did that. I had a nervous very I know I know, but the reason is Europe you're, acting like your your fear mechanism. His activating as if you're broke, and the facts tell us that that is a false signal, and can I take it one further? Chris:
cause. I gotta relate to some of what you're saying arm on salmon eyes journey through this debt free journey in and then some I've had to go there have been certain moments that I've had to go back and fight were that emotion is coming from, and I've had to think back on what what was the instance where that was ignited? ok was when I asked for lunch money at in inn, someone blew up on me right or it was because I did that. and that was the first time that you have phrase you heard yes away. We ain't got no money. That was a phrase I heard grown up. Chris and there has been so many times in my life, I've had I've had to go back and fine. Where that came from inside two, it directly ngo, hey. If, if I, if I buy it's puritan issues right now, is not going to break the budget, no one's going to yell at me. No one's get. You know what I've had to go back and say that if I, by what I would like to have for lunch at the grocery store. There's no guilt! not gonna, throw the budget off the families, not gonna pay for I've had to say that, and I think some time
my guess is that there are some things that have happened that have caused, triggering you and you gotta go back and identify the in non honestly speak directly to an essay there any more anymore I'll. Tell you that I believe that another world price we dealt with as chris was once I kind of started getting past it, though fear the sheer it's not fear a shirt terror that my wife Sharon felt when we went bankrupt and lost everything away at a brand new baby in a toddler and the lights got cut off. If I even a similar body, language or tone. Thirty years later, towards spending like the emergency fund- and it makes it actively a triggers that inside of her- and we have to react to this time out back up- does she have to start breathe and again it cause she. I can socket she's. She feels like I'm doing what I did when I went broke for just a now no second and activates in all of these lie.
Slight up in her in her of her physical body changes the american her or pissed off from being really terrify again and it just I am the YAP. It acted it's all fear and anger best friends. I run around the other answer: Armed with the feeling, if it but here's a point, ok number one fat, Sure, your friends, you all we start doing, that you just have to stop and go now wait a minute. That's not real. This is this is fear, that's called false evidence appearing real. This is a this is a falsehood us spending. This money is not irresponsible and it's not going to break our family- and you shall have talk yourself and build the muscle than of doing that. The other thing you can you gave a very specific process. Put inflation. Go! Ok! Luck for Sharon and I we do not spend or give, more than a thousand dollars without talking to each other and if it's more than a thousand.
if we wait overnight, also we breathe. Now do we have to do that mathematically today, absolutely not where we got all kinds are margin, but do it as an act of respect to each other to keep from activating scars, those wounds from Heaven gone broke and you know it was the first five years after gone broke from me and even today, I'm telling you that we still if we're, if we don't abide by some certain processes that are safety valve we can still step back over that line in there. Emotional processes, they're, not mathematical processes. Again, we could give I mean we could take x number of dollars and put it the metal floor burn it and it wouldn't affect our lives. We've got the money, it's not that's, not the issue so mathematically, it's not the problem, but but the action, the body language, the
home the process used, seems impulsive, irresponsible out of control immature and it feels like the old days. That's right, amboina light your butter. it. Well I mean it's just another component to when we say money is I mean it's behavioral in it behavioral when the moment, but it's also taking into account their behavior. You did beforehand and you feel bad and you're still connected to those So when you get in a moment, we were like. Why am I freaking out right now? You know when no for sam. If the bank account used to hit a certain number he'd start being like. Ok, ok, ok, we gotta go, do something to help her an end. The way it is, we can act like these things didn't have an effect on us mentally and that that behaviour didn't affect us because it does not. I am much more healed yes thirty years ago, then I would Thirty munch, none the bankruptcy! Yes, you know, two years later versus thirty months later, and so you should go through a healing process, but it's also just wise to acknowledge
What really going on here and as number one website? Oh, that's, not real number! you look at the actual ratios. Ok, we're not being irresponsible! So why? I feel young men and the new learned up for you practice your way. Through normal, feelings, verses, wounded, frigate, the rams asia. the roger bruise, ramsay personality is Michael vote. Today. Welcome the rams asia open phones aaa eight to five five, two to five care. Is whether in montgomery, alabama high carried welcome the other amnesia think driving you sure, what's up. So I recently got divorced. Why I left him last summer it was like a domestic violence situation. I had to get out and I was in there. You go full time and though I got
how m I gonna live on my feet like a lot quicker than I thought I work for you better eliza awkward alone. I told her. You would area but I ve met them. You know that I'm in your home, under gonna break you're gonna be the rock star there. We all know you to be on products yeah, but anyway, to kind of controlled the finances, though I bid on how I had a credit card left, but I haven't been using it. I'm gonna get it get a lawyer in to kind of get back on my feet and thought about six thousand dollars where I have like sixteen, but I've been paying at all and then I got a job. I work in my medical failed now in my bathed pay, like big d and with commission I make on oh that about five, every moment that kind of areas, my worst monthly, by earth thou then, but why? he started on, but did by how the november. Unfortunately, when interest rates with seven point two by that ethical load, I have twenty
six thousand auto loan aunt, but at three percent interest rate. I got a little good interest rate on that and then I had about eighteen thousand in student loan debt wandering like what I should pay off first and then we get closed on our house we ve got, tells us together, and I we had of what the last profit that twenty A thousand from now I just market. I got it, I got it like: week ago, that'll jumping on your lie on good it, making a four point. Five you I thought the really good money market is so now and I'm trying, five. I should I keep it there shit what try pale earth I really want to get a better home interest rate, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to do that, you know, will carry you're you're doing incredible job I mean you absolutely have taken of your life. I mean you're, doing incredible, work wise you're, making great money,
and un's yeah you're you're, just an incredible spout, I'm really I'm really happy for you and I mean that's a courageous, the whole events, a courageous they let you just stepped out of and use that I'm taken life it back my and some really impressed by you in that way of any other money saved. Besides this twenty five thousand dollars, that's a money market account not really like. I have my bank account set up her like twenty percent. I didn t get up to forty percent. When I get paid it automatically goes in my favor, my money market, was eating like twenty per cent each paycheck, so I have about eight thousand in savings. On top of that, there may be twenty seven thousand total. That's great ok. So what I would do is I would take this twenty. thousand dollars, and we too you to pay off the smallest debt first, so whip and twenty four
thousand plus you have two thousand dollars in your set, your other savings, which I would take that down our drain it down to a thousand, so you have twenty six thousand dollars that can be thrown at this day. Which means you can pay off this credit card, then you'll be paying off gosh this this auto lunch. You only have six thousand dollars left on your car, no money into today, twenty six thousand and eighteen and twenty six from the current right yet just six thousand dollars and credit card that no yes darwin indicted, like a twenty four month, interest free credit card, erasmus student line, yeah I'm glad you're here came down or certain loan now how much on your credit card fix that then, but not without not added, like interests very model corral, we're not gonna play games and interest rates. Don't matter! You are in when you didn't mean up the debt? Ok, when you
and the dying lined up, you're gonna have no pay much anywhere in your life and you're. Making money. You're gonna put this huh horrible mesh in your rearview, mirror and interest be smoke back. There can be awesome. I love it Oh, I would write a czech denying pay off your credit card and I would close every one of those credit card, a couch and- only a debit card for your transactions, then I would say the student loans today and you ve only got the car laughter, twenty six thousand right We need more people here. the ceiling for forgiveness. Do you think that ever gonna happen or no, and you know what you, even if it does you borrowed money, you owe it yet there and you make good money now you're going to be making one hundred thousand dollars this year. Aren't you yeah yeah, so pay off your twenty six thousand. Our student loan
Okay, ok, yeah in the house I bought is a fixer upper. So should I just wait on picking up the how okay good, let's get the debts cleaned up? cause when you don't have any payments, but the house payment you're, making a hundred thousand dollars a year. You feel that freedom already when I just said that hm wow, you got no payments, but a house payment. You fix that house up pretty quick. And no more death. No more! Then you don't need any bank telling you what to do. You got rid of a jerk that used to tell you what to do anybody else tone you. What to do. You are amazing, go get it done. Girl we do not really binding at my house and budget body when you're able to get a low, interest rate alright soon, as you cultural mortgage, find out what you've gotta do. Is your credit damage? others measures at the problem on falada. They shot back,
it was like a six thirty, but now back up above the seven hundred. When did you do that before before or after you got two seven and a quarter. I did that a couple, the girl when I first I dont like thirty three thousand, and I think that with that not what I was making chunk of doing like about non payment on the credit card, look, go ahead and get rid of this dad all this and when you get rid of all, is that you don't see that card that score jump up? in right when it does that if you can get down around a six percent it'll, give you a one and a quarter. Savings that'll, make it worth refinancing and culture to a mortgage and get that if you can get it down to two percent are lower its can be worth refinancing and deal with it. Near thirty, always or fifteen year and I listen you're asking a bezonian different questions about all of the different things go now you're in control of your life again, and We want to help you with this recovery. This bounced back that you're doing
Give you the confidence on the money paid to do everything. I want you to go through financial patient diversity, because we want to be a little part of your amazing story show you hang on we're. Gonna have often pick up or gonna pay for you to go through this class, its online you can do it and your is in When you get all these answers to these questions, I was roaming around your head and you're going to go through the class and go. Oh now know exactly what to do your confidences, I'm going to soar more and you're, probably going to make more than one hundred then you're, probably my goner and a quarter and with that carry you're, gonna get every dollar plus as well, and so honestly to that the amount of control you're going to feel of just budgeting when that paycheck hits knowing exactly where it's going and once the debts paid off, because even at the end of today, I'm like you could have just your car loan left at twenty four thousand and knock it out, so you can actually to see your goals, and where your money going to be really intentional with and there's something empowering too about that and again firstly from what you walk through the last year and a half to be about have full control
that income or your money. Does anyone have you like? You truly have it. You are the one controlling it. There is in that too, and just that simple budgeting up, I'm telling you that's gonna, give you so much freedom, and so much confidence so were excited for you. Carry buzz For those of you out there. That think you have a friend or a relative, that is a victim of domestic violence, married to a jerk who thinks his wife's a punching bag. And let me tell you a real symptom. The data shows this, and we know this from thirty years of working in these situations. If the guy is one thousand prevention and control of the money and will not His wife make a single decision of any kind with the money. There's a high correlation between that havre and domestic violence because of it control the money, he thinks he can control her and this this whole domestic violence thing is about control
so, if you see a guy who's doing that to his wife, he's probably beaten, that's what I'm saying not a hundred percent, but there is a high correlation of that. This is the rams, show if I'm just day, ramsay aunt rachel crews- and we want to tell you our number one tab for managing your money. Well, I'm talking about budgeting gas, and everyone knows that I am a huge fan of budgeting. Well, at an always been the case, though, as original no but listen, I seriously love it now, because, as soon as I saw making a budget, I learned that it puts you in control of your spending, and my favorite way to budget is on our app. Every dollar every dollar makes budgeting simple: it's the east the way to make a plan for your spending, so you can prioritized the things that matter to you and you can get started today.
or for re, just download the app and check the show notes for the link, and you guys don't wait to start budgeting, download every dollar and create your free account today. Do it it's the best The george campbell ramsey personality is my co host today, thanks for joining us, if you want to understand a little bit more about, what's going on all things, ramsey get a little free process to help you just go to ramsey solutions, dot, com, click, the get started button, it'll help you spain where you are and what the next steps are to get where you want to be a child at work. So started at ramsay solution, not come, of course completely free george cameron. personality, my co host today, matters in portland, Oregon, hey Matt, welcomed the ramsay show a guy thinks, like Michael sure, what's up,
I recently discovered your show and really can't get enough. So thank you. Thank you. I'm fifty two yeah now I'm fifty two and my wife is forty. Seven and our household take home is roughly eight thousand a month. We have a thirty a thousand dollars in an irish instead of tradition, investing we ve done the real estate route and currently have mortgages the tree homes. One if the primary residence and tour rentals I'm and just need some advice. I I up until I discovered you guys I'm. This was er pretty solid plan, but er Is it too late to go the traditional, investing router now and it's not Sorry that you only do the traditional investing around I got a bunch of real estate. As a matter of fact, I have more real estate than I have mutual funds because I love real estate like you. Do. Europe is long,
or building wealth somewhere. We're certainly not gonna be out of there What I would want to do so would want to lean and have a plan to mock those mortgages out sooner rather than later, without panicking about it. So what are they I once was only puppies, the primary residents, three hundred fifteen Rental number one is two hundred thousand rental number two to twenty five. we do we, you know we can pay them In fifteen years programme of love poem of that often about aid. If you line into a global and on so I would start coming, you is thrown, rents back at at number one, and you be getting substantial, ran on these life. What what does it? What's the hundred thousand dollar, mortgaged rental worse worth about three hundred right now. You're, not making much on now and watch the odd to twenty five rental worth that's worth about three.
De we added a bathroom and in definite you're you're nodding. Then I cared fallen atone only the one of these you might you're making money but you're not like baling it or any. For no other reason. recent acquisitions and er you, our plan is to know them paid off and fifteen years now and you can work there, but I work towards pay. Em off ashura. Certainly would not any more to this because you, you know him of equity and these things for them to be making a ton of money there. You know that that the this work out for you, but is it's not going to for a while. It's gonna be you're gonna, be you know, spinning a wheelchair. while produced only margin in these things is not enough, waiting for you to have big cash flow and if you know a bit cash flow you're, not me big money, translation, at every dollar you have put into this is not getting an hour awhile yet, except in increased value which are not getting
I shall carriage our wise not to amount to anything. You guys have any other debt. you have a car loan at fifteen thousand, but other than that, no credit card debt. What's your cash? When you said we we have. We have about twelve thousand in the bank right now, first thing. Is you gotta get your emergency fund up? Does your not a lot of that and a lot of potential problems with no cash in two or three heat and air's. Go out or to heat and air's go out in a water heater blow between these three properties in a short period of span, you got a problem: you're gonna be looking at dat, yeah We love both rentals or there is one of em that gives you a headache that you wouldn't mind sound you just gotta Meanwhile, we ve had them for a couple of a year and a half we need. Do you love them?
Yeah, but one of them we really love or in a move into some point, but the other one is just a rental, point being if you're gonna, if you want a whole day's fiona claire M, that's fine, get rid of them as not as you're not allowed much. Ah, ah, if you want to play through on your plan, What you do need to do is continue to follow the baby steps. Get your emergency fund up. You need a pretty substantial cash position. Behold this common property, probably seventy five grand. On twelve and on because you just got a lot of exposure. That's gonna have cash needs and the problem these things all come in threes. Believe me, I've been Madame property for forty years, and so it just it, it's is always the perfect freakin storm basement leak, stupid car runs through the fields. I mean it's somethin when own property and go to the territory I love rose. but it is a hassle Do on a mutual funds, should remember, one gets emergency fund
number two? I would start with a two pronged approach of getting these paid down pretty aggressively and also lets reach over and start that fifteen percent going into return and get rid of this card. Now we are doing here, that's gotta. Go for doing that. You gonna give you that tomorrow, that that's ridiculous you're, not the car but the car debt, so first bar worker baby steps man, you to start listening based up one's a thousand dollar saved. You done. That too is debt free, but the house need not got the car like george set three is threatened. Months of expenses, save for emergencies. In your case, I'm going to jack that one up to seventy five cause. You got heavy expenses with these rentals that you don't have a cash position to cover, then force restart. Put fifty server income in return. You work all of that for the next fifteen here's, how a bunch of paid for property and you're gonna have power. Cash over in mutual funds also and you're, going to be in really good shape, but you're going to have to lean in Let me very intentional some time
when people first start buying property in your little bit further into this brand new, but we feel like like its magic in its automatically works and its anything but We can anything, but our mental everyone says is passive income dave. I started hectare. Ass, save about devices, realistic Passive incomes never murderous, neither another passive about it. Freak and active as it can be That's an absurd, but statement when people say that that somebody selling to get rich, quick thing on tic tac. You know that's all that is it's just not even real Our amanda is in Cincinnati, hey amanda, welcome the rams issue. Anything for speaking with me sure, what's up there might be couple months and trying to implement what I've been. Here. You go Husband and I had whole life policies, we got rid of those with bayonets, got european policies.
I have three children dixon under, so we did the writer for the children. Could we have. Well whole life policy. We were talked into getting off to my oldest son when he was an endless fifteen years pay and we are six years and I'm sure we get rid of that also incur ok, The shock, the money you put into it. Your gun, very little out of it as a horrible right of return. It is not. For saving money is not good for insurance. You got him covered for insurance now with a rider right crack down. So now just go as is our whole life, bosnia, good investment to which every in the financial planning world it doesn't sell. That crap is laughing, of course, is not a good investment arable investment, much better take any money you get out of that policy in any money you are putting into it monthly and put that in a good, You will find in a five twenty nine for his college. I thought David a whole life policies work in it.
to die off, but it's only gotten louder with social media and index. Universal life and infinite banking and all these concepts now that are being ordered to those aren't new, though those are forty year old ideas, they're making them fancy and slick. Now, with a one minute, video put them on tic tac with somebody with good hair and all sudden or by talking about it. But you know it. Just it's the same crap. You know it's just yet. Yes, and the answer question I get ready a whole lot policy. You got Ciao covered only merlin hr coverage except enough to bury him, if, god forbid, some happens because are not cry an income that the household is dependent upon, you However, a greening, an income that the householders depended upon, you need replace that income with a big term lie policy tend to times your income should make. Fifty thousand. You need five to six hundred thousand on. You too, to invest that would then create fifty thousand and replace the income that is lost with the death of an inch.
Producing adopt. Children do not need life insurance except enough for quote final expenses: we call it not have insurance is not an investment, not believe anyone who says never, nevertheless, you don't get your muffler fixed at the transmission. I'll go to life insurance people have invested. I shared no. Thank you. This is the rams. From the headquarters of randomly solutions which the ramsay show where we have people the old, while the work that they love. Actual amazing relationship can combine ramsay burden. Our number one, the selling off of the book nature, the purpose of ocean- Common showy talks about your rear, your work the time every day is my co today show you won't talk about those subjects easier for you.
I'll. Try to stumble around cover some of it to the phone numbers aaa eight to five. I've? Two to five. The call Advice is free and some say it's worth exactly what you pay for it, Dana is worthless in pittsburgh. Dinah welcome to ramsay show show excited while we're excited, how can we help? Well, I recently. First I want you all the time you rachel doktor, John george love. You guys. You saved my life and betty away. Thank you. So much are truly respect. All of you will think you absolutely so. I thought something the other day that said, poor people use debit cards. Rich people use credit cards. I don't have any credit cards. I dont have any death. I have great investments. I have money saved up. I only have living expenses. I have a great job. I don't have any credit cards should I
Well, I don't know who said that I guess sounds like you to stay off or take it all now: see that an a cracker merle did you no, you didn't say: nutcracker democracy yeah. You wouldn't have seen it there. You wouldn't have seen it where actual rich people hang out are actual poor people hang out yeah, so I dunno a sound to me like they got that exactly backwards. My net worth several hundred million and I hadn't had a credit card in thirty years, so I don't know where they got, that okay, then? Don't I need a credit card to like ran a for car heard. I haven't heard it radical. I haven't had a credit card in thirty years. travel more than to a you put together so tat. Now they die. Take a debit card. I mean you have to work in some of the situation. We have to work and not every of the rent. A car companies take em. No, and there's some situations where you have to do work around on it? But it's not that this idea that you shut your ears a thing p.
We'll get credit cards from mainly one reason, so they can back her. There are the money to buy right and then they join. Try going all I need to build my credit, that's what they say because toward retrograde, rich people build their credit ball grab all the people the way interviews I they should get out of that stay out of that nature? I got rich. I don't pay payments all the time cause see. There's only one way to build your credit go in debt right right Y, so you can build your credit. Why shark and go into debt? Why so? I can build my credit. Why shocking, going to death? Why shark and build my it's a dog chasing? It's tail! It's called the great Fica scam. So then, without it, that's what my life cycle score in thirty years, we really months months that that they shut? I don't exist, I'm not here. I'm off the grid, wow because I don't have any credit. I don't have any. I have had
oh interaction with that and well over thirty years of any kind and so Z, Oh, oh, my credit bureau report, saliva zero credit score thanks. They say it's an determinable. I college zero. They know what do you think you need credit for? What do you think you need a credit score for right now. If I want to buy one day, you need to talk to george care. He bought a house was zero credit score and got a mortgage by the way I deal with manual underwriting. It's called which churchill mortgage and got the same interests. Right that people more than eight hundred score would have gotten, but george dead, don't you later on the house off, and so, two years old, he and wit near millionaires, show bats they d at and it wasn't because she makes a brazilian dollars here cause. I don't pay that good Actually, I do, but georgia's giorgio paid off
we start making by so long ago, but anyone and whitney whitney makes of the oh two good incomes there. But anyway they are so no date dine other. It's a scam and whoever said that listen, you gotta, be careful. You take financial advice, broke people walk around all time with financial advice. Don't take financial advice from broke people, I mean it's just as crazy. Don't you know, you're broke finance professor in college is telling you how you need do stuff and he's got no money. A broke finance professors like a shop teacher of missing fingers. I mean come on yeah, there's issues here so yeah. I open phones, folks at triple eight. Two five, five, two to five. You know kid what's interesting as if you look around you say: ok, the vast majority, the poppy. ocean is something I don't wanna be, then don't do what they're doing the throne
The vast majority of them look good and have no money. They have cars. They can't afford vacations that there still paying for after they got home their network. is horrible, a counting on the government to provide for them when they get to retirement, does not saving for retirement their children student loan. Looking for a place to happen goes around saving for college. This is normal in america, The eight percent of americans live paycheck to pay check. That means Seventy eight percent of americans are not worthy to give out financial advice because their freaking broke show when you're rope. Friends have an opinion, just smile. No thank you. We have an opinion on growing hair on my head, yeah well, that'd be dumb yeah, I mean if I, if there's not up there Well, you could be an expert on what not to do
yeah but don't even know what college did you naughty? And I dna it again. I so yours, what's goin on Dave, we live in a it's gone broke lay my hair fell out for our regions, but at the end of the day, I'm not not a growing and on the top of my head. So you should not take my hair on top of your head advised. So here I want people to hear just because its marketed so heavily everybody else has bought. It doesn't mean it's true. We have marketing messages that have been going on for decades. You pick an area of life, for you see commercial, it does take the let's take the prescription drugs. They are more getting these things are good for you, but the list of side effects are longer than the actual thing it's helping, and but you they more, Did it with these happy abuja people, colored commercial, is the disclaimer. You well know it. So it's it's marketing, and so you know we ve got understand it. It's been marketed to you that you need a credit score. It has been
or could it be over and over the most aggressively marketed product by spent on the air dollars spent on advertising of any product in history of human suzette, claret, mastercard, visa and american express has combined marketing budget is billions a year. It's way more than beer. It's way more than I dunno cars put all the car companies together, it's a tenth of what the credit card just the cra, just the three credit card companies, I'm not talking about people like survey, who also advertise to get you into debt or other people like this. It's nothing like that. I mean you get bank of america, god help us I may put all those budgets together to get you into debt. Oh, my god that is the most marketed product in the history of the world and guess what it's also the most purchased twi the show so popular, because people are up to their eyeballs in cavalry
highest percentage, dave of all time of six figure earners that are living paycheck to paycheck and it's largely credit card debt. Man was a kid. If you made one hundred dollars a year, you're automatically rich them now, you're just automatically in debt. This is the ramsey show all alright. cut to the chase. It's easy to get discouraged about crazy house prices and interest rates, but when you have the right real estate agent to help you buy and sell the right way, you'll have confidence to make smart decisions. Ramsay trusted agents are just experts who guide you through buying or selling their people. You can trust to have your back from the first call to closing, they find a ram trusted agent near you at ramsay solutions, dotcom sledge agent, that's ramsay solutions, dotcom, slash agent but you were joining as america doktor john d lonely rooms. Your personality is my hoboes today, coercion of the day
brought. You buy neighbourly your hub for home services. Spring is here and neighbourly. Can help your home and yard in top check with the guy guys mosquito Joe long pride molly made and more spend time enjoying your home, not working on it. Gotta neighbourly dot com and find the service provision your area right today, She comes from clark in LOS angeles clark rights. We have three thousand six hundred dollars and our bank account, but my wife wants to join a six week, email them training course for ten thousand dollars. it's her way or the highway on this. She was approved for five thousand credit card ain't. She applied for a two thousand dollar loan with our bank deposit on the coup. Yours is three thousand dollars which she would take from our checking, leaving us with six hundred bucks in the bank. Then there's the payment plan. already been doing in a for four years, which we have made zero profit on my crew
easy to be mad about her on this matter. I need your help. Dave, I'm actually mad for clark like it is frustrating. it's frustrating to see somebody who's out of control, yeah yeah. It is at that angel and n the the the one of the most ag evading things about people they get and emma limbs, not everyone, but but but some people get in it they take on this call like where, if you're not in it, then you must be stupid. You don't understand what I'm doing then you're an idiot, because only people that are smart do mean all so. Smart people do this stuff and if you don't understand and they actually saw their millions really or some the hierarchies within certain him alone to push that mentality we caught Mary came about. fifteen years ago them off. They still do it or not. They.
telling ladys to use their credit card to buy the stuff and not tell their husband, they're, telling them from the stage to lie to their homes, yeah and I'm like man that some bad medicine right there. Ladies you guys are you guys, are freaks. this is not a that's. Total greed run amok. Will that's looking in your checking account year, sixty four hundred dollars off, like I of everything you mentioned says that that that this entire planet stupid? Ok, it's out of control and the but Joost up where the wife that says I'm doing this, because this is my way, even though, absolutely no track record in four years and she's ever made any money doing it in there's. No there's no way to get this money. They might get this two thousand loan, but I mean the exposure to the whole family
over the steel, yeah and she's she's, putting everyone's she's putting aside common sense, she's, putting a shot good financial decisions, her marriage, fidelity aside her or her husband's wishes, she's putting aside, not the good of her own family, all for her to chase this great- and this is great. make no mistake yeah, because this is I'm going to do this and then I'm going to be able to buy a yacht. I'm gonna live the dream. As the american people say and show that that that is straight up And when you, and when you push everyone, including common sense, good financial sense, your husband's wishes, the good of your family. Aside for your selfish greed, you are a mess. You're, a hot mess, lea yea your messed up, shouting out. What is clark? Do I thank you guys who got to see a marriage counselor I think instantaneously, because I I was still couples man. You be real careful with me
We are the high where the highway ghosts. People choose our that's exactly right. Used at four, very, very rare circumstances, and she pulled it on an email m training course. There's like that's all. We got a pretty big waste of that sort of ammunition being a vegas in they, your point, taxes hold them and they give you a two and six years gone all it. That's a bold move this so David just to just because It's the only one. We got here right now, she's, not a part of the conversation or if he has outlined it correctly, they got sure as they did there's no question. They got serious issues this also feels like a power play and sometimes there's power place, because people have lost their mine there, just their jerks there. They bought into something that is a call and they can't see the force of the trees. Sometimes
people's smash, the other side of the theatre totter, because somebody else and the marriage has been holding down for so long and so long and so long and so on and so clark. If that's you, if you have Weekly wrap this house up in this is my way or the highway, and she finally says enough. This is my way or the highway and that's something needing to put on the table. You might have reporters there, you go, but if not brother, I'm sorry I would. See somebody this week and if she won't go, you need to go by yourself because it looks like y'all are heading in completely different directions. This marriage does not last absolutely not without help note. This does not help. Does not. Last, okay, because she's she's right to burn the place down for a dream that has absolutely no underpinning whatsoever.
and she read it burn your family burn. You burn the finances, burn everything burn the marriage all over a training course for em. Does that I sound like the dumbest thing. You've ever heard in your life, I'm getting ready to end every part of my life as positive for that that that, tell you if you're in an alarm and your recommending that your people download do that, you should have your butt kicked up. run your neck and where it like a collar, you really should have. Somebody talked you, you're hurting people, you're hurting people, you're, manipulative, unbelievable jerk and you ve stop that and you're the reason that people hate him alarms with people like you that do that now at the actually know, few human beings. Animals aims that are reasonable human being absolutely and they you, think I'm going to hell because Nor am I will this not a call. You know that leaving their products, they believe in their production, it's their method of selling it and I'm not mad at them. That's not the point. The point is that the
something about the emblem culture generates ever so a company or a hierarchy within a company that promote such conakry. Look goes back to what I think it makes me think of, like blue, buster they made their money when their customers lost They made their money on late fees and they needed customer to fail so that they can make their money not the other way around? If you are teaching people, I, like husbands than you are making your money off a marriage is gonna fall apart you're making money off deception, you're, making money of hurting people, and there will be an end game to your business and have to be about how can we help you? Not? How can we lied? What's the long play absolute How does everyone and up more whole healthy, ambrosch, wherefore done? Otherwise, your business will go if it's not about helping people, so I ll give you an example: aren't to go to entre leadership, master series. I think the tickets are gone for platinum, four april,
of next year. Okay, they'll be about three thousand people. There there'll be some of the top speakers in the world and teachers in the world and very, very proud of what we will be doing, but to sit in a platinum seat is just under ten thousand dollars. If you call me up- and you say the way, you're going to go to platinum as good as platinum is and it it might be in the platinum experiences and as good as entrepreneurship, mattress or you just might be the best leadership conference in America today bar, not I mean I'm so proud of what we do. There were just completed. One on you got high marks. You ve done your speaking: their actual income, doktor Jordan petersen willie robertson, where their witherspoon Malcolm Gladwell, where there was a egyptian incredible. unemployment, and we have got front road paid almost ten thousand hours, peace to be sitting there in that platinum section. If you call me up, and you say the way you're gonna come and sit in the platinum section at entre. Leadership is
as I am of it and, as I know it's worth, every dime is that you're going to clean out your bank account down to six hundred dollars and you're going to go against your spouse's wishes. I'm gonna tell you, I don't want you as a customer and you're borrowing, seven thousand yeah, you need to stay home. Absolutely you don't I do not want your money, you need to stay home because I don't want your marriage has blood on. I I don't I don't I. This is not what I do. I don't do I mean I, I sell some like a ten thousand dollar weekend of my point, And never one time have we knowingly accepted a situation like this and encouraged. This is the way ten thousand dollars I'd, have somebody? No, no, don't need that bad boys and girls. I got to sleep later it's not that hard life. You know it's just wrong, so honey clark get your marriage counts. does when your wife says my where the hawaiian anything this is known as a flight. Was just shot up off the deck of the boat warning warning. That boat is gone.
down the rams, your girl, rachel peruse ramsay personality, never won by showing author. My daughter is my vote today, be sure and check her enjoy job. They are important, happy hour has once a week, podcast drop. It drops on thursday right, yes, every thursday. every thursday. If you want to figure out what they too were drinking. I mean: what's your advice, is you can find it pale and cocktail so eager both yeah. I just little, I saw on social media, don't she much on social media, but I was thumbing through my instead, what we call it. the graham you're right. It's the ants tat the glory on the graham and there's a little kid ten years, oh yeah drinking the mark. That you all taught him to make
Well, we have when we have our, I think your causing juvenile delinquency, that's what I'm saying is by no alcohol is probably muddled strawberry. It was don't know it was the one line of float had like arch granada. We listen. You need something I'd like to think you're causing prob. While you talkin about pop culture and money and hey, we get we a message: all the time, that six seven year olds love the show and even like eighty year old region undergoing, we get no listen, it's not a show about drinking people, I'm just kidding it's at how the hours of the day and its causes happy hour. Sometimes our also get out our always on and funny acres, george and rachel are, if anything, their fun. If anything there
wasteful brings this record. I think somebody wishes. We talked about money a little bit more and a little less fund sometimes, but we have a lot of conover the title: smart money happy hour. There's that so It's just holding you accountable to that. That's all open phones at triple eight, eight to five five to two five madison is in des moines, iowa, hi madison. How are you it'd be for having me guys sure what I saw my question I have a camper that I'm running out, making good money on, but were eliminated dumpy how and we got a lot of that that we need to tackle so, should I saw that camphor and make get like fifteen thousand dollars back plus get rid of that loan debt and put that on my That, or should I move my family into the camphor, and I'm gonna use that power
use it as a way to decrease our expenses I'm a little but unclear how you rent out campers for money. What's goin on to explain that to me: yeah yeah, some great website that, even though it can I get be number huber, ochre library yeah, so I just drop it off to people and they rent it for a weekend or something my god. What will they come up with it's okay, I didn't know I'm just learning from okay. So what does it do? How much do you make on that? I'm just curious. I'm gonna tell you to sell it anyway, but how much do you make on it about a grand a week which has been nice extra cash for us watch it worse. They can where s words at forty three thousand? How much you oh and I owe twenty five thousand twenty five thousand. every week, you're making a thousand dollars.
Every week that its red said, I would say, I will tell you how many wenches rented most weeks, I probably only three weeks- I am I and that is that year round, though madison was not just because of the summer, you could do that. I'm a guy have been looking at you you're, not more than five thousand dollars a year without large week, you're making twenty thousand our fear. Yes, ok, that's helpful because about the just, have a coronary over here, not to go gonna camper business, but anyway. I am now I shall at election year in a position to be in the camper investment air bnb business you're broke yeah That's what you already knew I'd just set up more debt debts. You guys have madison total I fine with me my husband. We have about two hundred and forty thousand. we have a business, we started and that's been doing really, while back to the start up costs, for that was. We have adopted
now the lesson that we have a vehicle. I have stood alone, how much you on the vehicle, the vehicle about forty hours and forty all understood, lounge? Forty five thousand, how much you make a year. About a hundred forty four thousand, then the and then new twenty on the camper. Twenty the points out on the camera that gets us to one. Forty ok hey? Are you and your household incomes? What a hundred and forty four thousand and you're gonna dont be house Yeah we renting, because we move back from florida work. What to do with the business, but we re. Need to have a place that we have the business at home because it though inconvenient right now the houses is not enough. a shade not about neighbourhood and along here- and you have heard your starch returns on the business. So do you I dont have might happen
burned the gpa that I hired long online. You haven't, have additional tigers. Have you I have it in the third year right now. Did you like enough in the two years on your tax returns, when you do get them done to take them, mortgage company and get a mortgage for a house yet So if you shoulda camper annually friend, of the dead and knocked out the debt and their showed up a down payment sight, o connor ingenious, the car you could be debt free. Ah, in less than a year and start talking about by the house sounds we're out now yeah pretty good. And if I were you guiding, I would just sell em excel whatever you can sell the camp or sell the car like all that stuff, you
We buy or sell both catch, but it's like just get rid of stuff, and I mean obviously the the student loan business loan. Those are still going to be around but knock those two out and yeah, and I think you guys are gonna be in a totally different position. I think it's a good just mental exercise for you guys. get your hearing around. All this stuff, that's equated to carry around debt and just getting rid of some of it and he's gonna, bring you a lot, a piecemeal canada, minimalism move and ensure the thing is you're, just entrepreneurial, and you see the shiny new jump on it yeah, that's how the cat poor thing happened and then how I could go over and do this, and I can do that, and I can do this and then all of a sudden, your life got real cluttered, exactly right. Why are we bought and we moved into it? and we were living in it for a while, and then we have three kids that the non though Edith there are over now were in the house than that that work and either, though, what most of us have a one.
year to eighteen month, plan to be one hundred percent debt free with an emergency fund in a down payment? Kosher can really good money and get real focused with a budget to do and then sell everything in sight shelves so much that the kids think their next and really yet in gear here and let's get this stuff done, rachel's exactly right that, what I would do cause. I can see what the thing is that that, with the the cluttered approach, the chaos, approach that you have used to money so far has a kind of made. You feel like you we're never going to get there and we can see the numbers where you're really going to get there very fast yeah. If you take these dramatic moves, yeah, absolutely and- and I think it's just going to it's- going to bring you guys- a level of peace and control that you just haven't had medicine I mean, but of one hundred and forty eighty ks camera in a car right. That is our mike. It's amazing, just like removing some of that. You know, and then you put your life once a mess with three kids and you guys are working you're starting to busy. I mean you have a lot of moving pieces in your life anyways, and so just
simplifying and getting stuff out. I think, is going to feel really cleansing to you guys and more ways than just the financial. I think it's really going to be helpful and and then working a plan and being intense on that plan. Seeing progress and goals you guys are really goal. Oriented, you're gonna start to feel that traction and I love don't kill it. I mean anchor, integrate those very good. You really got the potential if you just but you're gonna make some pretty dramatic ship share in the short term to get the long term goals, but I mean visuals Three years from now, you're living in a nice home with a fifteen year fit where the payments no more than a fourth year take on pay. Your business is continuing to grow and you ve got no other than that. I can breathe that in and that feels like a better life and that's not that's worth that's worth. No camper, no car Yes and that's not out of reach madison, that marine, but for three years like that's, that's reality should completely do get absolutely moderately with Matthew gave us. but you guys got alone up and get after it. You gotta, busted and
do that then. The short this would work for you good stuff. That stuff. I thank you for calling in man. I love people just learn from everyday only days. I make money right, not camphor what I'm thinkin forty Sattler camper and you get the five hours a week and forty two months you paid for the thing is like an ailing world. We live in and we're right as we can run out even bring about a car. They remedy rina everything movement into to the bottom of the business performer, but ok anyway, this is the rams, show, what's up, george kamal here, you don't I've been seeing a lot of the internet lately other than everybody's trips to ITALY, bad financial vice and that's why I'm so excited about my new project, where you get the truth about how to win with money turn it on I defy as we simplify complex financial topics, bus borrow, money, myths and talk with you, life millionaires over coffee we'd get new blows every monday, Wednesday and friday May you don't want to miss the fun, so go
or listen on spotify, just search george camel with a k our scripture the day, matthew. Six. Thirty four therefore do not do be anxious about tomorrow. For tomorrow we'll be anxious for itself sufficient for the day, is its own trouble. Waste Churchill said it is a mistake to try to look too far ahead, the chain of death. They can only be grasped, one link at a time and heard that from churchill interesting ferko dude had a way of words in the words of burners in college station texas, high esben, welcome to the refugee issue. Hi guys think they take I call on all you guys are doing. Thank you. How can we help I'm? I have of an interesting question. My husband is currently in school to be about our area graduate in ten months. We how I get free up the mortgage.
Ex ante will be getting stood alone. Hit men by way leave so when we saw how we will have about a hundred and thirty in equity after the sale. About a hundred and sixty, was wondering if it would be ok to use about forty thousand of eight hundred and thirty as a down payment on a house. But one may move. I want you to learn that as we have one sixty, there are currently paying on it and, I believe, will be a bow at one. Forty by the time you get one forty out of the house, sure you could be clear if you, if you just wait to buy a house, yes- and I would- I would be clear- the student loans, okay- that that's not what wanted to hear, but I would be a custom. I think I think that yours what's gonna happen. Ok, you're coming
school year, resetting everything in your mind, you re shutting everything in your life. All the math in your life is changing you're, going from being a student piling up debt to clearing dad and starting to have some serious money, and Do you know where he's gonna be working yet as you get that land up yet already signed a contract and he will start off at one thirty? I am currently working times time living off. it's all right now, which is more than enough, though, how much energy and ninety five and it'll be the same when you move at all likely be a little bit higher bit hiram lined up for promotion, hopefully in the fall. I think I'll be closer to one ten. So you guys are gonna, be making a quarter of a million dollars out of debt in the world and I'm saying, rent for a year law, rent for a year and pile up a huge pollack cash and then go back I think you will buy something different than you would stealing
Forty thousand away from the student loan dad and trying to squeeze into a house to go from house to house instead, for one year, you're moving to a new market shall know the market better. You can take your time in the purchase. You'll have the income stabilize your lives, will be stabilized. You're gonna do law better real estate deal a lot more accurate real estate deal for the next five years than you will do. If you do what you are thinking but you're that today point, but your friends are gonna, think you're, crazy They are anything like a year ago there broke and understood Parents may say the same thing: are you going to put a down payment, but imitation of when we moved, I had three little ones They were all see eight. Six and in five we moved here. Nine, ago station. I read it for two years.
Because we wanted to save up a larger down payment and two we wanted to get a lay of the land to figure out where we going to plant here edge. yeah. It is unwise to rent. Can I just tell you it gives you option for a short period of time, yet short periods are and who is on the long end, but it worked for us and like I'm saying one year here, you don't know the market better! You take your time in the purchase. You you'll make a much better purchase your brain is gonna, be in a different place. a quarter of a million that was that school and ninety so true and in a eulogy ostrog go. This is the right. You make a better house decision. That's more forward, looking then jumping to jumping and but but everybody's so strung out about real estate. I love real estate and I want you to be homeowner, but I won't you do it the right way. Years, whether leah boston I leah, how are you
How are you thank you for taking my call sure what I, forty three, I just turned forty brain and I am going back to go over my and key partner practitioner, and I just became actually does all my fucking career being addressed and I'm thinking about how to pay for it? It's about The ground and I could pay outright for it however, my income when I'm in school, though with part time we'll go gown a little bit as well, because I won't working as much I'm, so I can pay for it, one right in my mind I get. to do that and I'm more tempted to take out loans, freedom, like it. You will be more secure going into debt, then you would be secured
I was a little less money, you're wrong. I know I know around that. Not all that long ago your mom, I have one twelve year old. And ginger than you, how much more, how much more on the bank lou about two the five and in europe and your husband. What almost on the north practitioner fifty fifty about fifty given, a blue probably a little bit over fifty, but I realise how ridiculous the question the numbers you just gave me our don't. You know. My efforts to ninety five and two fifty right, too five, my in terms of taking care of twelve year old is laughable. Five, if you do to forty five you're gonna burn their to ninety five. I love this back and forth. You ve gone to the blood three times
dave's interrupt YA, gotta hear this, but what is the, but I have no experience in my rent is in theory a precious died of a quarter of a million dollars of expenses. Well, no I mean I have you know I I am I Had I made a lot more money before this career now? down, because I hated my job before and now I love by job, but it came about opened suddenly a whole on one. Second, let's look how much would order you gonna make less as going into school. How much less will you make you got that figured out as take home, how's it going to change I what to make over three hundred thousand. No that's not what we're talking about, though you said you used to make a million, but that doesn't matter what you make now that is going to go down yeah. I I bring home about between
in an eight thousand a month. Instead you'll be bringing home. How much you- and I would say about- probably six, okay, so tooth I was in a modest twenty four thousand dollars night. Can you Just your lifestyle tour, that's nice stressing you out report four thousand you're to ninety five years that helps fifty out of your two. Ninety five keep everything exactly like. It is right now and go to school without bomb by roma. You do not need to borrow money. It's insanity with your number the do. You need to go borrow money. You should go deeply in debt, I'm tired of arguing with you. You should go deeply in debt and see if you can bankrupt yourself. Oh my woman. How many times have I got argue with you. This is nice she's flight hard for Loan right now that iran, desperate to go into student lumber, will go out at lady. Go out it. That's what you need to do. Oh my gosh, yeah? How in the world? Your signal three hundred thousand dollars cash and your butt
worry is a twenty four thousand dollar shortfall. In a twelve year old chase. You you're, ok, yeah you're. All she didn't get. You didn't get there with bill, me crazy and undisciplined to stack that in the cash away she got. There has yet a huge income business in there, but she still saved it. You know it's not like she's going to diss below this cash, but now he baron mommy preserve of savings account. So no now now how to say this now can't good showed You, sir, that was fun, often bear James Zack and andrew, and both well done guys. Well done What's this hour, the rams you show in the books we'll be back with you before you know it in the mean time, remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial base and thus to walk daily. What the prince of pigs rice!
the day is kill? If you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the ramsey baby, steps go to ramsey solutions, dot, com and click on the get started, we'll help you figure out the best next step for you, based on your specific situation. Again, that's ramsey solutions, dot, com and click get started the
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.